Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 22:26:00 -0500 From: chad Subject: Summer Fun with Zak 15 Summer Fun with Zak part 15 This is something of a conclusion to this series for now. Read at the bottom for exciting news on where this is all going. Mom was standing at the door just looking at me with a stern face and I knew something was wrong. Matt just looked at me, then at her and she goes, you probably need to go home Matt. I was like, oh fuck, what does this lady know about last night. Matt said, yeah, and he just walks out the back gate saying he will come get his stuff later. I sat down and said, ok, so why are you mad? She goes, well let me see young man. I get home, look in your room and there is Chase in your bed still sleeping and then look in your brother's room and there is Tyler sleeping next to him, both of them naked. I said, omg mom, we were watching TV, playing games last night and it got late and we just crashed wherever. She goes, oh, and I guess it was implied that you could invite whoever over last night. I moaned and let out a breath and said, look, you know all 3 of them, they are good, so what's the big deal? She kept looking at me and goes, what is wrong with you anyways, you seem and then she stops and goes, please, please tell me Zak you guys didn't smoke dope last night? At that point, my mind was racing and was like, do you lie or tell the truth because she will go ask the others. How strong are the boys and will they lie? She goes, Zak, I am waiting for an answer. I did what anybody would do in this situation and lied. I looked at her and said no, just didn't get a lot of sleep last night. She goes, you best not be lying young man. I moaned again and said, I am not lying. She goes, so go get your gang up and tell them to go home and I want to talk to you and your brother when they are all gone. I got up and went inside and first to my room to shake Chase. He moans a big, leave me alone moan and I shook him again and said, you need to get up and leave, my mom is here. He jumps up and goes, huh, in the room? I am like, no, just get up and Tyler can take you home. So I went into the next room and get both of them up and Colton was just looking at me and going, are we fucked? I am like, not if you fucking lie. So Tyler took Chase home, both not talking to my mom. Ok, so before going on, I knew last night was too much and should have controlled it better. Matt brings out the demon in me and it all went downhill. Don't get me wrong, it was a great night, but mom was not suppose to be home until this afternoon and the outcome would have been better. Both me and Colton sit down on the couch and she sits on the other couch and goes, so let me tell you what I think happened here last night. I am like, mom, don't assume, you will just make an ass out of you and me. I thought it was funny but she told me to shut up and don't make fucking jokes. Yes she said fucking. She goes, on and say's I trust you guys and we leave you two alone all the time and now I am worried we were doing the wrong thing. She continues with, last night I know all of guys smoked pot, ran around naked and don't even want to think about what else you did in terms of sex. Colton jumps up and goes, hey, I am not gay like Zak and I didn't do anything. She goes, then why was Tyler in your bed naked with you this morning. I had to defend my brother and said, mom, I told you, that's where he ended up after playing video games with Colton. She goes, and Naked? Colton goes, ok, so we got naked, we are guys and it was fun to be naked with them. He adds, we went swimming in the nude, and then just never got dressed. Is that a crime? Mom goes, no son, if that's what happened. She goes, ok now explain the pot. I started to say something and she goes, not you, but Colton. He goes, there was no pot mom. Mom goes, ok, now, we are going to try this again and guys, remember what my profession is. Ok? I looked up at her and said, I told you already. She goes, ok, so let me call Chase's mom and ask her to quiz her son about it. She gets the phone and starts dialing and my little twarp of a brother goes, hold on mom. I glanced at him and shot him a look and mom goes, oh, you have something to say Colton? He goes, Matt and Tyler started smoking it and we told them to not to, but they told me to shut up. I could have killed that punk and just sat there with my head down. She goes, why don't you add Zak into the mix because I know he was high last night too. I stood up and she goes, sit down and I did. She goes, so you have lied to me Zak about this and I knew the truth already. She looked over at Colton and goes, you can go to your room. He gets up and goes, I am sorry Zak. He leaves and mom goes, I can't believe you would do that in front of your brother. Did he participate? I just came clean and said, yes, he took a small hit, I am not going to lie anymore. She goes, hmmm, who brought it? I said, does it matter? She goes, so Matt brought it over. I said, yes mom, he smokes pot and his parents know it, so its no biggie to him. She threw her hands up and goes, well lets just have a pot party tonight, invite them over and lets all get high. I knew not to make any jokes so I just stayed quiet. She goes, you know Zak, I am not mad about that, I am mad that you didn't have the balls to be honest with me. We always had a truth and honest relationship and now, I have to wonder what else you have lied about in the past. I apologized and said, I was sorry for being a disappointment and she goes, your not one, just not happy with you right now. She goes, oh by the way, I know more shit happened here last night between you all but I didn't' want to embarrass your brother. I sighed and said, mom we are just guys. She goes, I know you guys think with that thing that hangs between your legs and like to play with it too much. Now, that kind of embarrassed me and I just sat there thinking, she knows more then what she is saying. I looked at her and said, so what kind of trouble am I in here? She goes, I will talk with dad and get back with you and Colton. I knew dad would go easy on us so I said, ok, sounds fair. I get up again and she goes, sit Zak. Damn! I sat back down and looked at her and said, there is more? She goes, start talking about Matt. I looked at her with an expression of why. She goes; we don't really know him that good or his parents. I started with, well you need to invite them over one night for dinner and get to know them. She goes, ok and we both don't' say anything. Finally I said, look, I am gay and I love him. When I met him, my life changed for the better and I am very happy with him. He has taught me how to have fun, relax and be myself and not care what others think. She goes, yes, you have changed and your brother too since he arrived earlier this summer. I smiled and said, yeah, he is great and I love being with him. She goes, and the drugs? I sighed and said, yes, I smoke pot with him very little, but he smokes it some and his parents are aware of it. She goes, do they smoke it. I shrugged and said, I have never asked. She goes, why do you think you need it? I said, I don't, I just like the feeling every now and then and as you know, most kids do it these days. She goes, I don't know and I need time to think about this. We talked for a few more minutes and then she finally let me get up and I went to Colton's room, where he was playing a video game. I sat on his bed and he goes, so how much trouble are we in? I said, not much, they know we are horny guys, so they will go light on us. He goes, I can't believe you didn't tell her that they will all be staying here? I agreed with him that we should have called and gave her the heads up. He goes, you know I am not gay, right? I laughed and said, you have told me that a million times. He goes, but it did feel good last night and he smiled at me. I laughed and said, yeah I know it does. He goes, maybe we can do it again one night. I said, no doubt we will. I left him and took a shower wondering what I am going to do the rest of the day. I got out and was in my room, still naked when mom appears in the doorway. I was like, oh and covered with her laughing. She goes, I talked to your dad and we want to meet Matt's parents and tonight will be great. I said, ok. She goes, you want to walk me over and introduce me. I said, I guess so. She goes, ok let me see your phone. I looked at her and she goes, so you don't call and warn potmaster himself. I threw some clothes on after she left and was really excited about this. I knocked on the door, with mom standing beside me and a shirtless Matt opens it up and I could tell by the look on his face he thought all hell was about to break open. I said, hey and then, is your mom here, my mom wants to meet her. He goes sure and lets us in while he went to her room to get her. She walks out with a bathrobe on and I wanted to laugh knowing she was naked laying around the house. They started talking and Matt grabs me and goes, what the hell?/ I said, she wants to meet her and your dad. After a few minutes, she goes ok, see you guys around 6. Mom goes, you ready or are you staying? I looked at Matt and goes, oh he is staying here. Mom walks out and his mom goes, she is really nice. I can't wait for tonight. Matt grabs me and goes, we are going to my room. We get in there and he goes, ok tell me all. I told him and he was laughing. He goes, she sounds ok with it, just want to make sure we are all ok. I looked at him and said, are you all ok? He goes, oh shit, you spent the weekend with us last week, so you know. I am like, oh my god, your parents are swingers, nudists, and I don't' want to know the rest. He goes, ok so lets talk about it all, I love you and want to be open. I was shocked that first of all he said, Love me, then he wants to go into details about his life. He goes, first lets get naked. Do you all stay naked all the time around here? About half the time. No real rule, but we all just like the feeling of it. What age did you start joining them being naked? You are so dumb, when I was born. Do you care your parents are so open? No, I love it, makes them feel like humans. You ever caught your parents fucking? Haha, yeah, all the time. And yes before you ask, they have seen me jerking off. On accident or purpose? He paused and goes, ok so don't' be freak out, but me and dad have rubbed a few out while watching a porn or two. I looked at him and said, you watch porn with your dad? He goes, yeah, so? I laughed and said, okkkkkkkkkk. He goes, one night he was watching one and I snuck out and was watching it behind the couch and he caught me and told me to watch it. So that's how it started. Is mom around when this happens? She knows it's a men thing and will not bother us if we are doing it. Any sexual acts between you and him? He laughs and goes, not yet and winks. Are you normal? Abnormal is ok, you can't be like everyone else. I was thinking of the next question, when his mom appears in the door and goes, come on down I have lunch ready. So, we went down, naked as I was instructed to and we sat down to eat. She was wearing shorts, but boobs all over the place. The house was warm, so if you had clothes on, you would be really uncomfortable. She had made hot dogs and I was laughing as I ate them thinking of all the shit happening in this house. Matt goes, so I never asked, am I invited tonight too? I looked at him and said, yea. He goes, cool. Matt goes, oh mom, just to let you know, we had a fuck fest there last night and smoked dope, so be prepared. I was shocked and speechless on how he just said it. She goes, oh, so is this why we were invited over? I am like, no, they just want to get to know you since I am dating your son and he is so wild. She laughs and goes, ok, but I hope your mom doesn't come out gunning for us. I am like, no, she is a better person then that. We talked for a while and then got up, with me looking out the window and seeing dad's car home already. We sat on the couch, and yes, I was feeling odd with my dick exposed, so I was covering it. And yes the couch had a sheet over it, so I guess it's washed often. Mom went to her room and Matt went to the floor. I am like, dude, not here. He moved my hands from my cock and started licking it, with it going fully hard in seconds. He started sucking me and it felt so good that I forgot where I was until his mom comes walking out. She see's us and goes, oh. I freaked and pulled my cock away from him and he gets up laughing. I am trying to conceal my major hard on and she goes, Matt, you have a room for that. She walks to the kitchen. He goes, sorry mom, I won't say it won't happen again thou. I am red from embarrassment and she goes, I know son, he does have a nice one. He laughs and goes, for sure. He feels my chest and goes, calm down tiger, you are ok here. My phone rings about that time and it was Colton telling me that dad wants to talk. I told matt he can finish it later and went to his room to gather my clothes and dress. We kissed bye and I took off home for round 2. At home, dad was waiting for me and goes, hi Zak. I said hi back and sat down with him. He goes, so last night you guys all got stoned and had fun. I said, something like that. He goes, are you happy with the outcome? I am like, not sure yet. He goes, lets not beat around the bush and play games here, lets just be honest and be men. I said, ok dad. He goes, both me and your mom know that you have been doing special favors for your brother. I was like, oh. He goes, yes, oh. He goes, we both know probably Matt has participated. I stayed quiet. He goes, we are ok with it,. You two are guys and curious and we would rather him be curious with you, then someone else. He then grossed me out. He goes, me and your Uncle Bryon have fooled around when we were kids and smoked some weed, and experimented. He goes, but we never got caught, not like you dumbfucks. I said, sorry. He goes, its ok but don't lie to us again. I said, ok. I then asked, what's going to happen now? He goes, well we don't want anymore dope in this house. I said, ok. He goes, we don't' want any more boys spending the night without us knowing. I said, ok. He goes, finally be safe with each other, ok? I said, ok again. He goes, ok, go change and lets go swimming. I changed and told Colton we are outside and he should join us and he looks up and goes, they know Zak. I am like, get over it dude. So after some pleading, he joined us in the pool. It was really cool to be playing our stupid keep the ball away game with dad. He was splashing around, we were all having a blast. The hot Texas sun was baking us, but who cares. We don't' get a lot of time with him, so I was enjoying it. Mom was cooking for tonight's dinner which dad was just thrilled about. I told him he would like Matt's parents and he said, ok, but if I say I have to work early in the morning, that means it's time to get rid of them. We finally got out and was sitting on the chairs drying off when dad asked Colton if he had fun last night. I was like, oh fuck. Colton shrugs and goes, yeah, I guess. Dad goes, well if you need to talk about anything, then let me know. He waits a beat and of course Colton is shelled up and doesn't say anything, so dad goes, ok, I have to go take a shower and finish some work stuff before they get here. He goes in and Colton says in a depressed voice, they think I am a fag like you. We then hear Matt from over the fence going, because you are one, you like cock sucker. Colton goes, shut the fuck up asshole. I told him to come over and he said ok. He walks in shirtless, smiling and say's you guys are so cute together when you were swimming. So, I said, you were listening and watching us the whole time? He goes, yeah, why not, it was so exciting to watch. Colton calls him a perv and I laugh. Matt looks at Colton and goes, you want to get high and fuck? Colton sticks the finger at him and told him to shut up. I laughed and told Matt to play nice. We were laughing and cutting up and then Mom walks outside. She goes, oh Hello Matthew. Matt smiles and says hello back. I told mom, he likes to be called Matt and she goes, oh, sorry Matt. He goes, its ok, my mom calls me Matthew sometimes. She tells us that we will love dinner tonight and she is really looking forward to getting to know everyone. She goes back in and Matt goes, she is pissed at me and Colton goes, oh, I think you are so right Matthew. We laughed and I said, it will be ok. Matt gets up and goes, dude, come to my room to finish what we started earlier. So I said ok and Colton goes, fags and we take off. Upon entering his house, we could hear his parents fucking in their bedroom. I looked at Matt and said, what the fuck dude? He goes, they are sexual and loud. We take off to his room and ripped our clothes off, kissing each other as we fall on the bed. He works his hot lips and tongue down to my cock and starts sucking it making me feel really good. He worked his tongue along the shaft of my cock, then would go down on it, taking the full length making it feel so good. After a few minutes, he reaches over and grabs a rubber and goes, you want to fuck me. I said, oh yeah and started rolling it onto my dick. He comes up to me and kisses me and tells me he loves the position that I had Colton in last nite and mounts me while I am laying down and he is facing me. He works his ass down onto my cock, while I thrust it deep into him. I look up at him, his smile, eyes and perfect body and we get into a rhythm of fucking. His hot body going up and down on my shaft, his cock dangling hard on belly, while I fuck his tight ass. I am fucking him hard and I tell him I am about to cum and he goes, just shoot it Zak and I moan loudly as my cum feels the condom while my cock is deep into his ass. When Matt rolled off of me, I got the shock of a fucking LIFETIME! Standing in the doorway was his dad. Matt had just closed the door part way, not all the way or locking it. He was smiling and going, you guys look so good together. Matt just laughs and goes, thanks dad, with his cock rock hard sticking up. I was speechless, was going soft with the rubber still on me, not knowing what to do or say. His dad goes, relax Zak, what you guys just did was natural and not to be shamed. I then looked at him and he was naked too, standing there, still smiling. He goes, ok boys, I just heard you in here and thought I would say hi. He turns away and walks off, with Matt laughing and going, you should see your face dude. I looked at him and said, he just saw my dick buried into your ass and your ok with it? Matt shrugs and goes, yeah, he knows we fuck, so who cares. Matt took the rubber off of me and sucked my cock clean while my head was just swimming with thoughts. I sucked Matt then, but to tell you the truth, I was so confused that I really didn't' enjoy it, but just sucked it to get him off. We get done, and I left to go back home to shower since it was getting close for them to come over. It was now 6pm and the doorbell rings with the 3 of them standing there like a wholesome American family. They come in with the moms talking and the dads talking. We stayed with the dads, and everyone was hitting it off good. Colton looks at me and goes, this is odd you know it? Matt goes, nah, be cool dude. We sit down for dinner and I should have caught it right away, but it took a few minutes. But his father kept on looking at Colton, and making idle chit chat with him. I looked over at Matt and he smiled and everyone was having a good time. Halfway during the meal, Matt reaches his hand into my lap and starts playing with my dick through my shorts. Colton was uncomfortable answering all the questions from Matt's dad I could tell and my parents were both drinking, so the buzz was working on them. Dinner went good, with me squirming in my chair the whole time, and hoping he wouldn't free willy. After dinner, the ladies said they would clean the kitchen and we all went to the patio, with my dad going to piss first. Matt's dad tells me that he is having a great time and then squeezes Colton's thigh and goes, glad you are here too. I was laughing so hard on the inside as I knew my brother was uncomfortable. Dad came out and we were talking when dad finally got to it. He goes, so Dan, I hear you let young Matt smoke dope when he wants to. Dan goes, yes, and goes into some bullshit about it and how its all natural and it really sounded good. My dad goes, well we really don't' allow it in my house, so if you guys could keep it across the fence, then that would be great. Dan goes, sure, didn't know it migrated over, looking at Matt. Matt shrugged and said sorry. That went well and the rest of the night, with them leaving finally around 10 pm. I was exhausted after they left and talked to my mom and dad, who were both tipsy, but It was fun to see them like that. I found Colton in the shower, who I talked to through it asking him about his new boyfriend. He goes, that was creepy with him all over me. I said, I guess he likes you! He goes, I am not gay Zak. So shut up. I laughed and left him alone, going to the kitchen to get some milk and finally going to bed, only to cam with my lover boy until midnight, when we both couldn't take it anymore and fell asleep. The end. Ok Guys, the next Chapter will be different and It will be something totally different but Colton will be the main character in it. I hope you all like it. Zak and Matt will be characters in it, but it will be focused on the brother. I will title it different, so Nifty will put it by itself I assume. So, if you are not on my list to be notified of new chapters, please ask. Just to let you know, this chapter here, took me 3 hours to write today, so you can see why it takes a while to publish them. If I write shorter chapters, then they go faster, but you all complain. So just hang in there, it will be coming soon. Also, if you don't every donate to nifty, then please consider, as it's costly for them to run the site. Email me anytime with questions, comments, complaints, ideas, pictures, ETC.