Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 02:27:54 -0400 From: dan Subject: Spring break and my new jock friend; Chapter 1 This is a work of fiction containing gay consensual sex between adults over the age of 18 years old. If it is illegal to view this material, offended by the content or underage, please leave this site immediately. This work of fiction is the product of the author and maybe not be copied or published in any way without the express consent of this author. No one in this story is real, living or dead. Any resemblance to a living or dead person is purely an accident. This is my first story and I welcome any comments or suggestion. Dan ******************************************************************************* Brian was standing there? I don't know why I thought he was so amazing. He never spoke to me; we didn't hang out with the same crowd, I don't think that we had anything in common; but every chance I got I would find myself staring at him. Brian was a senior just like me, except that is where the similarities ended. I wanted to be a nobody, and he was a god in school. He was a co-captain of the football team, in all the top level classes, and part of all the 'in' clubs. That just describes what he did with his time, what he looked like was even more amazing. His body was fantastic; he was about 6'1'' and built big. Not fat, just solid muscle with a nice amount of hair on his arms, legs and chest. He had dark hair which he kept cut very short and the deepest blue eyes. I had only caught one look at him with his shirt off and that was last year. It was late after school and I was walking to my car to head home and he came walking across the parking lot after football practice. He was sweaty and dirty and I don't think that I've ever seen anything more arousing in my life. I stopped dead in my tracks and just watched him walk. His head was down, I can only guess from exhaustion of the practice when all of a sudden he lifted it and looked right at me. He gave me this kind of puzzled look when I realized it is weird for me to just be standing in the parking lot with no one around looking at him. Flustered I tried my best manly head nod and double-timed it to my car. Just as I was opening my driver door I looked to his truck and saw him glance over at me. I was sure this would be a story for all his friends and then the harassment would begin. Jokes about stalking him or asking why I don't follow him to the locker room since I want him so badly. I was worried but these wouldn't be the first gay jokes I had endured. The jokes didn't come. I only guessed that his friends didn't think it really worthy their time. After all they were extremely busy running the school and dictating what was cool and who was not; I fell in that later category. In high school I was average, around 5'10'' and thin. I have brown hair and blue eyes. There was nothing really special about me to make me stand out to anyone. I didn't like sports so I never really developed any muscle and I wouldn't have called myself a book worm either. There were some subjects that I liked but I never really excelled at any one thing. I always just figured I would find my passion when I got to college. After all there would be a lot more options there than there were in the rural county high school where I was trapped. Even being the average joe I did end up with a great group of friends. I have to say it is all because of Sarah, she and I became close our freshman year. Sitting with her one day at lunch our senior year I realized what an amazing person she had turned into. She had this great sense of style and beauty. Best of all she could always make me laugh, even on my worst days. Even with everything that made her sparkle she didn't arouse me like a girl should have. Not that she ever thought about me in that way either, it was just something deep inside me that knew it was men I wanted to be close to, strong, masculine men. The year went on pretty much like the previous three except this year I did have some things to look forward to, graduation for one and even more exciting was spring break. Sarah and a bunch of us had been debating on where we would go and how much it would cost and all of the other details that go along with getting ten 18 year olds together on a week long vacation. Before we knew it spring break came around and my small group of friends and I decided we would go on down to Myrtle Beach. That is where everyone that was anyone from our high school was headed. We were lucky enough to snag hotel rooms but it would be a tight fit. Between lack of money and lack of rooms we would be four in a room even if no one unexpected stayed over. I had borrowed my brother's CJ5 Jeep for the week. Begging that from him would cost me for years to come but in the end it was worth it. The drive down was fun to say the least. I drove of course and Sarah rode beside me. In the back seat were Mandy and Tony. They were nice though Mandy could be a bitch when she wanted. Sarah and I laughed and we listened to all the tapes that she had brought along for the drive. The day was a great one so we drove the entire 4 hours with the top off. When we finally arrived at the motel we got checked in. It was nothing great and grand just a motel and we were ecstatic with that. To be away from the parents with more alcohol that we had ever seen in our 18 years was a high we never saw coming. Once at the motel, we raced for the rooms to drop our stuff, I think we all thought that someone might 'steal' them from us if we didn't get to them first. Since our territory was clearly marked by our luggage we decided to lock up and head for the beach! That is where this story takes its first weird turn. We were staying just the other side of the main road from the beach so the walk wasn't bad. I would have loved to be right on the beach but my friends and I didn't get our act together to be able to stay there. That and none of us really had that kind of money. So we walked across the hot asphalt over to the pubic beach access. We threw our towels on the sand and laid back to get some sun. Like I said I am 5'10' and skinny, not thin, not slim, but skinny. I am not emaciated or anything like that, it is just that I was never into sports or working out. All of a sudden here I am on the beach surrounded by tan men and women with bodies that have all sorts of curves and nice shapes and I look like a pole in the sand that has lost its umbrella. All my friends told me to stop thinking about it and to have another drink. We had each brought a large thermos with us that had vodka and juice in it because we were sure that there is no way that the cops would ever figure that one out. That is when I settled down on my towel and started to look around. I about spit my drink out of my mouth when I noticed that Brian was about 100 yards away from us throwing a football with another guy from the team. Brian was shirtless and splashing in the water to catch Matt's bad throws. He was pure all American beef. He wasn't cut like a body builder but each of his muscles rippled and stretched as he dove for the ball. I watched him run, jump and dive in the water; all the while squirming in my shorts to hide my true feelings about the show I was watching. I had only told Sarah about how I felt about guys and we were still working through some of those issues. I certainly didn't want any of the others to know. And of course that is when it happened. Matt threw a horrible pass that took a funny bounce and ended up right at the feet of Cathy sitting in front of me. Brian raced over to get it and realized he knew us all and stopped. For a split second I swear his eyes locked on mine and smiled, but that would never happen so I looked down at the sand and started running random thoughts through my mind. He made small talk with the others while I sipped my drink and tried not to look at his strong chest and the patch of dark hair that blazed a trail from his chest down his abs and into his shorts. It wasn't till I heard him ask "Dan, you'll come too right" that I snapped out of my defensive daze. Was he really asking me something? Sarah said "of course he'll be there. He has to make sure my crazy ex doesn't bother me." I looked at Sarah and she just smiled and half hugged me. I didn't know what to think or do so shyly I said "of course." Brian picked up his ball and ran back toward Matt who was obviously annoyed at this point. I just watched him stride across the sand. Knowing almost nothing about football, I wasn't sure what position he played but I knew that his workouts made his thighs and ass look great. "What the hell did you have me agree to?!?!" I snarled half whispering. "Nothing so serious." Sarah responded in her nonchalant way. "We are just going to Brian's beach house for a party tonight." "Oh well that will be fun for me." I spit under my breath. We left the beach about 3 hours later and I have to admit I watched Brian either layout or play in the surf for most of those 3 hours. When we got back to the room Sarah tackled me on the bed laughing. I am sure the vodka had something to do with it. She started right in on these questions about Brian; things like "what did I think about him?" and "Did I see the way his chest looked when he bent down to get the ball?" I told her I didn't want to talk about it because I was mad enough at her and the fact that she drew attention to me at the beach with him there. That is when she swung around and looked at me. "ARE YOU JOKING?!?! The one reason any of us are invited to that party is because you were sitting there with us!" I just shook my head. As I got up to go take a shower I turned back to her and said "you just don't get it do you. Brian is the man on the beach. I was nothing but kelp that was stuck on the rest of you. The only reason I am going tonight is because he couldn't figure out a way to get me unstuck from you with out looking like the bad guy." I got in the shower and tried to wash the upcoming humiliation away. I knew how this evening was going to go. I would be stuck somewhere sitting and not talking to anyone while the others laughed and had the time of their life. When I was with my small group of friends I could let go and have a good time but in a room full of jocks my self-conscious feelings would overwhelm me. After we all got ready and ate some sandwiches for dinner we were ready to be off. It wasn't till then that it dawned on me that I didn't even know what the plan was for the evening. I asked Tony about it trying to be nonchalant about it. He told me we were going to head down to Brian's beach house for what was supposed to be the kickoff party of the week. That just made my heart sink. The beach houses were at the very end of strip and there was no way I was going to drive my brother's Jeep after drinking so it was either go and not drink or go and be stuck for a long time till I was able to drive. The time came to leave and it seemed predetermined. We piled into 2 cars; one was Erika's 4 door and the other was my jeep then we headed off down the road. Mandy and Tony in the back with Sarah in my passenger seat like always. We pulled up in front of the house about 15 minutes later and Mandy and Tony bounded out of the Jeep. I just kind of sat there and stared at the door. Sarah shook me and said "Come on! I promise it will be a great time." "Ok, but if it isn't then you have to hang with me so I am not a stupid loner all night. You have to promise!" She just shot this look at me like I was nuts and said "I promise" as she started out of the Jeep and for the door. Tony and the others had already gone in so the door was open and we just kind of wandered in and found a living room full of football players and the girls that hung with them. Sarah went in first and then I followed. When I was about half way across the room I changed direction to the kitchen. I swear I could feel most of the people just staring at me as if asking with their eyes "what the hell are YOU doing here?" I got to the kitchen and realized that there was a new ring to this hell, there was only beer. There was not a drop of liquor to be found. I just looked at Sarah and said "I guess me driving won't be a problem after all since I HATE beer." Sarah laughed and said "well you better at least power through a couple to get your nerves under control because here comes Brian." She opened her Miller Lite and walked into the living room. I turned to see what she was talking about and saw Brian on the deck talking with some girl I had never seen. He turned and opened the sliding glass door and walked to the kitchen. I spun around and grabbed a beer out of the cooler so he wouldn't see me watching him. Just as I stood up straight I felt a powerful hand on my shoulder and I froze. I cocked my head to look up and it was Brian of course with this great big grin on his face. "How's it going man?" he asked "Not bad, just grabbing a beer." I said more to the cooler than him. "Cool." he said reaching down and grabbing a couple of beers. "Things should pick up soon. I think Matt invited every hot girl he saw today." "Well play it right and you will have lots of options for the rest of the week." "Nah, I'm just taking it easy this week. I am not gonna do the just a 'hook-up' thing." he said then paused a moment before heading back out to the deck. I just hung in the kitchen. I wasn't comfortable hanging out tin the living room with the jocks and the girls that were lusting after them. There were always a few people hanging out in the kitchen and they would never hang out long but it was always long enough to where it looked like I wasn't avoiding the world which of course I was trying my damnedest to do. But just as Brian predicted soon the house was packed, even the kitchen. After the three beers I had forced down I was feeling a little more brave so I made my way outside to the deck, I needed a cigarette anyway. I know how bad smoking is for you but I had started anyway. I made my way over to the side of the deck and sat down on a bench and just watched the crowd. Sarah soon plopped down next to me and asked if I was alright. "yeah, just not feeling the crowd is all." I sigh "it is a weird mix of people. A little while longer and we can go ok? Tony can drive he has only had one beer." "Sure." I said. Then someone called Sarah's name from inside and she said she would be right back. I just smiled and said "go on" and went back tot people watching and trying to listen to the ocean over the noise of the crowd. I was just staring down at my beer can which was empty when I looked up and saw Brian standing there watching me with a grin on his face. I had been so anxious when we talked earlier I hadn't noticed how amazing he looked tonight. He was wearing a tee shirt that stretched over his chest and his sleaves were stretched around his amazing biceps. And his cargo shorts? well they weren't too short to be dorky but they showed just the right amount of his massive thighs covered in dark course hair. "What?" I asked confused kind of looking around. "Nothing, I just thought you might need another." He said as he sat by me. "Oh, thanks" "So not really your crowd huh?" "Not really. I just don't have a lot in common with you guys." "You guys?" he questioned "I mean... umm... well" I stumbled "Jocks." He shot back. I just looked down not knowing what to say next. It was his party and these where his friends and I am sure he had sensed my distaste for them in my voice. "Don't freak out, it's cool. They are starting to get on my nerves too. They are doing the same shit they have done every weekend for the past 4 years. I don't know. I just thought that this week might somehow be different. I mean most of us are headed off to college next year. Isn't it time we stop telling the same stories about how we caught Jason jacking off in the locker room or the time Sam got so drunk he pissed himself?" "Well high school isn't over yet. And in all reality we don't come from some sophisticated upper Manhattan private school. We're just from Clark County." Sure Clark County was by no means a backwater place where cousins married each other and nobody had their full set of teeth but it was considered a rural place. And to tell the truth I wouldn't have traded growing up there for anything even with all the hell that middle and high school was for a closeted gay kid like me. "Yeah I guess. I just want to talk about other stuff. Hey, wanna go for a walk?" Brian said quickly like he had just stumbled on the best idea ever thought. I choked on the beer that I just happened to be drinking at that moment then squeaked out a "me?" "Well if you don't want to or you have to go" "No!" I interrupted. "I mean sure. I mean, yeah a walk would be cool." I said trying to calm down. "Ok" Brian laughed. "Let me go grab a couple of more beers. Stay right here." And as soon as the sliding glass door had shut I was on my feet franticly searching for Sarah on the deck and through the windows but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I did spot Tony on the other side of the deck and walked over to let him know I was going to for a walk but I shouldn't be too long. I just didn't want them thinking I had bolted on them or anything. He said it wasn't a problem that he knew he could get a ride from someone since it was clear more than a few people might need him to drive their cars home since he hadn't been drinking. Next thing I knew Brian had his massive had on my shoulder. "Ready?" he asked holding up a plastic grocery bag with what looked like a 6 pack in it. "Sure!" I said a little too excited. I followed him down the stairs of the deck unable to look away from his ass. Even in the moonlight it was an amazing sight. We started walking down the beach just chatting and drinking. Most of the houses were quite but there were a few that had people on the deck or some sort of party going on inside. I have to admit I was pretty amazed by the conversation. For one, Brian really wanted to talk about real things like being scared of college next year and what we though we were going to study. The conversation was great and the walk was slow. We laughed and joked around. As we walked he just reached out and shoved me by the shoulder, I am sure to him it was gentle but it sent me stumbling about 5 feet laughing the entire time. A little while later I tried to do it to him and even though I shoved pretty hard I thought he barely shifted his balance. "Really? You're trying to shove a football player over? Really?!?!" he said laughing at the attempt. "Well I didn't spend 10 hours a day working out for 4 years straight. But you can't blame me for trying" "Don't remind me how much time I wasted with al the football crap." He said as he stopped walking and sat down at the bottom of a sand dune. "What do you mean? It wasn't a waste, look at you. You have a great body and tons of friends." And then suddenly realizing that I had just told Brian he had an amazing body I turned 10 shades of red. My heart was racing and I was scared out of my skin but he didn't react to it at all. "Yeah but it just feel like this is the end of me. I am going off to college next year. I won't be playing ball so I have no idea what I will be. I feel like I am losing me." "Ever think you're not losing you, you might just be finding you?" I asked as I sat down next to him and open another beer. He gave me a half hearted smile. "You know for someone that doesn't like beer you sure don't mind drinking them." He chuckled "Don't remind me how many I have had. I have to piss like a race horse." "Go ahead; in fact I gotta go to. Come on." We went down the dune a little and I heard the unmistakable sound of the zipper on Brian's cargo shorts going down. And with that sound I was instantly half hard. Dear god how was I going to pee standing next to this amazing looking man? But I slowly undid my zipper and pulled out my dick. I tried to angle myself so Brian couldn't see that my cock was boning up on me. "A little pee shy there Dan?" he chuckled "Well peeing with the star football player on the beach isn't something I do everyday so give me a sec." Brian just laughed. Soon enough the need for me to empty my bladder won out and I was feeling relaxed again. I walked back to where we had set the beer down and sat next to Brian again both of us staring out at the ocean. "You know, this is exactly what I hoped for this week." he said "What? Sitting on the beach talking to someone you barely know drinking beer that is getting warmer by the second? You didn't have high hopes from Spring break did you?" I joked. "That isn't what's happening. I wanted to hang out with new people. People that will be my friend long after all the bullshit of high school fades away. I wanted to find someone I could really talk to and someone that might know some of the stuff I am feeling." "What stuff?" I stammered. Brian just put his hand down on mine on the sand and just looked into my eyes. Instantly my throat went dry and I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. Next thing I knew Brian had his arm wrapped around my waste and was pulling me toward him. I pulled back the instant before our lips met. He gave me this look with his eyes, this look that said everything that I needed him to say at that moment. That this wasn't a joke, this wasn't a setup, this was real. So I leaned in and kissed him like I had never kissed anyone in my life. For the first time I knew what passion was. As we kissed he laid back on the sand and he pulled me on top of him. I could feel his massive chest rising and falling with his excited breathing. His hands ran up and down my back and grabbed my ass. I could also feel his dick pressing against my leg. I ran my hands over every inch of his body that I could reach. I made my way up under his shirt and felt the coarse hair on his chest and abs. This went on for what seemed like hours but I know in reality it wasn't. I just drank up every second and savored it like I wouldn't ever feel like this again. We explored each other's mouths and necks, kissing and biting and licking. He tasted just like I expected and like nothing I had ever thought could exist. He smelled manly but gentle and he felt like pure power and uncertainty. As we went on exploring each other I slowly slid my hand up his thigh and over his cargo shorts finally gripping his granite hard dick through the fabric. In that instant he pulled his head back and reach down and grabbed my hand. I must have had a look of fear on my face. Had I gone too far? Had I crossed the line? Was just some drunken beach week fun for him. "Wait" he sighed. "It's ok. I just want to take it slow. This is all really really new to me and I just don't want fuck it up by rushing anything." He whispered. "It's really new for me too. Let's just promise that we will tell the other when we need to slow down. Deal?" "Deal." He said as he leaned in to kiss me again. We must have made out like that for hours. Me on top of him, him on top of me, and laying beside each other. Everything from the waist up was fair game and I took every chance I got to savor his body. Eventually I peeled his shirt off and I couldn't get enough of his muscles flexing and rippling. He reached down and tried to slip my shirt off but I grabbed his hand and stopped him. We stopped kissing and he just looked at me with those amazing eyes. "You ok?" he asked. "Yeah, I just don't know about taking my shirt off being this close to you. I don't have a body like you and i am starting to feel a little self concious." "You didn't have a problem being shirtless on the beach today?" "Yeah well, I also wasn't laying next to someone that looks like you. You have no idea how much I wanted to dig a hole in the sand and crawl in when you came over to us this afternoon." "What the hell are you talking about? I think you look fantastic. After all I have been making out with you for the past god knows how long. Trust me, I love the way that you look and feel." I could feel my eyes starting to tear up and to hide it I leaned in and kissed him deep and slow. When I pulled back he just smiled at me and I had this warm feeling engulf me. I just laid my head on his chest and we stayed like that with him stoking my hair and me playing with the hair on his stomach. It was simply amazing. "What time is it?" he finally asked. "About 2:30" I said looking at my watch. "Well I guess I had better head back and make sure those idiots haven't burnt my house down or anything" he sighed "Yeah, I guess it had to end sometime right?" I answered as we stood up and straightened ourselves up. We gathered up the beers and started walking back toward his house. "Don't tell me this is the end, I was really hoping this is just the beginning." He said never looking over at me. He just reached out and grabbed my hand. And there we were; me and the school football star walking in the moonlight on the beach holding hands not saying a word. I knew that any moment this was a dream that was going to end. Either I was going to wake up panting in bed at the motel having just had the best dream ever or we would be back at his beach house and we would have to go back to the status quo of us not really being friends. We were about 3 houses away when Brian stopped walking and pulled my hand to him. He leaned in and gave me one last kiss then let go of my hand and just smiled at me. We then walked the finial steps back into our real lives.