Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 22:26:42 -0600 From: James Clark Subject: Out of a Dream; Chapter 12-- After the Dance, Before the Party I listed the stories that my friend tim wrote here, I hope you'll check them out. For those of you that might want to email me, I'd prefer that you use my hotmail address, its easier on me to check it. Yahoo and my computer don't get along too well. You can get me at Stories by tim the story guy: Starting Over - in the no-sex section (completed 11/20/04) Training Day - in the adult/youth section (completed 9/17/04) What A Gas! - in the adult/youth section (last update 11/25/04) Sweet Sixteen - in the sci-fi/fantasy section (completed 11/13/04) Allen & Allen 2 - in the high school section (last update 11/22/04) No One Else - in the high school section (last update 11/23/04) Fate - in the high school section (completed 5/21/04) Out of a Dream by: James Clark Disclaimer: If it is illegal for you to read this, or if material of this sort offends you, leave now. The author, James Clark, reserves all aplicable rights to this story. It is lawful only for to display this as a public work. All others will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. PLAGIARISM IS ILLEGAL! THIS MEANS YOU GET IN TROUBLE IF YOU DO IT! If you should want to post this story elsewhere, or want a hard copy of it, then you must e-mail me and I will mail you written permission to do so, should I deem it worthy to do so. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is entirely coincidental; that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Thank you and enjoy the story! By the way... BEWARE THE GNOMES!! (read tim's story Allen if you wanna get that joke, lol) I just hope the gnomes weren't copyrighted as well... Chapter 12-- After the Dance, but Before the Party The doctor that had woken me up patched me up as well as he could, and told me my nose would be fine in a few days, and would heal up soon. If you've never had a broken nose, you should know that it really isn't fun, and the swelling and discoloration set in pretty quick. I called my mom on the payphone with a quarter the doctor handed me while Wyatt sat in the lobby reading a magazine, and explained a bit of what happened between us. "Mom, we got into a bit of trouble up here at the hospital. Wyatt's dad was here, and I'll explain it all when we get there. The doctor just asked me to call you and let you know what had happened, and that we were allright", I said when she answered the phone. "What happened?! Are you and Wyatt okay?!", she asked me, alarmed. My mom has always been very careful of her kids, she's one of those lion-type mothers, that won't let anyone hurt her kids. She's great, but it gets aggravating sometimes. "Yeah, mom, we're fine. His dad came at me when he saw us together, and I have a broken nose now, but he'll be in jail for a while. I'm fine, though, before you worry. It doesn't even hurt that bad", I lied. "Bullshit", she said, seeing right through me. "I've had a broken nose before, and it hurts something terrible. Plus, you sound like somebody plugged up your nose with gauze. You just hurry back, and tell me what's going on. I can't have you in all this mess, so you have to tell me everything that's happening, and I promise I'll do everything I can to help you two out. The kids are home now, and I have to run. They want their food", she said with a chuckle. "Don't take too long, but stop by the store on your way to get a jug of milk. That'll give you and Wyatt some time to talk about all this, and think about what you'll do. I hope you'll decide to tell me willingly, but I will pry it out of you if you don't." "Yes ma'am, I'll get some milk. I'll talk to you when I get there, and I love you." "Allright, James, hurry back. I love you too", she replied, then hung up the phone. It still amazes me how much she knows, even though I don't tell her. Sometimes I think she must be psychic. "Are you ready to go now, James?", Wyatt asked me. I nearly jumped out of my skin until I realized that it was him; I didn't see him walk up to me. "Yeah, angel. I'm ready. Are you ok?", I asked him. "I'm okay, I guess. Thank you, James. I'm so glad you're my boyfriend", Wyatt said. "Don't worry about all this", I said as I wrapped my arms around him. He smelled of cologne... adidas moves, if I'm not mistaken. I buried my nose in his neck as much as I could with it being so fucked up, taking in that comforting scent, even though it was a bit painful to breathe through my nose. It made me feel so safe, because in the first place, he was the one with the most courage; he approached me, and pulled me out of my shell. It's because of him that I'd hit Roger, because I love Wyatt, more than anything, and I'd take on the devil himself if I had to in order to protect him. Roger wasn't shit, and this broken nose wasn't shit. The only thing that mattered was that he was allright, and we were together. I loved him so much, and I could never tell anyone accurately how much he means to me. Wyatt pulled me off of him, and kissed me on the lips. I was a little alarmed at first, thinking that it was a public place, but I let all those cares go as his lips caressed mine. It wasn't too long, but it was what we both needed at that moment. "Let's go, babe. I'll never let anything like this happen again", he said to me. Then, he grabbed my hand to let me know that he didn't care what other people thought anymore, and we walked out to the car. We stopped off at Piggly Wiggly, because it was closer, and then we headed for home. We walked inside, and the little kids attacked. My 11-year old sister, Jessica, ran up and hugged me, along with Michael (6), and Savannah (9). "We missed you Bubby!!", they yelled, almost in unison. I just laughed as I tugged them off of me. Then, Savannah noticed my face, and made her usual announcement about everything that happens. She's the talkative one. "BUBBY GOT HURT MAMA!!!!!!!!!", she yelled out. Then, she hugged me again, tighter this time. Savannah's the most caring one of the bunch, and she looks just like my mom. My mom walked into the living room, and walked over to me. The kids had now discovered Wyatt's presence, and there was a steady stream of questions and amusing answers between them. "He really did get you... what are they going to do about it?", she said as she tilted my face to have a better look at me. "They arrested him, and he'll be charged with assault, so I'm assuming he'll be there for a while unless he has a good lawyer", I said. "Well, I'll let you and him alone until the kids are asleep tonight. Then, you'll explain all of this. And, I want the whole story, allright?", she said. "Yes ma'am. I was wondering... Wyatt doesn't really have a place to stay, so...", I trailed off. "Sure, he can stay here for as long as he needs to. Ya'll just go to his house and get whatever he needs. Heather called when you were on your way back, and she asked if you two would meet her in the park by the field house at four. I told her I'd tell you to call her back and let you know. I wouldn't mind you going to let her know you're allright. I'm assuming she played some part in all of this. Now, I want a hug. You scare me too much, you know", she said. "Thanks, mom", I said as I wrapped my arms around her. "Now", she said as she pulled back from me. "You'd better go ahead and call her, it's about three-thirty right now." "Wyatt, I'm going to call Heather, and she wants us to meet up with her in the park, ok?", I asked him. "Okay, no problem", he said as he waded away from the little kids, who were still bombarding him. I called Heather, and she asked us to just wait to talk till we get to the park. I wondered what was up, but I knew that she'd be ok. Heather is one of the few people that I have complete confidence in. She can take care of herself no matter what. We got back in my car, and headed for the park. I was so tired of driving now. You think when you don't have a license that you'd always love to drive, but it gets old fast. We got to the park, and parked in front of the field house, then got out. After a couple of minutes, Amy drove up with Heather in tow. Amy's really cool, too. I always was pretty fond of her. I just don't know her as well as I do Heather. Heather got out, and Amy drove off. Amy is one of Heather's good friends, and since Heather doesn't have a car, when she needs a ride, Amy takes care of it. They're tight like that. "Hey, James!! Hey, Wyatt!!", she yelled out as she stuck a Newport in the corner of her mouth, and fished through her purse. She was still looking when she'd walked all the way over to us. I took my lighter out of my pocket, and lit it for her, smiling. She never could keep up with a lighter, I don't know why. She smiled back, and leaned in to light her cig. "So, what's this on your face, James? Are you ok? Oh, my gosh, it looks worse up close, though", she said. Its really hard to catch her by surprise. She seems always somewhat calm. That was probably a side-effect of being stoned two thirds of the time. "My dad met us at the hospital, and he wasn't too happy that I was with James", Wyatt told her. Her eyes widened for a moment as her naturally pouty red lips sucked on the cigarette. She blew out the smoke. "I thought something like that might've happened. I'm sorry it happened, and I wish I could've done something about it. I thought we had your dad pretty fooled, Wyatt!", she said, smiling again. She really is a pretty girl, and I would probably have gone with her if I was straight, but she retains a significant uniqueness. She only looks sober when she's not. She has beautiful hair, dark brown and full of body, along with those lips reminiscent of the actor Angelina Jolie's. She has a light complexion, with flawless skin. I guess a straight guy would call her "hot", but to me she's just my very beautiful friend, and I appreciate that beauty the way I would the beauty of a Botticelli or Van Gogh painting. Her personality reminds me of Van Gogh's "Starry Night"; a little twisted in perspective, but very fun. "I guess we did, but he just showed up at the wrong time. Thanks for worrying about us though, Heather", Wyatt told her. Sometimes I believe he can read her feelings much better than I can. Heather's always been a bit of a mystery to me, but his blue eyes pierce her veil, I guess. I'm glad, though, for her support. "Well, what's up, Heather?", I asked her. "Oh, well, nothing much, just checking up on my favorite queers in the whole world", she said with a sly smile. It really is impossible for Heather to offend anyone; she has that gift. "Actually, though, I was hoping you'd come with me to a party. Its not gonna be anyone we know there, its more of a punk thing. You might want to change before we get there. We're gonna have to introduce Wyatt to the whole mosh scene, James", she said. "Mosh?", Wyatt asked, thoroughly confused. Heather and I liked punk rock, and these parties were always a lot of fun. We used to go to a lot of them, but everything eventually slows down. However, if you can even know what I'm talking about, you'll agree. There's nothing like the feeling in a mosh pit. The music becomes alive, pulsing through you, and the pit becomes a living thing as well. Its really great, and there's nothing like it. Plus, today was the last non-school night. So, we were going to have fun. "Let's go to my house, Heather, and get Wyatt dressed properly", I said with a sly grin. I used to be completely punk, but I'd given up most of it when uniforms at school had come into play. I still love it, though. I'm a rebel at heart. We headed back to my house, and after saying hi to my mom and the kids, went back to my room to get Wyatt ready for the party. Ok, that's it! Hope you liked it, and I'll have the next chapter out very soon... the party's gonna get really exciting! Once again, email me at Oh, and by the way, don't think that Roger will go out without a bang!