Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:44:53 -0400 From: Alex White Subject: Scott and Alex: chapter 12 Hey everyone! Here is the highly anticipated chapter three. Some people have been telling me to rwrite longer chapters, but more people are bugging me to update sooner. I tried to compromise lol. I hope you all like it! Scott and Alex- chapter 12: BANG The door of the bedroom flew open shipping the wall and waking Christian and I. Scott burst into the room at full speed, his eyes searching the room, wearing torn up jeans and an old t-shirt. He looked like shit, with red bloodshot eyes and stubble all over his face. His eyes whirled around the room, finally stopping at the lump in the bed covered by the comforter. "Lex?" he asked "Is that you?. I sat up, accidentally uncovering Christian so that Scott could see him. I rubbed my eyes blearily, stretching. Scott's eyes widened. "Who-Who is that." Scott whispered. "Oh my god. Fuck, that's Christian... What the fuck are you DOING Alex?!" I stared at him, my mouth open. Now what do I do. I steeled myself, refusing to be won over by his ragged sexy looks, and his obvious distress. "Scott, get out of here...just... don't even try to talk to me. You left me, and kicked me out of the first place I've ever called home and I'm not doing whatever it is you want me to do." I replied scathingly, "How'd you even know I was here anyways?" "I-I called around to see if people had seen you. Someone on your gymnastics team said they saw you here last night. What the Hell are you doing here." He demanded, crossing his arms. Christian put his arm around me, and drew me into him, awkwardly placing me over his chest. This was getting weird. "That's none of your business asshole. You went and lost him, and someone got there before you could find him." He said smirking. He ran his fingers through my hair, just to gloat. "Whoa, hold on one damn minute. I'm not an effing piece of meat Christian" I said, getting off his chest, "I'm not going out with you after one night of partying. Scott, you can just fuck off. At least Christian has a chance. You already had yours, and you royally screwed it up." "Lex!" Scott cried out, his eyes like an abandoned puppy's. "Piss off." Christian said. "Shut up! You have nothing to freaking do with this, dick!" Scott shouted angrily, moving towards the bed. Christian jumped up, flexing his muscles. Shit. "Scott, just go please. Leave Christian out of this. YOU broke up with ME remember? I can do whatever I want now. You're history. Gone. You have no idea how much it hurts, no idea how awful I feel that my best friend of five years, my BOYFREI ND would kick me out because I was tired and said something I shouldn't have. It's over baby." I said, my voice softening, my head turning away. Scott left, tears running down his cheeks, his right hand clenched into a fist and shaking. "Finally." Said Christian. I threw the covers over my head and cried, my body shaking uncontrollably. Christian quietly left the room. Well? What did you think? or Or im me at Aussiemon61392 (AIM) *Please comment, I need enchouragement before i start writing more. I'm feeling a little dischouraged right now.*