Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 18:47:31 -0500 From: Justin Luong Subject: The Difference Chapter 6 Chapter Six: Embrace Brian dropped his bags at the door and walked into the gigantic house. It was everything a middle-class person would ever dream about. This house was the definite definition of rich, fancy, and exquisite and yet it still looked as if a teenager owned the place. Brian walked around the house and noticed that every room had its own taste to it, its own style. The living room was filled with antiques. From antique sculptors to antique décor. The kitchen was a different story, everything was technologically advanced, even the paper towel holder was automated. Everything looked as if it cleaned itself because there was no sign of any cleaning agents. Brian walked up the stairs and noticed a sign on the second level door it read, "Entertainment" once Brian read this he stormed right through the door and noticed that entertainment didn't just mean video games it also meant sports or anything else that could mean entertainment to people. There was a room for every different type of entertainment. Some rooms though had a fingerprint lock on it, probably something in there that no one was allowed to see. Brian walked out of the Entertainment room and walked up another flight of stairs, the third level read "Guest Rooms", that seemed a tad bit boring for Brian so walked up the final flight of stairs and noticed that the fourth level read "Master Bedroom." "So Ryan has a level all to himself, that's pretty cool," said Brian. Brian looked down and noticed that there was no doorknob to open the level, so he tried pushing it, but the door wouldn't budge. "How do you get into this level if there's not even a doorknob or a handle or something?" Brian said to himself. "Because it's my room, no one's allowed in there besides, my house knows that," said Ryan. "Whoa, Ryan, you scared me. And what do you mean your knows that no one, besides you, is allowed into your room?" asked Brian puzzled. "My house technologically advanced, it's a smart house," said Ryan. " are we going to go in?" asked Brian. "Sure, why not," said Ryan. Ryan walked over to his door and pushed it open. Brian just stood at the door with his mouth open. He stood there in awe while Ryan just stood there starring at Brian. "What? Is there something wrong with my room?" Ryan asked shyly. "No, it's just that your's smaller compared to all the other rooms I've seen in this house," said Brian kind of disappointed. "Yeah, I'm not really fond of big rooms. I just need a gigantic closet and I can call it my room," said Ryan. "I bet," said Brian. "So where are your parents?" Ryan stood there, frozen, as if he just saw a ghost. Brian then remembered what Ryan told him earlier. "I'm sorry, Ryan. I forgot," said Brian. "No, it's okay. I knew you'd ask sooner or later. You're thinking how I could afford a house like this, aren't you?" asked Ryan. "Yeah, I mean this house must've cost you a fortune," said Brian. "It did, it cost me a lot, after I moved out of Kase's place I was on the streets for a year and did some horrible things, I'm not too glad for what I did but now I have a place to live. If I didn't do all those things in the past then I would've died," Ryan said looking down at the floor. Brian noticed what he did wrong and walked up to Ryan and held his head up. "I'm sorry for pushing you into telling me this, I'm such an idiot, I didn't mean to provoke your past on me," said Brian. Ryan looked Brian in his deep, blue eyes and felt the water works coming through his eyes. Ryan cupped his face with his hands and walked to his bed. Brian felt like such a jerk now, he just made his new friend cry. Brian didn't know what to do so he did what came natural to him, he walked over to Ryan and comforted him. He sat right next to Ryan, with his arms around him with his eyes closed. Ryan didn't want to cry, but he couldn't hold in all his pent up feeling of the past and let it all out on Brian. When Ryan felt Brian wrapping his arms around him, Ryan couldn't help but do the same. Brian's back couldn't handle staying in that position forever so Brian leaned back and lied on his back while still holding on to Ryan. Ryan had already stopped crying but he didn't want to let go, he needed this. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep. A few minutes passed and Brian dosed off as well.