Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 14:36:13 +0000 (UTC) From: Godia Forit Subject: The Jock and the Tutor Chapter 13 This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. If you do down load it please down load the entire chapter including pre/post comments. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This story also contains nudity, and descriptions of sexual behavior between underage boys. If you are uncomfortable reading such literature, or are not permitted to do so by the laws of your state, then please cease reading this material; the author will not be held responsible for your actions. If you have any comments about this story, please send them to: Because I write multiple stories please put the name of the story in the Subject line. P.S. Please remember that Nifty provides us with this service for your enjoyment. Go to this link and show your appreciation. Thank You. THE JOCK AND THE TUTOR 13 We were sitting at a table in the cafeteria across from each other instead of next to each other when Sherrie came in. She sat down next to Troy, looked at me then at Troy. Looking back to me she says, "What's going on? Where's your glow?" I sure was glad nobody else was there yet. I blushed. "It's none of your damn business." Troy said. That was the wrong thing to say to Sherrie. That just made her twice as much want to know what was going on. She wouldn't give up until she figured it out. "WAS THAT YOU?" Prayer guy yelled as he walked across the cafeteria towards us. As he got to the table he continued, "I was with my parents yesterday visiting my aunt in the hospital and I thought I saw you walk down the hall in a doctors lab coat." I just smiled. It was for two reasons, one that put Sherrie on hold and two because it was me. "That was him." Troy said, "Doctor Patterson wants him to get experience before he goes to med school." "No shit." Another guy said as he walked up in the middle of the conversation. That was bad. The rest of the day all I heard as I walked down the hall was, "Doctor, Doctor, Doctor," every kid knew by the second period. It was either that or "Would you look at this rash and tell me what to do?" It was terrible, but I loved it. Between first and second period Sherrie grabbed my arm and pushed me into an alcove for the drinking fountain that was in the middle of the hallway. She didn't say anything, just she stood there looking at me. A kid came up to use the drinking fountain. She looked at him. That was all it took and he was out of there. She still didn't say anything but gave me a look that told me I was dead if I didn't tell her. "It will have to wait until after school." I pleaded. I guess that was enough for her because she stepped back and let me go to second period. At lunch Troy sat across from me, she sat next to him. No one said anything about the new positions we were sitting at. Everything appeared normal. Sherrie would look at me, and then look at Troy, then back to me. The whole lunch period was like that but I don't think she ever figured out what was going on and it was bugging the heck out of her. I didn't even finish putting my books down in last period study hall when Troy came in. "Let's go." I picked the books back up and followed. I couldn't believe the teacher didn't say anything. All the kids just watched. When we got to the hospital we stopped in ICU to see Mary. Again I noticed her head moving. Also her fingers twitched as we held her hand. I left Troy there talking to her and went to see the ICU nurse. "How's Mary doing?" I asked. "She is starting to stir." She replied. "Is she off the coma meds?" As she handed me her chart she said, "Doctor Patterson is slowly decreasing them but as you can see she is still getting 50 percent dosage." I looked at the chart but had no idea what I was looking at. "Okay, thank you." I returned to stand beside Troy. "She's moving some." Troy said. "I know," I replied "But they still have her on the coma meds. She is down to 50 percent medication. We will have to ask Doctor Patterson when she will be off completely." When we walked into John's room he yelled, "It's about damn time. I've been released for 2 hours." Troy turned to me and said, "Maybe we should just leave him here." The look on John's face made Troy and I laugh. I went out to the nurse's station to let them know we were ready to take John. She said she would have an orderly bring a wheel chair. While we were waiting for the orderly Doctor Patterson came in. "Oh good," he said, "You're just in time for rounds." "Umm, we are getting ready to take John home." I said. Doctor Patterson replied, "Troy can take him and I can bring you home after rounds." I don't think Troy or John liked that idea but neither one said anything. We went to Doctor Patterson's office to get me a lab coat. I sort of felt sorry for Troy because his dad was really antsy to get out of there. As we went to each patient the intern in charge of that patient would review the information and then pass the chart around to the other interns. Doctor Patterson would ask a few questions and then we would move on to the next patient. When we were in Mary's room and the chart was passed to me I asked, "I see you have dropped her medication off by 50 percent, when do you expect her to be completely off?" The interns turned and looked at me. The one that had handed me the chart took it back and looked at it again. "Because of her extensive injuries," Doctor Patterson started, "I'll bring her slowly out of the coma to see if she has any reaction to the injuries. If she does we will bump it back up until we can identify the problem. I hope to make it 25 percent tomorrow and drop it entirely 2 days after that if she has no reactions." As we were walking to the next patient the guy that had taken the chart back from me put his hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Good pickup, I didn't notice that." This was the first time in my entire life I felt like I was where I belonged. It was almost 6:00 PM when we finished rounds. We stopped past Doctor Patterson's office. I hung the lab coat up as he picked up a couple of patient records he wanted to go over that evening. "Don't you ever get time off?" I asked. "Not really." He replied, "I could but there is always more I want to do. I'm addicted to healing people." "That will probably be me." I said. "It will" he said. "I can see it already. I don't know if that is bad or good." I was looking forward to riding in his Lamborghini again. I was already getting hard just thinking about it. We came out of the stairway door and it was not there. In his parking slot was a black Cadillac Escalade. He saw me stutter step and laughed. "I'm in my wife's car." He explained, "Mine is in the shop." I gave him my address because I would need to get my clothes and stuff to stay at Troy's. He input it into the GPS and backed out. When we got to my house I thought I would go in and he would leave. Instead he put it in park, turned off the engine and got out with me. It wasn't that I was ashamed of our house but just that he didn't fit in at our level. I couldn't have been more wrong. As I found out later that during high school he was friends with my dad and he was from the other end of the financial spectrum. He got where he is through hard work and dedication to his goal to become a doctor. I yelled as I entered the front door, "Doctor Patterson is here." Mom came in from the kitchen drying here hands on a dish towel and dad came downstairs. "How's Mary doing?" mom asked. Before he could answer dad said, "Hey Keith, good to see you," reaching his hand out to shake hands with Doctor Patterson. Then Robby came barreling down the steps almost falling. The adults all laughed. I shook my head. He caught himself and then continued down just as fast. "You can get the update from Rodger." Then turning to Robby he asked, "Are you smart like your brother?" "I get A's but I'm not like him." Robby said, "I'm normal." I shot a frown towards Robby. He smiled back. "Why I came in was to ask about accelerating Rodger's studies. It is a waste of his mental capacity for him to be in high school." "No!" was all my dad said. "But he is already better than some of my interns." "He's only 14." My dad said, "He doesn't need adult pressures on top of his own." Doctor Patterson looked defeated. "But DAD!" I said "He's right." Doctor Patterson said. "I did that to myself and I have no right to do it to you." My head dropped down. Robby moved and I looked up at him. He stuck his tongue out at me. He acts like a 10 year old. Oh, that's right, he is 10. Good old mom changed the subject, "Would you stay for dinner?" "No, Evelyn is expecting me" he answered. "In fact I'm late but she is used to that." They started catching up on old times so I went up to get my things for Troy's. I packed enough school clothes for a week, some lounging slacks and some t-shirts for around the house. Going into the bathroom I got my toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. I stuffed it all into a duffle bag. While I was doing that Robby came in and sat on my bed. `He's back to not knocking' I thought. His head was down and he looked dejected. "I'm sorry." He said. "What did you do, fart?" I know but it was something he would say. He giggled, then said, "About dad not letting you excelling." "Accelerate, A-C-C-E-L-E-R-A-T-E, to speed up." "Oh, yeah, that thing." Robby said. "He should let you because you are so smart." "Well I am 3 years ahead of where I am supposed to be." I said, "And you're smart too. You just don't have the photographic memory like I do." I was finished putting my stuff in the duffle bag. I stood there for a second, thinking. Did I want to speed things up? Yes I did but I wanted to be with Troy also. I picked the bag up and started towards the door. "Umm, ahh, Rodger," Robby started then said, "Umm, is it okay if I sleep in your bed tonight?" It never dawned on me that he would miss me being there. We had separate bedrooms but I guess I would not be just through the bathroom like he was used to. "Yes." Was all I said. He jumped up and ran over to hug me. When we got back downstairs Doctor Patterson was gone. I asked dad, "Would you take me to Troy's house?" "You ready?" I mean how obvious was it? I was carrying my duffle bag and you could tell it was full. Parents! Sometimes I wonder if they have a brain. I went to the kitchen to give mom a goodbye kiss and then out the back door to dad's car. Neither one of us said anything for a few minutes. "I think I want to dad." I finally said. "You want to what?" he replied. "Accelerate my studies." "No!" "But dad." "No." "Going around the hospital with Keith....." "It's Keith now?" dad chuckled. "Making the rounds with him I see so many people suffering and I want to help them." I explained. "Damn it Keith." My dad never swears so it kind of shocked me. "Look Rodger, you can't cure everyone. You can't save everyone and I know, especially at your age, you would take it personally. I can't let that happen to you. These past few weeks you have been happier than I ever remember you being. You need, no, you deserve to enjoy your youth before you take on the world and try to save it." "Troy is the one who makes me happy." I interjected. "Keith," he continued, "is leading you down the same path he took. His senior year he volunteered at the hospital and became obsessed with becoming a doctor. I won't let you do that. You will do so much more, help so many more people if you just take your time and enjoy life." "But" was all I said. He didn't let me say anything he just kept going. "I've known Keith since junior high and he is at burnout. He is excited about you and it does not show right now but it will be back. He doesn't know how to relax. You have to in order to recharge." We pulled in Troy's driveway. I started to get out but dad grabbed my arm. "Learn how to relax and enjoy yourself then you can save the world." He let go of my arm then but I sat there thinking about what he said. Once I understood it I said, "I'll try." As I walked up to the door I was thinking, `I'll relax and enjoy being in bed with Troy tonight.' I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open it. My dad sat in the driveway. When Troy opened the door I waved to my dad and went inside. Before Troy had the door closed I had my arms around him pulling him down to kiss me. It was a chaste kiss he gave me but it was exactly what I needed. He took my duffle bag from me and said, "Dad's in the family room watching television. Go!" he said pointing to the family room. "I can't be in the same room with him any longer." "Oh hi Rodger." He sounded so cheerful. "What are you doing sitting up?' I asked. "I'm tired of being in bed. That's why I came home." He grumbled. "You're not supposed to sit up for very long." I said as I flipped the lever on the side of his lounge chair. The foot rest popped up and the back laid down. "You're worse than Troy." "Have you taken any of your medications since you've been home?" I asked. "I don't know what I am supposed to take." He replied, "But I am in some pain." "Okay," I said, "I'll make an excel file and list when you should get what and make columns that we can put the date and time it is taken. Where are they?" "I think Troy put the bag in the kitchen." He said. It wasn't too bad. He had 2 that were to be taken 4 times a day, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and bedtime. Two were taken twice a day, upon rising and 12 hours later and 1 as needed for pain but not more than every 4 hours. I'll have to look these up online to see what each of them is for. Taking the pain medication and a glass of water into the living room I asked John, "Did you have anything before you left the hospital?" "Nothing since lunch time." He said. I gave him the pain pill and the glass of water. "You've gone 6 maybe 7 hours without the pain medication then." I said, "That's really good. Maybe one before you go to bed if you can wait." "How come you're not yelling at him like you did me?" Troy asked coming into the room. "Because he makes sure I get my pain medication." John replied. "I'm going to fix dinner." I said leaving them to fight it out. They didn't though, they turned on Monday Night Football. The best I could come up with was Taco Salad. Getting ground chuck out of the freezer I started it frying while still frozen. I don't like to do that. I like to thaw it first but under the circumstances I had to. There was a package of Taco spices in the pantry I set aside of the stove. Getting lettuce, celery, carrots, and green peppers, then started chopping them. Every minute or so I would stir the meat and try to break apart the frozen parts. Filling a normal bowl for John and I then a large bowl for Troy I went back to the pantry. I found the chips and a jar of taco sauce. From the refrigerator I got the grated cheddar cheese and Catalina dressing. After spooning the taco meat on top of the salad I added taco sauce and salad dressing. Carrying John and Troy's into the dining room I yelled, "Come eat, Troy help your dad," Going back to the kitchen I got my bowl and silverware and napkins for all 3 of us. Troy was helping his dad sit when I got back. "Troy would you get us glasses of water." I asked. He didn't say anything but headed for the kitchen. When he got back I said, "Let's pray." I put my hand on John's cast and reached across the table for Troy's. Troy took it and held John's left hand. "Thank you God for keeping John and Mary alive. Guide us in all we do so we may be worthy of Your love. Place Your healing hands on Mary so she may recover fully. We ask this through your Son's name. Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen." Both John and Troy joined me for the common blessing. I felt sorry for John trying to eat with his left hand but he was doing much better than he was when he first was in the hospital. At least with the Taco salad he did not have to cut anything up. He would stab it with his fork and then try to get the fork to his mouth. He didn't always make it. Troy laughed at him. I gave Troy a scowling look. He laughed harder. "I need to make a list of things we need from the store." I said. "I'll look through the freezer to see what is there but I am limited in what I can make." "We can order delivery too some nights." John said. They left the doors open to the living room so they could keep up with the game. After dinner Troy helped his dad back into the living room and then came back to help me clean up. With the dishes in the dishwasher and the counters wiped down Troy went back to the game. I went to check the freezer. I found a chuck roast which I took out. I put it on the counter to thaw, found potatoes in the pantry and remembered the carrots in the refrigerator. I'll put the roast in the slow cooker in the morning and it will be done by the time we get back home. I got to watch the halftime show on MNF and most of the third quarter before my eyes would not stay open. "I'm really tired," I said, "I'm going to bed." "You had a long hard day. " John said. I kissed John and Troy goodnight and went upstairs. Going into Troy's' room I was surprised my bag was not there. I went to the spare bedroom and it was on the bed. That was NOT going to happen. I picked the bag up and took it back to Troy's room. I put my toiletries in Troy's' bathroom and brushed my teeth. Going back to the bedroom I got undressed, leaving my clothes on the desk chair, and got in bed naked. I quickly drifted to sleep enjoying Troy's scent on his pillow. I love my new life. I barely remember Troy getting into bed, sliding his arm under my head and wrapping the other over me, pulling me back to him. He spooned against me and I could tell he was naked also. You know sex is important but the intimacy of being close, to be held and to know you are loved provides a euphoria that exceeds anything a human can experience. I was back asleep even before I realized that I had awoken. It was sometime during the night that I woke up. My head was on Troy's shoulder, my leg across his stomach. It only took seconds for me to realize that his dick was hard against my leg. I moved my leg down to be on top of his leg. My dick got hard and pushed into his thigh. I moved the cover so it was over my head. Taking a deep breath I inhaled Troy's scent. I couldn't stop even if I had wanted to, which I didn't. My hand went to his shaft then down to cup his balls. My head moved to his stomach. My tongue snaked out to taste him. He tasted so good. My mouth encased the head and my hand moved back up to the shaft. Two or three strokes later Troy stiffened, let out a moan and released his essence into my mouth. I swallowed, swallowed again and swallowed more. I had to or I might have drowned. Oh how I love his taste. His hand moved to my back and rubbed up and down. His dick softened still in my mouth. I sighed contently and fell back to sleep with his soft cock still in my mouth. The next time I awoke was 5 minutes before the alarm. I was on my side. Troy was spooned against me with his hard dick poking my butt cheeks. I wanted it in me. I reached back and repositioned it so the tip was at my hole. I wiggled back. That was the wrong thing to do. Troy woke up, jumped out of bed and stood there. When I turned to look I had to laugh. He was standing there, stiff arms and legs, like he was trying to control himself. He had a flag pole pointing towards the ceiling with a corner of the top sheet hanging off of it. His hard dick looked like a flag pole the way the sheet was hanging. I gave him my sad puppy dog look, patted the bed beside me to invite him back to bed. He didn't move but I could tell he was arguing with himself. The clock radio came on. I lost the argument. He walked to the bathroom and seconds later I heard him peeing. Of course that went straight to my bladder. After I finished I got in the shower. Troy did not join me. Instead he pulled on boxers and went to start coffee. I knew I was making it hard for Troy but I couldn't help it. When I went downstairs to start breakfast Troy went back upstairs as soon as I was in the kitchen. Can't he see how much I need him? I took the Belgium waffle iron out of the pantry and plugged it in. Getting the Bisquick out I mixed the batter. The waffle maker still was not hot so I got the slow cooker out and plugged it in. Pouring some batter in when it was ready I went back to the refrigerator getting the roast and carrots out. I put the roast into the cooker then sprinkled Lipton dry onion soup mix on top then got a bag of potatoes from the pantry. John came into the kitchen. He looked like he had a bad night of sleep if any at all. I got out his 2 morning pills and a pain pill. Putting those on the table in front of him I got a glass of orange juice so he could take the pills. While he was taking the pills I poured a cup of coffee for him. The look he gave me when I brought the coffee made me laugh. "It's not funny." He said but then he laughed too. Taking the waffle out, I poured the batter for the next one. Getting the silverware out of the drawer I said to Troy, "Would you get the butter and syrup please." Instead he poured a cup of coffee for himself and took a sip. He then did as I asked. He thought the waffle was for him and I heard an audible whine when I cut into bite size pieces and set the plate in front of John. I smiled and removed the second one from the waffle maker, poured the third one in and carried the second one to the table. I pretended it was for me then pushed it over in front of Troy. Brushing the potatoes under water to clean them gave the waffle time to finish. Taking mine over to the table I sat down. "Listen, I need relief too." I said. They both knew instantly what I was talking about. Neither one said anything. I had only eaten a couple of bites but I couldn't eat anymore. I pushed the plate away, went over and cut up the potatoes adding them to the slow cooker. I dumped a bag of baby carrots in, put the lid on and checked to make sure it was on high. "It's hard on me too you know." Troy said. "Yeah, I know it was hard last night, during the night." I said. "I don't need to hear this." John said. "What do you mean during the night?" Troy asked. "You know what I mean." I was getting ready to cry. Damn I wish I wasn't such a cry baby. "You mean that wasn't a dream?" He really looked surprised. "If someone will help me stand I think I can get to my bedroom by myself." John pleaded. It was the weight of the upper body cast that gave him trouble. Instead I went upstairs in a huff. I got my stuff out of Troy's bathroom and went to the spare room, locking the door. While brushing my teeth I heard a soft knock on the door. In a soft voice Troy said, "Rodger I'm sorry. Let me in so we can talk. We need to set some ground rules." `He's right you know.' I thought, `We need to set some rules so we both know where we stand and what is happening. It wasn't fair that I sucked him when he wasn't even awake.' I finished my teeth, rinsed and spit then dried my mouth. I walked over and unlocked the door. He heard the click. The handle turned and the door opened. He just stood there looking at me. I was starting to blush, I could feel it. Suddenly he picked me up. It amazed me how easily he could do that. He brought my lips to his. It was a hungry kiss that took my breath away. My arms went around his neck. My legs wrapped around his waist. It was like that first day we had sex. I did not feel him walking or that we were moving but he was laying me down on the bed. His lips left mine to travel to my ear. He chewed on the lobe. My shirt was raised to my neck. His mouth jumped to my chest and he suckled one nipple and then the other. "I..." I mumbled, "I..." His tongue licked down to my navel. "I..." I couldn't get a coherent thought in my mind. I needed to say something but I couldn't remember what it was. Somehow my jeans were open and he was tugging them and my underwear down. "I" "I" "I" My dick was engulfed in his mouth. "I-----I-----IIIIIEEEE!" I had the most powerful orgasm. I laid there gasping for air. "There," he said, "Does that even the score?" "I don't think that was talking." I finally got my thought together so I could speak. Troy laughed. I laid there trying to get my breath back. "Hurry up," Troy said, "Or we will be late. I want to stop past the hospital before school." With that he walked out going to his room to get ready. I laid there in euphoria, unable to move, my jeans and underwear at my knees with my legs hanging off the bed. I don't know how long I was like that. "Come on, let's go." Troy said as he was walking down the hallway. I jumped up, pulled my underwear and jeans up and ran to catch up. Very unusual for me but I was dreading getting to school. I know Sherrie was going to be pissed.