Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 15:06:55 -0800 (PST) From: Fup Duck Subject: Life Goes On - David and Chad #9 STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This is the continuation of David's story. One of two boys loving each other. So the same disclaimer applies. If you can't handle that, or it's illegal to read this in your area, or you're underage, then now is the time to leave. If you continue reading after that admonishment, Nifty and I aren't responsible. There could also be incidents of unprotected sex. As always, I don't condone this practice - especially in this day and age. Wooohooo, I LOVE this coaster ride ;-) Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 8 "Night, kiddo. Love you." "Me too," Chad whispered as his breathing deepened. With Chad draped on top of him, David gently shifted until he found a somewhat more comfortable position. He loosely wrapped his arms around his....boyfriend - yes, that was the word - and with a little difficulty managed to slip into sleep himself. LIFE GOES ON - DAVID AND CHAD #9 - Pillow Talk and Closure The roll of thunder brought him up from slumber into semi-wakefulness. He was laying on his side with an arm draped loosely across his waist. Content, he started drifting off again. "David," Chad whispered. "You awake?" Feigning sleep, he remained silent. He felt Chad's breath on his face, and his body gently pressed against his own. He could definitely wake up like this every morning. "David," Chad whispered again. Then he felt Chad's lips press softly against his. It was all he could do not to return the teen's show of affection, but he held back. "I love you, David," Chad whispered. Still pretending to be asleep, he shifted a little, draping his arm over Chad's side, and pulled him closer. He mumbled in his 'sleep,' then quieted. Chad wrapped his arm tighter over his waist and snuggled his head under David's chin. David smiled over Chad's head, happy to be where he was. "You're awake, aren't you?" Chad whispered. "Mmmmhmmmm." "I knew it." David hugged the teen tighter. "I love you too." Another roll of thunder broke the silence and David heard the heavy rain on the roof. "Sounds like a good day to stay in bed, huh?" "Yeah," Chad replied, rubbing his palm over David's back. Then with a slight push, he rolled David onto his back, draping his upper body across David's chest. "Rub my back," Chad mumbled. David chuckled and did as requested, his palm moving in circles on the warm skin. "Did you sleep well?" "Yeah," Chad responded with a slight hug. Then he added, "You talk in your sleep." "Yeah, I know. Can't understand it though." "Sounds like a foreign language," Chad chuckled. Then he rose up, looking at David's neck then into his face. "Where's Kelly's necklace?" "Took it off." "Why?" David gave Chad a brief kiss. "Because of this." "Oh." Then he buried his face in the side of David's neck, shifting so he was completely on top of David. The pressure on David's bladder from the teen's weight became too much to bear. "Umm, I hate to break this up, but I need to go to the bathroom." Chad sighed dramatically and rolled himself off David, allowing him to make his way to the toilet. He brushed his teeth while he was there then walked back into the bedroom and was brought to a halt by the sight of Chad's butt. He had pushed himself up on all fours and was grinning over his shoulder. "You like my butt, so I thought I'd let ya see it," Chad laughed, then wiggled it slightly. David pushed his immediate thoughts aside, and grinned. "Yeah, it's a cute one, but be careful, I might not be able to control myself if you keep that up." Chad collapsed on the bed in laughter, rolling onto his back. "Pervert." David shrugged, "What can I say?" Then smiling, he joined the teen on the bed, resting his back against the head board. He grabbed Chad's shoulders and moved him so he was sitting between his legs, back against David's stomach and chest. Chad sighed slightly, leaning his head back to rest on David's shoulder as his arms slid around Chad's waist. Chad shifted a little, rubbing his back against David's erection. He turned his head and grinned into David's face and whispered, "This is nice." David hugged the teen tighter, one palm sliding up and down Chad's stomach and chest. The back of his hand brushed against Chad's erection as he rubbed lower, the knuckles brushing along the top of the shaft. Chad moved his hands to the outside of David's raised knees, sliding over his calves. The overcast skies outside dimly lit the room, giving it an intimate mood as David continued to enjoy the feel of Chad's warmth against him. He nuzzled Chad's neck as he grasped the base of his erection. Chad leaned further back into David's embrace as the hand began to slide slowly up and down its length. Chad raised his knees, placing his feet flat on the bed, and tilted his head further back onto David's shoulder, his eyes closed. David moved his other hand to Chad's smooth balls, cupping them in his palm and gently rolling them around in his hand. Slowly stroking the teen's erection he nuzzled Chad's neck again, then briefly kissed the slightly parted lips as best he could. Chad's breathing started coming more heavily as David increased the speed of his hand. He tickled Chad's butthole with a finger of the hand on his balls, making Chad tense slightly. "Relax, kiddo," David whispered. Reassured, Chad once again relaxed into the feelings David was giving him. His breathing started to get heavier and was mixed with breathless, indecipherable words. David smiled and rested his chin on Chad's shoulder. He felt Chad's balls tighten and was pressed back against the headboard as Chad uttered a hoarse, "Yes," and began to cum, pushing back with his feet against the bed. The teen's first shot landed on his chest then two more pulsed onto his stomach, before trickling over David's hand. As his orgasm faded, Chad relaxed, allowing them to return to their previous position. David chuckled softly, and pressed his lips to Chad's exposed neck. His hands remained in place, one on Chad's softening shaft, the other on his balls, fingertip still gently rubbing the pucker. He stopped all movement as Chad opened his eyes, turned his head and looked at him. "Ummm, I...," Chad started. "Shush," David smiled, briefly kissing the teen's lips. Chad smiled, and closed his eyes again. Then he whispered, "I can't believe how good that felt." David silently tightened his arms slightly around him as Chad recovered, his breathing slowing to normal after a few minutes. Then Chad shifted a little. "Umm, I better wipe this up." David released his hug, allowing Chad to reach over the side of the bed for a shirt. The teen cleaned himself off, then returned to David's hug. David smiled a little. "So, once again, what happened to that shy guy I knew?" "I dunno," Chad shrugged. "It's different." "Ya think?" David teased. But Chad was still serious. "I dunno, it's weird. It's like - this sounds dumb - but it's like everything else is gone." Then he sighed a little in frustration. "That sounds stupid." "Nope," David assured. "It doesn't. It's like nothing else matters, right?" "Sorta, yeah." David chuckled. "Hard to explain, that's why I quit trying." He looked at the clock. "Maybe we oughta get out of bed and get you home, it's almost lunch." "Well, ummm, you...," Chad stammered, and pressed gently back against David's erection. "S'ok, no big deal, you owe me one. How's that?" Chad grinned and nodded. "Can I take a shower?" "No need to ask, kiddo. After all, this is your place too. You've got a key." Chad got off the bed and walked toward the shower, shooting a grin at David over his shoulder. "No funny stuff," he warned. "Me? Funny stuff? Never," David answered, holding up his hands. David waited until he heard the bathroom door close and the shower start before getting out of bed. He slipped on his gym shorts and walked to the bathroom door, planning on paying Chad back for his earlier 'fun.' The door was locked. He grinned wryly, then walked to the kitchen sink. He turned the hot water on full and let it run. Almost immediately he was rewarded with a muffled yelp from the bathroom. Grinning, he walked back to the bedroom, slipping back under the covers. A few seconds later, the shower shut off, and he heard Chad grumbling as he dried off. The bathroom door opened, and Chad first investigated the kitchen, turning off the faucet, then was glaring at David from the bedroom doorway. "I said no funny stuff." "Poltergeist," David answered innocently, trying unsuccessfully to keep a straight face. Chad humphed and walked toward the bureau. He found the drawer with his clothes, but no briefs. "Davey-wavey," he said in a sugar sweet voice, "where are my underwear?" "Guess you didn't bring any last time." "You know Davey-wavey, if you weren't my friend, you'd be in trouble," Chad replied in the same voice, still facing away. "Me in trouble because YOU forgot to bring undies?" Chad turned around slowly. David was surprised at the angry look on the teen's face as he walked toward the bed. He must have gone too far, dammit. Chad stood by the side of the bed now, wrapped in a towel, a thunderous expression on his face. "Uh, sorry?" David ventured. Chad shook his head, then at the same time his face broke into a grin and he pounced on a surprised David. He landed across David's stomach, almost driving the breath out of him and began to bounce. "Where are my underwear?" David wrapped his arms around the bouncing teenager as best he could and pulled him up next to him. He held the struggling, laughing blond until he caught his breath, then rolled over on top of him. David grinned into Chad's laughing face, "You really had me worried." "Davey-wavey," Chad laughed. David slid his hand down Chad's body and unfastened the towel, flipping it back to expose Chad's nude body. Chad slowly settled down as David's hand came to rest on his limp dick. "You're in big trouble, mister," he whispered. Chad snickered, "Yeah, sure, whatcha gonna do, torture me?" "Well, I was thinking about tickling you, but I came up with an even worse punishment." "Ummm, washing your car? But it's raining," Chad laughed. In answer, David pressed his lips against Chad's, sliding his tongue into the teen's mouth. Chad wrapped an arm over David's back and responded in kind. A breathless minute or two later, their lips parted, and David said, "So there." Chad smiled, "Some punishment." Then he writhed in laughter as David's fingers dug into his ribs. David relented, and gave Chad another brief kiss then rolled onto his back. "Your undies are in your bag on the top shelf of the closet." "Thanks, Davey-wavey," Chad laughed and began to get dressed as David watched from the bed. Fully dressed, he turned to David with his hands on his hips. "Well?" "Oh yeah, guess I oughta get dressed too, huh?" Chad snorted and sat on the bed to tie his shoes as David slipped into shorts and a t-shirt. Finished, he looked over at Chad, and smiled, "You know, I think I'll keep you around for a while." "If I want to stay, you mean." "Yup, completely up to you." "Well, I'm not breaking up yet," Chad grinned and stood, walking toward the door. David shook his head and followed him out. When David returned to the apartment after dropping off Chad at home, he began to straighten things up. Picking up Chad's clothes from the bedroom floor, he noticed something different. He looked down to see the picture of Chad standing beside that of him and Kelly - which was now in the new frame with a folded piece of paper stuck underneath. He unfolded the paper and read, "Happy housewarming, Love you a lot, Chad." David sat on the edge of the bed and held the note in front of him. He raised his eyes to the picture of a self-consciously grinning Chad, and whispered, "Love you too." Then he refolded the note, and slid it into his footlocker. He spent the rest of the afternoon buried in a book until it was time to get ready for his dinner at the Sites'. Showered and shaved, he arrived at the appointed time and knocked on the back door. "David!" Mrs. Sites greeted, wrapping him in a hug. "How are you? Come in, come in." "Hi, I'm doing okay, how about you guys?" David replied as Kelly's mother moved back to the stove. "Just fine, David, it's good to see you again. You've been a stranger." "Well, there's the man of the hour," Mr. Sites laughed, walking into the kitchen. "Hey, Mr. Sites." "Well, I'm making spaghetti and garlic bread," Mrs. Sites informed from the stove. "I remember how much you and Kelly liked it," she finished, her voice dropping a little. "Yeah, you always did make the best," David answered, keeping a cheerful tone. It was then it finally came home to him. He tried his best, but it was no use, the tears started. Almost immediately he was surrounded by Kelly's parents. "Oh David, we're sorry, we wanted this to be a good time," Mrs. Sites said sadly. "It is," David replied, wiping his face. "Sorta like being home." "Well, David," Mr. Sites said, clearing his throat, "we're glad you feel that way." Mrs. Sites turned to the stove, turning off the spaghetti and the three of them sat around the table for the next two hours as the meal coagulated in the pot, sharing memories. Tears and laughter were equally shared as they remembered someone who had been special to them all. As the conversation died off, Mr. Sites said, "We'd like you to go up and get something from his room, if you want. We're going to start cleaning up next week, and didn't know if you'd like to have anything." David nodded, touched at their thought. He slid back from the table, giving Kelly's parents a somewhat teary smile, then slowly walked up the stairs to Kelly's door. "Keep it together, Dave," he scolded himself, then turned the knob and walked into the dim room. Stepping around the footlocker and suitcases from Kelly's dorm room, he sat on the bed, looking around the familiar space. He grinned at the still messy desk. Kel sure was a slob when it came to stuff like that. It was weird. The room had the feel that Kel just left to go to the bathroom. It still SMELLED like him. He got off the bed and walked to the window, peeking through the curtains across to the zoo. He turned from the window, still smiling at the memories rushing through his mind, and sat once more on the bed. He slid up further and eased open the night stand drawer. "Strip poker, anyone?" he asked the empty room, seeing the worn deck of cards they had always used. Restless, he stood up again, and walked to the closet. He opened the door, almost empty, probably most of the stuff was in the suitcases. Looking at his watch - he'd been in here 15 minutes already, he was aware of movement behind him. He slowly turned to see Mr. Sites standing in the doorway. "Take as much time as you need, David," he said quietly. "We'll be downstairs." David nodded and watched as the door closed behind the man. There was so much here he could take. Everything reminded him of Kel. He sighed and reclined on the bed, hands clasped behind his head, staring at the ceiling. For now he was content just to lie here and remember, a smile turning up the corners of his mouth. "Okay, ya goof," he whispered. "Talk to me." He laid there for a few more minutes, then the restlessness roused him from the comfortable bed. Once again, he made a circuit around the room, picking up different items, then replacing them. Wait a minute, he had it. He walked to the closet, looking on the top shelf. No luck. He turned slowly and focused on the bed. With a grin, he walked over and dropped to his knees, leaning down to lift the edge of the comforter and look underneath. There it was. It didn't take him long to get what he wanted. He stood up, looked at the item in his hand and smiled as he slipped it into his pocket. Perfect. He took a deep breath, inhaling the room, then strode to the door. As he opened it and stepped into the hallway, he turned for one last look. "Gotcha," he chuckled. He softly closed the door behind him and walked down the stairs without a look back. He was still grinning when he entered the living room and sat down on the opposite end of the sofa from Mrs. Sites. "Well, David, did you find something?" she asked. "Sure did, thanks so much," David replied. Mr. Sites returned David's smile, "Well, whatever it is, it must be pretty decent." "Sure is." The three chatted for a few minutes more, then David rose to leave. "Thanks for the evening, it really meant a lot." "Well, we owe you a real dinner, David," Mrs. Sites laughed, as she and her husband rose to follow David to the door. She handed him a paper bag, "This should tide you over for a bit." David opened the bag, then looked at Kelly's parents and smiled. "Spaghetti and garlic bread, you didn't have to." "Just heat it up on the stove and it should be fine," Mrs. Sites answered. "Thanks, I appreciate this." "You're welcome, David. Remember, please don't be a stranger, you're welcome in this house anytime." "I won't be, promise." Then David said his farewells and went back to his car. He waved at the Sites' as he backed out of the driveway, then headed back to the apartment to drop off his 'goodies' before going to Sean's. It was almost ten o'clock by the time he arrived, and the party was in full swing. He didn't bother knocking, no one would hear him over the music anyway. He entered the house and was immediately recognized. "David Barker, you asshole, how are ya?" Sean yelled over the music and started toward him. They met halfway across the living room, and for a second stood awkwardly in front of each other. "Oh what the hell?" Sean laughed and wrapped David in a bear hug. David laughed and returned the hug, then grinned, "Takes one to know one, Sean." "Too true, hey c'mon, everyone's here," Sean stated then began leading David through the crowd. As they made their way through the house, David nodded, grinned, and said his hello's to those people he knew. Along the way, Jim, Mark, Steve, and Rhonda joined their procession which ended up in the kitchen. Hugs were exchanged, and Mark looked David over skeptically. "I dunno, it looks like David," Mark poked him with a finger, "feels like David," inhaled deeply, then gave a look of disgust, "and smells like David. Welcome back, man." David shook his head. These guys would never change. He glanced over toward Steve, who had his arm around Rhonda, "Long time, no see." Jim was leaning against the fridge, smirking, "Bout time you came up for air." David smirked back, "You guys' concern is touching." "Well, that's what friends are for," laughed Steve. David shook his head and pulled a soda out of the fridge, then leaned back against the counter. He took a swallow then looked up at the relative silence of his friends. They were holding their drinks in front of them. David smiled at their solemnity and raised his soda. He almost lost it when Steve said softly, "To those who can't be here." They made their toast and each of his friends made it a point to pat him on the shoulder before once again lightening the conversation. "So how's the pad?" asked Sean. "Not too shabby actually," answered David. "I can't believe you're domesticated," laughed Jim. "Who said anything about that?" joked David. "Laundry, dishes, cooking, sounds domestic to me." "Well, why don't you come over and practice sometime?" asked David. "Nah, wouldn't want to spoil your fun." "Well, I appreciate that." "No sweat." The conversation continued in this vein until the wee hours of the morning. When David looked at his watch, it was four A.M. "Oh man, I gotta get some sleep." All of them were yawning, almost asleep on their feet. They tiredly agreed with David's observation and after giving their thanks to Sean, and the exchange of phone numbers, they went their separate ways. David plodded up the steps to the apartment, opened the door and headed directly for the bedroom. He shed his clothes, and slipped on his gym shorts. When he stood up straight, he looked over to the pictures on the bureau and grinned tiredly. It was perfect. The small piece of red plastic in front of their picture was the best thing he could have thought of getting. He had finally captured the Big Red One. Still smiling, he flipped off the bedroom light and crawled into bed. Within minutes he was asleep. ****************************************************************************** By the way, Mrs. Sites' spaghetti was the BEST I have ever tasted! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup