WARNING: This fictional story contains sexual accounts between men and boys, boys with boys AND IS UNSUITABLE FOR MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE. You should know whether you want to be reading this or not! 9/98 ************************************************************************** RITES-OF-BOYHOOD-ENDING "RITES OF BOYHOOD, ending" (Ending Part) Copyright 1997, 1998 Vince Water ************************************************************************** Author's Note: I hope to continue writing parts to this ongoing series but as they say, 'All good things must come to an end'. I'm writing this ending so that no matter where I'll end up writing parts, this series will have a proper conclusion. I hope you'll like it. I welcome comments and suggestions to this story-in-progress. Let me know what you think of the "Rites of Boyhood" series and what you would like to see happening in it. I may just include your wish in a future story part! Write me. Okay? Vince_Water@HotMail.com PLEASE NOTE that this story is intended for the reading pleasures of adults above the age of twenty-one. It may be freely distributed so long as none of its content is changed. - Vince Water - ************************************************************************** * "Rites of Boyhood" * * - ending - * THIS IS THE LAST PART TO THIS SERIES SO ONLY READ THIS ACCOUNT AFTER ALL THE NUMBERED PARTS HAVE BEEN READ, AT LEAST AFTER - part 8 - SO THAT YOU CAN APPRECIATE WHAT'S GOING TO BE HAPPENING HERE. Jimmy sat at the edge of the pier to watch the setting sun. It cast an eerie glow over the lake in a kind of sad way. This was his last day at summer camp. The bus will be coming tomorrow to take him and the other boys home. He was a little relieved. Although the boy didn't want to admit it to himself, he was homesick after two weeks. He missed his house, missed sleeping alone in his bedroom and he did miss his mom. He knew that he'd be going home a different person; more grown up. Would his mother notice? Jimmy giggled with delight since he couldn't tell her everything that had happened to him at camp; especially about the sex stuff. A boy had to keep his secrets. He had Parker's address to write him and Miguel letters. Jeff lived close enough to visit. He looked forward to keeping all of them as friends from camp. Jimmy's thoughts turned to Mister Burrows. He forgot to ask the man if he'd let him write him. How long would the Indian be working here at camp before returning to his reservation? Did mail go there? The boy didn't know. He will be missing him badly. The man was almost like a father to him but much more. A weary sigh escaped the boy's lips. He looked down at his bared legs as he kicked his feet through the cool water. It was calming to watch the lake going to sleep. Its water was a strong spirit, the Indian told him. He had enjoyed playing in the lake with canoeing, fishing, and teaching Jeff how to swim. A part of himself was floating within the lake's depths that had made them one. Jimmy grinned. He had performed Indian rituals under the guidance of Mister Burrows. Real ones; not the 'play activities' given him and the other boys by the camp personnel. The brochure that had attracted him to Camp Shingobeck had made it seem like real Indian things would be going on here. The boy knew better. He should go see Mister Burrows. The sun had fallen behind the trees but the sky was still a glow - at least an hour of daylight remained. The boy's heart ached him into a run. He flew down the wooden pier and jumped off it like a startled bird. The two cloths to his Indian breech-cloth flapped. Jimmy had been given wings this summer. He flew back to the nest for a visit. It seemed a long way. The trail through the woods kept going on and on and Jimmy was breathing hard. He slowed to a walk. Sweat covered his body which cooled him in the evening air. The real Indian flaps he wore covered his front and back but did little to keep his body warm. He huddled his arms around himself. A tin can was found near the trail. Jimmy kicked it and heard its noisy bounce through the undergrowth. He didn't have time for play so the can was ignored. His feet sped into a run again. Jimmy soon came to Mister Burrows' camp. To his relief, he found the man sitting before his fire. The Indian smiled at his approach and offered the boy to sit over his thigh. "I'm happy to see you one more," said Mister Burrows. "Me too," answered Jimmy. "I had to see you again." He snuggled against the warmth of his adult companion, glad that the man went shirtless so that their chests could touch. He welcomed the Indian's long brown arms around him in a hug. They both stared into the fire without needing to saying anything more. Mister Burrows felt very emotional. He kept tears from falling and was surprised by his weakness but realized that it came from the strong love that he had for Jimmy. The boy would be leaving on the 'morrow. No longer would they embrace for warmth or in sweet love making. Jimmy turned his head to rest over the man's breast. He felt the wooden totem bump against his ear which reminded him of something the man had promised. "You said that I could have this," the youth whispered. His hand clutched the painted totem hanging in a necklace from the Indian's neck. Mister Burrows grinned. "I said it go to you after pass test." "Which test?" the boy asked. "Hmm. You will see..." The man rose up from the tree stump leaving the startled boy standing at his side. He checked the low-burning fire to ensure that it wouldn't get out of control when he left it. Some fire ash was fetched. This he drew in black lines over his face. In solemn ritual, he drew lines over Jimmy's pale face and grinned. It still seemed strange to be sharing his sacred Indian heritage with the white youth. Their love permitted it. "Follow me, Jimmy." Mister Burrows led his boy down the trail and not a word was spoken between them. The youth knew to keep silent during ritual. Yet he wondered where the Indian was taking him; what test would he have to perform? They took the left fork in the path to avoid the dumps. It led to the entrance of camp, Jimmy knew. His eyes widened when suspecting what the Indian might be having him perform. That was a really scary test! Mister Burrows reached back with his hand to find Jimmy's. The boy eagerly held it in his own. Together, they walked side-by-side to what awaited them. The early evening turned to twilight. "Have you forgive yourself?" the Indian whispered. "Huh?" answered Jimmy. He didn't know what was being asked of him. The man remained silent during their walk. His big hand kept a tight hold around his. They came to the entrance of Camp Shingobeck. With sadness, Jimmy realized that this really was his last day here. He'd be leaving Mister Burrows and all his other friends behind when going home. It seemed like the two weeks had just flown! The man turned onto the camp's main trail. In the distance, Jimmy saw the tall oak tree with its roped ladder hanging down. A tightness came to his stomach. He knew that the Indian would be testing him with its climb! "Have you forgive yourself for father's death?" the man asked. Jimmy swallowed in his dry throat. He thought about what was being asked. When the man stopped, he looked up into his dark eyes and something came out of his mouth from deep inside himself. "I don't know..." Mister Burrows nodded in understanding. He pointed at the rope ladder in a gesture for Jimmy to climb it. There was reluctance in the boy so he commanded it. "Climb! You must pass from being boy to a man." Jimmy turned to face the rope ladder. He'd been forced to climb it to save Jeff. Two boys from below had tormented them by shaking the ropes and that had scared them pretty badly. He didn't know how they had managed to get back down to the ground after that. Yet they did. "Climb!" The boy's hands grabbed hold of the double ropes. He dared to look up at the club house high above him. Jeff had only made it half way before freaking out so how was he going to be able to go all the way? "I'll be climbing too," said Mister Burrows. That lend the boy some courage. He took his first step over the wooden foothold and slowly climbed up. His hands shook. He kept his eyes forward at the tree trunk so that he wouldn't look up to where he had to climb or to look down. The ladder shook when taking the man's weight over it. He hoped it would hold. Jimmy kept climbing up. He didn't dare stop to rest since he felt a growing fear in him that could prevent him from continuing. That's what had happened to Jeff. Mister Burrows kept some distance from Jimmy. He knew that the boy had to do this on his own. Often, the man looked up to spy on his nakedness. The two flaps couldn't prevent his peeking of the youth's flexing butt. Jimmy climbed. He felt that he was about half way up but dared not look down at the ground. That was Jeff's mistake when he had climbed. Worse, those two boys had scared them bad when they shook the ropes. The ladder turned in Jimmy's hand. He stopped his climb to hold on when the ropes were violently shaken. What was happening?! The boy cried out in fear. He wanted to look down to see if them two mean boys had returned. "Climb!" shouted Mister Burrows. Jimmy realized that the Indian was purposely shaking the ladder. At their height, the ropes turning against the tree made for a difficult climb. He could fall! Something struck against the boy's leg, scaring him. It felt like the man's hand. "Keep going... or fall," warned the Indian. "I'm going to if you don't stop shaking us!" Jimmy cried. He felt his right foot being struck again. Anger rose in him for the man. Fear too. He didn't understand why the Indian was being so mean. Jimmy clung to the swinging ropes but managed to reach his left hand up. He lifted his right foot from the man's reach. Another cautious step was taken. Often, his feet slipped from the wooden steps during the violent shaking that left him hanging - sometimes by only one hand! "Go faster or I catch you!" the Indian shouted in warning. He struck his hand against the boy's lower leg to coax him back into climbing. Jimmy gritted his teeth. He was really beginning to hate Mister Burrows! What the man was doing was wrong - it could make him fall! The boy steadily made his climb hand over foot. He felt that the Indian was close enough to strike him again if he slowed. The ropes curved in Jimmy's hand. He wasn't sure what was happening until he looked up at the club house. Joy filled his heart. He was greatly relieved to see that he had made it! Only a few more steps were needed to climb into the enclosed wooden structure. The boy fell onto his side to rest. It was empty inside; a simple boxed structure hugging the tree with square cuts on its three sides for windows. There was no furniture. The dumb club house didn't seem worth the climb. Mister Burrows lifted himself inside. He let go of the ladder and sat before the youth with a solemn expression. Jimmy couldn't get rid of his anger. He was really mad at the Indian for what he'd done. "Have you forgive yourself?" Jimmy felt struck in his heart by what the man asked. His strange dream returned to him: He had shaken the rope ladder to his backyard club house to make his father fall. When he looked down, it was the Indian laying on the ground. That had been his dream. His father was really dead because of what he'd done. That's the same thing Mister Burrows had just tried on him but he didn't fall. The boy realized Mister Burrows' intent. It was punishment for what he'd done to his father. He passed the Indian's test... Tears filled the boy's eyes. All of the pain locked in his heart was finally able to come out. His mouth opened in a low wail. Strong arms came around the youth. Mister Burrows felt the deep pain that was finally coming out of his boy; it was a good thing. Weakness was frowned on by his People but he knew that the boy's spirit pain and fear needed to drop out least it fester inside him like a bad wound unto death. Jimmy stopped sobbing. His great pain had erupted out of him and left him feeling empty and cried out. Yet tears continued to flow down his cheeks. He was comforted by the man's warmth around him but knew that the Indian didn't like his show of weakness. He tried to appear brave. Mister Burrows looked deep into Jimmy's blue eyes. Though full of tears, they shined bright with an understanding the man hoped would come. He let go of the boy. His hands reached up to his neck and lifted the painted totem from his chest: his father Power object to be passed down through their family. This he solemnly dropped over the boy's chest. "You are cleansed," the Indian announced. "No blame yourself for the death of your father! He wouldn't have want his son to suffer." Jimmy nodded with understanding. He glanced down at the necklace around his neck, especially at the painted wooden totem laying over his breast. Pride filled him. "Does this mean you take me as your son?" asked Jimmy. He was remembering what the Indian had told him about the totem being his father's to pass down through his son. Mister Burrows smiled but shook his head. "No. You not my son, Jimmy but something more." The boy understood. What they had shared was more than what a father would teach his son; they had embraced their love in a sexual way that would have been incest if they were of the same blood. "It keep you safe," the Indian explained. "Wear it for always, Jimmy. Remember me." "I will!" Jimmy rushed into the man's arms and fiercely hugged him. They both shed silent tears for each other and knew this was going to be their last time together. When their arms loosened from one another, Jimmy saw that the Indian's face was wet. 'The man had been crying!' he realized. Yet there was no shame for it. The boy understood what love could make people do. It was okay for the grown man to cry this once. Mister Burrows was thinking the same way. He couldn't recall ever crying before. He didn't when his father had died or when his younger sister was killed or after the death of his dear mother. No tears were shed for them. The Indian thought it was because he was strong against the woes in his life. Now, he knew better. A small white boy had taught him why through love. Jimmy noticed the strange look in the man's eyes. They stared back at him like a fierce Indian warrior but in a way as if the man wasn't really looking at him. It was a kind of haunted look. "Can I write letters to you?" asked Jimmy. He wanted to get past their awkward moment by talking. Mister Burrows lowered his head in shame. "I can't read English..." 'Wow.' Jimmy knew that would prevent them from being able to keep in contact. He came up with another idea. "Give me your telephone number. I'll call you!" The Indian raised his sad eyes to the youth. "None on reservation." Jimmy swallowed in his throat. He asked, "When do you leave your summer job here to return home?" "Soon after you boys leave tomorrow. Clean camp and store stuff then we all go home." Jimmy stared into the man's dark eyes and pleaded with him to come up with something. Mister Burrows saw the youth's pain. It made his heart ache for the both of them. "Where is your reservation?" Jimmy asked. "Ah. In State of Oklahoma to the south. Far away from this place!" Jimmy figured that Oklahoma was at least four states away. That really was too far away, he realized with disappointment. The boy was afraid that there wasn't any way for them to see each other again. "Next summer, maybe I come back here to work." "Yes!" the boy shouted. "I'll get my mom to let me return here for summer camp!" Mister Burrows gripped the boy's right shoulder and gave it a fond squeeze. He feigned a grin. "I will see you again, Jimmy. We be together again." The man's words weighed heavily in his heart. He knew better. Jimmy was glad. He'd never heard a single lie from the Indian so he took his words as what would become so. They would see each other next summer; a year from now. "That's a long time..." the boy whispered. "It must be so." Mister Burrows lowered his right hand along the boy's chest, tickling it with his fingers. When he reached the front deerskin flap, he lifted it for a last peek of boy. "Can you grow it long for me?" the man asked. Jimmy giggled. He reached into the front of his breech-cloth and pinched the shaft to his penis. An idea came to him. "Drop your pants," he asked. "I want to see you naked so that... ah, will get me excited." Mister Burrows laughed. "Okay." The boy watched his man unbutton the fly to his pants and lower them past his legs, kicking them away. He sat cross-legged, Indian style and naked. There was that nice brown color to his skin that was darkest on his neck and arms. The parts to his body kept hidden from the summer sun were his chest, legs and his butt. The boy remembered seeing how light the man's cheeks were when compared to the rest of his body. There was a slow lifting to the man's cock. It was very dark in color that didn't come from the sun. While the Indian stared at the boy's growing excitement, his nakedness was being looked at by the youth. They drank in the male beauty of each other. Jimmy noticed that the Indian's thick cock hadn't popped out its knob. He reached into the man's lap, carefully taking it in hand. Mister Burrows didn't object. He watched the boy roll down its thick skin. A thrill shot through his cock from the boy's touch. The brown knob came out oozing. "Mine doesn't drip like yours," said Jimmy. "When you grow some, it will." The man reached to the boy's front flap and pulled it from the thong belt. He saw Jimmy pinching the shaft of his pink dick. No dripping from its piss hole. An idea came to the Indian. "Take some of my back to your dick," he asked. Jimmy's fingers pulled over the man's brown knob to gather its oozing. He brought it back to his dick, covering his hard shaft with the man's sticky wetness before returning to pinching over it. "Why do that way?" asked Mister Burrows. He was wondering why the boy pinched his dick instead of rubbing over its shaft when trying to get it to come out. "Look at how I do." Jimmy watched the Indian take hold of his cock and rub over its thick skin with a back and forth motion. That got its brown knob to pop in and out with a sucking sound. To keep himself from getting sore, the man spread its oozing over the brown shaft from time to time. "I don't have that extra skin," the boy explained, "and no oozing." "I've seen white boys pulling over their cut dick skin like this." Jimmy felt embarrassed. It seemed like the Indian was saying that he was beating off the wrong way. Then another meaning struck him - there were other boys at camp this man has had sex with? "Pull over your dick," the man asked, "and use spit to make slippery until you can ooze." Jimmy did as he was asked. He didn't need to spit since there was enough of the man's stickiness covering his dick already. His fingers made the up and down motion over the shaft of his erection. The thrills were quick to build up. Mister Burrows noticed that Jimmy's dick was getting chafed so he took some of his manly oozing to the boy to keep it wet and slippery. It was exciting to touch an immature male's dick with its smallness and differing look from the boys of his Native People. He knew that the white boy was attracted to his brown body with its full man's growth to his loins and the foreskin around his cock. They offered excitement to each other. "Better to do my way?" asked Mister Burrows. "Yah. No one showed me how," the boy admitted. "I discovered on my own how pinching my dick in the shower could get it to feel good. Your way of pulling gets those neat thrills to build up faster!" "That the way to do when alone," the man explained. "Better to embrace sex with another. Yes?" Jimmy nodded his head. During his two weeks at summer camp, he learned a lot of ways that boys and men could 'embrace sex' with each other to get their dicks to shoot. Handling each other was good. Sucking seemed a bit too intense for him but fucking was the best way for two males to have sex. And kissing too. Mister Burrows brought Jimmy some more of his manly oozing to keep his dick from getting sore. The opportunity allowed him to briefly touch the boy's erection which greatly thrilled him. He knew that he could take over beating off the youth's dick but he wanted to watch Jimmy perform it on his own. His efforts were getting himself close to cumming. Jimmy felt the thrills from his dick getting very intense. He liked the feel of the man's sticky oozing covering his erection; it added to his sexual excitement. Watching the Indian beating off was also great. He was in awe of the man's big cock (which had often stuck through his butthole!) and seeing its brown knob popping out from the man's thick foreskin. It made the boy a bit envious for not having that extra skin around his pole. Mister Burrows knew that the boy was close to shooting. Jimmy was holding breaths, his eyes were narrowing from the pleasure he felt from his hard dick and his hand was moving faster. The youth's balls bounced against his palm. It was a very cute display of sex. The man wanted to remember it all; every detail of the boy's slim pale body as it strained for sexual release so that when the man beated off alone, he could be with the boy in his head. "I'm going to squirt!" warned Jimmy. The man brought his right hand over the boy's dick to catch its sweet rain. He felt the boy cum strongly to his fingers which was followed by his high-pitched cry of joy. The tense youthful body began to relax when it was done; pale shoulders slumped and breaths rushed out of the boy's mouth with his pink tongue sticking out. Mister Burrows turned his cupped hand to prevent the boy seeds from spilling out. He lifted the precious gift high above his head while uttering an Indian prayer unto Him, the Great Mystery. The man wanted His blessing. After it was done, he lowered his hand to his mouth. Some of Jimmy's clear cum was tasted. Sweet! Jimmy was in awe of the Indian's ritual. He knew that the man was praying to his God from seeing the uplifting of his cupped hand towards the sky. A cupped hand filled with what he had shot from his dick! The man then drank some of it. That made the boy blush with embarrassment. His eyes lowered to watch the man cover his brown cock with what remained in his cupped hand. A slippery pulling over it followed. Mister Burrows annointed his manhood with Jimmy's sweet seed. It was better than using the oozing from his cock because a boy's clear release empowered his loins with youthfulness and love. His hand tightened around the thick skin and the man beat off with much excitement. The boy watched. Jimmy rested his hand over the Indian's knee. He eagerly awaited the man's explosion that would shoot his cum out. Mister Burrows closed his eyes in concentration. Breaths blew through his open mouth while he rushed his loins to climax. A bold idea came to the boy. He leaned his head over the man's lap to take a closer look at his cock. It seemed to be swelling within his hand. His redish balls shook below. The Indian gasped. Jimmy couldn't believe what he was about to attempt. He opened his mouth. The Indian growled out like a bear and shot. The boy felt the warm spurt against his chin and aimed his head lower for the next shot. It went into his mouth! And the next one. When the man slowed his hand around his ebbing flow, the youth leaned back into his sitting position away from him. Mouth closed. Only a sly grin on his face hinted at what he'd done. Mister Burrows opened his eyes to look at Jimmy. He was proud that his manly display was witnessed. When looking down at his belly, he couldn't find the telling streaks of his released seed. Only a little of it covered his right hand. Nothing on his folded legs or over the wood floor. He was in bewilderment... Where did it go? The boy giggled. He felt the thickness over his tongue and gave the Indian man a mischievious stare. "You have, Jimmy?" the man asked. He looked into the boy's hands. Jimmy leaned close to Mister Burrows and opened his mouth. He proudly showed the man how his seed was shot into his mouth; his tongue swirled its thickness. When the Indian smiled, the boy swallowed his sperm. Its bland salty taste made the youth grimace though. Mister Burrows brought his face to Jimmy's in a rush. He wet his lips and pressed them against the boy in a kiss. After a startled moment, the boy responded. He kissed the man back. A tongue stuck into Jimmy's mouth. Mister Burrows tasted his cum in the boy and he wanted some of it back. Their kissing turned into a wrestling match with tongues sticking through each other's mouths and swirling for sperm. It became too much for the Indian. He broke away from Jimmy to release a hearty laugh. "I won!" Jimmy shouted. He smacked his lips with satisfaction. The Indian conceded the win by nodding his head. Another laugh erupted from him in the small club house. He was very happy. Jimmy rose up and went to sit in the man's lap. He welcomed the long brown arms around him that made them one. A loud buzzing filled the youth's ears. His eyes swam. Performing sex was too adult a thing for his body to keep up with sometimes. He rested his weary head against the Indian's chest; his eyes closed. Mister Burrows held his boy close. He sniffed the soft hair and felt so fortunate to have won Jimmy's love. This was their last embrace. He knew what he'd told the boy but in his heart, he felt that their paths in life would separate without ever coming back together. What they had shared was enough for the old Indian. He was ready to go to the Above soon with a happy heart. - The End - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of the file: Other numbered parts may be written that lead up RITES-OF-BOYHOOD-ENDING to what you've read of this story's conclusion!