Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 12:39:17 -0700 (PDT) From: Aaron Hull Subject: Shawn's Turn: Shawn's Turn - 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is the first story I've ever written, I wrote it over the summer of last year and my writing skills have grown immensely. Although this is my first story I've wrote, I have published other stories on here and am currently working on one. Under the high school section, I have the One or the Other, which is a current project; Hayden's Story; and GAvin's Got Game. Under the college section, I have The After Party. The latter three stories all contain sexual content. If you enjoyed reading this story, you can email me at I love getting fan mail and can't wait to here from you all! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The whole class period all I thought about was kicking someone's ass. But since I'm weak, that wasn't an option. Even though Jen and I don't talk anymore, I'm going to have to talk to her about what Cole did. After class, I went to the bathroom to wait for Tommy. He never showed. I went down to his locker. He wasn't there. I went to Tyler's locker. Neither of them was there. Ginger usually stays after school for tutoring though. So they had to be somewhere in the school, unless they took the bus home. I decided that I would just go ahead and execute my plan. I first went and asked Ginger if she would be able to take me home and she said it would be no problem. She then told me that Tyler texted her and said they were taking the bus home because Tommy wasn't feeling well. I didn't want to tell her what was actually going on as of right now, but she would find out eventually. I went to the gym and saw the cheerleaders were practicing. The first two I saw were Jen and Avery. Damn. I've probably made a huge impact on their current lives. I knew that I would have to make amends with Avery and apologize to Jen. That would cut down on the people who hate my guts. I sat down outside the gym because I knew I would get my ass handed to me by the coach if I interrupted practice because of some "silly drama." I took my phone out of my pocket and turned it one. I'm one of the few kids who listen to the phone rules. When it was finally done doing all it's starting up shit, I saw I had a text from Tommy. Tommy: I think we should break-up Me: Because of that one pic?!?! Tommy: Please don't say it like that Me: Don't let Cole win, Tommy! I know how to make things a little less bad Tommy: It's not that, Shawn. My dad is going to kill me if he found out I had a boyfriend. And I can't lie to him so this is the safest thing for both of us. Me: I don't want to lose you though ? Tommy: I'm sorry, Shawn. But please, just don't talk to me. I nearly broke down into tears. This can't be happening! I tried texting Tyler. But he wouldn't respond. This is probably hard for him too. When cheer practice ended, the girls and the very few guys left. Neither Avery nor Jen came out. When the coach finally left, I felt like it was okay to go in. Avery and Jen were cleaning up the gym and chatting it up as if they were best friends. I walked over to them very quietly and heard them gossiping about one of the cheerleaders. When Avery saw me, he went from being in a good mood to pissed off. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jen turned around and saw it was me. She was also pissed. "I came here to apologize to both of you. What I did with Leo was wrong and what I did to Jen is wrong." "Do you think sorry will make up for deserting your best friend?" Jen asked. I could tell she was still hurt. "Jen I'm really sorry. But today Cole showed everyone a pic of me and Tommy kissing-" Avery interrupted me. "Serves you right. Show everyone how slutty you actually are." "Just shut up for right now Avery. I'm trying to say something to Jen." He was about to say something but he shut up. "Tommy and I have been dating for about two weeks and his father is a major homophobe. If he finds out his son kissed a guy Tommy could be severely hurt." "Why should I care?" Jen asked. "It's not like you cared about me when you left." "This isn't for me though, Jen! This is to protect a fellow classmate from being beaten to death! If you don't accept my apology then don't! But please don't let Cole ruin an innocent kid's life." "He isn't ruining anyone's life. It's not his fault that you and Tommy can't keep your hands off each other at school." "I can't believe after all the shit we've been through Cole is the one thing to tear us apart. I remember that one time when we didn't talk for a month in 1st grade because I stole a pack of fruit snacks from you. I hope you'll see that Cole is nothing more than those fruit snacks soon because I'm not going to wait for my best friend much longer." She looked down at her feet. Avery was about o say something but I interrupted him. "And to you Avery. I know that we haven't been friends but before I kissed Leo there was no reason for you to hate me. It's not my fault Leo liked me. Yeah I liked Leo but I respected that you two were together. The moment I kissed him was a moment of weakness. You mean much more to him that I do. All he does is mope around school now. He misses you so much and regrets even talking to me." Before he had time to respond I turned and ran out of the gym. Hoping neither of them saw my tears. When I was halfway down the hallway, I ran into someone. It was Ginger. I apologized and helped her up. "It's okay, sweetie. And next time tell me where you're at because I've been wondering around here forever looking for you." She smiled and expected me to say something back. But then she saw the tears. "Shawn, tell me what's wrong." I told her everything that had just happened. She really didn't understand what went on with Jen and I forgo I hadn't told her about Tommy and me. Every time I tried to say something, I would start crying harder. So I pulled out my phone and showed her the texts. She pulled me into a hug and tried to tell me everything would be all right. When I finally cooled down, she took me out to her car and took me home. I thanked her and tried inviting her in, but she refused. She said she had some business to attend to. She once again told me that everything would be okay. I tried telling her it wouldn't but she backed out and left before I could say anything. No wonder Amy and Ginger were friends. They're like twins. When I went inside, my mom asked me how school went. I told her that I couldn't talk about it right now and that I would spill everything at dinner. That's how my family rolls. If you don't feel like talking about something at the moment, you set a realistic date to explain everything. It helps you clear your mind before telling the world. When I reached the top of the stairs, I heard my mom on the phone with Amy, telling her we were having dinner an hour early. I logged on my computer to see it there was anything new with Tumblr or Facebook. There wasn't so I got off and laid down. My eyes were so heavy from crying that I went to sleep in a matter of minutes. I dreamt that Cole and Jen never dated and I had never kissed Leo. Tyler, Jen, Leo, Avery, Blake, Layla, Amy, Ginger, Alex, Jay, Tommy, and I were all sitting at lunch together and having fun. Sadly, I woke up when the smell of spaghetti entered my nose. I combed my hair and straightened out my clothes. I went downstairs and sat on the couch. DJ and Amy were on the loveseat being all lovey dovey. I nearly got sick. My mom soon called for us to come eat. After everyone got their plate and sat down, my mom asked me what was wrong. Everyone looked at me. I first told them about Leo and I kissing despite he was taken. I could tell my dad wasn't happy with his son being a "gay slut." I then told them about all the bad shit that has happened, from Jen and me not talking at all, all the way to my rant to Avery and Jen. When I was finally done, I started crying again. The three women jumped out of their seats and started hugging me. My dad asked me what Tommy's last name was so he could call the cops. "Dad! You can't do that!" "I'm sure as hell going to, Shawn! I can't have that sweet little boy hurt! He means the world to you and we've all become attached to him and his siblings." "Dad, please don't do this! If Tommy has a black eye or a bruise tomorrow I will tell you and then you can call the cops! They won't do anything until they have some sort of evidence!" My mom tried to talk to Dad because he was still set towards calling the police. But after everyone trying to tell him he can't do this, he finally listened. Now I'm just hoping that Ginger will be able to fix things on her side. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ IMPORTANT ~ There are two chapters that were written by a friend of mine and I will tell you if when the chapter is written by her. Please DO NOT contact me and tell me how different those chapters are from the rest of the story and they are written completely differently. If you do I will most likely insult you. :D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -