Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 19:38:22 +0000 From: Jessica Haynes Subject: My Only Love 12 My Only Love Chapter 12 Author's general notes I am sorry that this installment took longer than any of us wanted. I guess it's going to be about a month between chapters, unless I have more free time to write after midterms. I figure if I get a chance to write for a half-hour every day, that the chapters should be just long enough. As always, the same rules apply as with the last 11 chapters. Also, don't forget to drop me a note telling me how fabulous my writing is (hehe). My address is Notes for this chapter only: (I am going to keep telling the story from Chris's point of view because of the place that the last chapter left off, but I'm going to get to Eric's point of view quickly. This is kind of a split chapter, if you get my point.) ************************************************************************ Chris: I looked at my dad incredulously. What did he mean the police thought that I had killed Karl Jefferson? I mean, logically, when did I have the time? "Why do they think that I am the one who killed him?" "I don't know. They didn't say. All they said was that they needed you to come down to the station to give them your statement and answer a couple of questions. I told them that you would be down as soon as you knew that Davy would be ok. I think that the sooner you get this cleared up, the better." Dad said. "Ok. I guess I can go down and clear this up. I'm still confused though." I didn't think that it would take much more than a talk with the detectives to clear this up. It was all a bunch of bullshit and I planned to tell them that too. "Ok, I'm going to go to the station now, I'll see you all later." I turned to Eric and gave him a quick kiss good-bye and then asked, "Will you stay here so that if Davy wakes up, he'll see a friendly face?" "Anything for you, love. But you have to promise me one thing." Eric stated. "Anything, honey." "Don't go in there angry and start shouting. That will probably only make it worse." Eric looked serious as he asked this of me. "Ok, I promise. I won't go there with my guns drawn. I'll be perfectly reasonable." I kissed Eric again, and left quickly. I wanted to get this over with. When I got to the station, I told the officer at the desk who I was, and he buzzed me back to see Detective Masterson, the same detective who was investigating Justin's death. "Hi, Detective. I heard through the grapevine that you wanted to speak with me. What can I do for you?" I asked. "Hello, Chris. Please, have a seat. I do have some questions to ask you, if that is all right." Detective Masterson asked me, but I knew that it was one of those questions that if you said no, they would think that you had something to hide. So, I did the only thing I could, I said sure. "What is that you want to know, Detective." "First, I want you to take me through what happened after you go home from school." Masterson told me. "Well, after school, Eric and I went back to my house to study, but we ended up watching a movie instead. About half way through the movie, the phone rang. It was Davy, and he was really upset, and wanted me to come get him. I think that it was about 3:45 when he called, and 4:00 when I reached his house. I found Davy lying on the floor, and called 911 because I was afraid to move him. The ambulance came, we went to the hospital, and that's where I've been for the last hour and a half. Now, I'm here." "When you got to the Jefferson's, did you notice any other cars in the driveway?" Masterson asked. "No, but the garage door was closed, so I suppose one could have been in there." "Ok. What about when you got inside, did you hear anything else." "No, but I was pretty shook up. I think that there could have been an explosion and I wouldn't have heard it." I replied. "Look, Detective, is there any evidence that I was the one who killed Jefferson?" "No, but I wanted question you before I looked to any other suspects. You have to admit, you had a pretty strong dislike of the guy, didn't you?" "You know that I did. But then, almost everyone in this town disliked Karl Jefferson." I said. "There must be some other suspects you can come up with, aren't there?" "Yes, there is one that has a very strong motive." Masterson said. "Did you know that the gun that Jefferson was killed with was registered to him?" "You mean, he was shot with his own gun?" I asked. "Yes, he kept it in his bedside table." "What does this have to do with the other suspect?" "It would be very easy for anyone to access that gun, don't you think, Chris?" Masterson was being vague, but I was sure that he had a point coming from somewhere. "What are you getting at, Detective?" I asked impatiently. "We questioned Jefferson's wife, but she had an airtight alibi and the only other person who had access to the gun was Davy." ************************************************************************ Eric: It was a nerve racking two hours that I waited at the hospital for Chris to come back. Thankfully, Chris' parents, Mac and Kyle stayed with me and tried to keep my mind off things. I went into Davy's room every 15 minutes, just to make sure he was still sleeping well. The poor little guy looked so small and innocent lying there, that it was hard to believe what had happened to him. On the fourth round into Davy's room, he awoke for a moment, just long enough to ask where Chris was. "He had to go down to the police station for awhile. He'll be here the next time you wake up. I promise." "K." Davy murmured before drifting away again. I stroked his hair for a few minutes before going back to the waiting room with my friends. "How's Davy?" Chris' mom asked. "He woke up for a minute, and asked for Chris, but seemed content to have me there. Overall, I think that he will be fine." "Do you think we're doing the right thing in adopting him?" "Yes, I think that he needs some stable influences in his life, and you guys are perfect." I said. "Plus, I don't think Chris will let you get away with not adopting him." "Well, I made an appointment with DHS for tomorrow, so we'll know then if it's even a possibility." "I know that it will all turn out ok in the end. That little boy has had more heartbreak in is short little life than is fair for anyone." Mac said, with Kyle nodding his affirmation. Soon after Davy woke up, Chris came back, looking grim. I knew from his face that something was not right. "What happened?" I asked. "Well, I am no longer a suspect in Jefferson's murder." He said, after kissing me hello. "That's fantastic!" I exclaimed, but after taking one more look at Chris' impassive face, I added, "Isn't it?" "They only have one other suspect." Chris said. I had a nagging suspicion that I knew who that suspects was, but I needed to be sure. "Who?" "Davy. They think that Davy shot Jefferson." "What?!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, the police think that an 8 year old boy had the intelligence to wait until Jefferson passed out in his bed, then go upstairs, pull the gun out of the table, shoot Jefferson, and then go back downstairs, call me and then pass out. Keep in mind that Davy was in incredible pain after an intense beating, and still managed to do all this." "How could they think that this sweet little boy shot and killed his foster father? It doesn't make any sense." I said. "Well, apparently, even eight year old boys can snap sometime and do unspeakable things." Chris said. He looked towards Davy's room and asked, "How do I tell him what happened, and what the police think?" "I don't know, Chris, I really don't. Maybe you had better talk to your parents before talking to Davy." "I think that that is the best idea in this situation. Maybe they will know what to do." Chris said. "Yeah, me too. I will go in and sit with Davy while you talk to your parents." I said. "Thanks, love. You are the best." Chris kissed me quickly and headed to where his parents were waiting. I went into Davy's room, and sat by his bed. Looking at Davy's face, I again wondered how anyone could think that such a sweet boy could be a killer. All of a sudden, Davy started thrashing around, and moaning. "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Please stop! It hurts!" he screamed in his sleep. Suddenly Davy shot up in bed and screamed, "I DIDN'T DO IT!" I reached for Davy, but before I could touch him, he fell back in his bed and resumed sleeping. I knew that he hadn't been awake when he screamed, that it had just been a part of his dream. I wondered what he had been dreaming about. "Is everything ok, Eric?" Chris asked, coming in and sitting in the chair I had vacated. I sat on his lap and put my arms around his neck. "Everything is fine, Davy just had a bad dream." I said. I looked into his tired eyes and just had to kiss him. I leaned over and placed my lips gently on his. His eyes drifted shut and his strong arms came around me to pull me closer to him. "I needed that, Eric, so much." Chris said, tearing his lips off mine gazing into his eyes. "Me too. I was so scared when you had to go to the police station. I knew you couldn't have killed Jefferson, but what I was still scared for you." I said, kissing him gently again. "I know, little buddy. I was scared too. I wanted you to come with me, but thought it better that you stay with Davy." "I know. It was the best thing to do." "What do you think Davy was dreaming about?" Chris asked. "I would have to say that he was reliving the beating, but he seems fine now, he's sleeping peacefully." I said. "Oh no! I just realized that I haven't called my parents to let them know where I am. I had better do that, don't you think?" "I think that would be a good idea. It's going on eight o'clock now, they are probably worried about you." Chris said. "I'll be right back. Do you think you are going to want to stay the night?" I asked. "Because if you are, I will stay with you." "Yeah, I think I will stay here with Davy. If he wakes up, I know he is going to want me to be here for him, so he is not so scared. But you don't have to stay if you don't want to." "Darling, of course I want to stay. Where else would I be?" I asked, kissing my love one more time, as if to convey my love to him. "I love you Eric. Now go call your parents." I did, and as soon as I told them what had happened, they told me to stay with Chris and Davy and that they would bring us both a change of clothes in a little bit. I hung up with my parents and returned to the waiting room where Chris' parents, Kyle and Mac were still waiting. Chris came out of Davy's room and we took seats next to Kyle. "You guys can go, I know you must be tired and hungry by now. Eric and I are going to stay the night with Davy, just in case he wakes up and is scared." "Yeah, I just called my parents and they said they would bring us some food and some clothes, so we can change for school tomorrow." "Well, do you think you'll be all right here alone for the night?" Chris' mom asked. "Yes, we'll be fine. Now you and Dad go home and get something to eat and go to bed. You both have big days tomorrow, what with trying to hammer out the details of Davy's guardianship and everything." "Ok, if you are sure." His dad said. "We are, Dad. Go home. We'll be fine." "OK, OK. We'll see you tomorrow. You be sure to call us if anything changes with Davy, right honey?" asked Chris' mother. "You bet. I love you guys!" Chris said and hugged both his parents. I did the same and then they were gone. "Are you two staying?" I asked Kyle and Mac. "Yeah, I called my parents earlier and so did Mac, and they are sending Zack over with some clothes for us both." "Zack is still at your house?" I asked. "Yeah, he is staying with us for awhile. I guess his parents kicked him out or something. He came back last night, after the whole fiasco with Justin and everything." "Why did his parents kick him out?" Chris asked. "I think it has something to do with the fact that he is gay." Kyle said. "WHAT! Zack is gay?!" exclaimed Chris. "Well, yeah. Didn't you get that Saturday night at the club?" Kyle asked. "He went home with some guy, I think. At least that's what he said." "Really? Wow. Who would have thought?" Chris asked rhetorically. "Chris you were right there when Kyle told us that on Saturday night. Why are you so surprised?" I asked, chuckling at my boyfriend's complete forgetfulness. "Right, but so much has happened since then that I forgot, ok?" Chris said good-naturedly. "So, guys, what's happening with Caitlyn?" I asked. Mac and Kyle exchanged guilty glances and blushed. "Well, somehow she knew what was going on and called us on it. Then she went on and on about respecting women and all this stuff. Then she said that she would never date either of us until we showed some respect for her gender." "Good for her. You two deserve it. Thinking that you could treat a woman as an object ot be won. What were you thinking?" I asked. "What I don't understand is how she found out." Kyle said, looking at me closely. "You didn't happen to tell her, did you Eric?" "What makes you think that?" I asked innocently. "Would I do something like that? I mean really, what kind of friend do you think I am?" "You did tell her, didn't you?" asked Mac. "Well, Chris and I both did. We thought it was the only thing to do. And it serves you two right to be put in your places." I said, glaring at them while Chris just laughed. "Well, I guess we can forgive you. I guess we really did deserve it." Kyle said. "Hey, who's hungry?" "Think that Domino's would deliver us a pizza?" Chris asked. "I'll go call. What does everyone want?" Mac asked. We decided on one large pepperoni and a large cheese to hold us over. After Mac had left to find a phone, a doctor came into the waiting room and waved Chris over. I heard him say, "Davy is awake and asking for you." ************************************************************************ Well, what did you think? Let me know at . I am not even going to start writing the next chapter until I get 10 e-mails with suggestions. I also wanted to know if there was anyone else in the story you wanted to know more about. Let me know, and I'll see if I can't add his or her point of view to the story. I hope the next chapter will be out in a shorter period of time than this one was. Maybe by the first of November. Well, that's all for now my peeps!