Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 15:08:11 -0800 (PST) From: Fup Duck Subject: Life Goes On - David and Chad #7 STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This is the continuation of David's story. One of two boys loving each other. So the same disclaimer applies. If you can't handle that, or it's illegal to read this in your area, or you're underage, then now is the time to leave. If you continue reading after that admonishment, Nifty and I aren't responsible. There could also be incidents of unprotected sex. As always, I don't condone this practice - especially in this day and age. Fortunately, today's attitudes of "What are his intentions with my son?" weren't really present 'back in the day.' Being a 'nice guy' had its rewards. Although - trust is a double- edged sword. Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 6 "Be careful driving, young man. Don't want to read about you in the newspaper." "I will, night." "Night, David." She stood on the porch as he drove up the road, and he waved out the window before she turned around to go back inside. LIFE GOES ON - DAVID AND CHAD #7 - Hold On Loosely David was driving home from work the following Wednesday, singing along (somewhat off- key) to the tape in the deck. It had been a good day, his first week's evaluation had been pretty good, it was sunny and relatively cool, and 38 Special was blasting. Southern rock had started to become an interest. He smiled when he thought about how his high school class song had been "Freebird" and he had no clue who Lynyrd Skynyrd was. He soon solved his gap in knowledge, and was now hooked. Playing 'steering wheel drummer', he sped up the highway. Looking down once at the speedometer, he eased his foot off the gas. This could get him into trouble. But it was strange, sometimes lyrics can give you an answer for which you're looking. "Hold On Loosely" was one of them. (****Fup's Note: I'm not gonna list 'em here, if you're interested, a Google search will give 'em to you.) It would be so easy to 'smother' Chad. And he probably had started to do that. Always wanting him close, holding on tightly so he wouldn't lose him, yeah, his mind was definitely working in that direction. He sang along to the chorus again. Yep, this was definitely a good song. He turned down the tape deck when he exited the highway, but still sang along, although a bit more quietly. He was still grinning when he entered his apartment and threw his keys on the kitchen table. He grabbed a Pepsi and flopped onto the living room chair. He took a long swig, belched a little, absentmindedly excusing himself to whomever was listening, toed off his shoes and closed his eyes and relaxed. He was still in a good mood when the phone rang a few minutes later. Humming, he picked up the receiver, "Hello there." "David?" "Yeah? Who's this?" "It's Len Sites, David." "Oh, hey Mr. Sites. How are you?" "Just fine, David, how are you?" David smiled. How WAS he? "Actually not too bad, Mr. Sites." "Well, good, I got your number from your sister when I called your house, I hope you don't mind." "Not at all, I'm actually glad you called." "So you're doing okay? The rest of the family was kind of worried when we hadn't heard from you." "Well, I wasn't, I guess," David admitted. "But it's getting easier, you know?" "Yes, we do, David. Anyway, we were wondering if you'd like to have dinner Saturday night?" "Saturday's cool, Mr. Sites. I'm looking forward to it." David got the particulars and the two chatted for a few more minutes before hanging up. That was cool. Dinner with Kel's family. If he kept this up, he wouldn't have to cook at all. He laughed at that, then went into the bedroom to change. He was a little restless. Slipping on a pair of old sneaks, he headed back out to the car. He was just opening the door when a car sped into the parking lot, and swung into the spot next to his. He swung around ready to spout off at the driver's antics, when he saw who it was. "You know, you could get killed driving like that," he smiled. "Or you could," Steve replied, grinning. "Hop in." "The way YOU drive? Glad my insurance is paid up." Steve laughed, holding his fist to his chest, then reaching over to open the passenger door. "Just get in, we gotta go." "Gotta go?" "Yep, just get the hell in the car, Dave." Laughing, David slid into the passenger seat and squeezed Steve's shoulder, "How are ya, man?" "Gettin' better every day. Of course, it's hard to improve on perfection." "Then it oughta be an easy job for you," David laughed. "I've killed better people for less than that," Steve answered, pulling out of the parking lot. "So, what the heck are we doing?" "I'm driving, you're riding. Has college made you stupid or something?" "Obviously," David responded. Now on the highway again, Steve turned serious. "You doin' okay? I mean, you move out of your house, no one sees you since you've been back. Just wonderin'." "So how's Rhonda?" "Dammit, Dave, quit it. I'm tryin' to be a friend here in case you hadn't noticed." Properly chastised, David answered, "Yeah, I'm okay man. No need to worry. I have good days and bad ones, but the good ones are taking over." "Good, you guys were like super tight, the rest of us were worried, that's all." "Thanks, Steve. I know you guys miss him too." "Yeah, so anyway, Rhonda's fine." "Made any babies yet?" David joked. "No, but we've sorta been practicing," Steve admitted, blushing. "Too much info, man." "You asked, I answered. You really oughta switch schools. That one's really sucking your brain out of your head." "Whatever," David answered. It was almost like old times. He and Steve drove around for another hour or so, chatting and joking. David invited Steve to see his apartment, and soon they were sipping cold sodas in the living room. "This is pretty nice," Steve said, looking around the apartment. "But, you don't have a TV." "Rots your brain," David answered. "Look at you." "So," Steve chuckled, "the guys are havin' a party Saturday night. You oughta come." "Oh man, I'm havin' dinner with Kel's parents." "Well, stop by after you're done. You know Sean, party, party, party." "I might just have to do that. Haven't really been to a good party since the beach." "It'll be good for you," Steve answered. David howled in laughter at his comment. "What?" David stopped laughing and snickered, "Listen to you, getting all parental and stuff." Steve grinned. "Yeah, I guess I was, huh?" "Yeah, daddy, you were. But I'll definitely stop by. Haven't seen you guys since, well, you know." "Yeah, we'll have a good time. Beer, women, good friends, what else can ya ask for?" "World peace?" "Oh no," Steve groaned, getting up from the sofa. "College has not only sucked your brain dry, it's made you some sort of activist too." Then he shot a huge grin at David. David shook his head, "Leavin' already?" "Yeah, pickin' Rhonda up in half an hour." David chuckled and held up his pinky, circling it with a fingertip. "You are so wrapped." Steve shrugged, "It's cool though." "Yeah it is, I guess." He got off the chair and followed Steve to the door, giving him the phone number. "Thanks for the cruise. When I recover, I'll be glad to go again." "Remember, Saturday night at Sean's. You don't show up, we know where you live." "I'll be there, promise," David answered, closing the door behind Steve. He was reading Thursday evening when the phone rang. He'd really have to ask Mrs. Bowman about putting a phone jack in the living room. He picked up the receiver to hear, "I don't think he's home, mom." "Who's not home?" "Oh, hi Dave." "Chad, the phone only rang three times," David laughed. "Well, yeah, I guess. Anyway, mom wants to know if we can come over and see your place?" "Sure," he replied, no big messes to clean up that he could see. "It'll be nice to have company." Chad laughed, and in a 'baby' voice replied, "Is Davey-wavey wonely?" "You know better than that, kiddo." "Well, anyway, when's good?" "Well, let's see, I have to wash some dishes and kick my company out, so how about 30 minutes?" "Oh, you have company? We can make it some other time." "I was kidding, Chad. Come on over." Then he added a little more quietly, "It'll be good to see you." "Yeah?" "Always." "Cool, okay. See ya in 30 minutes." "Sounds good, see ya then." "Yep," then the sound of the dial tone. "Sheeesh," David chuckled. Then he set about washing the few dishes in the sink and generally straightening up. Satisfied with his efforts, he slipped on a t-shirt and returned to the living room. It wasn't long afterwards when he heard Chad's voice running a mile a minute outside the kitchen door as he knocked. Grinning, he opened the door to admit Chad and Karen, who was shaking her head at the motor mouth with her. "David, sorry for the short notice, but Mickey Mouthy here wanted to show me the apartment HE picked out," she laughed. "I'm not mouthy, mom," Chad complained. "No, but your middle name IS Michael," David teased. David did take notice of Karen Murray's appraising glance around the kitchen as he greeted the two of them, then let Chad show his mother around the apartment, following with a wry grin. There wasn't much to show and the tour was soon finished and they were standing back in the kitchen. After offering them a drink, they retired to the living room, David sitting in the chair, Chad and his mom on the sofa. "This is real nice, David," Karen offered. "Thanks, not much, but it'll do until I head back to school. While you're here, did you want to pick up Chad's stuff he left the last time?" "Might as well leave it here," she answered, "seems as if he'll be spending a lot of time here over the summer, if he has his way about it." David chuckled, "Okay, well I don't mind. He's good company." Then he asked a little warily, "You don't mind?" "Well, as long as he doesn't get on your nerves. Contrary to what he thinks, he won't be here EVERY weekend. You need some time to do what you want to do. Chad, why don't you go out to the car and get what you brought?" "I can get it later, mom." "Go get it now, okay? That way you won't forget it." Chad sighed, and started toward the car. When the door had closed, Karen turned back to David. "He really likes you, David. Well, we all do. Please, if you have something to do, just don't break those plans because he wants to come over." "Don't worry about that," David replied honestly, "I won't. And anyway, he's been a huge help with a lot of things." Karen nodded, catching one part of David's meaning as the door burst open and Chad panted back into the room. He walked over to David, handing him two picture frames. One was empty and the other had a copy of Chad's school picture in it. "The empty one is for the picture of you and Kelly, and the other one is, well, of me," he finished lamely. "Chad said that the glass was broken in the other picture. Call it a house-warming present." "Thanks," David replied softly. Then he looked up and grinned, "I can always put Chad's picture in the basement to scare away the mice." Karen laughed as David soon had his arms full of blond teenager. Chad wrestled with David a little, then stood back. "Told ya not to mess with me." David held up his hand, "Okay, okay, you win..." Then as Chad was returning to the sofa, he added, "We have rats anyway." "Don't even think about it, mister," Karen warned as Chad turned to launch himself at David again. "So can I, mom?" "You're becoming a pest, Chad. Maybe you should just stay home this weekend." She thought a few seconds, then, "On second thought, you'd be more of a pest at home." Karen turned to David and rolled her eyes. "Chad seems to think you'll want him around again this weekend." "He does?" David appeared to lapse into thought. Then he said thoughtfully, "Well, I could use someone to clean the apartment, wash the dishes, and do the laundry." "Wash the car, clean the toilet," Karen continued. "Yeah, maybe he should come over this weekend," David concluded, grinning at Chad. "You guys are mean. I'm not a slave, you know," Chad answered, half-smiling, half- concerned. Karen advised her son, "If you want to come over here again - and if it's okay with David, you can. But that means you'll have to get your work done tomorrow." "I can do that." "We'll see about that." Chad looked expectantly at David. Still in the chair, David looked up and down Chad's body as if appraising his worth. Then he asked, "Is the refund offer still valid?" "Satisfaction guaranteed," Chad grinned. "Well, Karen, I guess he'll do. But I'm sorta busy Saturday night, so it'll have to be tomorrow." "If you're sure he's not an imposition. Especially since you're busy Saturday." "He's never an imposition, Karen," David smiled. "I sorta like having my little bro around." At Karen's raised eyebrows, David and Chad explained about Mrs. Bowman's comments when they were first here. Karen's response surprised both of them. "Well, it makes sense, I guess. You two seem to be that close. Although I don't know why you put up with him, David," she finished chuckling. "He ain't heavy and all that," David answered with his own laugh. "Well then Chad, looks like it's okay. Just remember, tomorrow's going to be a busy day." "Cool, no problem." "I've still got those clothes and sleeping bag here, remember. Just give me a call when you're ready." "What time do you get home?" Chad asked. "Fiveish, so you can call anytime after that." Karen rose off the sofa, "Come on Chad, I'm sure your 'brother' has stuff to do. It's almost seven anyway." David did have something to do, now that he thought about it. "Yeah, Chad, it's cool. I'll see ya tomorrow sometime." "Okay, I'll call ya when you get home." "When you get your work done," Karen corrected. "When you get your work done, kiddo," David advised. "Okay, okay, no need to harp on it," Chad stated. As they were leaving, Chad poked David's stomach. "See ya later," he said softly. "Yeah, looking forward to it." Chad grinned then followed his mother out to the car. After they had gone, David retrieved his car keys and headed out on his own mission. Friday seemed to drag. It was overcast and misting rain, which made it all the worse. Finally quitting time rolled around and after wishing his co-workers a good weekend, he headed home. He took a shower, changed clothes and checked to be sure the fridge and cupboards were stocked. Satisfied, he drank a soda and waited for the phone to ring. He was surprised that he had to wait until almost six before it did. "Hey, David, sorry I'm late calling, but I had to finish cleaning the basement, is it still okay to come over?" "Hey, slow down, kiddo. You're making me tired just listening to you. And yes, it's still okay. Want me to pick you up?" "No, mom said she'd bring me, is that okay?" "Sure." "Okay, I need to take a shower, then we'll be there." "Sounds good, can't wait." Chad laughed softly, then hung up. Abruptness in some people pissed David off, but it just seemed natural for Chad. He replaced the receiver, slipped into the bedroom to get the small wrapped box from the night stand, then relaxed in the living room until he heard Chad knock on the door. He returned Chad's tight hug when he came in, and looked over his shoulder. "Where's your mom?" Chad released David, then slipped by him to the living room. "She just dropped me off," he replied over his shoulder. "Okay," David answered, closing and locking the door and joining Chad on the sofa. Chad gave him a shy smile and remained about a foot away on the sofa, leaning forward, his elbows on his knees, chin in his hands. David shrugged and began asking Chad about his day, listening to the blond teen jokingly complain about the 'hard, dirty work' he had to do. Chad got up to get a soda from the fridge and came back to find David sitting in the chair. "How come you're over there?" he asked, standing beside the sofa. "No real reason, just seemed that you were a little uncomfortable, that's all." "Oh," Chad said, then sat down in the middle of the sofa, obviously finding something extremely fascinating about the top of his soda can. Still keeping his gaze averted, he said softly, "Sorry, it just seems...I dunno...weird, I guess." David remained silent. "I mean, ummm, I just....," heaving a sigh, Chad fell silent. "Chad, listen. I told you before, I don't want to ruin anything, I just..." "You're NOT!" Chad exclaimed, now focused on David, almost angrily. "I'm messing it up." "How, Chad?" "I dunno, I just am, that's all," Chad admitted, dropping his gaze back to the can. David smiled to himself - boy, this sounded familiar - then palmed the small package from the chair cushion and walked over to the sofa. He sat down on the opposite side away from Chad, then turned to rest his back against the armrest. He stared at Chad for a minute or two. He knew kind of what Chad was thinking, and loved him even more because of it. He smiled, then softly said, "Chad, look at me okay?" With his head still bowed, he turned his face to look at David. "We've talked about all this before, Chad. I know how I feel about you. But if you're uncomfortable with that, then it's okay. You're not messing anything up. I felt the same way with Kel, but we got over it." "You did? You always seemed so good around each other." David chuckled, "Yeah, but sometimes we had to kick each other's butt to get to be that way." Chad gave him a small grin. "You kicked Kel's butt?" "You know what I mean, goof." Chad's head had slowly risen as David had been talking. Now he was sitting upright on the sofa, a little more relaxed, but still shyly remaining in the middle of the cushions. David showed him the small package. "See this? It's for you, if you want it. But," he pulled it back a little as Chad reached for it, "it might show you how I do feel. So you need to be sure you want it." Chad slid closer to David, reaching for the offered box. He held it a few seconds, then tore into the wrapping paper. He paused another second, then opened the box inside. He stared. David was beginning to think he had really overstepped the line when his arms were filled with teenaged boy. He chuckled as Chad hugged him tightly, then dangled the key in front of his face. "I know what THIS is." "And what is it?" David smiled, still wrapped in a semi-hug. "It's a key to here, isn't it?" "Maybe," David teased gently. Chad jumped off him and ran to the kitchen door, opened it, and closed it behind him, using the key to let himself back inside. Then David's arms were again full of exuberant boy. When Chad settled down a little bit, David said, "Anytime. I know it's not much, but..." "This is so cool," Chad breathed. "Well, glad you think so." "I do, really. I was being dumb." "Nope, you were being a teenager," David smiled. Chad got up again, and turned on the stereo, settling back down on the sofa leaning against David with his head resting on David's shoulder. David slipped his arm around Chad's waist and gave him a slight squeeze. He chuckled as the teen turned the key around in his hands, "Hey, it's really not that big a deal." "Maybe not to you, but it's so cool." "Just wanted you to know that you can come here anytime, Chad." "Thanks," Chad whispered, slipping the key in his pocket. Then he turned to face David with a serious expression on his face. David gave him a small smile. "What?" Chad paused for a second or two, then wrapped his arms around David's neck, and whispered in his ear, "Really, thanks." "Love you, kiddo," David replied in his own whisper and Chad's arms tightened. David slid until he was flat on his back, head propped on the armrest. Chad was draped over him, his head still buried against David's neck. He gently rubbed Chad's back, enjoying the physical closeness. In the back of his mind he realized that neither of them were aroused. Chad finally raised his head, and looked down at David. "I missed you. A lot." David cocked his head a little. "It's only been a week, kiddo." "No, when you left for college." "Oh, well, I missed you too. For some strange reason," he added with a warm smile. Chad continued to look into David's face. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly at the teen's expression. "What?" "Did you ever want something, then when you got it, you didn't know what to do?" "All the time," David admitted. "Why?" "I don't know what to do," Chad said tremulously, then dropped his head back to David's neck. "Hey, it's okay, Chad," David soothed, feeling the boy's back shudder slightly. He continued to gently rub Chad's back. Emotions weren't really a strong point for him, but it was kind of obvious he'd have to learn real quick. "Chad, s'ok, man. Just don't think about that stuff, okay?" He continued his rubbing as Chad relaxed even further against him. After a few minutes, he ran the fingers of one hand through Chad's hair. "Hey, kiddo, look at me." Chad raised his head, David took notice of a little wetness in the teen's eyes and he smiled. "You okay?" "I just feel dumb." "No need for that, I can do it for both of us," David grinned. The corners of Chad's mouth turned up into a grin. "You're pretty good at it." With a look of mock offense, David smacked Chad's butt. "No need to agree so quickly, you know." Chad laughed, "So what are we going to do now?" "Well, I figured we'd get naked and run up and down the street. Or," laughing at Chad's shocked expression, "we could just stay like this for a while." "Ummmm, number two please," Chad replied, dropping his head back down. "Cool with me," David said, sliding even further down on the sofa, so he was laying flat - his neck was starting to get sore from being propped on the armrest. His hands continued to rub up and down Chad's back, then he worked lower, rubbing across Chad's butt. "You sure like my butt," Chad mumbled, with a small hug. David smiled against the side of Chad's head and focused on the cloth covered cheeks. Chad relaxed even further and David felt the teen's dick come to life in his shorts, pressing against David's own erection. He slid one hand under the hem of Chad's t-shirt, caressing the warm flesh of the teen's back. "Mmmmm, feels good," Chad mumbled, shifting to an even more comfortable position. "Which one?" David teased. "Both," Chad answered, pressing his hips harder against David's. David kept rubbing for a few seconds, then whispered, "So, think we should get more comfortable?" "Ummm, I guess if you want," Chad said softly. David slid his hands to Chad's head, pushing it up so he could look into the teen's face. He looked into the reddened face for a second or two, then said, "If WE want, kiddo." Chad's brow furrowed slightly, then smoothed as Chad made his decision. "Ummm, could we just stay here a little bit? I like this a lot." "Sure, Chad, I do too," Davis smiled. Then he pulled Chad's face to his and gave him a brief kiss. Chad smiled and said, "That sucked." "Oh? You the expert now?" "Yeah," Chad grinned, then returned David's kiss, hard. His tongue slid into David's mouth, and the two lost themselves in the kiss. David pulled back after a bit, and looked into Chad's grinning face. "For something you say is gross, you sure are getting good at it." "I guess," Chad shrugged, then got serious. "I love you, Dave. It sounds weird, but..." "It sounds great," David whispered, smiling softly, sliding both hands under Chad's shirt. The teen pushed his chest off David's, allowing him to slip the shirt over Chad's head. Bare-chested, Chad once again lowered himself onto David. David's hands slid across Chad's back, massaging gently. Then David whispered, "Roll over onto your back." Silently the teen did as requested, resting his head on the armrest. David kissed Chad's neck then slid his palms over the bare chest. Silently, he continued his massage, his palms and fingertips exploring Chad's torso. David gently fingered the teen's small, now hard, nipples then lightly ran his fingers across his stomach. After a few minutes, Chad rolled off of David, standing beside the sofa. "What?" David asked, confused. Chad remained silent, then glanced down at his tented shorts. He looked at David questioningly. David raised his eyebrows and Chad flushed a bit. David smiled, then sat up of the sofa, placing his hands on Chad's bare waist and squeezed gently. He leaned forward and kissed Chad's navel, then stood, keeping his hands in place. Chad leaned into him, his arms sliding around David's waist. David returned the hug, feeling Chad pressing his erection against his matching one. "You sure?" David whispered. Chad nodded silently, his arms tightening. Awkwardly, Chad wasn't letting go, David turned off the remaining living room light. Then he pushed Chad away gently, his hands still on the teen's waist. He smiled reassuringly at the younger boy. A grin flashed across Chad's face, then David stumbled backward a step as Chad jumped onto him in a sort of reversed piggy-back position. David slid his hands under Chad's ass, supporting the blond teen. "Giddy-up," Chad laughed softly. "You're definitely getting too heavy for this," David complained, smiling. Then, with the blond teenager wrapped around him, he made his way toward the bedroom. ****************************************************************************** My 'editor' had a lot of comments on this For some reason, he remembered more than I did. The second submission had no 'red marks' at all... :-) Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup