This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction. Much of this involves males with other males. If the reading or possessing of such material as this is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

It is not my intention to offend anyone or to get you in trouble.

The author retains all rights to this original story. Please do not publish without explicit authorization from me.

This story is completely fictional. Most of the places mentioned, and none of the characters exist in real life. Some may possess physical or personality characteristics of people I know or have known. But if you see yourself in this story, your imagination is better than mine!

If you like my story, drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you: seperatepiece@hotmail.com

Matt and Jon
Chapter One

Matt lived in a pleasant town on Long Island, about an hour and a half from New York City. He grew up near the waters of the Great South Bay in a small enough town that everyone pretty much knew each other. This had its advantages and its drawbacks, but it was what he knew, and he liked the small town atmosphere.

Science class was dragging on and on. It was the last period before lunch and Matt was spacing in and out. Mr. Hanson was describing gravitational pull:

“…so the bigger the planet, the greater the gravitational force. You see, smaller objects are attracted to bigger objects…”

Matt drifted out again. Being fourteen and having a wicked case of Spring fever didn’t do much for his concentration.

Whenever he daydreamed about sex, it brought a mixture of pleasure and frustration. Outwardly, he was the typical boy-next-door type. At 5’ 5”, with sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and the promising beginnings of his adult physique, he was decent looking, well liked by his classmates, came from a good home…etc. The only problem was that he knew deep down that he was living a lie.

When he jerked off, he kept trying to fantasize about different hot girls in his class, but at the last minute, a vision of a cute boy would pop into his head and take him over the edge. Kind of like an accidental jibe on his father’s sailboat…you think you’re going one way, but the wind has other ideas and the next thing you know, you’re inexorably going in another direction.

He had never had these problems until last year when he hit puberty. In fact he didn’t think about sex much at all, besides a few snickers on the playground when someone brought up the subject, but other than that, it was outside of his realm of experience. Life was simpler then. He didn’t have this gnawing feeling in his gut that there was something wrong with him. He had learned in health class that it was normal for boys to go through a stage of experimentation, but he hadn’t ever done anything with another boy. He only fantasized about it, which he couldn’t help but fear was worse. When a guy friend is the only one available to give you those physical sensations that you crave, well, any port in a storm – right? But when you’re masturbating, you could “have” anyone you want. Apparently, Matt wanted guys.

He was shaken from his ponderings by the sound of the bell. It was lunch time at last. He gathered his books together and bolted to the door along with the rest of the class who shared about the same enthusiasm for the subject of gravity. It was time to go into his public persona and push all of his self doubts back into the darkest corner of the deepest closet of his mind. Sometimes he did this by being extroverted. Sometimes he did this at the expense of others. He wasn’t a bad kid, or what you’d call a bully, but he was prone to overcompensating for his own low self esteem by focusing negative attention on others. He didn’t mean it, but sometimes it just happened that way.

He and his classmates ate their lunches and headed outside. It was one of the first fine Spring days and they craved the great outdoors. Matt didn’t have any special best friend, but it was a small school and most of the class had known each other from grade school, so no one was ever left out. They joked and fooled around easily in a spirit of camaraderie that came from long acquaintance.

Jon was on the outskirts of the group. He usually had a smile on his face that belied his inner pain, and now was no exception. He watched the other kids clowning around imitating Mr. Hanson, and laughed in all the appropriate places and generally tried to join in without calling too much attention to himself. Jon was the “fat kid” that seemed to be a part of every class. When he was 10, his pediatrician said he’d outgrow his baby fat when he got his growth spurt, but in the last four years, he’d gotten even more rotund if anything. His mother had tried putting him on diet after diet, but he’d sneak candy and snacks behind her back, especially when he was depressed. He was frequently the butt of jokes, but he’d laugh them off so as not to invite more cruel comments. Since outwardly, he always had a smile on his face and didn’t seem to mind the teasing, most of the kids thought he was okay with it, and never dreamed that they might be hurting his feelings so deeply – this was a fairly close knit community, and no one would knowingly hurt their peers.

Two years ago when they were 12, a teacher called the role on the first day of class and used his full given name. It was Matt who piped up,

“Jonathin? Don’t you mean Jonafat?”

The class dissolved into fits of laughter and Matt was invited to spend the next half hour in the hall. Jon tentatively joined in the laughter and pretended not to care. That night he cried himself to sleep. The nickname haunted him on and off for the rest of the school year.

But now, reveling in the beauty of this glorious Spring day, Jon was enjoying himself. As he edged closer to the group, he was getting a kick out of Matt’s antics as Matt imitated Mr. Hanson.

“…smaller objects are drawn to larger objects by gravity!!!”

Matt droned in a near-perfect impression. Jon laughed out loud and caught Matt’s attention. Matt then pirouetted through the crowd and crashed into Jon, knocking him right on his butt. He then said in his best Mr. Hanson voice

“Oh, sorry young man, I must have been sucked in by your gravitational pull!!”

All the kids were hysterical with laughter, but at that moment, Matt looked at Jon and their eyes locked for an instant. Matt was shocked at what he saw. He could only describe it as, well, pain. Intense pain. Jon’s guard was down, and he’d let his true emotions come to the surface. The others didn’t notice, but it was not lost on Matt. He felt like shit. He had just witnessed a look of shear agony on the face of another human being, and he knew that he was the cause of it. Something inside of him died.

He reached out his hand to help Jon up and mumbled,

“Sorry Jon, I got carried away, here let me help you.”

Jon scrambled to his feet unaided, saying,

“I’m alright, don’t worry about it. I, I have to go to the bathroom.”

Matt watched his retreating back as Jon made his way to the building.
Throughout the rest of the school day, Matt wasn’t able to concentrate on his classes. He kept glancing over at Jon as though he was seeing him for the first time. He became aware that the smile and the laughter were forced. It was slowly dawning on him that Jon kept his pain hidden, not unlike himself. He felt a kinship to this kid who he’d always taken for granted. He remembered all of the times he’d teased Jon over the years, and he felt like crying. How could he have been so blind to his misery? Matt felt ashamed of himself and was determined to do whatever he could to try and make it right between Jon and him.

During Social Studies, he was so lost in thought that he didn’t hear Miss Selwitz call his name until she’d repeated it 3 times.

“Uh, oh, um…what was the question?”

Miss Selwitz looked sternly at Matt.

“Well Matthew, I’m terribly sorry if I’m boring you. Perhaps if you had a more stimulating teacher, you wouldn’t be in danger of failing this class.”

Matt was blushing furiously as the rest of the class broke out in fits of giggles. All of them except Jon. Matt caught a glimpse of him across the room and Jon’s eyes were filled with compassion. “How can this kid feel sorry for me after all I’ve put him through?” Matt thought as he heard Miss Selwitz announce to the class that since Matt had wasted valuable class time, she was assigning an extra chapter of reading for that night. The class groaned. Charlie Pierce growled under his breath,

“Nice going butthead,” and gave him a withering look.

Needless to say, this episode did nothing to improve Matt’s mood. He was so confused. Since he’d seen into Jon’s soul through his eyes when he’d hurt him earlier, he felt like he could almost tell what the kid was thinking when he looked into them. It was weird. Had Jon’s eyes always been so expressive? How could he have not noticed before? Why the hell did he notice now? Why wasn’t Jon taking delight in his humiliation like the others? If anyone deserved to, it was Jon. Matt fought hard to pay attention while all of these thoughts swirled around in his mind.

When the bell rang, everyone made a hasty exit from the last period class to the freedom of life beyond school for another day. Matt hung back and shyly approached Miss Selwitz. In spite of what happened today, he really liked her. She was a young attractive lady who really brought her subject alive for the kids. She was fair, but didn’t take any nonsense from her students, who in turn respected her for it.

“Miss Selwitz, I, uh, I’m sorry I wasn’t listening. I’ve just got a few things on my mind today.”

Matt said humbly. She studied him for a moment in silence and asked,

“Anything you’d like to tell me about? Maybe I can help.”

Matt thought about it, and replied “Well, it’s kinda, well, it’s, it’s…”

Miss Selwitz held up her hand to silence him.

“I understand, say no more. I’m not THAT much older than you, ya know. But if you ever DO want to talk, I’ll listen.”

She treated him to one of her warm smiles, which lifted Matt’s spirits.

“But seriously,” she continued, “you’ve got to really ace the next quiz just to get a ‘C’ in Social Studies. After that we can talk about some extra credit work if you’re interested in bringing your grade up, but for now, I suggest you put all of your efforts into studying for that quiz, comprende?”

“Got it!”

Matt answered sincerely. She got up from her desk and came around and stood in front of him. She put her hand on his shoulder and looked right at him and spoke quietly,

“In Yiddish, Nochis means pride. I want you to make me qvell mit nochis. That means ‘swell with pride.’ I’m too young to start giving up on my students, I won’t be burned out for a good 20 years yet!”

They shared a laugh, as she pushed him toward the door,

“go, study, eat a piece of fruit!”

Matt walked toward home in the warmth of a beautiful spring day with a slightly lighter heart. He WOULD make her qvell mit nochis, he resolved as he wrapped his brain around the foreign sounding words. He still felt bad about Jon, but now he knew that he would do all he could to make up for it, and that resolution gave him some comfort.

He left the practically deserted campus behind and headed up Main Street, taking little notice of the traffic and people around him. The door of Mel’s Sweet Shop swung open just in time for Matt to walk squarely into it, causing the person on the other side of the door to go sprawling, ass over tea kettle onto the sidewalk. To his horror, Matt saw that it was Jon.

“Oh, God Jon, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going. Are you okay? oh shit, I’m so sorry!”

Jon was temporarily stunned by the impact, but when he regained his composure, he looked up at Matt and smiled. Matt knew instantly that this smile wasn’t fake. It was the real deal, and he felt a warmth spread throughout his body that made him tingle all over. He quickly dropped to his knees and helped Jon gather up his purchases, which consisted largely of candy bars.

“Geez Jon, I can’t believe I knocked you on your ass twice in one day, I’m really sorry.”

Jon’s smile relaxed into a sort of shy grin, and he managed to whisper,

“I know.”

The two just stood there for a moment, and Matt, looking at the ground, said to Jon,

“I’ve gotta talk to you. I feel bad about teasing you, you know, about your weight. It’s a really lame thing to do and you’ve got to believe me, I didn’t know it bothered you, but today, I saw, I saw…Geez, you’re gonna think I’m nuts, but…I saw something in your eyes and I knew how you felt. Aw shit, it doesn’t make any sense.”

A small eternity passed in silence until Jon offered,

“We can talk at my house if you want, no one will be home for another 2 hours.”

Matt nodded mutely and followed Jon up Main to Sycamore, down the tree lined street, taking a left on Pine and walking up the driveway of number 22.

The house where Jon lived with his parents and his older brother Sam was a modest ranch on a nice block with similar houses, but they each had an individuality not common in most middle income suburban neighborhoods. The area had been developed in the early 70’s, so the trees were mature enough to have that look of permanence so often lacking in newly developed tracts, and the lots were generous enough to provide an air of spaciousness to the neighborhood. Matt had been there once for one of Jon’s birthday parties, but hadn’t been back since.

They walked to the side of the house and let themselves in the kitchen entrance. Jon headed straight for the ‘fridge.

“You want something to drink? Coke or Sprite?” Jon offered.

“Yeah, a coke would be good.”

They took their drinks and headed up to Jon’s room. It was a nice room with all the things you’d expect: t.v., computer, game cube, desk…etc. It was fairly neat, just a little sloppy around the edges. Jon pulled out his desk chair and offered it to Matt. Jon sat on the bed. He took a swig of his Coke and looked at Matt, and smiled encouragingly.

Matt cleared his throat and began,

“Anyway, I just want to say I’m sorry. You never hurt anybody and I keep picking on you. You don’t deserve it, and now I know better, and I’ll never do it again.”

Matt sighed and took a drink of Coke. Jon smiled at him and again he said simply,

“I know.”

Matt looked at him unbelievingly.

“HOW do you know? Why would you trust me so easily after all the times I hurt you?”

Jon looked at him and shrugged his shoulders and told him,

“You said before that you saw something in my eyes,” att nodded. “Well,” Jon continued, “I’m not the only one with eyes, ya know.”

Matt’s brow furrowed as he gave Jon a puzzled look. Jon went on,

“I saw the horror in your eyes, like you knew that you hurt my feelings and that you cared. I could see your whole expression change. It’s like you looked at me and saw a person, a human being with feelings. No one outside of my family has ever seemed to see me that way. All the other kids just think I’m this big jolly fat kid with no feelings. The only reason I walked away was because I thought I might cry.”

As he said this there was indeed moisture welling up in his eyes. Matt got up and walked across the room to join Jon on the edge of the bed. He put his arm around his new buddy’s shoulders and said,

“It’s okay, you can cry if you want, I won’t tell anyone.”

Matt in fact was beginning to tear up a little himself. They looked at each other, tears streaming down their faces, and began to laugh, then they went back to crying. After awhile they found themselves in a full embrace, drooling and crying on each other’s shoulders. The years seemed to fade away for them so they could start again. Matt vowed to himself that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt this amazing, sensitive boy again if he could help it. He had a sense of purpose, and he knew he wouldn’t let Jon down.

After they’d cried themselves out, they just sat and talked for awhile. Jon shared with Matt about crying himself to sleep and about how he eats when he’s depressed, and how he’d really like to lose weight, but somehow he just didn’t seem to have the will power. All of the sudden, an idea occurred to Matt, and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

“Hey,” he said, “Maybe I can help you.”

Jon looked at him strangely and asked,

“How could you help me lose weight?”

“Hear me out. My uncle used to drink a lot, but then he went to A.A. and they paired him up with this other guy. Whenever he felt like drinking, he’d call the guy, and they’d talk about it. I could do that for you! Don’t you see? Whenever you feel like overeating, you call me and we can talk about it, maybe even talk about why you get depressed in the first place.”

Matt was so excited, he was rattling on a mile a minute. Then he caught sight of Jon’s eyes.

“What’s the matter Jon, did I say something to offend you, I was only trying to help, I swear.”

“No, no, it’s not that, I just don’t think it’d work.”

Matt could tell he’d hit a nerve.

“Geez Jon, it’s worth a try, what do you say?”

“I can’t. I just can’t is all.”

Jon had started sobbing again. Matt was puzzled by his reaction and he gently reached out and took Jon in his arms, with his head against his chest and petted his hair and kind of rocked him. It felt really weird, but at the same time kind of good, like it was the right thing to do.

After Jon calmed down a bit, Matt pulled him upright and held his chin in his hand and looked right into his eyes (those eyes!) and told him,

“You know what I see in your eyes now?”

Jon shook his head in tiny motions within the confines of Matt’s hand.

“Beauty. I see a beautiful soul, a real good person hiding himself behind a layer of fat. Maybe some people look at you and see a ‘jolly fat kid with no feelings,’ but as long as your eyes are open, you can’t hide from me. Why won’t you let me try and help you?”

He released Jon’s chin from his grasp and the large boy’s head drooped on his shoulders with a sigh.

“Because you’d end up hating me is why.”

“Jon, if it’s because of the teasing, I said I was sorry. I thought you believed me. I swear I could never hurt you again. Please trust me, Jon, please.”

“I DO trust you, Matt, and I’m really glad to have you as a friend. It’s just that if you knew why I get depressed you’d probably run screaming from the room and never want to see me again.”

The silence in the room was palpable. Matt put his hand on Jon’s back and rubbed it. Suddenly Jon yelled,

“STOP it! Can’t you see you’re driving me crazy? I’ve dreamed about you touching me like this. When you hugged me I even got a boner. I dream about you every night. Even when you teased me I enjoyed the attention. You want me to call you when I’m depressed? Even if it’s about how I want to suck you’re dick and I’m so frustrated I could scream? Yeah! That’d work great, huh. So now you know. I’m a big fat fag!”

Matt just stared at him, eyes wide, open mouthed.

“Well, don’t just sit there,” Jon said, his voice raised. “Say something, hit me, run out the door, anything, don’t just sit there!”

Tears came to Matt’s eyes and slid silently down his cheeks. Quietly and gently he said,

“All this time I thought I was the only one.”

Now it was Jon’s turn to go slack jawed and lose his voice. Matt kind of snickered,

“Cat got your tongue?”

“You mean you’re…”

Matt nodded and smiled through his tears,

“Do you think I could get a big fat kiss?”

Jon’s face lit up and a broad smile formed, showing his gleaming white teeth, and he leaned in and planted his lips on Matt’s. Gradually, their mouths opened, and their tongues probed each other, sensuously and lovingly. Their hands found each other’s backs and pulled them into a passionate embrace. Neither one of them had ever felt so alive. When the kiss finally came to an end, both boys just sat there looking into each other’s eyes without saying a word. Neither one of them wanted to break the spell. Finally, Jon spoke first,

“That was amazing, if we’d kept going, I would’ve had to change my shorts!”

Matt blushed and glanced at the lump in his own jeans, and admitted as much himself.

Jon’s eyes were riveted on Matt’s crotch as Matt spoke,

“Jon, since I’m going to help you lose weight, I feel it’s only fair that I offer you a low calorie, high protein snack.”

The boys laughed at Matt’s innuendo, and Jon replied,

“Oh, how selfless and noble of you!”

He was on his knees between Matt’s legs before he finished the sentence. Jon was fumbling with Matt’s jeans and with Matt’s assistance, he soon had them down around his ankles. He buried his face in Matt’s white cotton brief clad crotch and inhaled deeply of his delicious scent. Matt was a little self conscious. After a day of running around and sitting in class, he doubted if he was exactly “April fresh” down there, but to Jon, the light smell of fresh boy sweat mingled with the faded smell of fabric softener, not to mention that indescribable sexy smell of teen pheromones was an incredible turn on. He slowly worked the waistband of Matt’s undies down his hips while Matt raised his butt to help him. Matt’s 5 ½ inches sprang to attention. Jon was mesmerized. It was more beautiful than he’d dreamed. Perfectly formed and standing straight out from Matt’s body with a soft crown of light blond pubes. His medium sized balls were in perfect proportion, nestled in his hairless scrotum. Jon would have been content to just take it all in for awhile, but Matt had more pressing needs.

“Please Jon, I really need…MMMMPH!”

he groaned unintelligibly as Jon’s mouth enveloped the tip of his penis, his tongue swirling around it and finding his pee slit. His lips slid down Matt’s shaft until he’d taken most of it in. He gagged slightly when the tip hit the back of his throat, but he just paused and willed himself to relax and in a short time, Matt was buried to the hilt, his soft pubes brushing at Jon’s nostrils.


Matt gently ran his fingers through Jon’s hair as Jon began to slide his lips up and down the shaft while applying a little suction. When he started to play with his balls, that’s all it took to send Matt over the edge.

“Oh GOD, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!”

he rasped, and removed his hands from Jon’s head in case he wanted to pull off. Jon had no intention of wasting one single drop of Matt’s juice. He’d dreamed about this moment for a long time. Thick spurts of semen jetted into Jon’s hungry mouth and he swallowed as much as he could, but some dribbled out the sides of his mouth. When Matt had stopped spasming, Jon reluctantly let the softening organ slip from between his lips and planted a little kiss on the underside. Matt had flopped back on the bed in spent bliss.

Jon was savoring the taste of Matt’s offering in his mouth. He’d tasted his own semen before, but Matt’s had a slightly tangy taste that he found unbelievably erotic. He decided to share his high protein snack with Matt. He slid up next to him on the bed and once again the two boys united in a passionate lip lock. At first, Matt was taken aback when Jon leaked some of the sticky fluid into his mouth, but when he realized what was happening, he found that he loved the sensation of their two tongues sloshing around in his spunk. Unlike Jon, he’d never tasted himself.

When they finally came up for air, Matt reached down and felt Jon’s privates through his pants. He gently kneaded the swollen head, bringing a series of whimpers from his friend. Matt whispered in Jon’s ear,

“Your turn, stud”

as he began to work Jon’s zipper. Jon grabbed his hand and sat up saying,

“no, that’s okay, you don’t have to.”

“But I want to.” Matt declared. “I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel. It was…amazing!”

Jon hung his head and whispered,

“I don’t want you to see me. My body is gross.”

Matt put his arm around Jon’s shoulders and gave him a soft loving kiss on the cheek.

“We’re going to change that, but in the meantime, I think you’re beautiful, and I want you just like you are.”



“I’m just really shy about this…”

They were silent a moment.

“I know this all happened kind of fast, Jon, but we’ve known each other for years, and this afternoon, well, it’s been great. You don’t have to be embarrassed around me because I…I love you.”

Jon couldn’t believe his ears. He raised his head and looked at Matt. Sure enough he could see love with a capital L in Matt’s eyes.

“Did you just say you love me?” He asked, incredulously.

“Yeah, I did.”

Matt was searching his face for a clue as to what was going on in his mind.

“I thought maybe you just felt sorry for the fat kid…” Jon trailed off.

“Maybe at first, but when I said I saw beauty in your eyes, I meant it, and all that changed. I’m no expert, but I’ve never felt this way before. Jon, I’m honest to God in love with you, and if you’ll have me, I’d like to be your boyfriend.”

Jon got a playful grin on his face, “I’ll think about it and get back to you.”


Matt said with an exaggerated hurt look on his face. Jon scooped him into a bear hug and the two of them just swayed back and forth in each others embrace for awhile. Jon whispered in Matt’s ear,

“I love you too, more than you’ll ever know. It’s just that I can’t help wondering what you’re getting out of all this. I know you want to help me lose weight, but what do I have to offer you?”

“You mean besides the obvious?” Matt asked.

“Hey, I didn’t do that because you offered to help me you know.”

“Yeah, I know, you did it because you’re a sex crazed horn dog.”

They laughed for a solid minute, and Matt said

“Seriously though, I’ve been thinking. You heard what Miss Selwitz said, and you’re really good in Social Studies. Would you help me cram for the quiz? I’m going to flunk if I don’t do well.”

Jon squeezed him so tight that Matt could barely breathe and vowed,

“I’m going to ride your butt so hard that you’ll be the Social Studies champ of Suffolk County, if there is such a thing.”

“Okay! Okay! But you gotta let me breath!” Matt gasped.

Jon relaxed his grip a little and mumbled

“Sorry, I got carried away.”

“And another thing,” Matt continued, “we may want to work up slowly to that ‘butt riding’ thing, if you know what I mean.” Both boys cracked up at Matt’s remark.

When their laughter subsided, Matt gently pushed Jon back and began to undo his fly. This time Jon offered no resistance. He slid his pants down and untied his shoe laces, slipping off his shoes and socks, followed by the pants. He then undid his shirt buttons and Jon slid out of the shirt and discarded it on the floor. Jon was blushing furiously as Matt pulled his t-shirt up over his head, and off.

“Still love me?” Jon said looking down at his belly.

“Oh yeah.”

Matt crooned, as he thought to himself that Jon was really a good looking guy, and when he drops a few pounds, he’d really be handsome.

“Stand up”

he encouraged Jon with a hand on his arm. Jon got to his feet with Matt kneeling in front of him. Matt pulled down the white cotton briefs, noting,

“I see we have the same taste in underwear.”

Jon giggled “I never really thought about it, it’s just what mom buys.”

Jon stepped out of the briefs and kicked them away. Matt took off his own shirt and t-shirt, joining his boyfriend in total nudity. He noticed that Jon’s very hard penis was a little longer and slightly fatter than his own, and he had a little more hair. He reached behind Jon and cupped his ample butt in his hands. Leaning in, he slowly let his tongue play around his balls. Jon gasped at the new sensation as his hands involuntarily went to Matt’s head. Matt guided him back onto the bed without his tongue losing contact with Jon’s balls. When Jon was lying down, the other boy switched his attention to his throbbing shaft, licking up and down it like an ice cream cone. He took the tip in his mouth and being careful to cover his teeth, went down on Jon like a pro. He was thinking that all the online porn he’d read was really coming in handy. It felt so good to have Jon’s cock in his mouth. It seemed so natural and beautiful to have Jon’s fingers playing with his hair while he bobbed up and down on him. He was really getting carried away like a kid with a new toy, and started getting faster. Jon let out a couple of high pitched animal noises and his hips began to pump into Matt’s face. He was so lost in ecstasy, that he didn’t even realize that he was holding on to Matt’s head for dear life. His whole body seemed to shudder as he emptied his churning balls into Matt’s waiting mouth. It was the most he’d ever shot in his life, and Matt was doing his best to get it all. When Jon finally began to calm down, he stammered

“That…was the..best..”

Matt slid up next to him on the bed and silenced him with their second gooey kiss of the day.

When they finally came down from their sexual high, they just lay there in each others arms. Jon looked at the clock on his nightstand and reluctantly said they should probably get dressed as his mom was due home soon. With a sigh, they climbed off the bed and headed for the bathroom and took a mutual leak, giggling as their streams crossed each other. Jon tossed Matt a washcloth and took one for himself. As they washed up at the sink, Jon looked in the mirror at the two of them stark naked and a smile formed on his face. He was marveling in the fact that he didn’t feel the least bit self-conscious about his body. He felt easy around Matt, and for the first time in his life, he felt a sense of self-esteem. This was a real turning point for him.

Just as they finished dressing, they heard Jon’s mom’s car in the driveway. Jon went tearing down the stairs with Matt on his heels. He ran up to his mom as she came through the door and started to babble excitedly

“Mom, mom, Matt wants to help me lose weight, and he’s gonna be like my partner, like they do in A.A., and I’m thinking we could exercise together, and I’m going to help him study for the Social Studies quiz, and…”

Matt was terrified that Jon, in his excitement was going to blurt out “and we’re both gay and we’re boyfriends and we sucked each other off!” But luckily, his mother stopped him before it came to that,

“Hey there Jonny, slow down, slow down, I just got in the door.”

His mom said and kissed him on the cheek.

“Why don’t you boys come in the kitchen with me and tell me all about it.”

They followed Mrs. Kent into the kitchen, and when they were all seated around the table with a snack and something to drink, she said,

“Now, take it again slowly from the top.” She smiled at the boys encouragingly.

Jon told her about their plans and how he really wanted it to work this time. Matt sheepishly brought up his deficiencies in Social Studies and how he was really counting on Jon to help him. When both boys finished, Mrs. Kent flashed them a big smile.

“Jonny, I always tried to get you to diet, but I knew deep down that it would never work until you really made the decision yourself. Now that you really want to, I know nothing can stop you. I’m so proud of you!”

She got up and gave Jon a big hug. Jon was blushing as he whined,

“Mom, not in front of Matt!”

His mom teased, “You’re my precious little baby boy and I’ll hug you whenever I darn well feel like it.” After a pause she added, “And I might just hug Matt too!”

At Mrs. Kent’s invitation, Matt called his mother and asked if he could stay for dinner so he could study with Jon. Mrs. Barker was somewhat taken aback by her son’s new found interest in his school work, but she happily agreed, but added that she wanted him home by 8:30 because it was a school night. The two boys did their other homework and then Jon quizzed Matt on Social Studies for awhile. The delicious smells emanating from the kitchen began to distract them as their stomachs began to rumble. Jon suddenly realized that for the first time in years, he hadn’t hidden out in his room and put away four or five candy bars, and he was definitely ready for a nutritious, healthy meal.

At around 5:30, they heard the garage door open, signaling the arrival of Jon’s dad.

“Dad’s home.”

Jon sang out toward the kitchen. Mrs. Kent went to the kitchen door and waited for her husband. She kissed him as he came in and said,

“I’m just finishing up dinner. Jonny and his friend Matt have some good news, why don’t you go and relax with them for awhile. I’ll bring you a drink.”

“That sounds like a plan.”

Dan Kent said as he took off his jacket and loosened his tie.

“Where are they, Shelly, in the living room?”

“No, they’re studying in the dinning room. Tell them to put their books away so I can set the table. Oh, by the way, Matt’s staying for dinner.”

Dan came up behind her at the sink where she was washing lettuce, and put his arms around her from behind and kissed her cheek.

“This is a first, I can’t remember the last time Jonny had a dinner guest.”

“Yes, I know. I think you’ll really like this kid. Wait’ll you hear what they’ve cooked up.”

Dan Kent’s curiosity was peaked as he walked in to the dining room where his son sat pouring over text books with his friend.

“Hey, Jonny boy, what’s up?”

“Dad, this is my friend Matt from school.” Matt stood up and shook hands,

“Nice to meet you Mr. Kent.”

“It’s good to meet you too Matt. Mrs. Kent says you two have some news, so why don’t you clear away your books and join me in the living room.”

When the boys got to the living room, Dan was sitting in an arm chair sipping a scotch and soda, and there were two glasses of ice tea on the coffee table for them. They each took a glass and sat on the sofa and Jon began to tell his father about their afternoon, omitting, of course, what he considered the best part. Dan was impressed.

“Well, that shows a lot of maturity. Both of you. Joining forces to improve yourselves is very mature indeed. Especially since no one had to tell you to do it. You thought of it yourselves.”

“It was mostly Matt’s idea.” Jon said.

“Yeah, and you took the ball and ran with it. I’m very proud of you.”

Just then, Shelly Kent came into the living room and announced that dinner was ready, and they got up and followed her into the dining room. It was just the four of them, as Jon’s brother Sam was eating at a friend’s house, then going to choir practice at the church. They sat down and Dan offered, “Jon, since you have a guest tonight, would you like to say grace?”

“Sure dad,” Jon answered as he bowed his head.

“Dear Lord, add your blessing to this meal and those of us who partake of it. We give thanks for food and fellowship, and for good friends. Amen.”


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I have three more written which I will post soon. Special thanks to David Lee, who has been very encouraging. Thanks David, also for your grammatical suggestions and general advice. I didn’t think that I could improve on your disclaimer, so I shamelessly borrowed it. I hope you don't mind.

All comments are appreciated, and all flames are cheerfully ignored. I hope this finds everyone well and happy, and that in some small way this story might help someone out there. I’m sorry that it’s a little “leave it to Beaver-ish.” It’s obviously an idealized account of two gay teens finding each other. I guess it’s due to wishful thinking on my part for all of humanity. The boys will have their problems, though, in the “real” world, and their love will see them through it. I hope this is an inspiration. That’s what I hope for anyway. Peace, Jonathan