Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 06:58:18 -0400 From: Vance Lister Subject: Tyler chapter 15 The Butler's lived in a one story house that was white with black shutters. They had a stone walk that was covered mostly with fresh snow and a small porch extending off the front of the house. Karen knocked on the red front door and Mrs. Butler opened the door and ushered them in. The inside of the house was plain, there were very few pictures hanging on the beige walls of the living room they had walked into. The furniture was a rust red couch and lazy boy recliner and a huge TV sat along one wall. Tyler could easily picture Mr. Butler sitting there in the recliner, chugging a beer and watching a foot ball game with his hands down the front of his pants. "Your room is right down that hall on the right." Donna said, pointing straight across from the door down a short hall. He walked off toward it, taking the hint while Donna and Karen walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Tyler turned and stopped at the only door on the right. He put his hand out on the knob and slowly turned it. He pushed open the door and stepped inside. In the center of a room was a twin bed with what else, but a beige bed spread on it. There was a bureau and a desk in the room and he set his bag down on the bed. He walked over and looked out the window. There was a fence about a foot away leaving only a walkway between it and the house. He walked back over to the bed and dumped his clothes out of his pack onto it. He had just finished unpacking his clothes when the door opened and Mrs. Butler walked in. "Look okay to you?" "Yes ma'am." "Just be sure you keep it neat." She pulled a piece of paper out of her back pocket and handed it to him. Tyler looked down at it seeing a long list of chores. "The top list is your daily chores, the bottom ones I'll expect to be done once a week. Ain't any free rides here." He looked up at her and nodded, egging her on to be as nasty as possible so he'd have a good excuse to leave. "Well I suggest you get started." He spent the afternoon mopping floors and washing windows. At three o'clock he started to see kids walking by, some he recognized from school. At a little after five, he was in the middle of cleaning out the fireplace when Mr. Butler walked in. He hung his jacket in the closet, looked over at Tyler briefly, then walked off into the kitchen. Tyler heard the sounds of clattering plates then the pulling out of chairs and the clanging of forks against plates. Covered in soot, he shook his head not one bit surprised he'd not been asked to join them. He was at least allowed to go to bed five hours later, after he'd washed up the dishes and scoured the entire kitchen. He'd been denied food before, but one good thing about being a foster kid was, you always got free lunch at school that they couldn't take away from him. The next morning he got up and took a shower. He walked into the dining room ten minutes later where Mr. And Mrs. Butler were sitting and having breakfast. "What you lookin' at?" He asked, a bunch of toast crumbs stuck in his mustache. "I'm not gonna be home tonight. I have to work." Mrs. Butler glared at him. "You work right here. I'll expect you home at three." "You'll not see me here at three." he shot back at her in her own snotty manner. "I have a job and I've missed it enough." "Are you back talking me boy?" "I'm telling you how it is. If you consider that back talking then yes I am. I'll see you at nine fifteen." he walked out of the dining room then out of the house, slamming the door behind him. He was halfway to school when Robert's car pulled up beside him. He stepped off the curb and got into his car. "What's wrong?" he immediately asked, seeing a worried look on his friends face. "Gramps died." Tyler's mouth fell open and he put his hand on Robert's thigh. "Oh God Robert I'm sorry." "I'll be okay," he said holding up his hand. "But Tyler I gotta go out of town for a few weeks." Though fear was rising through him, as he was sure he'd just totally pissed off the Butler's he merely smiled. "The Butler's seem real nice Robert. Don't worry at all about me." Robert put his hand on Tyler's, "are you sure?" "Sure I'm sure, we'll just go on with our plan when you get back." He wasn't so sure the Butler's would even go for the plan. Seemed they wanted someone around to clean their house too badly. He didn't care what happened there though he was not gonna miss anymore work. Robert dropped him off at school where he met up with Connor in the parking lot. Connor put his arm over his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. "How's the new family?" "Fine," Tyler smiled at him. "I'm ready to be teased now here at school." Connor smiled sympathetically at him, having no doubt in his mind it would happen. By lunchtime Tyler was certain every damn kid in the school had known he'd spent time in the nuthouse. Now he was being referred to as the, 'crazy Washington faggot.' People weren't being as forward about their teasing though. Now they were just treating him like the plague, much like the kids in Crestwood treated Paul. "So how's Robert been doing here?" He asked Connor, once they'd sat down, as Robert had been going to school there for two weeks. "Okay, he doesn't talk to any of the other kids. Gotten in a couple fights already." "Why?" Tyler raised up his hand and shook his head, already knowing it was in honor of him. "Never mind." Connor smiled and rubbed his arm. "He's one hell of a fighter. You shoulda seen Steve's shiner." Tyler put his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. "What's wrong?" Connor asked leaning in closer. "I just wish he didn't have to fight for me all the time. I wish I had the balls to stick up for myself once in a while." He looked up at Bobby and Rick joined them at the table. "How you doing man?" Bobby asked, smiling happily at him. Tyler smiled and nodded. "Good thanks. You?" "Great. So glad you are back. How was it in there?" "I liked it actually. Everyone was real nice." "Really?" Rick asked, sounding less then convinced. "Really." he smiled as he nodded. "I meant what I wrote, I wasn't mad at your mom. Well after a few days anyways." Rick smiled looking very relieved. When Tyler walked into the Butler's at nine fifteen, Mr. Butler was waiting just inside the door. Tyler looked at him fearfully but the man's hands never left his sides. "You want to work outside the house that's fine kid. But you are still gonna do your chores here. You can forget about getting any sleep tonight." he handed him another piece of paper filled with stuff that needed to be done. "You are not to even sit 'til everything on that list is done. If I catch you sitting, you will be out on your ass." Tyler looked him over then turned back to the door. "You can clean your own fucking house." Not bothering to get his clothes he walked out of the house and out to the street. He put his knuckle to his mouth as he slowly walked an idea slowly coming into focus. If he went to Karen and told her what was going on he'd look like he'd changed. Like now he was reaching out for help and perhaps in his next placement she would not question him so much. That if he kept quiet, she would just automatically assume he was okay after speaking up this time. He smiled at his great plan, figuring the damn Butler's would never have gone for Robert's plan anyways as they were too intent on having a slave. Maybe even more than the money. Knowing where she lived, from the address on the card he'd always carried with him, he walked to Maple Street and about halfway down. He stood on the sidewalk in front of the house. Light was coming out a large picture window in the front. He took a deep breath, hating the fact he was gonna have to go crawling to her, even if it was just for his future benefit. He walked up the walk and knocked on the door. It opened moments later and Rick looked out at him. "You okay buddy?" Tyler nodded, Rick stepped aside and he walked in the house. "Is your mom here?" "Yeah, she's in her office." Rick said, eyeing him closely. "Come on I'll show you." He led him through a living room and in through a doorway on it's far side. "Ma, Tyler's here." He said, walking into the room. Karen looked up from her papers looking absolutely shocked to see Tyler there. "Hon, what's wrong?" Tyler looked at Rick and Karen looked at him too. "Rick honey, why don't you give us a minute." Rick looked at Tyler smiled then nodded before turning and leaving the room, closing the door behind him. "Have a seat." she said, reaching past a Victorian style lamp that put a soft light in the room. He sat down where she motioned and leaned forward in his chair. "Everyone tells me I'm supposed to speak up. Well here I am." "What happened?" "They haven't fed me since I've been there and I've done nothing but clean their house. I worked at the shoe place tonight and when I got home, he handed me this huge list of stuff I had to do before I could go to bed. It would have taken me all night Ma'am. I wouldn't have got any sleep." Karen sighed heavily and shook her head. "God Tyler, I'm so sorry, I don't know what is the matter with these people." Tyler looked down at the floor as though he was deep in the middle of his plan, the facts still were, that no adult liked him enough to take care of him. That still there was something about him that no one was able to like. "So what happens now?" "Now you will stay here for a couple days 'til I find another place. I'm not gonna have you miss any more school, and going to the home would not allow you to go to school at the same time. There's no need jeopardizing your future just because we can't get your present straightened out." "Can you please try and find someone around here. I don't want to change schools again." "I'll try Tyler, I really will, but I can't make any guarantees." She looked him over then sighed again. "Did you leave your things at the Butler's?" "Yes ma'am." "I'll go and get them tomorrow. You can wear a pair of Rick's pajamas for tonight. I'm glad you two are getting along better since you're gonna be roommates for a couple days." she said with a small smile. She stood up and raised her arm up above him. He rose up under her arm and she squeezed his shoulder. "I really am sorry honey. And I'm so proud that you came right to me. This is what you are supposed to do okay. Don't feel one bit guilty about it." He smiled weakly at her, feeling terribly guilty about the deceiving he was doing, as she for the first time seemed so proud of him and so nice he almost couldn't bear it. She led him back out to the living room where Rick was sitting on the couch, sucking down a soda with his stocking feet up on the coffee table. "Rick, can you show Tyler to your room. He's gonna spend a couple days here." "Sure ma," He set his soda down on the coffee table and jumped up, yarning up his pajama bottoms that looked much too big on his way up. He motioned for Tyler to follow, and then left the living room ran up a flight of carpeted stairs, keeping his hand on the banister he followed it around to the right and walked to the end of the landing. He pushed open the door and stepped inside flipping on a light. "Here it is." He said, waving his arms around. He walked back to Tyler and took his arm and started leading him back out of the room. "Well that was fun." Tyler stopped walking and looked at him curiously. A slow grin spread across Rick's face. "I'm just kidding you man. You know she said show you my room. I was pretending..." Tyler held up his hand. "I get it. Ha-ha." Rick chuckled as they turned back to face the room. "This bed here is mine. I'd let you have it but I'm selfish, so you get that one." Tyler did actually laugh this time. "Guilt trip noted." Rick laughed as well and latched onto his shoulders from behind. "You okay man?" "I'm fine really." Tyler answered, turning to him. "I just need some sleep." "Sure thing," he walked to his bureau and pulled out a pair of green flannel pajamas. "These okay?" "Fine. Where's the bathroom?" Rick pointed back out the door. "Next door down." Bobby and Connor pulled in Rick's driveway the next morning at seven thirty. Bobby like usual had gotten in the back seat so he and Rick could sit together despite the roll of Connor's eyes. The front door to Rick's house opened and he was surprised, though not happy, to see Tyler walk out with Rick. Rick walked up to the car and got in the back seat as usual while Tyler sat down in the front. "What happened?" Connor asked, after getting a quick kiss on the lips. Tyler shrugged. "I left my foster home last night." "What happened to make you want to leave." Tyler, sensing that Connor was irritated for whatever reason he did not understand, smiled at him. "Can we talk about it later?" Narrowing his eyes, Connor nodded, before backing out of the driveway and heading off towards school. When he parked in the parking lot he put his hand on Tyler's wrist to keep him there while Bobby and Rick got out. "What happened?" he asked again, after they were a lone in the car. "We are gonna be late for school." "Fuck school," Connor spat, "tell me what the hell happened." "I just left. They weren't feeding me and they were making me do all their work." Connor shook his head as he gripped the wheel tighter. "Why'd you go to Rick's? Why didn't you come to my house? Why does it seem to me that you can talk to everyone but me about your problems?" Tyler sighed and eased back into the seat so he wasn't looking like he was antsy to get out of the car. "Connor you are getting all upset for nothing." Connor slammed his hand down on the steering wheel causing Tyler to jump. "Tell me why I shouldn't be upset then Tyler." he sneered. "Cause the only reason I went to Karen's was so she'd see I was speaking up. That way, after I'm moved again she will have more trust in me that I will speak up. That way, she won't ask so many questions and trust that I'm where I'm supposed to be." Connor sighed and leaned back in his seat pressing his head against the head rest. "God, why do I always make such an ass of myself." Leaning his head against the headrest as well Tyler reached over and took his hand. "I didn't tell anyone anything that I didn't just tell you right now. You really think I'd willingly talk to Karen before I talked to you? What was all this confident talk Julie spoke about?" Connor turned his head on the rest and grinned at him. "I don't know man, it's just I love you so much. I'm just so afraid I'm gonna lose you. I make up these crazy scenarios in my head and it gets me all paranoid." "I'm gonna admit you to Crestwood." Tyler said, leaning in close and brushing his lips against Connor's. Connor chuckled before pressing his lips tightly into Tyler's. They both jumped when someone started knocking on the driver's side window. They looked to it and saw the principal motioning for them to roll the window down. "Shit," Connor muttered, before he cranked the handle and the window came down. "Don't you boys think you ought to be in class?" He asked eyeing them. "Yes sir, we were on our way." "It didn't look that way to me." "Well we were, we just had to have a little chat first." "Chat times over, you boys better come with me so I can write you a pass to class. Otherwise you'll just get sent back to see me anyways." Connor looked at Tyler his eyebrows lifted in surprise. They grabbed their bags and got out of the car. Connor walked up abreast of the principal. "Are you not gonna give us detention?" He looked down at him. "No, not this time, it's a first offense, next time though I will not go so easy." Smiling Connor turned to Tyler looking ecstatic at this news. Once in the principals office the principal wrote Connor out a pass then sent him off. "Have a seat Tyler." Tyler glanced to the door having shoulda figured he'd not get off scott free. He turned back into the room and sat down in a chair. Seeing the look on his face Principal Anderson smiled. "You're not in any trouble son. I just wanted to make sure things were going okay back here. I imagine the kids are doing some teasing." A hurt look crossed Tyler's face as he slowly nodded. "It's not so bad though. I think they are more scared of me then anything else now." "Well anyone gets too out of line you let me know okay." Tyler cocked his head to one side as a humorous smiled filled his face. The principal grinned back though he looked confused. "What?" "I just think I'm gonna have to start a list of all the people I have complain to." "What do you mean?" "Well there's my shrink, my social worker, my best friend, Connor. If I have to tell all of you every time I have a problem I won't have time to have any more problems." The man chuckled as he put his hand up under his chin. "Well I say whatever works. So there's nothing you need to talk about now then I take it?" "No, I'm set." He nodded and wrote out a pass. "Have a good day Tyler." he said after handing the pass over and Tyler was heading out of the room. Tyler sat down in his second period math class and as usual the jock that loved to pick on him sat down right next to him. "How you doin' today psycho?" "I'm good thanks." Tyler said, nodding curtly to him. "Sharpened up my throat slitting knife last night. I'm ready for my next killing spree. Even rented an old motel out on route 90." To his surprise, the guy whose name was Curt, started chuckling. "That one Norman Bates used to run." Tyler pointed his finger out at him. "That's it." He said in fake excitement. "How'd you guess." "Lucky I guess." he said still smiling. Tyler eyed him speculatively then looked back down at his book. The teacher started in on her lesson. The lesson like usual was half an hour long, leaving twenty minutes left in the class to start the homework, so if any questions came up she'd be there to help. "So did the struggles of being filthy rich finally get to you?" Tyler's head snapped up again, he hid his look of confusion, remembering his statement from the first day of school four months earlier saying his father was a lawyer. "Sometimes being rich isn't all it's cracked up to be. You always wanna be someone else you know. Seems no one is ever happy just being who they are." "Well aren't you the philosophical one." Tyler nodded sarcastically, then looked back down at his paper. "Bit nerdy too." "Would you hush up." he shot out angrily. "Uh oh, easily changes moods. I think that's a sign you're schitzo." Tyler bit his lip so's not to sound like a total nerd and tell the guy schitzo meant you heard voices and had nothing to do with changing moods. "Did you meet our local nut in there? He's schitzo." Tyler's ears burned, as anger roiled up inside him. He knew exactly who Curt was talking about, and nothing Curt could have said about him could have angered him anymore, than him talking about Paul. "You did meet crazy little Paul didn't you? Fuckin' nut he's gonna stay locked...." Tyler burst out of his chair and barreled into Curt's side, though the guy was twice the size of him, he went over easy yelling out in surprise as he hit the ground with a mighty thud, Tyler right on top of him. "YOU WATCH WHO YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT YOU FUCKING PRICK." Tyler had never let his anger overtake him like this, his fists were flying and his knee, he knew was right on Curt's groin. He did not care one bit about any pain he was inflicting at that point. The fact that anyone could pick on someone who'd lived through worse then hell, and was still suffering for it, was beyond anything he could take. He heard the other kids yelling, but to him it only sounded like a loud buzzing. He could not tell if they were yelling at him to stop or cheering him on but he did not care. He did not hear the teacher's angry voice, not even when it was right over him. He was seeing blood coming from Curt's nose now and it was bringing a great satisfaction. Suddenly he felt himself being pulled up under the armpits, he swung his fists out a few more times, and then seeing he was much too high up to hit his target he stopped. Taking deep breaths, he surveyed the room, the dozens of eyes looking at him in fear. Like he was some viscous criminal with a loaded gun. His heart sank as he felt he'd proven them all right. That he really was crazy. Not one of them would understand what it was like to be Paul, not one of them would understand what it was like to be him. He held his hands up in surrender, the teacher released his armpits and latched onto one wrist. "You're coming with me." Tyler was jerked sideways, skirting the crowd as he continued to look into their scared faces. Glancing down at the floor again, just as he was yanked through the door, he saw Curt rolling back and forth holding his nose. There was no longer any satisfaction, just a growing feeling of failure. "I don't know why they let you kids in school." The teacher cursed, hauling him roughly down the hall, going so fast Tyler stumbled several times just in trying to keep up. "You ain't fit to be among regular people." Tyler's eyes stung as his ears turned red. At that moment he felt the teacher was absolutely right, though it still hurt to hear it said out loud. He was yanked into the main office and shoved into a chair. The teacher's finger pointed into his face, so close Tyler could have bit it without leaning forward. "You sit here." He looked at the teacher through the tops of his eyes. He looked back at him, like he was waiting for some smart ass remark, but Tyler had none to give. He wasn't normally the smart ass type anyhow. The teacher walked off into the principal's office, slamming the door behind him. Tyler looked up at the clock on the wall watched the second hand tick by and the slow movement of the minute hand. Ten minutes passed before the teacher walked back out of the office followed directly by the principal. Tyler looked over at them, his arms across his chest and his hands cupping each elbow. "Come with me Tyler." Mr. Anderson motioned him along with his hand. Tyler stood up, made a wide circle around the teacher that was still glaring at him and walked into the office behind the principal. Turning and closing the door behind them, the principal motioned Tyler into the seat he'd sat in just earlier that morning, then walked around his desk and sat down behind it. "In all the records I've gotten on you Tyler, not once was it reported that you started a fist fight. Not once has it said that you were even verbally abrasive with any of the other kids." Tyler leaned forward in his chair, his hands still holding his elbows tightly. "Does it say in there that I just sit back and take it? That kids beat me up all the time and are verbally abrasive all the time?" The principal looked at him and slowly nodded. "It says you are always victim to bullies. That you don't defend yourself. Were you defending yourself in there today Tyler, or did you just strike out at someone for no reason? Or was it past pent up anger that came out?" Tyler rolled his eyes and leaned back again in his chair. "There's no underlying psychological reason. He just said something that pissed me off." "Try and watch your mouth okay Tyler?" He looked up at him and slowly nodded. "You wanna tell me what he said?" "No," "Will you tell me what he said?" "He was picking on Paul." "Whose Paul?" "I don't know his last name. You aren't privy to last names in the nuthouse." "Paul Decker?" "I said I don't know his last name." Tyler said, his voice full of frustration. "He used to go here. When he was real little, then for a short time a year or so back. Curt said he was a real loon, that he was gonna be locked up forever." "So you know Paul then? From your stay at Crestwood?" Tyler sighed as he nodded. "No one should pick on him sir, I don't understand why anyone would. He's not even around to defend himself." "He's not around to be hurt by it either Tyler. You can't get yourself in trouble, sticking up for someone who is in no way affected by these taunts." Though he in no way agreed with what the man was saying, he managed a nod. "So what are you gonna do to me?" "I'm going to give you detention. I also have to call your social worker. She'll need to record this on your record." Finding it highly unfair that he had to have it on his record only 'cause he was a foster kid, he moved one hand from under his elbow and started chewing on his finger nail. "Sir I have to work tonight. Could you possibly give me detention tomorrow? I've already missed so much work." He mulled it over then slowly nodded. "Alright son, I'll cut you a break this time. You can serve it tomorrow. But if this happens again I'm not gonna care what you work schedule is." "Thank you sir." Copyright 2005 Vance Lister. All Rights Reserved. Please email responses to This story was edited by Joe-aka_dannybhoy This and my other stories are available online at