Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 05:10:08 -0700 (PDT) From: Fup Duck Subject: Under Pressure 8 DISCLAIMER: The typical warnings apply. Just don't do anything that will cause you to end up in a jail cell with a big guy named Bubba, who's looking for a 'wife.' I'll start of with an apology to those who were expecting Chapter 7 to be posted over the weekend (like I said I was going to do). I ended up spending the weekend in DC with someone I met while I've been writing this story, so I wasn't home like I had planned. Life goes on. Some of you have written with suggestions of where you want the story to go from here. Although they are appreciated, the story can only go where it has to...remember the 'beach of sand' comment before the first chapter? After an interesting conversation with another author over the weekend, I'm thinking of writing another story, this one pure fiction. And I hope that I convinced him to start writing again - you know who you are (tell Ty I said HI). :-) And, THANKS to those who are leaving feedback. Don't be shy about contacting me, I honestly don't bite...nibble, maybe, but not bite. Without further fanfare, here is Chapter 8.... Fup ****************************************************************************** AUTHOR'S NOTE ON THE END OF CHAPTER 7 - oooooops! I messed up....::sigh:: I wrote "Little John" which should have been "Little David". For some reason, I must have had John on my mind. Sorry for the confusion....I promise I'll try to do better. :-) FROM CHAPTER 7 Defeated, David returned to unpacking his gear. Afterwards, a nice hot shower removed the weekend of grime and some of the tenseness from his body. Washing his crotch, he thought back on the weekend, and how he wished he had a little brother like John. Tired out from the weekend's activities, "Little David" wasn't interested in playing, and to be honest, all David wanted was a nice long nap before supper. Slipping on a pair of sweat pants after drying, he wandered out to the kitchen, grabbed a couple of Pop Tarts and a glass of milk, and returned to his room. Finishing his brunch, he curled up in bed and was soon asleep. UNDER PRESSURE 8 - Sex-Ed David's nap turned into an all night affair, and Monday's alarm clock roused him from his sleep. "Ugh," he thought, "Monday's bite." Performing his normal morning ritual, he was out the door and at the bus stop as the bus stopped. Climbing on, he decided to sit closer to the front, hoping to avoid another taunting from Bill, even though sitting at the front was reserved for the "bus driver's brown-nosers." Sliding into the third seat back, he hoped he was far enough away from the front to avoid THAT label, and far enough away from the back to avoid Bill. Arriving at school without incident (he'd have to remember to sit there more often), he walked to his locker. When he tried to open it, he discovered it was jammed shut. He couldn't even lift the latch. "What a wonderful way to start a Monday." he thought ruefully. Resigning himself to finding a janitor, he began walking to the office. Unfortunately, he didn't realize he was being watched. Following David, the boy began to move closer through the crowded hallway. Within reach, the other boy waited until David's right foot was stepping forward and kicked it forward with his own, causing David take a very exaggerated step, throwing him a little off-balance. After recovering, David spun around with a glare, ready to repeat the boxing incident and 'take care of business.' Recognizing the boy he faced, the scowl turned to a grin when he saw the expression on Kelly's face. Kelly had taken a step back when David spun around and was sort of nervous about his reaction to his little trick. Still grinning David said, "What's wrong with you?" "Man, I thought you were going to punch me," replied Kelly. "What's got your panties in a bunch?" "Someone jammed my locker, sort of made me mad." "Oooooh," replied Kelly, moving closer, putting his hand on David's shoulder, "who ya think did it?" "Dunno, but since I went camping this weekend, I left all my books here and homeroom starts in, "looking at the hallway clock, "like 5 minutes." "C'mon," said Kelly, putting his arm over David's shoulder, "got something in my locker that might work, my locker's been jammed before too. Guess some people think it's funny - I mean it sort of is, but not when it happens to you." After stopping by Kelly's locker to get a longish bolt, Kelly resumed his explanation, "After the first couple times the janitor had to open mine, he gave me this bolt. He said that it's normal just a pencil jammed in across the top and it keeps the bar inside from moving." "But if it's in your locker, what good is that when it gets jammed?" Laughing, Kelly answered, "Yeah, you're right, never thought of that, guess that's why I keep you around. Sorta dumb huh?" Joking around with Kelly always made David feel better, and this was no exception. Kelly and David had been friends since first grade when they met on the playground arguing over who was first to run under the chin-up bars to catch a glimpse of Margaret's panties. Margaret lived a few houses away from David, but he had never really talked to her, after all she was a GIRL. But Margaret did have one redeeming quality. She liked to show-off. She would sit on the chin-up bar and let the boys run underneath to see her panties. It was entertaining to the boys, to say the least, and they never missed a chance. After the "panty argument", the two boys became almost inseparable. They spent weekends at each other's house, played on the same baseball team, and even became blood brothers one afternoon in Kelly's bedroom. The only thing that they didn't do together was Scouts. David never understood why Kelly didn't join, something about being too busy with other things. Even though John and David were close (even closer now), it was Kelly who David confided in. Kelly had two older brothers, his dad had been in the army so Kelly and his two older siblings had been born in Germany, where their dad was stationed. After putting in his time, Kelly's dad had moved the family to a house beside the local zoo. And the rest was history. Arriving at David's locker, Kelly took the bolt and placed it under the edge of the slide lock handle and handed David a book. "Now, hit the bolt hard with the book," he instructed. With an evil grin, David took the opportunity to smack the book against Kelly's head as he was kneeling in front of the locker. "Ooops, sorry," David giggled, "I missed." "Uh-huh, just hit the bolt, goob." David smacked the bolt with the book, and heard a snap from the top of the locker as the latch slid up. Pulling the door open, a broken pencil fell from the lock channel. "Told ya," Kelly smirked. "Yeah, yeah, you're so smart," David smiled as he retrieved his books from the locker. The first bell rang and both boys walked down the hallway toward their homeroom classes. As Kelly started to enter his, he turned to David, grinned until David thought his face was going to freeze that way, and said, "See ya in Sex-Ed." "Oh yeah, that's right," thought David, "that starts today." The anticipation of Sex-Ed class made David's first two classes drag out to what seemed like forever. When the class change bell rang, David rushed to his normal science class. Looking around, he saw Kelly already there, with a grin on his face. Sliding into the seat next to him, putting his books under the seat, he leaned over and whispered, "Where are the girls?" Kelly shrugged with a 'who cares' attitude and kept grinning. His attitude was contagious and soon David was grinning in anticipation of two weeks of this class. As their other classmates wandered in before the second bell, David noticed Rick heading his way. As he passed, Rick hissed, "Oh boy, two queerboys in this class." Shocked, David and Kelly turned their heads to follow Rick's progress to the back of the room, where he parked himself and pointedly didn't look their way. "Boy, he's got something up his butt," whispered Kelly. "I know, he's been acting like that since last week." Shrugging, both boys turned to the front as the last bell rang and Mr. Severance walked into the room. Noticing who was teaching the class, the boys turned to each other and started giggling. "Oh no, not him," whispered David. Mr. Severance was old, well he was in his early 40's, which was old to 11-year olds. He was David's normal science teacher and he thought the man was extremely boring. His enthusiasm somewhat curbed by the identity of the teacher, David settled into what he thought was going to be a normal boring class. Mr. Severance addressed the class, giving them an overview of what 'Family Life' was all about and said that the girls were being taught by Mrs. Jones in another room. He began by telling the class the basics of the male and female anatomy, which elicited giggles and snickers from the class. Toward the end of class, Mr. Severance gestured to a box on one of the side tables. He said, "I know that you probably have questions that seem to be too embarrassing to ask, so if you have one of those questions, write it down and stick it in the box, and I'll answer it - that way no one will know who wrote it." While it seemed like a good idea to David, he knew HE had questions to ask, the folly of this idea soon became apparent as Rick went over to the box, and dropped a slip of paper in. Kelly and David grinned at each other as Mr. Severance waited for any other questions to be deposited. There were none, so he pulled the slip of paper out, and read Rick's question, "What does pussy taste like?" David had to hand it to Rick, that took guts. I mean everyone knew who had asked the question. Some of the boys turned to look at Rick, who sat there with a neutral expression as he waited for the answer. Mr. Severance cleared his throat and looked at the class. "Well, I assume that whoever asked this question, meant to say vagina, because I have never tasted a cat." The class erupted in laughter, but was shushed by Mr. Severance. "In answer to the question, a vagina tastes kind of salty." A chorus of 'ewwws' greeted this answer as Mr. Severance continued. "Oral sex, which we will talk about later in the class, is a very special and meaningful thing to share with your mate. It is also part of what is called foreplay, which we will also talk about later, and is normally an introduction into actual sex." Looking at the clock, Mr. Severance asked if there were any more questions, about what they had covered that day, and when there weren't, he passed out a list of sexual terms he had covered in the lesson and said there would be a test on what was on the paper the next day. David started giggling, and raised his hand. When the teacher had acknowledged him, David, with a straight face, asked, "So we have homework in Sex-Ed?" Once again, the classroom of boys erupted in laughter. Surprisingly, Mr. Severance joined in, and answered, "Yes, you have homework, but remember, it's ONLY vocabulary words." As the bell rang, David thought, "This might not be too bad after all." Exiting into the hallway, David and Kelly began talking about their first Sex-Ed class. The topic soon was the answer to Rick's question. "Can you imagine, sticking your face between a girl's legs?" asked David, giggling. "Ewwww, no," answered Kelly, "she uses that to pee. Gross." Still giggling to each other, making jokes about the class subject, and Rick, they ate lunch, joined by some other friends who were scheduled to have "Family Life' the next period. "So, what's it like?" asked one. Kelly answered grinning, "Wow, it's so cool. We talked about eating a girl's vagina today." "NO WAY!" David supported Kelly's answer by saying, "Yeah, and Mr. Severance said it was healthier than the food they serve in here." The look of incredulity on the boy's face was too much. David and Kelly burst into laughter. Shaking his head in disgust, the other boy said, "Be serious." "Well, it's ok," answered Kelly, "but sort of boring, I mean my dad told me all that stuff earlier this year." THAT got David's attention. He sputtered, "He did?" "Yeah," answered Kelly, "it was pretty gross sort of, and he didn't have the 'anatomically correct pictures like Mr. Severance does." "He had PICTURES?" asked the other boy. Zoning out, David didn't hear the rest of the conversation. He was thinking, "Wonder why dad's never talked to me. Boy do I feel stupid. I guess dad figures that the school can teach it better. But if they can, how come Kelly's dad talked to him?" These questions raced around David's head, but no answers - except the wrong ones came. David just figured that his dad didn't talk to him because he thought David wasn't old enough to learn, or that it was bad. And anyway, the word 'sex' wasn't EVER mentioned around the house. Right then, David made the decision NOT to say anything to his parents at all, he would find out all he needed to know from Kelly, maybe Kelly's dad would talk with him too - he'd have to find out. The rest of the day passed in a blur. David's mind was jumping from one conclusion to the next. Sometimes he wished he could just turn it off, life would be so much easier. Kelly ran up to him after school, while waiting on their respective busses. "Hey, wanna come over this weekend? I got a new mini bike." "I dunno if my parents will let me," replied David, "I went camping this weekend, I might have to stay home." "Awwww, c'mon. Tell ya what, I'll have mom call your mom. Maybe it will be easier." David shrugged,"Ok, I guess that might work." As Kelly turned to go toward his bus, he grinned at David. "Remember your HOMEWORK!" With this final reminder, Kelly ran laughing to his bus. When David arrived home, he went straight to his room, and pulled out the list of Sex-ED, ooops, 'Family Life' vocabulary words. Somehow, he didn't think his parents would appreciate him working on THIS homework at the dining room table. Looking over the words and definitions, David began to understand why his parents had never talked to him...I mean it WAS sort of embarrassing and he couldn't even imagine his dad, or even worse, his mom, explaining this stuff to him. After supper, and some other homework, and his evening of TV, David went to bed about 9:00. As he laid there, he started thinking about Sex-Ed. He thoughts, "Well, my 'penis' is getting hard. I guess I'll 'masturbate." These thoughts brought forth a small giggle as he used the technical terms on the vocabulary list. He wrapped his fingers around his 'erection' and started stroking as the other hand felt his 'testicles." As he started playing with his favorite toy, he thought, "Hey, I'm doing my Sex-Ed homework." After recovering from his silent laughing jag, all thoughts of vocabulary went down the drain as he felt the now familiar, but still slightly scary feelings, get stronger. He abandoned himself to those feelings, exploring his boyhood with his hands, making himself feel good. His mind went to the place where it was only him, a warm, comfortable place, no parents, no school, no little pain in the butt sister, just him and the feelings radiating from his body. As the feelings increased in intensity, he began to quietly pant, feeling his body flush. The hand cupping his balls was suddenly empty, a fleeting panicky feeling passing through his mind, replaced by a more powerful one. His stroking hand slowed, as he felt his boyhood get rock hard, then his 'orgasm' was upon him. He 'ejaculated' his normal few drops of 'semen' (sounds like sailors - the humorous thought flitted across his mind), and slowly began to relax as his slightly sweaty body came down from it's high. He laid there for a few minutes, enjoying the post-orgasmic feelings, until he felt his 'semen' begin to get cold. "Gross," he thought and reached down to grab the shirt he had discarded. Cleaning up, he thought, "I oughta do pretty good on the test tomorrow." Giggling to himself, he pulled up his briefs, and turned on his side, soon falling into the land of dreams. ****************************************************************************** Well, another boring almost sexless chapter down the tubes. :-) The next chapter is entitled "Dreams." Figure it out. :-) I will not bore you with a daily description of the "Family Life" class the boys are going through. Early 70's - what a time. Somewhat innocent, the hippie movement hadn't hit town (at least ours) and the worse thing you could catch was syph or gonorrhea. Sex- Ed was all heterosexually based - no mention of the 'queers' out there and what they did together. One note, please excuse my seeming overuse of the word 'queer'. In the small town I grew up in, "gay" still meant happy, and a "faggot" was still a bunch of sticks burning. I think "homos" came into vogue when David was about 13. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup