Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 19:17:33 -0500 From: Bill Porter Subject: My Bodyguard Chapter 30 My Bodyguard Chapter 30 A very special thanks to Ed for editing this chapter. And thanks to Ernie for his Y2K input. This story is not true. This is a story of love, trust, hope, and commitment. It is not a sex story. However, this story deals with love between two teenagers. If you are offended by stories involving love between two teenage boys, please do not read this story. There will be some sex scenes in this story; however, sex is not the main theme. If you are under age 18 or 21 or it is illegal to read this story where you live, don't read it. New Web Page: Thank you for all your e-mails. If I have missed answering you, I am truly sorry. I have tried to answer all of them. Please continue to send me your comments. ************* Right after midnight and all the celebration I went up to the bar and got some pop for Mark and me. While I was waiting at the bar, some older guy started talking to me and he introduced himself as Ernie. "Happy 21st century, young man, you're lucky to be alive for both the start of a new century and a new millennium," Ernie said. "I don't understand. Last year the whole world celebrated the start of a new millennium and there are still some diehards that think it starts tonight. What's up with that?" "The source of the problem is the so-called "common sense" practice of starting to count on 1 instead of 0. That's where the problem resides. The first century was century 1, not century 0. That's why the years 19xx are the twentieth century and not the 19th. Count the centuries and you'll see." "By the same token, years are counted, starting on 1, not 0. Therefore, the first century started on January 1, year 0001, and ended 100 years later, on December 31, 0100. The second century started the following day, January 1, 0101, and ended on December 31, 0200. And so on. For that reason, the 20th century ends on December 31, 2000, and the 21st begins on January 1, 2001." "Same deal with millennia; the third millennium starts on January 1, 2001... and ends on December 31, 3000." "Of course it makes no sense, but no one said life was easy. If we started counting on 0 instead of 1, counting centuries and millennia would be more sensible. But there never was a year 0; the year before 0001 is 1 BC or minus 0001." "All this, of course, assumes that the calendar has never been changed in between, which is not the case, however. When Pope Gregory changed the calendar to put it in sync with the seasons, he did quite a number in the current year's calendar. I forget what he did. He either chopped off 11 days, or inserted them; fortunately I don't have to deal with 16th century shenanigans, or I'd lose what little sanity I still have." "In the end, however, it doesn't really matter whether it's the 20th or 21st century, or even the 632nd century. Centuries and years are totally arbitrary; nothing changes just because the year goes from 1999 to 2000, or from there to 2001. To begin with, the monk Dyonisius Exiguus made a serious mistake when calculating the birth of Christ, so the years of the Christian era are incorrect anyway. According to modern reckoning, the true AD for this coming year should be at least 2005, and it's very likely it would be 2008 or thereabouts." "For what it's worth, Merry Christmas. December 25 isn't the day Christ was born, either; Christmas should be a moving date like Easter, based on the Hebrew calendar, which is based on the Moon." "I remember cringing when Dr. Emmett Brown, in the movie 'Back to the Future,' set his Delorean's time machine to December 25, 0000, announcing the birth of Christ. Ugh -- two mistakes at once." What he said sounded interesting. "I saw on the History Channel that Jesus Christ was probably born before 4 BC, based on the death of King Herod. Also he was probably born in the spring because that is when shepherds watch their flocks at night. But let's face the facts. Five hundred years ago Pope Gregory believed that the world was flat! He also believed that the world was only 5,500 years old. And he thought that the earth was the center of the universe. I agree with you that time is relative. If 99% of the world celebrated the start of the new millennium a year ago, who is right? Is it 99% of the world or some Pope 500 years ago who thought the world was flat? If time is truly relative I say let people believe what ever they want to believe. Thanks for the information and happy New Year to you," I said. "Are you here with your family?" "Yes and my boy fr... er... I mean my friend from school." "It's okay. I'm not some bigot who's going to judge you. Human sexuality is relative also." Just then Mark came walking up. "What's taking you so long?" "Is this your boy friend?" Mark looked at me like, 'what the hell'. "We were talking about Y2K and I kind of slipped. I'm sorry, Mark." "It's all right, boys. I don't care." Mark relaxed but I could tell he was not happy. We talked for a while and found out that Ernie was a smart, nice guy, although I think he was a little drunk. We said good night and then said good night to our family. When we got back to our room Mark was more interested in making love than talking about my slip. When we were finished, I had to ask. "Mark, I need to know, are you mad at me?" "No. You're human and so am I. We both make mistakes. I'm just glad that the person you slipped in front of was understanding. I would have never met you if you hadn't made a mistake. I just can't stand the thought of you being hurt. When you hurt, I hurt. When you're embarrassed, I'm embarrassed." "When you're mad at me, I'm mad at myself too. So I'm so glad you're not mad at me." We kissed and cuddled and ended up making love again. We finally fell asleep about 3 AM. We got up about noon the next day. We had breakfast and went skiing. Mark was getting really good but he still didn't want to go on the big hill. It was very cold outside and we had to come in to warm up several times. We had a quiet dinner together. Then we went skiing some more until they closed down the hill. The next day we got up and started packing. We left for home about noon. The twins seem to be back to their old selves but I noticed that Jeff and Ken were very quiet. When we got home and finished unpacking, we took Ken home. "So Ken, why are you and Jeff being so quiet?" "Last night when we were alone in our room our eyes locked. Then Jeff leaned in and kissed me. It was the greatest feeling I have ever had. I had a hard-on in about two seconds. I don't know what's happening to me. After we broke the kiss there was an uncomfortable silence afterward. That was all we did all week except hold hands and cuddle some. But after that kiss I just don't know what to say to him. I don't understand what I'm feeling." "I think that you do understand what you're feeling but you are denying your feelings because of Jeff's age. I feel the same way every time I kiss Mark." "I think it would be best if you two stay away from each other for a while. I'm sure that Jeff is confused right now. Give him some time to sort things out. We will talk to him with Papa Greg. I think we need help with this one," Mark said. "I think I'm falling in love with Jeff. I'm not sure if it's just friendship or more than that," Ken said. "If he was 18 and you were 23 I wouldn't have a problem with you two being a couple. Jeff is a big kid for his age. He is almost as tall as Mike. He is also very smart for his age. But emotionally he is very much a child. He is a very loving boy. Like I said before, I don't want to see him get hurt. He understands right and wrong but loving someone 5-years-older than he is is more than he can handle. It's both right and wrong at the same time. Little kids are good with black and white but they have a hard time dealing with grays. He is smart but his brain is not developed enough to understand that love can sometimes be very wrong." We said good-bye to Ken and went home. After dinner Dad wanted to talk to Mark, Jeff, and me. "Jeff, have you ever heard of the story of Romeo and Juliet?" "I've heard of it but I don't know what it's about." "It's the story of a young couple not much older than you who fall in love. Their parents disapprove of the relationship and don't allow them to see each other. It's a very sad story." "Many parents would not approve of the relationship between Mark and Mike. But I have encouraged it. And so has Mark's mother. Mike and Mark are almost men and will be leaving home in little more than a year. It's important that we keep their relationship a secret for now. We all make mistakes but you need to be careful what you say. Do you understand?" "Yes, I do." "Also you had quite a busy holiday yourself. First getting caught with the twins and then, don't get me wrong, but what is going on between you and Ken?" "I think I'm fallin' in love with him. I can't be sure 'cause I've never been in love before." "Jeff, there is nothing wrong with you loving anyone. However, what you do about it can be a problem. I have seen the way you two are looking at each other and have seen you holding hands and stuff. I can see that there is love there. Have you done anything with him like you did with the twins?" "No, but I kissed him and now I'm scared." "You should be scared. Love can be very scary. It's really easy to get hurt. I also love you, son, and I don't want you to have any more pain in your life. I know how first loves are. It's something you will never forget. I don't have a problem with you loving anyone. However, I do have a problem with you fooling around with someone 5 years older than you. I also think you need to keep an open mind and try to make friends your own age. There is a 90% chance that 5 years from now your interest will change and you will see boys as friends only and you'll start thinking about girls. Do you understand?" "I think so." "I'm simply telling you to keep your pants on. Enjoy being a kid and stop trying to grow up so quick. Now I need to talk to Mike and Mark." "I love you, Papa Greg." "I love you too, Jeff, and remember, you can talk to me whenever you like. I'll never bite your head off or yell at you. Now off with you." After Jeff left the room Dad started talking again. "Have you two talked to Ken?" "Yes we have, Dad. I think he's falling in love with Jeff too." "I'm not going to worry about it right now. Ken is a cute kid and I'm sure that he'll find someone to be with. He'll lose interest in a 9-year-old real quick. We just need to be there for Jeff when that happens. I'm sure he'll get over it. Do you boys trust Ken not to take advantage of Jeff?" "Yes," we both replied. "I'll trust your judgment then. You have to understand, Mark, that Jeff emulates you. He wants to be like you. After you leave to go to college I think he'll develop his own charter. Until then don't be surprised if he tries to copy you. Then again, after you leave he just might try to replace you. The twins are going to be big boys also. When those three are your age I wouldn't want them mad at me." "I think you have that one right, Dad." "How did your weekend go, guys? Was it everything you expected?" "And then some. Every day I love Mark more." "I feel like a new person. I mean, three months ago I was basically a loner. Now I can't ever go back to being alone again. You're the best father a boy could have. Mama Amy also treats me like a son. I have even started to open up to Sam. I have a brother and sister now and I don't feel like an only child. You could say that the old Mark is dead. There's no turning back." "Great, now let's look ahead. You two need to start thinking about college. You have SAT's in a few months." "I've been doing some research and the University of Michigan has one of the best medical schools in the country." "That is a good choice. That's the school I graduated from. I've told Mike he can go to any school he wants as long as it's the University of Michigan. He keeps saying that he wants to go to Michigan State just to spite me. If you're going to Michigan, then if Mike wants to be with you I guess he's going to have to go there too. Do you still plan on majoring in Business, Mike?" "Either that or nursing. I could be Mark's nurse!" I said, laughing. "That would make interesting role playing. But seriously, Mike, what do you plan on doing?" "I'd like to manage your store when you retire, Dad." "That would make me a very happy son. And you, Mark?" "I'd like to be an emergency room doctor. I know it is much harder than a general MD but I like the idea of being able to save lives. Papa Greg, we're going to see my mom tomorrow. I would really like to find a way to get my mother closer. All this talk about our future has me thinking that I don't have that much time left with her." "It just so happens that I have an opening at the store. Nick, one of my managers, is leaving at the end of the month. He's going to be a store manager down in Texas somewhere. He posted his resume to a job site on the Internet and he got the job." "The job mainly involves customer service and cash handling. I can teach her everything else she needs to know. We have lots of land and I could put a house up for her here. It would be perfect for you and me. Talk to her and, if she is interested, have her give me a call." "Wow, that would be great. We'll talk with her," Mark said. "Anything else, boys?" "Nope, Dad, that just about covers it." We said good night and went up to our room and watched TV. It's great to have satellite TV in our room. I cuddled up in Mark's arms and soon I fell asleep. I always had trouble falling asleep until Mark came along. What's up with that? The next day we headed for Mark's house. We planned on staying for two days, Thursday and Friday. Mark's mom had the morning shift on Thursday and would be home at two. Then she has Friday off. We got there about 10:00 and we went over to Ron's house to train. Mark and I were sparring and I tried a spin kick that Ron had taught me. I lost my balance and Mark caught me in his arms. Our eyes locked and we both smiled. I guess we looked at each other just a little too long because Ken started clearing his throat. Mark and I broke contact and stood up. Ron had a strange look on his face. "Mark, did I just see what I think I saw?" "Yes, you did." Ron was quite for a long time. Maybe two minutes. It seemed like forever. "How long have you two... two... been together?" "Ever since we first met." "How long have you known that you were a... different, Mark?" "I told my mom a couple of years ago. I guess you could say then." "I knew about you, Mike, but you really surprised me, Mark." I could almost see the conflict going on in Ron's mind. His silence was starting to scare me. He could easily kill both of us. "We won't ever speak of this again. Now, Mike, try that spin kick again and get it right." We continued our workout as if nothing had happened. Ron acted like nothing had happened. After we finished we went back to Mark's house. His mom was not home yet. "I don't know about you, Mark, but Ron scared the shit out of me." "I think that in his mind he was ready to beat the shit out of both of us. But in his heart he loves me and wouldn't do anything to harm me. I'm bigger and stronger than he is but he is much quicker and better trained. I was scared too. I don't think he can deal with the fact that I am gay and in love with you. His reaction was to deny the fact. It's hard to say how he'll feel tomorrow. He has done everything he knows to make a man out of me. Also I don't fit his perception of a gay person. I think he was looking for someone to blame and that's why he asked the questions that he did. He was looking to blame you. When I told him I knew several years ago and had told my mom, I could see that he didn't know what to think. When he couldn't find an answer he chose to deny the fact that I'm gay. That's the only way he can deal with it." "So what do you think? Can we trust him?" "Three months ago Ron was my only friend. I would trust him with my life. I know Ron and one thing he is good at is controlling his thoughts. If he sees something he doesn't want to deal with, he just ignores it." Just then Mrs. Adams came home. "Hi, Mom, how are you doing?" "I'm fine, boys. Happy New Year. How was your ski trip?" "It was great, Mom. And look, I can still walk." "I'm glad to hear that. I do have some bad news, boys. The owners of the diner are going to retire. They can't sell the diner because it's not up to code. It would cost more to bring it up to code than it would to build a new diner. If they sell out, the new owner has to bring it up to code. It looks like I'm going to have to find a new job and there is nothing around here." "Mom, call Mike's dad. He has a job for you. One of his managers is leaving and he needs a replacement. He thought that you would be perfect for the job." "I'll do that but I don't know anything about management." "He said that the job mainly dealt with customer service and cash handling. He felt that you would be good at both." "I suppose I can do that. I mean, I deal with customers all the time and I know how to take and count money. It would be something to move back home though. I left that town 20 years ago when I graduated from high school." She got on the phone and talked to Dad for about 30 minutes. "How did it go, Mom?" "Well, there is no way I can turn it down. He offered me $30,000 a year to start and is going to help me sell our house and rebuild on a lot next door to your house, Mike. That is way more than I'm making now. He described the job to me and I think that I can handle it. It all seemed quite strange to me. One door closed and another one opened. He wants me to start next week and stay with Sam until I can get my place built." We both hugged her and told her how happy we were for her and how glad we were that we would be together. I smelled a rat. I asked Mrs. Adams if I could use the phone to call my dad. She said that I could. "Hi, Dad." "Hi, Mike. What's up?" "How much did you pay the owner of the diner to retire or whatever?" "Honestly, son, I was not involved. It's just one of those things. Ask Mrs. Adams when she found out about the diner closing if you don't believe me." "I believe you, Dad. I guess I'm just so used to you controlling my life, often without me knowing about it, I just assumed that you were behind it." "Not this time, son. Is Mrs. Adams happy?" "Very much so and thanks, Dad." "You're welcome." We said good-bye and I went to talk to Mrs. Adams. "Mrs. Adams, when did you find out about the diner closing?" "The day after New Year's Day, dear. Why are you asking?" "I was just hoping that the news didn't spoil your holiday." "That's why they waited until the day after New Year's Day." We went on to tell her about our earlier encounter with Ron. She didn't think anything would come of it. She said that Ron loves Mark and really likes me and she felt that he'll get over it. We went to bed that night and, even with the roller coaster day, we fell asleep after some intense lovemaking.