Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 16:27:54 -0700 (PDT) From: Fup Duck Subject: Under Pressure - High School 28 STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Let's see: 1. If it's illegal - don't read this. 2. If you can't accept it - don't read this. 3. If you're underage - don't read this. 4. It's mine - don't distribute without permission. 5. Characters and events bear an uncanny resemblance to people I grew up with and stuff I went through - ooops. ;-) That about covers it. Welcome back! Hope everyone had a good weekend. I get a fair amount of mail requesting that I keep D & K together. I make no guarantees, but WILL say that "Kelly" is still a big part of "David's" life. So don't fash or fret, the story will go where it goes. You can only rewrite the future.. :-) Here's Chapter 28...... Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 27 "Learned from the best," Kelly joked, then looked at his watch. "Hey, it's only like 8:30, we can't go back yet. What do ya wanna do now?" "Let's go up to the bird sanctuary," David grinned. "Huh?" "You'll see," replied David, putting the car in gear and slowly pulling out to the road with the headlights off. Looking both ways, he turned on the lights, and started driving back the way they came. UNDER PRESSURE/HIGH SCHOOL 28 - Fuck Busting "So what are we doin?" "Thought we'd see if anyone we know is at the sanctuary." "Why?" "You'll see." "Why do I get the idea we're gonna do something stupid?" asked Kelly. "Probably because we are." Kelly laughed and shook his head, then reached over and squeezed David's thigh, letting his hand rest lightly on the denim. David glanced at him, giving a smile, then focusing back on his driving. They exited the highway, then followed a secondary road and made a right on the road leading back into the bird sanctuary. The sanctuary was a busy place on weekend nights. It was on a back road that didn't see much traffic, and was a perfect place for couples to park and make out. "It's not gonna be real stupid, is it?" "Depends on your definition," David laughed. "Something that'll get us killed or in trouble." "Nah, nothin' like that." As they traveled further back the road, it went from tar and chip to packed dirt. David slowed the car down as they approached the first pull-off. David turned off the headlights, driving slowly by the light of the moon and his parking lights as an unwritten 'courtesy' to those already there. A car neither one recognized was parked there, so they slowly drove further. The next three or four places were empty or had other unknown vehicles parked in them. Sometimes the occupants were visible as shadowy heads, and other times there appeared to be no one inside the vehicles. They slowly drove further then Kelly pointed to the next pull-off. "Hey, that looks like Terry's car." "Who's Terry?" "He was one of the juniors that Mike hung around with. Remember the guy who was the lookout when we were 'baptized?'" "Yeah, you sure?" David asked, slowing down even more. "Pretty sure." The pull-off Terry's car was in could hold two or three cars, but his was the only one there this early, and was pulled into the furthest space forward. David took notice to the exhaust plume from the tailpipe and grinned. "Wanna get some payback?" he asked Kelly. "Depends," Kelly answered warily. David slowly pulled off the road at the rear of the pull-off and turned off the parking lights. They sat there for a few minutes, David looking for any activity inside the car, and Kelly wondering about David's plan. "Now, when I tell you, you duck down, okay?" David advised. "Uhh, okay." David reached out with his left foot and punched the headlight dimmer switch on the floor. He slowly eased the car forward until they were behind the other car with enough space for them to pull out around it, then grinned at Kelly. "Ready?" "I guess." "Okay, duck!" David ordered, flipping on the headlights and blowing on the horn as the words were leaving his mouth. Kelly dove face down onto the seat, and David saw a face appear in the back window, squinting into the glare of his high beams, surprised at the interruption. He laughed, then gunned the car out and around the other vehicle, raising a plume of dust as he sped down the road. "Okay, Kel, you can get up now." Kelly sat back up in the seat, and grinned at David. "What the hell was that?" "Somethin' Sean told me about one night we were workin'. It's called fuck busting." "Yeah, but won't Terry recognize your car?" "Probably not, the horn scares 'em and the headlights ruin his night vision, so he probably didn't even see the car," David assured him. Kelly chuckled a little, "Okay, you can be pretty mean sometimes, you know that?" "Pay backs are hell," David responded. "Well, if anyone deserved it, it was him," Kelly agreed. They continued down the dirt road to the next intersection, David glancing in the rearview mirror, looking for pursuing headlights, and seeing none, made a right onto the paved road leading back down out of the woods. "You realize that you're in the shit, if he recognized the car?" Kelly warned. "He didn't Kel, his head came up, then went back down, and I didn't see it again as we were leaving." "Okay, as long as you're sure," Kelly said, then grinned. "Remind me never to make you mad." David laughed, eyes still on the road as they came to another intersection and made a left onto the original secondary road, heading in the opposite direction. Kelly replaced his hand on David's thigh, rubbing it slightly. David pushed his leg closer to Kelly, keeping his foot on the gas pedal enjoying the contact. Then he had another idea. Making another turn onto a back road, he reached for Kelly, grasping his arm and tugging it to bring him closer. "What?" "Slide over here," David smiled. "Why?" "C'mon." Kelly sighed, and smiled, sliding next to David, who slipped an arm across his shoulders. "There, isn't that better?" He felt Kelly shrug, then relax a little as he realized that they were on another deserted road. Kelly leaned into his side and rested his forearm on David's thigh, fingers draped across his knee. They drove a few miles like this, Kelly only having to duck his head twice when they were passed by another car heading in the opposite direction. As they approached the lights of another town, Kelly gave David a brief kiss on his neck, then slid back over to the other side, keeping his hand on David's thigh. "That was pretty cool," Kelly smiled. "Yeah, thought I'd come this way to get back to town." "This isn't Thurmond," Kelly observed. "Nope, this is one of the back ways into Evitstown," advised David. "Where Steve lives." "Ohhh, you've been exploring, haven't you?" Kelly laughed. "Better than staying at home, reading." "Guess so, can't wait til I get my own car." David smiled, and pulled over onto the shoulder before they got into town. Grinning at Kelly, he opened the driver's door, and got out - walking around to the passenger side. He grinned at Kelly's questioning face through the window and opened the door. "Well, slide over," he laughed, pushing on Kelly's shoulder. "No way." "C'mon Kel, you've got your license, drive." "You sure?" "No, I just stopped, got out and came over to this side for no reason." "What if I wreck?" "You won't," David assured, still pushing on Kelly's shoulder. "Well, okay," Kelly relented, sliding over to the steering wheel. David got in, and grinned at Kelly. "Do I need to fasten my seatbelt?" Kelly snorted, "What do you think? Just don't distract me, okay? Like you did in drivers' ed." "Deal," David agreed. "You know how to get to Thorton from here?" "Please Dave, I'm not stupid." "Really?" "Shut up," Kelly grinned, then slipped the car into gear. Kelly drove into Evitstown, his confidence rising as he became comfortable driving David's car. David sat in the passenger seat, hands to himself, obeying Kelly's warning not to distract him. Every so often he'd look over at Kelly, who was concentrating on not wrecking his boyfriend's car. "Kel, ease up man. You're not gonna wreck." "Yeah, but this is YOUR car," Kelly said. "Well, get used to it," David smiled. "Whatever." David chuckled and settled back into the seat as Kelly drove them back into Thorton. At David's suggestion, they cruised the 'circuit' for almost an hour, Kelly now feeling more confident behind the wheel. As they passed through the town square, Kelly looked at the clock. "We oughta be getting home. It's like 10:30." "Yeah, I guess," David admitted. "Told mom I'd be home relatively early." Kelly drove toward his house, and the two of them chatted until Kelly pulled into the parking lot of the closed zoo. "What?" David asked. "This," Kelly replied, then after taking a quick look around, he pressed his lips against David's, slipping his tongue into his boyfriend's mouth. David responded by wrapping an arm around Kelly's neck, and tongue wrestling with Kelly. After a few seconds, both pulled away from the other and grinned. "Didn't think I'd get a chance to do that," Kelly said. "Well, I'm glad you did." "Me too," Kelly nodded, slipped the car in gear and pulled into his driveway. The boys got out of the car, David briefly rubbing his palm across Kelly's crotch as they passed in front of the vehicle, out of sight from any windows. Kelly chuckled, "Sex fiend. Call you tomorrow?" "Yeah, sounds good, I have to work tomorrow afternoon though." "Well, I'd say I'll call you early, but I know how you are." Kelly laughed. David snapped his fingers, "Damn, I forgot to tell you something." "I love you too," Kelly whispered with a grin. "Me too, but I've got something else to tell ya. Maybe I'll stop after work tomorrow night." "Sounds cool. See ya then, night," Kelly said, walking up the back porch steps as David climbed back behind the wheel, waving briefly, then backing out of the driveway. When he pulled in his driveway, he noticed that one or both of his parents were still awake. Then he snickered. It would be his mother. His dad was asleep by now, either in bed or on the living room sofa. He quietly entered the house, glanced in the living room - confirming his guess, then made his way back to his bedroom. He was just sliding under the blankets when he heard a knock. "Yeah?" "May I come in? Are you decent?" asked his mother's voice. "Yeah, I'm in bed." His mother entered his darkened bedroom, and he faintly saw her sit on his desk chair. "You're home earlier than I thought you would be." "Yeah, started getting tired." "Okay, listen David. I want to apologize for earlier today." "Huh?" "When you were in the office. You know, about finding a girlfriend and all. It was sort of rude." David sighed in response. "I just want you to be happy, that's all," his mother continued. "I know mom, but what makes you think I'm not?" "Are you?" "Mostly, yeah. I'm doing well in school, got a good bunch of friends, made Eagle Scout, have a job and a car, why wouldn't I be happy?" "Well, I talked with your grandmother tonight, and she said last Sunday you didn't seem like your normal self, not as happy as you used to be." "Just got a lot on my mind, that's all. Nothin' to worry about, okay? I'll see her on Sunday anyway, and tell her." "Well, if there's anything you want to talk about, I'll listen." "Nope, nothin' I can think of right now," David answered. "Okay, David, well, good night," she replied, getting up off the chair. "Night mom," then thinking a little, he added, "Love you." "I love you too, David," she answered, her voice a little lighter. "Good night." "Night," he said, watching her darkened form leave the room, pulling the door shut behind her. He put his hands under his head and stared at the dark ceiling. ***************************************************************************** Another short chapter. What can I say? It comes and goes... :-) I do have one request....don't try to analyze the story to me please. If you don't like it - see #2 in the disclaimer at the head of every chapter. Lots of things happen between chapters - in the boys' personal lives, that you're not reading about. Suffice it to say, it wasn't as easy as it seems. If you're not seeing that, then you're not reading closely enough. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup