Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 11:18:27 -0600 From: James D Subject: We live for each other 3-6 Hi, this is my first story and I would love feedback of any kind at and this story is not about sex so if that's what your looking for then look elsewhere. I have seven more chapters but this is just to see if people like this. Please e-mail any feedback at all. Now I hope you enjoy!!! We live for each other CHAPTER 3 "Have a good day at school Connor." "Thanks Janett." "No problem Hun. Make sure to call me if anything goes wrong." "I will." Connor said as he opened his door. Connor stepped out of the black Dodge Charger and started towards the Administration Building. "Connor! Come back for a second." Looking back, Connor saw that Janett hadn't left yet. He looked through the passenger side window. "Everything will be fine, okay." Janett gave a reassuring smile. "I know, I know it will be." "Please just call me at lunch." "Alright, I will." Moving away from the car, Connor again made his way to the Administration Building to get his schedule. The school was an architect's dream: four separate buildings connected with corridors. Each building was three stories tall with Roman columns at each corner. Each building was named after important subjects to the school. The English and Foreign Language building was Seago Hall, named after the school's founder. The Math and Science building was called Ashby Hall, after the famous scientist Gordon Ashby. The World History and Electives was called Freedom Hall. The fourth and last building was known as the Administration Building. Connor walked across the marble floor looking for the table with an "E" so he could pick up his schedule. He walked up to the woman sitting behind the desk. She glanced up "I need your last name, please." "'s Ellison, Connor Ellison." "Thank you, just one moment please." Her fingers flew across the keyboard searching for his schedule. "Sure." Connor could smell the heavy perfume of the woman; her nametag read "Joy." Her long French tipped nails were still assaulting the keyboard. She printed out a piece of paper."Here you are, Connor...class starts in thirty minutes and your first class is World History in Freedom Hall." "Thank you Joy." "If you need any help at all Connor, anything at all you can come ask me." "Alright, thank you again Joy." Connor said as he flashed a small smile. "No problem." Joy watched as he walked away. Connor turned and headed towards the corridor that would take him to Freedom Hall. Looking out into the courtyard, Connor saw students walking around talking to each other, but what really caught his eye were the tall beautiful trees and flowers that accompanied the spaces that weren't sidewalks. He couldn't wait to get some pictures of what he could only describe as a mini forest. Looking down at his watch, he saw that he had fifteen minutes to find his classroom. The paper said that he would be in room 2025 on the second floor. Heading towards the stairs, Connor couldn't help but think how this school year would go and maybe he might find that special someone. He quickly dismissed that last thought. Nobody would want me, Connor thought as he walked into the classroom glad to find that only a few people were in the room. "Welcome to World History." Connor looked over his shoulder to see a man in his late twenties to early thirties with short brown hair and a small beard standing right behind him. "I'm Mr. Murish, your teacher, and who might you be?" " sorry, I'm Connor Ellison." "Well take a seat anywhere, but a little advice, sitting in the front usually puts kids in my good book." Mr. Murish winked at him as he went to his desk. "Oh... thank you," Connor said a little sheepishly. Looking around, Connor saw a seat right by the window that over looked the courtyard. Smiling to himself, he quickly set his bag down and took a seat. Taking the time to look around the room it was evident that it was a history class. In one corner sat a sarcophagus that held books about Ancient Egypt and more current books about the war being fought in Iraq. More students started to file into the classroom. Most of the kids coming in were girls. It was clear that the majority of the students in the class were going to be girls. Thinking that no one else was going to walk through the doors, Connor started to turn away. Before he could divert his attention back to the blue sky outside the window, a girl sat down next to him. Realizing that would be rude to ignore her, he gave her a small smile. She noticed Connor looking at her. "Hi, my name's Amanda." "Hi, I'm Connor." Looking at her Connor noticed that her hair was a reddish blond that complimented her high cheekbones. "So Connor, what's your elective?" "Oh I'm taking Photography with um"...Connor looked down at his schedule "with, a Mrs. Overbee third period. What about you, what's your elective?" "That's funny I have Mrs. Overbee for Photography third period also." "That's really cool, so at least I'll know somebody in another class." "Yeah, I just moved here from Florida so you're the first person I've talked to at this school." "Wow, that's cool I'm honored!" Connor glanced at the clock and noticed that class was just about to start. Mr. Murish closed the door and addressed the class. "Well, let's get started then, shall we? My name is Mr. Mur?" the sound of the door flying open interrupted Mr. Murish. CHAPTER 4 "I'm sorry, I got lost." Gavin said to Mr. Murish. "It's not a problem. We haven't started yet, grab a seat." Gavin looked around and noticed a boy turning to look out the window. Next to the boy was a girl and next to her was an empty seat so moving quietly, Gavin sat down next to her. Mr. Murish started to speak to the class again. "So, as I was saying, my name is Mr. Murish and I'm going to be your World History teacher. Before we learn about old civilizations, we should get to know each other, so find a partner. Gavin heard the girl next to him say something to the boy next to her. "Hey, let's be partners." Gavin turned to see who she was talking to. The boy who had been looking out the window turned to answer her. What Gavin saw astounded him. The sunlight streamed in through the window. The boy had feathery blonde hair that seemed to glow from the sunlight. His face was like the definition of perfection. His eyes were a bright forest green; his eyelashes were long and had a slight curve to them. The boy had a button nose that was lightly dusted with freckles. His cheeks were smooth, no trace of acne or baby fat. Gavin heard, as if from far, the teacher saying that instead of partners, to work in groups of three. Gavin moved his eyes back up to the boy's. The boy was staring at him. Gavin looked down quickly feeling his cheeks burn with embarrassment. Steeling himself, he looked back up at the boy, who was not looking at him anymore, but Gavin noticed he was blushing too. "Um... hi my name is Amanda. I was wondering if you wanted to work with Connor and me." So his name is Connor, he looks amazing. Gavin thought. "If you don't want to work with us that's okay" Amanda spoke softly. "Oh, no I would love to work with you guys." "Great! So what's your name?" Amanda asked. "I'm sorry my name is Gavin, Gavin Williams." "My name is Amanda Johnson." "It's nice to meet you Amanda." Gavin moved his eyes over to Connor. He was disappointed to see that Connor was looking out the window again. Mr. Murish walked over to the group. "You guys should get a move on it, the other groups have already started getting to know each other. Connor, if the window is going to cause problems..." Mr. Murish left the threat unfinished. Connor seemed to reluctantly look away from the window, but turned to face Mr. Murish. "Oh no sir, it won't cause any problems at all," Connor said with a slight smile. Gavin loved to hear Connor's voice. His voice was like a breeze slipping through wind chimes producing a beautiful sound, something Gavin could listen to all day. Lost in thought, Gavin didn't notice Amanda and Connor staring at him. " you're Gavin, right? My name is Connor." The sound of Connor's voice pulled Gavin from his thoughts. He became aware that they had been staring at him. Blushing a light shade of red, Gavin said, "Hi, Connor it's very nice to meet you." Connor was no longer looking at Gavin, but Gavin, trying to be as polite as possible extended his hand to shake with Connor. Connor looked at Gavin's hand for what seemed forever before he reached out his hand. To his surprise Connor moved his hand. The moment their hands touched Gavin felt a surge of energy. Gavin saw Connor's eyes widen and Connor pulled his hand backed quickly. Amanda noticed this, but decided not to say anything about it. Trying to be tactful, she changed the subject. "So...I'll start. I'm from Florida, no siblings; my father is an author while my mom is a painter. I get sick a lot though so I tend to miss a lot of school." Both Gavin and Connor were looking at her as if she was crazy. She let out an exasperated sigh. "We are supposed to be getting to know each other, that's what Mr. Murish said." Gavin and Connor answered at the same time. "Sorry I was distracted," Gavin said. "Yeah, sorry" Connor said. Gavin was silently pleased he would get to learn about Connor. Amanda looked at the two of them thinking of making this easier. "Gavin could you sit by Connor so that way I don't have to look back and forth" Amanda said. "Sure, I'd be happy to" Gavin said trying not to jump up and down like a little girl. Gavin could feel his heart beating faster. He moved into the desk behind Connor and moved it so that he was facing Amanda. Amanda started talking about herself. "I was born in Florida, I am an only child. I'm new here and I hope that we can all be friends." Amanda continued talking about herself, but Gavin was unable to concentrate on what she was saying. It wasn't that she was being superficial because he heard what she was saying, but sitting this close to Connor drove Gavin crazy. He couldn't decide if he should talk to Connor or look at him, which put him in an uncomfortable position. Gavin was always sure of what to do, but there was something different about Connor made it hard for Gavin. "I did ballet–." "We should hangout during lunch" Gavin interrupted Amanda. Gavin turned to look at Connor. The look on Connor's face seemed almost scared. "Ww...Why d-do you want to h-hang out with me?" Gavin could swear it almost sounded like Connor was going to cry. Trying to salvage the situation Gavin reached out to grab Connors shoulder. Connor flinched away. Gavin knew that he looked hurt, but he would not give up, even more so because he could see that Connor was having some problems. "Connor, I just wanted to hangout that's all." Amanda jumped in to help both Gavin and Connor. "Connor, lunch will be fun, meet me by the courtyard and–." The bell interrupted Amanda. Connor grabbed his backpack and hurried out the door. Gavin couldn't help but think did I do something wrong? CHAPTER 5 Connor was flustered by what had happened during World History. Connor felt so embarrassed by the reaction he had when Gavin asked to hangout during lunch. He was just so amazed by Gavin and how forward he had been. It reminded Connor how things never go right. Connor glanced down at his phone. "Crap, which way is the Seago building again? Damn it I can't remember where to go." The sound of someone else cussing caught his attention. A woman with red hair and glasses was shooting down the corridor. Connor could hear her ranting about something. "Damn it why is the parking lot so far away from the Seago building!" Students were laughing but it was clear that the students liked her. They called out to her. "Ms. Folry you're crazy, I feel bad for your students" one student shouted out to her. "Mr. Collin I know you're taking French with me again this year so you better be careful." "You know I'm just joking, Ms. Folry." Ms. Folry's named clicked inside Connors head. Quickly he reached into his pockets and pulled out his schedule. Ms. Folry was his French teacher for his next period. Looking up, Connor saw that she had stopped and was talking to a group of older students in French. "Comment a été votre été ?" Collin asked. "Mine était fine, vous le savez, même vieux même anciens. Quelle était la vôtre ? "Ms. Folry asked. " Grande, j'ai reçu une nouvelle voiture et bien c'est la seule grande partie. Peut-être vous devriez obtenir va votre classe. "Collin said as he walked away waving. "Oui bien sûr. Eh bien, vous voir plus loin. "Once again she was on the move with Connor trailing her. She moved through the crowd of students, into the courtyard, and headed towards a building across from Freedom Hall. Once in the building she went right to her class room. Connor scanned the faces of the students there, glad and slightly disappointed that he did not see Gavin. French passed by quickly and without any trouble. Before he knew it, class had ended and it was time for Photography. Connor had to back track to the Freedom building. He made his way through the courtyard looking at everything with a photographer's eye. Connor had become lost in thought and the loud chatter from the surrounding students became a dull murmur. He was so lost in thought that when he turned, he walked right into another student. Connor stumbled backwards and landed on his backpack. "I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Connor stammered. He was clearly mortified by what had happened. "What the hell is the matter with you, you little prick? You stepped on my new shoes!" Connor looked up and saw a large, muscular guy towering over him. His eyes dark and he had a mop of dark red hair. Connor felt two things: one was fear because it was clear that this guy didn't take crap from anyone and the other repulsion by the very sight of this monster who stood over him leering down at him like a lion looks at a downed gazelle. For such a large person, this monster of a guy had beady little eyes and a large nose. "Did you hear me you little ass? I said you better lick my shoes clean," commanded the bully as he pulled Connor up by the front of his shirt. Forgetting his predicament Connor spat "No way am I going to lick your shoes clean, asshole!" "What did you call me!?" the bully yelled as he pushed Connor backwards with enough force to push a small sedan. Connor heard the crowd of students gasp as he flew backwards. He turned to catch himself only to suddenly hit someone. That person let out a gush of air as Connor rammed into him causing both to fall to the ground. Connor could hear the person underneath him panting and felt strong arms holding him. The person underneath him let a laugh followed by hard coughing. "Connor, can you please get up now? I need to sit up." Connor rolled over and looked down to see Gavin laying on him back trying to catch his breath. "What is going on here?" a teacher asked the surrounding students. CHAPTER 6 Although the circumstances were awkward, Gavin couldn't help but think how nice it felt to hold Connor. Gavin looked up at the teacher, who eyed the guy that had pushed Connor with clear dislike. "Mr. Karter, already causing trouble I see," the teacher said. "Naw, Mr. Nelson it was a misunderstanding," the bully drawled. "Don't give me that bull Tim, you're always the one causing problems." Tim, the bully, just lumbered away without a second glance back at Mr. Nelson. "That kid is such a pain in the ass. Are you two okay?" Mr. Nelson asked Connor and Gavin. Gavin hopped up and held out his hand to help Connor up. Gavin could see that Connor was reluctant to take his hand. Once he felt their hands touch, again Gavin felt the surge of energy and could see that Connor had felt the same thing. "Are you alright Connor?" Gavin asked as he pulled him to his feet. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks," Connor hastily replied as he started to push through the students that were still hanging around. "I'll see you at lunch," Gavin yelled as Connor disappeared into the throng of students. "Is your friend going to be okay?" Mr. Nelson asked. "I'm not sure, but I hope so." Mr. Nelson turned to leave, but Gavin quickly caught up with him. Mr. Nelson looked down at Gavin following him. "Is there something I can help you with?" "You're Mr. Nelson, right?" "Yeah, who are you?" "My name is Gavin. I'm one of your students in your next period." "Oh okay, than let's hurry along to class." Gavin hurried into the classroom, scanned the class, and noticed a very cute boy that had sat near the back. He took in the black hair that went just below his ears and his piercing ice blue eyes. He didn't have Connor's hair, eyes or that cute look of innocence, but he felt attracted to him. It was more of a physical attraction based on his looks not the deep soul connection that he was sure that connected him and Connor. This new boy didn't give Gavin the same feeling of butterflies that Connor did by just looking at him. Gavin moved and sat down near the front. He heard movement behind him and was suddenly aware that the boy, who had been sitting in the back, was now sitting diagonally behind him. Mr. Nelson herded in another ten students from the hallways. He had class begin with a test to measure the students' aptitude. The class itself had gone by quickly, but Gavin could feel the boy staring at him. Gavin just wanted lunch to hurry along so he could hang out with Connor. Thinking about Connor gave Gavin the familiar feeling of butterflies fluttering around inside him. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell signaling the end of class. He stood, left the class and headed down the hallway, looking for room 1567. He threw himself into the wave of students that were moving in the same direction. From what Gavin could hear, the news of the incident with Tim had spread and some students even threw him sideway glances. Gavin couldn't help but think Great! That's a great way to start out a school year! Gavin was almost too preoccupied to have noticed that the boy from Math was following him. He was sure that those ice blue eyes were drilling a hole into the back of his head, but he didn't think much of it and continued on to his next class. He looked around the room and stopped dead in his tracks. No way could his luck be this good! Sitting at a table, again by the window, was Connor. He must have heard what was being said in the hallways because he was blushing and determinedly looking out the window. "Is Gavin Williams here yet?" Connor's head turned quickly towards him and when their eyes met, Gavin turned away to look at who had asked about him. A woman was sitting behind the teacher's desk, Gavin thought it must be Ms. Powell. "Um...I'm Gavin William. Are you Ms. Powell?" "Yes I'm Ms. Powell. I'm going to give you your seat. You can sit right in front of Mr. Ellison, right over there. Your partner for was going to be Lindsey Shaw, but she dropped the class so why don't you sit next to Connor and be his partner." "Okay." Gavin moved towards Connor, but hadn't noticed the water on the floor. As he slipped on the small puddle, Gavin saw Connor shoot up and then stop suddenly as Gavin felt strong arms wrap around him. "Are you alright?" a calm voice asked in his ear. Gavin got his feet back underneath him and he felt the arms slowly let go. Connor had a strange look on his face. The teacher got the students attention by slamming her ruler on the desk. Gavin turned and saw that the dark-haired boy from math had caught him. He looked back and saw that Connor was looking at the teacher, with a red blush creeping up his face and he still had that strange look on his face. Gavin turned and faced the boy from math who was still next to him. "Thank you for your help," Gavin said quickly as he moved to his seat next to Connor just as the teacher told everyone to be seated. "Over the next few days, we will learn about each other. No one will get out of it. You will work with your partner. You will be tested at the end of the week." A few seconds passed, but no one moved. "Well, don't just sit there, get a move on it!" Ms. Powell yelled with a smile to show she wasn't really upset.