Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 16:27:57 -0800 (PST) From: Kirk Landers Subject: Relationships part 2 Copyright and Disclaimer: 1. This is a fictional story with fictional characters. 2. No one is to steal this story under any circumstances 3. This story deals with relationships and not sex, so if you're looking for a story with alot of sex in it. This isn't the story for you. Well, hope everyone is enjoying it so far. Here is part 2. "EX MARKS THE SPOT" ****ALEX**** "That's my ex-boyfriend." Ray said I looked at him with shock then looked back as his ex-boyfriend walked through the door, through the hall way and into the living room of Ray's apartment. "That's your ex-boyfriend?" I asked quietly looking at his ex, who was very attractive. 5'11 he had dark hair and brown eyes like me. "Hello." His ex said walking into the living room. "What are you doing here? I didn't even know you lived in California anymore." Ray asked "Well, I came back and I heard of this get together you were having and thought it might be nice to see you all again." his ex said "How did you hear about this get together?" Ray asked "Thomas told me." he ex replied "Thom?" Ray asked looking at Thom "I didn't know he would show up. I ran into him today and he asked how you were doing and I said that you're seeing someone and that we were meeting him at your place tonight." Thom said "Well, what does it really matter how I found out?" he ex said "I'm here now. The party can really start." "Get out of here Jeff." Ray said "Ray, this is me you're talking to here." Jeff said "What's going on?" David said coming up to me. "I'm not too sure." I replied "Are you the new boyfriend?" Jeff asked looking at me "Yes." I replied "Nice to meet you." Jeff said "Like wise." I replied putting on a fake smile. "You didn't come here just to meet Alex." Ray said "I didn't?" Jeff asked "No, now why did you come here?" Ray asked "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Jeff asked "Alone." "No." Ray replied "Please. Then I'll leave. I promise." Jeff said Ray looked over at me then back at Jeff. "Fine." Ray replied and then him and Jeff went outside. ****RAY**** "What is it?" I asked once I closed the door. "Ray, I just came to tell you, that I'm back. And maybe we can start over again." Jeff said "Is that all you wanted to say?" I asked "No, but I'll tell you the rest later on in the future." Jeff said "What do you have planned?" I asked "Nothing." Jeff replied "Nothing?" I asked "How come I don't believe you?" "Oh come on Ray. Stop questioning me like that. How are things going with you and Alan?" Jeff said "His name is Alex." I said interrupting him. "Fine. How long have you known Alex?" Jeff asked "A month or two?" "So? What does that matter?" I asked "That can't possibly be enough time to develop a love for him." Jeff said "Why do you care?" I asked "Well, I remember how quickly you and I started loving each other. And somthing like that never happens more than once." "Maybe it does." I replied "Most likely it doesn't." Jeff said to me. "I'm going back inside." I said turning to leave, then I looked back at Jeff. I looked at him with mixed feelings, on one hand I saw the guy that was manipulative and hurtful, but on the other hand I saw the guy I loved for so long. "Goodbye Jeff." I said I walked into my apartment and closed the door. ****JEFF**** "I'm not going away." I said to myself ****ALEX**** "What was that?" I asked as Ray walked back into the living room. "Nothing, it's not important." Ray said then he headed off to his room and closed the door. "Okay, well I'm going to go." I said then I grabbed my jacket and left. "Hey Alex, can I catch a ride with you?" David asked "Yea, come on." I said "I think we should go to." Sue said then she, Blake, Steve, and Cheryl grabbed their things as well. "Tell Ray I'll call him or somthing." I said "You sure you don't want to stay? He may want you here." Larry said "Well, from the way he ignored my question and went off to his room I'm guessing he doesn't." I pointed out "I'll call him tomorrow once he cools down." Then I left. David and I were in my car on the freeway now discussing the nights events. "So, his ex shows up. I mean it's not like he wants him." David said "I know. I trust Ray, it's his ex, Jeff, I don't trust." I replied "Well, what do you think he wants?" David asked "I don't know. You were there, you saw just as much as I saw." I replied "Ray and Jeff discussed somthing privately, but Ray didn't seem to keen to share or anything." "You aren't jealous are you?" David asked "No, Jeff is his ex, I'm his current boyfriend. I don't think I have anything to worry about." I said "Good." David said "I need to release some stress. We're going to go play basketball." I said then I started driving towards a park. "You got a ball?" David asked "Yea, it's in the trunk." I replied ****RAY**** I was sitting on my bed when Larry came into the room. "Alex still here?" I asked "No, he left." Larry replied "Good." I said "Good?" Larry asked "What do you mean by that?" "No, I'm not saying good, like I'm glad he's gone. I'm saying good because I'm just not a really friendly guy to be around now." I replied "So, what did Jeff have to say?" Larry asked "I don't know, he just questioned me about Alex. I think he's up to something." I said "Like what?" Larry asked "I don't know, maybe he just wants to be friends again. I mean we were friends before we got together." I suggested "Or maybe he wants you back." Larry said "Maybe." I replied "And what would you say to that?" Larry asked "I don't know. I mean he did hurt me alot, but we did love each other." I said "But he did hurt you alot." Larry said "Yea, but that was mainly because I was busy so much finishing up school and working." I said "So you're giving him an excuse now?" Larry asked "Let me ask you this question Ray. Do you still love Jeff?" ****KIRK**** ****THE NEXT DAY**** It was noon, I haven't talked to Ray yet today so I decided to give him a call. "Hello?" I heard Ray's voice say picking up the phone. "Hey, it's me." I said "Who?" Ray asked "Alex." I said "Oh, hey. Sorry about last night." Ray said "It's fine." I replied "So are you going to tell me what Jeff was talking to you about?" "It's nothing. It's not important." Ray replied "It's not important?" I asked "No. It's not." Ray said "Well, it was obviously important enough for him to talk to you alone about it." I pointed out "Alex, it's between him and me." Ray said "I see." I said "Alex, don't get mad." Ray said "I just don't want to talk about it." "All right." I replied "You're mad." Ray said "No, I'm not." I replied "Yes, you are. I can hear it in your voice." Ray said "Ray, we've only been dating a couple of months how can you already tell if I'm mad by the sound of my voice?" I asked "I'm not mad." "Okay." Ray replied "So, do you want to come over tonight?" "I can't. I have homework to do." I replied "I have school tomorrow you know." "Oh, yea. Tomorrow's Monday." Ray said "Well, I have to go." I said "But you just called." Ray said "I know, but I have stuff to do." I replied "I'll call you later." Ray said "Sure." I said then hung up. I know that Ray's keeping somthing from me and that's really pissing me off. Looking at the time I realized I had to go to work. ****JEFF**** Well, I was bored. Sunday and Ray still hadn't called me yet. So, I decided to go and rent a movie to watch. I went to the video store and was looking for a good video to watch. Then I looked over at the check out counter and noticed Ray's little boyfriend was working it. "So, he works here." I said to myself. So, I decided to go up to him. ****ALEX**** I was putting some tapes back in the boxes when someone came up to me. "Alex right?" the voice asked I looked up and saw Jeff standing there. "Hello Jeff. What can I help you with?" I asked "Well, I would just like to talk." Jeff said "Now's not really a good time for that. I'm working." I said "I see that. But it's not as if putting videos in boxes takes up all your attention." Jeff said "Okay fine." I replied "So, you and Ray are a couple?" Jeff asked "Yes." I said "You two love each other?" Jeff asked "That's between me and him." I said "You're right. I'm sorry." Jeff replied "What about sex?" "What about it?" I asked "Have you two slept together?" Jeff asked "You're incredible." I began "Not that it's any of your bussiness, but no." "Strange." Jeff said "What's that?" I asked "Well, when Ray and I first began dating we first had sex less than a month into our relationship and were saying 'I love you' to each other." Jeff said "And here you two have been going out for two months and haven't done a thing." "So what's your point?" I asked "Oh, I'm sorry Alex. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I was just simply implying that some relationships can click faster then others." Jeff said then left. ****JEFF**** When I got back to my house I realized I didn't even rent a video. Oh well, I had gotten my entertainment for one day. Then I decided to give Ray a call. "Hello?" Ray said picking up the phone. "Hey Ray. It's me." I said "Hello Jeff." Ray said "How are you?" I asked "I've been better." Ray replied "Sorry to hear that." I said "Ray, I want to apologize for last night." "Really?" Ray asked "Yes, of course. I didn't mean to seem cruel or anything. I just really missed you." I said "I understand." Ray said "And I'll just have to accept that you and Alex are together now." I said rolling my eyes. "Yes, thank you Jeff." Ray said "But, I would like it if we could be friends." I said "You want to be friends?" Ray asked "Yes, I know that I have no right to ask this of you, but I would rather have you as a friend then nothing at all. Please?" I asked Ray was quiet for a moment. "Please Ray? For all those years we've known each other we can at least be friends." I said "Do you really want that? Or is this just one of your tricks?" Ray replied "I can't believe this. Here, I call and apologize for crashing into the party last night and I apologize for my behavior. Now I am asking for a simple friendship and you think this is some kind of trick?" I asked in a hurt tone "I'm sorry." Ray said "You're right. Here you call and apologize and I am accusing you of having somthing up your sleave." "It's all right." I said "I know that it will take time for you to completely trust me again." "Actually, I would like it for us to be friends again." Ray said "Really Ray?" I asked "Yea." Ray replied "Do you want to hang out tonight?" I asked "I don't know." Ray said "Come on Ray. We're friends now. We can hang out with out you having to feel guilty about anything." I said "Well, okay." Ray said "Do you want to come over to my place?" "I would really like that." I said "Great. So I'll see you tonight." Ray said "Okay. Bye." I said then we hung up. I sat back in my chair and smiled a little. ****ALEX**** "You're doing what tonight?" I asked Ray as him and I were talking on the phone. "Alex, don't worry." Ray said "Don't worry?" I asked "Ray, your ex is going to be with you tonight." "Nothing is going to happen." Ray said "Fine." I said sighing "You know. I can just cancel tonight with Jeff. Since you're that uncomfortable with it." Ray said "No, then I'll feel bad." I said "Go, have fun." "Are you sure?" Ray asked "I mean, I don't want to upset you in anyway, you mean alot to me." "No, it's fine. Have fun." I said "Okay, thanks." Ray said "I'll call you." "You better." I said smiling "I will. Bye" Ray said "Bye." I replied then hung up. ****RAY**** Jeff came over and we were sitting down on my couch talking. "So you and Alex seem to be a nice couple." Jeff said "Yea, he's a great guy." I replied "And how did you two meet?" Jeff asked "Internet." I replied Jeff let out a little laugh. "Really? Of all the places to meet a guy." Jeff said "I know, but he's been great." I said "Well, if you're happy, then I'm happy as well." Jeff said "Thank you." I replied "Oh Ray, would you mind if I went to go check somthing online real quick?" Jeff asked "Sure no problem." I said going to my computer and signing on to my AOL account. "I'll let you have some privacy, I'm going to go get something to eat." "All right." Jeff replied ****JEFF**** I sat down in front of the computer and when Ray was gone I went to look at the screen names on his buddy list. There were a few names, but only one got my attention. Alex1984. I located him and saw he was in a gay chatroom so I decided to go in there as well. When I was in there a couple people said hi to me. Ray must talk to these people online alot. ****ALEX**** When I looked at the chat room I was in I noticed Ray was in there too talking to people. I was about to send him an IM when a conversation in the chat room caught my attention. "So, who here is lookin for some hot fun tonight?" one of the other screen names asked "I am." I saw Ray's screen name reply "You single?" The screen name asked "Yes." Ray replied "But don't tell me boyfriend lol." I hit the sign off button and sat there in my chair in shock. Ray would really do that? ****JEFF**** I looked over at Ray's buddy list and saw Alex sign off, then I signed off the computer as well and smiled to myself... ******************************************************* To Be Continued.... Hope you are all enjoying it. It's just meant to be a fun, corny story. With any thoughts, suggestions or anything e-mail me at