Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 08:10:05 -0800 (PST) From: andy moore Subject: The Tyler I Knew - Chapter 3 This Story is FICTIONAL. Mean's it's not real. Do not read this if you can't handle high-school sexual experiences between males or if it's illegal where ever you live. The Tyler I knew Chapter Three "I can't do it! I don't want to! Please just quit, I won't say anything I promise! Please!" Tyler was screaming in his sleep. "Tyler! Wake up!" Andy said franticly shaking Tyler. "What? What's wrong? What's going on?" Tyler said waking up. "You were screaming in your sleep, yelling about something. Are you alright?" Andy said, still worried. "I'm fine." Tyler said , looking away. "You just had a bad dream, that's obvious." Andy said putting his arm around Tyler. "You want to talk about it?" Tyler didn't say anything but pulled himself away from Andy, got up and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him. Andy wanted so bad to go and see if he was alright. He remained in the bed sitting up waiting for Tyler to return. After fifteen minuets Andy had began to worry more. Andy got out of bed slowly, walked slowly to the door and pressed his ear against it. He could hear sob's inside. Tyler was crying. Andy's heart dropped. What could be so wrong? He was beginning to think the worse of it all. In his dream he was pleading for someone to quit something. To stop what ever it was they were doing. Was someone mean to him sexually? Someone has been forcing him to do things he didn't want to do. Andy was sure of it. "Tyler, I'm coming in." Andy said as he slowly turned the knob on the door and pushed it open. Tyler didn't look up as Andy walked in. "Please listen to me a moment. I don't know why you are all the sudden like this but I don't care what the reason is. I'm not here to make fun of you at all. I want to be with you Tyler. I want to be with you forever. I know I just met you the other day, but you have sparked something in my life that I am sure no one else could. You have given me a light that has helped me see what I want and need. And that is you. I want and need you more than anything in this world. Tyler I would do anything for you and I don't care what's happened in the past, or what's going on now. I want to help you through what ever it may be and nothing is going to turn me away or change my mind. Tyler I love you. I am sure of it. Please talk to me." Andy said with tears in his eyes. Tyler looked up slowly after Andy spoke. He noticed that Andy had a look of sincerity. He couldn't help himself and broke out crying even harder. Andy kneeled down and wrapped his arms around Tyler. They both sat there for a moment and held each other. "I love you too! Tyler said pulling away from Andy. "But you need to understand that what I am about to tell you I have never told a soul. This is my deepest secret and I never intended to tell anyone. But I knew that someone would ask someday." Tyler paused for a moment to gather himself then spoke again. "When I was 10 years old my dad walked out. He tried for custody of us and the courts didn't grant it. My dad loved us. My sister and I both would much rather be with our dad. He was the best ever. My mother on the other hand was a druggie and a drunk. She cheated on him on a regular basis with more than just one man. She did it for her drug money, and sadly still does it to this day. I still don't know why the courts ruled in her favor because you can look at my mom and see what she is. She looks horrible Andy. She is all messed up. I can't even say I care for her anymore with all the things she let happen. Two years after dad left mom started regularly dating a man named Sean. Sean seemed like a savoir to us. At times he would take us camping, fishing, and has even taken me hunting. A year into their relationship they split up and Sean went his own way. Yet again she drove another good man off. He changed a lot around the house when he lived there. We actually had food all the time and he never let us get into to much trouble with mom. Like I said before he was our savior. He may have been a pot head and drank a bit but he was never as bad as her." Tyler looked down for a few moments. Andy didn't say anything but waited on Tyler to recompose himself. "Then there was Frank." Tyler spoke again sitting himself up against the wall. "At first he seemed rather nice. I don't know, maybe he was trying to impress mom. But he soon learned that to impress her when it came to us kids he had to be mean to us. So needless to say, he was. Time went by with him beating on us some. The occasional whipping with his very hard belt and an open handed slap across my sister face. The very day I turned 13 something else came to my attention. My sister came to me that night with tears in her eyes and welts on her face and back. He had beaten her for back talking him. But it gets worse. Later that night she told me he had done other things to her as well in the past. She told me about how he would sexually molest her by sticking his hands down her pants and at times making her do sexual favors for him." Tyler started crying more now. Andy had the impression that it only got worse from here. "A couple months later I had let this slip to a teacher at school and she had turned it into Children Services. The Social Workers came to my home and talked to all of us. He must have said something to her to scare her because she denied any of it. That night mom and him had gotten into a fight over something stupid and went somewhere else. I remember waking up at around 1 am to my sister yelling and screaming for help. I jumped up and ran to her room. I opened the door and found him on top of her forcing her to have sex. He had seen me open the door and walk in. I stopped just inside the room. I didn't know what to do or how to act. I was in shock. There was my sister under this madman crying for help. She was in pain, he was hurting her. I wanted to help her but I didn't know how. I could have done something. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT, BOY?" he yelled, but I just stood there. I was in shock" Tyler stopped. He was shaking and crying more than Andy had ever seen anyone do. Andy himself couldn't hold back, he too was crying. He couldn't help but wonder how anyone could ever hurt anyone like that. He wondered how anyone could be so cruel. His voice shaking more than ever Tyler spoke again. "He jumped up and ran after me. I couldn't move I was glued to the floor. I couldn't get away. He grabbed me up and pulled me over to the bed and threw me next to my sister. He pulled my pants down and grabbed my dick. Finally I came out of the trance I was in and started yelling. Both of us screaming for help. I remember him moving off the bed. I thought he was going to leave. But he moved to the floor and grabbed his pants pulling something out of the pocket. I didn't know what it was but I soon found out. He crawled back on top of us holding us down. In his hands he held an open pocket knife. He told me that he was going to cut my dick off. He grabbed a hold of it and pulled it, lowering the knife to the bottom. I felt a sharp pain. I yelled louder then everything went black. The next thing I knew I was laying in a hospital room alone. I was scared when I woke up. Those days, being alone was the way I wanted it. But when I woke up I felt alone. I felt scared. I felt lost. I wasn't sure what had happened or why I was there. I was sure it was all just a dream." Andy was crying then just as much as Tyler. He was speechless. "The nurse walked in and sat down next to me. She told me that the man who had done this was put in jail. She said that the neighbor heard all the yelling and came over to see what the problem was. She said he busted in and stopped Frank from continuing what he was about to do. She told me that he didn't stop him soon enough though. That he had taken the knife and cut the lower part of my penis. There wasn't any serious injury but to this day there is a scar to remind me just how sick some people can be. Children Services pulled my sister and I out of the home for a while. Mom managed to get us back though. She convinced them that she knew nothing of the matter, that they had gotten into a fight and only left to go to the store. I didn't want to go back to my mother. I would have been happier anywhere else. I still would be. But to this day I am still stuck with the bitch. I hate her Andy. I can't even stand looking at her. We have probably spoken less than 50 words in the last year." The two sat quietly for a moment. Andy still being speechless and in tears didn't know what to say. Tyler had calmed down for the most part but was still shaking. "Can I ask something?" Andy asked. Tyler nodded. "What happened to Frank?" Tyler looked down for a moment then looked back up to Andy. "Can you believe he only did six months? Six months in Prison, and has to register as a sexual offender for the rest of his life. Nice system, huh?" "Come on, let's get you back to bed alright?" Andy said standing up and holding out his hand for Tyler. The two made their way back to the bed and crawled in together. "Tyler, that doesn't change my opinion about you in any way. Like I said before, I love you more than anything and nothing will ever change that." Andy said pulling Tyler over to him so Tyler's head was resting on his chest. Tyler felt safe yet again. He felt that nothing could ever hurt him while he was laying there. No one could ever get to him. Andy would see to it that Tyler was safe. The next morning Tyler awoke to an empty bed. He looked around the room for Andy but couldn't find him. He got up and made his way downstairs. There he found David and Mark sitting at the table but no Andy. "Good morning!" They greeted Tyler. "Do you want some breakfast?" Mark asked. "I uhm.. Yes, thank you. Where is Andy?" Tyler asked, starting to get worried. "He had to run to his house this morning. He said to tell you he was sorry for leaving you like that, he didn't want to wake you. He said you were sleeping like an angel!" Mark said with a smile. Tyler blushed a bit and said. "Oh, do you know how long he'll be?" "He should only be a few more minuets. His house is only 10 minuets from here. Now, sit down and have you some breakfast!" Mark said starting to chuckle. Tyler sat down and had a enjoyable breakfast with Andy's uncle and his partner. They sat at the table for an hour deep in conversation about the video game from the night before, and the weather. "Well hello sunshine!" Andy said as he walked through the door. He walked over behind Tyler, bent down and kissed him on the cheek. "I've got something for you, but you will have to wait until later to get it. Sorry!" Andy said smiling at Tyler. "Do you always have to tease me?" Tyler asked grinning. "I only tease those I love!" Andy said bending back over and giving Tyler a hug. "Give it time, I am sure there will be more!" "Hey Tyler, are you planning on staying tonight? You're more than welcome to stay here anytime you like, as much as you like. You don't even have to ask." Mark said ask the two boy's got up to leave the kitchen. Tyler stopped and looked from Andy to Mark, then back to Andy. Andy nodded at Tyler seeing that he was not sure was to say. "I guess!" Tyler said shrugging. "No need to be so unsure about it, Tyler! If you want to, please feel free too!" Mark said, standing up and walking over to Tyler and placing his hand on Tyler's shoulder. "Alright!" Tyler said with a smile. "Well, boy's. We have some things to do in town today." Mark said getting up and clearing the table. "Andy, are you staying here tonight?" "Depends on what Tyler is doing." Andy said, looking at Tyler. "I guess I can stay tonight too. But I have to work tomorrow evening." Tyler said. "Good! I'll see you later this evening then." Mark said walking out the door with David following. "What do you want to do today?" Andy asked. "Doesn't matter." Tyler answered. "Well I don't really care what we do, I am happy enough just being with you." Andy said walking over to Tyler and putting his hands around his waist and pulling him towards his body. Tyler moved his arms around the top of Andy's shoulders and the two stood there staring into each others eyes. It was definitely love they shared. Neither one could deny it. "I love you!" Tyler spoke softly. "I love you too!" Andy said, moving forward and kissing Tyler. "Oh I forgot to... Oh, sorry!" Mark said ask he stormed back into the kitchen. Tyler jumped and pulled away from Andy. "I'm sorry. I just forgot my keys." Mark said walking over to the table and picking them up. "I'm leaving now." And he walked out the door. "Well, what do ya say you get changed and we will go find something fun to get into?" Andy said. "Sounds good!" Tyler said, and without hesitation he headed for the stairs to get ready. **I can not write one whole chapter in one sitting. So forgive me for the time it took to get his one posted. In the last week I have had some things come up that prevented me to get on the computer much, and when I was able to I just couldn't write. Sorry if this chapter seems a bit off. I will work harder on chapter four. So bear with me. And please feel free to email me at andy_9529 at - Andy.