Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 14:21:20 -0500 From: Cody Subject: the paths we choose - chapter 2 The Paths We Choose Chapter 2 The next few days passt and I really didn't seem to notice them. As I walked into the house Friday afternoon mom was already sitting at the kitchen table looking at the mail. She looked up ````and smiled at me. "PK hunny you know your little friend is expecting you tonight for your sleep over. I told his mother that I'd be driving you soon after you walked in so go get ready." She went back to reading the mail and as I walked up the steps I nearly passed out. I had forgotten what day it was in all the fogginess my mind was in at the time. I was scared, excited and nervous all at the same time. My emotions were just running wild and had no clue how i'd keep them from showing. I walked into my room and walked into my walk-in closet. Mom always kept things neat and organized and told me never to mess it up. Well I never messed it up and had always been thankful for taking her advice. I sort of admired my room for that, especially my closet. there was just enough room to walk in and there were wire racks and hangers on all three sides of the closet. All of them were packed with my clothing and related atire. Packed yes, but neatly organized and I knew just where things were at. My biggest pet peeve was when I put something where I knew where it was at and someone picked it up and moved it. I also enjoyed the smell of my room. the smell of an electronic air freshener mixed with freshly washed clothing and shoes. I grabbed my clothing for the night and a sleeping bag which I suspected I wouldn't be using, and rolled everything into one tube of fabric and walked down stairs. I thought how mom always bought me things without really even reasoning it through and was thankful for what I had but also felt like I had been treated in a way that also wasn't necessary. Why would you rade a dollar store and buy a bag full of halloween things you'd never use? When dad found that bag he flipped out but luckily that was almost a year later after I had hidden it on the third floor. I knew how much his anger intimidated me and so when he found it I just walked away. But I knew mom loved me and I loved her. I truthfully couldn't and still can't say that about dad. Everything was about money but what I saw and he didn't was that he was just as bad as her. Sure he could survive but the extra money went to things that were really unnecessary such as fancy restaurants when ever I was with him. All this thinking while getting my belongings together made me take my mind off the coming night, but only for a few minutes. The butterflies quickly returned and felt my bowels churn. "Are you ready?" mom inquired. I gave a simple "yep" and was out to the car in no time. The sky had gotten a dark gray and mom commented about how it looked like snow. I didn't say anything. A few minutes later we pulled up in the driveway of Lowell's and his mom was waiting near the front door and was out to greet me and mom. "Hi there, you must be PK, Lowell has talked about you quite a bit I see you are just as charming looking as he says you were. Come on in, Lowell is upstairs playing video games. Let me have your coat hun." Lowell's mom cooed a bit more and jaw jammered with mom for what I'd say was the longest time ever. "PK feel free to go upstairs, let me show you the way." she offered. "no thanks just tell me which room is his and where the stairs are. I'll be ok." I replied. Mom gave me a hug and walked me to the steps and heard Lowell's mom say his room was the last room on the left. As I ascended the stairs I almost messed myself. I was distracted though when I noticed the top of the stairs was the start of the hall, and to my surprise that is all of what the second floor was. For the size of the downstairs I would have expected much more. Well it didn't matter much to me anyhow. Small and quaint was good enough for me. It was dark but could hear the muffled sound of a tv and a game console so I slowly walked down the hall trailing against the wall until I got to his door. I stood there for what seemed like forever. Lowell, the boy who I had messed around with only a few nights previous was just on the other side. My palms were sweaty but knocked softly. "yeah, come in, who is it?" Lowell said in an almost monotone voice. I could tell he didn't budge from his position and his eyes were fixed on the screen. I slid in as quiet as a mouse and could see that most of his room besides his bed and a few fixtures was empty, so I sat down next to him. It kind of concerned me when almost 10 minutes had passed and no attension was paid to me so I just continued to wait. I began getting lost in my thoughts again when I was jolted out of my thoughts by a peppy voice. "PK! How are you?" Lowell almost screamed. I smiled but didn't say anything just nodded my head. It was clear to me at that point he was not ignoring me but was engrossed in his game quite a great deal and had just realized I was sitting next to him. "I didn't hear you come in you scared me when I looked over and saw you sitting here. You got to stop that it's not cool!" He explained. I closed my eyes, smiled and looked down. "whats wrong? Are you upset about something? I need to talk to you about the other the way you look so cute sitting like that!" he cooed. I lifted my head still with my eyes closed and after a minute opened them. I must not have had a satisfactory look on my face because he leaned over and hugged me. he sighed quite heavily. "PK, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to do what I did the other night and was a bit shocked when you started touching me so I thought you were ok with it. But I can tell you're a little nervous about tonight because of what we did. I like you, I really do. You look so cute and you also seem extremely friendly to be around. It's just that it seems every other guy our age seems loud and abnoxious but you just don't seem like that, and that is one thing about you I like. Mom knows I'm gay I've told her. She tells me I'm still too young to know what I like but she seems ok with it anyway. She doesn't find it a big deal. Dad knows too, and thinks it's just a phase but I know it's not. I really hope you understand I'm not trying to be weird or anything," he explained softly, starting to cry now. I've never known a boy as young as I was who knew they were gay. As far as I was concerned I liked it and whatever the cause may be I reasoned that everyone needed love and attension. And with a bit of hesitation I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him in the crook of his neck. "hmmm, don't worry about it. I don't think you're weird. I really think that I am like you. If I did not like or want anything we did the other night I'm sure I would have done something extreme to let you know I was not interested. I realize though I was the one who kind of started all of it," I interjected. "just all of this stuff is happening way too fast for me and I'm having trouble sorting all my thoughts out about it. Lowell sniffled in my shirt and pulled away still half holding on to me. "thanks for being cool about it, and I promise I won't ever touch you anywhere unless we both want to. But PK, I really do love you, you're so sweet," he wined. he pulled me into a bear hug and I put my head on his right shoulder with my eyes half open and let out a long sigh. I did the same for him. We stayed like that for about five minutes before he broke the silence. "mom is ordering pizza she said and it'll be here soon, he stated. "great," I said, "I am exhausted, can we just lay on your bed until then I need a nap I can't hardly hold my eyes open." "sure thing," Lowell answered immediately. So with that we both crawled onto his bed and I was fast asleep on my back. When I awoke, I saw that he had found a place on top of me curled up with his head on my chest fast asleep. "damn," I thought to myself. "This boy is all over me." I figured it wasn't a big deal and that any jestures to me made outside of his room would have been understood and that I'd just have to watch my own mannerisms. I figured Lowell's mother would come to get us when the pizza had arrived so I just drifted off to sleep again. Since I was in the half state of consciousness I heard the knock on the door and his mom softly walked in and put her hand on her son, who was still on top of me. "boys, the pizza is here if you want to eat before it gets cold," she said tenderly. I was amazed she hadn't even mensioned anything about our position and figured Lowell was telling the truth. For me, this spoke volumes that his mom had walked in and not even scolded us for our position and I instantly felt at home in this house. She patted my head and bent down to kiss Lowell on the cheek who was still mostly asleep, or so I thought until I heard him groan. I heard her walk out next and about 5 minutes later I started to dump the sleeping boy off of me. I stood up and looked at him. So peaceful, I thought and I did the same as his mom, bent over to kiss him, but this time on the lips and he instantly woke up and returned the kiss. We both headed downstairs and his mom had the pizza box shut as to keep the heat in sitting on the kitchen table. "got some more bad weather headed our way I hear," Lowell's mom said disgusted. "If the pie is not warm I'll stick it in the oven for a little bit, I thought you two were going to lay together longer than you did and wasn't expecting you." From what I could see, the kitchen was entirely white with a black kitchen table with fancy designs that I could trace with my fingers down the legs. Mom and I lived a pretty much plain and simple lifestyle so I was quite impressed with the little things that people had like this. "If you don't mind, I think I'll have a piece of pizza with you boys if you don't mind, I enjoy quality time with Lowell and his friends," his mom explained. "Cool," we both said cheerfully. "I'm glad you woke me up PK, cold pizza is never good!" Lowell exclaimed. "What's dad been up to?" Lowell asked. "still busy as always. Seems to be doing quite well with his business, I still don't know how your father seems to balance HP and his speaker business," his mom explained. "I'd imagine he'd save more money if he wasn't using all of it to pay for flight tickets to go to these different states for the navy to have so many of these meetings. APparently he's met some pretty important people," she continued. "Your dad works for HP?" I inquired interested. "Oh yes, his father works for the military and stuff to sell high tech HP computers. He actually brought one home so me and Lowell could see what he was selling, and we took it outside and tossed it up in the Air and it landed right on the driveway in one piece. Pretty amazing stuff," she explained. "Never seen anything like it, but after all, it's supposed to withstand explosions and such so it needs to be made virtually indestructable." "Cool, I love computers and stuff I've got a mac I bought for my birthday," I interjected. "dad has a lot of money so we can manage to live comfortably," Lowell said. Well I guess that answered my question about all the fancy stuff. "Lowell, you really shouldn't be saying things like that," she said annoyed. "we aren't rich and your father works very hard, we can't be greedy. It doesn't make a good impression on your friends to tell them something we are not." I smiled and looked at Lowell's mom then to Lowell. "That's ok, we all do it sometimes I guess," I suggested. It fell silent at the table for a good 5 minutes. I always found it very annoying when after a guest like me makes a comment that the room just goes silent. "well you boys certainly did a number on the pizza maybe I should have gotten 2 mediums," Lowell's mom commented matter of factly. "Nah, I'm full, thanks for the pie," I commented. "oh you are certainly more than welcome, but I need to go lay down, my stomach doesn't do well after eating dominos and I should have known better. But you boys can do what you like just don't get into any trouble you hear?" his mom reminded us. "We won't," Lowell wined as we both departed from the table. Lowell ran up the steps and I followed him. I walked into his room and sat on his bed as he proceeded to plop himself on the floor in front of his video game. I figured he'd be playing for an hour or so so I laid on his bed and drifted off to sleep. I thought about the passed week, and school things that I had been reading for English and some math stuff that didn't make any sense to me, but seemed to pop into my head anyway to kill time. I started to chuckle to myself when I recalled the smart comment Dustin made to Ashley saying that she had more issues than Time magazine when she was trying to explain to him why her mom took away her cell phone. I really started to laugh to myself because for me it was so stereotypical of girls to rant about such things and I was reminded of why I was never attracted to them. Lowell must have heard me because he put down his controller and came over to me. "whatcha laughin about?" he giggled as he flung himself on me unexpectedly. "Oh, there is this boy Dustin, who's in my reading class and the other day Ashley was telling him about her cell phone incident and Dustin told her she had more issues than Time magazine and I found it really funny," I explained. "Man you laugh at the dumbest stuff, you remind me of my uncle when he gets drunk, he laughs at anything even the most retarded of things makes him laugh," Lowell continued cracking a bit of a smile. At this point I was almost in tears I was laughing and flopping around on this bed. Lowell pounced on me and lay on top of me to keep me from going anywhere so I slowed my laughing and put my arms around him. A few minutes passed and he gave me a peck on the cheek and we both fell asleep with his head on my shoulder and I could tell he was getting a chubby and I was doing the same. The night passed without any disturbances and I woke up energized and alert. the sun had started coming in through the window which was covered by a dark red window shade and it gave me a peaceful feeling. I couldn't remember when I was supposed to leave. I shook Lowell and since he was on top of me and we both were under the covers I wrapped my legs around him and squeezed him tight and started to lick his face. We both instantly were very aroused. His hair was very soft and smelled like fresh shampoo under my nose and I gave him and a long deep passionate kiss. I realized instantly that I was certainly like him. I slowly started to peal the layers from our bodies when Lowell gave a groan, and I hugged and kissed him once more. "I have to pee," I explained. Reluctantly he rolled to the side and I rose from the bed. But then I realized I wasn't sure where the bathroom was. "Hey where is the bathroom?" I asked Lowell. "Down the hall," he groaned. I figured it was at the top of the steps so I disappeared out of the door and I walked quietly down the hall. the kitchen was directly below the stairs and I could see the beginnings of the morning sun which made me feel even more at home. Lowell's mom was probably still in bed or she was very quiet downstairs and did not hear her. I trailed the wall on the right until I reached the top of the stairs and did not feel any door, so I assumed it was on the left, and sure enough, it was. I walked in and was greeted by a fresh peach scent. I walked in and sat on the jon and propped my head on my knees. I enjoyed the simple fact that it was so peaceful, which it never was back at the house. Mom always had the TV on or some form of noise going. Even the air filter fans or heater/air conditioner made it seem very disturbing at night. Oddly though unless I'm with someone in bed, I always need something to keep me company, and ever since I was a little kid, the radio had to be on to keep me company. in the quiet of the house, the sound of my own urine hitting the water and bowel movement hitting the water pulled me from my thoughts and I giggled at how loud it seemed to be. I sat there in that position lost in my thoughts as I usually do for a good 30 minutes when I cleaned myself up and found my way back t Lowell's bedroom, where he was still sound asleep. My watch said 6:23 and realized that I was not in the mood too stay awake and squeezed myself back into Lowell's bed next to him. In his half slumber he piled himself back on me and only then did I realize how aroused I was. Generally after relieving myself, I get quite turned on and apparently Lowell figured that out very quickly When I feel him wrap his hand around my member and plop his head on my shoulder and drift off to sleep again. I woke up several hours later only to find that lowell was still asleep and with his hand still fixed around my now softened penis. I was very much awake now and felt like enjoying a nice walk. It was supposed to reach into the 50's and I really wanted some fresh air. I despirately wanted to jump out of bed and gather my stuff for an hour walk around town or at least eh neighborhood but I wanted to continue holding this boy which I greatly felt for. I started rubbing his back and massaging his bottom and found he was getting quite excited over it. I wrapped my right arm around his neck and took in his sweet boy breath as I gave him a long and deep his. After about 10 minutes I proceeded to push him off to me when I realized how hard he was and how much precum had found its way onto my stomach and I knew most of it was from Lowell. I found myself on top of him and figured that I was too worked up for build up, I immediately wrapped my lips around hid extremely stiff member and Lowell let out a very breathy moan. It hadn't been 1 minute later that I had swallowed his milk and I was shooting my own all over his chest. I colapsed on him and wrapped my arms around him and we both kissed. An hour or so had passed and we were both wide awake and I had been putting my clothing on when Lowell's mom had walked into the room. Apparently it was still early as i could smell breakfast cooking. "Good morning boys, I've got breakfast cooking and it will be ready in ten minutes. After that you ca decide what you're going to do for the day," his mom explained. I had just finished buttoning my jeans as she walked in and I started to blush. Nothing was said so I assume she had no issues with our prior position. Lowell was still laying in bed with the covers tossed to the side and he was still naked but wide awake. "ok," Lowell mumbled. "Thanks," I replied. I was just about completely dressed when finally Lowell decided to compose himself. "so what did you want to do today?" he asked expressionlessly. "How about going for a walk? I'm not sure when my mom was coming for me but it would give us time to just cchill out and talk." I replied. "Well ok but I don't know my way around Portville all that much, I just usually play my playstation. I don't go outside much because mom says I might get into trouble," Lowell explained. I sat on his bed and thought for a minute. It seemed to me that Lowell was a sheltered boy indeed. He patted over to me and gave me a sneaky peck on the lips. "Maybe you can convince mom, I mean, it's a walk, what is she going to say?" he admitted. Lowell headed out the door and I followed him down the hall and down the stairs. The sunlight now was apparent but was no longer shining through the windows. The sky was as clear as a bell. I hoped it wouldn't be to cold, as I had lost one of my gloves and couldn't find it. I took a seat at the table next to Lowell. Boys, I don't have anything planned for today so you will have to occupy yourselves. I've got paperwork to do for some sales I've had come in from Market America and need to be doing that," she explained. She sat a tray of goodies on the table in front of Lowell and I and continued. "Here is some sliced cheese, toast, butter and peanut butter and the jelly is in the fridge Lowell knows where everything is should you want anything else to go with it. Oh and I cooked up some bacon Lowell loves crispy bacon and your mom said you did as well. Eat up and let me know if there is anything else you boys need." She was obviously talking to me and thanked her. "Mom!" Lowell shouted when she was far enough away. "Can me and PK go for a walk later on?" Lowell was obviously playing the puppydog eye look and the wimper trick and I cracked a huge sile. "Pk, I'm going to trust you to not get the both of you in any danger ok?" she was serious I could tell. "I won't, I walk around town all the time and most of the people know me very well and steer clear of me when they see me coming," I added. "Good," she said. After a few minutes of silence and me being lost in my thoughts as usual, Lowell began talking. "So do people treat you well at school?" he inquired. I waited a few seconds to process his question. "Yeah pretty much, but mostly everyone just leaves me alone and I sit by myself at lunch. Everyone is nice to me when they talk to me but normally people steer clear of me but I don't know why. It doesn't really bother me though." I finished. "Well that sucks. Don't know why people don't talk to you, you seem really sweet," he said softly in hpes that his mom wouldn't hear him. "I guess I'm so used to no one being around me that i've gotten used to it I guess. It's nice to have friends who can be supportive and stuff. It's lonely though," I added. "well you've got me at least, right"> he asked hesitantly. I laughed and said yes. Once breakfast was out of the way we made our way quickly out the front door and to the sidewalk after notifying Lowell's mom where we would be. We started heading down the side walk when Lowell broke the silence. "So do you really like me?" he asked. I sighed heavily and replied, "Of course I do Lowell. You're really sweet. I know you've been wondering if I really do or not but I really do," I finished. We both stopped in the middle of the sidewalk where now open land with grass was to my write and a park with trees across the street was to my left. I turned and looked at Lowell with a distressed expression and he turned to face me. He through his arms around my neck and we hugged each other very tightly for a long while. He had started to cry softly and sniffle into the crook of my neck and I turned my head to rest on his. His sobs began to get more frequent and heavier. "Thank you so much PK. You really are the best friend that I never had. I never want you to leave me. Everyone was always mean to me and bullied me at my other school and everyone in the neighborhoods were always picking on me because I'm obviously gay. I really and truly do love you. I just wanted to know that you felt the same way back." Lowell quieted and started to breathe normally again. I rocked him in my arms for a good 5 minutes and I gave him a big wet puppy kiss on the lips. "I love you too Lowell," I whispered into his ear. We were silent for the remainder of our walk.