Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:32:33 -0800 (PST) From: Fup Duck Subject: Life Goes On - David and Chad #32 STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This is the continuation of David's story. One of two boys loving each other. So the same disclaimer applies. If you can't handle that, or it's illegal to read this in your area, or you're underage, then now is the time to leave. If you continue reading after that admonishment, Nifty and I aren't responsible. There could also be incidents of unprotected sex. As always, I don't condone this practice - especially in this day and age. For all of you that are bored...this will be the last chapter with Greg for a while...after all, David's birthday is around the corner....:-) Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 31 His attention wandered, thinking about Greg's actions in the last week. He was definitely cute, but was definitely putting out mixed signals. "Not worth it," he mumbled. "What?" came the question from the top bunk. "Just talkin' to myself, man. Sorry, go back to sleep." "Okay, you're the boss," Greg chuckled, leaving David to his thoughts. LIFE GOES ON - DAVID AND CHAD #32 - Surprise "Hey, got the mail. Yours is on the desk," Greg said, looking up from his book, as David walked into the room Monday evening after his last class. "Cool, thanks." David flipped through his mail. His first paycheck, good...a bunch of campus propaganda which he filed in the round file, and a letter from Chad, even better. He grinned as he slit open Chad's envelope, and sat in his chair to read. Chad's letter was filled with the normal news from back home, school, family, and friends. The last paragraph was focused on David's birthday weekend. "...I can't wait until you come back for your birthday. I know you don't like surprises, but you might get one. So be prepared. Love, Chad" David chuckled and slipped the letter back into the envelope. "What's so funny?" "Nothing really, just a letter from a friend back home," David replied. "I'll be heading back home in about two weeks for a weekend, by the way." "That's cool. Must be nice to live kind of close to school." "Yeah, it is. Although the five hour drive is a pain." "Gonna see the squeeze?" asked Greg, grinning. "Yeah, probably, it's been a while." "So you got a picture of her?" David's breath caught a little. "Uh, no, I don't." Greg laughed. "What kind of boyfriend doesn't have a picture of his girlfriend?" "Maybe one that forgot to get one," David replied sharply. "Okay, man, chill out a little. Was just asking." "Sorry, man, been a rough day. Just had a surprise quiz in Statistics and I think I muffed it." "That sucks, Dave." "Yeah, well, hopefully everyone else did too. Maybe the curve will help." David slid his text books onto his shelf and began undressing. "Think I'm gonna hit the shower. You gonna be here?" "Yeah," Greg replied, looking up from his book. "Good deal, be back in a flash," David said on his way out the door. The shower was empty when he got there. He turned on the spray, waited until it warmed up, then slipped off his shorts and began washing. He was lost in thought and was startled to hear, "Thought I'd join ya." David looked to find Greg two showers down, just stepping under the spray. "Well, hope ya brought your key." "Yeah, of course," Greg laughed. "Be a long, lonely night sleeping in the hallway." "Yep," David replied, then resumed his shower. "Gonna have to remember that nine-thirty is a good time for a shower," Greg chuckled. David finished rinsing his hair, Greg's voice seemed to be a little closer than before, and opened his eyes to find Greg had moved to the showerhead right next to him and was just standing under the spray with his eyes closed. Once again, David took the opportunity to examine his roomie's nude form. He was definitely nice looking. David's eyes traveled down to Greg's crotch, noticing a firmness to his dick that hadn't been there during his first comment. He watched as Greg nonchalantly soaped his crotch, making his dick a little fuller. David looked away from the display, his own crotch firming up a little, and turned the hot water down. "Well, Greg, I'm done," David said, turning off the cold spray and walking toward the changing area without a backwards glance. He could swear he felt Greg's eyes on him, but was a little nervous about being misunderstood if he turned to confirm it. He turned sideways to dry off, hearing the other shower stop and Greg pad toward him. He was drying his hair, towel draped over his face when Greg passed him on his way to his own towel laying on the bench beside David. David jerked slightly as he felt Greg's hip brush against his limp dick as he bent over to retrieve his towel. "Sorry," Greg chuckled as David finished and reached for his gym shorts. "No sweat," David replied warily. He watched as Greg dried himself, his back facing David. "Nice ass, too," David thought as Greg slipped the towel through the cleft. Shaking his head, David moved to the sinks to brush his teeth and shave. As he was rinsing the remnants of shaving cream off his face, Greg joined him at the next basin, performing the same ritual. He grinned in the mirror at David and said, "Well, sounds like you can go ahead and wear jeans tomorrow, huh?" "Yeah, so I heard. Something about wearing a hat or something now, isn't it?" "That's what I heard," Greg agreed. David shrugged silently, and turned away from the sink to retrieve the rest of his gear. "I was just giving you a hard time about wearing jeans anyway," Greg offered. "I wouldn't have really minded that much if you did." Once again David shrugged, his mind in a bit of a turmoil. What the hell was Greg's story? Maybe one day he'd find out. But definitely not tonight, he was tired and still a little worried about the Stats quiz. He waited until Greg was finished, then they walked back to the room. After some small talk, they turned off the light and went to sleep. Over the next two weeks, Greg seemed to be hanging around him more and more. Almost every time David was in the shower, it wasn't long before Greg had joined him - usually right next to him. The Wednesday night before he was due to leave for the weekend, his frustration finally overcame his reluctance to say anything. They had returned to the room after another shower, and David sighed and asked, "So, what's the scoop with the shadow thing?" "Huh?" Greg asked, slipping into his pajama bottoms. "I mean, you're constantly around me. I take a shower, you take a shower, I go to the common, you go to the common. Pretty soon people are gonna think you're in love with me or something." "Oh," Greg replied quietly. "Just thought we were pretty good friends, that's all." David glanced at his roomie, noticing the downcast expression. "Hey, no big deal really, just wondering, that's all." "Well, I dunno. Didn't think you'd mind that much." "I guess I don't, but it seems weird sometimes, that's all. Mark said something to me the other day, too." "Well, I'll stop if you want." "Greg, it's fine. Just didn't know where you were comin' from, that's all," David replied with a small smile and a squeeze to Greg's bare shoulder. Greg sat on David's bunk and looked up at him. "Just that you seem to have it pretty much together, I guess. I mean I've made some friends here, but not as good as like Mark and Vic are to you. You seem to do good in class and all, too." David chuckled and sat down on his desk chair. "Together? Nah, Just a good faker, I guess. And as far as class...well, that Stats quiz might prove ya wrong. And Mark and Vic are real good friends, they helped me through a lot last year." "Yeah, I guess. Pretty rough, huh?" David smiled. "Yeah, but life goes on, ya know?" "Uh-huh, so you mad at me?" "Nah, just didn't know what the story was, that's all." "Didn't mean to freak you out or anything." David laughed again. "Well, you were starting to. I mean you're so against some stuff and then you kinda act like you're not." "Huh?" "Never mind, it's all good," David replied, then glanced at the clock. "I need to get some sleep, got a nine o'clock tomorrow." "Okay," Greg responded, standing up from David's bunk and climbing into his. "You okay?" David asked, flipping off the overhead light and sliding into his bunk. "Yeah, night." "Night, man." Greg's shadowing lessened a bit over the next couple of days. He was still around a lot, but now that David had his reasoning figured out - so he thought - it wasn't that bad. "Don't be messin' around with any hotties on my bunk this weekend, roomie," David laughed, sliding the zipper closed on his overnight bag Friday afternoon. "Nothing to worry about there," Greg responded. "Thought you'd have 'em lined up, since you knew you'd have the room to yourself." "Nah, not this time." "Your loss, man," David laughed, opening the door. "I've got plenty of time to find someone," Greg replied with a grin. "Thought you already did?" "Didn't work out, but got my eye on someone else." "Well, good luck. See ya Sunday afternoon." "Be careful." "No sweat," David answered, closing the door behind him. He was smiling as he slipped into his car. He'd be 21 tomorrow, and spending the weekend at Chad's was probably the best present he could get. He had informed Chad in one of his letters that his mother and sister 'expected' a visit from him when he got home and he'd be stopping before heading to the Murray's. Music turned up, David headed north on the interstate. A little over five hours later, he pulled into the local gas station and filled the gas tank. Walking to the payphone, David dug in his pockets for change and dialed Chad's number. "Hey, Karen, it's me." "Hi David, where are you?" "Right now, I'm at the Exxon on Church Street. Gonna stop by mom's before I head your way." He grinned as Chad's excited voice babbled in the background. "Well, someone has been waiting by the phone since he finished his homework. You want to talk to him?" Karen laughed. "Hey, Dave!" Chad almost yelled into the phone. "What's going on, kiddo?" "Not much, where are you?" "Jail." Chad laughed. "Yeah, right. Are you back?" "Yeah, just got in town. After I stop by the house, I'll be there." "Cool, I can't wait. See ya then." "Yeah," David started, then heard the dial tone. Shaking his head, he paid for the gas, then started toward his parents'. Pulling up behind Lynn's car, he got out and stretched out the kinks, then walked to the door. When no one came to the door after ringing the doorbell, he turned the knob and walked into the kitchen. "Yoo hooo, I'm back." No answer, the house was quiet. He walked through the empty house peering into rooms as he passed. No one was home. "So much for wanting to see me," he said to the walls. He picked up the phone and dialed his grandmother. After a dozen rings, he hung up. "Sheeesh," he grumbled. Rummaging through the kitchen drawer, David found a pen and paper and wrote a note stating he had been here, no one was home and he was going to the Murray's. David locked the door and climbed back into the car. Giving one last glance at the house, he backed out of the driveway and started toward Chad's. The smell of charcoal greeted his nose when he got out of the car. Obviously hearing him pull up to the house, Chad came running around the corner, a huge grin on his face. "Hey!" he almost yelled, before leaping on David in his now-normal reversed horseback position. David laughed and moved his hands to support the exuberant teen. "Hey yourself, kiddo. Not glad to see me or anything, are ya?" "Happy birthday, Dave," Chad grinned. "Not til tomorrow, goof. But thanks." Chad gave him a tight hug before dropping back to the ground. "We're doing hamburgers, c'mon." Chad took him by the arm and started leading him to the back of the house. David grinned and shook his head. He had really missed Chad's energy. "Tah dah!" Chad exclaimed, almost drowned out by the "SURPRISE!" from the rest of the people in the backyard. His mother, sister, grandparents, and the Murrays were grinning at the look on his face. He recovered, and smiled back. "Well, here's where everyone is." David walked into their midst, Chad remaining by his side, returning handshakes and hugs. "Happy birthday, bro," Lynn grinned and nodded to Chad. "You can thank him for this. We know you're not much into surprises, but who could resist him?" "That's okay. He'll get his pay back later," David laughed, wrapping an arm loosely around Chad's neck and squeezing briefly, before dropping it back to his side. "You don't mind?" Chad asked. "Nah, Chad, this is pretty cool." "Good." He sat at the picnic table across from his grandmother who was smoking a cigarette and drinking iced tea. Chad plopped down beside him, remaining a few inches away. His grandmother's eyes moved from David to Chad and back, then she grinned. "Happy birthday, young man." "Thanks Nanny, I'm assuming you've been introduced to everyone here." "Yes, indeed," she answered. Then she nodded at Chad. "He was quite excited when he heard you pull in." "He gets like that sometimes. You know - kids," David teased. "Indeed I do." Then she turned her attention to Chad with a serious expression. The teenager nervously returned her gaze as she said, "It was very nice of Chad to invite us. Thank you." David chuckled and lightly punched Chad on the shoulder. "Don't let her scare ya, kiddo. She's really a pussycat." "You're welcome," Chad smiled hesitantly. His grandmother broke out into her familiar grin. "He's a polite young man, isn't he?" Chuckling at Chad's blush, David nodded at her. "The best around, and I get a money-back guarantee." "Well, David, somehow I don't think you'll ever need that." His thoughts were interrupted by Matt's voice, "Come and get it before it gets cold. Birthday boy first." David stood and bowed to the good-natured grumbling and walked to the grill. He grinned at Matt and Karen, holding out his plate. "Thanks for doing this guys, it means a lot." "Don't thank us," Karen laughed, "we're just the cooks." "Good ones too," David replied and returned to the picnic table. He was soon joined by the rest of the guests and spent the rest of the meal answering questions and chatting with his family and the Murrays. When the meal was complete and the plates cleared, Karen moved a lawn chair to face the table. When David was seated, everyone deposited their gifts on the ground beside his chair. Somewhat self-consciously, he opened them. A few minutes later, he was surrounded by wrapping paper, clothes, and new books. He looked up from his loot and smiled. "Thanks, you all. I needed all this stuff." A chorus of "You're welcomes" went around the table, then it was back to chatting and laughing. "Well, happy birthday, David," his grandmother said, walking over to him. "Your grandfather and I are going to head home before it gets any later." "Okay, Nanny, thanks again,' David replied, wrapping her in a hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Well, you're only 21 once, you know. And it was hard to resist Chad's charm too," she laughed. He accompanied them to their car, which was parked behind the storage shed. He shook hands with his grandfather, then walked to the passenger's side. He bent down to the open window and hugged his grandmother once more. "He's a nice boy, David." A little taken aback, he smiled nervously and replied, "Yeah, he is. He's a good friend." "I can tell. Well, we hope to see you again this weekend, David. But don't make a special trip." "You will, probably on Sunday." "You can bring your shadow if you want." David chuckled. "We'll see, but thanks, and I'll see ya Sunday." He watched as his grandparents' car pulled away, giving them a farewell wave. He turned to see Matt and his mother and sister approaching him. "Well, while Karen and Chad are cleaning up, I'm going to take these guys home." "So that's how come your cars were there and you weren't?" David grinned. "Boy, you HAVE gotten smarter," Lynn joked, making his mother and Matt laugh. "Yep. I'll probably stop by tomorrow," David said, as they climbed into the Murrays' car. "Okay, David," his mom replied, "We'll be home this time." "I'll just raid the fridge if you're not," David threatened with a chuckle. "Thanks for the stuff, I definitely can use it all." "You're welcome, David. Happy birthday," his mother replied before Matt started down the driveway. He returned their wave and turned toward the house again. He helped Karen and Chad finish straightening up, then Chad was almost dragging him upstairs. "Don't pull David's arm out of its socket," Karen teased as they started up the steps. "Mooommm," Chad griped over his shoulder, not slowing his pace. David shot a grin over his shoulder as they reached the top and then followed Chad into his room. Chad left the door open, grinned a little shyly at David, and said, "Glad you're back." "Me too, kiddo. Maybe we oughta close the door." "No." "Uhh, okay," David replied. Chad laughed at his confused expression. "Told ya I had a surprise for you." "I guess. I thought it was just the party." "Nope." "Okay, it's not gonna hurt is it?" David joked. Chad snorted and shook his head. "But like we gotta hang around here for a bit, okay?" "Yeah, that's cool," David answered, and sat on the edge of the bed. "So, are my letters vague enough?" Chad grinned. "Yeah, it's cool. I can mostly figure out what you mean." "Good. Just don't wanna say anything that can be misunderstood." "No big deal," Chad answered. "No one reads my mail but me anyway." "The way you let things lay around?" David laughed. Their conversation was interrupted by Matt's return. He walked up the steps to Chad's room and looked in the door. "David, could I talk to you a second?" "Sure," David answered, rising from the bed and following Matt downstairs. "Have a seat," Matt offered, gesturing to the easy chair. "What's up?" "Well, Karen and I have been discussing the arrangements for when you stay here. We have decided that there is no need for any money to change hands." "But..." Matt held up his hand. "Now wait, let me finish. I know we talked about this before you went back to school, but we've changed our minds. As long as you help out if we need it, we'll call it even." "Well, umm, I guess," David replied uncomfortably. "I'll feel bad if I don't do something though." "You've done a lot for Chad over the years, so we figured that would be payment enough," Karen smiled. "Yeah, but..." "Well, we're done talking now," Matt laughed, interrupting David and standing up. Well, we'll see," David responded. "And thanks." "You're welcome. Now, I'm sure that there's someone else in this house that would be more than happy to talk to you," Matt grinned, patting David's shoulder on his way back to the kitchen. David stood, still a little stunned at the change of plans. He shook his head and smiled at Karen, then walked back upstairs. Chad was watching TV when he walked in the room. "So?" the teen asked. "All I can say is that you've got some pretty cool parents, kiddo." "If you say so. Now want my present?" "Chad, I told you before, you don't have to get me anything. The party and all was enough." "Well, it's a surprise," Chad laughed. David groaned a little. "Oh, man, what next?" "It's a good one, really." "Well, I guess I'm ready." Chad led him downstairs, then out the back door. It was getting dark and Chad snapped on the flashlight he had grabbed from the kitchen. He led David a few hundred feet into the woods behind the house then stopped. "Close your eyes." David followed Chad's instruction, then the teen took him by the hand and started walking again. "If you peek, I'll punch you." "I won't. As long as I don't trip or something." After another minute of slower progress, Chad released David's hand. "Okay, open 'em." "Well, I have one question. What the heck would you have done if it rained?" "Like it?" David looked at the largish walled tent set up in a small clearing. Without answering, he walked over and peered inside. Two sleeping bags, Chad's knapsack, a cooler, and a battery-powered lantern were all in place. He turned to face the grinning teenager, and slipped inside the tent. Almost immediately, Chad joined him. Wordlessly, David wrapped his arm around Chad's neck and pulled the younger boy into a tight hug. Chad relaxed into David's embrace, then pulled his head back slightly, still smiling. "Surprise," he said softly. In answer, David pressed his lips against Chad's, the teen's mouth opening into a deep kiss. David pulled back first and adjusted his crotch, grinning. "Missed you," he said, looking into Chad's face. "This is fantastic. I don't even wanna know how you pulled it off either." Chad returned David's smile. "Well, I just missed ya, and thought you'd like a real camping trip." David glanced around the inside of the tent. "Well, I see you're all set, what am I gonna do, sleep naked?" Chad laughed, "Sure, why not?" "Might not be a good idea, kiddo. And I'll need some stuff." "Well, let's go back to the house and get what ya need." "Sounds good." They exited the tent and straightened their appearance a little before Chad grasped David's hand. Silently, they walked back through the woods, parting before leaving the last of the trees. Entering the back door, they were greeted by the elder Murrays - both with smiles on their faces. "Well, David?" Karen asked. "It's cool. I'm sure you all had a hand in it, since Chad has a problem even tying his shoes. Owww." He grimaced and rubbed his arm where Chad's fist had landed. Matt laughed and said, "Well, we didn't expect you back here tonight." "I need to get some stuff, toothpaste and all that," David answered, starting toward his car to retrieve his bag. "Guess I'll just take everything," he said, rejoining them in the kitchen. "Looks like there's enough room in there for a couple more people." "Well, you two have a good night. Chad, don't keep the poor guy up all night. Remember, he had to drive a lot today, and is probably tired." "Daaad," Chad complained. "I won't." "Well, we'll see you in the morning, I guess," Karen said. "Ham and eggs okay?" David grinned widely and nodded. "Sounds good." "Well, you two scoot, and we'll see you for breakfast." Chad once again led David into the woods to the tent, intertwining his fingers with David's when they were out of sight from the house. As they approached the tent, Chad chuckled and said, "That's not all, either." ****************************************************************************** In case you all are wondering, this was Chad's first actual camping trip - at least in a tent. Poor guy....:-) Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup