Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 16:37:18 -0800 (PST) From: Kirk Landers Subject: Relationships- preview Here is a little peak at the next installment of "RELATIONSHIPS"....enjoy! ****A PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR**** "Harvy Lewis?" Jeff asked on the phone "Yes, this is Jeff Morales....I know it has been a while....No, I'm calling because I have a job for you....I need you to give me any information you can about a guy named Alex Grant...." ****A HIDDEN SECRET**** "You're such a great guy. I can't believe you never had a boyfriend before, you seem almost too good to be true." Ray said "Yea well, I guess I just never found a good guy before you." Alex said to Ray who doesn't know the entire truth about Alex's past. It's just a chapter of his life that he wants to stay hidden from everyone. ****A FULL ON FISTS FIGHT**** "Listen Jeff!" Ray said grabbing Jeff by the arms "Don't test me." "Get off of me!" Jeff yelled and pushed Ray away. Ray threw a punch at Jeff. He hit him in the stomach and he bent over for a second then Jeff recovered and threw a punch back and hit Ray in the face before he could get out of the way. Ray stepped back a minute then hurled himself at Jeff. ****AND AN ENDING YOU WON'T BELIEVE**** "Harvy, you just found out something far better then I could even imagine." Jeff said "RELATIONSHIPS" ****COMING SOON****