Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 03:19:13 +0000 (UTC) From: Christian Debus Subject: Master of River's Bend Chapter 14 Master of River's Bend Chapter 14 "The River" This is a story of erotic fiction meant to be read by adults over the age of eighteen years Written by slave toby: November, 2015 My stories are archived at "The characters and ideas contained in this story are products of the writer's imagination and bear no resemblance to actual persons or events. Please respect the integrity of the story and don't do any rewrites, make alterations or add another's artwork or pictures" Please consider donating! Nifty needs your financial support to continue publishing these stories. If you'd like to help, please donate to Chapter 14: As they approach the river, Yancy is greeted with a sight that borders on the biblical. Certainly it is like nothing he's ever seen - or could ever have imagined. Gangs of slaves - their nakedness hidden under a coating of black, stinking mud toil under the lash to clear the river silt from the main irrigation channels which carry water inland from the river to the crop-fields. The already heavy tools they are using are made impossibly heavier by the waterlogged mud they are shoveling to deepen the ditches to allow even more water to flow through to the secondary channels which crisscross the plantation's broad-acres delivering precious life-giving water to even the most far distant fields. Spaced strategically along these irrigation channels are large water-wheels and smaller treadmills which operate around the clock to keep the water flowing. The water-wheels vary in size and type but all have one thing in common; they are powered by the stressed muscles of the straining, slaves, who are required to keep the water flowing at a constant rate. And to help them in their efforts, their backs are constantly scourged by the cruel whips of their black overseers - men who had once been slaves but are now the masters and who mete out retribution and punishment against the hated white race. Many years ago, Charles had realized the importance of water and had ambitiously embarked on a program of building an irrigation system to ensure an adequate water supply to his crops. Voraciously, he read of those societies which successfully used irrigation and searching through the extensive St Jean library he'd come across descriptions of waterwheels used by the ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations. As he delved deeper into the subject, he discovered pictures and diagrams of water-wheels used in more recent times by the Moors in Spain and the Arabs in the Ottoman Empire. These had fired his imagination and he enthusiastically set about making his vision become reality. He'd put some of his slaves to work digging what were to become the three main arterial channels leading from the river into his fields. The initial work had been slow and painstaking for the unhappy slaves and much was learned by trial and error. However, over time, he'd overcome all obstacles and slowly the system of channels had spread in a web-like pattern over the rich, fertile acres of the plantation. And with the ever expanding irrigation system had come an increase in his crop yields which in turn had added to his wealth. Wisely, he'd used this new wealth to buy more slaves who he'd put to work digging new channels, maintaining the existing ones and to provide the raw muscle power for his waterwheels. The waterwheels had presented Charles with a particular problem which he confronted with wholehearted enthusiasm. He'd read everything he could about them and discovered that they were as old as agriculture itself. The more Charles read of the waterwheel, the more enthusiastic he became. He was determined that the waterwheel would become an integral part of the plantation's operation and thus ensure its continuing prosperity. Charles decided the discovery of the waterwheel would have to stand as one of man's greatest achievements and it had served him well over the centuries. It delivers life-giving water to sustain life in those parched, hostile regions where previously man, his animals and crops couldn't exist. It takes water from areas of abundance and delivers it to areas of need and he is now applying that same concept to River's Bend Plantation. And for Charles the waterwheel appealed on another baser level. He'd read that in rural societies in Spain, North Africa and the Middle-East, donkeys or mules were used to power the waterwheel. Well, he'd have none of that. Charles holds deep affection for horses and their less glamorous cousins and would never consider using them for such a mundane task. Such a task is more suited to a dumb, plodding ox or a white slave. And right at the outset, he decided that his white slaves would become the mindless oxen who'd provide the muscle power required to keep his waterwheels turning and the water flowing. Turning his white slaves into bovine minded beasts-of-burden had a deep appeal. It would be fitting retribution for what he'd suffered at the hands of the hated St Jean family. After many trials and much experimenting, Charles had decided the "noria" style of waterwheel used extensively throughout the Middle-East would best serve his purposes. In its purest form, the noria is a single, vertical wheel with buckets or earthenware vessels fastened to its outer circumference for lifting water from a river or stream and delivering it into an aqueduct or water channel. In the Middle-East, the noria is a stand-alone wheel usually installed in a fast flowing river the current of which provides the motive power to keep the wheel turning. However, Charles had adapted the noria to suit his special needs. He fitted a second horizontal wheel in the form of a capstan that engaged with the noria's axle through a series of cogs causing it to turn and lift the water from the river into the primary irrigation channels. And in accordance with his earlier decision the motive power for the capstan would be supplied by his white slaves. By incorporating the capstan, it gave him greater control over the lifting of the water from the river into the main arterial channels and using slaves to control the speed of the wheel was more efficient than relying on the uncertainty of variable water flows. A slave's speed can be adjusted to meet the current requirements and regulated with a whip. So successful was this first wheel that it became the prototype for all other water-wheels used on the plantation. And it remains so today. Progressively, Charles had his slaves construct more wheels of the noria type to keep the precious, life-giving water flowing constantly through the intricate pattern of irrigation canals and channels. Today, there are some thirty water-wheels of varying sizes in operation throughout the plantation. The three wheels spaced strategically along the riverbank have massive circumferences that require twelve slaves to keep them turning. These are the master wheels which lift the water from the broad river flowing along the plantation's northern boundary and depositing it into the main channels flowing inland from the river. These wheels never stop; they operate twenty-four hours a day for all 365 days of the year. And where the main channel intersects with a secondary one a smaller mill, powered by one or two slaves depending on the size of that mill ensures the water flows to where it is most needed. Today, with Yancy at his side, Charles is proud of his achievements at irrigating his plantation. It stands as testimony to his far-sightedness and his perseverance to get things done. Sitting astride Pegasus, he gazes over the bent backs of his slaves who are fearfully aware that their master is watching them at their labors. Their fear of this man is such that they apply themselves to their work with even greater diligence than the overseers' whip can coax out of them. Some years ago, he'd even considered consigning Ptolemy to work temporarily in the ditches or on a waterwheel. However, he'd decided against that as Ptolemy had more appeal as his house-slave and to provide him with sexual relief. But now, he has another of the hated St Jean family member as a slave. Perhaps the new slave Ram could serve a stint working in a stinking, mud filled trench or mindlessly working a treadmill. It's an appealing thought and one that he'll give more consideration to. But he has already promised Ramses to Yancy and he would require his young guest's approval to chain him to a wheel. However, it is something to think about and to discuss with Yancy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Charles is justifiably proud of his irrigation system and chooses it to showcase the plantation's operations to Yancy. Deliberately, he makes it the first stop in their tour of inspection of River's Bend and to give Yancy the chance to watch his slaves as they labor industriously on one of the three, giant waterwheels lifting water from the river. Yancy studies the mechanics of the waterwheel with great interest and notes the capstan used to turn the waterwheel has six spokes each manned by two slaves chained into position. Fascinated, Yancy watches as the twelve, wretched slaves struggle to keep the wheel turning. All his attention is focused on the naked slaves as they strain and sweat to keep the massive wheel turning at the required speed. The spectacle of naked, white men working as a beasts of burden and watching the stress the wheel places on their bodies is empowering. He listens to their laboured breathing and looks on dispassionately as the miserable wretches are tormented by swarms of flying insects attracted to their naked, mud-splattered bodies by their smell and sweat. Yancy smiles at the twitching and the shaking of their bodies as vainly, they try to dislodge the pests and find some relief from