Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:37:48 -0700 (PDT) From: Fup Duck Subject: Under Pressure - High School 31 STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Let's see: 1. If it's illegal - don't read this. 2. If you can't accept it - don't read this. 3. If you're underage - don't read this. 4. It's mine - don't distribute without permission. 5. Characters and events bear an uncanny resemblance to people I grew up with and stuff I went through - ooops. ;-) That about covers it. Now Chad starts to become a bigger part of the Remember as the story 'may not be right.....' :-) Here's Chapter 31...... Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 30 David snorted, "You'll be asleep before I get back, Kel." "Prob'ly right, night Dave." "Night Kel, I'll try to not wake you up when I come back." "Thanks," Kelly answered, smiled, then rolled to his side. UNDER PRESSURE/HIGH SCHOOL 31 - Three Amigos "Ugh," David quietly complained. Kelly was still asleep on the other side of the bed. It was hot. Obviously sometime during the night, his parents returned home and his dad stoked the stove again, closing the opened windows. He was sweaty, the sheet almost soaking wet. A panicked thought ran through his mind. If his dad stoked the stove, then he would have had to seen them sleeping together. That wasn't a problem in itself, but David wondered if they had been spooned together. That would take some explaining. He heard movement from upstairs, his family already awake and preparing for their Saturday. He sighed, and quietly slipped out of bed, pulling on his jeans and heading upstairs. His parents were in the kitchen, talking quietly - somewhat adding to David's paranoia. They both gave him a wan smile, then his dad noted his damp hair. "Sorry, David, I closed the windows last night when we got home. No sense in wasting heat." "Well, it was a little warm this morning," David smiled. "Where's Kelly?" asked his mom. "Still asleep, sweating like a pig," David grinned. "Well, when he gets up, strip the bed and throw the sheets on the laundry pile," his mom suggested. "Okay, think I'm gonna take a shower before I get him up." "Well, better not take too long, it's supposed to start snowing today. And we're not real comfortable with you driving on snowy roads," his dad stated. "Okay, I'll grab a shower and get him up. He'll probably want to take one too. Did you get everything done yesterday?" "We got most of it, we're going back over this morning to finish up. We'll take Lynn with us, since you'll be taking Kelly home." "Okay," answered David over his shoulder, heading for the bathroom. A hot shower washed away the sweat, and David felt a hundred percent better. He went to his room and slipped into clean clothes, then walked back out to the kitchen. "Hey mom, got a pan I can use?" "In the cupboard." "Thanks," David replied with a grin. He grabbed an aluminum pan and a serving spoon, and quietly walked back down to the basement. Stealthily, he approached the still sleeping Kelly. When he was a few feet away, he chuckled and started banging the spoon on the pot. "Rise and shine, sleepy head." Kelly jerked awake, eyes wide open, then relaxing as he saw his alarm clock. "Man, I'm gonna kill you," he groaned. "Then how would you get home?" "Walk." "In the snow?" "It's snowing?" "Not yet, but supposed to start sometime later." Fully awake, Kelly became aware of his sweaty body. "I need a shower." "Yeah ya do, Kel. You're stinking up the bed." Kelly grinned, and rolled onto his back, stretching his arms above his head. David looked at him smiling, the bulge at his crotch visible under the sheet. Noting the direction of David's stare, he reached down to his groin and scratched. "Even sweaty there," he chuckled. "Gross," David smiled back. "Looks like ya got a little problem." "Little?" David snickered, "You know what I meant." "Well, I have to piss, and take a shower." "What's stoppin' ya?" Kelly pushed the sheet off and rolled out of bed. Standing and facing David, he stretched again. "Pervert," he whispered, watching David's eyes roam over his half-nude body. "Is that worse than a sex fiend?" "Tons," Kelly answered, reaching down to pull on his jeans. "You'd better get a shower, mom and dad aren't comfortable with me driving on snowy roads." He rolled his eyes, then grinned. Kelly snorted and headed upstairs, "It's not even snowing yet." "Well, better safe than sorry," David mimicked his mother's voice. "I guess," Kelly replied, heading upstairs. David heard him greet his parents as he made his appearance and headed toward the bathroom. He stripped the damp sheets from the bed, balling them up and tossing them on the laundry pile. He was sitting on his bed, waiting, when Kelly returned from the bathroom. "Brought your bag up," he informed a slightly damp Kelly, still dressed in yesterday's jeans. "Thanks," he replied, closing the door to change. David watched his strip off his old clothes and slip into fresh ones, giving David a slight wiggle of his hips before sliding his briefs on. David grinned and waited until Kelly was completely dressed, then both went back to the kitchen to have breakfast. His parents and Lynn were putting on their coats, getting ready to leave for his grandfather's, Lynn complaining that she didn't want to go. David shook his head, grinned at his dad and shrugged. "Just make sure you head home when it starts to snow," David's mom said. "I will, no sweat." After a brief flurry of activity, they were gone, leaving the two of them sitting at the bar eating. "So what are we going to do today?" asked Kelly. "Well, when you're done hogging the cereal, guess I'll run you home." "Cool," Kelly mumbled around a mouthful of cereal. David deposited his bowl and spoon in the sink, and went back to his room to get their coats. He grinned, hearing Kelly pour another bowl of cereal. He walked back to the kitchen, laying their coats and Kelly's bag on the dining room table, and resumed his seat beside a munching Kelly. Kelly reached for the cereal box, and shook it. "You're out of cereal," he grinned. "Pig." "Yup," Kelly replied, finishing his cereal and draining the remaining milk. David washed the bowls and spoons as Kelly threw the box in the trash, and grabbed his coat and bag. Drying his hands, David turned around to find Kelly face to face with him. Kelly grinned and gave him a brief kiss. "Morning." "It's been morning for a long time." "Well, now I'm full and the day is just starting," Kelly grinned. "Guess we ought to slip by the store and get some more cereal and milk. Since some pig ate it all." Giving Kelly a brief return kiss, he retrieved his jacket and they went outside to the car, shivering in the cold air. David looked at the sky, "Sure looks like it's gonna snow." "Yeah, maybe we'll have snow for Christmas this year." Sliding into the car, David had an idea. "Let's cruise a little." In a falsetto voice, Kelly replied, "Just make sure you head home when it starts to snow." "You'd make a good mother," David joked, starting the car, shivering. They backed out of the driveway, and David headed in the opposite direction, away from town. "Where we goin'?" "Thought we'd see if Chad's around, give him a ride." "Cool," Kelly replied. "Just don't say anything about what I told you last night." "No sweat." By the time they pulled into the Murray's driveway, the car was getting warm and their shivering had stopped. David parked behind the Murray's car and both got out, hurrying to the front door. David knocked, and grinned at Cindy when she opened the door. "Hey Cindy," David smiled. Cindy blushed, and mumbled, "Come in." Kelly grinned at David, and they followed Cindy into the kitchen where Mrs. Murray was washing her own breakfast dishes. "Hey, Mrs. Murray," David greeted. Drying her hands, she turned with a welcoming grin at the two teens. "Hi boys, what are you doing here?" "Well, we thought we'd see if Chad wanted to take a ride. I have to stop at the store and take Kel home." "I guess it would be okay," she answered. "As long as you're back before it starts snowing." Kelly laughed at her comment, then explained that David's mom had said the same thing. They were interrupted by pounding feet on the steps as Chad ran into the kitchen. "You'd better slow down, young man," Mrs. Murray warned him. "Okay, mom," Chad responded sheepishly, then grinned at David and Kelly. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" "They wanted to know if you'd like to go along when David takes Kelly home." Chad's grin widened, "Can I?" "I don't know," his mom teased. "They might decide to toss you out along the road." "Mommm." "Yes, you can go," she answered. "Dress warm, it's cold outside." "Be right back," Chad said, then ran back up the stairs. Mrs. Murray grimaced at the departure of her son, then turned to David. "David, I know you had a bad experience last time you babysat, but would you be willing to do it again next weekend?" David flushed a little, "I guess." "Well, we'll give you a little bit better notice of what to do this time." "Okay," David smiled. Then once again the sound of pounding feet on the stairs as Chad returned to the kitchen, almost lost in his winter jacket. "Let's go," he enthused. "Be careful, boys. See you in a bit." Assuring her they would be just that, they made their way to the car, Chad slipping into the backseat. "This is cool." David grinned at him in the mirror as he turned around in the driveway. "Well, if we get stuck, the guy in the backseat has to get out and push." Chad giggled, "Okay." They pulled onto the main road and started toward town, Chad chattering excitedly about his first ride with the two teens. "This is so cool, thanks." "No sweat," Kelly answered, turning in his seat to look at the boy in the back. "As long as Dave doesn't kill us, we'll be fine." David snorted, "Guess I'll have two pushers now." They continued to laugh and chat as they drove into town, making a few trips up and down the 'circuit,' before pulling into the crowded store parking lot. "Man, this place is busy," David observed. "People must think we're gonna have a blizzard," Kelly laughed as they got out of the car and went inside. Finding the cereal and milk, they made their way to the checkout, returning friendly greetings from people they knew. Paying for the items, David glanced out the store window to see a few flakes of snow already starting. He nudged Kelly, who grinned, "Guess you oughta take me home." "Yeah, don't wanna be on snowy roads and all." "Aww, you mean we're going home already?" Chad complained on their way out of the store. "Better had," David answered. "Don't want to ruin a chance for another cruise." "Okay," Chad sighed, getting once again into the backseat. David started the car, and started the drive to Kelly's. The snow started falling heavier, coating the road with a layer of white powder. David concentrated on his driving, trying to gauge the slickness of the road. As they pulled into Kelly's driveway, he quickly got out of the car, retrieving his bag as Chad slid into the front seat beside David. "You'd better get going," Kelly warned. "Yeah, I think so." "Be careful, Dave. See ya later, Chad." "Bye Kelly," answered Chad. "Call me when ya get home, okay?" Kelly asked David. "Yeah, no sweat," David smiled. Kelly waved over his shoulder as he climbed the steps and went inside. David slowly backed out onto the road, heading slowly back they way they came. "Is it slippery?" Chad asked. "Not really," David replied, slightly gunning the engine. "See? The tires didn't spin." "Okay, cool." David continued driving carefully back into town. The roads were getting a little slick, and the car slid to a stop at a stop sign before they got into town. Chad looked over to David, who was slowly pulling away from the stop sign. David felt the gaze and smiled, keeping his eyes on the road, "Relax, man, it'll be fine." Chad nodded, and returned to stare out the windshield at the falling snow. They made it through town without mishap, the town trucks had already cindered the main roads, and started the final step of their trip. David drove slowly, feeling the tires beginning to slip on the snow covered secondary road. He wiped a hand at a time on his jeans, and continued to work his way toward Chad's house. Once they slipped on a curve, the passenger's side tires finally grabbing onto the loose stones on the shoulder and directing them back onto the road. Chad sucked in a breath, slid over next to David, and grabbed his arm. David smiled wanly at the boy, "Hey, you can let go, we're okay." Chad loosened his grip, but remained where he was next to David. As they went further, David began driving even slower, keeping the car under control as best he could. Reaching his driveway, he made a decision and turned into it, parking the car in his normal spot. He killed the ignition and turned to Chad, "C'mon inside, I'm gonna call your mom." They entered the still vacant house, and were taking off their coats when the phone rang. "Hello?" David answered. "David? I'm glad you're home," came his mom's voice. "Yeah, just got here," David answered. "Well, you stay put," she answered. "We're going to wait until it slows down before we come home. Your dad says to put wood in the stove." "Okay, no problem." "Well, we'll see you later." "Okay, mom. Drive safe." Hanging up the phone, he smiled at Chad, then dialed his phone number. "Mrs. Murray, it's David." "Hi David, are you boys okay?" "Yeah, we're at my house. It's getting sort of slippery, so I decided to stop here and call you instead of driving the rest of the way." "Well, I'm glad you did. Mr. Murray will be home in about an hour and he'll stop to pick Chad up, okay?" "Sounds good, thanks." "It's okay, David. Now let me talk to Chad." David listened, grinning as Mrs. Murray obviously gave Chad the 'be good' speech. As Chad hung up the phone, David chuckled, "You be a good boy." "Yeah," Chad sighed. "S'ok, man, I still get that talk too." Chad giggled at the thought, then asked, "So what are we gonna do? Wait, I have to go to the bathroom." Then he walked quickly back the hallway. David went into the living room, turning on the TV, and sitting on the sofa. Finished, Chad returned, sitting beside David. "Didn't go in my pants that time." David smiled at the youngster beside him, "Don't worry about that, man, okay?" "Okay," Chad replied, turning his attention to the TV. After a few minutes, he slid closer, resting against David's side. Smiling, David draped his arm over the boy's shoulders and gave a slight squeeze. "Sounds like I'm gonna be watching you next weekend." "Really? That's cool," Chad started, then his face fell. "I promise not to make a mess." "Hey, I told you, it's okay. It's no big deal, really." Chad just shrugged and continued leaning against David. Then the older boy remembered, "Hold on a second, I gotta check the stove." As he stood up, Chad giggled and jumped on his back. "What the heck?" David asked. "Gimme a ride," Chad giggled. David wrapped his arms around Chad's legs, and started toward the basement. "Don't mess around, Chad. I'll fall or something," he warned before gingerly starting to descend the basement steps. Arriving safely at the bottom, he walked to the stove. "Okay man, hop down, I gotta put wood in it." "Wow, it sure is hot down here," Chad observed, wandering around the basement. "Cool! You got a bed down here!" David slid two pieces of wood into the stove and closed the door, turning to where Chad was looking at the mattress and box spring. "Yeah, when Kel comes over to spend the night, we sleep down here." Chad shot him a questioning look, "In the same bed? Together?" "Well, yeah," David responded. "Like you're married or something?" David laughed, "No, you goof, we're friends, so we sleep in the same bed when he's here." "Oh, okay," Chad replied, then brightened. "Maybe sometime I can too." "Maybe," David agreed, grinning. "Let's go back upstairs." They walked up the steps, this time individually, and resumed their spots on the sofa. "Thanks for the ride, Dave," Chad said. David gave another squeeze to Chad's shoulders, "No sweat, man, anytime." "Cool," Chad answered, settling back against David's side. They sat there for almost an hour, watching the TV until they heard a horn from the driveway. David peered through the curtains, and saw Mr. Murray's truck in the driveway. The doorbell rang, and David invited the man inside. Chad wandered out of the living room, and started putting his coat on. "He wasn't any trouble, was he David?" "Nope, no trouble. I'm just sorry I couldn't bring him the rest of the way home." "It's okay, you made a good decision, the roads are pretty slippery right now. It's still snowing. Supposed to get six to eight inches before it stops." "Cool," Chad interrupted. "No school on Monday." "Well, I don't know about that," chuckled Mr. Murray. "You ready?" "Yeah, ready," answered Chad, once again bundled into his winter jacket. He walked over to a surprised David, and gave him a tight hug. "Thanks Dave." David grinned at Mr. Murray, and hugged back, "No problem, Chad. Anytime." Chad and his father said their goodbyes, got into the truck and backed out of David's driveway, slowly heading home. David waved and closed the door, suddenly remembering what he forgot to do. He picked up the phone and dialed Kelly's number. "Hey," replied to Kelly's greeting. "It's about time, Dave. We were starting to get worried." "Yeah, I'm sorry, I totally forgot. Ended up bringing Chad home with me. His dad picked him up a few minutes ago." "Oh, okay," Kelly responded. The he laughed, "You are so absentminded." "Yeah, I know," David admitted. "Well, enjoy the snow. If we get enough, let's do the sled run again." "Sounds cool," David replied. "I'll see you later, maybe Monday, if we have school." "Okay, Dave," then Kelly paused. David grinned, "Yeah, I know, me too." Kelly chuckled on the other end, said his goodbyes and hung up the phone. David returned the receiver to the cradle, and went back into the living room. He laid on the sofa and slowly drifted off into a nap. ***************************************************************************** Ooops, no romantic snow strandings this time. LOL Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup