Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 13:04:37 -0800 (PST) From: D B Subject: Life Goes On - David and Chad #56 STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This is the continuation of David's story. One of two boys loving each other. So the same disclaimer applies. If you can't handle that, or it's illegal to read this in your area, or you're underage, then now is the time to leave. If you continue reading after that admonishment, Nifty and I aren't responsible. There could also be incidents of unprotected sex. As always, I don't condone this practice - especially in this day and age. Well, hopefully y'all are liking the continuation so might take me a few days to answer your emails...just bought a house and trying to settle in - some of you know how that Which is another reason this chapter took so long.... Anyway, as before...I'm not on IM much. It's catch as catch can. Very rarely do I pull it up while I'm online . So, if you try and don't get me, just drop me an email. Take care, and be safe. Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 55 "Ok, bro, take it easy. And tell Chad I said hi." "Sure thing, catch ya later." "Bye." David hung up the phone and relaxed back on the bed. He shook his head at the family drama then heard the water shut off in the bathroom. David grinned, slid off the bed and walked toward the bathroom. LIFE GOES ON - DAVID AND CHAD #56 - The Calm Before... David awoke to pounding on the door. He glanced at the bedside clock, groaning at the time. Reaching through the bedframe, he unlocked the door and slid back under the covers. "Are you sick or something?" Mark asked. "Nah, just enjoying the last day before classes start. When did you guys get back?" "Last night, but we didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep. Since you need all of that you can get," Mark chuckled. "You really need to look in a mirror before saying something like that." Mark walked into the room and sat on David's desk chair. Vic, behind him with a matching grin, closed the door and leaned against the wall. David rolled his eyes and snuggled further under the blankets. "So what brings you guys around so early?" "Well, we wanted to give you our condolences on your lack of a proper Thanksgiving meal, and see if there was anything we could do," Vic answered. "Huh? I had a good Thanksgiving meal," David replied, confused. Mark held his grin as long as he could. "Well, it couldn't have been too good. The turkey is still alive. And in your bed." Then he and Vic broke into laughter. "Yeah, yeah, jeez. What the hell did I do to deserve friends like you?" David snorted. "Won the lottery?" "Sure," David scoffed, sitting up. "More like lost it." Mark looked over at Vic. "He just doesn't appreciate all we do for him." Once again, David rolled his eyes. "So obviously you're here for a reason." "Uh huh." "What?" David asked, exasperation creeping into his voice. "What, what?" "Sheeesh, why are you here?" "Oh. That. Just came to say hi and welcome back." "Riiight, uh huh," David smiled. "Actually, just wanted to know if you wanted to head to breakfast with us." "Be seen with you two?" "It'll increase your popularity," Vic answered. "Yeah, with the dregs of college society," David retorted, stretching. "Hey, whatever. At least it'll increase." "Yeah, whatever," David smiled. "Can I get dressed at least?" "Oh, we forgot to tell you, it's naked breakfast day." "Yeah, so what's your excuse?" David asked, standing up and walking toward the closet. "You think anyone would want to see us naked?" Mark laughed. David grinned inwardly at the thoughts going through his head. "Yeah, guess you're right. You guys are way too scrawny." Mark stood up and flexed. "Nah, be too distracting to the breakfast crowd. Lots of food would be wasted." David slipped into a pair of jeans. "Yeah, puked into the garbage." "Man, Vic, Dave's in a crappy mood." David smiled. "Well, it's good to see you guys again. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go brush my teeth and stuff before we go." "Okay, we'll just hang out until you make yourself beautiful," Vic replied. "We don't have THAT long. We'll be 70 before that happens," Mark laughed, dodging David's playful punch. "Yeah, well, for what it's worth, nice to see you guys too," David said over his shoulder as he walked through the door. "Seriously man, just knock on the door when you're ready," Mark answered, he and Vic following David into the hall and entering their own room. "No sweat, be a couple minutes." "So, your roomie's not back yet?" Vic asked as they walked toward the dining hall. "Nope, guess he'll get back sometime today." "So did you have a good holiday?" Mark asked. "Yeah, it was okay, ate too much as usual. How about you guys?" "It was a typical Thanksgiving," Mark replied. "Lots of food, lots of people, and lots of stupid conversation." "About the same here," Vic said, then grinned. "Same old stuff." David nodded as they entered the dining hall, grabbing trays and joining the line. "Guess you can't expect more than that, huh?" "True, what with Christmas coming, everybody's saving up their intelligent conversations," Mark answered. "So what are you going to do?" David laughed. Mark returned the grin. "Guess I'll hang out at your house." "I'll let that slide. At least for the time being. I'm hungry." The three made their choices and sat at the table, exchanging light conversation over the eggs, sausage and fried potatoes. Stomachs satisfied, they meandered back to the dorm. "Up for some bill-ee-ards later?" Vic asked. "Sure, sounds good. Not like I have anything else better to do." "Cool, see ya in a little bit." "Sounds good," David said, closing the door behind him and slipping a novel out of the bookcase. He was reading in the window sill a couple of hours later when he heard the key in the lock. Grinning, he swivelled to face the door as Greg eased inside, negotiating his rucksack in the door with his foot. "Want some help?" "Nah, I got it," Greg replied, closing the door. "Welcome back," David smiled. "Thanks, Dave, have a good one?" "Yeah, nice. You?" They exchanged pleasantries as Greg emptied his bag and put his clothes and toiletries away. "Whew," Greg sighed, sinking into his desk chair. "Bus rides are a pain in the ass." "I bet." "Sat beside a guy who mustn't have taken a shower in a couple days," Greg complained. "Sure it was him?" David laughed. "Cut me a break," Greg retorted. "Why? I never have before." "True, yeah," Greg admitted. "So are the animals next door back yet?" "Yeah, we had breakfast a couple hours ago. Gonna go shoot some pool in a bit. Wanna come?" "That sounds good. I'm gonna take a shower, so don't leave without me." "No problem, wash that stink off," David chuckled. Greg stripped down to his underwear and grabbed a towel and his shower stuff. "Yeah, that's about right." David nonchalantly looked over his almost nude roommate. "Well, have fun. And be careful, I hear that perverts hang out in college dorm showers." "Oh, you're gonna take one too?" Greg shot back over his shoulder as he walked into the hallway. "You wish," David answered, smiling. "Whatever, see ya in a few." David was still smiling as the door closed behind his roomie. He DID like looking at Greg's body. No doubt about that. But, well, there were other priorities. And, it appeared that Greg was losing most of his earlier prudishness. Which was fine with David. He sighed softly and resumed his position in the windowsill. His thoughts strayed to the past week and a half back home. It had ended earlier than he and Chad would have wanted, but it was only another few weeks until David was going home for the holidays. David chuckled, remembering Chad's reaction when his parents told him that he had to come home that Tuesday evening. And that they would pick him up. Chad's face was expressive enough that David knew what was said even before he got off the phone. They spent the next hour cuddled on the bed, David shirtless, Chad fully dressed except for shoes and leaning back in David's embrace and talked about general stuff; school, Christmas, and the like. Nothing real heavy or emotional. David thought that was just as cool as being intimate. They had an excellent couple of days, and were content to hold and be held. No major plans for Christmas were made since David had no clue of what 'home' was going to be like then. David chatted a few minutes with the Murrays, filling them in on the 'adventure,' as usual, leaving out the juicier bits. A tight goodbye hug from Chad was enough to put a good cap on their time. "And what a good time," David murmured to himself, adjusting his crotch as the door opened to admit a still damp Greg. "Miss me?" Greg chuckled, catching sight of David's movements. David playfully cupped his crotch. "You wouldn't know what to do with it if ya had it," he laughed. "Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. Anyway, I left my microscope in Biology." "Yeah right," David smiled, watching as Greg dropped his towel and slipped into a pair of jeans. "See something ya like?" "Like you said, left my microscope in Biology." Greg grinned and shook his head, buttoning his jeans and reaching for a sweatshirt. "So when's the big pool game?" he asked, voice somewhat muffled as he pulled the shirt on over his head. "Ah, we're just supposed to knock on the animals' door. Why, ya ready?" "Sure, let's go, we can play doubles." Greg slipped on a pair of sneaks and they headed next door. "Well, there's the happy couple," Mark teased as the door opened. Greg slipped an arm around David's waist, and yanked him hip to hip, "Jealous?" "Only if he's as huge as the ladies say," Mark laughed, nodding at David. David gestured toward his roommate, who still had him in the mock embrace. "Ask him, he'll be walking bowlegged for days." "Oh please," Vic laughed, "dreaming again." Greg gave his waist a brief squeeze then removed it from David's waist. "Yup, wet ones," he chuckled. David mentally shook his head. Greg had definitely lost most of his earlier shyness and hangups since the beginning of the year. He was willing to play along, to a point. David just wondered if he could pull back when his 'point' had been reached. "Hey, why so glum?" Mark asked, pulling their door shut behind him and Vic. David shook his head and grinned, "Just thinking, that's all." "See, Mark, that's why David does so well in school," Vic jostled his roomie, "he thinks even before classes start." "I still say that's too much," Mark retorted. The four continued their banter as they headed across the campus toward the rec hall. Their breath plumed in the cold air as they joked and teased the 15 minute walk away. As they pushed through the rec hall door, David shivered dramatically and said, "Man, snow's on its way, I think." "Aww, poor baby, want me to warm you up?" Greg laughed, turning toward David with open arms and a grin that spread across his whole face. "Maybe later," David laughed, backing playfully away from Greg's offer, hands out in front of him. "You two need to get a room," Mark laughed as they walked into the billiard room. "Um, we do, it's right beside yours," David retorted, playfully poking Mark's shoulder. "Yeah, just keep the moans and groans to a low roar," Mark answered, taking the offered rack of balls from the attendant and walking over to an open table. "Why, they're drowned out by yours," Greg answered, laughing. Mark racked the balls on the table, and the four went in search of cues. They flipped for the teams, David and Greg paired up against Mark and Vic. "Ladies first," David gestured toward Mark, handing him the cue ball. Mark snorted and the game began. After they had been playing about an hour, the four decided to take a break and get some munchies from the snack bar. As the four of them were sitting around the table, stuffing their faces, the conversation jumped from subject to subject, most humorous. David, lost in the conversation, became aware of a firm pressure against his leg. Not willing to cause a scene, he raised his eyebrows at Greg. Greg just grinned crookedly and increased the pressure of his leg slightly. David half-smiled in return and slowly pulled his leg away, getting a questioning look from his roomie. He just shook his head slightly, looked around the room pointedly and rejoined the conversation. After another 15 or so minutes, the four resumed their game, finishing almost even between the two teams. Returning their cues to the racks and the balls to the attendant, they bundled up and headed back toward the dorm. Walking quickly to ward off the cold temperature of the evening, there wasn't a lot of conversation. David's mind wasn't on conversation anyway. He was working out what he was going to do about Greg. He knew he could probably lead him on and they may end up in bed together, or he could completely push him away and keep him at arm's length the rest of the year. Neither option seemed to be the answer. David was still deep in thought when he stumbled into the first step of the dorm entrance. "Way to go, Mr. Coordination," Mark joked, dramatically helping him up the steps. "I think you need a hand." "Yeah, yeah, didn't have my mind on where I was going," David answered, gently pulling his arm away from Mark's grasp. "Yeah, ya gotta be careful, you're getting old, and old bones break easily," Vic smiled as he held open the door for the other three. Greg pressed a penny into Vic's palm on his way by, "Thanks, sir. You make a good doorman." Vic rolled his eyes and grinned at David. "Dave, take care of this poor boy. He doesn't have a clue on tipping." David absently returned Vic's smile and replied, "Well, I think Greg can take care of himself. Right, Greg?" "Dunno, may need a little help," Greg answered. "Whatever," David sighed and started toward their rooms. "Well, you two have a good night," Mark smiled, stopping at his room door. "And remember what I said about keeping it down." "Yeah right," David scoffed, slipping his key into the door lock. He jumped slightly at the feel of Greg's hands on his shoulders. Greg squeezed once and removed his hands, "Don't worry, we'll use the pillows to muffle the sound." All except David laughed at the comment. David said his goodnights and walked into the room, closely followed by Greg. "Hey, are you upset?" Greg asked as the door closed behind him. "Nah, just kinda tired. Not really looking forward to classes starting again." "Yeah, I know," Greg sighed, sitting down on the edge of David's bed. "Seems like it wasn't a vacation at all." David grinned a little, his mood lightening. "Well, we got a bigger one coming up in a couple weeks." "Yeah, kinda looking forward to that," Greg sighed, leaning back on David's bed, propping himself up with his elbows. David shook his head and put his coat in the closet and slipped his shirt off, tossing it into the laundry basket in his closet. "Well, if you're done relaxing on my bed, I think I'm gonna read a little." He toed off his shoes and socks, and unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them down his legs. He tossed the socks and jeans into the basket and turned to find Greg staring at him. "What?" "Umm, nothing, really," Greg stammered, sitting up and focusing his eyes on another part of the room. "Think I might do the same." David shrugged, "Whatever spices your pickle." "Uh yeah, whatever," Greg murmured, standing up and slipping past David. David felt the back of Greg's hand brush against his crotch as he went by, but didn't react. He grinned to himself as Greg tossed his coat on his desk chair, then slipped onto his bed. David rolled onto his side and propped his head up on his hand. "So how was your holiday, anyway?" David asked as Greg slipped his shirt over his head. "It was okay, lots of cousins and stuff, you know, the usual. I had to share my bedroom with my younger cousin though. It was kind of weird." "Weird? After living in a room this size with another guy?" David smiled, taking in Greg's smooth torso surreptitiously. "Well, yeah, I know what you mean, but we never really got along," Greg answered, sliding his jeans down and off. He stood there a moment as if lost in thought, then shrugged. "But I lived through it, ya know?" "Yeah," David nodded and turned on his reading lamp. "Do me a favor and get the light would ya?" "Sure man, no problem," Greg answered and snapped off the overhead light. David rolled onto his back and reached for his book. Greg continued to putter around the room in his briefs until David sighed and put his book down. "So thought you were going to bed?" "Yeah, well, not really tired." David glanced at his almost naked roomie, the diffused light from his lamp casting interesting shadows through the room and over his roommate. "So what's going on Greg?" "Nothing, really. Just not tired, that's all." "C'mon, you can tell Uncle Dave," David teased softly. Greg snorted, "Nah, I don't think so. Just got a lot on my mind, that's all." "I would say so," David offered sincerely, noticing the serious look on Greg's face. "Well, if ya ever wanna talk, you've got a captive audience," he smiled. "Umm, Dave do you like me?" Greg asked. Startled at the question, David glanced sharply at Greg, who was now sitting in his desk chair. "Sure, you're a nice guy." "Is that all?" "Greg, I don't know what you wanna hear," David replied, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Yes, I like you. You're a good roommate. A little weird at times, but I can think of a whole bunch of other people who would be a lot worse." "I mean, well, I just...." "Greg, what's on your mind?" David asked, rolling back onto his side. Greg shrugged. "I dunno, just wondering I guess." "Jeeez, Greg, it's like trying to get blood out of a stone with you." His roommate sighed, and slumped in the chair. "I dunno, just some dumb thinking I've been doing." "Well, when and if you decide to share, you know where I'm at." "Yeah, thanks Dave." "No sweat, Greg. Now can I go back to my book?" Greg nodded and David once again buried his nose in his book. Out of the corner of his eye, he was aware of Greg still sitting in the chair, his eyes on David. Ignoring the scrutiny, David continued reading, feeling somewhat self-conscious. After all, Greg was making it no secret that he was staring at David, who was laying on top of the blankets, clad only in briefs. After a few minutes, David sighed and closed the book, dropping it to the floor beside his bunk. "Well, if you don't mind, I'm gonna turn out the light and catch some sleep." "Okay, think I'll go to bed now too." "Night, Greg," David smiled over at his roommate and snapped off the reading light, plunging the room into darkness. He used the opportunity to slip beneath the blankets as Greg stood up and approached the bunks. "Night, Dave," Greg replied, standing beside the bunk, then putting a foot on the edge of David's bunk to boost himself up. As he picked the other foot up in preparation for the boost into the top bunk, his foot slipped off the edge of the lower bunk. As he tried to catch himself, his foot swung around, catching David in the side. David grunted in pain, then gasped for air as Greg recovered and caught himself from falling. "Oh damn, Dave, I'm sorry," Greg apologized, kneeling down next to David's bunk. "Shit man," David breathed, trying to catch his breath. "You okay?" Greg asked, eyebrows furrowed. "I will be after I recover from your gymnastics." Greg grinned hesitantly, "Never took gymnastics." David snorted, "I couldn't tell." "Yeah, I wouldn't look good in those tight outfits they wear." "Well, I wouldn't say that. Anyway, I'm fine. So if you're done your floor show for the evening, I'd like to get some sleep." Greg nodded and grinned. "Yeah, I'm done, night." David slid closer to the wall as Greg made a second attempt to boost himself into his bunk, this time successfully. He leaned over the edge of the mattress. "Night, man." "Yep, night Greg, see ya in the morning." "Yep." Greg pulled his head back and settled into his bunk. The last thing David heard before he drifted off was his roommate's slow breathing. ****************************************************************************** An enigma...what can I say? Until later, friends, take care. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! My NEW email is: Fup