Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 05:16:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Fup Duck Subject: Under Pressure 12 DISCLAIMER: Let's see: 1. If it's illegal - don't. 2. If you can't accept it - don't. 3. If you're underage - don't. That about covers it. And, THANKS to those who are leaving feedback. Don't be shy about contacting me, I honestly don't bite...nibble, maybe, but not bite. Here is Chapter 12.... Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 11 Not wanting to alert Kelly to the subject of their halt, Dale grinned at David and mouthed "atta boy" then started walking again. David just stood there stunned, then realizing that Dale wasn't pissed, he shrugged and ran to catch up with Kel. When Kel asked what happened, he responded, "Dale took notice my shirt was coming loose and tightened it up. Kelly glanced at Dale, and Dale said grinning, "He needs SOMEone to take care of him." Satisfied that the wool wasn't being pulled over his eyes, Kelly started walking again. The boys retraced their route, arriving home just as Mrs. Sites was ringing the iron bell outside the back door. UNDER PRESSURE 12 - Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting "Well, THERE you are," laughed Mrs. Sites, "I was starting to get worried that you boys decided that candy bars and water would be a better supper than what I was making." Examining the two youngsters with an appraising eye, she said, "And you two need a shower, make it quick." "Well, they were having so much fun, they must have lost track of time," Dale answered for the two boys who had started heading upstairs to get cleaned up, flashing a grin at David. Blushing, David followed Kelly upstairs, Dale's comment reminding him of what Dale had seen. Kelly, unaware of David's embarrassment, kept up the usual chattering about their explorations of the pit, pointedly not mentioning any of the extra-curricular activities - afraid that Mike or his dad would overhear their conversation. Reaching Kelly's room, the boys removed their dirty clothes down to their briefs. Kelly grabbed a clean pair of underwear, and grinned at David, who was sitting on his bed, staring at the Risk board that was still set up from last night. "Wanna join me?" Kelly giggled. David looked up at the comment, and hissed, "Shut UP! You want someone to hear you? You can be so stupid sometimes." Kelly took a step back at David's vehemence. What the heck? "Look, it was a joke, ok? Jeez, you don't have to get all upset. What's wrong with you anyway?" "Nothing's wrong with me, YOU'RE being dumb," David lashed out, rising to his feet. "Yeah, but I'm not being STUPID like you are!" And Kelly stalked off to the bathroom. Alone in Kelly's room, David took the chance to think. Sitting back down on the bed, again staring blankly at the game board, he thought about the afternoon. His smile over their activities soon turned sour when he remembered Dale's discovery. He knew what happened, David knew it. They had been caught. Now Dale would tell Kelly's parents, and probably Mike. Mike went to the same school as they did. He was an eighth grader. That meant the whole eighth grade would know. And it wouldn't be long before the whole school knew. He could see it clearly, the looks, the punches, the teasing. And when both sets of parents found out, that would be it for his friendship. He shook his head, losing Kelly as a friend wasn't worth what they had done, it was so stupid. His solitude was broken by Kelly coming into the room and snapping, "The shower's free." Not looking at his 'former' friend, David got a pair of clean briefs from his bag and headed off to shower. The hot water washed the sweat and grime away, but did nothing for what was going on inside his head. Finishing up, he went back to Kelly's room, to find it empty. Kelly had already dressed and went downstairs. "He doesn't even want to be around me," thought David. He had just finished dressing and was heading for the door when Dale poked his head in and said, "Supper's ready, slowpoke." Joining the family at the table, David sat quietly, mind still churning over his feelings. The normal light-hearted conversation swirled around him, he didn't look at Kelly, to be honest, he didn't look at anyone, sure that his guilt was written all over his face. Then, "David? What's wrong?" Looking up at Mrs. Sites, he smiled and said, "Nothing, just tired." Then an idea struck him. "And I don't think I'm feeling too well, I might call my mom after supper and just go home." "Well, I hope it isn't my cooking," smiled Mrs. Sites. "Oh no, not at all," David answered, still avoiding looking at Kelly, "just not feeling too good." The elder Sites' knew something was up between the two boys. They had seen it before, whenever Kelly and David had an argument, they acted this way. They both knew David wasn't sick, but kept the charade. However, Dale had an idea of what was going on. He guessed he'd have to handle it, somehow. After supper was finished, Mrs. Sites led David to the living room sofa. "Just lay down for a few minutes while we wash the dishes, and see if you feel better. Then if you don't, we'll call your parents and run you home, ok?" Yeah, ok, thanks." David smiled wanly. Kelly came through the living room, glanced at David, shook his head and went up to his room. He sat on the bed and wondered why David was acting the way he was. He wasn't sick, he knew that. He just wanted to leave. Was it what they had done? He didn't know, but he was going to find out. He went back down to the living room, and told David, "If you think you're going to go home, then you should get your stuff packed." Then he turned around and walked back upstairs. David sighed and thought it might be a good idea. He slowly walked upstairs and into Kelly's room. Then he was face down on the bed. He turned his face in time to see Kelly, beet-red with anger, closing the door. "What the HELL, is wrong with you?" David knew Kelly was upset at his actions, but now he knew he had probably crossed a line. Kelly never cussed unless he was ready to start swinging. Deciding the best defense was a good offense, he leapt off the bed and stood facing Kelly, who was coming closer, fists clenched at his sides. "Nothing's wrong with me! You're the one who's being stupid." Kelly started raising a fist, "You know, you can really be an asshole." Getting within swinging distance, he cocked his fist and swung, hitting David in the chest. David recovered and launched himself at Kelly, knocking him to the floor, Kneeling over his friend, he brought his own fist back ready to exact revenge. "I am NOT an asshole, asshole!" Then the door opened, and before it had registered in his mind, he found himself knocked back against the wall, none too gently, looking up at Dale, who was holding his little brother down. "Look," Dale hissed, "you two better settle down, or I'm going to put you both in an early grave. I don't know what's going on, but this is going to stop now." The younger boys knew Dale was serious. Both had learned that when Dale's voice was calm and just above a whisper, he was upset. And two 11-year-olds had no chance against a 17-year-old, especially Dale. Dale continued, "Now, we're going to finish this crap." Motioning David toward Kelly's bed, he ordered, "Sit." David sat. He had only seen Dale this way once before, and that was when Mike had stepped over the line. Mike's lack of common sense had given him a bloody nose. Already punched once today, he had no interest in getting it again. Dale picked up his brother by the arm and half-threw him on the bed beside David. He definitely had their attention. Standing there and looking down at the two petrified boys, Dale smiled inwardly. A smile on his face would ruin the moment, and this would never get worked out. Seeing the boys settle down a little, the realization that they weren't going to get pounded allowing them to relax a little. Unconsciously, they had moved closer to one another, friends ready to defend the other. Dale took a breath, still standing, and began, "Look, I know what's going on I think." This got a confused look from Kelly, and a fearful one from David. "Kel, I know you and David are very good friends - probably best friends, right?" A nod from Kelly. "David, I know you're upset about what happened today." David jerked in surprise, and Kelly quavered, "You saw us?" "No, but I saw the result," Dale grinned at David. "That's what I was doing with David's shirt today. He had some of the 'result' still on his stomach." Almost in tears, Kelly hung his head and said, "Don't tell anyone, it won't happen again." David nodded his agreement at Dale, who wasn't quite finished, "I'm not telling anyone, what you two do is your business. And I don't really think that 'it won't happen again'." This last sentence was with a smile. Surprised and relieved, but still wary at their good fortune, both boys looked up at Dale. Kelly asked, "Not even mom and dad?" "No, not even mom and dad. This is between us. The only thing they think is that you two are having a big fight. Nothing more." The relief was almost strong enough to see. "Look," Dale said, "guys experiment all the time. I did. You are. I bet even dad did when he was younger." "So you're not mad and you're not going to tell?" Kelly asked again. "I told you, hardhead, no. Just keep it between yourselves, and if you do it again, don't get caught. Today was just bad luck. I had no clue what was going on until I saw the 'mess' on David's stomach." He grinned. Looking at David, serious now, "Are you ok?" David half-smiled and replied, "I guess." "Good, now I've got to get out of here and meet Karen. I thought since I probably knew what was happening, I'd better say something." Turning to leave, he asked, "You two cool?" For the first time since supper, David looked over at Kelly, who nodded and replied, "Yeah, cool." "Ok, let's just not let this happen again. And if you're going to throw punches, do it in the yard, less mess that way." Waiting until Dale had went downstairs, Kelly put his arm across David's shoulders, and gave a light squeeze. "Friends?" David smiled and did the same, "Best." "Now, I'm REALLY gonna kick your butt," grinned Kelly, looking at the Risk board. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you and what army?" "The Big Red One," Kelly laughed. The boys became engrossed in their game, the friendly moans and yells making their way down the stairs to where Mr. and Mrs. Sites were reading in the living room. Smiling to themselves, they heaved an imaginary sigh, and continued reading. Back in the war zone, Kelly had trapped David's remaining forces in Australia. Grinning at his friend, he teased, "Surrender?" "Kiss my butt," David laughed, "I'm gonna make my move real soon." "Maybe," Kelly replied. David mentally jerked, "'Maybe'?, "he thought, "maybe what?" The end of the game was a foregone conclusion, Kelly marched his armies, led by the Big Red One into Australia and ended up victorious. "Yeah, I'm the Emperor of the World!" he announced. "Now you can kiss MY butt!" Both boys started laughing. "I thought I did today," said David, referring to their afternoon kissing. Somewhat confused, Kelly said, "You didn't kiss my butt..." then as realization dawned, he leapt onto David, pinning him against the floor. Kelly swung his jean clad butt over David's face and laughed, "Kiss it, you goob." David struggled, trying to get out from under his friend. His laughter making it difficult to make a concerted attack. Kelly started lowering his butt to David's face. "I said kiss it, the loser ALWAYS kisses the winner's butt." "Somehow, I don't think I've ever read THAT in the history books," came a laugh from the doorway. Freezing in position, both boys looked up to see Mr. Sites leaning against the doorway, laughing at the antics of the two boys. Seeing they weren't in trouble, Kelly answered, "Really? Maybe they just didn't write it down." "Oh, I'm sure something THAT interesting would have made it in there, and now you two get to bed, it's midnight, and your mom and I would like to get a LITTLE sleep tonight." Releasing David, and standing up, Kelly reached his hand down to his vanquished enemy. David grabbed hold of Kelly's offered hand, and with a grin, yanked him back down to the floor. "Boys, I meant NOW!" ordered Kelly's dad, still with a small grin. "Ok, dad." The boys performed their nightly ritual, and returned to Kelly's room, stripping down to their briefs once again. Closing the door and turning off the light, both boys were still quietly talking about their game. David was just getting into his bag, when Kelly whispered, "Just get in bed with me, we'll probably end up that way anyway. It's hard to talk when you're on the floor." Surprised, David slid in next to Kelly, pulling the blankets up over both of them. There followed an uncomfortable silence. Neither boy wanted to start first. David sighed, and turned his face to look at Kelly, "I'm sorry I was such an idiot today." "Well, idiots can't help it," giggled Kelly. Gently punching his friend, he replied, "Yeah, you would know." Kelly, in mock anger, smacked David's stomach with his hand. Instead of removing it however, he left it there, slightly rubbing it around David's mid-section. "So what did Dale mean earlier, about using your shirt?" David giggled nervously, "Well I still had some cum there. And he saw it and wiped it off." Kelly groaned, "Oh man, no wonder you were upset." "Yeah, I really thought he saw us," David whispered. "Glad he didn't, that was close." "It was fun though," David ventured, relaxing under the hand now rubbing from his chest to his navel. "Yeah, it feels great!" Kelly giggled, grabbing David's crotch. Jerking in response, David then started rubbing his palm over Kelly's side. The boys turned onto their sides, draping their free arms over the others' waists. Now face to face in the dark, they continued with their dialogue. "You know, I've never done stuff like this with another guy," Kelly whispered. "Really? But you have two brothers," David replied, thinking of John and Scott. "Ewww, no way," shuddered Kelly. "We'd just end up fighting about it, like we do everything else." "Yeah, but Dale seems pretty cool about it." "Yeah, but I don't want to play with him, and well...." Kelly tapered off. David thought Kelly was about to say something important, he didn't know what it was, but really wanted to know. "Well, what?" he asked. "Well, nothing. Anyway, you have to kiss my butt now, loser." "No way!" David exclaimed, "You'd fart on me or something." "No I wouldn't, you didn't fart on me today." David noticed a different tone in Kelly's banter. It had a serious note to it. But kiss his butt? He didn't think so. That was just gross. "If you kiss mine, I'll kiss yours," Kelly whispered. Looking for the barest hint of teasing on Kelly's face, David answered, "You will?" "Yeah." "Ummm, with or without underwear?" "Whatever." David swallowed nervously. Did he really want to go there? It was gross, you crapped out of that thing. Sensing David's thoughts, Kelly sighed, "We don't have to." "But you'll kiss mine, right?" "Told ya I would. And we took a shower so it's not dirty or anything." "I dunno." "Ok, I'll kiss yours first. But if I do, you HAVE to kiss mine," Kelly offered. "Well....I guess it'd be ok." "Roll over," Kelly said, pushing David's side. Nervously, David rolled onto his stomach, leaving his briefs up. He wasn't sure what Kelly wanted to do, so better safe than sorry. Kelly kicked back the covers, exposing David from the ankles up. He knelt beside David, looking at his friend. He ran one hand down David's back, smiling when he felt the boy shiver. Then his hand was at the waistband of David's briefs. David remained perfectly still, feeling Kelly's palm on his lower back. He had an idea of what he wanted, well his dick did - it was hard. Kelly left his hand there for a few minutes, making up his mind. He really liked David, they were best friends, but it was a little more than that. He didn't know exactly what it was, but his question earlier about being 'boyfriends' was half-serious. Boyfriends kissed girlfriends and the other way around, but they were both boys and they had kissed. But could they be 'boyfriends'? Maybe not really, maybe just REAL good friends. Kelly would have been surprised at David's thoughts as he laid there waiting for something to happen. Well, maybe not surprised, after all, the boys were on the same wavelength most of the time. The same thoughts were running through David's mind. His parents had always told him he thought too much. Maybe he was doing it again, but for some reason he felt that it was justified, at least this time. He smiled to himself, and shook his butt, "It's getting sort of chilly, man." David's body moving beneath his hand shook Kelly from his thoughts. Snickering quietly, he whispered, "Poor baby," as he patted David's butt. He lowered his face to David's left cheek and kissed the cloth covered flesh with a smacking sound. David was sort of shocked that Kelly had actually done it. Kelly had kissed his butt! Wow. He grinned and teased, "Boy, if you kiss like that all the time, I don't know if I want to do it anymore." Interrupting his return to David's side, he slipped his fingers inside the waistband of David's briefs, yanked the back down until about half of David's butt was bare, and without thinking, placed another kiss on David's half bare left cheek. Then he pulled the briefs back up and flopped next to his shocked friend. He stuck his tongue out, and grinned. David just laid there. Kelly had kissed his bare butt! Oh man, it was so quick he didn't really know how it felt, but just the fact that he had was exciting enough. "I can't believe you did that." Kelly grinned into David's face and stuck his tongue out again. "Your turn." "Yeah, yeah," he mock sighed, raising up on his knees as Kelly rolled onto his stomach. When Kelly reached back and pushed his briefs down, David had second thoughts. "What are you doing?" "You owe me. As a matter of fact you owe me TWO," Kelly said, and shook his butt at David. David grinned ruefully, the tease taking over again, he smacked one of Kelly's butt cheeks lightly. "Owww," Kelly playfully moaned, "NOW you have to kiss it and make it feel better." "Oh ok, you big baby," David whispered and lowered his lips to where he had smacked Kelly. He pressed his lips against the smooth skin for a second then backed off. "It still doesn't feel any better," Kelly complained. Grinning at the game that Kelly was playing - it was making this a lot easier, he put his hand on Kelly's butt and rubbed. "Feel better now?" he giggled. Kelly sighed, "Yeah, that feels good, but it still hurts." "Big baby," David responded, and kissed the skin again, holding for a few seconds, then returned to lay beside Kelly, who was still on his stomach. "All better now?" questioned David. "Ummm, yeah, all better," sighed Kelly, turning his face toward David and smiling. David felt the urge for lip to lip contact and started to move his face closer to Kelly's. As they got closer, a look of realization came across their faces at about the same time. They leapt out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, using a damp towel to wipe their mouths. Returning to the bed, both boys giggled and Kelly said, "That was close." "Yeah." David then kissed his friend, Kelly answering back with his own kiss. Flopping back on their backs, sides touching, they lay there lost in thought. "That was pretty cool," ventured Kelly after a few seconds. "I still can't believe we did that." By what seemed mutual agreement, both boys' closest hands went to the other's crotch. "You're hard too," whispered Kelly. "Duh," answered David. "You're so smart." Soon the fondling intensified, and briefs were discarded. Stroking each other, David remembered something from earlier this afternoon, and moved his head onto Kelly's stomach, getting a closer view of his friend's hard dick. He felt Kelly's stomach tense then relax as he realized what David was doing. "Did ya think I was going to kiss IT?" David giggled. "Sorta," came the reply, then a mumble. Turning his head to look up, he asked, "What?" "Nothing." "You said something," accompanied by a squeeze on the hard tube of flesh. "Ow, stop." "Not til you tell me what you said," David replied, not releasing his hold. "Ok, I said 'I dare ya', now stop squeezing!" Holding his hand still, not looking at his friend's face, he whispered, "I dare YOU!" Looking at the head of Kelly's dick at close range, his challenge seemed the right thing to do at the time. Now he wasn't so sure. Kelly pulled away from David's hand, spinning his body around so his face was at David's crotch and vice versa (when I was 11, the only thing 69 was, was the number after 68). "At the same time," whispered Kelly. "On three," came the shaking voice from David, "One......Two....Three." At the same time, both boys puckered their lips and kissed the head of the dick in front of them. Matching shudders went through their bodies as lips met sensitive flesh. Only lasting a second, then the boys resumed their previous positions side by side, heads together on the pillow. Total silence. Before the silence could get to a dangerous point, David whispered, "Wow." "Yeah, that was sort of nice." Hands once again finding their targets, it didn't take long before the boys were softly moaning as their orgasms reached their peak. Kelly was first, with David following a few seconds later. Both boys noticed that their hands remained dry. The got the same strong, wonderful feeling and their dicks flexed, but nothing came out. As the difference began to work its way into their minds they started to get nervous. Each had the same thought, they had done something that 'broke' their dicks. Looking at each other, not finding any answers, they had no clue of what to do now. "Think we have to go to a doctor?" Kelly asked. "I hope not, that would be way to embarrassing." "We did something, didn't we?" "I don't know." "Man, now we're not gonna be able to have babies," Kelly worried. Both boys were wide awake, all thoughts of sleep, and of the previous mutual pleasure overshadowed by worry and fear. Kelly thought of something, "Wait here." "Where you going?" "I just need to do something, I'll be right back." Kelly pulled up his briefs, and eased the door open, turning the corner and walking down the hallway. David waited. His nervousness made him want to throw-up and the feeling got so strong he started toward the bathroom. Slowly making his way down the dark hallway, he was somewhat startled by a "psssst" from behind him. "Where you going?" asked Kelly, coming up to him. "I think I need to puke." "That bites," whispered Kelly, "when you're done, come back, I found out something." Then he grinned. Shuffling away from Kelly, David remembered the grin. Something was seriously wrong with them and Kelly was grinning. What the heck? By the time he made to the bathroom, the immediate feeling of wanting to throw-up had changed to a severe need to drain his bladder. "Well, at least THAT still works," he thought. Finished, he washed his hands, and made his way back to Kelly's room. Kelly was in bed, blankets pulled up to his chin, and smiling. SMILING? Kelly whispered for him to get in, then turned on his side, facing his friend. "Ok, I talked to Dale, and....." "You talked to DALE?" David interrupted, almost in a panic. "Hey, take a pill, man. Relax, he told me what was going on, I couldn't think of anybody else. Just listen," Kelly half pleaded. Breathing raggedly, not believing Kelly went to someone else, let alone his BROTHER, David was too stunned to move. "Look, Dale said that stuff like that happens, that's it's like normal," Kelly continued. "He said sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. He said that he's surprised that we can shoot at all, but since we are 11..." "Almost 12," David had found his voice. "...that sometimes we don't do anything except 'get the feeling.' He said nothing's wrong, it's normal." As Kelly's words began to sink in, David began to relax. But DALE? "I bet Dale had a lot of fun with that," mumbled David. "Well he was sort of mad that I woke him up, but he was real cool about it." "Ummm, he's not gonna make fun of us is he?" "I don't know, but he seemed ok with talking to me, he said that I looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, or something like that." "I dunno, Kel. Maybe that wasn't a good idea. I mean, jeeeez, after what happened today?" "Dave, he said he was cool with that, that's why I thought he could tell me what was going on." "Well, he's your brother, but if he tells anyone..." David stopped, knowing the threat had no substance. "Relax, man," Kelly answered. "We're ok." Wanting to believe, yet not knowing whether to or not, after all, Dale had teased them before, David felt he HAD to believe it or be a nervous wreck, as his mom said. "You believe him?" One last try. "Yeah, I think so. I don't think he'd tease about something like that." Hesitantly, "Ok, if you believe him, then I'll believe you." Kelly squeezed David's shoulder, "It's cool." "Ok," came the reluctant reply, as David made to get out of bed. "Why don't you just stay here?" Kelly asked. "Wouldn't that be a little weird?" "Why? We've slept in the same bed before. And anyway, we need sleep, and the bed is a lot more comfy than the floor." "Ok, just don't rape me," David's sense of humor was returning. Snorting, Kelly answered, "I'm too tired." Both boys settled under the covers, Kelly on one side of the bed, David on the other. Soon the only sound was the soft, deep breathing of the two boys. They were sound asleep when Dale, on his way back from the bathroom, looked in on them. Smiling as he noticed them laying back to back against each other, he figured that his explanation to Kelly had settled both boys down enough that they could sleep. Quietly closing the door, he went back to bed. ****************************************************************************** I know that some of these scenes may seem a little melodramatic at times. But think back to when you were 11. Get my drift?? Plus it's a lot easier to put into words now, with a 42 year old vocabulary instead of a 11 year old one. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup