Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 04:11:01 -0600 From: Kryton Ex Subject: Scott and Scamp Disclaimer: This story contains sex between two consenting male teens. If this offends or upsets you in any way, please stop reading now. I love input, feel free to email me. Scott and Scamp I never thought my story was worth telling, but then again, I am not really telling my story. I am telling his. Let me introduce myself, my name is Justin Smith. I would say I am just an average kid, but that is not true. I am the kid that the average kid can't remember. If you are an average kid then we probably share about three classes and even though my name sounds vaguely familiar you can't connect a face to it and if you ever saw a picture of me, I would be the kid you had seen around school whose name you never learned. That was my existence and I was quite content with it. I wasn't happy, but I wasn't miserable either. I was half way into my freshman year when I met him. I had just turned 15, yet I was still very small. I am 5'3 and I weigh 110 pounds soaking wet. I have medium blond hair that stops at my cheeks and bluish grey eyes. Both my size and being a freshman got the attention of one group at school. They called themselves the High Rollers, a group of popular seniors and juniors that took amusement in torturing me. Like I said, I am small and I fit into lockers well. I never took their actions to heart. I guess I felt like I deserved it and at least they noticed I was alive. There is an intimacy with being beaten up that forever connects you to those that bullied you. I didn't hate the High Rollers, but I did fear them. I feared that one day their games would cause me actual pain. But honestly their bullying was the only thing left that let me know I was still alive. My parents are good people, but we aren't close. We don't talk, we never have; we are strangers. I know why I never talked, I am gay and I was afraid if I ever got close to anyone that they might know. I wonder what secrets my mom and dad were hiding, because they were as quiet and shy as I was. The bullies at school called me a fag and a pansy when they beat me up, which happened about twice a week, (other taunting like taking my lunch happened more often) but the name calling didn't bother me because I knew that they didn't really know. If they ever knew how right they were then it would hurt. But like I said this is not my sad pathetic story, it is his. His name which I will only say this once, as promised, is Francis Scott II, but anyone valuing their life called him by his last name, Scott. The first time I saw him was when he moved in next door. He and his father were carrying in the furniture. They were both big men. Well everything is big compared to me so let me elaborate. Scott was of normal size, maybe 5'10, and 175 pounds? I am not quite sure, but he was built. Not bulky, but it was obvious he worked out. He had short dark brown hair (about an inch and a half at its longest parts) and tanned skin; looking at him and his father I guessed they were Italian. His father was huge, bulky and scary in my opinion. He didn't look mean, but he did look like someone you did not want to mess with. I peeked out of the front window all day watching the two of them move in bed frames, mattresses, dressers, a fridge and finally boxes. By nightfall they were done and my show was over. It was quite a show because Scott had taken of his white undershirt hours ago and had been moving stuff sweaty and topless. The next morning when I went out to get the mail I saw him working on his bike, he had a motorcycle. He saw me and nodded hello, I nodded back and continued to get the mail. When I looked back up I saw him heading to the small white fence that separated our yards. I took his queue and headed there too. "Hi, I am Scott." He said while wiping the grease of his hand on his white undershirt and extending it to shake mine. "Hi, I am Justin." I managed to stutter out while shaking his hand. He had a firm grip, but I guess most people who initiate handshakes know how to do it well. He released my hand and went back to his bike. I went in the house not being one for small talk. I did look at my hand a few times that day, the whole day it felt like it was still in Scott's firm grip. I wondered if he had that effect on everyone. The next day was Monday so it was time for me to go back to school. No more sitting home all day spying on the neighbors. Now, if I had to guess Scott's age after our first meeting, I would have guessed twenty-two. I found out just how wrong I was when I saw him enter my English class that Monday morning. The teacher introduced him. "Class this is Fr." "Just call me Scott," he quickly interrupted. "Okay, Mr. Scott. Please take a seat." Scott took a seat near the back and class went on. As the teacher told us the story of the book no one really read over the weekend I was staring at Scott. He had on a leather jacket that said "Regulators" on the back in white lettering surrounded by red mist. He was wearing a real t- shirt which made me sad. I like him in his undershirts. He reminded me of those 1950s rebels with their jackets and bikes and white t-shirts. Scott had an image and he was in no way trying to hide the fact that it was "an image". In high school people tend to play roles and either they don't realize they are doing it, or they think no one will notice. Scott was playing the original bad boy and I thought that was really cool. School took its normal path and I found myself being thrown against lockers during lunch period. Here we go again, I thought, as Chad and the other High Rollers began to throw me around the hall. "Hey faggot, you thought you could hide from us by skipping lunch? Don't you know I can smell you whereever you go?" His friends were laughing and egging him on as he searched my pockets for any money I had, I long ago learned not to carry around money or anything else I wanted to keep. Just then the unimagined happened. Scott pushed Chad off me. "Get the fuck off him!" he said. I just stood there in shock, no one ever stood up to Chad, and they sure as hell did not stand up for me. Chad got his balanced and wiped the shock off his face long enough to say, "Just because you think you are Billy Dean or some shit does not mean you are too good for an ass beating." Scott just smiled, and gestured for them to attack. "Bring it." "You are such a dumbass if you think you can take all five of us." Chad told him as he began to throw a punch. Scott grabbed Chad's fist mid punch, twisted his arm behind his back, then whipped out a knife and put it to Chad's throat. "I am pretty sure if I kill you, your buddies will back off." Picking on me is a normal part of life, but weapons at school, that just did not happen here. It was like one of the biggest taboos in all the world. I was amazed, but the High Rollers were pretty scared. Maybe I was wrong about the whole bad boy thing being just an image. "He's fucking nuts." Chad yelled as he managed to get out of Scott's grip all of them started running down the hall. Having once shaken hands with Scott I knew he let Chad go. I was kind of hoping he would cut him, just a little. "Are you okay?" Scott was reaching out his hand to help me off the floor where I had sunk after Chad had let me go. "Yeah, how did you know I was out here?" "I didn't. I was heading out to have a joint when I saw you. Care to join me?" He said waving a bag of weed in my face. "Sure." I excitedly said like the big geek that I am. We headed out of the school into the woods behind them where people go to make out after school. Scott rolled and lit a joint. He had to teach me how to smoke considering I had no idea what I was doing. "Now, hold it in." he said. Scott was a good teacher, with one hand on my back and the other on my chest, he was showing me how to breathe in the smoke and hold it for as long as I could. I choked my ass off. I thought I was going to cough up a lung and die. I could not understand why the hell anyone would do this for fun. Then came the calm. Everything was so clear and cloudy at the same time. I thought I was a god. I thought about things no one ever thought of! I did not realize I was high, I just thought I was really smart all of a sudden. "Why is it called a fly and not a buzz?" I asked. "It buzzes as much as it flies and what idiot thought to name things by their mode of travel? I mean are we called walkers or people?" Scott just laughed, "Scamp, you are fucked up." Yes, I was fucked up and I continued to say really dumb shit for the rest of the day. By the time school ended I was clear headed enough to realize what an idiot I was. I began walking home wondering how I was going to explain my odd behavior tomorrow. Then I heard Scott's bike pull up behind me. "Hey Scamp, what are you doing?" "Um.walking home." "You live two miles away!" "I like walking." In other words some of the High Rollers ride the same bus route as me, thus I had been walking home for months. "Get on." I could not think of any way to decline his order, so I got on. He took off and I was scared witless. I grabbed hold of him for dear life. No helmets, no nothing and I did not even have the coordination and balance needed to ride a bike with training wheels. Well a few minutes after I realized I was going to survive this, I took notice of my position. There I was with this hot guy, my head buried in his back and my hands grabbing his abs like my life depended on it (which it did at the speed he was going). And my hardening cock against his ass. Oh no! Hardening cock! I tried to think of every non-sexual disgusting thing I could, but nothing worked. This was the closest I had ever been to another guy and it felt too good. So there I was, hot guy in a tight squeeze, hard on poking him in the butt. Looks like I am getting my ass beat anyway. I wonder how long we had stopped before he had actually said something. "I know you are enjoying the ride, but you have been home for like five minutes now. We can do it again tomorrow." I opened my eyes and we were in front of my house. I hopped of the bike, my legs vibrating and shaking at the same time. He pulled up a few feet and went into his own driveway and we both walked into our respective houses. I was so embarrassed, yet so turned on. I laid in my bed and began stroking my cock through my jeans. I had to get off. I took of my pants and underwear and got back into bed in nothing but my shirt. That is how I felt most comfortable. I grabbed the lotion from under my bed and began stroking myself when the phone rang. It was my own personal line that never rang unless a telemarketer was calling. I stopped in midstroke and answered the phone. It was Scott. "You might want to close your shades." I shot up. My bed was against the window, but sideways, so the sun would not be in my face. The lady that lived next door before used the room across from mine for storage, so I spent all my life not having to worry about privacy in that regard. But as I sat up I saw not a good three feet away from me in a recliner, with a phone to his ear, was Scott. He had gotten the full show from my waist down. I froze with embarrassment. There was no way he could know he was the topic of today's fantasy, but I was hoping for a quick and painless death at that moment to end the humiliation. Scott seeing how hard I took it; had a change in expression. He thought it was funny but his chuckle turned into a frown when he realized I was so upset. "Sorry Scamp, I didn't mean to freak you out." He hung up the phone and closed his shades. I could not go to school the next day. I could not face him again. So of course after around noon he comes crawling through my window, which is on the second floor. I had no idea how he got up there. There is ton of shock and surprise when some guy you barely know climbs into your bed. He of course climbed out of it when he was safely in the room, but feeling some weird thing putting pressure on your mattress when you think you are home alone watching TV made me jump a good 2 feet. "Why aren't you at school?" I asked. "Why aren't you?" He replied. "I'm sick." Hey, it worked on my parents. "No, you aren't" "Fine, then. I am embarrassed." "About what?" "About what? About getting a hard on, about getting caught beating off not ten minutes later. What do you mean, about what?" "Oh.that? Don't sweat that." Like him telling me not to care could make me magically not care. That is when the dumbest thought of them all crossed my mind. Maybe Scott is being so cool about this because he is gay and likes me, but is too shy to make the first move. As I was sitting there thinking about this, my face looked as though I was somewhere else. "What is it, Scamp?" I didn't say a word. He was on his knees at my bed, between me and the TV, so we would be face to face as we talked. I leaned in to kiss him. His hand grabbed my neck to stop my advancing lips. To someone looking on, this seemed to be a dangers situation for me. My neck is so small his hand almost enwrapped the whole thing. But I knew what his grip could be and he was being very gentle with me, regardless of how it looked. "Whoa." he said, "what the hell are you doing?" there was a growing annoyance in his voice. I easily escaped his grasped by moving my head in a direction opposite of his face. I sat up in bed and brought my knees up to my chest. I began crying. I never cry, not when I am being beaten, not when I am being ignored. Never! But there I was, crying. Not because I thought Scott was going to hurt me, but because of the lost possibility of him being with me. I never hoped to be happy, but for one split second, I did. I had hope and the fall was just too great for my fragile heart to take. Scott took a seat next to me on the bed and pulled me close him. I laid against him tears upon tears falling on his chest. He didn't say a word. He just held me. Eventually, I stopped crying, but I did not move and he did not try to move me. "Why did you help me yesterday?" What I wanted to say, was why did you come to my rescue and pretend to be my knight if you really weren't? But how could I phrase it like that? "Tell anyone this and I will kill you," he chuckled, "but I guess it is because you remind me so much of myself." I was very confused. I was nothing like him. He was so brave and I was a coward. He was so cool and I was a dweeb. He was everything and I was nothing. What did we have in common? "Now I have a question for you.are guys?" That was the first time I had ever heard Scott have trouble finding the right words. I just nodded, which because of my position was more of a rubbing my head up and down on his chest. "That's cool." He mumbled as he began stroking my hair. "But I am not like that, so you can't be trying to kiss me and stuff, okay?" I nodded. "I want us to be friends Scamp, can we be friends?" I nodded again. "Good." We sat there quietly with him stroking my hair and eventually we started watching TV and talking. He left around midnight that night. He got his wish. We did become friends, the best of friends. We had the friendship one has when no one else in all the world knows you are alive. The world did not take much notice of Scott and I, but we were happy. I rode home with him every day on his bike, we were inseparable. His parents loved me because they thought I was a wonderful influence on their son, so they damn near moved me in. I am not sure if my parents have even noticed my absence yet. Scott really was a bad boy. He spent most his life in and out of juvenile detentions. When I saw family photos of him for the first time, I understood how I reminded him of himself. Scott used to be very short and thin. I saw a picture and I guessed he was 10; he was 15 in that picture. He was currently 17 and the reason he was in sophomore English (I was a freshman, but I was in sophomore English) was because he spent so much time in jail and so little time in school. He had a temper. Never with me, but I never did anything to upset him. All his life he had been a little ball of anger and after his growth spurt he was a big ball of anger. He had done a lot of damage to a lot of people in his past and that is why his family moved, to get him out of his element. There was only one little problem with our perfect friendship. I was in love with Scott. He knew because I told him, but what could he do? He was straight. He showed me more affection then he would have if I had been straight. He would cuddle with me and stuff. But whenever I tried to turn things sexual, he would gently, yet firmly, stop me. On this particular day I was laying in bed with him watching TV, my head resting on his bare chest and my hand playing with the hairs on his stomach. My hand slowly made its way to his pants line where I tried to get my fingers under the elastic band of his underwear. He took my hand and moved it back to his stomach. I waited a few moments and tried again. By the third attempt he said, "Scamp, stop," as he moved his hand back to his stomach. I felt like a scolded dog. I jumped out of bed and put my shirt back on. He stood up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "You aren't going, are you?" I didn't say anything I just stood there pouting. "Please don't go. I will miss you to much." He said in the sweet voice one only uses with a lover as he nuzzled my neck. "You don't know what it feels like." "I am sorry." "It hurts, being this close to you and loving you this much, and not being able to be with you." "I'm sorry, but I'm." "I know." I shot back, I could not here him say it again. One little label keeping me from utter bliss. I had come to hate the word. "Well, what do you want me to do?" "You know what I want you to do." "You know I can't do that." "Just kiss me." "I can't" "You can't be too straight to kiss me, no one is THAT straight." "It won't be enough. You will want more and I cannot give you more." "Just kiss me, I promise I won't try anything else, if you kiss me." "Okay." He finally surrendered. I had begged for him to do stuff with me all the time and it was always no, but this was a pretty big fight this time. I guess my anger had worn him down. He turned me around and took my face in his hands. He leaned in and kissed me. At first it was just on the lips, but as his hands worked their way down my arms to my waist his kiss became deeper. His tongue parted my lips and entered my mouth. I felt weightless. Then I realized that was because he had picked me up and my feet were off the ground. He placed me on his bed and climbed on top of me, never breaking our kiss. His body on top of mine felt like a huge warm blanket. This was what I wanted; only one thing could make it better. I worked to get my shirt back off, only breaking our kiss long enough to get it over my head. His lips moved to my cheek and then to my neck. I did the same. When I started nibbling on his neck he began to moan. He had stopped kissing me, whatever I was doing had taken his concentration. I felt his dick hardening against my already hard dick. He began grinding against me and for a moment I lost my concentration and stopped nibbling on his neck. "Don't stop." He mumbled and I went back to what I was doing. He grinded against me faster and I knew if he kept this up I was going to cum. That was when I realized that he was trying to make himself cum. He must have really liked what I was doing. I know I liked what he was doing. His flesh got slightly damp from sweat as I kneaded my fingers into his back. I was coming and so was he. Neither of us had even removed our jeans. He collapsed on top of me and as he was motioning to get off me, I grabbed him and held him there. He was too spent to put up much of a fight and I think he was moving for my benefit, in order not to squash me under his body weight. But I wanted every pound of him on me and in me for that matter. I don't think he intended to take us as far as he did. I think I must have pushed a button. Boy I hope he lets me push it again. We drifted off to sleep in that position, him acting as the best blanket I ever had. To be continued. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Please send suggestions and comments to