Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 19:13:29 +0800 From: gspencer Subject: Peter's Christmas Present This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to any person, whether living or dead, is purely accidental and unintended. Copyright is retained by the Author and reproduction or distribution, in any form and whether for profit or not, without the written permission of the Author, is forbidden. If reading this type of literature is forbidden in the area where you live, you proceed at your own risk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All my stories are written for those who have a moderate grasp of English and like a story in which there may be some sex. Any word you do not understand can be found in the Pocket Oxford Dictionary. 1992 edition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dedicated to "Jiefu Dai" to thank him for his expert Editorial assistance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peter's Christmas Present Peter put the last of the Christmas presents under the tree, while Anthony pinned the Christmas Angel to its top. Ten years ago yesterday, Peter had combed the city to find just what he wanted to replace the star at the peak of the Foy's Christmas tree. Anthony was very careful not to bend its long trumpet. Dinner was with Poppa Alf and Momma Lola this year and tea would be with Mum Myrna. Boxing Day everyone they loved would come here. There was no set time for them to come or to leave they just did whatever felt right for them. No one ever missed coming, even if it was only for half an hour. They all knew that Christmas had a very special meaning for the pair. Besides the children made sure their parents did not miss visiting their favourite uncles, they always got nice presents. Anthony climbed down from the ladder and looked at Peter, he was lost in memories. "Can I share them with you Petey?" he whispered in his loves ear. "I was just remembering Angel. It's ten years this year and I think I love you even more than I did then." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter was wandering down the alleyways between the parked cars, idly looking for lost change, that was the only way he ever got pocket money. It was one of his favourite pastimes when he was at the Mall. He had done well on many occasions, and had even found twenty dollars a few weeks ago. That had given him hours of enjoyment for three days running. He had rationed it and spent more time deciding what he would spend it on than he had in enjoying the car racing game that first night. The next night he had window-shopped and then bought a pizza and coffee. The third day, being Saturday, he had enough to see the early session of the new Jet Li film. He kept a wary eye out for trouble, since it had a habit of following him. That was how it seemed to him. Wherever he went he had to avoid Chopper and his gang or Savolo and his gang. He wished his brother had not gone off to University; he had always been safe with Henry. There was only one University that offered the sort of Marine Biology that interested Henry, so there had been no option. The Foy's were a fairly poor family in some ways. There was not the money there had been in years gone by. Dad had been laid off in a corporate reshuffle and had ended up working as a delivery driver. There were twenty applicants for every job he applied for and he needed to keep food in his children's bellies. He had taken whatever he could get. Alf Foy had been laying aside funds for University for years, never dreaming that his secure job would end so suddenly. There was enough to give Henry the course he wanted but there would be very little for Peter and Tricia. They had all agreed that Henry should definitely get his degree and who knows what the future would bring. The trouble was that Peter had not realised how safe his big brother had kept him. Once he was gone, and Chopper was sure he was going to be away for a long time, he had started on Peter as an easy target. Peter knew you did not have to do anything to get on to Chopper's list of targets. Chopper had been in his class for two years before he was expelled for bad behaviour and fighting. Since he was over sixteen there was no school willing to take him and now he spent all his time hanging out with his mates and hassling any likely targets. Peter was at a loss to know how he had got on the wrong side of Savolo and his gang. The only thing he could think of was that Savolo had a thing about gays and thought he was one. Well he was, but he kept it well hidden. He had nearly shit his pants when Savolo had bailed him up one night about six months ago and asked him if he was gay. He had strenuously denied it, but he was pretty sure they did not believe him. Most of them were Year twelves and quite a few of them went to Peter's school, he often saw them watching him at school and did his best to avoid them. Peter was his father's height, five foot seven. Where his father was broad and solid, Peter was slim and agile. He had light brown hair with a strong hint of red in it and piercing green eyes. Because his birthday was one day before the cut off date, he was the youngest boy in Year eleven. He was used to being picked on, but had been spared the beltings the bullies handed out to some kids because of Henry being his brother. Henry was an Iron Man contestant, and an addicted surfer. His reputation alone was enough for bullies to think twice before they picked on his little brother. Now he was in Queensland and his safety blanket had been taken away. The late night shopping crowd was beginning the trek back to their cars with their booty and Peter had found nothing. Still it was a nice evening and he had enjoyed the hunt, then he got a prickly feeling down his back. He turned to find Chopper eyeing him off from only six cars away. He was off like a shot. He ran for the entrance to the Mall. The safest thing he could think of was to be surrounded by people who might object and call security if Chopper started bashing him. He nearly ran into one of the tinsel Christmas trees they were putting up in all the walkways, and raced for the central hub. He thought he had shaken them, so the problem was now how to get out without being spotted. What he did not know was that Savolo and his gang were sitting there enjoying a drink. Anthony Savolopoulos saw the flurry of activity and touched his brother's arm, pointing out Peter as he slowed to a walk and began to get his breath. Savolo smiled down at his younger brother. "You really fancy him don't you! Don't worry I'll keep him safe for you. Come on boys, Chopper has to be around for him to be running like that. Anthony, you can stay here and see if you can meet him, we'll pick you up when we've finished." Peter was trying to work out a strategy for escape and almost swallowed his tonsils as the vision from school drifted around the fountain centrepiece in front of him. There was that tall Year ten that had occupied his dreams for the whole year. Now he was so close he could see that the dark curly hair framed a pair of beautiful brown eyes and the cute nose perched above a breathtaking smile. "Don't I know you from school? I'm Anthony." Anthony was taking the direct approach. He had wanted to get to know this elusive Year eleven for ages. There was something about him that was fascinating. He had seen him in the Mall many times with his brother and had been to shy to try and introduce himself. This year Peter had been there on his own but he had moved off hurriedly whenever he saw Dimitri and his gang. Dimitri wasn't here to frighten him off. Peter managed to get his tongue untangled and stammered out "Hi, I'm Peter." He was looking around nervously. Anthony smiled again. "Don't go looking for trouble. My big brother is taking care of Chopper. You're safe here with me." Peter looked again more closely and came to a horrifying conclusion. "You're Savolo's brother." he gasped. Anthony laughed. "Of course I am. What's wrong with that?" "Oh shit." Peter muttered, "I'm dead meat." "What's the matter? What has Dimitri done to make you afraid of him?" "Your brother doesn't like gays and he thinks I'm one. Now I'm talking to his little brother and I'm going to get the shit knocked out of me." "Why do you think he hates gays?" "He bailed me up one day and asked me if I was gay. I don't think he believed me when I said I wasn't, and I've been trying to avoid him ever since." "Well you can stop worrying about that too." Anthony's face was getting angry. "I'll have something to say if he even thinks about doing that. I'm not going to have my brother frightening people who I want to be friends with." Peter's eyes bugged out. "What do you mean? You want to be friends with me?" "Why not? I wouldn't mind if you don't mind." "No worries. I wouldn't mind either, but Savolo scares me." "Huh." Anthony snorted. "You leave that big gorilla to me. Besides he's really rather nice when you get to know him. He's pretty good for a big brother." They were so busy talking they had not noticed the gang drift back and stand around them until Savolo spoke. "Have you got him yet Pipsqueak?" Peter shuddered and hunched into himself. Anthony got a bit savage. "We were getting on well until you came along." Dimitri grinned at him unfazed by his anger. "What ever made you take it into your head to ask him if he was gay? You've frightened him so much that he's been avoiding us for months. When I want your help I'll ask for it." "Well little brother, I know how long it takes you to get anywhere and I just wanted to know if you were wasting your time on some straight boy. To tell the truth I can't make up my mind whether he's gay or not, so you'll just have to find out for yourself." By now Peter's mouth was hanging open. Did this mean that Anthony was gay and that Savolo didn't mind? It looked as if he was even looking for gays for his brother. This put things in a whole different light. The habit of caution was too well ingrained for him to hope for more than a stay of execution. Anthony seemed less belligerent after the explanation. "Well we're getting on pretty well and I think we'll get to be friends if nothing happens to frighten him off. Is it safe for Peter to go home?" "Of course it is. When have I ever let my favourite little brother down? Chopper and his boys are sitting in some sewer nursing their bruises." Anthony smirked at Peter. "Since I'm his only little brother I have to be his favourite one. See? I told you he was pretty good for a big brother. Please don't run away from us any more. I'd really like to get to know you Peter." "Sure! I'll see you at school." With that Peter was up and off like a greyhound. The next day Anthony smiled at him when he saw him before school and Peter's heart did a flip-flop in his chest. Did he dare to hope that this was for real and not just some cruel practical joke? Was it really safe to tell someone his secret? He hadn't even told Henry let alone his mother and father. As the day went on he began to hope that it was for real. It would be such a relief to share the real Peter Foy with someone who might possibly understand. At lunchtime he picked up his roll and chocolate milk from the lunch shop and was heading for his usual secluded corner, he suddenly found himself flanked by Savolo and one of his mates. There was no preamble, Dimitri launched straight in. "I look after my little brother and when I found he was interested in you, I decided to see if you were likely to hurt him and stop it before he got hurt. I'm sorry if you misunderstood, but maybe it was a good thing. I still don't know if you're gay or not but it really doesn't matter. I've watched you for long enough to know that you won't hurt him whether you're straight or gay. If you want to be friends then I look after my brother's friends as well as him. It's up to you two. If you like you can sit with us down near the oval and we'll try not to interfere with you two. What do you say?" Peter was almost speechless for a minute. "I'd like to get to know Anthony better. Where do you have lunch?" Dimitri gestured vaguely and they continued walking. "I've always looked after Anthony, but since dad died I take it more seriously. I didn't even know he was gay until just after school started this year. It came as a bit of a shock. I had to change my thinking pretty smartly, either that or give up caring about my little brother, and I could never do that. He had told dad that he was gay last year and had asked dad to tell me because of my attitude towards gays. Dad died before he could tell me and I realise now that he had put off telling me because of my attitude. It made me feel really bad when I realised just what I had been doing to Anthony. I had made him feel bad and unwanted all because I was too lazy to think about what gays were and why they were gay. I just went along with what most people said and never thought for myself. I don't blame you for being frightened when I asked you if you were gay. There was no way that you could have known I had changed my attitude. I hope you are gay because Anthony really fancies you, but even if you aren't you'll make a good friend for him because you seem to have the same attitude that he has. I just want you to know that I'm not the way I used to be, and that I think you and Anthony will make good friends." Peter had always thought Savolo was a bit of a Neanderthal, who only communicated in grunts and single words. This long explanation had shown that to be a mistake. He was still thinking about how to reply when they stopped beside two benches in the shade of the gym hall. The explanation had touched a chord deep inside him, and then he took one look at the expectant face that Anthony turned towards them, grabbed hold of his courage before it slipped away, and suddenly stuck out his hand to Dimitri. "What's gone can't be changed but we can change the future. Let's start over again." Dimitri looked at him in amazement and then took his hand. "I knew I was right. Listen all of you; from now on Peter Foy is one of ours. I hope he and Anthony will be good friends but he's still one of ours regardless." With that he gave Peter's hand a slap and went to sit with his mates. Peter and Anthony were a bit slow getting going, but their conversation soon began to pick up. It was far too early in their friendship for them to risk outing themselves to each other, but they found they had plenty in common without that. They were both fairly good academically, but who wants to talk about schoolwork. The biggest find for both of them was that they were both interested in the sort of music that the others all looked down on as highbrow. Anthony was learning piano and trumpet, while Peter was into Drama and was acting in the next play the school dramatic society was putting on. They both enjoyed opera but neither of them was sure about ballet. They did not admit that it was because they were afraid of other people's reactions if they learned they enjoyed looking at men in tights. It was not as if they disliked pop music, and they raved to each other over "Trio" and "After the Gold Rush". They both found a lot of pop music to be so repetitive it was boring. Dimitri leaning down from his six feet three inches and clapping them both on the back suddenly interrupted them. "Wake up you two! The bell has gone. You can get together later." He had a rather pleased expression on his face and for the first time in the four years since he had first learned who he was, Peter did not feel afraid of Savolo. As they headed for class Dimitri dropped back to the rear of the pack and murmured quietly to his best mate, "This looks like it could be a goer for Pipsqueak. They have a lot in common by the sound of it. At least it will stop him from moping around like a wet week. Even if this Foy kid isn't gay he looks like he'll be a good friend." "Yeah! But he's as nervous as an unbroken horse. We'll have to be careful nothing spooks him." Geoff replied, and they separated to go to their different classes. Peter worked all Friday afternoon and night to get his homework out of the way. He had no idea where Anthony lived or his phone number. They had been so busy talking that they forgot to exchange vital information. The only place he knew he could see Anthony, apart from school, was at Mirrabella Shopping City. His parents were a bit bemused by his sudden enthusiasm for homework, but they didn't complain. His father did ask him if the boys he had seen him talking to after school were friends. His reply was that he was not sure, he had only just met them but it was looking good. That pleased his father who worried about his son's tendency to avoid people unless he had someone else with him. Saturday morning, Peter whizzed through the lawns as quickly as possible and told his father he was off to the mall, his mum was working her weekend job. He was wandering through the car-park with his eyes on the ground; he had been lucky so far and had collected six dollars. He decided that was enough to keep him from looking stupid in front of Anthony and began to head for an entrance. He walked around a corner and wham, straight into the fist of Woggo, Choppers right hand man. Woggo grabbed his shirt and called over his shoulder. "Got him Chopper, where do we take him?" Peter's head began to clear and he realised that he had no hope of getting away; Woggo was holding him so that his feet barely touched the ground. Chopper and the rest of the gang came out of hiding, making Peter realise they had been deliberately stalking him. Chopper had a nasty grin on his face. "Take him down by the disposal bins, no one goes there." His arm was forced up behind his back and he was marched to the bins. They took turns in demonstrating how hard they could punch and it was not long before Peter was barely conscious. It felt as if he had broken ribs and his face was swelling like a balloon. He was conscious enough to know someone intervened, and that the punishment suddenly stopped, he had a vague notion that there was an Angel kneeling over him at one stage, but he was unconscious by the time the ambulance got there. He was barely conscious when they unloaded him and wheeled him into emergency. Dimitri took the car to the mall. His mother had given permission for them to go to the late screening of the horror film, and did not want them walking home so late at night. He had picked up three of his mates on the way and promised to drop them home. He decided to park at the back entrance to the mall since it was closest to the theatre complex. It would be fairly empty now but it would fill up later in the evening. They were doodling down the driveway trying to find the perfect spot. As they went past, Anthony looked into the semi-enclosed courtyard that housed the garbage skips. Chopper and his boys were punching and kicking someone. They were a couple of rows further down before he realised that the persons hair had looked just like Peter's. His scream of "STOP" caused everyone to bounce against their seatbelts as Dimitri stood on the brakes. "Chopper's got Peter in the disposal bay and they're bashing him." Anthony gabbled it so fast that it took a moment for it to sink in, then the back doors flew open and the three in the back seat were off and running. Dimitri swung into the nearest vacant spot and sent Anthony for the Mall security while he ran in the opposite direction As Anthony rounded the curve and came in sight of the entry, he could see a Police car and a Security man talking to the officers. "Help! They're killing Peter!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. That got their attention and, when he reached the car, the Security man asked where. "Down by the bins." Anthony gasped out. The security man bundled him into the back of the patrol car and followed him in. "God knows what state he's in, they've been at it for ten minutes", he exclaimed. The car screeched into the bay almost blocking the entrance and they could see a wild fight going on. Savolo and his mates were outnumbered two to one, yet they were nearly holding their own. Peter was lying curled up with his head in a pool of blood. The driver leaped out with baton drawn but the offsider radioed in for backup before joining him. The presence of police caused a flurry of attempts to get out of the bay, but the security man neatly tripped Woggo as he tried and then handcuffed him. Chopper was trying to scale the wall around the bay, but Geoff pulled him down and slung him towards the police. The security man pointed out the faces he had seen on the surveillance video. It was only a matter of minutes before a backup car came and they could see what condition Peter was in. They had to get Dimitri to take Anthony away he was kneeling over Peter and crying. The woman officer was very sympathetic but efficient, as she did a preliminary examination. Fortunately the hospital was not very busy when Peter was wheeled in. He was cleaned up and put into a bed for observation. He slipped in and out of consciousness for most of the afternoon, and it was not until almost evening that they were able to get his address. The staff knew that his friends were in the waiting room but none of them knew where he lived. Chopper knew but he told the police he didn't. When Peter was able to give them his address and phone number, they had suggested to Alf that the friends, who were driving them mad by anxiously demanding information whenever they saw a nurse, could come and get him. Dimitri leaped at the chance to do something but Anthony would not leave the hospital. Geoff stayed with Anthony and was not embarrassed when Anthony burst into tears and needed to be held. He had younger sisters and was used to it. "Why did they do it Geoff? What did Peter ever do to them? I couldn't bear it if he dies. I've only just found him and he's just the sort of friend I've always wanted. If something happens I'll be alone again." "Don't get yourself all upset. Nothing is going to happen to him." Geoff fervently hoped that was true. "I don't think Chopper needs a reason for anything he does. He just likes belting people up for fun. I think it makes him feel strong and in control. He's just a brainless dork." Just then the senior doctor came out to see if they were back with Mr Foy. He came over and asked Geoff if he needed anything for Anthony. Geoff told him that Anthony was afraid Peter might die and none of the nurses would say anything except he was doing as well as could be expected. The doctor looked at Anthony and said, "Are you the Angel he keeps asking for? Whenever he comes around he keeps asking why we took his Angel away." "That's what he called you down at the mall," Geoff said to Anthony. "In that case I think we can make an exception," the doctor said. "You're probably the best medicine he could have right now. If we have to work on him you will have to come out here again, but we'll call you back as soon as we're finished." He led Anthony into the ward, explaining that Peter looked pretty bad but they thought he would make a full recovery and he needed Anthony to be strong for him. It was only a few minutes later that Peter surfaced again and smiled. He whispered to the doctor, "You brought my Angel back," and then slipped quietly into unconsciousness. That settled it for Dr Frost. He gave instructions that Anthony was to be allowed to stay as long as he wanted. When Dimitri came back with Mr Foy, Anthony was gently stroking Peter and whispering in his ear. Alf Foy had recognised Dimitri as soon as he had opened the door to him. He asked if he was one of the boys Peter had said he was becoming friends with. Dimitri assured him he was and that it was Peter who was still unsure. All of them already thought of him as their friend, especially Anthony. They had explained what had happened on the way to the hospital, and Alf was not surprised to find Anthony sitting beside his son. He gave all the details to the admissions clerk and then went to join Anthony. He observed for a few minutes from outside the curtain, and noticed that Peter smiled every time he looked at Anthony. He was not speaking but Anthony was whispering to him. The sight re-ignited a spark that was in the back of his mind. He had suspicions that his son might be gay, it had something to do with the different ways he and Henry acted. He had carefully avoided looking at it for the last few years but this pushed it back into his mind. He decided that he would stop avoiding the issue, but that it could wait until Peter was well. Until then he would just observe. He slipped quietly in and drew up a chair beside Anthony. The conversation between Alf and Anthony had been a little strained at first, but Alf noticed that he was not touching Peter now and was just sitting silent. He thought about it for a few minutes and then moved his chair around the other side of Peter. He began by holding his son's hand and murmuring quietly. "Dad's here now Peter and so is your Angel." He gestured for Anthony to take his other hand. "Don't be afraid my boy child, daddy will keep you safe. Come back to us Petey and stay here with us. Your Angel is upset and frightened, so please come back and make him happy. Can you do that for your old dad?" Out in the waiting room the three who had gone for Alf were getting Geoff's version of what happened, including the fact that the doctor had said he expected Peter to make a full recovery. That produced a collective sigh of relief. Dimitri wanted the boys to go to the film but had no intention of going himself. He couldn't leave Anthony. Geoff told him that he had better ring his mother in case the police went around there and she got the wrong idea about what had happened. Myrna Savolopoulos took the phone call without missing a beat. Tod had married her because she was level headed and as good at business as he was. They had made a good team. When the sudden heart attack had taken him from them, there had been only minor ripples in their business and manufacturing enterprises. She had appointed a General Manager and things had continued much as before. She was glad it was not one of her sons in the hospital, but she was not surprised that Dimitri had taken a hand to help someone he knew, he had been doing it all his life. He was so much like his father that sometimes it made her heart ache. She told him that he should come and pick her up and she would talk to Mr Foy and the doctors before she made a decision on anything. Two of the boys asked to be dropped home and he did that on the way. When he got home his mother had changed into something very businesslike and teased out every detail of what Dimitri knew, on the trip to the hospital. Peter woke and smiled at his Angel as he croaked, "I thought I heard Dad here. Has anyone told him angel?" "Yes they have Petey, and he's right here beside you. Don't be worrying we'll get you well soon and your Angel can stay as long as he wants to." Peter turned his head. "Daddy, they cut all my good clothes up," and Peter began to cry. "What will I wear now, I haven't got any clothes?" "Don't worry about that now. I'll bring you some pyjamas and bring some clothes when you're better." He was patting one hand and Anthony was rubbing the other. " Hush, shush my brave boy. We can always buy new clothes, but there aren't any shops that sell my Petey boy. I'll have to go home and tell your mother and Tricia what has happened but the doctors say your angel can stay as long as he wants." Alf looked across at Anthony. "Do you want to stay with him?" Anthony nodded vigorously. "Well I had better get in touch with your mother and see if I can get her to agree. If he's forgotten your name it's probably because of the concussion, but he's made it pretty plain that he enjoys you being here." The nurse came to check Peter and they were both shooed out of the room. The moment they stepped into the waiting room Alf did a double take. "Myrna Lockwood! I had no idea it was you." "Alfred Foy! She was equally as surprised. "I knew there was something familiar about that name. Where have you been? I haven't seen you since before I got married." They got to nattering about old times and forgot the important matter of Anthony staying. Dr Frost came out and told them they could go back in. Alf immediately got a guilty look and turned a mute appeal to Myrna. Dr Frost got in ahead of him. "Mrs Savolopoulos, would you permit this young man to stay here and keep Peter company? I know it's an unusual request and we don't usually allow it in adult wards, but he has an incredibly calming effect on Peter. When he's there Peter is so relaxed we can do anything to him, but when he's out of sight Peter gets very agitated. I would rather have him sleeping beside Peter than have to fill him full of sedatives. They have a tendency to mask symptoms." Myrna did not hesitate. "Of course he can stay. Dimitri will bring some things back for him. Alf is an old friend from school, and it's not a big thing he needs to help him. Besides, Dimitri tells me that they became best friends after just one meeting and Anthony looks as if he can't wait to get back in there. Go on then, get in there." Anthony ran off with a huge grin on his face. He pushed the door so wide that they could see Peter and both Alf and Myrna watched the smile come to his face and grow to a grin, as Anthony got closer. Then the door cut off their view. Myrna turned to Alf. "I know it's a pretty delicate subject, but have you considered the possibility that your son is gay?" "I've been trying to avoid considering it for the past several years, but seeing those two together has made me think I have been hiding my head in the sand." "Well Anthony hit us over the head with it about a year and a half ago. I've had a chance to get used to the idea. It came as a bigger shock to Dimitri than it did to me, or his father, but he's OK with it now. How do you feel about the idea? Would you be able to cope with it if he turns out to be gay? Do you have any objections to him having a gay friend?" Myrna had a slightly belligerent tinge to her voice as she prepared to defend her offspring. Alf just stood there for a moment, slowly shaking his head. "I worked with several gays at 'FeldenProd'. I've got no problems with them. It's just that I've been so busy closing my eyes that I haven't been able to see what was in front of my nose. If I hadn't been so stupid I could have made it easier for him to tell me, but I've been so worried about work since I was laid off that I've just shoved everything else aside." He looked up at Myrna. "I have no idea if his mother has guessed, or how she will take it when I tell her. What effect will this have on Tricia and Henry? How will they cope with work and things? The law says it's illegal to discriminate, but there are all sorts of ways around the law. Guess who were the first to be laid off when FeldenProd reorganised. It's not going to be easy for them, I hope they will be able to cope." He looked at the floor again. "Alfred Foy, it's not like you to get all pessimistic. Go and say goodnight to your son and we'll drive you home. They have both our phone numbers if they need us" Myrna's voice was gentle but stern. "Dimitri bring the car to the front door. Geoff we'll drop you home first. Before you go Geoff, I just want you to know how grateful I am for your support for Dimitri and Anthony. You've been a very true friend tonight." Geoff blushed and hurried off to catch up with Dimitri. Alf went in to his son. Peter looked as if he was sleeping, and Anthony had his head on the pillow whispering in his ear. He looked guilty when he saw Alf and lifted his head. Alf walked up beside him and kissed him gently on the cheek. "Look after him for me young Anthony. I know he couldn't be in better hands. If he wakes up and worries about me seeing you together, tell him I know what it's like to be in love." Alf leaned over and kissed Peter. Peter's eyes opened slowly and he looked like a sleepy little child. "Good night my darling son. I haven't kissed you goodnight since you were nine or ten. Perhaps I've been too wrapped up in my own problems to think to help you with yours. We'll sort it all out when you're well again. I'm going home to your mother, but I'll be back tomorrow, and I'm leaving your Angel here to look after you. Sleep tight sweet prince, and know your father loves you no matter what happens." "Good night Dad." Peter mumbled sleepily. "See you in the morning." He closed his eyes and slipped off again. Alf didn't say any more but he pulled Anthony up from the chair and hugged him. The tears were trickling down his face, but he was smiling. He rubbed Anthony's hair and then left, wiping his eyes. They went to Myrna's house first and she sent Dimitri up to collect the clothes she wanted. They talked about all the things that had happened since they had last seen each other, and Alf was sympathetic about the unexpected death of Tod. Then they drove to the Foy's. Lola had just arrived home a few minutes before and read the note Alf had left; Tricia was at a friends place. He had to give her a report on Peter before she was willing to be introduced to Myrna and Dimitri. He was sent back to the hospital with the clothes and the adults sat down to discuss things. Lola was given the story of what had happened from the moment Anthony had seen Peter until they had left the hospital. Myrna was as factual and complete as if she had been delivering a business report. Lola sat for a few minutes digesting what she had been told and then turned to Alf. "Are you trying to tell me that our son is gay?" "I really have no idea love. I think it may be a strong possibility but this is hardly the time to bring it up with him." "I think you're right. I've wondered about it for a couple of years, but when I asked Henry what he thought, he just said that Peter was an egghead and didn't fit in with other people." Myrna came into the conversation. "Will you be able to cope with it if he is gay? I've had some experience with having a gay son and I'm only too willing to help if you need it." Lola smiled at her. "I think I can cope but I know who to talk to now, if I need any help. Does your son Anthony happen to be about three inches taller than Peter with brown curly hair and a cute turned up nose?" "Yes, why?" "Well Peter took a photo from the local paper, which had a story about the school band, and scanned it into his computer. Then he picked out one particular boy and blew his image up to half screen size. When I asked him why he was doing that he just said he was experimenting to see what the programme could do. I think it may have been a photo of your son." Myrna produced a photo from her handbag and Lola just nodded and smiled when she saw it. Alf got up to let Dimitri in and they all turned expectant eyes on him. "What?" He asked, puzzled by their mute enquiries. "How were they son? Were there any problems?" "No problems. They've put a trolley thing on one side of the bed for Pipsqueak to sleep on, and they're lying there making goo-goo eyes at each other. I don't think Peter knows where he is but he looks as if he couldn't care less." Alf cleared his throat. "We were discussing the possibility that Peter's gay. What's your opinion?" "Well, yesterday I couldn't make up my mind one way or the other, but seeing them just now has me convinced enough to put money on it. Do you know what Anthony was telling him? How he had to change his embouchure to play some trumpet voluntary. Peter looked as if he was hearing the most wonderful secret in the world. I know he's not all there because of the knock on the head, but I'm willing to put my money on him being gay." Lola commented dryly. "I think you're right. I seem to remember some girl getting all involved in despatch invoicing about twenty five years ago." Alf's voice held a note of worry. "I think it's too early to go jumping to conclusions. We'll just wait and see." Myrna smiled. "It took Tod and me a while to come to terms with it. Don't be worried if it takes you a few months. We'll come and get you tomorrow and take you to the hospital. They might have some idea by then of when Peter can be released." With that they said their goodbyes and left. On the trip home, Myrna noticed several houses that already had their Christmas lights up. In the hospital the doctor and nurses were commenting on the strange orders left by Dr Frost. They had done as requested and set the extra bed up so that they could observe and treat the patient with little inconvenience. He seemed to be making a good recovery, but there had been several severe blows to the face and head, so they were worried about bleeding into the brain. The young fellow with him was very obliging and little trouble, and he did have a good effect on the patient. Peter was awake again and he asked the Angel if Daddy had gone home. The Angel stroked his arm and told him that he would be back tomorrow and that he had sent pyjamas for Peter if he would like to put them on. Peter had been awake when Dimitri had come, but he didn't seem to remember it. Peter said he would like his pyjamas, but he slipped off to sleep before Anthony could get up, so Anthony just went to sleep himself. He had some wonderful dreams, but they were all about kissing and cuddling and not at all sexy. He woke whenever the nurses came to check Peter and Peter often woke then too, but sometimes Peter woke when the Angel was asleep, and he moved his bruised arm from under the blanket and stroked the Angel. He felt just like a real person. Sunday morning Dr Frost arrived while they were still eating breakfast. Peter had no internal injuries that would prevent him from eating. The doctor smiled at the tousled Angel and asked him if they had had a good night and was told they had. Anthony asked him about putting Peter's pyjamas on and Dr Frost got a nurse to help while he observed Peter for any adverse reactions. Peter seemed to be much better than yesterday, but the doctor thought he should have a precautionary brain scan. Anthony made Peter promise to behave well for the doctor and assured him that he would be right there when Peter got back. While they were away, a nurse showed him where he could have a shower. He was just back in the ward when a nurse came to find him. Peter was getting very agitated and they wanted Anthony to calm him. Peter was lying on the table and refused to lie still. He was accusing them of trying to take his Angel away. When Anthony got there Peter burst into tears and held his arms out to the Angel. Anthony leaned over the table and Peter hugged him. He smiled and stroked Peter's hair on the side without the stitches. "What's all this about Petey? You promised me you would be good for the doctor." "They're trying to take you away from me." "No one is trying to do that. What makes you think they are?" "They've got some machine here that makes funny noises and makes everybody go away." "Oh you big silly. That's just the way they take x-rays. They don't want anyone else in the picture but you." Anthony knew this was wrong but it seemed like the thing most likely to settle Peter. "I tell you what," said the technician, "your Angel can stand at the window where you can see him and you will know we aren't sending him away." That was how they managed to get through the rest of the session. Peter was wheeled through to the observation ward and Dr Frost was left with a dilemma. There was no bleeding but the patient was irrational. Should he send him home or keep him here? In the end, the hospital budget won and he decided to discharge Peter as soon as his parents got there. Lola had to go to work at the local Subway. Before she left she made sure Alf had a dressing gown for Peter, he would need it when they allowed him up. Myrna and Dimitri arrived about nine thirty and Alf told Tricia it was better for her to stay home as Peter was still in a very unstable condition. They were soon at the hospital in the lighter traffic. Dr Frost took Alf into an office almost as soon as he got there. He was worried about Peter but he told Alf he had no real medical reason to justify keeping him in hospital. Alf asked Myrna and Dimitri to join them. He briefly explained the problem. Dr Frost thought Peter was irrational because of swelling of his brain. The swelling would go down, probably by Wednesday, but how were they going to cope with Peter until it did. Dr Frost related the incident in the radiology department and asked them if they had any ideas as to how to keep Peter calm. Dimitri shrugged his shoulders. "That's obvious. Leave Anthony with him." "It's not quite that simple young man." Myrna reminded him. "There is the little matter of school. Then there are other practical matters like Anthony needing somewhere to sleep and being another mouth for Alf to feed." "Don't worry about the food or a bed. We've got Henry's bed spare. He can't afford the fare home for Christmas, so he has a holiday job in Queensland and is staying with a mate. The school is the really important matter. I think Peter is smart enough to pick up anything he misses. He could be top of the class in every subject if he would only put his mind to it, but I'd feel bad if Anthony was to fall behind because of Peter." "Don't you worry about Pipsqueak, he's so smart it's revolting. He gets straight 'A's in everything and the only thing he seems to put any effort into is his music. It's so easy for him he makes me feel sick. Besides, the Year ten exams are over and they won't do much between now and the holidays." "Dimitri!" Myrna said sternly. "Don't talk about your brother like that." She turned to Alf. "Would it be possible for Anthony to study at your place if we were to get the lesson notes from the school?" "That's no problem. Henry's desk just needs tidying up to give him room to work. We don't have a piano for him to practise on, will that make him fall behind?" Dimitri laughed. "No problem, we'll just put the electric keyboard in for him. He plays it as much as the piano anyway. You're going to regret it when he starts on the trumpet though." "What do you think Alf? Would you like Anthony to stay for the week? It might take that long for Peter to stabilise." "If you don't mind, I'd be very grateful. It will keep Peter from getting excited and maybe causing more damage in his head." Myrna was business like again. "That's settled then. I'll ring the school in the morning and arrange it." Dr Frost had slipped out and he came back with the discharge papers. He gave strict instructions that Peter was to have someone with him whenever he was out of bed, since there was a real danger of him falling, and making things worse. He was to spend the next week in bed except when he came back for his outpatients' appointments. He had put a soft neck collar on Peter and suggested Alf should buy one and return the one he was wearing when he came in again. It would be a good idea if he were to wear it for several weeks to remind him to be careful of his head. They could also borrow the wheelchair for a few days. They wheeled Peter out to the car and put him in the driver's side, where he would have a lap sash seatbelt. Dimitri managed to fit the wheelchair into the boot, but his mother decided she would drive, telling him he was too rough for Peter's health, even if he was quite good. Peter was almost oblivious to what was going on around him. He had his Angel beside him and nothing bad could happen while he was there. They settled Peter into bed and removed his collar. He was asleep in just a few minutes and they took Anthony to the lounge room to explain what the arrangements were. Henry and Peter shared the largest bedroom because they needed room for their desks. Anthony was delighted to be spending the week with his Peter, but he was worried about the fact that Peter was still calling him Angel and could not accept that he was just his friend Anthony. They played down the seriousness of it and told him Peter would recover his memory when the brain swelling went down. They were worried that it would be too big a strain on Anthony, but he told them that he would practise his music while Peter was asleep and that would keep him from getting bored. They had lunch and Myrna and Dimitri left to get his clothes and instruments. Myrna came back with the things and Dimitri unloaded them, then he went off to get Chinese for everyone. He was back just after Lola got home. They brought Peter down to the table, complete with collar, and he enjoyed the company but he was a bit vague, so the conversation was kept to things he could remember. They talked about school and what he liked doing at the Mall. He didn't seem able to remember anything of Friday of Saturday. He told them about finding the twenty dollars and then looked at his mother and father with a guilty expression. "Did I do wrong to spend all that money on myself? Should I have brought it home for you Daddy? I know you have to work very hard and you don't make much money." Alf looked like he would cry. "No Petey you didn't do anything wrong. We're happy that you managed to get some money to spend on yourself. It's hard for me to find money for things like films." Peter looked at Anthony. "I met you at the Mall at the fountain didn't I Angel? Are you going to stay with me now I'm home or are you going to go away?" Anthony cleared his throat, but his voice was still a bit quavery. "I'm going to stay with you for a while Peter, to help you get well. I will have to leave some time but it's a long way away yet, so please don't worry." "He's going to sleep in Henry's bed so he can be near you." Lola added. "Would you like that?" "Yes please Mummy. I get frightened that bad things are going to happen to me but I know they won't if my Angel is there beside me, because angels only bring good things." There was a chorus of throat clearing around the table and then Alf asked. "Will it be alright if he plays some music? It might be a bit noisy and hurt your ears. We could ask him to practise on the back verandah if you like." Peter looked excited. "Will you play your trumpet for me? You said you were learning one of our pieces of music. The Purcell Trumpet Voluntary by Mr Jeremiah Clark." "If your parents can stand the noise, I'll play it for you tomorrow. I think it might be a good idea if I went out on the verandah to play it because it would hurt your ears if I played it in the bedroom." "Please Angel, please." Peter looked and sounded so wistful. "Couldn't you play it for me now?" Alf interrupted. "Petey, you're looking tired. I think it would be better if he played it for you tomorrow." Peter pouted, but he did as he was asked and went to bed. As soon as he was out of the room Tricia burst into tears. They had a hard time convincing her that the real Peter would return once the swelling in his brain went down. Lola and Anthony assisted Peter to bed and he whispered to his Angel that he really would like to hear him play. Anthony looked at Lola and asked if she thought he might play a little bit of it for him. She smiled and nodded. Anthony told him he had to be patient because he needed to clean his teeth before playing the trumpet. He put the trumpet on Henry's bed and went to the bathroom. When he came back Peter was looking sleepy and Lola was still sitting beside him. He took the trumpet and walked out to the verandah. Soon the notes of the trumpet were heard in every house on the block. Anthony concentrated on making each note as perfect as he was able, and it almost sounded like a love song. He only played the opening and closing passages and then went inside. Lola was still on the bed, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief. Peter was sound asleep with a beautiful smile on his face. Anthony picked up a piece of rag and a pull through and they tiptoed back to the lounge room. "I don't think there's any doubt about Peter, Alf." Lola said as soon as they walked in. "Just before he fell asleep Peter said that his Angel was telling him how much he loved him and he loved his Angel back just as much." Anthony went bright red and Dimitri smirked at his discomfort. Dimitri looked as if he was going to say something, but he glanced at his mother and changed his mind. "What do you mean? What's wrong with Peter?" Tricia was on the verge of panic. Alf wrapped his arms around her. "There's nothing to worry about princess. But it's just possible that Peter is gay. It's not something to worry about and it won't make much difference to you, but we're trying to decide if he is so that we can find ways to help him." "OH DAD! You frightened me. I thought it was something wrong with him. You're so slow sometimes. Of course Peter's gay. I've known that for ages. Henry knows too, but he'll never admit it, and Peter tries to hide it because he doesn't want to be beaten up, but they beat him up anyway." She burst into tears and Alf held her and rubbed her back. "Well I'm sorry we're a bit slow, but your father and I have only just realised it." Lola was smiling at her. "I hope you smart youngsters will make some allowances if it takes us a little while to get used to the idea." Myrna stood up and took Lola's hand. "If you need anything just let me know. I think we would have become friends long before this, but we didn't happen to meet until now. Now we need to be friends for the sake of our sons. I made a note of the time of the outpatients' appointment. Don't go getting a taxi, I'll come and get you. Goodnight." She gave Lola a kiss on the cheek. She shook Alf's hand at the door. Anthony wanted to help with the washing up but Lola told him his job was to keep Peter calm and he could best do that by going to bed, in case he woke. Anthony turned the volume of the keyboard down to its lowest setting and sat and played for an hour before he felt ready to sleep. As he was changing, he saw Peter was watching him. "I like your music Angel. It makes me feel all warm inside. Will you kiss me goodnight?" Anthony did and Peter had that beautiful smile again as he slipped off to sleep. Anthony gave Peter a bath the next morning. He told Peter it was safer than him standing in the shower and Peter went serenely along with anything his Angel said. Lola made no move to interfere, except to get out towels and a clean pair of pyjamas. She wanted to baby her son, but realised that this was what he needed at the moment. Anthony was pretty embarrassed about his reaction to the sight of Peter naked. He was trying to be as detached as if he was a nurse, but it wasn't working. Peter had no shame at his erection and pointed it at his Angel. "See? He likes you too. We both like you Angel. Thank you for helping me." The bath was as quick as Anthony could make it. Peter wanted to play in the water but Anthony thought that was too dangerous and got him out. He persuaded Peter to dry himself but he was making such a bad job of it that Anthony had to take over and finish it. That made both of them hard again. Anthony led him slowly back to bed, hoping his mother would not come to help and see their arousal. Lola was just finishing changing the sheets on Peter's bed, but she made no comment as Peter got in and his erection became very obvious. Myrna rang and told her of the police request to interview Peter and Anthony in addition to the other four boys. She had told them they were wasting their time. The victim had no memory of events after Thursday evening and Anthony was helping look after him and was far too busy to take time for an interview. Things might have changed in a week's time and they should enquire again then. They had wanted to see for themselves if Peter had no memory and she had told them that if Dr Frost would give them permission, in writing, to interview Peter then she would arrange it with his mother. On Wednesday he was given an MRI scan and it showed that his brain was almost back to its normal size. The doctor said that it could take another week before it began to function normally again. Peter had been no trouble. The technician had been warned and simply put a chair beside the tunnel and told Peter that his angel could sit there and hold his hand but if he misbehaved they would make his Angel go outside and wait. They checked Peter's eyesight and hearing and found no deterioration. They took out his stiches and retaped his ribs. Saturday came and they were beginning to get worried. There was no sign of improvement in Peter. Myrna was as worried as Lola. Dimitri had told her that Anthony had been trying to get to know Peter all year and only one day after they had met properly this had happened. If Peter turned out to be permanently brain damaged, what effect would it have on Anthony? Anthony had other problems to worry about. Peter's inhibitions had vanished with his memory and he would take great pleasure in showing Anthony how hard he was for him. By Wednesday night Anthony was so nervous he had almost dragged Alf into the bedroom where Peter was exposing himself. He cheerfully told his dad that he was showing his angel how much he liked him. Alf sat on the bed and pulled Anthony down beside him. "I can see how much you like your Angel and I'm sure your Angel likes you just as much. I think it would be a good idea if I set some rules for you." He looked at Anthony. "I think you should only show your Angel how much you like him when you're alone here in the bedroom. I think it would be alright for your Angel to show you how much he likes you if he feels like it. There's no problem if you want to touch each other, but mutual masturbation is as far as I 'm prepared to let you go at this stage. Keep the door shut and I'll make sure there's a supply of rag for you to use, if you need it." He gave Anthony a squeeze. "It's something to do with the blow to the head. He was never like this before. I think the best idea is to keep him happy and to just try and keep it as private as possible. There's no need to be embarrassed, I was your age myself and I can still remember the problems. It's doubly hard for you and you have indeed been an Angel for all of us. I'll tell Lola never to come in without knocking and waiting for permission. Don't be afraid of either of us getting angry with you, we know you're doing the best you can and you're making a very good job of it." With that Alf gave Anthony another squeeze and left the room. He was back again in less than a minute with several pieces of rag. He kissed Anthony's cheek. "Just enjoy it Angel. I know Peter will." He left closing the door firmly behind him. The first time had been later that night. Anthony needed to digest what Alf had said. He sat at the keyboard and worked his way through loads of Bach and Beethoven pieces. Peter had fallen asleep with a smile of pure contentment. Peter woke when Anthony stopped playing and was watching with sleepy eyes as he changed for bed. Anthony was startled by the voice behind him. "Can I see your one Angel? Is yours like mine or do angels lose it when they go to heaven?" Anthony turned slowly. "Petey, I'm not from heaven. I live right here on this earth like you do. I'm Anthony, your friend from school. I'm Savolo's brother and I have one just like you do. I've dreamed all year about getting to see you and you seeing me, but it feel a bit funny now that your dad has said we can. I don't know what I expected but it wasn't anything like this." "Please Angel let me see." Anthony turned and dropped his pyjama pants. He stepped out of them and slowly walked over to Peter's bed. Peter put out his hand and lifted the hem of Anthony's jacket. "It's beautiful Angel just like you are. Look! It must like me too, it's starting to smile for me." "Smile" was not the word Anthony would have used it was now so hard it was almost painful. Peter put out his other hand and began to stroke it like you would a cat. Anthony had to make a grab for the rag because it suddenly unloaded. Peter laughed delightedly. "See! I told you it liked me as much as you do. Look! Mine did the same for you." Peter lifted the bedclothes away and there was a huge pool on the sheet. Peter's now flaccid dick was still dribbling a bit. Anthony cleaned up the mess as well as he could and tucked Peter's dick back into his pyjamas. Despite what Alf had said he was a bit apprehensive about Lola's reaction when she realised what had happened. Thursday came and Lola showed no reaction at all. She treated Anthony no differently to what she had any other day. She had simply changed the sheets while they were in the bathroom, and added some clean pieces of rag to the pile. Anthony let Peter look but not touch on Thursday and Friday. The enforced bed rest was over on Saturday and Alf helped Anthony dress Peter. They took him out on the front lawn, complete with the collar, to get some early morning sun and Peter talked Anthony into playing the trumpet for him. Alf asked him if he knew a piece that he used to like, but it was out of fashion now. It had been based on 'Taps'. Anthony immediately dashed inside and returned with a piece of sheet music. "It's a Herb Alpert arrangement," he said, "and my teacher says it's a good piece for any trumpeter to learn because of the phrasing." Anthony stood facing the house so that there was good light on the score. Then he launched into the piece. He poured into it all the emotion that had built up over the last week. When he finished there was a smattering of applause from behind him and several "Bravo's" and "Beautiful's". The neighbours had come to visit and had stood there entranced. Anthony blushed but he was not so embarrassed he forgot to take a bow and say thank you. Peter was sitting there beside his father and tears were gently rolling down his cheeks. Anthony immediately asked what was wrong. Alf cleared his throat. "Anthony my boy, I don't think you have any idea what you do to people when you play like that." Peter managed to speak. "Angel, that was so beautiful it made my heart cry from happiness." He held out his arms to Anthony. "Can I have a hug Angel?" Anthony forgot about their audience. He knelt in front of Peter and they threw their arms around each other in a long and loving hug. Alf explained to the neighbours that Peter had recovered reasonably well, his broken ribs were strapped and the swelling in his brain and on his face was almost gone, but that he had no memories of things that were happening around him. They were not to be upset if Peter did not remember their visit. He proudly explained Anthony's role in Peter's speedy recovery and this made people even more congratulatory when they spoke to Anthony. Mr Marks, the Drama teacher came by. He just wanted to see how Peter was. He had already started intensive coaching of the understudy for Ned Kelly in the play they were doing. He was bitterly disappointed that Peter would not be able to take the role. He had a wonderful feel for the dialogue Douglas Stewart had written. He just wanted to be sure there was no hope of Peter being able to perform. After a few minutes of conversation, he knew it was hopeless. They went indoors after that, as the sun was getting hot. Dimitri and Geoff came over after lunch to see if Peter and Anthony wanted to go to the Mall. Alf thought it was a good idea but the three of them had to look after Peter, since he was inclined to wander if he was not watched. There was a possibility that the Mall would jog his memory back to normal. They took him all around but he was so interested in the Christmas decorations that, despite the collar, Anthony had to keep telling him not to put his head back and try to look at things overhead. They had no problem with Peter wandering; he didn't let go of Anthony's hand the whole time they were there. They walked around to the bin area, but it had no effect on Peter. He just looked disinterestedly at the sparse remains of his own blood on the asphalt. The access door opened and the security officer who had been on duty the previous Saturday came out. He wanted to know how Peter was and looked sad when they told him. They were all a bit depressed and went home soon after that. Soon after they came in, Alf took Anthony aside. "Lola is finding it tiring having to clean the bath every day. I think Peter is well enough now for you to put him in the shower." Anthony almost panicked. "What if he slips and knocks his head?" "You could always have yours with him. He'd love that. The shower is big enough for two to fit. I had it made larger than usual because I always used to take the boys in with me when they were little." Anthony looked embarrassed again. "Anthony! Stop worrying! We know you two are just friends. If you go on to become lovers then I, for one, will be very happy. You've shown yourself to be a very wonderful, caring person. If you boys play around a little then you're not doing anything different to what I did when I was your age. The only difference is that you know that I know about it. Back when I was doing it I tried to hide it from my parents. Looking back I'm pretty sure my dad knew, but it was not something you talked about back then. Anthony, Lola and I love you. We will never criticize you or claim you're taking advantage of Peter. Just relax and let things happen however they will." "OK Mr Foy." "Don't you dare call me Mr Foy. Call me Alf or anything else you feel comfortable with, but not Mr Foy." Anthony grinned at him. "What about Poppa Alf." "You rotten little bugger!" Alf replied with a futile attempt to keep a straight face. "I suppose I left myself open for that. If it makes you happy then I'll be proud to be your Poppa Alf, even if it makes me feel a hundred years old, but you'd better not call Lola, Nana, or she'll probably give you a thick ear." Around the dinner table that night they were surprised to hear Peter describing all the decorations in the Mall. This was the first sign that his memory was returning. They watched the box for a while but Peter was restless and Anthony took him to bed. Peter asked him to play some more angel music for him, so Anthony got out some Mozart pieces he had been avoiding because he thought they sounded better on the piano. When he reached the end he found a piece his mother loved was sticking to the back of the score. She used to play it and sing it to his father. He opened it and in memory of his father he began to play. The second time through he began to sing in a light tenor. "The first time ever I saw your face. I thought the sun moved in the sky." He finished the third verse with tears running down his face at the memory of his father and the love between his parents. As the last note died away there was a sighing release of breath from the doorway. Lola, Alf and Tricia were there. As he turned his head, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around him from behind. "Please don't cry my Angel. That was that most beautiful thing I've ever heard. It was even more beautiful than the other music." Anthony buried his face in Peter's chest and cried out his sorrow. "Mum used to sing it to Dad all the time. Now my dad is gone and she's stopped singing." Suddenly he was at the centre of four pairs of arms. "My Angel has a pain in his heart but he still comes to make me feel happy and safe. Daddy? Is there anything we can do to take away my Angel's pain?" "No darling." Lola replied. "The only cure for his sadness is time. It heals as time goes by. If there was any other cure then I'd move heaven and earth to get it for him." "Isn't there anything we can do mummy? It makes me sad when my Angel cries." "There's one thing that will make him feel better. We'll put him into your bed so you can cuddle him until he gets over his sadness." Alf looked pointedly at Tricia and Lola. They got the message and left. Alf and Peter put Anthony's pyjamas on him and Peter lay on his good side while Alf helped Anthony in beside him and tucked them in. Fortunately the bed was a large single, not the usual narrow one. Peter wrapped his arm over Anthony and Alf left the room, closing the door very firmly behind him. Anthony fell asleep with Peter whispering in his ear and rubbing his back. Peter followed a few minutes later. They were exhausted and hardly moved all night. Alf peeked in when he got up to get Lola off to work. They were so beautiful that he was tempted to take a photograph. He might have, only he had sold the camera to get Henry's fare to Queensland. He took Lola to peek and they tiptoed back to the kitchen. Anthony woke to the smell of frying bacon being wafted under his nose. "Time to eat you pair of sleepyheads." Alf said fondly as he took the pan away. "Get Petey up, and eat before you have your shower. " Then he went back to enjoy his own breakfast. Peter stirred and turned on his side again, grinding himself gently into Anthony. Anthony rubbed his back as their erections twitched and jiggled together. "Wake up Petey, breakfast's ready." Peter opened sleepy eyes and murmured back "This feel nice Angel." "I know it does, but your father has breakfast ready so we can't play around now." Anthony backed out of bed and put on his robe, more to hide his arousal than any need for warmth. He pulled the bedclothes off Peter and put his robe on, and they made the trek to the table. They woke up pretty quickly when Alf put bacon, eggs and toast on the table. Peter might be having trouble with his head but it wasn't affecting his appetite. They did not sit around long once they were finished eating. Now their erections had gone down their bladders were bursting. Anthony decided that they could just wear their robes back to the bedroom, after all Alf had not just given him permission to be naked with his son, he had encouraged him, so there was no need to hide. Their shower was much longer than Anthony planned, but Alf sat in the dining room, listening to the shower run, with a smile on his face. In his more financially comfortable period he had put in a solar hot water heater so they had plenty of water and it would get cold gradually, not suddenly. He went back to reading the paper. He was startled out of his reading by a shout of "OH, oh, oh, ANGEL." He settled his jangled nerves and grinned to himself. Peter was obviously enjoying his shower. It might be wise to tell him to be a bit quieter so as not to startle Lola too much. Not long after they were dressed Dimitri and Geoff drove up. They offered to shout them lunch at the mall since the whole gang was going to be there. Anthony looked to Alf for permission. Alf nodded and then added a cryptic comment that had Anthony puzzling for an hour before he got it. "Keep him a bit quieter while you're out." He blushed when he realized what Alf meant. His brother was watching and wanted to know what was wrong. Anthony did not want to tell him. Dimitri refused to be put off with it being personal and none of his business and enlisted Geoff's help. Peter was no help; he just had a silly smile on his face and wouldn't let go of Anthony's hand. Finally they broke him down and he admitted that they had "relieved" each other in the shower. Dimitri broke into raucous laughter. "It must have been a noisy session for Alf to chip you for it." Anthony was going to storm off in a bad temper, but was stopped by Geoff. He stepped in front of the pair and put an arm around each of them. "Congratulations! You're now an official couple. This calls for a celebration." He called all their gang around and they pooled their money. They had enough for burgers and an ice cream cake. They bought their burgers first and then went to the Gelati shop. Geoff bought an ice-cream cake and they piped "Congratulations" on top for him and decorated it with cherries. They pulled two tables together and all sat down. Geoff placed the cake and a knife in front of Anthony and demanded a speech. Anthony was on the point of refusing when Peter put out his hand and took the knife. He had lost the vague look he had had since he had regained consciousness. He placed the knife in Anthony's right hand and looked him in the eye. "For my Angel, my Anthony, forever together." Then he began to get the vague look back again. Geoff had held up a hand for silence as soon as Peter had looked like speaking, now he put his fingers to his lips and complete silence reigned at their table. Anthony had tears in his eyes and he looked lovingly at Peter. "Forever together, yes Petey. Forever together." He plunged the knife into the cake and then dissolved into tears on Peter's shoulder. Peter didn't seem at all upset this time he wrapped his arms around Anthony and smiled as if he was in heaven. Dimitri had to clear his throat and that set everyone else off. Geoff cut the cake into pieces, giving the largest ones to Peter and Anthony. They managed to pull themselves together enough to eat it, and the chatter resumed its usual high volume. They wandered around for a couple of hours more before they all went home. As they were leaving a carol came on the mall muzak. Peter could not quite remember it because it was in Latin, but he knew it said something about angels. As they were getting into the car Dimitri caught the eye of the woman loading the car next to theirs. It was the woman constable that had attended the fight. She walked over and looked in the back at Anthony and Peter and couldn't miss his unconnected look. "Your mother said that he had no memory for things which happened that afternoon. Has he improved any?" "It would be best to ask Anthony, but from what I can see there isn't much difference at all. He comes around for two or three minutes and then slips back." "I'll tell them at the station they'll just have to wait for their statements. Not that it should make much difference. We have five statements from witnesses and a video of the incident. I think it should be enough to get a conviction, but you have to be ever so careful that they don't manage to wriggle out of it on some technicality. Let us know if he gets his memory back." They took him to outpatients again on Wednesday and the doctors were satisfied he was back to normal, except for his ribs. They could offer no explanation for the continued loss of memory except that it took some people longer than others to recover normal functioning after such a trauma. Lola was getting used to wild noises from the bathroom. Attempts to get Peter to tone down his noise were only partly successful. At least she knew her son was not doing anything he wasn't quite willing to do. He would beg his Angel to hurry up, if he was slow about taking him to the shower, which made it very plain. Peter also made it plain that he had acquired a taste for sleeping with his Angel. If Anthony went to his own bed when Peter was asleep then Peter would wake up during the night and get into bed with him. The breakthrough came on the Sunday morning eight days before Christmas. Peter had climbed into bed with Anthony and Anthony must have been having a restless night because he accidentally hit Peter in the head when he was tossing and turning. It was hard enough to wake Anthony, but Peter seemed to be having a dream, which fitted in with what happened, because he suddenly called out. "Don't hit me Chopper. No more Woggo," and then a meaningless mumble. There were tears streaming down his face and he began to curl into a ball. Anthony threw his arms around him and tried to wake him by rubbing his back and telling him things were alright, he was safe now. Alf came in and turned on the light. He knelt beside the bed and began to rub his son's back so Anthony began to stroke his hair. "We're here now son. No one can hurt you now. Dad's here and so is your Angel, you're safe now." Alf's voice was slow and reassuring. Lola came in and watched for a minute or two, then went off to the kitchen to put the kettle on. Tricia staggered into the kitchen and asked what was going on. "He's having a nightmare about what happened to him." Lola informed her. Tricia looked glum and sat there waiting for the kettle to boil and listening to he brother's loud cries of anguish. Lola made them all Milo and put extra sugar in Peter's mug. When she went in with them Peter was awake and looking at Anthony but talking to his father. "They were waiting for me Dad. There was no way I could get away. They ambushed me. It was horrible. They just took turns at seeing how hard they could hit me. I never did anything to them it was just Chopper being nasty. He's mad Dad. He doesn't need a reason for belting people up. If Henry had been here he wouldn't have been game." "Shush now my brave one. Daddy knows you didn't do anything wrong. Here's Mum with a drink for you. Sit up and drink it and you'll feel better." Lola put a bed tray over their legs and put the three mugs on it. Then she brought in a couple of stools and she and Alf sat there quietly waiting for Peter. Peter was squashing Anthony against the wall and they were in very close contact but Peter seemed not to notice. He sipped his Milo and looked lost in thought. Suddenly he looked at Anthony, his voice quavered a bit but he managed to keep it steady. "Anthony Savolopoulos you're the most wonderful person I've ever met. We expect our parents to make sacrifices for us, that's what parents do. We're grateful but it's what we expect. No one could have expected you to do what you have done for me. I can't remember it all but I know you have been there since I was lying on the ground in the disposal bay, and now I'm in Henry's bed with you. It's incredible that you should be willing to do this for me. We've only really known each other for one day and you must have helped nurse me for weeks. I can't remember everything but I know you've been there whenever I needed someone. I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you." "Petey, you don't have to repay me. I did it because I like you and you needed me." Anthony's voice was quavering too, but he looked straight ahead not trusting himself to look at Peter. Lola took the empty mug from Peter's hand. "Do you think you'll be able to sleep now darling, or do you want to talk some more?" Peter looked around at them all, even including Tricia who was half visible in the doorway. "Thank you for everything. It was pretty horrible, but I feel as if I've been wrapped in a big cotton ball of love so that I could get over it. You've all been so wonderful." Tears were streaming down his face. Alf took one of the pieces of rag and mopped his face. "We love you Petey. What else would we do? Do you want to stay here with your Angel or would you rather sleep in your own bed?" Peter looked shyly at Anthony. "Would you mind if I slept here with you?" "Of course not Peter. It's not the first time you've needed it. Besides, it's kind of nice." It was Anthony's turn to look shy. Lola collected the mugs and the tray and handed them to Tricia. She kissed both boys and left, taking the stools with her. Alf straightened the rumpled bedclothes and tucked them in. Before he left he leaned over Peter. "Don't let anything upset you Petey. You can trust your Angel to always lead you the right way, and everything he tells you has our blessing. We could never have managed without him and we trust him completely. You can trust him too because he has done wonders just to keep you here with us. Sleep tight my beautiful boys." He turned out the light and closed the door behind him. Peter turned on his good side and Anthony spooned in behind him and put his arm over Peter's chest. Peter was aghast. He was as rigid as a tent pole and Anthony only had to move his arm a little to feel it. "UM......Anthony? I think I've got a problem." Anthony smiled and pulled him in tighter and ground his own erection into Peter's bum. "We both have that problem every night. Don't worry about it. If they go off we'll just clean up the mess. If they both manage to last until morning then we'll fix them in the shower. Your dad knows and he won't get angry. He told me it was normal and just to let it happen however it wanted to. Go to sleep." So they did. Peter was having an incredibly erotic dream. It involved himself, all sorts of impossible objects and positions and Anthony and orifices that don't actually exist. He woke and he was shouting, "Yes angel, yes, yes, yes," as he orgasmed and he was grinding himself against Anthony's erection which was unloading just as vigorously as his own. He was horrified and looked to see if Anthony was awake. He was startled by a grin as big as a Cheshire cat's. "That's the first time you've taken charge since we started doing it." Anthony greeted him. "I think I like it." There was a knock on the door and Anthony called out "come in." Alf poked his head around the door and Peter was amazed because he had a huge grin on his face. "Would you pass me a piece of rag please poppa?" Alf handed Anthony two pieces. "I'll hold breakfast for a while. It sounded as if you'll need a shower before breakfast." Anthony was unashamedly holding the blanket up and vigorously wiping up the mess. Peter was so astonished he couldn't say a word, just look from one to the other. He flinched when Anthony began to wipe his dick and Anthony blushed. "Sorry Peter. You're well now and you can do that for yourself." Something clicked in Peter's memory. He pulled Anthony into a hug. "My Angel, my Anthony, forever together." Alf could see the tears slowly gather in Anthony's eyes and trickle down his cheeks. "Forever together, yes Petey. Forever together." The words did not make good sense to Alf but there was no mistaking their intent. They were pledging themselves to each other with all the emotional intensity that only teenagers can muster. Peter turned and looked at his father over his shoulder. "Ah! Dad! I think there's something you should know." Alf leaned over and kissed his son's cheek. "If you're going to tell me you're in love with Anthony, I already know." "Ah! You know what that means dad?" "Yes son. It means that you're gay. Or as that rock group calls itself, AC-DC. We know that you're DC but only you know if you're AC." "Sorry dad. I'm afraid I'm all DC. I tried the AC bit but it just won't work for me. Are you angry at me dad?" "Peter, your mother and I are just happy that you're alive and finally getting well. If you're going to fall in love with a boy, then it would be nearly impossible to find a better one than the one beside you, because he's worth his weight in gold. Now stop worrying about unimportant details and get your shower. I don't want to be washing breakfast dishes and trying to get lunch at the same time." While they were in the shower together, Alf rang Myrna to update his early morning phone call. He was worried that Peter appeared to be very fragile and he thought he might need help in adjusting to what had happened over the past few weeks. Myrna suggested that they come over there for lunch and she would see if she could help. She told Alf to get their breakfast and she would ring Lola and tell her. Dimitri drove up at eleven and knocked on the door. Anthony had been explaining to Peter that there was nothing to worry about. His mother knew he was gay and she liked Peter. He might not be able to remember it but he had seen her lots of times. When Alf opened the door, all Peter's old fears of Savolo began to surface again. Before Anthony could do anything Dimitri saw the look on Peter's face and threw his arms around him in a huge hug. "Welcome to the family Petey. Now I've got two little brothers to look after." He couldn't have chosen a better way of expressing it if he tried for a year. It hit Peter where he was feeling most vulnerable, with a giant blob of pure acceptance. Peter's mouth fell open and then the realisation of what Dimitri had said hit him. He tried to blush and cry at the same time and threw his own arms around Dimitri. He couldn't find any words but then they weren't really needed. Myrna had organised a very informal setting on the back patio, with chairs and tables and banana lounges. Geoff was helping her to set things on the tables when they arrived. He put down the jug he was carrying and came over as soon as he saw Peter. He put one arm around Peter and the other around Anthony. "Welcome back Peter. All the gang will be delighted to know you're finally getting well. You had us all worried but Alf and Anthony wouldn't give up. They kept telling us to have faith and just give it time. Dimitri and I are going down to the mall to give them all the good news." While Dimitri kissed his mother goodbye, which was an unusual event, he whispered in her ear. "He's so nervous he makes a racehorse look calm. Good luck with him." Then they left. The four of them went to sit down, but Myrna pulled two banana lounges side by side and made the boys take them. She and Alf sat facing them on chairs, one on either side of them. She looked at Anthony and started by asking him. "Well son, it looks like your job is over. Are you happy or sad about it?" "Happy mum, really, really happy. You're seeing the real Peter now." She smiled at Peter. "You're father told me you've remembered them taking you to the garbage bay. How much do you remember of what happened after the fight?" "Not very much Mrs Savolopoulos. All I have is vague memories of finding Anthony beside me every time I needed someone. Everything's pretty blurry until this morning." "While you've been sick, you've made it pretty plain that you think the world of Anthony. Alf told me that you still feel the same way now you're getting well. Would you like Anthony to be your boyfriend?" Peter didn't say anything. He looked at Anthony and put out his hand to take Anthony's. He looked at Myrna and nodded. Myrna smiled again. "You're a very lucky boy to be alive, and Anthony is very lucky to have you for a boyfriend. While you were sick we all got to see the Peter that you keep hidden away inside, in case he gets hurt. I want you to know that the Peter I saw is every bit as lovely as my own son. Don't be ashamed of who you really are. You're a very lovely person." Myrna poured them all a glass of cordial while she let that sink in. She handed them around and then looked at Peter again. "I don't want you to call me Mrs Savolopoulos any more. Anthony calls your mother and father momma and poppa. What would you like to call me?" Peter was dumbfounded and just shook his head. Myrna smiled at him again. "Well you have to call me something if you're becoming part of the family, and Mrs Savolopoulos won't do at all." "Call her 'Oma'. " Anthony giggled. "Don't you dare," Myrna scolded with a smile on her face. "I refuse to be called Grandma even if it is in Dutch." Anthony giggled wildly. "What about 'Schoonmoeder' then. " "Well Mother-in-law is better but we'll let Peter decide for himself you little imp." Peter suddenly burst into tears and Anthony leaped up and hugged him. "What's wrong Petey? What've we done to upset you?" "Nothing." Myrna knelt on the other side and began to stroke his face. "What's the matter darling. Why are you feeling sad?" "It's all so sudden and I'm frightened. Why is everyone being so nice to me?" Alf knelt beside Myrna and began to massage his hand. "Petey my boy it's over four weeks since they put you in hospital. It isn't sudden at all. It only feels that way to you because you can't remember." Myrna held his face in her hands and looked deep into his eyes. Even with the tears in his own he could see the tears in hers. She bent and kissed him gently on the forehead. "Darling these have been the most stressful four weeks I have lived through except for when Tod died. You see Anthony has been in love with you since he first met you. We were afraid that those idiots had damaged your brain so badly that you would never recover. I worried that Anthony would be left with only a shell of the boy he had fallen in love with. To see you recover and begin to live your life again has been such a joy that I would have thrown a party if I thought you were well enough to stand it. In those four weeks I have seen what a lovely person you are and how much you love Anthony. He has nursed you and done things for you that are usually only done by mothers for their babies or by trained nurses. You have given him back so much love that he never felt it was a burden or wanted to give it up to someone else. You called him "Angel" and told him you always felt safe when he was there. I can see that you still feel the same way about him and I'm very happy. I just want you to feel as safe and comfortable with me as you do with your Angel." Myrna went to the table and came back with a glass of cordial. She put it in Peter's hand with a beautiful motherly smile. "Have a drink darling and see if you feel better. I know how hard it is to adjust to things when they happen so suddenly. You're just going to have to accept that things are quite different to what they were before all this happened. Don't be worried. I'll tell you what has happened and why we all love you so much." Then she sat down and gave Peter a short but precise description of everything that happened from when Anthony had seen him being bashed until this morning. When she had finished she added. "Your parents and I have become good friends because of this, and Dimitri feels he has gained a second little brother. I have no idea whether you and Anthony will go on to have a permanent relationship, or if you will just end up best friends, but I know you will be part of our family for as long as you want it." Peter looked at her shyly. "Would it be alright to call you 'Mumma Myrna'?" "It would be wonderful Peter. I'll be very happy to be your Mumma Myrna." She took the empty glass from his hand. "I think I like that. It flows off the tongue. What do you think Alf?" "I think were going to starve to death. I've never seen these two go so long without eating before. Let's feed them before they become savage." Myrna laughed and took him into the kitchen to begin carrying out dishes. The table was groaning by the time they had finished. There were party pies and cocktail frankfurts. Sandwiches, fruit salad, potato chips, three different sorts of fruit pies, a chocolate cake and a big container of ice-cream. "That should hold them for a couple of hours." Myrna commented. Alf nodded sagely and added "It will take them that long to eat it and then they'll be hungry again." They hoed in willingly but they were unable to clean the table, despite heroic efforts. Myrna was saved from having leftovers by the timely arrival of Dimitri, Geoff and six other boys. They demolished everything that was left. Myrna smiled wryly at Dimitri. "To what do I owe this visitation of locusts?" "Albrecht and the boys just wanted to see for themselves that Peter is getting better. Albrecht has his father's car today, so they all came over. You don't mind do you?" While they were busy, Peter looked at his Angel and saw he was looking sad. "You're missing your dad aren't you? Come here and I'll try and make you feel better." "It's alright Petey. I'll get over it." "It's not alright Angel. I can't remember much but I can remember that whenever I was frightened or sad you were there for me. Mum and dad were there too but you were always there. Let me be there for you Angel." Peter sat beside him and wrapped his arms around Anthony, who began to cry into his shoulder. "I miss him so much and it always feels worse when there's some special occasion. I want to tell him about it, but he's not here to tell anymore. I'm so happy that you're getting well and I wish he was here to share it with us." That set Peter off and the pair of them sat weeping gently on each other's shoulders. Dimitri saw it and moved over to them, but Alf and Myrna shook their heads at the other boys and told them to keep eating. Dimitri put an arm around Anthony. "I know how it feels brother. You want to share your happiness with him and he isn't here and suddenly you feel sad. I wish I knew how to stop it hurting, but I don't." Alf pulled a chair beside Peter and put an arm around each of them. "Let it out my beautiful boys. Don't try to stop the tears. Tears wash away some of the hurts and help things to heal. Just let things work out however they want to, don't try to hurry things." The tears eventually dwindled to nothing and Anthony looked at Peter and giggled. "You're all red- eyed and snotty." Peter looked at him and joined in the giggle. "So are you. I never knew angels got snotty noses." Myrna took them to the bathroom to wash their faces and Alf looked at the rather tense and uncomfortable faces of Dimitri's gang. "Relax. There's nothing wrong. They're just getting rid of all the tension of the last four weeks. It's been a pretty big strain on everyone, but especially on Anthony. I'm just glad they can get rid of their tension in a less violent manner than some people we know" Everyone looked more comfortable and nodded their heads sagely. The gang left soon after that to go back to the mall. Myrna came back without the boys and said. "Do you have any time when you can go for a job interview? There's a position coming up in the manufacturing section and I think you're more than well enough qualified to do it. It's not as good as the job you had, but it's a lot better paid than the one you have now. " "That's very kind of you Myrna but I don't want to get a job just because I know the boss." Myrna laughed. "No fear of that. I'll line it up with the applications clerk and then you're on your own. If I tried to interfere I think Joe Frigula would find some fault in you just to prove he wasn't biased. We haven't advertised it because we get hundreds of applicants for every position and Joe doesn't have time to process that many between Christmas and New Year. Our manager decided to retire after he had a nasty fall. We weren't expecting him to go until the end of the financial year. We want someone to start as soon as the factory resumes after the Christmas break" "Well I'm having the Thursday off in lieu of Boxing Day, would that be satisfactory?" "I'll organise it and let you know the time. No need to say anything to the boys until you get the job." "Myrna you sound awfully certain. Are you sure you're not going to interfere?" "You're the best qualified person on the list. That wouldn't guarantee you job, but the fact that you're not too proud to take whatever work you can get, instead of big-noting yourself, should just about do the trick. Joe hates people who put tickets on themselves and warms to people who are willing to work for their money. That's why I put him in as manager." The boys came out onto the patio holding hands and the conversation was terminated. "That looks much better." Alf said. "The gang have gone back to the mall. Would you like something to drink?" Myrna got a coke for Anthony and coffee for Peter, Alf and herself. Myrna invited them all for dinner. She insisted that she had a roast she wanted to cook and they would be more than welcome. Alf rang Lola and then Tricia at her girlfriend's to tell them to wait at home for Dimitri to pick them up. They sat in the kitchen and Myrna had the boys peeling potatoes and carrots while she and Alf talked about old times and other things. The boys didn't say much but they kept finding reasons to touch and look at each other. When the vegetables were finished Myrna sent them up to Anthony's room so that he could show Peter. The room was larger than the one he shared with Henry and had all sorts of good stuff. They put a stack of CDs on and sat listening to music Peter hardly ever got to listen to. The first CD had the full orchestral version of Purcell's Trumpet Voluntary, and Peter was rapt. He had no idea how lush and beautiful it sounded with an orchestra. They were still there when Lola came. Myrna led her upstairs and there they were. Heads together arm around each other, eyes closed and beautiful smiles on their faces. Peter opened his eyes and saw his mother watching him. He started guiltily, but before he could withdraw his arm his mother smiled and shook her finger. He was even more startled. Anthony realised someone was there and opened his eyes. "Hello Momma. I hope you had a good day. Petey's been having trouble getting used to all the changes, but I think he's alright now." "Would you like to come down and tell me about it while your mother finishes dinner? She and Alf won't let me in the kitchen." Anthony pushed the pause button and they went down. Peter looked guilty again. "Mum, you are OK about this aren't you?" Lola walked over to him and hugged him. "I think your father said it perfectly. If you're going to fall in love with a boy then the one you're in love with is worth his weight in gold. I'm having no problems with it darling except trying to work out what to advise you. How should you behave when you're not here or at home where you're safe? I still need to work out some details with Myrna. While you're at home you and Anthony can hug and kiss whenever you like, but I think I agree with your father. Do it in private. That way there won't be any problems. If you slip up then I don't think Tricia or Dimitri will get upset, but their friends might. That's why I think you should confine it to the bedroom. When we're just family I don't see any problems with you cuddling and holding hands." "Mum, this still feels weird, but I think I'm getting used to it, but I'm still a bit worried. I do want to be with Angel as much as I can." "I'll see if Myrna will let Anthony stay another couple of days to help you get over it." Over dinner it was agreed that Anthony would stay for two days, then Peter would come and stay with Myrna for the next three days. Myrna thought it would help them get to know each other. Lola insisted that Christmas dinner would be at their house, since they had no other presents to give the Savolopoulos family for all they had done. Dimitri and Tricia rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. The other two had already done their share. Peter lay propped up on the lounge, since he was feeling tired, and Anthony climbed up and plonked himself between his legs, lying back against him with a look of contentment. Peter was a little uncomfortable at first, but when he saw no one was taking any notice, he put his arms around him and smiled blissfully. Myrna took Lola off to tell her what she had told Alf. Alf asked the other two questions about their day, and the boys dozed contentedly until it was time to go home. That night was strange for Peter. He got into his own bed alone and found he was having trouble sleeping. It felt lonely without Anthony. He knew he had to get used to it, because Anthony would be living at home soon and they wouldn't be able to share beds any more. Finally he fell asleep. In the early hours of the morning the feeling of loneliness suddenly went away and Peter snuggled down to sleep peacefully. Lola knocking on the door woke him, and the first thing he saw was Anthony's thoughtful face on the pillow, next to his own. Anthony called out to tell Lola they were awake and the door opened. "I'm sorry Momma. I just couldn't sleep on my own. It's going to be hard to get used to living apart again." "It's alright Anthony. I understand. It's going to be hard for both of you so if you slip up occasionally I won't get mad. Get your showers and come to breakfast." Their shower was less noisy than usual, because Peter was less inclined to scream out his pleasure than he had been. He made sure that Anthony had as much difficulty as he did at keeping the noise down. Anthony looked at him with adoration when they had finished. His lover had never been so masterful and thorough in pleasuring him before. It was just what he wanted in his man. After breakfast they just cuddled for a while, then Anthony did his music practice. Peter could not remember how he had reacted to it while he was ill, but he loved it now, and had no trouble in sitting through an hour and a half of scales and practice pieces on the two instruments. After lunch they began to talk about school and the problems they would face. They were on holidays now, but there would be a backlog for Peter to pick up when he went back. Anthony was concerned that Peter's friends would have trouble accepting him, and Peter thought the same about Anthony's friends. They were surprised to find that neither of them had any close friends. There were plenty of classmates that they got on with quite well, but no close friends. They were surprised when some of their classmates dropped around to see how they were. Dimitri had told everyone who asked that Peter had been beaten up and Anthony was helping take care of him. Apparently the whole school knew. Dimitri and the gang had been telling everyone that Peter was well enough for visitors now. They had no idea that so many of their classmates thought of them as friends. It was strange that they ended up with several close friends from the incident, including several girls who knew Anthony was gay and had no difficulty in working out that Peter was in love with him, just from the way he treated his Angel. If any of the boys worked it out they didn't mention it, but they always treated them as a couple. The time at mumma Myrna's was an eye opener for Peter. The first thing they discovered was that she had put a double bed in Anthony's room. She told them that there was no sense in pretending they would not be sleeping together whenever they were in the same room, so they might as well be comfortable. The next thing was that the stream of visitors was ever greater. The older boys were very careful not to play rough with Peter, especially as he no longer wore the neck brace. The Police rang and enquired if Myrna thought Anthony and Peter could be interviewed. She told them that they could interview Peter first, but if he got upset they had to be prepared to leave immediately. Lola came over for their visit. The interview went quite well. Peter got upset telling them about how he had been ambushed and of the cruelly calculated way they had used him as a punching bag. His angel was beside him and kept making him stop and take deep breaths and some water, so he managed to get through it. The two officers were as gentle and sympathetic as was possible considering the questions they had to ask. They made no comment at all about Anthony's attentions or on the need for Peter to stop so frequently. When Peter was finished they told Anthony they would get his statement later, if they needed it. They thanked Peter for his bravery in giving such a clear picture of what had happened, since it was obvious that it still caused him great distress. His statement completely contradicted what Chopper and his gang claimed had happened. Peter had to go to lie down after the ordeal and Anthony went with him. Lola and Alf had given him twenty dollars for pocket money when he had gone to Myrna's, so that he would not be embarrassed. He wanted to get something special for Anthony so they went down to the mall. He searched everywhere but he could not find anything that he could afford. If he could afford it then it just didn't suit what he wanted it to say. Anthony was trying to talk him out of buying anything. He kept telling him he had the Christmas present he wanted. He had Peter back just as he had been. Peter saw just what he wanted to say. It was a huge cardboard cut out suspended over the big Christmas tree in the central court, a giant angel with a long trumpet. As he saw it that carol came on the muzak "Angels from the realms of Glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth;" Peter said nothing to Anthony. There was a vision forming in his mind. As the strains of "Gloria in Excelsis Deo." died away he knew there was only one tribute worthy of an Angel, to be up high so people could see him pointing the way to God. Every year from now on he would pay tribute to the angel God had sent him by lifting him up for everyone to see, he would put him at the top of the tree. The problem was, where could he buy one? He scoured the mall but no one had what he wanted. They went home and Peter wasn't upset, he was determined. There were still four more shopping days for him to find what he wanted. Peter found that he and Myrna were becoming friends. It was not like it was with his own mother, there was just enough distance between them that he talked about things with her that he would never have talked about with his mother, yet he felt the same sort of trust in her. Myrna was delighted with this and loved to give him the same sort of hug she gave Anthony. He tended to shrug his mother off, but Peter found it reassuring. He confided in Myrna that he did not have much money to spend but he wanted to do something special to tell Anthony what he meant to him. He would not tell her what; just that he could not find it locally. Myrna suggested that they accompany her into town in the morning. She would drop them in the city and go on to the office Christmas party. She would pick them up at 4 pm. She gave Anthony more than enough for their lunch and a film if they got finished early enough. They had a lovely time in the crowded shops, but Peter was getting worried that he could not find what he wanted. They went to a Subway for lunch and right next door was a souvenir and trinket shop. While they were eating at the tables on the footpath, Peter thought he saw what he wanted. He left his lunch and told Anthony to watch it while he bought something. Sure enough there it was in all the brass decorations for Christmas trees. The only one they had was perfect. He asked them to wrap it so that you could not see what it was and the little Vietnamese lady was kind enough to put a piece of cardboard behind it. He refused to tell Anthony what he had bought, saying he had to wait until everyone could see it together. When Myrna picked them up they climbed in the back and Peter leaned over and gave her a hug and a kiss before Anthony was properly in the car. "I take it that you found the special something you were searching for?" "Yes Mumma. But no one can see it until I put it up." "This is all very mysterious but I'm sure we will love it when you show us." Peter looked shyly at Anthony. "I hope so Mumma. It says the way I feel about someone special." The day Peter went home, the two boys sat with their arms around each other for about an hour. Their faces looked as if they were to be executed. Myrna was sympathetic but unyielding. They would have to get used to being apart. They would not be able to spend every minute together while they had studies to do and even if they could it would be a very unhealthy and obsessive situation. It was not as if they would never see each other again. Dimitri drove Peter home after lunch and was upset by the tears that trickled down Peter's face for the whole journey. When they pulled into the Foy's driveway he was looking very uncomfortable. He could not let him leave without trying to soften the blow. "Petey you have to stop this. You'll make everyone upset. No one is taking Anthony away from you. It's not like you're losing him the way we lost dad. Please little brother! Try not to get so upset. You'll see him every day at school and you can spend time together at the weekends. Geoff has promised to see no one gives you a hard time at school and we'll all be together whenever we can." "Savolo you just don't understand. I'm happy and sad all at the same time. I want to be with him every moment of the day, but I know I can't. I'm happy that I can make him happy by getting better, because making him happy is the most important thing there is. I want to do things for him like he did for me, but I know I can't. I want everyone to know what a wonderful person he is, but that would mean telling them all we're gay. It's only with the family that we can be ourselves and that makes me sad. You've all been so wonderful to me and there's so little I can do to tell you all how much it means to me. I'm still having trouble adjusting to it all. It's only a few weeks since I was so scared I nearly shit my pants when I thought you were going to corner me, and now you're Dimitri and you're as much of a big brother to me as Henry is. I'm so mixed up I'm not sure what I feel" Dimitri got out of the car and walked around to the open passenger door. He pulled Peter out of his seat and into a huge hug. There were tears in his eyes. "You're a wonderful brother and I'm glad we've found you. To think that for years I frightened people like you and Anthony away. I had no idea of the wonderful friends I could have had if only I hadn't been so stupid. Both of you have forgiven me without holding any grudges and I only hope I can be worthy of the trust you've put in me. Promise me this. If ever there's anything I can help you with you'll come and tell me. If I'm to be your big brother then I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on. Mum's right, you're every bit as lovable as Pipsqueak is. What a waste that it took all this to wake me up." "I'm still scared Dimitri. I have all these dreams where I'm doing all these strange and horrible things to Angel and I'm loving it. I love him Dimitri and I don't want to do things to hurt him. I'm frightened of what I might do." "Calm down Petey. There's nothing to be frightened of. Dad explained it all to me and it made good sense. It took all the fear away from it. The way dad explained it is, you've got love and lust mixed up together. You love Anthony. I can see that you do because you're both trying to do things to make each other happy every chance you get. But you also have all these hormones running around in your body and you haven't learned how to control them yet. That's lust. You have to learn how to control all the weird things that your mind tells you to do to satisfy your lust. There's no need to panic about all these dreams you're having. There's no chance of you ever trying to turn them into reality." Lola looked out the window to see what was taking them so long and decided that they were so wrapped up in their conversation it was probably best not to interfere. Dimitri sat on the bonnet of the car and pulled Peter up beside him. "I used to have this incredible dream where I chained Samantha Bosnich to the roof and ate out her snatch, then I fucked her for hours. I got off every night I had that dream, but it was only a dream. I never even got to first base with her. I still have some pretty wild dreams but that's all they are, dreams. I know I'm never going to try and turn them into reality so I just go along and enjoy them. You're in love with your Angel and it's natural that he would be the one in your dreams, but it doesn't mean you really want to do all these things to him. It's just your hormones making you dream. Trust me Petey. You'll see that things will improve in a year or two and you'll never do anything to hurt your Angel. I'm absolutely certain of that, because you love him and he loves you. Besides, do you really think you could force Anthony to do anything he didn't want to do?" Peter giggled. "Not unless I hit him over the head first and chained him up like you did Samantha." "That's right! It's all an illusion Petey. There's nothing to be afraid of." They slid off the bonnet and Peter gave Dimitri a hug. "Thanks for that. I feel a lot better now." "Any time little brother. Any time." Dimitri felt six inches taller. They went into the house with smiles on their faces and Lola decided not to enquire about it. Peter looked more relaxed than he had since he had recovered his memory. The next two days were flat out for everyone. Lola had to work but she organised the jobs for everyone before she left and inspected after she got home. The Savolopoulos family were going to have the best Christmas dinner it was possible to have. Peter had real difficulty in persuading his mother and father not to put the star on top of the Christmas tree. He didn't want to tell them what he had or why he wanted to put it there, but eventually he got his way. Christmas day was fine and hot. The fans were going flat out to shift the heat from the overworked stove out the windows on the cool side of the house. There was a flurry of activity at around ten thirty, as everyone got ready for the arrival of their guests. As Anthony got out of the back of the car Peter stood as entranced as if he were seeing him for the first time. Tricia jabbed him in the ribs to get his attention to open the door for them. Because the Foy's could not afford it, Myrna and Lola had decided there would be no exchange of presents. They sat in the lounge room with nibbles and drinks while they waited for the dinner to finish cooking and Peter made his move. Peter came back with his parcel in one hand and the stepladder in the other. He set up the ladder and stood facing them. "There was no present I could buy for Anthony that was good enough. So I thought that I would tell him how I felt. There is only one place good enough for my Angel, right at the top of the tree." He unwrapped the angel and held it up by its wings and long trumpet. "Every year from now on I want to put this up to tell everyone how grateful I am to God for sending me my Angel. I don't think I would be here to enjoy this Christmas if Anthony hadn't been the angel he is." He climbed up and tied it in place. Behind him there was a chorus of sniffles and nose blowing. As he put his foot on the floor again, he was wrapped in the arms of his Angel and they shed gentle, joyful tears on each other's shoulders. They were not left alone for long. First Myrna and then the Foy's and even Dimitri had to come and give them a hug. Now Tricia understood why Peter had set the Christmas CD where he had, and refused to let her change it. She pushed the button and the strains of "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" came quietly from the four speakers. Lola took Alf and Tricia off to help her in the kitchen. The boys sat together on the lounge just listening to the music and holding each other. The dinner seemed unending. They started at twelve thirty and managed to get the main part over by two, and then they kept picking and nibbling all afternoon. The four children went for a walk about five o'clock to shake it all down so they would have room for tea. While they were out Geoff drove up in his mother's car. "What did you get?" it was the question they were to hear a lot between Christmas and New Year. While Dimitri and Anthony were telling Geoff what their take was, Peter seemed lost in thought. When Geoff asked him what he had got he gave the answer he was to give every time anyone asked. "I got a chance to live my life and some of the most wonderful friends anyone could ever have." More than one of those who asked had to hide their face in case anyone saw the tears in their eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every Christmas, without fail, he placed the angel at the top of the tree. This year was the first time he had let Anthony do it and he would not have let him if Angel had not insisted that it was too dangerous for him to be climbing a ladder with a sprained ankle. As the memories of their first meeting and their wonderful years together flooded into his mind, Peter turned his face to his Angel and they exchanged a long, loving, gentle kiss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~