Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 06:08:49 -0700 (PDT) From: Fup Duck Subject: Under Pressure 17 DISCLAIMER: Let's see: 1. If it's illegal - don't. 2. If you can't accept it - don't. 3. If you're underage - don't. That about covers it. Here is Chapter 17.... Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 16 Getting back home, David took off his uniform, hung it up, and slipped on a pair of sweats, said goodnight to his mom, and went to bed. His last thought before he drifted off was, "Where did John come up with that initiation thing?" But he was smiling as he slipped into sleep. UNDER PRESSURE 17 - Initiation As always, David was excited about his Scout trip. Even when it was a 'working' trip. Even moreso now that he was a Patrol Leader. He had received the patch in a casual ceremony the Thursday night before the trip, and his mom had sewn it on when he got home. It was the beginning of May, and once again they were unpacking the Scout gear from the vehicles and getting set up. A different cabin from last time, this one was a little smaller and didn't have quite as many bunks, but still large enough for the troop. David and John had discussed this 'initiation' thing over the previous few days, working out this new twist. They had no clue what to do except carry though with the idea John had spouted off the top of his head two Thursdays ago. Not that David minded, or John for that matter, but how did they pull it off without the leaders or other boys getting suspicious? Neither one knew at that time, that these initiations would be an unofficial part of the troop's history for many years. Pulling David aside before they left town, John told him he had bought some rope, telling his parents he was working on knots over the weekend when they saw it in his gear. David was a little nervous about being caught, but was willing to give it a shot. Now with the troop gear unpacked and stowed, the boys chose their bunks. Once again David and John got adjacent bunks, with Scott on John's right side and Neal on David's left. Matt had to settle for being next to Neal, but across a narrow walkway between bunks. The younger boys were bouncing off the walls with the excitement of the trip and soon began to grate on the leaders' nerves. "David! Tell those boys if they don't settle down, they'll be walking the road until they wear out," yelled Mr. Frantz grimacing at the noise. John and David looked at each other and grinned, the first part of their plan falling into place by accident. David tried to quiet Scott, Matt, and Neal, but it was no use - and to be honest, he really wasn't trying. Making his way over to the Scoutmaster, he smiled, "I think I'm going to have to do it anyway." Laying on his bunk with his arm across his eyes, Mr. Frantz responded, "Don't bring 'em back until they're ready to drop." His sentiment was echoed by the two assistants, who nodded and grinned. David went back over to the three boys, who were now play wrestling on Matt's bunk. "C'mon guys, let's take a walk." Then, looking at John, he asked, "Wanna come?" "I guess," he replied with mock reluctance. The three boys had donned their sneakers, and light jackets and were waiting outside the door of the cabin. David and John followed, David grabbing his flashlight. Just as they were ready to leave, John said, "Hold on, I forgot my flashlight." Then went back inside. "Think we need ours?" Scott asked, noticing it was twilight. "Nah, we'll have ours. And anyway, it will keep you from wandering off," David joked. The door to the cabin closed after John, and he grinned, held up his flashlight, patted his jacket pocket and said, "All set, let's go." The five boys walked up the road toward the other cabins. As before, they were the only troop using the camp this weekend. Passing the other two darkened cabins, the boys chattered about the camp, John and David supplying any information they knew. Nearing the end of the camp road, they turned back. It was now getting dark, but as they turned back, the younger boys were still as worked up as when they began. Passing their cabin, they took notice one of the Assistant Scoutmasters standing outside smoking. David looked at him and shrugged his shoulders, gesturing to the three boys walking slightly ahead of him. The man smiled and made walking signs with two fingers, motioning them to keep walking. As they neared the entrance to the camp, David and John turned off onto the dirt road that had been pointed out to them on the last trip, barely wide enough for a car. Keeping their flashlights on the ground in front of them they stopped about 1/4 mile back the road. Scott, Matt, and Neal, still gabbing weren't paying attention and collided with the two older boys. "Why'd ya stop," complained Scott to his brother. The older boys didn't say a word as they raised the beams of their flashlights, showing a dilapidated iron fence and the stone markers inside. Scott looked at his brother with a mixture of anger and fear, "You said it was tomorrow night." Grinning, John replied, "I lied. Now," gesturing toward the fence, "after you." "You said..." Scott started. The younger boys, now realizing that John and David hadn't been teasing, stood their ground. "No way, not in there." David understood what they were feeling. It WAS spooky. No lights, except the flashlights, the only sounds were the normal nighttime noises of the Pennsylvania woods. The graveyard was small, almost like a family plot, the rusted iron fence leaning over in places and missing in others. The tombstones were old and weathered, hard to read. Some had fallen or been knocked over. "It was a typical ghost story cemetery," thought David. Looking at the younger boys' faces he smiled, "C'mon, don't be chicken." Guiding the younger boys reluctantly inside the fence, John said, "If you want to be members of the troop, you have to do this, we did." Furthering John's misinformation, David said, "Yeah, it was scary, but we're still here aren't we?" "But...." started Neal, then shoulders slumping, mumbled, "Ok." "Ok, take 'em off," grinned David, shining the light toward the ground. As John pulled the rope out of his pocket, the three younger boys began to strip. "Since it's chilly," John said, "you don't need to take your pants off, just drop 'em to your ankles and get back against the fence." Shivering with a combination of the night air and a little nervousness the boys did as they were told. The three boys stood with their heads down next to the fence, their pants around their ankles as John started tying them. As he finished tying their legs and arms to the fence, he whispered, "Now, you have to get out, and back to the cabin in an hour." Walking back toward David, he grinned and motioned to the gate. The two older boys left through the fence and started walking back up the road, leaving Scott, Matt, and Neal alone in the darkened graveyard. John and David walked until they were out of sight behind their three captives and stopped, turning off their flashlights. John whispered, "I'm going to go back to the end of the road to make sure nobody comes." David nodded agreement, and John loudly said, "We'll see you later." Then walked away, his flashlight guiding him. David remained in place silently watching the younger boys struggling with the rope without success. Scott was angrily working at his rope, Matt was trying to snake his way out, and Neal, after a brief struggle was just standing there. Matt and Scott were discussing how to pay David and John back, their ideas becoming more and more deadly as they talked. Neal just stood there, not contributing to the scheming. After about five minutes, the boys finally realized that there was no way they were going anywhere. David watched all of this with mixed feelings. It was sort of cool, but in a way sort of mean too. He silently moved closer and heard Neal mutter, "He said he was going to be here." "Yeah, but he's not," snapped Scott. "Yeah, Neal, they left," stated Matt. "Who left?" said David, startling the younger three. "You guys are dicks," angrily answered Scott. Moving around in front of the three tied boys, David saw anger on Scott's face, relief on Matt's and a strange look on Neal's. "Ok, if you guys will relax, I'll untie you." Untying Matt first, the boy reached down to pull up his jeans, and mumbled a thanks. Moving to a still angry Scott, David untied his legs, and had just released his arms when Scott lashed out with a punch that caught David in the stomach, doubling him over. "There, you dick." Pulling up his pants, he ran out of the graveyard saying he was going to do the same when he found John. Matt took off after him, probably wanting to see what would happen. After catching his breath, David moved over to Neal, untying him. Then, bent over with his hands on his knees, he heard the boy say, "Thanks for not leaving." Raising his head to look at Neal, he saw a small grin on his face. Answering with a wry grin of his own, David lowered his head again. Pulling up his pants, Neal put his hand on David's back, "You ok?" "Man, I'd hate to be John right now," David replied. Neal chuckled, "You should see them fight at home." Raising his upper body slowly, keeping the pain to a minimum, he looked at Neal and grinned, "Let's go see the fight of the year." He draped his arm over Neal's shoulder, gave a small squeeze, then guided him out of the cemetery toward an eerie silence at the end of the road. Removing his arm from Neal's shoulders, he said half-seriously, "Well someone must be dead." Neal seemed just as concerned, after all, he had seen the brothers fight before firsthand, and it was ALWAYS a noisy brawl. But there was no sound from the end of the road. He shuddered and moved closer to David, "It's chilly out here." Once again draping his arm across the younger boys shoulders, David continued toward where John should be. The light from his flashlight coupled with the moonlight was bright enough to reveal no one was there. The boys stopped just inside the treeline in surprise. David was worried now, very worried. Where were they? Did Scott take out John, or go tell someone what happened? Only one way to find out, the boys started back up the road to the cabin. They had barely gotten out of the woods when they were attacked. Laughing and yelling, John, Scott, and Matt leapt on the two other boys from the side. Literally screaming in fright, Doug and Neal collapsed under the assault. Recovering their senses somewhat, they began to wrestle back. Soon, all five were laughing, the previous fright forgotten. As the boys got themselves together, John giggled, "Man, you two almost crapped yourselves." "Yeah, well, you would have too. Jeez, we thought you two had killed each other." Matt filled the others in on what he had seen, "When I followed him out, Scott had just reached John and jumped on him. After they hit the ground, they were too close to hit each other, so John started tickling. Scott tried to get away, but couldn't and pretty soon they were both laughing. That's when we decided to scare you guys and hid." "Yeah, you two are still dicks," glared Scott, but couldn't hold the serious expression and started laughing. Sufficiently worn out from their escapade, the boys walked to the cabin, chuckles and laughs interrupting their conversation. David became serious, "You guys," gesturing to the three younger boys, "need to settle down and get to bed when we get inside." "I am sort of tired," yawned Matt. The other four agreed with that sentiment, and they entered the cabin. As they walked in, the younger boys headed for their bunks, and the leaders flashed smiles at David and John. Most of the other boys were laying in their bags, quietly talking, since it was close to lights out. David, John, and Scott stripped to their briefs and crawled into their bags. Neal and Matt looked at each other, took off their shoes and socks, and climbed into their upper bunks. David shrugged at the two shy boys, knowing they would be miserable in the morning after sleeping in their clothes, but didn't say anything. After the lights were out, David felt movement beside him and then a voice whispered in his ear, "That was sort of fun tonight." David smiled in the dark, and replied, "Yeah, I guess, but I sort of feel bad, I didn't realize John was going to tie you guys so tight." "Yeah, I was really worried when you guys left." "Well, we didn't really, you know that, just had to make it look like it." "Yeah, I guess," came the whispered response. As the whispers around the room began to die down, David whispered to Neal, "You know, sleeping in your clothes is nasty." "Yeah, but...." Neal trailed off. "Look it's ok, I was shy too, but we're all guys, you know?" "Ok, but don't look." David grinned and turned his head toward John. Noticing movement under his bag, he looked closer. The brothers had their hands inside each other's sleeping bags and seemed to be having a good time. Both had their eyes closed and were laying there as if asleep, but the slight movements at their groins and their smiles gave them away. David was a little disappointed. He thought that maybe he and John would do some more playing around, but it looked like that was out of the question. Hearing a soft snort behind him, he turned to see Neal propped up looking over at John and Scott. "They're doing it again," came the soft declaration as Neal then burrowed into his sleeping bag. "You've seen them do it before," asked David, surprised. "Every time I spend the night, Scott goes to say goodnight to John and doesn't come back for a while. One time I snuck to the door and saw them naked playing with their...well, you know," finished Neal, embarrassed. "And you didn't go in?" joked David. "Nah, I think they'd get mad or something if they knew I saw them." "And Scott's punches hurt," said David, his stomach still a little tender from earlier. "Yeah..." whispered Neal, then silence. David thought Neal was asleep when he barely heard, "You wanna?" "Wanna what?" answered David. "You know..." "Ummm, well, I guess," David's reluctant response hiding his true feelings. He slid his bag closer to the edge of his bunk, and Neal did the same. Their hands brushed against each other as each one reached into the other's bag. "Don't make fun of me," whispered Neal, "I'm little." "No way," answered David, making contact with Neal's warm hip. Both boys were totally silent as their hands made their respective journeys. David tentatively placed his palm over Neal's groin. Neal sighed quietly as he found David's hardness at about the same time. "Wow, you're a lot bigger than me," whispered Neal, "and you've got hair." David whispered, "Thanks, but I'm not that big." Neal just held David's boyhood in his hand as the older boy explored his small, but hard dick. Neal's dick was maybe as long as his thumb but sort of thick, David's hand covered it and Neal's small balls, as he just rubbed it slowly. David sort of moved his hips up and down, sliding his hard dick through Neal's wrapped fingers. Getting the hint, Neal started sliding his hand slowly, as David continued to explore his own little hairless dick. Suddenly, Neal gave a small gasp and tightened his hand almost painfully on David's dick. David felt Neal's little erection jerk against his hand once or twice then settle back to it's normal hardness. Neal remained hard, to David's naive surprise, and began playing with the older boy's hard shaft again. "Wow, that was the best," whispered Neal, "do it some more." Happy to oblige, David returned to exploring Neal's groin. Squeezing the boy's dick gently between his finger and thumb he felt the boy shudder. Neal, meanwhile, had quickened his stroking on David's dick. As he felt the tension coming to all the parts that felt good, he whispered, "You'd better stop unless you want a mess." Neal slowed his stroking, somewhat confused over David's comment, but didn't stop. David's hand felt so good, he was trying to make his friend feel the same. Neal felt David's body go stiff, and his hard dick get even harder, then felt some sticky wet stuff on his hand. When David came, he inadvertently squeezed Neal's erection, making it jerk again, which went unnoticed by the older boy, lost in his own feelings. Sort of grossed out by the stuff on his hand, Neal pulled his hand away from David's softening member. "You didn't pee on me did you?" "No man, that was my jizz (a word Kelly had picked up from Mike and had happily passed on to David). It's what makes babies when you're older." "It's still gross," answered Neal, rubbing the small amount of liquid on the outside of his sleeping bag. "I told you to stop." "Yeah, but I wanted to see what happened." "Well, you did," quietly giggled David. "Does it always do that?" Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't," David shrugged in the dark, "yours will too when you get some hair." "I hope not, it's messy." "It will, and it feels real good." "Maybe," answered Neal, not impressed. David gave the still hard dick in his hand a final gentle squeeze. "We oughta get some sleep, we have to cook breakfast in the morning." "Oh, yeah, I forgot," Neal answered, feeling David's hand retreating into his own bag. He slid his underwear back up, zipped his bag closed and rolled toward David, who was doing the same. "Hey Dave?" "Yeah?" "That felt nice, thanks," Neal said with a smile. "Yeah, it felt good to me too, Neal." "Can we do it some other time?" "If you want to, it's up to you." "Ok." Neal rolled onto his stomach as David turned to his right side, to be met with John's grinning face, "Have fun?" Somewhat embarrassed at being caught, even by John, he replied, "Shut up, you were doing it too." "Yep, and it was fun....wasn't it?" Resignedly, David replied, "Yeah, it was. Now I've got to go to sleep." "Yeah, Mr. Cook First Class," John giggled, "I want my eggs scrambled." Smiling tiredly back, "Whatever," he replied. Both boys were soon asleep, each to his own separate, but similar, dreams. ***************************************************************************** There, a Scout sex tale. LOL, yes, it happened. Almost exactly the way portrayed. About the only difference is the fact that "Matt" wasn't asleep when all this was going on. He never took part, and always appeared asleep, but I guess he was a voyeur at heart. He really doesn't work into the story, except as an extra, so don't get your hopes up. :-) If David all of a sudden seems more knowledgeable (I can hear the "It's not realistic" people now), remember that it's been months since he and Kelly started 'messing around.' Do you think they only discussed volcanoes when they were together? Older brothers can be a curse or a godsend, in "Kelly's" case, they were the latter, especially "Dale." Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup