Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 09:01:24 -0700 (PDT) From: Jeff harrington Subject: Renni's Life Chapter 2 (gay male/high school) Second part of the story, the usual stuff applies, may not be appropriate for minors and if you don't like gay themed stories then you probably wouldn't be here anyways and the language is kind of strong here. Chapter 2a - Strange Evening I must have fallen asleep where I had sat, I thought someone had come in, said something and left again, I didn't bother though. When I woke up it was night and I was starving. I went downstairs and into the kitchen passing by the family room and seeing Kevin and Myca sitting together watching TV. I watched them for a minute; they were kissing more than watching what was on. Yup my brother liked boys and more than that he ended up liking my best friend Myca. We had grown apart a little because of this and the relationship had upset me at first, to the point that it caused problems. Maybe I will get into that sometime, just not now. Chad had kissed me! I kept on running that through my head and the truth was I think I kind of liked it. That had been my very first kiss and it happened to be with a boy that I didn't care for at all. Unlike my junior high reputation I had never been with any of the girls in my class. He he, it's funny actually, my rep was getting laid much more than I was. I was still a virgin. And I was going to remain a virgin until I decided otherwise; Chad would never get that kind of satisfaction from me. Kevin and Myca, they made the perfect couple, I envied them that. They were completely devoted to each other and in love. They have been together for just over a year and still couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Would something like that ever happen to me? I snapped out of my thoughts and walked into the kitchen to see Deandre eating a bowl of red beans and rice. "Hey, I came up to your room and knocked on your door, you didn't answer so I assumed you didn't wanna be bothered. There are plenty of red beans and rice left, Kevin told me you didn't eat any dinner." I grabbed myself a bowl and sat down at the table to eat, she was going to start in I could tell. "Wanna talk?" She asked. "Not really." "Well, when you do I am here and so is Kevin." She stated as she got up to wash her bowl and said goodnight. I sat there eating and thinking, maybe I should go to Kevin; after all he knows more about this gay stuff than I do. No, I can't, no one can know and no one has to know it was Chad. Oh, shit! Chad! He has other gay friends besides us, what if he tells them, what if they passed that around their little `fuck club' in school. I could hear one of them talking now: "Hey, did you hear what Chad did? He bent a straight boy^Åyeah it's cool, he said it's only a matter of time before he pops that boy's pussy." I can tell you that the mere thought of that scared the shit out of me and I had no idea who in school Chad would tell, every time I walked down the hall I wouldn't know if they were talking about my failure making the team or the `bent' straight boy. I almost started to cry again, school was going to suck this year. To say I was paranoid at school was an understatement, every time I heard guys whispering I assumed it was about me. I have to loosen up, snap out of it Ren! And if I had just snapped out of it a few seconds earlier I wouldn't have ran into my `friends' with the new quarterback, they hit me quite hard and sent me sprawling back. "Get out of the way stupid ass!" they yelled as the walked by, then proceeded to pull me down again once I got half way up. They laughed and moved on, some friends! I got up and someone handed me my book bag, thank goodness some was decent enough. I got stopped in mid thought when I saw who it was. Flashback to almost two years ago, I was thirteen and had just made quarterback, I was big and cocky as hell, I remember to prove my `manliness' my friends and I picked on this short scrawny kid and boy had he been geeky, braces and glasses the whole nine yards, I remember being a lot bigger than him, not only height, but in weight too. It's amazing what can change in two years when you loose track of someone, nature has played a mean trick on me and when I finally get my hands on that bitch I'm going to strangle her. I wasn't very tall anymore, I was only about five foot seven and because I had stopped working out I had lost most of my muscle mass and just gone back to lean and skinny. Nature had blessed him finally, he had gotten taller, I had to look up at him and his hair wasn't greased back anymore, it hung in long auburn locks just passed his ears. His braces were gone along with his glasses, replaced by contacts and he wore a very nice Hawaiian shirt that he kept open, only wearing a wifebeater tee underneath. His clothes seemed to accentuate the fact that he had gotten himself into shape. "Shane!" I surprisingly said, hoping he wouldn't remember me, "H^Åhow's it going?" He cocked his head to one side and just gave me a look that I could only describe to someone who had seen old Clint Eastwood westerns; A Fistful of Dollars came to mind instantly. My day had gone from mediocre to worse, I was about to get my ass handed to me. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't beat the hell out of you!" he said as his voice began to shake. Shane still remembered and he was pissed. His voice had deepened nicely though, it sounded good. I realized then he had backed me up into a corner of the school, one of the corners that cut off from the rest of the public, he had my lunch period apparently otherwise he wouldn't of stayed, boy this was getting better. Anyways in these little architectural corners that only two things happened; one, either you were going to make out and have sex or two, you were going to get your ass beat. He didn't look like he wanted to kiss me. I couldn't even look him in the eyes, "Things have changed, and I'm not the same person I used to be, everything has done like, a one-eighty on me. All I can say is I am sorry, I was just a little kid then. I wouldn't have actually done anything to you. I know I was an asshole, so just do whatever you're going to do. Let's get it over with." My voice was starting to shake too, but from fear and sadness. I felt my eyes begin to water. Oh God no! Not now, please! I can't cry in front of him. I heard him sigh and turn around to leave. I realized I had to do something about what went on between us. He was still pissed but he obviously had a heart. I can't believe I actually said it, I don't know where it came from. "Hey Shane," I yelled at him. "What?" he said turning around. "You wanna come over after school and play on my Xbox?" This time I caught him completely off guard, I don't think he was expecting that. "You serious?" He asked. "Yeah, I wanna make it up to you, please come over today." My voice begged him, he thought for a minute, probably trying to work out if I was serious or not. "I need to call my mom first, but I think she will be alright with it." "Cool, just meet me out front after school, I only live about 3 blocks away and I usually walk home." "I'll be there." I walked to study hall; lunch was almost gone so there was no point in trying to hurry to scarf something down. I thought about the past couple of years, yes things had definitely changed; maybe sis was right after all. Maybe it was for the better. I definitely felt a lot better about myself after our confrontation. The last half of the school day managed to pass uneventful, which was just fine with me because I couldn't wait till last period ended. I needed to talk to Shane; we had so much to catch up on and if things went right I might even have made a friend out of this mess that I call life. Please write me and tell me what you think. or Renni's life -- Jeff harrington2004