Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 13:04:43 +0000 From: Darren Talbot Subject: gay male/ historical/ his eyes, chapter two His Eyes Chapter two *all cautions regarding the legality of viewing this story in your area and the fictionality of this story's contents are applicable. _________________________________ I tried to struggle against them. Around me, the muffled screams of other boys, and the solid wall of fear from the others who were waiting for thier turn on tables. I tried to struggle, but my legs had gone weak with fear, and I couldn't breathe. On the table, it's cold stone against my ass and back, the two massive men standing on either side pushed my down by my shoulder and hip. In craning my neck to see where the man who's brought me here went, I caught a glimpse of something that threw new furvor into my panic struggle: where the penis's of both of these men should be were only horribly mutilated stumps. I opened my mouth to scream and immediately, a spit soaked thick lengrth of leather was shoved inside of it. My eyes grew so large with fear that I thought they might pop out. The man had just finished wiping the blood from the blade and turned around. It's metal gleamed at me, briefly reflecting my face. The bladesman slowly slid his hand down my stomach, throwing me into a heightened pleasure. I arched my back a little. He let his fingers almost lovingly caress my testicles and slide up my cock, which was growing again. I was horrified and fascinated all at the same time. My cock was now almost straight up and glistening with a small drop of some liquid I'd never seen it have before. It was jumping with the huge thuds of my pulse. The bladesman stopped, and looked back at me, grinning, then said something in the language of these people. The two men standing next to me began to laugh and let me up, one of them wrapping his enormous hand around my arm entirely and pulling me out of the tent. The boys who were waiting stared at me in a mixture of disbelief and hatred. The screams that followed me out of that tent have haunted me to this day. I was led outside, ashamed and embarassed about my erection, but slowly regaining the ability to breathe. I'd been spared for some reason. And guilt. I was guilty at not sharing any of the horrible fates I'd seen befall the boys I knew, some from my very own village. The huge man led me to another tent. He peeked inside, his iron grip on my arm holding me in place. I didn't struggle because I was only just now able to feel my legs again. His head came back out with a frown on it, and he hauled me away with a yank of the arm, causing me to trip over my own feet. We went to three more tents. In one, I was even taken inside, but the man behind the small desk there waved his hand without even looking up. I saw another blonde-haired boy kneeling infront of him, his head near the man's crotch, and moving back away from it then back towards it. It didn't dawn on me, then, what that boy might have been doing, but I know, now. Yes, I know now. Finally, after the four tents, I was yanked around again and was being led back to the first tent, again. Back to where the bladesman waited. It seemed I wasn't going to escape that fate, after all. My legs began to go weak again, and we were just about to enter the tent for a second time when someone cried out near the huge man. He stopped, and turned his head. Approaching was a tall man in nicely kept robes. He had soft skin and a pleasant face. He and the huge man began talking back and forth about something, then the nice looking man gave the tall man some coins of silver, and the big man let go of my arm, slowly, watching my eyes the whole time. The pleasant looking man then took my arm lightly, smiling, and turned me away from the big man who'd been so rough. As we walked away from that horrible tent, the guilt of not having these horrible things happen to me was a thick blanket I was choking under. I saw horrors as we walked out of that camp. Other boys bent over barrels and being raped by four or five men at a time, Boys with spots of blood on the front of thier tunics from the wool not completely able to cover the wounds they'd been inflicted with, and in all of thier eyes, hatred and fear. Worse were the ones with no looks on thier faces at all. We were out of the camp completely and on a long, flat stretch of grass when four young, very muscular and lean men approached, carrying a large bed with an overhanging drape on top of two poles. Two men carried each pole over thier shoulders. When they arrived where we were, they lowered the palanquin to the ground. The kind faced man stepped in and gently led me in, as well, sitting me next to him. Just as I sat, he said something and the whole contraption was lifted, and the men started a slow jog away, carrying us both. "I'm guessing that you are from the island?" the man said, suddenly, in my language. His accent was funny, but I could understand him. "Yes." I replied, still in utter shock. "Do you have a name?" "Hamish." I said, weakly. "Hamish. Not a very pretty name for such a pretty boy." He said, tilting his head to the side. I didn't respong to that, and we rode in silence for a time. The countryside we were passing was breathtaking. It was bright and green and lush. My pale skin soaked it in, warming me. "My name is Theodus. Do you know where you are?" I shook my head no, reluctantly looking back to his face. "Ah. I didn't think so. You are now in New Carthage. The very tip of the Empire," he said, leaning forward and putting his hand on my leg. He traced my thigh with his fingertip and, though it ashamed me, blood rushing to my face and my cock, I liked the touch. Seeing the tears in my eyes, though, he stopped, and then leaned back, "Do you read your own language?" I shook my head no. I couldn't read. My father had always said that he wanted his daughters to be able to read, but me he was training to farm. I had always been jealous seeing them sitting with the Druid that came with his tablets for them. I'd always wanted to know of the secrets hidden there. "Ah. How is your eyesight, though? Good enough to guide an old man around, I'll wager." He said, and laughed to himself. The rest of our trip passed in silence. I felt my old self come back some from the refugee self I'd become in the past weeks of the voyage and the shock of today, when I saw the town we approached. By comparison to most in the Empire I've seen since, it is nothing, but to a boy who'd never been beyond the confines of his village before, New Carthage was a vast metropolis. I forgot the pain, the miseray and the shame watching it grow and then surround us. The streets were filled with more of these dark haired people, and they were so dark skinned and beautiful to me. I even recall seeing a young man playing with an infant on the street. I smiled at him when he looked at me, and he smiled back. Winding through streets, we eventually were lowered to the ground infront of what seemed to me a vast manor. Theodus got down off the litter and took my arm again, lightly, in his hand. He led me to the door and down several steps inside. The smooth stone was cool and marvelous against my feet. I was famished, though, and my hunger hit me full force once inside. My stomach growled loudly. "Ahh...hungry, eh? Well, we must keep your strength up, mustn't we?" Theodus said, smiling. He began barking out things in the other language, and people began moving. Soon, I was brought to a table which was spread out in a feast. What I didn't know was that this was fairly light meal for this household, but to me it was endless bounty. I gorged myself horribly, and very soon was fast asleep, my head resting on my arms on the table. I was awakened by the feeling of a huge set of arms cradeling me and then being immersed in warm water. My eyes opened drowsily to find myself sitting in a tub and two old women gently washing me. Thier hands roaming over me with something that smelled nice, but was undoubtedly soap. They smiled at me. At the door, not far off, was a huge man with dark brown skin. He was fascinating and beautiful to my eyes. I couldn't control myself, and I started to grow under the ministrations of these women and looking at this huge man. The entire time, the women chattered on in thier language, which I noticed, sounded somewhat like the main one I'd heard spoken here, but was different in small ways. Thier skin was not nearly as dark as the others I'd seen. They dried me and gave me one of the robes I'd seen the men wear, showing me how to tie it. They also gave me sandals to wear on my feet, which was odd. I'd never had anything covering the bottom of my feet before. I liked the noise they made whenever the heel would contact the floor. The large brown man led me down a corridor to another room that I had to step down yet more steps to get to. Theodus was there, sitting on a bench and talking with a woman. She had a large nose and a brilliant smile, which she turned on me the minute I walked in. She rose and said something to the brown man, who left immediately, and then she took my shoulders in her hands and said something over her shoulder to Theodus, who stood, and walked over, saying something back to her. To me, he said "My wife says that you are a very handsome creature. She asked me to ask you to say your name for her." "Hamish." I said. She frowned slightly and said something to Theodus, who said, "She says that that is a very ugly name for such a pretty boy." As he was speaking, she said something else, "She wonders if you would like to change it to reflect your new life." "New life?" I asked, unsure. He said somethign to her, and she ran her hand over my cheek lovingly, then left the room. He took my shoulder and led me to the bench, pushing me gently to sit. "Your new life. I rescued you today from something horrible, but it has a price." Theodus said. "I don't have any gold or silver." I said. He laughed, "Oh, that's alright. I have all the gold and silver I need. But you have something that I need." He said. I grew scared. Immediately, my thoughts went to seeing all those proud boys bent over barrels and harmed in such a horrible way. Was I then to be his in such a fashion, for the rest of my life? "You have young eyes and a strong back, and many years left for both things." He said, rising. "I don't understand." I said. Turning back to me, he said, "Tonight, you sleep here. We'll bunk you next to Nefu. Tomorrow, early, after we've eaten, I take you to meet my father." He then left the room. The large brown skinned man came back in, his bald head gleaming. He was smiling, and I felt immediately at ease with him. He put his huge hands on my shoulders and said something to me in a language drastically different than the one Theodus and his wife spoke, but the intent was plain...and I relaxed as I was bidden. He led me by my shoulders down several hallways to a room with straw mats on the floor and a few thick blankets. When he stopped, he turned me around to face him and put his hand on his chest, saying "Nefu."And then he extended his hand toward me, palm up with his head cocked to the side. "Hamish." I said, and he smiled a brilliantly white smile. He knelt down and patted his enormous hand on one of the blankets. When he did, I was immediately caught staring at the huge cock that swung between his legs showing from under his loincloth. He caught me looking and, as I sat down on the mat, he patted me on top of the head and said something, then licked his lips and smacked them together, as if to say something tasted very good. I couldn't help but laugh, too, though I was very scared. Just as I finished sitting down, though, there came a loud sound as I felt that I was sitting on something, and from under the blanket came a boy a little younger than me with blonde hair and green eyes, saying something in the language of Theodus, then, seeing me, his eyes got huge and I was immediately crushed in his hug. "Oh, the gods are merciful...oh, this is wonderful...wonderful" He said, and I found, to my surprise, that I was crying, too. ________________________________________________ End Chapter two More to come! *questions or comments? More than welcome.