Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 18:33:27 -0600 From: Jesse Hamill Subject: The Love of Rainn - 5 Jesse Hamill May 11, 2015 This is a love story between two consenting males and contains sexual themes and graphic depictions of sexual acts. It is by no means a sex story, and focuses on the relationship and romance first. This is also work of fiction. All characters in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This is my first work for Nifty and any criticism, comments, improvements or thanks can be directed at I appreciate all the comments and support that I've received so far, so thanks readers! Remember to please donate to to help keep these stories free. We depend on your support, and even a small donation will do! * * * * * * * * * The Love of Rainn: Chapter 5 The next day at school, Rainn wondered what he should do when Jesse came over on Friday. He didn't have a computer or a TV in his room. They could play video games in the living room, but he wanted some privacy, too. Maybe living room first, bedroom second? Vice versa? Rainn's room was mostly dominated as a personal studio, with his desk and shelves taking the majority of the space. All that he really had for a "bedroom" was a dresser and a bed. Rainn did have a tablet, but thought that sharing it might be a little too close and personal. As he pondered what to do, he walked to his next class. He had algebra next, and spent a lot of time drawing instead of taking notes. Mr. Sullivan was a good teacher, but Rainn just didn't have any interest in math. He always barely scraped by, but recently he had been distracted with his entry to the art competition. As Mr. Sullivan started his presentation on solving linear equations, Rainn stopped listening and just tuned him out. He sat in the back and worked on some of the sketches he had drawn recently. One he liked a lot, featured Jesse playing the guitar with his glasses on. He used one of the sketches from yesterday as a reference to draw Jesse's face, but he drew most of it from memory. As he pretended to work on his equations, he drew and tried to get Jesse's features just right. When class was just about over, Mr. Sullivan handed out last week's quiz. Rainn cringed a little when he received his results. He got a total of only two questions right, and near the bottom was a note that said to see Mr. Sullivan when class was over. He sighed. The bell rang for lunch and Rainn waited for everyone to leave before he got up to see his teacher. Mr. Sullivan was a tall, curly haired man that was kind sometimes, but usually stern. "Rainn, I was disappointed to see that you failed last week's quiz," he said. "I.. I'm sorry, I didn't have time to study," he lied. "I was trying to get ready for my art competition." That was closer to the truth, but there was still some time that he could have used to prepare. "Well, regardless, your grades in my class are starting to slip," he said. "I was concerned, so I talked to your other teachers. I found that you're doing fine in your other classes, just not in here." "I.. sometimes get lost... with what to do. Math is confusing for me." This was true. Rainn just didn't get the point of it. "My recommendation, Rainn, is for you to find yourself a tutor or come after school to get the help that you need. I know you're talented in other ways, but I want you to succeed in this class, too." He spoke kindly and sincerely. "I'll try and get a tutor. I have someone in mind." Rainn could see the math textbooks in his mind from Jesse's room. "Alright, but if don't show improvement with the next quiz, I'm going to have to move you down to my remedial class." Rainn flinched inside thinking he would be in the same math class as Mark. That could never happen. He nodded and left to lunch, thinking of how to ask Jesse for math tutoring and whether he'd say yes or no. He was walking so fast and not paying attention that he tripped and crashed into a table. Trying to catch his balance, he knocked over someone's drink. Rainn tried to contain the mess and stood the can back up, but the damage was done. The whole tray of food was soaking wet and soggy from the spill. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fruit salad and creamed spinach were drenched in a soupy mix of gravy and the coffee-flavored energy drink. "Hey! What the fuck!?" someone shouted. Rainn cowered from the sound of it. *Noooo! It was Mark!* Rainn panicked and blurted out a dozen different apologies. He tried using napkins on the food to soak up the mess, but he just mashed everything together making it worse. He could see that it wasn't helping and it made Mark angrier. "You just ruined my lunch, fag!!" he shouted at Rainn. "I'm sorry! I swear it was an accident!!" he pleaded. "No, *you're* an accident!" he said back. "Now I'm going to make a mess out of you!" Mark grabbed what was left of the sports drink and dumped it on his head. Rainn just stood there in shock as it dripped down his head and shoulders soaking him. That must have not been enough though, as Mark grabbed the food from his tray and slathered it all over Rainn's shirt. "There! Now we're even," he said. Mark just laughed it up with his friends as Rainn fled from the cafeteria, tears in his eyes. Again, he wasn't watching where he was going and crashed into someone else. Mortified, he looked up to see a familiar face. *Oh no!! It's Jesse!! He's going to see me all gross!* Jesse's kind face was concerned as he asked, "Hey Rainn, what happened?" Holding back tears unsuccessfully and straining to keep a brave face, he mumbled, "...Mark." Jesse put his hand on Rainn's shoulder. "Oh. Figures," he said. "We'll deal with him later. Right now, let's get you cleaned up." He walked Rainn to the nearest boy's room and made sure it was empty. He filled a sink with some warm water before scrubbing it with some hand soap and paper towels. He drained the sink and filled it again, this time using some shampoo from his gym bag. "You know, I never have used the showers in gym. This is a brand new bottle," he said, indicating the shampoo. Rainn was too nervous to take off his shirt in front of Jesse, but he was soaking wet and sticky from the mess. "I don't have a spare shirt..." Rainn said. "It's all right. You can borrow mine." He took off the green plaid shirt that he was wearing over his black t-shirt. He put in on his bag along with a washcloth and towel. Jesse secretly wanted to see Rainn without a shirt on, but he knew Rainn was embarrassed and wanted some privacy. "I'm going to stand outside the door and keep watch, alright?" "Okay," Rainn said relieved. "Jesse..." "Yeah?" he asked. "Thanks..." Jesse headed out the door and Rainn took off his filthy gray shirt. He wasn't hideous in any way, or flabby, or full of zits, but the thought of Jesse watching him undress made him shy and weak in the knees. Rainn was pale and a sort of skinny, but in good shape. He didn't have hardly any body hair (except a few choice regions) and thought he looked like a little boy in appearance. Rainn wished he could be more sexy or muscular. He washed and rinsed his chest, back, and stomach of all the mess. Then he washed and rinsed his hair and toweled dry before taking a look at the shirt. He held it in his hands, and almost felt too nervous to put it on. As he slipped it over one of his arms, he could smell a clean fragrance of pine, citrus and something else. He took it off his arm and held to to his face so he could smell it again. It was good and totally unexpected. He thought it would just smell like laundry soap or cologne, but it was recognizable and pleasant. "You almost done in there?" Jesse asked from behind the door. "Almost!" He said. Rainn stopped smelling Jesse's shirt and slipped it on, quickly buttoning it up. He checked his hair one last time before draining the sink and picking up Jesse's gym bag. Rainn wondered what to do with his grimy shirt. He considered taking it home, but decided to just toss it in the trash. It was only a shirt and he had more. He walked out of the restroom to find Jesse waiting on the other side of the door. "Hey, someone's looking good! I like the shirt!" he said smiling. Rainn just smiled back. He wasn't quite sure how to thank him, and couldn't find the words. "No need to worry," Jesse said for him. "I'm sure you would have done the same for me." They only had a few minutes left for lunch and snacked on some apples and trail mix from Jesse's bag. As they ate in the hallway, they planned their revenge on Mark. Each plot was more gruesome or embarrassing than the last. "-- then I'll break into his gym locker, and throw his clothes into the girls room!" Jesse finished. "But he'd still have his gym clothes on..." Rainn said. "Hmmm. You're right." He thought about it, then added, "I'll put a nest of fire ants on his clothes and watch as he puts them on!" Rainn laughed and that comforted Jesse. He knew that Rainn was humiliated about what happened at lunch, and he wanted Rainn to feel better. Lunch ended and Rainn had to get to science. It was one of his favorites, besides art of course. Science was a subject that he could understand. Rainn loved learning how real world things worked and functioned. He loved reading about machines, chemical processes, physical reactions and patterns in nature. Rainn also liked making schematics and detailed drawings that showed a scientific process or idea. Today, they were looking at plant and animal cells under a microscope. Rainn sketched and labeled his diagram, an onion cell, before adding color and detail. Secretly, and when no one was watching, he would take a moment and smell Jesse's shirt. He could smell the resin of pine and lemon, but the other scent eluded him. It was familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. It made him giddy with joy and he hoped that the scent would rub off on him when he gave the shirt back. He'd give it back eventually, right? He heard people talking about the epic food fight in the cafeteria. "A food fight?" he asked. Rainn had asked a blonde girl, Lily, who was working at the station in front of him. "Yeah, Mark was throwing stuff and laughing at people when someone threw something back. Then, before you know it, someone yelled `Food Fight!' and there were people throwing stuff left and right and making a huge mess. He got in trouble for starting it and they made him clean and mop the whole cafeteria. Then he's got lunch and after school detention for the whole week!" Rainn smiled and felt better knowing his risk of running into Mark would be slim. "Hey Rainn..." It was Lily again. "I like your shirt. It makes your eyes stand out..." she said. "Uh... thanks..." he said. She giggle and watched as Rainn blushed. *Jesse's shirt must be my good luck. It's like he's here with me making everything alright!* The rest of the day Rainn felt more confident and protected with Jesse's shirt on. He had stopped and took another look at himself in the mirror and noticed his eyes did stand out, like Lily said. *It must be the color, he thought.* Green shirt and green eyes. It made sense, but there was more. The pattern had stripes of blue and yellow, all which complimented one another and made him look less pale. The shirt had a collar and made Rainn keep his head up. He just looked less timid and more confident in it. He also was smiling every time he looked down at it or when he could smell it. Rainn's smile made him look better and revealed his handsome features. As the end of the day came up, he suddenly remembered his math class and needing to ask Jesse for help. His confidence faded and was replaced with doubt. How much was Jesse willing to do with nothing in return? Was Rainn taking advantage of his kindness? His thoughts were clouded in uncertainty as he started his way home. Storm clouds were building up on the horizon and thunder was rolling in the distance. "Hey, there you are!" Jesse said to Rainn as he was making his way home. "I don't have the jeep today, so I'm walking home, too. Can I join you?" "Sure." he said quietly. "Something on your mind?" Jesse asked. "Is it Mark? Did he say something?" "No, nothing like that. I just need to ask you something..." Rainn said. "Sure, anything for you." Rainn felt better hearing that. "I'm not doing so well in math... and I was wondering if... you had some time, could you...?" "Oh, is that all?? I'd be more than happy to help! I'm great at math!" Rainn smiled, but wondered if he should repay him for everything he's done. He didn't want to feel like he was using him, or for Jesse to feel that way either. "I don't have much money... just what I make at the diner, but if you need--" "No. Nope. Sorry! That's just not gonna happen. I couldn't do that to a friend." "I just... I don't want you thinking... that I'm taking advantage of your kindness..." Rainn said meekly. Jesse just smiled. Rainn sounded so cute sometimes. "Don't worry about it. Just having someone to talk to is all the payment I need. Did I mention I'm not that good at being social?" "You did. But,... I still want to make it up to you with something. Can I draw you something for your room?" "Hell yeah! I would love that!" They talked all the way to Rainn's house. Jesse was unsure what he wanted for his drawing and kept cycling through different video game characters, a white tiger, and a Chinese dragon. What he really wanted was a self-portrait of Rainn, but he was not going to ask for that. It might risk their friendship if he got weird on Rainn. Jesse said he couldn't decide and would have to get back to him on something. "Well I gotta get to work or my mom will kill me," Jesse said. "Also, it looks like it might rain..." "Yeah, it does... I also have to get to the diner." "Okay, see you later," he said. Then turning around, he asked, "When did you want to get some math help?" "Oh! Umm... maybe on Friday? When you said you could come over?" Rainn asked. "Sure, that sounds good. Maybe by then I'll know what I want for my drawing!" He was about to say goodbye again when Rainn asked him a question. "Oh! Uh... did you want your shirt back?" he asked. "Yeah, but you can borrow it till Friday. I'll get it then." "Okay... um... See you at school?" "Yeah," Jesse said. "See you later." Jesse started walking towards his house and waved bye. Rainn took his time going inside, and watched Jesse till he was out of his sight. When he no longer could spot him, Rainn went up to his room and changed into a new clean shirt. He smelled his own clothes and noticed only a clean laundry. He smelled Jesse's shirt and there was resinous pine, lemon oil, and...? Rainn suddenly got an idea and went to see Gran. She was just getting up from a nap and asked how school was. "Oh, you know, good. Hey Gran?" "Yes Raincloud?" she replied. That was his childhood name. "Can you tell me what this shirt smells like? I liked the scent of it, but don't know what kind of cologne it is..." "Of course, my dear!" She took the shirt and gave it a good inhale. She looked at it and pondered a minute before smelling it again. Rainn was glad she was a little eccentric. This might have been weird with anyone else. "Can I ask whose shirt this is?" "It's Jesse's. He lent it to me when... I... when I dropped my lunch all over mine." "Oh, that was kind of him," she said. "But, that makes sense. Diana told me he was a spiritual person." "Huh?" Rainn asked. *What did that have to do with the shirt? Rainn wondered to himself.* "What you smell is incense, not cologne. He likes to use cedar by the smell of it." "Cedar! That's what that is!" Rainn said to her. "Thanks Gran!" She just smiled. Rainn went back to his room and carefully put Jesse's shirt away in his dresser before heading to work. He grabbed an umbrella just in case. * * * * * * * * * Author's note: Special thanks to Ash, my new editor. You make it possible for me to write even more and the readers and I appreciate your hard work. Now I'll be able to post twice a week! Look for new chapters on Tuesdays and Fridays! Thanks guys, and drop me a note! Copyright Jesse Hamill and 2015. All rights reserved.