Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 08:57:54 -0700 (PDT) From: Fup Duck Subject: Life Goes On - David and Chad #50 STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This is the continuation of David's story. One of two boys loving each other. So the same disclaimer applies. If you can't handle that, or it's illegal to read this in your area, or you're underage, then now is the time to leave. If you continue reading after that admonishment, Nifty and I aren't responsible. There could also be incidents of unprotected sex. As always, I don't condone this practice - especially in this day and age. Okay, so I said this would be the next to last chapter. Guess not. Had to 'set the scene' I guess, and it took longer than I thought. So one more 'short' chapter before the last one. Enjoy. Take care, and be safe. Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 49 His mother and sister nodded and backed out of the parking space. David gave them a small wave as they pulled onto the main road and went to the motel office to register. Lying on the bed in the room, he first chastised himself for 'going off the head,' then relaxed a little as he thought that it was just another weird chapter in his 21-year-old life. "Never a dull moment," he chuckled out loud then his eyes slipped shut. LIFE GOES ON - DAVID AND CHAD #50 - Let It Snow "You realize that you acted like your father, don't you? That was kind of stupid." David looked into his grandmother's face across the kitchen table. He could feel the flush creeping across his cheeks. It was Sunday afternoon, and he had decided to alleviate the boredom and go visit her. David knew she was right, but really didn't feel that he needed to hear it confirmed. So he just nodded, face burning. His grandmother exhaled a plume of smoke, then leaned further across the table. "David, you can't fight his fire with one of your own, you'll lose. And you're a better person than that." David shrugged. "He just...well, he pissed me off. I was trying to do something nice and it blew up in my face." His grandmother nodded, remaining silent. "That's the last time though." "David, you have to get over the fact that your father doesn't appreciate anything, really." His attitude deflated abruptly. "I was just....never mind." "I know that, you know that, he'll never know it." "Well, I'm sorry that I caused such a big deal," David said, standing up. "Where do you think you're going?" "I dunno, maybe back to school, I just think it's better if I wasn't around the rest of the week." "Well, that's even more stupid than dumping a load of wood down the basement steps," she replied, an edge to her voice. "Maybe, yeah, but better for everyone." "That's bullshit, David. You're acting like a spoiled brat." "Huh?" "You heard me. Now sit back down, you're not going anywhere." David felt the grin, and tried to hold it back. He couldn't. Profanity from his grandmother always made him grin. "You really should watch your language around my virgin ears," he chuckled, settling back into the seat. His grandmother snorted and took another drag off her cigarette. "Your mother has really supported you this time. Did you know that?" David flushed again, this time with embarrassment. "Um, no." "Well she has, and almost has everything back to normal." "Really? So should I go back home?" "That's up to you. But if it were me," she paused and grinned, "I'd stay away the rest of the time you're home. Let your father get his own wood." David answered her grin with one of his own. "Whatever you say." "Well, now that we have the latest crisis settled, how are you?" "Not too bad, actually. School's going pretty well and all." "And how is Mr. Chad?" "Grounded until tomorrow." "Well, you two certainly have a lot in common then," she smiled. "Yeah, I guess. Don't know when to quit." "No, like to stir up trouble," his grandmother laughed. They spent the rest of the afternoon chatting, snacking, and watching television. David was yawning by eight o'clock. It had been a restless weekend for him. "I think I'd better get down the road before I fall asleep on you." "Okay, David, can't have you asleep at the wheel." "Nope," he replied standing up and giving her a kiss. "Thanks." "You're welcome, David. Just let things settle, okay?" He nodded and tightened his hug slightly. "Thanks again." "I thought you were leaving?" she chuckled. "Okay, okay, sheesh," David laughed. Back in the motel room, he turned on the television then took a shower. David turned off the lights, slid under the blankets and flipped through the channels aimlessly. At least Chad was no longer grounded after tomorrow, maybe they could do something and maybe, just maybe, Chad could spend the night tomorrow. "That would be pretty cool," David mumbled to himself. He watched the tube for another hour, then began losing the battle with his eyelids. Turning off the television, he was asleep within minutes. The ringing of the room phone jolted him out of sleep. Blearily, he noticed that it appeared to be daytime - if the light filtering through the closed drapes was any indication. His hand batted at the bedside table and grasped the receiver. "Hello?" "Are you still in bed?" his sister's voice blared in his ear. He grimaced. "No, just got out of the shower." "Surrrre," she laughed. "It's ten o'clock, time to wakey-wakey." "Jeeez, Lynn, I'm up, already." "Uh huh. Right. Anyway, how are you?" David sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "Hold on a sec, okay?" Without waiting for an answer, he answered the usual morning call of nature, then padded back to the bed. "I know you didn't call me to see how I was doing." "Sure I did, I'm your loving sister." David snorted into the receiver. "Yeah right, you're just wondering how things are with the banished brother." "Well, it does look like Siberia out there." "Huh?" "You are so dense sometimes. When you get out of bed, look out the window." "Yeah, yeah, so why DID you call?" "Oh yeah, right. I forgot. Your buddy called a little while ago." "My buddy?" Lynn laughed. "You ARE still asleep." "You're lucky I'm not there to choke you." "Now, now, don't be mean, or I won't give you the message." David sighed, "Okay, Lynn." "Anyway, I was going to tell you, before you so rudely interrupted me, that Chad called a little while ago looking for you." THAT woke David up. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah, wanted to know where ya were. Just told him you were out somewhere." "Cool, okay. I'll give him a call." "That'll be a dollar for being your secretary." "Check's in the mail," David chuckled. "Yeah, right, well I have to go to work. See ya sometime?" "Not if I can help it," David laughed. "But yeah." "Okay, see ya, weenie." "Takes one to...," he started, then the dial tone was coming through the earpiece. David shook his head and hung up the receiver. He walked to the window, and pulled the curtain back slightly. It had snowed last night, and the sky was still overcast. "Must be four or five inches," he said to himself. "Cool." He stretched and walked back to the phone, dialing the Murrays' number. "Hello?" Chad's voice answered before the second ring. "Yes, is your mother there?" "Um, no, she's at work." "Well, young man, is your father there?" "No, he's at work too." "Well, is your refrigerator running?" "Dave?" David laughed. "Hey, kiddo." "You're a goober." "Yeah, well, can't say what you are, the jury is still out." "Uh huh, hey did you see the snow?" "Yeah, pretty cool, huh?" "I'm gonna go sledding, wanna come?" David smiled into the receiver. "Sure, why not? Where?" "Ummm, well a bunch are going up to the high school." "Oh, so you need a ride?" Chad chuckled softly. "Umm, yeah, don't mind, do you?" "Nah, let me get changed and I'll be out in a bit." "Okay, be careful, the road's a little slippery. They really haven't plowed yet. Dad had to use the truck to mash down the snow in the driveway." "Okay, kiddo. Let me get ready." "Cool, okay, Dave, see you soon." "Yeah..." Dial tone. David shook his head, and changed. Then he thought of something. "Shit." He shrugged when he realized that all his 'sledding clothes' were still at his parents' packed in the basement along with his sled. "Well, that's typical." Now dressed, he gingerly walked out to the car across the slippery white stuff. He used his sleeve to brush off the windows and let the car warm up before backing out of the parking lot. It WAS slippery, he thought. It took him almost 30 minutes to make the usual ten- minute trip to his house. Noticing no vehicles in the driveway, he breathed in relief, and pulled onto the carport. David retrieved the spare key and entered the house, immediately heading for the basement. He searched for a few minutes until he found the box with his old winter jacket, heavy gloves, long johns, and boots inside. Retrieving the clothing he needed, David then rummaged in the corner of the basement until he found his sled. He was walking toward the outside basement door, then thought that maybe he'd just lug the stuff up through the house. No sense in letting his parents know he was here by leaving the door unlocked. Carefully, he carried the sled and clothing upstairs, making sure everything was left as he found it. David slipped the sled into the trunk, and tossed the clothes on the backseat. He slowly backed out of the driveway, and turned toward Chad's. The Murrays' driveway was just as slick as his parents', and he slowly pulled to a stop in front of Chad's house. Grinning at the curtain falling back into place, he leaned over the backseat and got his clothes, then walked toward the front porch. The door opened as his foot hit the first step and he was greeted with Chad's grinning face. "Hey, kiddo, how are ya?" "Great, hey, whatcha doing carrying your clothes?" "Well, had to stop at the house and get them, thought I could change here. That okay?" "Yeah, that's cool, how come you didn't change at home?" "Long story, I'll tell ya on the way, can I use a bathroom?" "C'mon," Chad replied and was running up the steps, shedding his jacket and hat. "You were all ready, huh?" "Yeah, didn't know you'd have to change," Chad answered, gesturing toward his bedroom door. "You can change there." "Cool, thanks," David answered as he walked into Chad's room, and started stripping off his clothes. He had just shed his jacket and toed off his shoes when Chad approached him. "Ummmm," Chad said softly. "C'mere," David smiled. Chad wrapped his arms around David's waist and hugged him tightly. "Sorry I got grounded." David ran his hands up and down Chad's back, returning the teen's embrace. "S'okay, kiddo. Stuff happens." He continued to hold Chad, then chuckled. "Hey Chad, I could stay like this all day, but if we're gonna go sledding, maybe I should change." "Oh yeah, guess so," Chad replied then gave a final squeeze before ending the hug and sitting on the bed. His eye never left David as he changed, grinning as David dropped his underwear to slip on the long johns. "See something that interests you?" David teased, still pulling on his clothes. "Maybe, yeah. You look funny in long johns." "Doesn't really matter what they look like, as long as they keep me warm." Chad laughed and stood up, unfastening his jeans and pushing them down to show his own long johns. "Yeah." David looked his boyfriend over and grinned, pressing his palm against the slight bulge in Chad's crotch. He grinned even wider as the flesh under his palm hardened. David squeezed the ridge of flesh gently, then pulled his hand back. "Aww, man, now look," Chad complained. He grimaced as he rearranged his crotch, then pulled up his jeans. "Thanks, now it's all uncomfortable." "Poor Chad," David teased. "Yeah, poor me." David laughed and finished dressing, then pulled Chad back into another hug. "Love ya, kiddo." "Me too," Chad answered, then pulled his head from David's shoulder. His serious expression made David blink. "What?" "Nothing really, ummm, I know we said we weren't gonna do anything here, but can we...? Ummm, well, you know." David smiled again, then pressed his lips against Chad's. Their tongues wrestled gently for a few minutes until both were breathing heavily. David could feel his own crotch tightening and shifted his hips slightly against the body pressed against his. Chad slipped his hand to David's crotch and squeezed, then started snickering, ending the kiss. "Got ya," he said huskily, giving David's erection a final squeeze before pulling away from the embrace. "Let's go sledding." "Uh yeah," David replied, adjusting himself. "Beggar." Chad shot a grin over his shoulder as he left the room. David followed him outside where Chad slipped around the corner of the house to retrieve his sled. David slipped it in the trunk and drove to the high school. The high school was built on a hill and behind the building, the ground sloped off steeply to the football field. It was a popular place for sledding in the winter and there were already a dozen people there. He and Chad dragged their sleds to the back of the school, greeted a couple of people they knew and made their first run. The snow was perfect for sledding, and the previous runs the others had made had packed the trail into a glass slick surface. During their time there, David and Chad made quite a few trips down the steep hill. On one trip Chad jumped on top of David's supine body and the two made a slightly unstable, but fast run down the trail. Soon the others started doing the same, some of them jumping on David's back and some of them paired off on other sleds. After one run, David's 'rider' had started his walk up the hill as Chad slid to a stop a few feet away. David waited for the teen as he approached. "So kiddo, having fun?" David grinned. "Yeah, I guess, when do I get a turn with you again?" David looked closely into Chad's face, yes, the eyes had a green tinge to them. He smiled and draped his arm loosely over Chad's shoulders. "Hey, don't sweat man. Next run is all yours." "Maybe more than one?" Chad asked looking up the hill at the crowd waiting for them to clear the runout area. David led Chad toward the walkway up the hill. "However many you want." Chad's expression broke into a grin. "Deal." For the next two hours, they made their runs, sometimes as a pair, but most of the time singly. It had started to snow again. "This is pretty cool. I haven't had this much fun in ages," David laughed as he and Chad once again climbed the hill. Once at the top, they took a breather, sitting on their sleds and watching as the others shot down the hill in the thickening snow. Soon, parents started showing up to pick up their kids as some of the older sledders called it a day and walked toward their own cars. "Well, kiddo, maybe we oughta jet. It's getting pretty nasty." "One more?" David laughed. "Why not?" "Race ya," Chad challenged, jumping up and dragging his sled over to the top of the hill. David followed at a more leisurely pace and placed his sled a few feet away from Chad's. "Ready?" "Go!" Chad yelled and pushed off. As they reached the bottom, Chad first, the sleds slowed to a stop and Chad used the opportunity to once again leap onto David's back. "Ooof, you're getting way too heavy to do that," David complained good-naturedly. "Poor David." "Yeah, poor David, now let me up, ya goof." Chad rolled off and they both stood and walked for the last time up the hill. "They should have like a ski lift or something," Chad panted about three-quarters of the way up. David laughed, "Well, no pain, no gain." "Whatever." When they reached the top, they said their farewells to the few remaining sledders and dragged their sleds to David's car, which was once again covered with snow. "Man, must have snowed a couple inches already," David observed, opening the trunk. "Cool." David brushed off the windows and they climbed inside the car. David cranked the ignition and waited for the car to warm up so the defroster could clear the frost on the windshield. The sweat they had worked up started to cool and both shivered slightly at the same time. "Kinda chilly, huh?" "Yeah," Chad replied, rubbing his hands together. As the car warmed up and the warm air cleared the windshield, David put the car in gear and backed out of the parking space. The rear tires spun on the freshly fallen snow and David grinned a little. He looked over the school parking lot. Perfect, almost empty. Without a word, he slowly drove to a suitable place and pulled to a stop. Grinning at Chad, he turned the wheel hard right and floored the accelerator. The car, as expected, spun around in an almost perfect donut. "Cool!" Chad exclaimed. "Do it again." David performed a few more donuts then straightened the car out and started toward the exit. He goosed the gas as they pulled out onto the main street and the car fishtailed slightly. "Man, it's really slippery," he observed, settling down his driving. "Duh." "I'm serious, kiddo. Maybe I oughta head you home." "Oh, I thought that like we could go somewhere or something," Chad said, his face flushed with more than the cold weather. David nodded, his attention focused on navigating the snow-covered streets. It WAS slippery. He thought of an idea. "Hey, why don't we call your mom or dad at work and see if you can spend the night?" "Well, it's kind of nasty on the roads," Chad smiled. Then his smile faded. "But I don't like your dad." David chuckled. "Me neither, but I'm kinda staying at the Rambler for a while." "What?" "Yeah," David replied and recounted the last couple of days at home. When he finished, he chanced a glance at Chad. "So there ya go." "Man, that kinda sucks." David shrugged. "No biggie." As they approached the motel, he asked, "Well?" "I guess it's worth a chance." David slowly pulled into the motel parking lot and found a space close to his room door. The parking lot was now crowded with more vehicles, most with out of state tags. "Must be pretty bad on the highway too," he observed. "It's only like three o'clock and the No Vacancy light is lit." "Well, kiddo, let's call your mom, okay?" "Yeah," Chad replied as he opened the car door. They walked toward David's room, still slightly shivering. "I think it's gotten colder." "Maybe, yeah, c'mon." They entered the room and shed their outer layers of clothes. "Phone's over there, kiddo. I need to use the bathroom." Chad sat on the edge of the bed and dialed the phone. As David emptied his bladder, he heard Chad talking to his mom. "Yeah, it's bad....we went sledding at the school....David said the roads are bad, and we kinda slid all over the place...." Then, as David was zipping up, "Dave, mom wants to talk with you." "Hi, Karen." "I understand it's pretty bad there," she said. "Yeah, roads are real slick," David answered as Chad slid next to him, trying to listen in. "Well, we're supposed to get a major storm tonight. Matt just called and we're going to leave work and get home. He can slip by and pick up Chad, if you want." "Well, that would be okay, it's up to you guys, but he's okay here." "Well, your house is on the way to ours." "Umm, well, I kinda had an argument with dad again and mom gave me money to stay at the Rambler." "So that's where you are now?" "Yeah, he kinda hit me this time." "Oh David, I'm sorry." "S'okay, no biggie." "Well, if he's not a pain, maybe it's best if he just stays, since we're coming from the other side of town. And if the roads are as bad as you say, the less time we have to spend on them, the better." "Seriously, Karen, it's really up to you guys," David replied, hoping for the right answer. "What's your room number? I'll discuss it with Matt and we'll give you a call back." David gave her the room number and she asked to talk with Chad again. David handed him the receiver. "Hi mom...yeah...ummm, sure...he SAID it would be okay." David poked Chad's side with a warning glance. "Ummm, yeah, okay...we'll be too, bye." Chad hung up the receiver and sighed slightly. "Why did you poke me?" "Didn't want you to get grounded again, kiddo," David grinned. "Oh." "Yeah, oh." "Well, mom said she was gonna call dad and give us a call right back." "Cool, well look, whatever they decide, you gotta go along with it, okay?" "I guess." "You guess right," David laughed and slipped off his sweaty shirt and boots and sat back against the headboard. Chad joined him, shirtless and leaned heavily against his shoulder. David slipped his arm over Chad's shoulders. "Ugh, you're all sweaty," Chad complained. "Yeah, why don't you wait on your mom to call back and I'll take a shower?" "Ummm, okay, but..." "Hey, no matter what, we'll have a couple hours. It'll take them that long to get home anyway." "Oh, okay, yeah." David tightened his arm briefly over Chad's shoulders. He WAS kinda nasty. Of course, so was the teenager beside him. "I'm off," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed and removing the rest of his clothes. Chad laughed and popped David's butt with the back of his hand. David turned around with a mock glare. Chad grinned. "Pay backs." "Yeah, right. Just remember that." "Uh huh," Chad snorted as David walked to the bathroom. ****************************************************************************** As I've said before, Chad deserves his own chapter Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! email: Fup