The story you are about to view contains content only suitable for adult readers and has gay themed sexual descriptions. Please forward your comments to Donate to Nifty! (

// - Anything in the solidus, treat it as /italics/ please :D

-          Peridot

Chapter 6

I was annoyed at myself for reacting like a shot of baking soda in Charl-Vose's vinegar. What kinda name is that anyway? All of them had weird names that made me feel as if though, Tempest would become mine when I would come in contact with the home world.

"Alright. Line up fairies, it's time to see what you can do!" the coach yelled.

Who was I to try and understand what powers I held? Why didn't I just ignore them? A few storms did nothing but help the earth heal, right? Or was I damaging the ecosystem?

"You, goth kid. Get in line." I moved mechanically to his voice.

I'm from a planet, or another earth called Gaia. I'm a Zephyran Prince, I'm being suited, I'm being spoken to by a world's core, or something and I'm confused. I am very confused.

"Silver hair. Hit the track." I glanced at the coach as I stepped out of the shadow of the bleachers. I had on an orange turtleneck and black slacks I'd swiped from the Nurse's Station. I ignored him and his whistle; I kept to my thoughts and took off along the bright brick red and white.

What if I couldn't open the portal and send them home, send us home? Maybe this new Zephyran could show me how to use my powers? Why did we need a portal to get back `home'? Why can't I just think and have anything under control. Why's my sister lying about me being adopted?

Why was Evan lying to me? Why was he purposefully being ignorant? Was I going crazy? Maybe this is all some hallucination and I needed to get away from them to figure out my position on this whole thing.

What if I couldn't actually control the weather, or the sky or wind or whatever, what if I'm just a sacrifice? And they were just forcing the elements themselves?

Well, Sam, your hair growth.

I laughed at myself. Oh, yeah.

What if they were manipulating me physically the way they could do them-

"Babe. Stop." Ryan's hand gripped my bicep. I stopped, there was no drag from momentum, my body was an arrow slicing through the air; I just stopped, not that an arrow could stop, but I could. Ryan wasn't so fortunate.

"What is it?" I made movements to shield my eyes from the sun, but, I found there was no need. It didn't seem so bright, I could actually look at it and not feel it sting at my eyes. The sky looked clearer and a lot less blue; I could see the ocean, I could see a vast body of water I'd never laid eyes on before, up there, reflected in the world above.

"Phys ed is over, babe." He said; his hand still firmly on my bicep.

"What's your name boy?" I turned around to fully take in the coach. He was tall, and sinewy; wearing a complete outfit of Underarmour, a matching grey compression shirt and leggings.

"Tempest, Sam Tempest." I looked him in the face, both he and Ryan squinted at the blaring sun, lighting them up in obnoxious waves.

"Don't I know you?" he looked down at me, his eyes opening and I recognized the green. I immediately recoiled, looked away then down. My eyes flashed back up and his features came into focus.

The hair, the height, the bulge mercilessly stretching the grey fabric of his crotch.

"I don't think so coach..." I looked away from his powerful form; I stepped back, noting now that I was as cool as a young polar ice cap, whilst both men were sweating in the early November breeze.

"I saw you at the hospital, a week ago." He looked down at me, grasped my chin, and forced me to stare into his eyes. "You're a friend of my brother's? You're obviously one of the transfers." My skin was burning where he touched me, my chin felt ready to take off and never return.

I too now started to sweat.

"Yeah, boy. Your form is sloppy, but you've the sprint of a champion in you." He let me go, I didn't dare to touch myself, lest I spread the poison about. My chin itched, it felt scalded; I willed my immunity to partition where he had touched.

"Thanks. Can I go now?" I looked at Ryan, he seemed happy as usual, the dog had been given his bone, me, and he was happy.

"Boy, I'm giving you a chance to be something more. To be a part of something more than..." he looked me up and down, and I noted the youth in him, he was probably 10 years older than me. "This," he gestured dramatically with his hand. I hadn't chosen what I wore today, who knows where the clothes I left on the highway were.

"No thanks, I've got enough on my plate. I can't commit to that right now." I turned to walk away.

"Sands, talk to him. We could really use his legs and stamina. Look at him. He isn't even breathing." Ryan still held me; I couldn't walk away without a show of force.

"Babe, you'll get to spend more time with me." I looked at Ryan then pulled my arm away from him.

"Why don't you go spend time with March?" I looked at the coach and felt the spiders crawling their way inside me and laying eggs in all my vital organs.

"It's not what you think babe. It was just sex." Ryan quipped.

"What do I get out of joining the team?" Coach looked me up and down again, distaste tinged his face, the eggs hatched and a billion baby spiders were flooding my systems and corrupting me as I made contact with the green in his hazel eyes.

"You'll get extended access to our jock catalogue." His smile slithered across his face; he wanted me to bite the apple.

I smirked. "Go fuck yourself. Better yet, go fuck your brother."

I called out to the clouds, I told them to come to me, I told them to darken.

"Why you little piece of shit!" the words hissed from his then crudely curled lips. A few globs of his venom tried to touch me.

Ryan remained silent, he stepped back as the coached moved forward.

I put a hand up to stop him, I laughed as it became clear to me that I was overreacting, and anything more would get back to Jess.

"Fine. I'll join your fucking team. But watch yourself or you'll end up like your brother." I disarmed him and walked away.

"Did you just threaten me boy?" I kept walking as the coach called back.

I walked away, not knowing what just took place. Not understanding that I had just taken the higher road. I wanted to lash out with my powers, but instead, I didn't.

The sky swarmed with a colony of cumulonimbus, they were ready to do my bidding and I had a hard time ignoring them as I walked away. The `thing' that told me to take the higher road, wanted destruction here.

Maybe not destruction, but man had infringed on what the earth had given them, taken it for granted, built homes where they knew only suffering would take place and then, would attempt to divert the way in which nature marshalled itself/herself.

"BABE!" Ryan's voice snapped me out of my eco-communist thoughts.

I walked off the field and into the school, the place was still foreign to me, I rushed to my math class, not caring that I didn't have any of the necessary tools. I just needed the distraction. I shouldn't be attracted to Ryan, but alas, I was uncertain if I was attracted to him, or mad that he had messed around with March.

March is mine.


By lunch I had gotten over myself, I held no claims to the main who wanted to claim me. The voices in my head wanted him, sadly. I'd spent most of the morning hours ignoring the advances of the guys.

I had to admit to myself, as I sat at a table in the corner, that March had looked hot. Pun definitely intended.

He had clipped his hair, and kept it wild, spiky and wavy; walking with his flames boldly; his eyes were golden amber, they called to my growing lust, I craved him, but incidentally, I refused to give into the itch that begged to be scratched, I was not a cat ready to rub along his foot just to feel his touch along my spine.

I watched him as he entered the cafeteria, he and Worth walked hand in hand, striding beside each other like soldiers making their rounds. They were the same height, which as far as I knew, was taller than me.

Then there was Charl-Vose, that name would take getting used to, he walked behind them, towering over both of them by an additional inch or two, his width seemed menacing and his mane of orange hair bounced loudly. I was certain that all eyes were on them, and if I tried hard enough, I could smell the rising arousal in the room.

There was Cayenne slithering, slinking, moving so seductively towards March, they both wore black leather pants; the only difference being, what she had in the back he showed in the front. We were leagues away from each other and he was making me sweat.

Something, which I established earlier, was hard to do.

Hello, newly recruited marathon runner here!


Cayenne wrapped an arm around the moving March, he and the others were heading to my table; I was going to be force fed attention like some grown child with baby mush. I was slightly annoyed and a little frenzied.

I wanted the attention, but I didn't want the attention. I wanted to be unnoticed, but I wanted to be noticed for that. I revelled in being invisibly visible.

"What's up skank?" Evan slid into the seat opposite me; blocking the view of the coming horde.

"Evan! He-"

"WHAT THE FUCK AREYOU DOING?" Cayenne's voice was forceful, a bellowing onslaught that found itself absorbed in the back of Evan's head; blowing his hair forward like a ghastly gust of wind.

I attempted to look behind him as he unpacked his lunch and kept full eye contact with me.

"Yo, bitch. Shut the fuck up!" and there was Ryan, I hadn't seen him enter the cafeteria, but I knew his ass was about to be ignored like an upcoming quiz, not to mean I was going to pay him mind later because my generation swots the night before.

"How dare you address me? You're only popular because you're the captain of the Wrestling team, and even then you're only good because you like cock and everyone is afraid of you trying to fuck them on the mat." Cayenne had a snarky expression going as the crowd jeered her on. She was in her element, Ryan however was not.

The others slid in beside me, Charlie, beside Evan. Evan's right eyebrow arched like the one built for Titus. I felt sandwiched again.

"And you want me to shut up? If me or the bitches had time to suck cock, you'd be out of a job in the locker room!" Cayenne cackled and a group of girls in cheerleading outfits yowled like cats in heat.

"Yo." He attempted to comeback, his face was parallel to the ground; and I grew uncomfortable with what was happening.

"What's happening? Why's she ragging on him?" I looked at Worth; he seemed to have all the answers; despite the passive air he had stolen from me.

"Ask March." Worth nodded at him.

I didn't want to ask, I refused to speak to him. I didn't want to hear that Ryan was now claiming March as his babe.

"What's happening March?" I said in the most apathetic tone I could muster.

He smiled before responding to me, his eyes were big and golden and I pushed my eyes at Evan who stared back at me with the focus of coastal erosion. He was breaking me down and I was getting antsy with Ryan being a punching bag in the background.

"Look at him, walk away fag." She flung her long hair back and sat on a desk, crossing her endless legs.

"Ryan stop!" I had gotten up and was rushing forward. Fuck March, I'm a good person and jealousy is a healthy feeling, why else would I feel it? That's a possibly irrational train of thought, but it's what I do with the jealousy that matters.

I think.

"Paul? Where's Evan?" she fixed herself up, adjusted her tits and flung her hair back some more.

"Right here." Evan slid in beside me, silent like a river and scary like a current.

I grabbed Ryan, moved in close, I shut my eyes, inhaled his scent, crushed my thin lips into his soft, thick pink grooves.

I wish I could give you a descriptive and well detailed...

I don't know,

Explanation or something.

But we sucked tongues for a while; I bit and chewed on his thick lips and he grabbed my ass and perched me on a table. We got pretty rowdy and I was totally into it, wrapping my legs around him and knocking some trays away behind me. I don't know what I was trying to prove, but I knew that the point had been made.

Cayenne was silent.

The whole room was silent.

When we parted, I didn't even look at him. I didn't feel anything, one name to cross off the list of possible love interests.

I turned around and looked directly into Cayenne's eyes. Evan stood beside her smirking. "He won't be sucking anyone's cock but mine." I scoffed then looked about the room; my eyes darted to the jock table. "If any of you want your pipes cleaned, come to me. Pun intended."

"Paul! What the fuck are you doing?" Cayenne looked horrified and stepped toward me.

"Putting you in your simple place. It's 2016, if you don't have time to suck your man's dick, you may as well go sniff the pepper canister your mom stole your name from." I turned to walk out and was pulled back by Ryan's voice,

A thud

And the communal gasp of a crowd.

"Yo! Her ass is knocked out cold." I turned around, following Ryan's voice, I noticed. Cayenne was on the ground, knocked out, her leather looked moist, and as any embarrassing situation would have it, she pissed herself.

I was confused again.

Evan was squatted above her, his dark hair hung over her like the foliage on a willow.

I looked around the room, people were looking away. The silence was ironic, even her bitches looked away; they seemed to have found prey elsewhere. Cayenne was prostrate, I was a little taken aback.

"What happened?" my face scrunched up and I looked down at Evan.

"She tried to attack you, and when she did, Evan decked her. Then she just kinda laid there... and pissed herself." I looked at Charlie as he spoke; he had pulled an Evan and appeared behind me.

We stood in the centre of the cafeteria, and I wished that all eyes were not secretly on us, my gang of boys surrounded me, there was no adult supervision (I don't know why I was expecting it, not that it happened at my old school, the teachers gave no fucks there either) and I was starting to freak out.

Evan had just physically assaulted her in an effort to protect me; I was nervous. The jocks made no moves to come for us, and no one seemed to care as I made motions to leave.

"Let's go." I didn't want to stay at school. It was becoming pointless; my supposed destiny was clocking in and I was trying to bide time to avoid it.

"Where do you think you're going?" Evan held me, he looked down at me, I think by now, I've made mention of just how intense his eyes were.

"To class or something?" I leaned into his grip, immediately March appeared at our sides, trying to pull us apart.

"How about you not touch the Tempest?"

"March, let's not do this right now." I sighed.

"How about you mind your business Johnny Storm?" Evan gazed at him, they were the same height, despite Evan seeming so much taller.

We were making some giant queer scene and I felt uncomfortable that I was now under a rainbow coloured spotlight, I really wanted to leave.

"Who are these people, Sam?" Evan pulled me with him; he spoke into my ear as we left the eyes in the cafeteria flitting from us to away.

"I told you; I'm the reason rain is falling. I have powers and they do too!" I smirked up at him. His expression told me he did not want to hear anymore.

He pulled me into a bathroom and then locked the door behind us.

"You do not have powers. Do not let them fuel your imagination like this. You have a chance here to make friends, you're out now. We can be friends and you can hang with me!" His eyes were as deep as wells, I found myself being drawn into his sympathy.

"Why can't you accept that I'm different? Are... are you jealous? That you're not my only friend anymore?" I looked away and paced. The frosted glass of the bathroom door held Charlie's giant shadow.

It comforted me, I was not crazy.

"I love you. How can you question that? I want the best for you. I want you to be happy! But I don't understand what just took place!" he held me again, pressed himself into my back and put his face beside mine.

I took him in, the smell of the sea, strong and wild.

"I don't know, I'm changing." I whispered.

"What are you changing into Samuel?" his breath caressed my ear.

"I don't know. I think I'm becoming stronger." My voice was full and imbued with intent to show strength.

"Becoming stronger is riling up the most popular girl in school? Publicly outing yourself? Having me punch the cunt in her face?" he laughed, tickling my ears with the sounds his mouth made.

"Maybe," I whispered.

"I support you a hundred percent, but I don't trust these guys."

"Evan, trust in me."

"Samuel, what should I trust in when you've been avoiding me? What should I have hope in when you think you can control the weather?"

"I can control the weather. I am the Tempest of Skyfall." My voice was weak, but it fixed itself with a wilting conviction.

He had me questioning myself.

"Why won't you believe me?" I asked meekly.

He sighed.

His chest rumbled, and I swayed to his heartbeat, like the sound of waves breaking against the shore.

"Believing you is a dangerous. It could hurt you." He whispered into my ear.

I sighed into him; feeling everything melt into the warm water body he enveloped me with.

"Hurt me? I'm invincible." I laughed; swaying in his arms.

"I feel invincible when we're together, it doesn't mean I won't die." He punctuated his words with a kiss on the back of my head.

"What can hurt me? If they're right, this physical form? Isn't even real." I spoke softly now as he rocked me in his arms.

"Maybe you can control the weather, your hair smells like fresh rain, and a little like ozone." He whispered into the back of my head.

"Ozone? Are you sure?" I asked back, a hint of incredulousness in my voice.

"Yes Samuel, you smell as if a bolt of lightning is about to descend on us." He laughed softly, he knew I needed him; that I needed comfort. It impressed me that he was trying.

"I told you! So you don't have to worry Evan, I can protect myself. I can't get hurt."

"Logan hurt you." I tensed up and pulled away from him, like tearing oppositional forces away, it was a strain and struggle but I paced.

"What do you know?"I avoided his eyes.

"Nothing. I just know that my best-friend hasn't been sleeping, eating, contacting me, drawing, painting, sculpting, doing anything. You've been avoiding me." He folded his arms and leaned on a sink.

The air in the room changed.

"Can't I have private time? Don't you see the men out there? I have other priorities in my life now." I still avoided his eyes, but my voice was higher.

"Is that it? Someone finally fucked you and you have priorities?" his voice stung at my eyes like salt water.

"No. That's not it. I'm still a vi-" my voice caught in my throat.

I wasn't anymore.

"Well?" he pressed.

I looked away.

"Answer me!" he got up and walked towards me.

He forced our eyes to meet.

"Are you upset that I wasn't the one to take your virginity?" his words were too impactful.

"You don't understand..."I whimpered and I think he understood. He looked at me, his eyes wide and blue.

"He hurt you? Didn't he?" His expression changed; I can summon storms, but his face held a cataclysmic event that I could not control; even worse, fathom.

"Yes." I blubbered as tears streamed down my face.

"Did he? He didn't? Why? This doesn't make sense." I cried and curled up on the floor. "I thought you said he loved you?" Evan was talking down to me. He was upset, and what made it worse, was that his voice was surprisingly constant, but held the edge of a bolt of lightning.

"I lied." And looked up at him.

"Why. Would. You. Lie?" he was seething.

"Because I'm nothing. I sucked his dick for 3 years. And when I wanted more he turned me down! So I ended it, or I tried to..." my voice broke, it was getting as weak as the rest of me. "Then last week happened."

"Tell me what happened." His voice eroded at me, just as forcefully as his eyes

"I don't know." The images flooded back, and the tears poured out.

"What do you mean you don't know?" he roared.

Lightning flashed outside, the sinks cracked, water shot up into the air like a makeshift fountain, wasting no time in flooding the bathroom, I paddled backward into a stall. I'd never seen him like that.

The door blasted inward, smoke singed the walls. The Gaians were trying to get to me, their figures crowded the door; but they could not enter.

The lights flickered; their features came in and out of view. I looked at Evan and was shocked.

(I get shocked often don't i? You'd think I'd be past it by now. Lol)

Evan's hair fluttered about him, his eyes were cerulean, but icy. They seemed colder, frigid; less alive and more deadly. The temperature dropped and the water froze. I was not accustomed to what was happening; my powers had never reacted like this in the face of fear.

"Yo step away from him!" Ryan had fought his way in front of the others. His obvious jealousy over Evan had him attempting to be protective.

"We'll continue this later." All the water in the bathroom froze; that felt like me, that surge of energy from fear felt like me.

I looked at Charlie, I really do not want to have to call him something else, I mean, I wasn't present at his christening, Vose, was just too much right now. Charlie was fighting the frost I had pushed out.

Evan seemed un-phased by the cold snap. He whipped his icy hair back, crystals flying elsewhere, freeing his dark locks as he left the room and stalked off.

"Tempest, I think it would be best if we left?" Worth's voice was a stoic distraction, from the haunted elevator my emotions were on.

I opened my mouth to speak and froze.

"I don't like that guy, babe. You need to drop him." Ryan said, breaking the sharp silence.

I turned to look at him, attempting to hold me. I pulled away and looked at the ice in the room.

"Charlie, can you melt the ice, please?" he blushed and scrunched his face up at my request, but I assumed his expression was how it would happen.

"March, maybe you should help him?" Worth's voice held a natural authoritativeness that seemed natural to the earthy rumble he produced.

"Got ya." March, winked at Worth and raised a flaming fist to the ceiling. The effect was instantaneous, I immediately felt warm, but not uncomfortably so.

"Worth, can you fix the door, since it was wood?" I nodded at him, my mind ran in a slightly mechanical state. I was following the rules of no exposure that I'd seen and read in every book and TV show I'd come across.

"Yes, Samuel." His voice was a bit higher as he addressed me, with the added heat, I felt a bit excited.

He raised a hand, the blasted splinters rose from all parts of the bathroom, the parts left on the hinges almost reached out for them, glad to be reattached. Worth winked at me as I watched him.

As I watched him I distinguished just how amazing his skill with wood was. He re-grew the door, frosted glass window a memory of the past. Even the old brass handle, reworked with wood into his new design.

Charlie had managed to stop the pipe from spewing and March seemed to have dried all the excess water away.

"Yo, their powers are amazing." Ryan remarked; smiling at me as if he could still fluff my ego.

"Don't tell me who I should be friends with." I stared him down, wanting my words to be as crude and precise as Evan's.

"Babe, he's no good."

The others seemed to know I was about to blow up and moved to opposite corners of the room away from us. Except Worth, he stepped forward.

"Samuel, maybe we should leave here, before you lose your temper." His words held weight with me; steadying me like flat feet on the ground.

"You're right. But I want Ryan gone. If March wants to maintain the sexual tryst they have," my eyes travelled from Ryan to March and back, "so be it. I don't want to see it or him." My voice was resolute. I held no weakness with this crowd.

I put everything I felt with Evan in a box; then tucked it away in the back of my mind. I then created a room around it, turned off all the lights and locked the door. Built a mansion around it and put it on a remote island in the middle of the ocean I then created to swallow it.

"Tempest please, I do not care for him. I only wanted to prove he was an unworthy suitor." March countered. I looked at Ryan, his eyes were downcast again, it was as if Cayenne was still riding him.

"How exactly?" I looked at March with an eyebrow raised like every eager students hand on the first day of school.

"When I bred him, I knew he was unfit for you. You want a man, not a mate." March smiled as if he had pleased me.

"Yo fuck you!" Ryan growled, his head still down, but his voice carried the hurt.

"You do realize it's 2016, correct? Feminism is a thing. Sexism is a thing. Intersectionality is a thing March." I looked at him; obvious disgust flashed itself across my face like bad acne. "I mean, what if I wanted to `breed' him. You just robbed me of my first encounter."

March's face fell as that thought hadn't cross his mind.

But just as his face fell, it flew back up.

The zipper of his leather pants fell.

I long ropey cock fell out, the foreskin extending an inch lower than the head. I gulped.

I noticed Ryan did too.

"I am yours Tempest, take my red fruit." March whispered, kneeling with his ass in my face, presenting his, OOOOH, HIS CHERRY!


"March, move." I pushed a hand against the taut but round flesh of his ass; he was warm and enticing, his skin burned with the soft crackle of something reminiscent of a siren's song. I caught a moan in my throat and yelled at him. "Get Dressed!"

"Samuel, I think we should start practice now."

"Worth?" my focus had switched, immediately I zeroed in on him. "Why do you think that?" I looked at Worth; he seemed distracted, looking out the only window in the bathroom.

"Come and see for yourself." He said, stepping away. I walked past the unusually silent Charlie and looked out the window.

"Oh my God." I gasped, it was snowing. My little cold snap had made it called winter down. I had plunged us into an early ice age.

I wanted to avoid a scene, so I plunged however far the clouds stretched into a winter wonderland.


"Yo, babe." Ryan whispered, finally breaking his silence.

"Someone get him out of here. Let's get this practice thing going." I mumbled, not looking back as Ryan kept silent as Charlie carried him away.

"Let s go then." Worth supposed, pulling the window open and jumping outside.


They had brought me to some creek, sadly it was frozen too.

I couldn't gauge how beautiful it was supposed to be, a light layer of snow covered everything; I felt horrible.

"Neither of us have powers similar to yours; Vose would be perfect to tutor you if he had any control over his abilities as well." March spoke, as he prepared to sit on a stump, waving a flaming palm over it, drying it.

"He's a noob too?" I laughed and trudged through the snow towards the icy bank of the river flowing by.

"He is still very adept at morphing himself. Do not assume that you and he are on the same level. What he can do with his body is something I've yet to master. March as well." Worth's voiced seemed to echo in the wooded area, it held an ominously natural vibe to it.

"I almost feel bad for attacking him yesterday." I laughed to myself; I looked up from the frozen surface to see March staring at me, smirking. I looked away from him and spoke, "so who's gonna train me today?"

"I am." March responded.

"Worth?" I called out.

"He's not here. It's just you and I Tempest." March smirked again, he walked towards me.

He pressed himself up into me, reminding me that I could feel the cold as well as the heat.

I pushed him away and faced him. "Let's get started. What do you want me to do? Whip up a storm? Attempt to fire a bolt of lightning? Call down a tornado?" I rubbed my hands then wiggled my fingers.

"How about we work on easing up the snow? It wasn't predicted to snow till another few weeks, much less the temperature dropping this drastically." He cracked his knuckles, emitting tiny sparks and flames.

"I don't know how this happened. One minute I'm arguing with Evan, then the next moment everything's out of control." I looked at my own hands, wiggled my fingers again and willed something to appear.

Lightning maybe?

"That Evan mortal, is he important to you?"

"He is my best friend." I looked up at March, he was shirtless. His shirt was carelessly discarded somewhere, covered by the frosty touch of my power.

"I agree with Ryan. He is..." he paused dramatically, turning up his nose then continued, "unsavoury." I looked at March; his words repeated themselves in my head as he ran a hand across his forged body.

"And maybe you shouldn't defend your boyfriend in my presence?" an edge of annoyance hung at the side of my lip.

"He is not my mate Tempest, you are." He said, somewhat exasperatedly. "I engaged in sex with him, but I did not orgasm. I saved that for you." He looked at me with ostensibly apologetic eyes.

"If you were my mate, you would not have done that." I lashed back.

"I am Prince of the Magmite and Overseer to the Pyreish Council; I am not accustomed to my actions being questioned. I did what I did to prove him unworthy of you and of my seed. I am not ashamed of what I did." Somehow as he spoke, his words had entranced me, he was in front of me, talking down into my face; bathing me in the smell of burnt cinnamon. "I am sorry it has hurt you so, Tempest."

I looked away, his words were melting my heart of ice and I think nature was picking up on what I was dishing out. "I'm far from innocent too. The first time I met Worth, I sucked his dick in the void place." I smiled sheepishly.

"Void place? Is that where you contact Gaia?" his voice had lost its sexual tension as his eyes burned through me.

"I don't contact Gaia, I'm not a call centre. I speak to my sky-self there. Or I encounter it. Come to think of it, I can't even remember how Worth got there." I idly toyed with my hair as I spoke, walking away from March.

"Your sky-self is you speaking with Gaia. And it might be the source of your control over your powers." He walked up to me and held me, showering me in his ashen breath.

"Okay?" I was on edge, his touch warmed me; the heat flowed through my body radiating my erogenous zones.

I pulled away from him, my breath raggedy; I closed my eyes and walked out onto the icy bridge covering the lake.

My eyes scrunched tight, my body tingling with anxiety. I reached out a hand and tapped into the void.

I was in the sky, the bright blue surrounded me; almost endlessly as I hovered innocuously.

"Hello?" I called, my voice echoed into the endless sky, vibrating every air molecule into frenzy.

Nothing vibrated back.

"Hello!" I focused this time, my voice boomed like thunder, echoing further, tearing the abyss apart.

Nothing bounced back.

I waited, hoped, that something that would return. I grew frustrated with the endless silence, I felt to scream.

"HOW DO I GAIN CONTROL?" my voice roared out.

The void lightened with a variety of colours, the sky flourished into a dull grey, the blue completely gone. I watched as the grey shifted back to blue, the clouds roamed about like sheep as reds and yellows streaked themselves across the vastness.

"Okay?" I grew further impatient. Floating aimlessly, hoping to get answers to questions I didn't yet know how to ask.

"Gaia?" I whispered.

The atmosphere shook.

I looked, in any direction, all were available to me; in the distance, I could see the ground. Something that previously existed, but never in the void, not in this space.

I could see the ground rumbling, quaking the void; a weird sense of nausea travelled through me as I felt the familiar effect of gravity trying to drag me.

A vast sphere of earth, waters and continents and all faced me. I was truly in the sky, staring down at a planet that had burrowed its way into a void I assumed I had created.

"Gaia?" I called again.

The planet spun slowly, its mountains and landmasses forming themselves as she picked up speed. The rising force of its rotation pulled the sheep clouds inward. Like a galactic whirlpool, I attempted to acclimate myself and hovered backwards against its pull.

"Stop!" I screamed as I frantically fought her.


I was uncertain. I had power over the sky and I couldn't do anything but fly away.



"Who said that?" I screamed into the void, my words found themselves ruined as the vortex mass ripped the air from my lungs; leaving my mouth a bad ventriloquist's tool.


I didn't know how to process the voice that rattled my bones like a skeletal xylophone; playing me as the joke I was.

The pull grew stronger, throwing my composure out of the atmosphere, there are no windows to be metaphorical with anyways.

My heart slammed against my chest as my body cart-wheeled aimlessly about; my thoughts felt lighter than the atmosphere I was losing control in. My heart clanked about my body as I spun through the air, losing even more purpose and focus.

I closed my eyes as the planet sucked me in.

"Fight it!"

My eyes shot open. "Evan?" I screamed. Taking back the air that was stolen from me.

I had righted myself; hovering in the vacuum.

"The air has to be going somewhere! Just focus Sam,"

"Evan? Where are you?" I called after his ethereal voice.

I looked at the blur of mass. The revolving globe was slowly consuming the sky; I hovered; and gathered myself.

I felt myself growing angry at this mass infringing on my domain. I felt angry with March for calling Evan unsavoury. I felt upset at March for fucking Ryan, I felt enraged with Evan hiding something. I grew enraged as I reflected on our argument. I felt enflamed when my thoughts ran on how ignorant I was to Charlie's abilities, thinking he could've saved my parents. I was furious at Jess for lying to me. I was pissed at the coach for being the brother to a twisted internalizing homophobia rapist brother. I was disgusted at Cayenne, I hated myself for destroying my school; displacing the staff...

I was pissed at Jillian.

I was pissed at this Gaia thing.

"FUCKING STOP!" I screamed.

I zoomed towards the vibrating mass.

"I SAID TO STOP!" I screamed again, the thunder rumbling with my voice.

I pulled the clouds, the sky, the air, the atmosphere, the stars, the suns, the moons, the everything celestial, the colour, the colourlessness.

I pulled them.

Held them in my heart.

"I SAID TO STOP!" my palms flung themselves towards the planet. My body ruptured with the nausea, I released it through my hands and watched as the planet combusted; showering me in earthy meteors.

The adrenaline dwindled and I felt myself falling in the void.

My eyes slipped closed.

And opened in the real world.

"Welcome back Tempest." March smiled down at me.

"Did it work?" my voice was small, I looked up at it him, noting myself in his arms.

"Look around Tempest." He gestured with his head.

I felt weak, looking around, speaking and moving, feeling the heated atmosphere of March's body; I relaxed and fell into him.



Thank you so much for supporting this story; seriously, message me guys. I love your ideas and thoughts.

I love the conversations some of you bring to me.


Additionally, I need to let you all know that I'm discontinuing this story. HOWEVER, I'm currently re-writing it. A reboot of sorts. I know some of you felt I should've carried on and just finished, but I'm certain you could've seen that I was just making it up as I went along. I had an idea that I never sketched out. And Now, I have and am working on it assiduously to proved to y'all.


FINALLY, a few readers suggested I make a KIK account so that I could be reached for conversation as well as reaction photos(your words not mine). It's operidot


Anyways, thank you for the support after just a few chapters.

You can email me at