Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2015 16:49:25 -0400 From: David-Aidan Mackey Subject: Speech Debate Sex and More: Part 14A: One Ring to Rule Them All: Transitions and Promises Hey! Long time, I know! I apologize. I was promoted at work and went from 15 hour weeks to 60 hour weeks. Just like that, my writing time vanished. But I'm adjusted now and able to write more regularly. However, instead of the longer 15-20K chapters, I am going to be posting shorter chapters (this is 14A for example) that I would have normally worked into a longer piece. They will be about 5-10K instead. That way I can get you something new more regularly. I hope that helps! Go to my author page here for more info DISCLAIMER: The following fictional story deals with sex among males. If you are offended by such material, are too young, or reside in an area where it is not allowed, depart. Though not observed in this story, care enough about yourself and humankind to practice safe sex. The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent. ********************************************************************* One Ring to Rule them All: Transitions and Promises By: D A Mackey For the first time since before my 18th Birthday, before meeting my Daniel, I woke up and just didn't want to get out of bed. My legs felt like tree trunks and it just seemed like an impossible task to lift my head from the pillow. Why can't I just stay asleep? I had been having the most wonderful dream: reliving the recent Senior Camping trip over and over. Each time, Daniel was more beautiful in my fantasy than he could ever be in real life. But, that was how I saw him: flawless, perfect, beautiful, and powerful. There was a danger to that. Or so I had been warned. I had always been told that the "honeymoon" phase would wear off and that reality would eventually kick me in the teeth. His flaws would become glaring. His habits would begin to grate on my last nerve. Call it the price of admission, if you will. Getting to know the real man I had fallen in love with, in all of his human failings weaknesses. I waited...but that just never happened. Each and every day I just found myself in awe of Daniel and his boundless love for me. And mine for him. Where he was weak, I seemed stronger. Where I fell short, he lifted me up. So why couldn't I will myself to rise from my bed today? When I had that waiting for me? Because it was the day of my high school graduation. It had finally arrived, after months and years of working towards it. I had always pictured it as some kind of emancipation. The shackles of four years of social torment and just trying to survive would be struck from my ankles and I would walk joyfully towards the setting sun. I had finally done my time and I was being released from the land of overly structured curricula into a world of specialized academia; a land where I could delve into subjects that interested me alongside like-minded individuals. I had dreamed of college since I was six. And on the morning I was to receive my walking papers, so to speak, I didn't even want to be conscious. Sleeping was just easier than dealing with the conflicted world I suddenly found myself in. I could live in Daniel's arms while I slept. Safe, comforted, happy, loved. Awake, I was worried and excited all at the same time. Before Daniel, I couldn't WAIT to leave high school. But since meeting him, he had changed not only my outlook on Jocks and love and life, but apparently also made me a little nostalgic for what I'd always thought of as my temporary prison before "real life" began. Daniel had made my young life more "real" than I had imagined possible. My phase buzzed on the bedside table beside me. I groaned and rolled over to retrieve it. 1 unread text message. DANIEL: Good morning, sleepy head. I can't wait to watch you on that stage, baby. I'll see you soon. I love you. I smiled to myself, already feeling a little more human. My thumbs tip tap tipped out my reply DAVID: I love you too Angel Boy. See you soon. Sappy, I know. Angel Boy. It had just happened one day a few weeks ago. We had been lying in his bed staring at the ceiling and talking about nothing and everything. He brought up the subject of pet names. We had called each other "baby" for months now. He tried on a few really horrible options. Honey Bunch. Sweet Pea (too close to what his mamma called me) Blue Eyes, Lover Boy. None of them seemed to fit. I had been embarrassed to offer my suggestion for his pet name. But eventually he had kissed it out of me; a feat I very much enjoyed. "Well you always seem to protect me, watch over me, and are always by my side, no matter what. Like a Guardian Angel. My own Angel Boy." I had turned seventeen shades of scarlet after that, but Daniel wiped a tear from his eyes and proceeded to make love to me for several blissful hours until we fell asleep with him begging me to call him Angel Boy, over and over. So, thus, Daniel became my Angel Boy. And, true to his namesake, he was watching over me even now, via text. I grumbled a bit, but I got to my feet and shuffled to my closet. I picked out an outfit, not really caring what it was or whether it matched or adhered to any sort of style guide. I was going to be wearing a floor length polyester graduation robe, after all. No one would see whatever I wore under that. I laid out my clothes on the bed, grabbed my towel from the back of the door and tried to disentangle the knots in my blonde hair as I made my way down the hall to the bathroom. My tank top and sleep pants made a pile on the tile floor. I turned the knob and let the water begin to heat up while I surveyed myself in the big mirror. I still wasn't quite sure what Daniel saw in me. Not to get down on myself. I wasn't insecure. Not exactly. I just never really thought of myself as being all that attractive. Being with Daniel had forced my body through some changes. My chest was a little more defined now. There were some striations that hinted at the outline of abs and the barest whisper of those lines that bodybuilders call their Adonis Plate. My arms had filled out a little, become a little more defined and not quite so twig like. My shoulders even seemed a little broader. My skin was still pale and clear. The approaching summer had caused a few light brownish reddish freckles to appear across my shoulders and upper chest. They were matched to the same across the bridge of my nose. But my eyes did seem to have a new light, a sparkle they had lacked before Daniel. Back then, they had always seemed like the eyes of....well.... prey. Hunted, anxious. Now, though they were a long way off from being predatory, they seemed more at ease, more open, more engaged and actively involved in the world around me. And the piece de resistance, so to speak, my never-failing companion in love and passion was making himself known at that early hour. My cock stood straight and firm in front of me, bouncing gently in time with my heartbeat. Even to my own eyes, I had to admire it. I mean, it was a luck of the draw type of thing, a lucky roll of the genetic dice...but hey, I wasn't going to complain. I enjoyed my cock immensely. Thankfully, so did Daniel. As I showered, my body seemed to be going through the motions by wrote. Like when you get into your car and then, all of a sudden, you are pulling into the driveway at home, no direct memory of how you got there. My mind was still floating somewhere in the ether; disconnected and lost in worry and variously contradicting courses of action or inaction to the myriad emotions I was experiencing. No way made itself clear while the hot water worked into my muscles and kneaded the sleep from my corporeal form. No "Eureka!" moment for me. They are said to come when your mind is wandering and sitting in traffic or taking a shower. Sigh. No such luck. Even slowly jerking on my hard cock, usually a sure fire way to lure my mind back into my skull, had little effect. I could conjure up a short scenario and begin to play it in my mind, but then it would fade away in the fog of everything else. I couldn't seem to stay focused. Not even on THAT. An 18-year-old boy who couldn't jerk off. There was something seriously amiss with that situation. I was still only half in my body when I got dressed in whatever nonchalant outfit I had cobbled together and laid out earlier. Ever been inside your own head and felt like you were being carried around inside the pocket of a giant? Pounding on the walls of your mind with both fists, screaming at the top of yours to WAKE UP! But the crystal clear bubble that is your prison holds fast, never waivers. Try as you might you can't seem to break through, though the walls are invisible and thinner than a breath in the dead of winter. I plodded down the stairs, still in that distracted state. Even the barbed and usually vitriolic wit of my little sister failed to illicit the usual counter response from me. When she made some half-assed remark about the irony of me, a gay man, wearing a "gown" (weak joke, even for her) I just shrugged and smirked at her. She seemed shocked at first, and then returned her attention to her Lucky Charms. Even the gentle sobs of my Mamma failed to move me. Every now and then, she flipped pancakes and gently stirred scrambled eggs and bacon on the stovetop, she would let out a racking sob, her shoulders hunching forward and trembling for a moment. When she fixed my plate and turned to set it down in front of me as I took my seat at the table, I saw her mascara and eyeliner had made dark wet circles under her eyes. She looked at me, biting her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes full to bursting with tears. The plate clattered to the table and she wailed, "don't grow up! Not yet! It's too soon!" She pulled me to her embrace and squeezed me so tightly while she was wracked with sobbing and wailing that I had difficulty breathing. "Mom!" I gurgled. Her grip only intensified, as did her wails. "Mamma! I can't breathe!" I gasped. With a final agony wracked sob she released my shoulders, took my face in her hands and pulled my face forward, squishing it up between her fingers. "Such a handsome man you've become," she started. "What happened to my little blonde baby? When did you grow up?! Seems like I blinked and missed the whole thing." The sentiment was touching. I felt myself becoming a little more engaged. "Still here, Mamma. Can't get rid of me that easy," I whispered and tried to smile as she manhandled (or MammaHandled...) my cheeks. "Why does David get a home cooked breakfast and I have to eat stupid cold Luck Charms?" my sister whined. In the way only Southern Mammas can, Mamma's face melted from weeping maternal softness to cold-eyed iron-hard fury as she rounded on my little sister. Sissy knew she had crossed that line the moment Mamma's gaze hit her. You could see the whites suddenly bloom all around her bright blue eyes, the twin to my own. They very nearly popped out of her head. "Because he is graduating High School, Darling," Mamma snapped, making the pet name seem almost a condemnation. "When you do something as momentous as that, then you too will get a big breakfast. But since all you've accomplished recently is being a thorn in your brother's side for no good reason, you will sit there and eat your Lucky Charms and you will be grateful and LIKE it! Do I make myself clear?" Sissy meekly bowed her head, shoveled the remainder of her cereal hurriedly into her mouth and quickly cleaned her bowl before headed to the living room. She didn't even drink the left over milk...arguably the best part of a Lucky Charms breakfast. Grey in color (gross) but delicious. "Wow," I said as I watched my sister retreat with her tail between her legs. "You didn't need to do that Mamma. I can handle her." "Hush you," she scolded me lightly. "You got enough on your plate, Sweet Boy. You don't need to be dealing with her sarcasm today. Let me take care of you for just a little while longer." That set her to weeping again. I sighed and let myself be enfolded in her embrace once again. "When's Dad meeting us?" I asked some time later once Mamma's sobs had quieted a bit. My sister still hadn't worked up the courage to return to the kitchen. "He's meeting us at the ceremony. Or so he says," Mamma said flatly. Another factor that had my emotional world in turmoil was the fact that my parents had filed for separation a few weeks back. At the time, I had been too wrapped up in my burgeoning relationship with Daniel. But as the weeks passed, as is the way of such things, the complex feelings associated with the disillusionment of my nuclear family had begun to worm their way into my heart. I hadn't really sat down and dealt with any of them. I hadn't responded much at all when my father had moved most of his stuff into a rented two bedroom house about 2 miles from my own. I wasn't in denial by any means. I just hadn't focused on that particular issue as yet. Not that my parents heading towards divorce wasn't important. But one life altering change at a time, please. What was going to happen to Daniel and I after graduation and our last summer before college trumped even something as severe as divorce. So, I focused on the food in front of me and pushed everything else to the back of my mind. My speech was typed neatly onto several note cards and slipped into my back pocket. I had it memorized, but it would have been foolhardy not to have a backup close at hand. Just in case. My usually steel trap of a mind was obviously unable to function at its' normally peak capacity. Better safe than sorry. I was reciting a rather academic and wordy section in my head, making sure I had the syntax and diction just so when the doorbell rang. Mamma dried her eyes on a kitchen towel and hurried to the front door. I tried to rise from my seat but a curt, "SIT!" from Mamma stopped that plan. Daniel had arrived. My heart began to beat a little quicker. The first sign of something close to life I'd felt since waking "Morning, darling boy! Don't you look handsome? Well come on then, get in here," I heard Mamma twittering away happily. "Thanks. And you look great, too," came Daniel's baritone reply. It took every ounce of my strength not to get up and run to him at the door. After wandering around lost in my own head all morning, his voice seemed to open a tunnel to the real world for me. And then I felt his arms encircle my chest from behind, his cheek pressing to my temple. I felt his lips kiss me gently on my cheek. "Hey, baby," he whispered, pulling me tighter to his chest. My fingers dropped my fork and knife and gripped his taut forearms, hugging him even closer. I turned my face up towards his and saw his smiling brown eyes as if for the first time. And I was struck with a sudden sadness. A deep hole opened inside me and at the bottom I could just make out all that I stood to lose: all the love and devotion, the care and comfort, the dramatic change in my life since Daniel had become enmeshed in my soul. All of that could be gone soon. Wiped away as if it had never happened. Today marked the beginning of a transition from the old to the new. Daniel, as new as he was still to my life, was part of the old. Staring down the possibility that he may not be apart of the new made my stomach want to tie up in knots. Then he kissed me. Gently. So soft and serene as to make a spring day seem like a monsoon. The moment his lips touched mine, that crystal prison shattered and my mind settled easily back into me. Like a feather floating to the ground. When he pulled back I was a little starry eyed and dazed. I cleared my throat and tried to mumble my greeting, but very little in the way of actual recognizable speech actually made it past my lips. Daniel didn't mind. "Hey Little Brat," he shot sarcastically towards my sister, who had finally worked up the courage to poke her head around the corner. "You ready to be the lady of the house once David heads to school? Just a few weeks and you're rid of us entirely." "Don't I wish, Rocks-for-brains," she quipped, gingerly entering the kitchen to spar with my boyfriend, but always keeping a watchful eye on Mamma. One scolding a day was more that enough for anyone. "But, alas, he will have to come home for breaks and Christmas and all that. So, I won't be totally free quite yet. But a vast improvement." Daniel laughed and reached for her, pulling her into a tight hug and squeezing her tight. I reveled in the popeyed expression and bright red blush she tried in vain to control. "Can't get rid of us that easy, huh? Well, either way, you look very lovely this morning." "Thanks," she replied, for once without a hint of sarcasm or bile. "You're in a good mood today, Daniel," Mamma said as she stacked another pancake on a plate she was preparing to set in front of him. "Maybe you can get this one to cheer up a bit. Been a bit of a Gloomy Gus all morning. As far as I can tell. But what do I know? You boys make about as much sense as a fish with wings." "Those exist you know," I chimed in without thought. "Well, they aren't really wings in the truest sense of the definition, just elongated fins that allow for several yards of lift when launched out of the..." "Let's get you polished up and ready to go, baby," Daniel interjected. I looked up and saw the befuddled faces of my family members. I had been rambling. I had a tendency to do that when I was nervous, anxious, or upset. "Sit and eat a minute," Mamma offered, gesturing to the plate she'd prepared, piled high with more pancakes and eggs than any two grown men had a right to consume. "I ate at home, Ma'am," Daniel said. "But thank you kindly for the offer." I rose from my seat and took my plate to the sink, washed it as I had been taught since I was old enough to walk, kissed my Mamma on the cheek and waited for Daniel. He jerked his head towards the staircase. I walked past him and before I got so much as two feet ahead, his full handed swat to my ass made me yelp and jump nearly two feet in the air. "OUCH!" I whined, rubbing my sore butt cheek. "Had to do something to get you to wake up! You're like a zombie this morning," Daniel joked, doing his best to raise my spirits with his tone. "Get a room," my sister groaned. "Where do you think we are going?" Daniel replied, raising one eyebrow at her and causing her to blanch to a shade resembling cooked rice. I smiled to myself, reveling in her discomfort and the ease with which Daniel put her in her place, and headed up the stairs to my room. Before the door had closed behind Daniel and we were safe and alone in my little sanctuary, Daniel's face morphed to a look of outright concern. "What's the matter baby?" he asked, leaning against my door as I took a seat on the bed. "Your Mamma is right, you seem off today. What's wrong?" I wanted to weep. I was so frustrated. For someone who had always relied on words and wit to survive in the harsh realities of life, it was beyond awful to be at a loss for words. I grunted and flung myself back on the bed, my hand covering my eyes in the hope that I wouldn't cry. "I don't know," I complained helplessly. "I can't describe it." I felt Daniel sit on the bed beside me and then lay down next to me. He shuffled around so that he propped himself on one elbow, his free hand resting on my chest and rubbing lightly. I felt myself relax almost instantly. "Sound to me like you are worry too much," he whispered. He leaned in to kiss me gently on the cheek. "You can tell me anything baby. What's got you so torn up? Let me help..." The love in his voice is what finally broke me reserve. Here he was opening himself up to me, making himself vulnerable and asking me to lay my problems on his shoulders, let him help carry the burden. I still couldn't bring myself to look at him directly, but I felt the words I'd been searching for begin to take shape in my mind. "I just never thought this day would feel like this. I always thought I would be overjoyed to get out of High School, but I just want things to stay the way they are. I don't want my life to change. I just started being happy, for the first time since I can remember and now..." Daniel sighed and snuggled next to me, wrapping his massive arm around my chest and holding me tighter to his body. "So you're scared that things will change between us now that High School is officially over?" The dam broke and hot salty tears began to stream down my face. I turned and buried my face into his chest and let him rock me into him as I wept like a baby. "Don't even think that way, David," Daniel began, his lips close to my ear as he stroked my hair and did his level best to calm my sobs. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? Okay? I swear it. I couldn't even if I wanted to...which I do not." "But we aren't going to the same school..." I whimpered through my sobs. "So? Plenty of couples don't go to the same school. But you have a car. I have a car. We will make it work. Okay? Plus that is months away yet. We have the entire summer still." "But..." "No buts, baby," Daniel said firmly. He pushed me back by my shoulders and looked me square in the eyes. His soft brown eyes shone with a wetness that surprised me, but they were intent and calm, sure. "We have all summer together. And after that, the rest of our lives. One little graduation is not going to change any of that. I won't allow it. Understand? You are stuck with me David. I'm sorry to say it, but you're mine and I'm yours and there is just no two ways about it." I smiled and choked back a laugh. He leaned in to kiss me and my head spun like a top. "You ever wonder what life would be like right now if I had joined the Debate team freshman or sophomore year instead of this semesters?" he hypothesized. "You think we'd be married by now?" "Married?" I asked. "In the Bible Belt South? Unlikely." His face fell a little bit and realized my error. "No! No! I would have married you in a heartbeat. Mamma would have been a little hard to convince and all, but...well, fuck! I just screwed things up again didn't I?" Daniel chuckled and calmed my anxieties with yet another kiss. If I could survive on those kisses and nothing else I would do so and happily. "Easy, love," he whispered. "At the very least, I could have avoided that train wreck of a relationship with Amy." "She's not that bad." "Sticking up for the enemy, huh?" Daniel joked. "I knew there was a reason I love you so much. You always find the best in people, even those who don't deserve it." Until he had mentioned her, I had nearly forgotten that I would have to see her today at Graduation. Since her downfall after Prom, she had remained relatively low key. She shuffled about on the fringes of the social order like a ghost. No one really paid her any mind. She had gone from the most visible and well-known celebrity, a gigantic fish in a very small pond, to something barely more than a minnow. There were freshman girls who could easily put her in her place now. It was sad to see. I never would have guessed it, but I had more in common with her now than I thought possible. I knew all to well the world in which she walked. It had been my own for years. I couldn't help but wonder if I had, in some way, replaced her. If there was only so much room at the top of the social ladder. When my relationship with Daniel had elevated my social standing, had it become necessary that someone already at the top must fall? If so, then I would have a nagging sense of guilt for the rest of my life. I knew there was nothing I could do about it, not really. Might as well wish to command the weather. Pointless. Things were the way they were and human nature wasn't going to change simply because a gay nerd had a twinge of a guilty conscience. "Wow, you really are all over the place aren't you?" Daniel suddenly interjected, pulling me from my thoughts of his ex-girlfriend. "Huh?" "Your face got all serious and concerned there for a minute. Like you were thinking really hard about something." I waved away his concerns. "No matter. I'm okay." I snuggled up close to him and nuzzled my face in the gentle curve of his neck, letting his hands roam the broad expanse of my back. I drank in the scent of him, the manly, masculine, scent of the man I loved. And who loved me. "I almost forgot," he said after a long while in our comfortable embrace. "I brought something for you. Wait here." Daniel disentangled himself from our ball of limbs, stood and searched for his bag. I was treated to a lovely view of his roused bubble but in his tight khaki pants when he bent over to fish something from one of the pockets. "Can't complain about the view..." I joked, making an Eartha Kitt growling sound to complete the come on. Daniel guffawed. "Perv." "Guilty." He stood straight and turned and held out his open palm towards me. There, in the middle of his hand, glistening in the soft yellow light of my room was a stainless steel cock ring. "Remember this?" he asked. It took me a moment, but soon it DID come back to me. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "I had completely forgotten about that! Where in the hell did you find it?" It had been months ago. The very first night we spent together in Boston at the Regional Speech and Debate Finals. The first night we had made love and begun this life altering world-changing journey that took us to today. He had bought it along with the purple vibrator that still lived hidden under some socks and papers in my bedside table. We had never gotten around to actually using it. Other...things...had distracted us. "I was going through my David Box this morning and I found it on the bottom under..." "David Box?" I asked. "What the hell is a David Box? Sounds vaguely serial killer esque." That earned me a little laugh. "Nothing like that. Just a box of all the stuff we've done together. Receipts, movie stubs, letters, notes, mementos. A box of all the little things that make up our life together. It's sappy, I know. I didn't do it consciously, mind. It just sort of accumulated over the weeks..." He was blushing and looking at the carpet one toe making nervous circles in the off-white fibers. "It's incredibly sweet," I said. "Really?" he looked up at me with a questioning gaze, his eyes wide and searching for reassurance. I nodded and gestured for him to come to me. As he came nearer to me, I scooted myself back onto my bed and opened my legs, leaving his a space to crawl up. His face inched closer to mine as I sank back to the mattress and watched in awe as his beautiful face hovered just inches from mine, his big arms on either side of my chest. "Let's see if I can't get your mind off of your worries?" he whispered and gave me that devious half smirk half smile. The feel of his lips on the sensitive skin of my neck made my knees rise to my chest. All of my breath oozed from my body in a hurried gasp. Tightening around his black hair, my fingers twisted and pulled him deeper into me, urging him to keep going. His lips moved to my collarbones. I felt his fingers on the bottom button of my shirt, fumbling to undo it. "Tear it open," I sighed, my eyes closed as he showered my neck with kisses that were slowly bringing me back to life. He did not need to be told twice. With a twanging pop all eight of the buttons on my shirt flew into the air in every direction and clanged to the floor. Before I could adjust, Daniel's mouth was on my right nipple, sucking and licking it, biting down hard on the tender pink flesh as it hardened between his teeth. "Oh fuck..." I moaned and ground my hips up into his. My hands grabbed at the globes of his perfect ass and squeezed hard, pulling him into my rapidly stiffening prick. "How could you ever think I would leave this," Daniel said, looking up the length of my torso as he slowly kissed his way down my stomach. He flicked his warm wet tongue over my belly button and my back arched from the mattress. His tongue traced over the lines of my hips, flicking quickly over the curve of them as his fingers masterfully undid my belt and unbuttoned my pants. His palms pressed flat to my stomach and he moved them slowly up to my chest, squeezing my pecs and letting a small moan escape him, deep and primal. "I love you so much," he whispered, looking up at me. "Oh god," I groaned, "I love you too." My cock was making itself known even under my boxer briefs and now unzipped pants. Daniel opened his mouth and kissed and sucked on my covered shaft, wetting the fabric. I felt a small drop of precum soaking through as he worked my tool. "Please baby," I whimpered, "Please. Get it out." The mischievous throaty laugh that got set my blood to pounding in my ears. I lifted my hips from the mattress and let Daniel work my pants and underwear from my legs. My hard cock flopped onto my stomach and immediately began forming a pool of crystal liquid. "Is that better?" he teased. "Should I just leave you like that?" I pushed my hips towards his face, seeking him out, wanting my cock buried in his tight throat. The distracted and anxiety ridden hole I had been trapped in this morning was suddenly light years away. All that mattered now was Daniel. Always Daniel. "Suck my cock, baby," I said. "Please?" "If you insist..." Daniel's hand held me down by my hips. His mouth opened and in a masterful thrust, he pushed first my cock head and then my entire long, thick shaft down his throat. His eyes never left mine. "Oh, holy mother of god!" I screamed as my fingers tightened on his hair and I thrust my cock ever deeper into him. His breath was hot on my pubic hair, his throat working my tool in waves. He pulled back and worked his tongue around my head and slit, swirling around and sucking firmly, milking the sweet pre cum from me and swallowing it down gratefully. With my cock head still in his mouth, his tongue sending waves of unrivaled pleasure through every nerve of my body, Daniel held up the silver cock ring between his thumb and forefinger while he raised one eyebrow at me. "YES!" I nearly shouted. The image of his full soft lips as they encircled my thick cock...well, there was no more coaxing necessary. My cock popped from his mouth with an audible noise. He stood at the foot of my bed, crossed his arms to grab the hem of his black polo shirt (which made his chest bunch up and become even more impressive than it was normally), and lifted it easily over his head. His beauty was, as always, stunning. He stared down at me, his chest rising and falling, the square outline of his pecs covered in soft trimmed black hair. His nipples were dark and hard already, standing at attention. "Jesus," I exhaled. Daniel giggled a bit. "And that's not even the best part..." He turned his back to me, his wide shoulders and defined lats and delta popping out beneath his smooth olive skin. He craned his face over his shoulder to look at me as he worked his fingers into the waist of his pants. Slowly and with deliberate languor, he pushed his pants to his ankles. First the smooth rounded top of his ass appeared, followed by the deep crevice that hid his tight puckered hole. He flexed his ass for me as he bent at the waist, making the dimples on the sides of the muscle jump and twitch. I loved watching his slow reveal, the little jiggle and bounce as the waistband pushed below his ass cheeks and continued down. His hamstrings....his calves....the way his black curly leg hair faded and stopped about 2/3 of the way up his chorded legs. "Better?" he asked, looking over his shoulder. "How's the view?" "Perfect," I breathed. Daniel turned back to face me. His uncut cock stood out straight from his body, arching slightly upwards. The small square of trimmed black hair above his gently pulsing member made it look even more impressive. His foreskin was rolled back slightly, exposing his dark red cock head almost entirely. His huge low hanging balls swung easily between his hairy thighs. All in all, he was meal ready to eat. "If you want this, I can make you a promise right now. It is yours. Always. All of it. All of me. And not just my body, you know. When I say all of me, I mean it. All of me. Forever and for always." I scooted to the end of the bed and reached for him, my arms outstretched, waiting for contact. He moved towards me and I hugged him to me, his hard cock pressing into my chest as my cheek buried into the soft hair on his six pack abs. My arms wrapped around the small of his back. I was to touched by his promise that I didn't even need to work my way down to his ideal ass. I just hugged him to me and felt the warmth of his skin on mine. His fingers played with my hair, stroking it and twisting the golden locks around his thick digits. "If I can have you forever, then I accept," I whispered and kissed his stomach. "Good, because we are just getting started." I sometimes forgot how strong my Daniel was. His hands were under my armpits and I was suddenly airborne, naked and flying through the air towards my headboard. I bounced when I landed, but only once because Daniel straddled my hips and knelt over me before I came to a full and complete stop. "We have a good hour before we have to leave for the ceremony," Daniel started, his cock tantalizingly close to me, yet unreachable. Try as I might, when Daniel was on top, he wasn't going to move unless HE wanted to be moved. "Do you have any ideas how we can spend it?" "More than a few..." I offered. Daniel reached behind him and grabbed my aching cock in a backhanded grip. "Oh god..." I sighed as more tension evaporated from my body. Slowly, he jerked my cock up and then back down, his long fingers cupping and rubbing my sore balls when he got to the down stroke. "The cock that changed my life," Daniel said. "God, I love your cock. I love it so much, I want to put a ring on it." That set both of us to a fit of boyish giggles. Daniel retrieved some lube from my bedside table and sat easily on his heels. Even in a relaxed state like that, his muscles gleamed and shone, each in their individual glory, no flexing required. He drizzled a long stream of the lubricant onto the tip of my cock and then sent my entire body into convulsions when he worked it all the way down my length and over my balls. "They say cock rings make your dick even bigger. I'm interested to find out..." Daniel grabbed the stainless steel cock ring and slid it down my shaft. It fit with a little room to spare. When he had it worked to the base of my cock he told me to breathe deep. One at a time, he wiggled and maneuvered my balls underneath the tight metal circle. Almost instantly, I felt my pulse in my cock. It throbbed almost painfully. I was harder than I had ever been. Even the slightest gust of air against my lubed skin sent my cock to twitching. "Holy Shit!" Daniel nearly chocked. "It's incredible." He reached out and jerked my cock once, ever so lightly. I nearly lost my mind. My back arched from the bed and I screamed so loudly that Daniel had to throw his hand over my mouth. "Shhh," Daniel admonished, trying not to laugh at my obvious pleasurable discomfort. "I really want to see if I can do it." There was a familiar gleam in Daniel's eye. It was at once full of lust and competition. He had found a goal and now he was looking forward to conquering it. "You ready, love?" He asked. "Give me something to focus on," I whined. "All that attention on my cock right now and I'll explode. I sweat to god I'll just explode in a puff of smoke." Daniel thought for a moment, and then quickly flipped around onto all fours, pushing his tight clean jock boy hole towards my face. "Might as well kill two birds with one stone, huh baby? Get my hole good and ready, because you are going to fuck me very soon." I growled at him like a wild beast, wrapped my arms around his hips and dove for his ass like it was my last meal. "Ohhhh Fuck yes!" Daniel groaned, sitting back onto my tongue and bouncing his ass against my face. I lapped and sucked and licked at his tight opening, burying my tongue as deeply as I could inside of him, feeling him squeeze me. Daniel reached behind him to pull apart his ass cheeks. "Rim me baby. Oh god, yes, fucking eat my tight jock hole. Fuck me with your tongue." I was a man on a mission. My jaw was getting tired already but I did not care in the slightest. I moaned and growled as I devoured him, the taste of him on my lips intoxicating me, making me high. I felt his balls bouncing on my chest as he fucked himself against my rimming. "Fuck baby, that feels amazing. Don't stop...oh FUCK! YES! Don't you dare stop. God you're precumming so much. Holy fuck!" And with that, he leaned forward and took my cock head in his mouth. It felt like when he would jerk my cock JUST after I had blown a huge load, sensitive and tingly and nearly painful but right on that line. A pleasure so great it bordered on pain. I threw my head back, distracted even from rimming his twitching hole and bellowed towards the ceiling. "Ohhhh fucking god!" Daniel sucked harder. He bobbed up and down my cock, lapping up the precum that flowed from me in a never-ending stream. The cock ring had turned on the spigot and there was no stopping it now. "Your precum even tastes sweeter with this on," he panted in the split second it took him to pull back from my cock. He engulfed me again the instant he'd finished talking. I had no choice but to dive back into his tight ass. Not that I wouldn't have anyway, but it was almost necessary now to throw some of my attention to that so that I didn't writhe in heavenly agony from the sensations he was lavishing upon my rock hard, bigger-than-ever cock. And just as quickly, he was not holding me down any longer. As fast as lightning he moved beside me and pressed his entire body into mine. He grabbed at my face and pulled me in for a kiss. My mouth opened and I felt his tongue enter me. I tasted my own sweet precum on his wet and puffy lips, and the sweet taste of his clean manhood as well. They should bottle that and sell it. It's the world's most incredible taste. "God, I love you," he panted between kisses, breaking our lip lock only long enough to shower me with attention and then joining with me again. "So much. God so much!" I was breathless and speechless. Screw graduation. Screw the ceremony. Screw my Valedictorian speech. It was all bunk. Worthless, meaningless bunk. THIS, right here, with Daniel...this is what mattered. "Make me cum baby? One more time as high school guys?" Daniel begged breathily. His hands never stopped moving over my body. "Push that huge cock into me and make love to me until I cum..." He didn't break our kiss but he twisted in my grip so that his back was to my chest. He pushed his glorious ass towards me and I felt my almost too hard cock slide slickly between his cheeks. "Mmm, Ohhhh" Daniel whimpered into our kiss. "Please...please, David." I kissed him deeply and held on to his hips. Without answering him, I pulled my hips back, felt my way blindly and pushed forward. My cock head popped inside his tight hole without resistance; slowly I sank inch by inch into him, my spit and his lubricating the way. "OHHHHH shit! I'm...Ahhhh...Ahhhh...oh!" Daniel panted and groaned when my cock was about half way inside him. Suddenly, his ass gripped my cock like a vice, clamping down and convulsing. Daniel made a strangled gurgling sound. Then his ecstasy-ridden face was suddenly plastered with several thick ropes of his white jock cum! They landed on his cheek and chin, across his lips, over his arched brows. I hadn't even done anything! My cock wasn't even all the way inside of him and he had already cum. I wasn't sure weather to be insulted or proud. "Don't stop," he whined, thrusting his hips back, pushing more of my cock inside him. Proud it is, then. "You just made me cum without touching myself! Oh's so big baby. Oh god, fuck me! Make me cum again. I'm already close..." My cock was on fire inside of him. I pushed the final inches into him and felt my hips settle against the smooth muscled hardness of his ass. His hole squeezed and tightened on me as he fucked himself slowly against my cock. I felt my precum leaking from his tight hold, dripping between us and making my thighs sticky and wet. "Pound me, baby. Fuck me hard!" Daniel growled, twisting around to grab the back of my neck and pull me in for a kiss. "Not today, Angel Boy..." I teased. His face turned pale for a moment, but changed to blissful wantonness when I pulled back and then thrust into him slow and steady. I felt every detail, every centimeter of my be-ringed cock as it worked into him. I could feel when I pressed into his prostate. Feel when I leaked another huge stream of precum. Feel when he shuddered around me. "Oh god, baby. Oh god.... harder...please...I'm so close." I kept my pace. In and out. Slow and steady, pushing into his spot and grinding my hips into him in a circle when I bottomed out inside of him. Sweat began to form on his brow; his chest became a little moist. Even the skin on his hips that I grabbed and used for leverage became warmer to the touch. His eyes were closed, his mouth hanging open as I tortured him with slow and deliberate thrusts against his magic button. As he rocked himself against me, mirroring my thrusts with ease, pulling me deeper into him, he moaned a constant refrain of "I love you, David. God in heaven, I love you so much." Over and over and over as I pushed him slowly up the hill towards release. One thing to be said about cock rings: the certainly help prolong your pleasure. It took me nearly half an hour or tormenting Daniel, teasing and twisting his nerves and riding him slowly before I felt the familiar tingle deep inside. I picked up the pace but only a little. Even that change sent Daniel into over drive. "Please cum in me, baby. Give it to me. Cum in my ass and let me hold your load inside me at graduation. Please please please." His voice was languid and slurred, almost as if he were drunk. I guess, in some ways he was: drunk on my cock. I could get used to that. "You want my load huh?" I whispered into his ear, biting at his earlobe and making him gasp. "Fuck yes. Cum in me David. Fucking blow your hot cum deep inside me." I gripped his hips hard and finally...after so much torture...began to well and truly pound my Daniel. My hips slammed into his ass, wet smacking sounds echoing around the room. Faster, faster, faster, I picked up speed until Daniel was mumbling in an incomprehensible string of guttural groans. "Fuck yes, take my cum baby," I screamed as I mercilessly pushed the entirety of my monster cock as deep as it would go into my jock boyfriend's tight well-fucked ass. It felt like I would never stop cumming. Once that first shot blasted into Daniel's guts, the valve was opened and I pour six seven eight shots deeper and deeper into him. The first shot was all Daniel needed to shoot his second load high into the air. It landed on his chest and stomach, coating him and mixing with his sweat, beading into his body hair. I held my cock inside him, pulsing out the last of my seed into the man I loved more than life itself. I felt the hot whiteness seeping from his hole, dripping down my balls and making a mess of the bed sheets. But I didn't care. We couldn't have moved if we had wanted to. I laid my head onto Daniel's shoulder and struggled to catch my breath even as my dick continued to pulse smaller streams of my cum into him. Daniel panted and entwined my fingers in his own. He twisted around and tried to kiss me, but he only had the breathing capacity for short pecks. I tasted his cum on his skin. I flick some onto my tongue and drew it in, tasting his sweet and salty metallic juice. That drove him crazy. He gripped my face and kissed me deeply. If we hadn't needed to get to graduation, that would have been the perfect way to fall asleep. My cock was still harder than steel thanks to the cock ring and still buried inside his cum filled ass. I could have slept for days like that. But alas, the Fates had other plans for us. After a few blissfully connected minutes, Daniel kissed me sweetly, slid my cock from him with a small moan and rose from the bed. He looked amazing, of course. He was flushed and glistening with a thin sheet of sweat. And streaks of white criss crossed his chest, abs, neck, shoulders, and face. "Do I have any on me?" he joked. "Nope. Clean as a whistle," I returned with a wink. Daniel retrieved my recently de-buttoned shirt and used it to wipe the cum from him while I gingerly tried to remove the cock ring. "So I would say THAT was a rousing success, huh?" Daniel offered, when I handed the ring to him for cleaning. "I'd say so. Now we have to try it out on you. After graduation maybe?" I looked at him hopefully. He leaned in to kiss me. "It's a date." Daniel opened my closet and grabbed another shirt for me. We redressed in chit chatting comfort, stopping every now and then to pull the other one close to us and kiss or touch each other tenderly. Dressing in this fashion is a lot more time consuming than expected. A quick glance at my alarm clock said we had only minutes before we were supposed to be out of the door. "Don't forget this," Daniel said, retrieving a black plastic dry cleaning bag from the hook on my door. He unzipped it and fished out the black shiny graduation robe, blue and green Valedictorian tassels and flat-topped graduation cap. I made a face. "I know, it's not the most stylish, but it's tradition," he chided gently. I raised my arms to my sides and allowed Daniel to put the robe and accoutrement on me. "Where's yours?" I asked. "In the car. You look good, Baby. See?" He turned me to face my mirror. Good might be an overstatement. But I didn't hate the over all look. I felt a small twinge of sadness return, looking at the physical manifestation of the fears that had so rocked me only a few hours earlier. But it vanished just as quickly. The robe and cap might signify the last day, an outfit that defined an ending. But Daniel had made me see that it was also a new beginning. A new beginning...with Daniel. I wasn't going to lose him. Not now, and not ever. "There's one more thing," Daniel said, walking to his bag and grabbing a small black package about two inches cubed. "I picked it up yesterday." He handed me the black velveteen box and I opened it carefully. To be honest, since he had mentioned marriage just a few minutes earlier, my brain was in a dizzying swirl of confusion. Was he seriously giving me a... "Every Valedictorian needs his class ring." The silver signet ring was beautifully carved, solid silver with no stone. Flat topped, it had a miniature copy of the school crest engraved. Tradition stated that you were to respond to future correspondence from the school, like reunion invitations or charity balls, by pressing your ring into a pool of melted gold wax that they gave us along with our diploma. "Try it on," Daniel encouraged. I plucked the ring from its satin lining and held it up. "Look inside." Under the seal on the inside of the band were tiny flowing lines of script, engraved in flowery perfection: D&D Always. "I have one, too. Same engraving. So I hope that helps to prove that I'm with you for the long haul?" It did. It proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt. If only I could stop the tightening in my chest so that I could tell him that. Instead, the tears came to my eyes unbidden. I slipped the ring onto the ring finger of my right had, and flung myself at Daniel, showering him in a storm of kisses and hugs. He pushed me back gently when my outburst subsided, wiped a stray tear from my cheek and kissed me on my forehead. "Come on, Baby. Let's go start the next chapter of our life. What do you say?" I nodded and smiled at him with so much joy that I felt it should have come bursting out of every pore. Daniel opened the door and my joy was cut a little short. My little sister waited directly behind it, standing in the hallway with her usual scowl. She thrust her hand towards me, and shook something at me: a bottle of cologne. "Spray this. I can smell the sex from the living room, Mr. Valedictorian. Mom's in the car already. Blushing like you wouldn't imagine. She's been out there about 20 minutes now. Ever since the volume of your...well since you got a little rowdy." Oh. Dear. God! My face was so hot I should have been a pile of ashes on the carpet. Daniel just laughed, put his arm around my shoulder and walked past my little sister. Shockingly, she giggled a little bit too. That was a sound I hadn't heard since she'd started puberty! I plodded along beside my Daniel, in awe of the man who had given me so much already, and promised me so much more, even as he dragged along a mortified Valedictorian in his wake. I twisted my new ring on my finger. D&D Always.