Date: Sun, 5 May 2013 20:11:16 -0700 From: no name Subject: Three Simple Words 6 So I found out why this chapter took longer than usual...After finishing the last of it, I realized that it's 23 pages! Holy shitty fuck that's a lot! Anyways, it was all worth it because this chapter introduces SOME of the main conflicts. I hope you guys enjoy it, and do remember to send me emails if you have the time. And of course, the usual copyright/disclaimer crap. Honestly, you should know this by now... So, without further ado, the next installment :D *Excuse the grammar mistakes! There's probably more in this chapter because I had to vigorously type everything up by the end of the weekend!* *Chapter 7 will probably be postponed until next week sadly since I've just begun* |~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~| Where we left off: "Drive safely!" Mrs. Tanner calls out. "Be careful..." she whispers out. Once the door closes, I slump and relax my body. "Gah I hate acting..." "What were you acting as?" Chris asks while opening his door to the car. "As a morning person...I hate mornings..." I grumble out as I start the car and start pulling onto the driveway. "...Dylan...Did my mom seem off today?" "Hmm...sort of. Let's see what happens later today ok? I need more info before making a conclusion." "Kay..." Chris mumbles. He then pushes the seat back a little and closes his eyes again. I get onto the road and start driving to school. Little did I know that today's going to be a long day... |~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~| Chapter 6: "Surprise!" We arrive at the dungeon-I mean school- in about ten minutes. The perks of seniority, parking privileges. I park under the solar panel area that's closest to the school. Chris hands me my backpack, and we both get out of the car. "Dylan, where are we gonna hide the food? You know how the crows are like when they see someone bring food." " locker's under shade. That might work..." I trail off. "But?..." Chris asks. "But...there's the issue of the dragons lurking near my prized locker..." I sulk. "You mean..." "Yeah...I mean them..." We're stuck at a dilemma. I wanted to avoid the girls as much as possible for Chris's sake. I didn't want him to feel jealous. I mean, wouldn't you feel a least bit annoyed if someone clings your boyfriend away from you? But I have to get my books and put the desert away. "Dylan? We could put it in my locker until the girls leave." His words break my deep thinking. "You won't mind?" I ask. "Sure I don't mind. I mean, I'd do anything to avoid them too." Making sure no one is around, I sneak a quick kiss for his forehead. He catches the kiss by surprise and tenses up a little. I giggle at his reaction; he smiles and playfully gives me a push. I scruff his hair (which he protests to) and we walk towards his lockers. We get to his locker and quickly shove the delicious sweets into the crammed space. He pulls out the books he needs before lunch and slams his locker. "So Chris, where's your first class?" I discreetly ask, determined to learn his schedule so that I can stalk him whenever. "Um...I think it's math. Hold on, lemme check." He pulls out his schedule and unfolds it. I take the opportunity to sneak a peek at his schedule: Math in P8, Chemistry in 512, World History in 718, English in 410, German in 214, Study Hall in 101. Remember what I said about having a lucky schedule? just got even luckier. All of his classes are very close to mine, with the exception of English and study hall, since we're in the same classroom for those classes. +1 to my counselors. "Yeah, I have math first with Mrs. Powell." "You mean the honors pre-calc teacher who can't teach?" I'm shocked, there's more to Chris than meets the eyes. Chris nods and continues, "Yeah...the counselors put me in the honors program since I excel at school work." "Shit man!" That caught me by surprise. "The way you act, it's as if you hated school." "...To be honest, I do hate it...there's so much work involved, and people sometime give me strange stares..." he confesses to me. I give his shoulders a squeeze. "Just ignore them, if they give you shit, just tell me. I'll get them off your back. Now then, let's get you to class." "But what about your books Dylan?" "Eh I'll think of something. Worst comes to worst, I'll just share with someone in class." I lean in whisper into his ear, "Using the girls to your advantage can be a good thing sometimes." Chris giggles from the moist air that I'm blowing into his ear. I part from him, and do the 'after you' gesture. Chris hesitates for a moment. He pumps his chest out a little bit and takes my hand in his, interlocking each finger. The move startles me for a second, but then I regain my composure and realize what he wanted. I mold my hands with his and walk side-by-side with him towards his first class. Little did I know though, one of the dragons was spying on us. While she couldn't see clearly what was going on, she nonetheless scampers off the other direction to inform the herd. We arrive at our destination just as the first bell rings. I escort Chris to the front of his classroom and painfully let go of his hand. I back up slowly and blow him a kiss. He catches it with his hands and holds it to his heart. Cheesy? Yes. Do I care? Hell no! Chris walks into his class with a stupid smile on his face. I turn around and go into the classroom right next door to his. While my boring Spanish teacher is droning on in Spanish, my mind starts fantasizing about Chris. Ah...he's so sexy! God I sound like a girl...(no offense ladies). My mind shifts gears and begins formulating a plan to escort Chris to every class. Since he's in the honors program, his classes were pretty much limited. Meaning, he's pretty much in every honor and AP class. Of course you still had to try out, but generally, if you're in the honors program, you'd get into most honor courses. Now that I think of it, my TA class is the honors English class... I'm losing my touch! Yosh! Time to get my senses back into shape! "Senor Dylan! ¨Cual es la repuesta? (What is the answer?)" my Spanish teacher, Mrs. Velasco snaps to me. I snap out of my daydreaming. I look around and see all eyes on me... Jeeze, as if it wasn't bad enough already... "No se..." I respond. Mrs. Velasco sighs, "Please pay attention Dylan..." "Lo siento Senora Velasco." She continues on with her lesson. I try my best to pay attention, but come's Spanish... Anyways, the remainder of class passes by without disruption. The bells rings and I rush out the room before anyone else does. I quickly dash over to Chris's classroom and wait for him by the door. After a couple of students exit, Chris walks out door, completely oblivious to my presence. I sneak up behind him and cover his eyes. He freaks out a little and jumps upon contact. "Guess who," I whisper into his ear. "Oh...hi Dylan," he giggles out. I let go of his face and turn him around. He flashes me with his beautiful, soft-boiled, blue eyes of his. I almost drowned just by staring at them for so long! "So, where's your next class?" I ask him innocently. but knowing full well what it was. "'s Chemistry." "In 5...12 right?" I ask for confirmation. "Yeah, how'd you know?" he asks. "'Cause. I had the class before. Anyways, let's go. Don't wanna be late now do we?" I take his hand and pull him forward. He trips a little, but manages to catch up to my pace. We arrive on the other side of campus with two minutes to spare. I escort him into the doorway again and leave him to class. Making sure that he doesn't see me, I walk to my creative style class, which is two rooms down. This is one of my more enjoyable classes. If you ever had one of those teachers who acted high all the time, you'll understand my position rather quickly. Mr. Allan, funny guy, but still very smart. During class, he assigns us a short group project to work on. At the finish of his sentence, I'm instantly bombarded with requests from everyone to be someone's partner. Fortunately, Mr. Allan interrupts the class, "Whoa guys...I never said you could pick your partners... I've already set up the partnerships. Lemme just read off the list...Christian, you're paired off with Anne, Bobby's with Michele..." and he rambles on. In the end, I'm paired up with a guy named Mike. Don't know him that well, couldn't care less, etc. We rearrange our seats and work on the assignment. Mike and I finish rather quickly and turn it in. I walk up to Mr. Allan's desk and hand in the assignment. He looks over it once and starts his famous act, "Are you sure you're done?" "Of course, that's why I'm turning it in." "But you know...are you absolutely sure that you're done?" He does this gesturing with his hands. "Yes," I flatly state. "Positively?" He raises his eyebrow. "Mhm." "...100 percent sure?" "Yup," I say once more and return to my seat before he can ask again.. I sit back down and continue daydreaming about Chris and his beautiful body. majestic and so... perfect... The bell's ringing abruptly snaps me out of my safe haven and back into reality. Again, I rush out the door and back to where Chris's classroom is. "Hey buddy," I call out to him as he walks out the door. "Ok now it's getting creepy. How'd get here so fast?" he asks. "Like magic," I grin at him. "Ok Mr. Magic, tell me then, what's my next class?" he shoots back at me. "Really Chris, I don't need magic for that. I can use my mind reading powers," I grin cheekily at him. "Your next class is World History, AP if I'm reading your mind correctly." "How did you...OHH!! You peeked at my schedule didn't you?!" he realizes. "Maaayyybbbeee..." I dance around with my words. "Anyways, come on! You're gonna be late to class!" I drag him to his next class before he could protest or ask me anything. We reach his next classroom and Chris calls out, "Wait Dylan...Stop!" I stop dead in my tracks. After catching a few breaths, Chris speaks up, "What's your schedule?" I close in on him and give him a quick kiss on the forehead and run away, yelling, "That's something for me to know and for you to not find out!" "Hey! Come back here!" he shouts back. I laugh and turn a corner to hide. After a few minutes, I peek back to make sure that he isn't still at the doorway. Making sure that he's nowhere in sight, I walk over his classroom and into my math class (yes, the same Chris had earlier today) right next door. I take my seat and absorb all the information Mrs. Powell tries to relay on us. Just a note, she fails at teaching...and I mean on a fail-whale level. One minute, she'd talk about adding numbers. Then the next second, she'd be discussing about some trig function. I mean, what? Slow down! I can't follow what you're trying to say! Halfway through the class, I just tone out her voice and lay my head down. At the sound of the bell, I miraculously regain all my strength and rush out the door. I make a right and stop at the next door, waiting for my precious boy to emerge. I peek in the door and see the teacher cramming in some last minute information. I glance over to where Chris is sitting. There he is, in his cute outfit, bent over, packing his stuff up. I see his not-so-colorful boxers, barely covering his ass crack. He's a bit on the slower side in cleaning up as most of the other students have already left the building. He finally stands back up and sees me. He flashes me the cutest smile ever as he walks up to me. "Hey there beautiful," I flirt at him. "Hey yourself," he giggles out. "Wow...I see how it is...After all that I've done for you..." I pout out my lower lips. "Aww I'm sorry Dylan..." He gives me a massive bear hug. "Will you ever forgive me?" "Only if you give me a kiss," I whisper into his ear. He looks around, making sure no one's watching and quickly kisses me on the cheek. "Am I forgiven?" he asks. "Yeah...I can never stay mad at you," I grin back at him. I intertwine our fingers together and we slowly walk down to our next class, enjoying each other's company and making the moment last. Once we get close to our next class though, our hands drift apart from each other. Trying to be chivalrous, I rush up to the door and hold it open for Chris. He whispers a quick thank you right before entering. We make a sharp right and plop our asses onto our seats respectively. I pull my doodling sketchbook and flip to an open page. I decided to hopefully sketch out a picture of Chris by the end of class. The final bell rings, and the announcements go on. Mr. Fledging tells everyone to shut up and listen, but no one cares about the announcements and continues talking. As traditions go, the ASB senior president gets the honor of speaking into microphone first. This year, it happens to be Carrie Taylor- a.k.a Bryan's girlfriend. "Hi guys, hope you had a fantastic three day weekend! This is ASB president Carrie Taylor with your daily bulletin. Students section: Reminder..." I've lost interest at that point...I tone out her fake, peppy voice and drop my chin onto the table. I gaze my eyes over to the left where Chris is. At the same time, he peers his eyeballs towards my direction. Our eyes meet and lock with each other for a few seconds. I smile at him discreetly smooch my lips. He snickers at me and goes into his backpack to get something. I sit back up and turn on the computer. I open the seating chart and quickly take attendance. Glancing around, I see no empty seats, expect for the one right in front of me. I then think of something. I go back to the computer and move Chris's seat closer to me. I glance back at Chris; he's looking away from me. I rip a piece of paper off my notebook and toss it at him. It hits him square on the chest. He snaps out of his daydreaming and looks in my direction. "Follow my lead," I mouth to him "What?" he mouths back, making a face. "Just trust me," I make out with my mouth while giggling. "...Ok. And now, the joke of the day, brought to you by yours truly...How do you make an egg laugh?... You tell it a yolk!...Ahahahaha.....Anyways, have a tacky Tuesday everyone. Bye!" Mr. Fledging stands up. "Ok class, everyone here?" He looks at me. "Everyone's here, except...Christopher Tanner," I said. Chris looks at me and calls out, "Wait, I'm right here." I look over in his direction, "Oh! You're in the wrong seat." I point at the chair closer to me. "Oh...sorry..." he quickly grabs his stuff and moves up a seat. I feign correcting the attendance sheet to make it look more natural. He looks at me as he's sitting down. I give him a wink before starting to capture his pulchritudinous presence on paper. "Ok class, before we begin, are there any questions?" A girl from the other side raises her hand. Mr. Fledging points at her, "Yes, the young miss in the back." "Umm...I feel crowded back here, can you do anything about that?" "Dylan? Are there any more spaces available," Mr. Fledging asks me. "Yeah, there's one back here, but the leggings are kinda broken..." I lie. Bitch! you ain't getting between me and my boyfriend! "Ah, that's a shame," Mr. Fledging remarks. "Tell you what, everyone, scoot your chairs to the right. Dylan, can you move that empty desk to the back corner please?" "Really? Making me stand up...that's so much work!..." I whine in my brain. I painfully stand up and trudge over to the desk and pull it away from the class. Meanwhile, Chris takes full advantage of the scenario and scoots his chair all the way next to my desk. I shake my head, silently laughing at him as I walk back to my seat. "Alright class, the first book we're going to read is no other than Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare," Mr. Fledging announces to the class. The entire class moans from horrendous new. Mr. Fledging ignores the series of protests and continues, "And since this is the honors class, I've decided to make use of the style and talk about poetry." More groans. "So, I'm assigning a project for the week. You are to write a short, twenty to thirty line poem, due next Monday." " we have too?" a boy bemoans out. "Of course you do. Poetry is man's way of expressing himself in words. It is the one time when all rules of the English grammar can be broken. Anyways, today I want to talk about the time era in which Shakespeare lived in. As you know..." Ok that's enough of me listening. I mean, I'm not in the class, so why do I need to know about this? I take a snapshot of Chris in my head, grip my mechanical pencil in my right hand, and furiously lash strokes onto my paper. Halfway through class, I look up at Chris to re-visualize his petite body. I see him staring at the door in a dreamy state, doodling something on the corner of his notebook. Curious, I lean forward to get a better look; it was my name with hearts all around it. I giggle at him and try to get his attention. He's completely oblivious to me, so I tear out another piece of paper and hastily scribble, "As much as I'm flattered about you writing my name with hearts all over it, don't you think it'd be best if you paid attention to Mr. Fledging?" Since Chris's chair is practically hugging my desk, I lift my foot and nudge him. He jumps slightly and look at me; I slide the note to him. He gives it a read and instantly grows scarlet. He hides the masterpiece one his notebook with his eraser and writes something below my note. Making sure Mr. Fledging isn't looking, he discreetly hands back the paper. I open it up to see the words, "Sorry...but he's so boring! And plus, you're so sexy! I can't stop thinking about you! ^.^ Anyways, thanks for the heads up...I love you. :)" My lips tug upwards a little when I finish reading the note. I fold it up, hide it under my sketchbook, and continue sketching my piece of art as if nothing happened. At the sound of the bell, the class miraculously regenerates energy and everyone hastily cram their belongings into their backpack before skimping out the door. "See you tomorrow class, and don't forget about your project!" Mr. Fledging shouts out to the class. I look at my drawing and sigh, since I only managed to get a rough outline of my drawing done. I close my sketchbook and shove everything into my Jansport backpack. Chris on the other hand, is taking his sweet time cleaning up. I wonder where the hell did all his energy from last week go. But yeah...there he is, bent over, putting things into his backpack. He wiggles his butt side-to-side, which is causing something in my pants to stir. Not wanting to embarrass myself, I look away and think about something else. After my semi shrinks back down, I quickly round my desk and go up to the front of Chris. He looks up at me and smiles; I return the gesture and crouch down to help him. I jam everything in at once and zip up his backpack. "There, that wasn't so hard now was it?" I joke at him; Chris just gives me a look. I give him a hand to get up and say our goodbyes to Mr. Fledging. "So Chris, what happened to your ninja-like skills last week?" I ask him as we're walking down to my locker. "I don't know," he states without care, "Guess I only did it to avoid you." "If you say so...just try to clean up faster next time so I can see you sooner." "I'll try my best." He flashes a big grin at me. We get to my locker and I pull out my econ book (it is my last class of the day, and Brandy's actions this morning did hinder me from getting all my books). I slam my locker, grab Chris's hand, and walk over to his locker to get the flan. Thankfully, his locker still had some shade around it. To make it better, the chilly metal from the locker helped absorb some of the heat out of the flan. I take out the desert and hold onto it while Chris shoves all his books into the tiny space. Having a much lighter backpack to carry around, he flings the locker door and spins his lock for insurance. "Ready to go?" I ask him. "Yep," he smiles. He grabs my hand again. "Whoa?!? What do you have there Dylan?" Caleb notices first as we're walking up to the table with two extra forks in my hand that I grabbed on the way. "It's Chris...duh!" I mock at him. "No shit Sherlock! I was talking about the food!" "Like you said, it's food." The whole table laughs at my comment. Caleb gives his signature finger. I shake my head and look at Chris, then back at my friends. "So, before you guys murder MY food, I want to introduce you to the new and improved Christopher Tanner." I let go of my lovers hand and scoot him forward a bit. "I think I've personally outdone myself this time. In a mere three days, I have successfully broken down his barrier." The table mimics rich, snobby people by doing short, little claps in front of their chests. Matt announces with a horrible accent, "Yes...Quite lovely...but I do believe the good sirs of the round table require a demonstration...Don't we good chaps?" Bryan replies with an equally horrible accent, "Yes...a demonstration should be in order. Wouldn't you agree...Sir Joey of the waters." "Yes," Joey replies," it is unanimous then...we require...a demonstration!" "And what am I, chopped liver?" Caleb interjects. The group just ignores him. (Feel kinda bad for him...but then again, it's Caleb). I get into the mode too. "Very well...if you good gentlemen require such formalities from us...we have no choice...but to fulfill your request." I set down the flan at the table pull Chris away from the table. I whisper to Chris so the group can't hear us, "You're going to do a flirty dance up to the table. Just feel sexy, sway your hips like crazy, and act like a tiger, clawing your way through. Think you can do that?" "I guess...I'm kinda nervous though..." I scruff his hair. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just think as if your trying to make me horny. You now...sassy," I said trying to find the right words. "Ok...but you owe me for this!" "Deal! Now then, go out there and wow me." We walk back to the table and I take out my phone. I announce out, "Gentlemen and gentlemen...and the monkey named Caleb." "Hey!" The other three's cheeks get puffy. Caleb looks back at them and they instantly look away, acting natural. I continue, "Behold! My greatest creation ever!" I press play on my cell phone with "I'm too Sexy" sounding out. Chris gives me a "the fuck?" look. I flick my hands at him, telling him to roll with it. Chris sighs, but feels the beat of the music and starts his walk up. He puts his right palm on his hip and walks forward while exaggerating his left hand's swinging. He stops right in front of Bryan on the left and does a bend and snap move. Joey lets out a piercing wolf whistle while Bryan's lips let out a smirk. Chris moves back to the center and towards Matt and Joey on the right side. As he's walking up, Chris attempts to do the shimmy, but fails miserably. The table giggles his failed attempt. Chris shrugs and turn around, mooning at Joey and Matt. The next move he does surprises all of us. Chris not only walks up to Caleb, but he also sits on Caleb's lap! He wraps his arms around Caleb's neck and interlocks each finger. Chris then leans back, stretching his arms out, and snaps his head back. After forming the position, Chris immediately pulls back and gives Caleb a quick kiss on the cheek. Wiggling his butt a little on Caleb's lap, Chris jumps off and sways his back to where I am. He turns around and blows a final kiss to the group. He winks at Caleb once more and turns around to face me just as the music ends. I stand there with my jaws dropped to the ground. I look at the Caleb, and he's also shocked at Chris's actions. I look back at Chris. "So, how'd I do?" he asks me. "Um...damn...who knew you had it in you...especially that move with Caleb..." I cover my eyes, trying to make sense of what just happened. " somebody jealous he didn't get a kiss?" Chris pouts out at me, opening his arms for a hug. "Shut up," I playfully punch his arm. I lean towards his ear and whisper, "But yes, I am jealous. Why didn't you ever give me a lap dance?" I form puppy lips for him to see. "Aww...tell you what, I'll give you one after school. How's about that?" he offers. " then, let's go poke some more fun at Caleb." I snicker. Chris joins in too. We walk up to the table and sit down. "So guys, how'd you like it?" I bring up. Matt, Joey, and Bryan look at each other, then they all stand up and cheer. "Woo!!...Bravo!... Good job! Encore!..." I catch Caleb staring at Chris. I look over at him, and he looks back at me. Caleb instantly blushes and looks away. I let out a smirk, but decided not to torture him even further. "Alright guys, now that that's out of the way, time to dig in. You guys still kept your lunch trays right?" "Yep, you know how we are...lazy 'till the last minute," Joey represents for the group. I take out the plastic knife and quickly cut the dish into six equal parts. Well, not really, I secretly cut a slightly larger piece for Chris, but the others don't need to know that. I place the four pieces onto each person's trays respectively, leaving the big plate for Chris and I. Bryan is first to take a bite. "Hmm...why the sudden occasion Dylan?" he asks with his mouth full. "Oh, nothing special...Chris just brought it up while we were making it yesterday." "Wow Chris, I like you already!" Bryans states while chewing. "Huh, why's that?" Chris asks innocently. "Because," Joey pauses for a moment and gulps down his bite, "Dylan never makes food for any of us unless it's for a special occasion. Like birthdays and stuff." "Yeah," Matt pipes in, "so...what your secret Chris?" "I just asked him to make me food, and he agreed." Chris states flatly. "I don't see what's the big deal about this." "What?!" Joey blurts out, "Last time we asked Dylan, we all had to get on our knees and beg for him to make something." "Oh..." Chris gives a naughty grin, "So I guess I shouldn't tell you that he made some breakfast in bed for me huh?" The entire table, me included, chokes upon hearing Chris's words. "Oh jeez...way to blurt everything out Chris..." I groan out. "WHAT?" Matt and Joey shout out together. They give each other looks; Joey continues for both of them. "How come he's so special Dylan?" "Hey," I say in defense, "I never said it was for free. Chris had to pay for it somehow." "Oh yeah, and what was the payment?" Caleb speaks out for the first time. Chris and I look at each other. He looked confused; I wink at him discreetly. I toy with the group for little. "Oh you know...the usual form of payment..." I said in a singing tone. "Oh? And what might this form of payment be? I'd happily pay for your food," Bryan says. "I'm pretty sure you wouldn't," I reply back. "Try me." "Ok...but don't say I didn't warn you..." *Moment of awkward silence* I continue, "Chris had to have some sexy time with me in bed." This time, Chris chokes on his food and spits it out. He screams out in between coughs, "NOO! I DIDN'T DO THAT!" "Oh, but he did. He was basically sucking of my dick the entire weekend. But he made me pinky promise him that I'll make him food in exchange for all the blow jobs." Chris shrinks into the tiniest ball one can imagine, blushing profoundly in the ears. "So guys, who wants to pay first?" I tease. The four look at each other, then stare back down at the table with a sense of defeat, taking another bite of the flan in silence. I burst out laughing at them. "Woo!... you guys are just too much! And so gullible too!" I continue laughing. Chris looks up at me and I give him another wink. He still looked confused at my intentions. Making sure the others are still sulking and not looking at us, I quickly whisper into Chris's ear, "Don't worry. Sometimes, you have to take extreme measures to hide something." I sneak in a kiss on his cheek. He blushes again, but decides to drop it. Out of the corner, I see Carrie and Heather, Joey's girlfriend, walk over. "Joey, Bryan, brace yourselves, boob attack." Carrie and Heather spot us and run towards the table. "Oof..." Bryan and Joey both grunt out. "Hey there beautiful," Bryan leans back and gives Carrie a kiss. "How you doing?" "Just fine...a ton of work being laid upon me already...I'll never see a full hour lunch ever again..." Carrie groans out. "So how's your day going Heather?" Joey asks. "Just as bad..." Heather whines out as she also sits down. She spots the flan on Joey's tray. "Huh, they were serving something edible for once?" It was Caleb's turn to be evil. "No...Dylan decided to make food for us today." Carrie and Heather suddenly look at each other. Their boyfriends knew exactly what was going on. They try to grab the forks and hide them, but the girls were just that much faster. Heather and Carrie begin wolfing down the remaining half of flan on their boyfriend's plate. "No!!! Babe stop! Think about all the weight you're going to put on!" Bryan cries out, desperately trying to pull the tray away. Carrie, however, refuses to let up the tasty delicacy. Meanwhile, Joey is also trying desperately to get the flan away from Heather. "Listen to what Bryan's saying H&M (Heather Martin), just think about how fat you're going to get!" "I Doont Care!" Heather says in between bites, "Uts too dulicuous!" Chris, Caleb, Matt, and I crack up. What Caleb did was evil, but funny as hell nonetheless. I think the four of us are laughing so hard that I heard ribs cracking. Chris manages to wheeze out, "I can't...I can't breathe!" before going back to laughing uncontrollably. "Me...neither!" Matt bursts out. Carrie and Heather were able to finish the remaining flan within the next two minutes. Satisfied with the desert, Carrie lets out a burp. "Oh, excuse me." Both Bryan and Joey stare at their empty trays, sulking miserably with both hands resting on their heads. "My beautiful flan..." Bryan whimpers out. "It was so delicious looking..." Joey adds. "And this is why I don't have a girlfriend," Caleb says after calming down. Big mistake! The two give death glares at Caleb. "You...You did this!" Joey menacingly stares out. "Uh oh..." Caleb wiggles out of the table and makes a run for it. Unfortunately for him, Bryan intercepts his only route of escape and pins Caleb down with his arms. "Look at what I've caught, an evil little boy," Bryan jeers out. Caleb tries to wiggle his way out, but come on...he's up again Bryan here. You know...the athletic one out of all of us. Joey walks up to the two, giving Caleb a noogie. "So Bryan, I think a punishment should be in order. What do you suggest?" "I have just the idea. How does a trip down memory lane sound Joey?" "Oh that's a great idea. I'm sure Caleb here would love some alone time with us." Caleb squirms around, "Oh come on guys, can't you take a joke?" Bryan turns his head, "Catch you later babe, I have some business to take care of." The two carry Caleb away. "Try to go easy on him!" Heather calls out to the two. Once they disappear, we all sigh. I rip off a twos pieces of Styrofoam and split my flan in half. "Here," I hand Carrie and Heather each a piece of my flan on the tray, "Give this to them later when you see them. And...try not to eat it yourself." "I'll try my best..." Carrie sighs. "So...who's the cutie pie over next to you?" She looks at Chris; he immediately shucks his shoulders up. "Ah yes. Allow me to introduce you to the cutest kid you will ever meet, Christopher Tanner," I announce to the girls. Chris just shrinks even deeper into his little ball, he whispers out, "Hello." "Aww...he's so cute. Are you taken little man?" Carrie asks. "Yeah, by me," I joke at them, the three of us (minus Chris) chuckle. "Ah...lighten up Chris," Heather states. "We won't bite...for the most part." "Ok..." he shyly mumbles out. "It's nice to meet you two." "It's nice to meet you too," Carrie replies with a warm smile. "Yeah Chris. And if you ever need anything, just come ask me or Carrie ok? We aren't ASB president and vice president for nothing!" Heather beams out. We start discussing about random stuff: school, classes, events coming up, etc. Chris eventually loosens up and joins the conversation with the four of us (shame on you if you forgot about Matt!). *Caleb's "Punishment"* "Alright Caleb, ready for you punishment?" Bryan says as he lets go of him. Joey locks the handicap stall in the bathroom. "Maybe..." Caleb teases back, knowing full well what's going to happen. Joey walks up to the two, "So, how do you want to be punished today Caleb?" "Hmm...I've been a very bad boy huh...surprise me!" Caleb flirts towards the two older boys. "If you say so... drop your pants..." Joey says in a husky voice. Caleb immediately unbuttons his jeans and drops them along with his boxers to his ankles, exposing his hard, five and a half inch boner. He then shucks off his shirt and hooks it onto door. Joey goes behind Caleb and pinches his nipples. "You've been a really naughty boy Caleb...making me give up my food for someone..." he whispers into Caleb's ear. "Hmm...just fuck me Joey...I need your cock up my ass..." Caleb moans out. Joey gives Caleb's buds one more squeeze before removing himself from Caleb. Joey grabs Caleb by the hips, swings around so that they're both facing Bryan, and pushes Caleb's back down to form a right angle. Joey then crouches down and shoves two fingers into Caleb's ass. "Such a naughty boy Caleb...already making your ass nice and loose for me huh." "Hmm...fuck me already..." Caleb begs, "I need to be punished..." "But if you want to be fucked...then it's not a punishment now would it Caleb?" Joey coos. He pumps his fingers slightly faster. Caleb lets out a loud moan. "No...I think I'm gonna torture you for just a bit longer..." Bryan gets in front of Caleb, unbuckles his belt, and drops his pants. Giving his dick a few lazy strokes, it soon grows to its erected stage measuring at six and a half inches. "Open wide Caleb," Bryan smiles, "I want to face fuck you." Caleb opens his mouth, but Bryan just rubs his dick around, spreading the precum all over Caleb's face. He then leans forward, press his balls into Caleb's nose. Caleb takes in a deep breathe, smelling the sweat the jock produces. Caleb's dick twitches a little. Finally, Bryan places his dick up against Caleb's mouth and rams it all the way in. He grasps Caleb's head with both hands to prevent him from withdrawing. "Hmm... fuck Caleb, you're such a great cock sucker... so much better than what Carrie does to me..." Bryan lets out a grunt. Caleb takes the entire cock like a pro, and starts working his tongue all over Bryan's fat cock, knowing exactly where all of Bryan's spots are. "Damn Bryan, when's the last time she gave you head?" Joey asks as he probes Caleb's ass with three fingers. "Hmm...since last Friday...Oh fuck!..." Bryan humps Caleb's face even harder and faster. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Hmm...Oh! Caleb, fuck yeah...suck it...suck it like the bitch you are... Hmm! Oh fuck!" Bryan thrusts his dick deep into Caleb's throat one last time and depletes his four days worth of cum. "Oh!...fuck yeah...Keep sucking bitch...Hmm yeah, that's right..." Caleb gulps down every last drop as if it were nothing. He then proceeds to lick around Bryan's shaft, making sure not letting a drop go to waste. Feeling satisfied, Bryan lets go Caleb's head and pulls out his thick tool. He sits down on the toilet seat to calm down. "My turn." Joey stands up and drops his pants. He gives his cock a few vertical flicks to make it stand at attention. "Ready for your punishment Caleb?" he says in a hoarse voice. "Mhm...of fuck me hard Joey...I need this!" Joey slowly invades Caleb's rose slowly with his six inch piece of steel. Once he's all the way in, he leans forward and speaks into Caleb's ear, "You want me to fuck you boy?" "Yes...please Joey!" Caleb groans out. "Then beg. Beg for my cock," Joey commands. "Please Joey!...I need you to fuck my man-pussy! Please!" Caleb begs like a dog. Hearing these words turns Joey on even more. Unable to hold himself any longer, he starts humping Caleb's tight ass. "Hmm...fuck're suck a whore...taking in my cock with no trouble...Fuck!" Joey grunts out. He stands up and grabs Caleb's hips for support. Caleb tries to spread his legs apart, but his pants at his ankles hinder him from doing so. "Ah...fuck me harder Joey...Harder! Oh!...spank me Joey! Spank my naughty ass!" Joey complies to Caleb's wishes as he swipes his palm against Caleb's pale cheeks. "Ah! call that a slap Joey? Harder!" Joey hits harder the second time. "Oh...that's it!...spank me more...Oh!" As Joey's splicing Caleb's ass in half, he continues tanning both of Caleb's round cheeks until they're red all over. Joey then grabs hold of Caleb's hips and starts railing him. As Joey's pushing forward, he pulls Caleb back in short, sharp movements. "Uh!...Uh!...Oh fuck!!" Caleb grunts out with each penetration. "!..." Joey's thrusting becomes sharper and shorter. His breathing becomes rigid while sweating from the intense work out. "Gah!...I'm...I'm gonna cum! Fuck!!!" Joey's mind turns off as he spews his load deep into Caleb's ass. After exploding in Caleb's ass four times, Joey falls back to where Bryan is, dragging Caleb with him. Bryan sees this, scoots all the way back, and catches Joey just before impact and sets the two down gently in front of him. "You horny bastards...might as well shout to the whole world while you're at it..." "Oh shut up..." Joey says in between pants, "you...picked this restroom...for a reason...and it's not didn't the whole world too..." Bryan shakes his head. Joey's right after all; Bryan himself picked the bathroom in the corner of the school since no one ever goes here. It's a good thing no one comes here too. The entire bathroom smelled like sex, sweat, and boy musk. Joey slips his now flaccid dick out of Caleb's ass and gives Caleb a kiss on the back of his neck. "Um guys..." Caleb says to break the silence, "I'm still horny..." " it would seem..." Bryan states, trying to sound philosophical. "What do you suggest we do about that Joey?" Joey gets up, leaving Caleb on the toilet seat. "I've got just the idea." He leans towards Bryan's ears and whispers some sort of directions. Caleb tries to make out what Joey's saying, but to no success. "Ooo...and you call Caleb the naughty boy...look at you and your kinky ideas," Bryan says out loud. "Wasn't my idea, Heather wanted to try it on me once," Joey says in defense. "Hmm...I guess we can both do it at the same time..." Bryan gives it a thought. He then whispers the plan back into Joey's ear. The two look at Caleb with a grin, and Bryan unhooks Caleb's shirt from the door and binds Caleb's hands together behind him. "What are you doing?" Caleb asks. "You'll see," Bryan teases. "Technically, your punishment isn't over yet." The two older boys crouch down side-by-side in front of Caleb's throbbing shaft. Joey spits in his right hand, while Bryan spits in his left. The two clap their hands together, interlocking the fingers, and pump down Caleb's dick. "So punishment is a slow jacking-off torture. Joey and I'll give you ten regular speed strokes. Then, we'll do ten, painfully, slow strokes after that. We'll do this for one hundred strokes before we let you cum," Bryan says. Bryan and Joey sync their hand movements into one. They first proceed with ten regular- speed strokes. Then, they immediately slow their hands down and massage Caleb's shaft. "Oh fuck!...Hmm..." Caleb moans out as he bucks his hips forward. After the ten slow bounces, the pair of hands pick up speed again, but only to slow down after the tenth stroke. This process drives Caleb crazy. He begins squirming around like a snake on sand. "Oh!...fuck guys!...Hmm!...Lemme cum, please!" Caleb begs. Joey and Bryan ignore his pleas as they continue on with their plan. The duo picks up speed in their movement. "Gah! *Gasps* Please guys! *Panting* Hmm!... Ulgh!" Still, no reply from the two. By the last set of ten, Caleb's sweating like a pig. At the one hundredth stroke, Bryan and Joey furiously pump Caleb's now purple tool. "Gah! Oh fuck! I'm gonna...I'm gonna-" Caleb thrusts his hip forward once more and fires his load. It hand job was so intense that his first shot lands in his hair. Caleb continues fucking the pair of hands as he shoots away. After shooting out six heavy loads of baby batter, Caleb goes completely limp and sucks in hair through his mouth. "That...was...fucking...amazing..." Caleb pants out in between breaths. While he continues pumping air into his chest, Bryan pulls out a wad of toilet paper and wipes off the mess Caleb made on his body. Man was it a sight to see. It was as if Caleb grabbed some white paint and threw it all over himself. There's cum in his hair, on his left cheek, all over his chest and stomach, and the last of it dribbled down in his pubic mound. After wiping him somewhat clean, Joey pulls Caleb to a sitting position and unbinds his hands. As soon as he does though, Caleb pounces on Joey, giving him a big hug. "Thanks guys... you know...for helping me with my needs..." he says softly. Joey motions Bryan to join the hug; he wraps his long arms around the two. "Yeah, no problem," Bryan states softly, "But dude, you gotta get yourself a boyfriend man. I mean come on, you've had a crush on Dylan and Matt for how long now?" Caleb manages to squirm out. "I know...but I can't decide who to be with...I mean Matt's extremely cute and all, but Dylan's been helping me so much...I feel like I owe him something." "What about Chris? He seems pretty cute too," Joey brings up. "Yeah, and I hear that he's fucking smart too, honors program and all that shit," Bryan adds. Caleb ponders on the thought for a minute. "Hmm...he seems ok, but I feel like he won't like me..." he sulks out. "Why's that?" Bryan asks. "Because...from what I can tell, he's extremely clingy to Dylan, sort of as if he wants Dylan to be his big brother or something," Caleb responds. " that you mention it...he has been popping up wherever Dylan is since school started..." Joey says looking back to the start of school. "You don't think that Chris's-" Bryan starts. "-Gay?" Joey finishes for him, "Maybe...but that's not the issue here now is it?" The other two nod in agreement. "Yeah, I know what you mean," Bryan states, "I mean, we won't have a problem with Chris being gay. I mean come on, we already have one, what's one more going to do?" He scruffs Caleb's hair. "Hey!" Caleb protests back, "You can't deny the fact that I'm sexy!" "Yeah, yeah..." Bryan shoos him away, "go put on your clothes." Caleb quickly puts everything back on. "Now, as I was saying...the problem isn't Chris being gay. The problem is if Dylan'll accept him. I mean, Chris seems pretty fragile. What would happen if Dylan decides to reject him?" "But keep in mind," Caleb intervenes as he zips up his pants, "Dylan's the mind reader. I'm pretty sure he would've figured it out by now. Don't you think he'd tell Chris that he's not interested in these sort of things?" "But if he's still going along with Chris, that either means Dylan and Chris talked it out before, or-" Joey and Bryan realize something big about their friend. "Holy shit! Dylan gay!" Bryan quietly shouts out. "He could be..." Joey's mind starts pondering on the reasons why. "I mean, I'd probably turn gay if I had a group of fan girls constantly annoying me..." "Probably..." Bryan rubs his chin with his right hand. "But then again...this is all based on an assumption...we can't just go around accusing our best friends now can we?" "Yeah, I guess...Thanks for giving me false hope guys..." Caleb grumps. "Anyways Caleb, to make things simple, tell both of them how you feel. I'm sure they'll be accepting. I've known both of the longest out of us three, so I should know," Bryan brings up. "I guess..." Caleb sulks. Bryan leans forward, "And might I suggest starting out with Matt. He's been pretty lonely ever since that incident with Brandy...Who knows, he just might give it a try." "I hope so..." "Now then, lets get you somewhat cleaned up so the others won't suspect anything." Joey pips out. "Oh and remember guys..." "What goes on between us, stays between us," Caleb and Bryan say in unison. The three walk out of the stall and to the sink. Caleb rinses his mouth, washes his hands and face. While Caleb's cleaning up, Bryan asks Joey, "Oh yeah. Joey, wanna have an orgy this weekend? Carrie's been bugging me to ask you about it this weekend." "I'll ask Heather and see if she's interested. She'll probably say yes though." "Guys, how do I look?" Caleb interrupts the conversation. "Like a bitch whore who's been used by two horny bastards," Joey grins out. "I'll take that as a compliment thank you." With Caleb looking much more "normal," the three walk out the bathroom and back to the lunch table. *Meanwhile back at the lunch table...* "'s true," Brandy states rather sternly as she barges her way to the table. Her voice sends a chill down my spine. Wow, that rarely happens; something bad's going to happen, I just know it. I shift my eyes in her general direction. Something strange to point out; she's by herself today. This gets me wondering where the other girls are. I close my eyes, doing whatever I can to avoid contact with her. "True about what?" I ask sternly. "That you got a new one." I look at her with raised eyebrows. "What?" She flicks a finger in Chris's direction, not even bothering to look at him. "A new friend." "What? I can't make a new friend Brandy? You don't govern my life" I look away from her again, not wanting to see her disgusting face. "No...I don't," Brandy admits, "But the girls and I are wondering where did he come from." "That's for me to know and only me." Still avoiding eye contact with her. "Yeah Brandy, why do you need to know?" Carrie intervenes. Brandy looks at her and the never ending war between them continues. Side note, Brandy and Carrie haven't been in the best terms. Sure Carrie would naturally hate Brandy before of my position, but the fact that Carrie won an important election Brandy wanted for the year cemented the hatred they share for each other. Carrie and Brandy's opening speech alone made the entire World War II seem like the Anglo-Zanzibar War. Those two bashed against each other, getting every tiny amount dirt they could find on each other. Halfway through, I had to tell Carrie that neither of them will win if this keeps going. She had to ignore Brandy and just focus on winning the election. Thankfully, she took my advice. Carrie won by a landslide, and Brandy's hate for Carrie grew exponentially that day. Be warned, never let these two get into a fight, and if they do, run...just run. It's the equivalent of America detonating every single nuke they own. Anyways, back to my dilemma. Ever have that awkward tension when two girls argue. position right now. Carrie both stand up, and a staring competition ensues, neither forcing to submit to the other. Each waiting for the other to make the first move. I see Matt and Heather stand up and slowly getting away. Smart people. I also slowly start to get up. I place my hands on Chris's shoulder and ever so discretely tug him back. Chris ignores my plea and flails his arms around to remove my hands. He stands up and blurts out to Brandy's face. "Just back off Brandy! Do you know how much Dylan hates you right now?" "NOOO!!!!" I scream in my head, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT CHRIS!!" I shrink into a little ball, hiding my eyes with my palms. Brandy slowly jeers her face to Chris slowly. "What did you say to me?" she seethes through her teeth. Her eyes have gone red; it's as if a hideous demon possessed her body and twisted her face beyond recognition. Chris winces from the look Brandy gives and immediately takes a step back, trying to hide from her. Brandy raises her hand into a striking position. Chris shuts his eyes and braces for impact. Time slows down around us. Carrie sees Brandy's actions and runs up to where Chris is, but I can tell that she won't make it in time. Everything in my mind shuts down as I lunge forward in between Brandy and Chris. I forcibly grab Brandy's hand at the halfway mark. Time stands still; Matt and Heather stop their backing up, Carrie standing still in her awkward stance, Chris still hiding from the impact, and me facing away from Chris and parallel to Brandy's body. The entire lunch area turns silent, with every single pair of eyes on us. I droop my head down and speak out in a soft, dark voice, "This is your first and final warning Brandy. You can say whatever you want about me, I can care less about the shit you say. But...if you happen to distort even one molecule in the air around Chris, I will personally make sure that you see no tomorrow." I fix my death glare at her. "And that's both a promise and a threat!" I hiss at her. Carrie catches the glimpse of death in eyes and immediately shields Chris, pulling him away from the scene. I let go of Brandy's hand; she backs from through the fear of my eyes. She doesn't need a reconfirmation about what I just said as she skimpily flees from the scene. Whispers among the crowd, some good, some bad, while the rest are questions. I wait for the colors to return in my eyes before I turn around. I see Carrie and Matt comforting Chris back at the table, telling him that everything's fine. Carrie looks at me, giving a nod. I walk up to where Chris is sitting and crouch down in front of him. The colors on his cheeks were drained from the incident. I place my right hand on his left cheek; it's icy cold as he continues trembling. In the corner of my eye, I see Heather running back with a bottle of water. "Here..." Heather stops in front of me, panting. She hands me the bottle. I unscrew the cap and place the opening under Chris's lip. "Drink slowly Chris," I said softly as I tilt the bottle up. After a couple of sips, Chris's breathing returns to normal and stops trembling. His cheeks also begin to get some color back. "Feel better?" Heather asks. Chris just nods his head meagerly. "Thank you..." Then to me, "I'm sorry Dylan..." "For what? Standing up to Brandy? That's the bravest thing anyone's ever done for me. You should feel proud of yourself!" I said to boost his confidence. "Yeah, better than what I did," Matt adds. Chris sniffles and wipes his nose with his arm. "It's just...she looked so horrifying, and... and evil..." Carrie lets out a deep sigh. "You haven't seen the worst yet..." "Whoa! What happened here?" Caleb shouts as he runs up to where we are. "What happened Dylan, why are Chris's cheek so white?" He places his hands on Chris cheek. Chris blushes and curls up his body into a ball. I steal a look at Caleb, he seemed a bit flushed, as if he's glowing with sweat. "It couldn't be..." I think to myself, "Bryan and Joey have Carrie and Heather...there's no way..." I drop the matter as Joey goes behind Heather and hugs her waist. "Babe...what happened?" "Brandy happened..." she replies sadly. Upon hearing the news, Bryan sprints up to Carrie and inspects her. "Are you alright Carrie? Please tell me that you two didn't get into a fight again..." he frantically says as he checks her body for any sort of damage. "I'm fine Bryan, really," Carrie says while trying to push him away. "Are you sure? I think I felt a bump somewhere back here," Bryan says as he inspects Carries head. Feeling slightly annoyed, Carrie shoves Bryan away and stares into his eyes. "Bryan," she grabs his hands, "I'm fine. Chris here...well let's just say he stopped us from fighting." Bryan finally backs up, taking one last look at Carries face. "If you say so..." "What this I hear about Chris?" Caleb pipes in. Chris's cheeks finally regain coloring, a bit too much if you ask me, at Caleb's words. I look at Caleb, then to Joey, then lastly at Bryan. I sigh, "Well...long story short, Brandy came up to us, staring contest with Carrie, Chris jumps in and disses Brandy, she tries to slap him, I stop her and tell her off." "WHAT?!" Joey screams out, surprised. He looks at Chris, "You had the guts to speak up against Brandy? Props to you man." He playfully punches Chris on the shoulder and gives him a noogie. Chris, of course, struggles to get away, and telling Joey to stop. While the two are goofing off, a feeling new to me emerges from the midst of my heart. I feel sort of mad at Joey, but it's not the same type of hatred I have towards Brandy. No, it had more of a "wanting" or "longing" aspect to it, sort of like wishing I'm the one doing that to Chris. And then, it hits me with a steel wall of obviousness; I'm getting jealous, jealous of Joey. A second mixture of emotions hit me. On one hand, I'm happy that Chris is getting along with Joey. However, on the other hand, I'm tearing up inside because of what Joey's doing towards Chris. It's suppose to be me who'll make Chris feel better, not Joey. I wanted to speak up, but seeing how happy Chris is, I bite hold my tongue. God I hate this's never happened to me before. Joey finally lets go of Chris and runs away behind Heather. The group laughs as Chris tries to grab Joey back for revenge. Failing every attempt, Chris gives up and looks at me. He sees my eyes, and instantly knew something's up. I fake a smile at him in an attempt to hide my true emotions, but like that ever works. Just as Chris is heading towards me, the bell saves my ass. "Oh, bell rang guys. Time to go to class," I quickly blurt out. I speed walk to where Chris and my backpack are, pick them up, and sprint to my next class. Chris sees me stealing his backpack. "Hey! That's my backpack!" He chases after me with the two of us laughing. Back at the lunch group, everyone shakes their head as they also grab their backpacks. Saying goodbyes to each other, they each head in opposite directions to class. "Get back here!" Chris shouts through the hallway chasing me. I round the corner and hide behind the lockers. Chris pops out the hallway and I pounce on him with a massive bear hug. Making sure that no one's around, I kiss him on the forehead. "God I wanted to do that for so long!" I said after parting his brows. I detach myself from his body and hand him his backpack. He swings it on his back. I hold his hand and continue walking towards class. "Dylan?" Chris asks while following my pace, "Is Brandy going to hurt me?" I stop dead in my tracks. I look down, "No Chris...she won't hurt you, not directly at least... She'll probably find some other person to bring harm to you." I face in front of Chris and hug him. "I promise that I'll always protect you, no matter what, especially now since you pissed Brandy off." "I'm kind of scared of her Dylan..." He hugs me back. I squeeze him harder. "Don't worry Chris. Just stick by me, and nothing will happen to you. I promise." I kiss him on the forehead again. Chris lets go of me, "Thanks Dylan..." he giggles a little. "What?" I ask. "'s just that I imagine you as my great protector." " mythology, Rome was started by a boy named Romulus who was nursed by a wolf." "What's that got to do with me?" Chris asks. "It means that you are a boy who is destined for greatness, and I'm the Wolfe who helped lead you to greatness." "If you say so..." Chris says, unsure of himself. I grab hold of his hand again and set towards our final destination. We arrive in front of our classrooms with two minutes to spare. I wait until Chris enters his classroom before heading into mine. Class, as usual, is boring beyond reason...I question why it's mandatory for me to be here...Can't wait for least then I'll be treated like an adult, and not some baby. Anyways, I tone out the teacher's voice after hearing PPF (Production Possibility Frontier). For those who are still in school, don't follow my example...As much as I hate school, it is useful at times. And the teachers-for the most part-do take their job seriously. Who knows, you might find something useful in learning. Then, you can wow your friends with what you've learned. The bell soon rings and having no good reason to stay in the room, I bolt out the door and stand in front of Chris's room. He runs out the door and tackle hugs me. "I missed you Dylan..." I look around and see people looking at us funny. I lean into Chris's ear. "People are staring Chris." He lets go and blushes a little. His cuteness gets me every time. I give him a gentle push to get him moving to our next class. We arrive and sit in the back table again, waiting for Caleb to come. In about three seconds, Caleb comes running in. He spots us and walks over to us. "Hey guys," he says as he sits down next to me. I detect an odor. I sniff around, and find the source as Caleb. I cringe and pinch my nose. "Agh, you reek Caleb. What have you been doing?" I said as I fan my hand near my nose. He blushes at my words; Hmm...first the flushed look at lunch and now this...I wonder why... "Oh you know...regular guy stuff..." he looks away from my eyes. Hmm...something's up... and I intend to find out what. "So, what you got for me today?" I ask Caleb. "Math, English, and...Bio." "Alright, let's start with bio...since you can do the English and math at home if we don't get to it." "Alright..." He proceeds to pull out his bio worksheet. I turn to face Chris, " you need my help? Or should I spend my time helping the lost cause?" "I think I can manage. I'll bug you if a question comes up." "Kay." I blow him his second kiss of the day. He happily accepts it and blows one back to me. "Here we are..." Caleb slams his worksheet on the table, "I'm learning about the plant and animal cell..." He squints his eyes, trying to read the tiny directions, "It says I have to label the different parts of the two cells. Then, explain the difference between the two types of cells." "Ok," I said, "think you can manage that? I mean, you just learned this today. Right?" "I think so..." he points at a part of the cell diagram, "This is the mitochondria right?" "Yeah...congratulations Caleb. For the first time in history, you've actually got a question right!" I clap my hands rapidly. "Shuddup!" he punches my shoulder while Chris and I laugh at him. "Anyways, I think you've got it. Give me your math homework so I can see what you're learning." He wanders back into his black hole and pulls out another worksheet. "Here, I think it's all review for now though." I snatch it from his hands and take a look. He's right, it's all algebra one review...for now... I take out two sheets of line paper and start working on the problems. Can't have Caleb proving me wrong now can I? Well...technically, I finish in, two minutes or so? Come on, it's simple math! I could've finished it all in my head. So why take out paper you say?'s part of my plan to find out what Caleb's been up to of course! I pretend to continue working on the math problems, but instead of writing down numbers, I hastily scribble a note to Chris. To my loving, sexy angel. Please do me a favor and go to bathroom for five minutes. Caleb's hiding something, and I intend to find out what it is. With hearts and love, Dylan. I fold up the letter, and place it on Chris's lap. He gives me a funny look, but opens the makeshift letter. After reading it, he mouths out, "What?" "I'll tell you about it later," I mouth back, with a wink. Chris nods and stands up. "Where you going Chris?" Caleb looks up and asks. "Oh, I have to go pee really badly. Be back in about five minutes." Before Caleb could reply, Chris dashes out the door. While Caleb's looking away from me and towards Chris, I do a "ripping paper" gesture at Chris. I think he saw me outside from the window as he tosses the paper into a trashcan. As soon as Chris is out of sight, Caleb goes back to work. I lean closer to him and break the silence between us. "So Caleb... What's on your mind?" Caleb tenses up slightly and tries to act cool. "What do you mean? I'm fine." "Bullshit. Remember, you're talking to who again? Come on, tell me what happened...You know I won't stop until you do." "No, I'm not telling," Caleb states flatly. "Fine. I guess I'll have to play the guessing game...Did it have something to do with Brandy's unexpected visit?" "Even if it was, I'm not telling you," he sticks out his tongue at me. I ignore his gesture and continue on, "Has it something to do with Bryan and Joey?" Caleb's eyes slightly widen. Bingo, something happened among the three; time to pry. " is them...Tell me what happened Caleb," I poke at his sides. He pushes my hands away, feeling slightly annoyed. "No!" He closes his eyes, attempting to ignore me. I wouldn't have any of that. I continue pushing his buttons. I lean in and massage his ears. "Come on Caleb, you can tell me...I promise I won't tell anyone..." I whisper into his ears. Man did he reek... Caleb drops his jaws and lets out a soft moan. I lower my hands down to his shoulders and start giving him a massage. Caleb responses with a series of soft moans. As I'm squeezing his shoulders, his shorts start tenting up. Not wanting to embarrass him, I stop and remove my hands from his shoulders. His eyes immediately open and he looks at me. "So...what happened?" I ask. "*Sigh* You're impossible sometimes." "I try my best." "...You promise not to tell anyone about this?" Caleb brings up. "Sure, now tell me! I'm dying to know!" I dramatically act. Caleb leans forward and goes deep into thought. That rarely happens; something major must be on his mind. I wait patiently for a response. "Dylan..." he starts, "Do you like me?" "Of course I like you...I'm your friend aren't I?" "Yeah I guess...but do know..." he trails off while poking his two index fingers together. He looks up at me; his eyes contain the look of defeat...and fear...absolute fear. He looks down and sighs again. "I think I like you Dylan..." "You just said-" "No," he speaks out a bit louder, cutting me off, "I mean...I think I like like you..." It's my turn for my jaws to drop. To be completely shocked doesn't even begin to describe my reaction to Caleb's words, and I can't describe my reaction. I mean, I'm the guy who's supposedly able to read minds! When did all this happen?! Why did it all this crap have to come up today?! "Um...well this is awkward..." I scratch the back of my head. "How do I put this gently..." "You don't like me do you..." Caleb's eyes starts puffing up and turning red. "What?!'s far from's just..." How am I suppose to explain this to Caleb?... On one hand, I don't want him to take it the wrong way, but on the other, I can't just blurt out that I'm together with Chris! I promised him that he'd be the one to tell people when he's ready... Caleb starts tearing up. He looks away from me, "I'm not crying...something just got in my eye..." I let out a big sigh and shake his knee. "Caleb," I start, "do you remember back on the first day when I promised you that you'd be the first to know my secret?" Caleb sniffles, wipes his nose with his arms, and looks up at me, "Yeah..." "Perhaps it's time that you knew..." I look around, making sure no one's looking at us. Thankfully, everyone's head is buried in their books and papers. I drop my voice slightly, just for a safety measure, "I've been in love with a boy for the longest time...longer than I've known you... Everyday, I wake up thinking about him, and every night, I go to sleep dreaming about him. And this year, I've finally been able to tell him my feelings, and he's willing to give me a chance..." Caleb chokes out, "So who is it?" "That's just it...I can't tell you. I made a promise to him that only he gets to announce it to the world... and knowing about Brandy's...touchy subject, I don't think that's happening anytime soon." " can't be my boyfriend..." Caleb says sadly. I scruff his hair, "Sorry...but I'm taken...and do think you can survive the wrath of Brandy?" Caleb giggles. "No...I guess not..." I'm glad he's cheering up a little. But still... "You don't seem to surprised at my confession, why is that?" "Because...Bryan, Joey, and I had a conversation beforehand...Now that you mention it... they did mention something about Chris...but I can't quite remember what it was..." Knowing full well what they were talking about at this point, I give Caleb a hug, but his smell causes me to back up after contact. "Sheesh Caleb...ever heard of deodorant?" "Sorry...I didn't know..." he blushes. "So...what did Bryan and Joey do to you?" I question him. "" He blushes profoundly in the ears. He leans into my ear, "Don't tell anyone this, especially Bryan and Joey, but...I've been having sex with them." "What?" I shout a little too out. That awkward moment of silence when the entire class looks at you. Think quick on my feet I regain my composure, "Hahaha, very funny Caleb. Now let's get back to work." I grab his paper and bend down to the table, trying to act natural again; Caleb joins in with me. I shift my eyes around, making that sure no one's giving us dirty looks. "Sheesh Caleb!" I forcibly whisper at him, "As if my day isn't chaotic enough. Spill the beans!" We sit back into a normal position again, and Caleb admits to me the story, "Well to be honest, it isn't the first time...During the third day of summer vacation, Joey and Bryan crashed at my house after practice. Naturally, they hogged my laptop, but I was stupid enough to leave some gay porn on my laptop screen for all to see. When I realized, it was already too late. I was scared shitless when they discovered it. I thought they were gonna beat me up or something. Well, long story short, they were really understanding. They helped me, and talked to me whenever I needed help. Soon, I asked them a huge favor, to suck their dicks. They agreed, but said it was only to help me calm down my raging hormones, and nothing else." I mumble to myself, "Typical Bryan..." "What was that?" Caleb asks. "Huh? Oh, is that why you smell? From all that sex?" I whisper at him, hopefully not drawing any attention. "Mhm..." He blushes like a high school girl. "Anyways...where was I...oh yeah! So, anyways, from that point on, Bryan, Joey, and I would goof off and I'd each blow them off, or one of them would fuck me. Don't worry, I asked them to do it to me. They didn't want to at first, but I kept bugging them. So naturally, you can see what happened from there..." "......Jeeze many times have you done it with them?" "I've lost count...but like what Bryan said, what we did was only wasn't love. What I want is someone to love know, to cuddle with me, and telling me that I'm special to them every day..." A tear flows down his cheek. "Aw...I'm sure you'll find someone special soon Caleb...what about Matt? He's been single since forever, why not give him a shot?" "Yeah...I just had this conversation with Bryan and was a hard decision between you and Matt really...I don't know, I guess I like smart people..." He blushes. "I guess you do..." "Dylan?..." Oh god, he sounds just like Chris. "Is Chris your boyfriend?" "Um..." Shit, what do I do?! Just then, Chris comes back in. Thank you Chris! I owe you big time for this! I look at him, "Well, speak of the devil..." He sits back down at his seat. "What I miss?" "Oh nothing much. Caleb told me a wonderful story about my friends. I'm starting to question their trustworthiness and loyalty," I said nonchalantly. I look over at Caleb, and he shrinks a little. "Oh, it can't be that bad can it?" "You'd be surprised...anyways, let's actually try to get some work done. You done with the worksheet yet Caleb?" "Huh?...Oh...yeah, here." He hands it to me. I glance at it quickly, making sure he did the work correctly. "Alright, now let's work on math." "Ok...but Dylan," Caleb tries to get me to stop. He looks over at Chris and whispers in a soft voice, "Is Chris your boyfriend?" Chris looks up at me, mortified. Fuck! Why today?! I stare at the two of them; I can feel the tension between the three of us. "What the fuck were you two talking about?" Chris mumbles out. "Um..." Come on stupid brain, think of something! "Ok..." I look at Chris, "It's not my place to tell you anything; that's Caleb's, and only Caleb's, decision." I then turn to Caleb, "And Caleb, I can't answer that. Only Chris can tell you, if he wants to. Okay everyone?" I clap my hands together to end the conversation, but secretly, to pray to any god who can save me right now. "Nu-uh." Chris gives off a look of despair and fear. "Dylan, did you tell Caleb my secret?" I look around the room; eyes everywhere...again...Woo, this is so my day. NOT! I let out a deep sigh. "Chris," I whisper so the rest of the classroom can't hear me, "you'll just have to trust me, I didn't tell Caleb your secret okay? I mean come on, I promised you, didn't I?" "I guess..." Chris mumbles out. The doubt on his face starts disappearing. "I'll tell you about it later, okay?" I propose. Chris nods, slowly. Nonetheless, it's still a nod. I turn to Caleb and give him a wink. He gives the one-nod, knowing full well that his secret is safe. "I need a breather from all this...think you can manage by yourself Caleb?" "I...think so." "Good." I lean back on my chair, cover my eyes with my hands, and take in deep breaths. God, why must today be so anarchic?... First with the incident with Brandy, then Caleb's story, and now all this...I bend over and rest my head on the table for the remainder of class. The bell rings and the three of us pack up our stuff hastily and rush out the door. "See ya guys!" Caleb waves as he walks in the other direction. "Bye Caleb!" Chris shouts back, waving. Ah...he's so cute! We turn around and start heading towards my car. The thing about my school, people absolutely detest it. It's barely 3:00, and 80% of the student body already left. You can tell, just by the number of cars left in the parking I open the back seat and instruct Chris to throw his backpack there. We both strip off the heavy load off our backs and I toss mine in first. Chris throws his in too after I get out of the way. I steal a glance at his bubble butt while he's adjusting our backpacks in the car. A sudden impulse hits me. Chris turns around as he speaks, "Ready to go Dy-" I quickly bend down and steal his breath away. Chris immediately melts into goo; I grab each cheek to help support him. Being careful not to bump our heads, I carry him and dive into my car. I part from his lips for just a moment. "Finally! I wanted you for so long!" I attack him with another kiss. "Mmm..." I leave his lips and plunge down on his neck. "Dylan!...why'd you leave me?...Kiss me again..." I didn't need a second invitation. I reach back up and kiss him roughly on the lips. I force my tongue into his mouth, but my love-bunny wouldn't let me. Instead, he drives his wet noodle back and our tongues engage in some moist, sexy wrestling. Somehow, we managed to switch positions in the tiny cramped space as we're making love. I squeeze his buttocks, hard. Chris arches his back like a seal and lets out a loud moan. He squeezes my rib cage with his arms to support himself. I expect him to come back to kiss me, but instead, he climbs off me and sits on my in a cowboy style. "Aww...why Chris?" I ask in a puppy voice. " have to meet with my mom remember?" He rubs his butt where my butt it. A boisterous moan escapes from my throat. But before anything could get serious, Chris gets out of car and sits in the front seat. "You fucking tease," I said. He looks back and sticks his tongue at me. "I'm gonna get you back for this Chris, just you wait!" "I can't wait..." he coquets at me. Feeling completely depressed about the cock block, I grudgingly climb to the driver's seat and start the car. I pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. I reach the first stop light shortly after winding out of the tortuous roads. Glancing over in Chris's direction, I steal a glance at him. I can't help it! He's so cute and sexy looking! And the fact that he made me extreme horny a few minutes ago doesn't help me either. Everything about him is just so...perfect. His sleek, bleached hair, his smooth, tanned skin, and best of all, his body features. Despite being at the age of fifteen, he looks like a little twelve year-old boy...MY little boy. I'll do anything to protect him.Anyways, the light changes to green and I floor it to his house. We arrive back at his house in about ten minutes ( if my day isn't bad enough...). I pull up to the driveway and turn off the engine. I look over at Chris, but he seems sad. I reach over and shake his knee. "Something on your mind Chris?" He snaps out of his daydreaming. "Huh? Oh, sorry's just...what does my mom want? She's never done anything like this before..." I lean forward and give him a kiss on the forehead. "Everything will be fine Chris, I promise." "And if it's not?" He looks up with his puppy eyes. "Then I'll make it right!" I pump out my chest. Chris giggles at my acting, but he reaches forward and gives me a hug. "Whoa...careful there Chris." I wrap my arms around him and give him a quick squeeze. We let go of each other and he reaches over to grab his backpack. Feeling much better about ourselves, we head out of my car and into his house. Once at the door, Chris unlocks it and we walk in. "We're home!" I shout out. Chris gives me a funny look. "I'm in the kitchen!" A voice replies, presumably Mrs. Tanner's. Chris and I take off our shoes and walk down the hallway. At the turn of the corner, I see Mrs. Tanner brewing some tea and setting up plates for something. She turns around and sees us. "Oh! come, come, sit. I'm just about to make some tea. Can I get you anything Dylan?" Huh...she never called me by my first name before. Something's up...Chris and I sit on the countertop, and I ask for some juice. Chris asks for the same. Mrs. Tanner pulls out the carton of juice and pours two cups for us. Sitting down, she asks us, " was school?" Chris looks away. "Don't mention it..." I grumble. "Oh, did something happen?" "What did happen?..." I groan out. "Can we talk about something else?" Chris brings up. "Mom, don't you have something to ask Dylan?" Mrs. Tanner gives Chris a funny look, but decides to drop it. " a matter of fact, I do. But it's not only for Dylan, it also concerns you Chris." She folds her hand on the counter. "As you know Chris, I'm a very busy is your father." Chris gives his mom a glare. She sees the look and sighs. "...I'm sorry Chris...for not being the best parent. But I want to you know that I've always wanted done what's best for you." "Sure...that and the fact that you've never been there for me!" I mean, even Dylan knows more about me than you do!" Chris snaps at his mom. "I know...and I'm truly sorry." She reaches for Chris's hand, but he backs away. Sighing, she continues, "Anyways...I've been offered to work at a new position for the company, which means I'll be working different hours now." Chris's eyes peer up and gives his mother a questioning look. "What do you mean by new hours?" "Well...first off, I can finally get off work at four Monday to Friday." "That means-" Mrs. Tanner cuts Chris off, "Yes honey. That means I can be home and actually spend time with you." She gives Chris a warm smile. "This is to make up for all the times I've absent." Chris's pupils grow wider and wider as his jaws drop lower and lower. Unable to contain his excitement, he jumps off his chair and rushes over to his mom a big hug. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" Mrs. Tanner hugs back. "But...there is one slight problem..." Chris lets go of his mom, "What's that?" "I have to work all day during the weekends until six, meaning you'll alone at home until then." She then looks at me, "That's where you come in Dylan." "Let me want me to look after Chris over the weekends." "Yes. Not as a favor, but as a job..." I make a face. "A job?" "Yes...a job...I want you to stay with Chris during the weekends and look after him." "Hmm...ok...but why me?" I ask, "I mean. You barely know me, and yet, you're just gonna hire me out of the blue?" She scoots Chris back to his seat. "Boys...I may not be the best parent, but I'm still a mother after all...and as the saying goes, 'mothers know everything.' And I do know that you two are an item now." Chris spits out his juice and coughs. "Wha...what?!" I help him by patting his back. "You don't seem too surprised Dylan. I wonder why..." Mrs. Tanner ponders. Making sure Chris is alright, I turn to Mrs. Tanner, "As you said, mothers know everything... well, that and I know that you walked into Chris's room last night." I flash a huge grin at her. "You were so close to breaking us up, but you didn't, didn't you?" Mrs. Tanner looks down. " first, I wanted to...but then I saw how happy Chris was, I instantly knew. It's going to take a bit to get used to, but if you are the only person who can bring Chris happiness, who am I to stop you?" " approve of me being with Dylan?" Chris discreetly asks. "Yes Chris, not only do I approve, but I also encourage. Which is why I'm offering Dylan a babysitting job." She looks back at me. "So, how 'bout it?" How do I respond to this?...Again, chaotic day... "Mrs. Tanner," I begin, "I'm glad that you approve of Chris and I, but I prefer that you don't pay me to look after him. I feel like it's taking advantage of him..." "Quite the contrary Dylan!" Mrs. Tanner explains, "In fact, you'd be doing me a favor. I may not look like it, but everyday, I feel uncomfortable with Chris being alone in this big house. It's always been like this...I've never felt safe with a random babysitter looking after Chris, and he's never invited friends over. Heck, you're the first visitor Chris's had for as long as I can remember. I partly blame myself though...I've never been able to encourage Chris to take a risk and try something new. No...that's your job now." I look over at Chris. He shrugs his shoulders. "Thanks...your a big help..." I said sarcastically to him. "I don't know what to do..." He raises his hands up. I sigh. Mrs. Tanner brings up, "Look at it this way Dylan. You are a senior this year aren't you?" I nod my head. "Then this is job can look good on your college applications. Plus, my company has many benefits for students just like you. Later on, if you like, you can take up on an internship from either me or my husband. Both require a letter of rec., and who better to ask than someone with a high position in the company?" I absorb all the information given. "Alright..." I finally said, "there's no point in arguing with you huh?..." Mrs. Tanner nods. "And it's been a chaotic day as it is...I'll accept the job, and you can decide on the pay; it won't matter to me." "Ok, and just to be clear Dylan, I only want you to spend time with Chris. It doesn't necessarily be in this house. You can go anywhere. Heck, you can even stay over at your house for the weekend, with your parents' approval of course." "Ok," I reply. "Oh, and two more things. First, can you start this Friday after school?" "Probably Mrs. Tanner. I'll have to talk with my parents, but they should be fine with it. What's the other thing?" "Please call me Betty from now on." "Ok Mrs...I mean Betty," I smile at her. "Good, now to discuss another important business..." She looks at Chris. "Chris, I know how you feel right now about being in love...I was young too. But I want you to be careful ok?" "Jeeze mom! Not in front of Dylan!" he turns red. "Doesn't matter. I know that your father's never given you the talk, but please...take things slowly ok?" She looks at me, "I'm sorry to bother you about this, but can you please explain the things to him? I'm willing to help you in anyway possible." "Oh sure, it's not a problem," I reply, giggling at the fact that Chris and I've already done some really naughty stuff. Betty looks back at Chris. "Promise me you'll be safe Chris...I don't want you to get hurt." "Ok, I promise! Jeeze, why don't you tell the whole world about this?" "Ok, I think that's all I need to say. I'll be at home for the remainder of the week since the company needs to get my schedule approved. Now run along you two." Chris gets off his seat and gives his mom another hug. "Thanks mom...Dylan was right about you, you do care about me." She looks at me. I shrug my shoulders. Chris lets go and takes my hand, leading me up to his room. We reach Chris's room and the first I do tackle him with a kiss. I force my tongue deep into his throat and start roaming everywhere around his body with my hands. Using my leg, I swing the door close and force the two of us onto his bed. Without breaking our kiss, I unbutton his jeans and reach inside his boxers for his jewels. "I told you I'd get you back," I smugly said to my sexy boy. " did...Oh!" he squeals out as I squeeze his balls gently. "So...I think we both need a stress reliever after what happened today," I whisper into his ears. "Hmm...what do you suggest?" "I think you need a punishment for teasing me earlier today..." I coo at him. I pull his jeans and boxers off of him. While I'm tugging at his pants, he swiftly strips off his shirt. I take a good look at my extremely hot boyfriend in the buff. "Spread your legs," I command him. He instantly separates his legs apart, giving me more access. I squeeze in between his legs and start kissing him vigorously. I reach for his wrists and straddle them next to his head with my arms. I lift myself off of him, but continue to smack my tongue in his mouth. After about five minutes of some tongue action, I let go of his wrists and plunge down to his hung orbs. I open my jaws and take both pearls at once, suckling them gently. I tenderly lash my tongue up and down the underside of his scrotum. This drives Chris beyond ecstasy. He'd writhe and squirm around like a worm. Once in an occasion, I'd stop tormenting his sack and give it a few suctions, sucking in his sweat and boy musk eagerly for myself. I'd then give his hairless jewels a couple of warmhearted tugs with my lips. Unable to contain himself any longer, Chris begs, "Oh...Dylan please!...Make love to my penis!..." I guess he's suffered enough. I let go of his balls and go for the next best thing, his love making shaft. I engulf it in one go and shove it halfway in. Chris immediately bucks his hips forward and gasps. With my hands, I manage to straddle him back down and push my head to take in the remaining three inches in. Nuzzling in his cute little pubes with my nose, I take in a deep breath, causing my man parts to grow bigger in size. Instead of the usual bobbing, I start contracting the back of throat. "Uh...Dylan! Oh god! Hmm..." Chris breaks free from my hands and pushes his hips forward. I gag a little, but regain composure. "Please! I'm begging you!..." he gasps out. Fulfilling his wish, I start stroking my horny lover's cock with my lips. "Uh...Uh...Uh...Hmm! Oh! I'm gonna...I'm...Ah!!" he screams as spews his load deep into my mouth. Wad after wad, load after load, he sends his tasty nectar deep into my throat. I desperately try to swallow it all, but for something reason, he just won't stop. Some of it chokes out of the corners of my mouth, but I manage to take down most of it. Like always, Chris spasms once more and that last drop spurts out. I suck up my saliva, lick the corners of my mouth, and go up to give my angel a kiss. " cummed so much this time Chris...I almost drowned..." I pout out my lips. "Sorry..." he giggles, "How's about you drown me in yours?" "Oh, getting kinky are we?" I flirt back at him. "Of course. Now straddle me and hump my face. I wanna please my big brother," he says with a sly smile. Without needing a second invitation, I quickly strip off my cloths, pull Chris by the armpit up against the wall, and straddle his chest in between my knees. Chris opens his jaws, and I ram all seven inches down his hot mouth. Resting my hands parallel to the wall, I start fucking his face. "Uh, uh, pmf!" I grunt out with each thrust. "Oh, fuck' hot Chris... Nnm! Oh! It's coming!..." I start humping faster and faster. "Oh! Oh! Get ready Chris!" I thrust forward once more and dump my baby batter into his hot mouth. Wave after wave, I release my creamy substance. I think I shot six ropes, but I really can't remember as I'm in complete heaven. When one last spasm, I collapse and fall over, panting like a dog. There I am, sweating and lying on top of Chris. He manages to pull himself free though and rest his body on top of mine. "That was hot," Chris giggles out. "Very hot," I snicker back. We both sigh and just rest there for the next ten minutes. "...Dylan?" "...Yeah buddy?" "Can you stay for another night?" I push myself up and kiss him on the forehead. "I wish I can Chris, but I'm out of clothes. And plus, I need to talk to my parents about the job your mom's offering." "Oh...ok...It's's going to be awkward with my mom here for the next few days..." "Well, wouldn't this be a great time to bond? You always did wanted them to notice you. You now have the opportunity to do so." "I guess..." I scruff his hair and kiss him again on the forehead. "Sorry. I'll make it up to you kay?" "Ok, but you promised!" "Yeah, I promise. Now let's get this place aired out. It smells of sweat and sex." Chris gets off of me and opens the window. While he's doing that, I put on my clothes and shove all my soiled clothes (minus a pair of boxers) into my duffle bag. Turning around I see Chris tugging his shirt over his head. I walk over and help him. Once his head goes through the opening, I steal a kiss from him. "Hey there beautiful." "Hi," he giggles back. I hand him my pair of boxers. "For you, in case you miss me." He looks at me in awe; I place it in his hands and place a finger at my lips. "Shh...don't tell your mom, or else she might clean it." Chris responds with a giggle. He sprints over to his drawers and shoves it deep in there. I throw my duffle bag around my back and sneak up behind Chris. In one motion, I sweep him off the floor and start walking towards the stairs. "Hey!" "Oh shut it," I tease at him. "You love being spoiled by me." "Fine, if you put it that way..." he fake pouts back at me. I laugh at him and head down the stairs. Once at the bottom, I walk back into the kitchen and set him down on a stool. I kiss him on the forehead and gulp down the rest of my juice. I look at the microwave for the time. "Wow it's getting late. I need to get going Chris." "Ok..." he follows me to the door. "I'll see you by your locker tomorrow ok?" I tell him. "Sure..." He gives me a big hug and tiptoes up to kiss me. After an awkward moment of silence, he reluctantly lets go of me. "Text me later tonight Chris," I said as I head towards my car. "Ok!" he shouts back at me while waving his hand. I throw my duffle bag on the passenger seat, get in my car, and start the engines. After the stuttering pause, my car springs to life and I start backing up. I roll down my window once I'm on the road. "Bye Chris!" "Bye Dylan!" I hear him shout back. I press the gas pedal and head back to my place. |~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~| me for comments, critiques, or just to say hi. AND DON'T FORGET TO DONATE!