their annoying bites and stings. And he approves as they flinch and cry out each time an overseer's whip cuts across their already striped backs with the order to "settle down". And with each stroke of the whip, the insects temporarily disperse giving the slaves a few moments relief before settling back onto their sweat-soaked bodies to once more feast on their filth. For the first time, Yancy becomes aware of the magnificence of the naked, male body in all its stressed beauty and salaciously, he pictures Ramses as one of the slaves shackled to the capstan. In his mind's eye he sees his former master toiling to keep pace with his fellow slaves. He imagines Ramses stressed body bent forward over his spoke with his biceps bulging and the sinews in his legs stretched almost to breaking point by the unrealistic demands being made of them. For a brief moment, he imagines he is one of the overseers and uses his whip to good effect to urge Ramses to greater effort. Vividly, in his mind, he sees the thin, red weals that his whip raises on Ram's as yet unmarked back and ass. But his imagination doesn't stop there. He pictures the scene as each morning, he leads Ram to the capstan and shackles him into position ready to begin his day's labor. With greater clarity, he sees himself applying the whip to Ram's back to get him started. It is the first of many such cuts of the whip which he'll apply to his slave's back and ass throughout the day and he vividly pictures the wretched, naked Ramses straining under the lash to keep it turning. Yancy pictures the stress placed upon Ramses' strong, young body and the erotic image of his muscles and tendons stretched to the utmost excite him causing his cock to spring into a rampant erection. He hears Ramses' loud, rasping breathing as he constantly seeks to fill his oxygen starved lungs and his labored grunting as he is urged to greater exertion. The imagined, animal smell of Ramses' unwashed body mixed with the heady aroma of his sweat-soaked nakedness only further feeds Yancy's lust and fuels his need for revenge. But most of all Yancy savors the image of the the criss-crossed pattern of the stripes on his former white master's back and ass laid there by his whip. Ramses' loud screams of pain as the whip wraps itself sinuously around his torso like some sinister, black snake is the icing on the cake. "You seem lost in your thoughts, Yancy! A penny for them?" Charles' question cuts through Yancy's reverie and brings him back to reality. "I'm sorry Charles but there's so much to take in. All this is bewildering!" Yancy gestures expansively over the scene of the toiling slaves. It's ...... well ...... it's not something I ever expected to see. White men working as naked slaves under the black man's whip." "And do you approve, Yancy?" "Of course, Charles! It's just the surprise at actually seeing it happen. But I like what I am seeing. In fact, I was just imagining Ramses working on a wheel or as one of those slaves clearing mud from the ditches. I had a picture of him working ass deep in the mud and with his balls dangling in the filth." "That's an interesting thought, Yancy," Charles chuckles, "and not entirely out of the question. At one time, I had similar thoughts about Ptolemy but I never got around to doing it. But his cousin is a different matter and the choice as to where he works is one for you to make. Soon, he 'll be under your control and you get choose how and where he is to be used." "Thanks, Charles! I keep that in mind. Charles smiles inwardly at Yancy's thoughts. So far - from what he recalls - Yancy has had Ramses placed between the shafts of a cart to work as a pony and now he visualizes him working in the filth and slime of an irrigation ditch or laboring on a waterwheel. Well none of these things are impossible and the ultimate choice will be Yancy's to make. The only problem for Charles is that Ramses could fall victim to an over- enthusiastic overseer's whip which could permanently mark him. That is something which he will put to Yancy when they finally discuss Ram's future duties. Meantime, in the distance, Charles spies Edward busily supervising a gang of slaves working waist deep in a silt filled channel. He spurs Pegasus forward and tells Yancy. "Come with me Yancy! There's someone I want you to meet." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Edward looks up and sees Charles approaching and breaks from his supervising of the slaves to ride forward to meet the Master of River's Bend. Edward is puzzled by the young, black man driving a slave and trap accompanying Charles and naturally he wonders who he is. Charles had told him of Ptolemy's cousin, Luke's visit and of his plan to enslave him - an idea he wholeheartedly endorses. However, there'd been no mention of a black man visiting and he assumes that he'd been brought to the plantation to serve as the cousin's slave. He'd seen the young cousin just this morning, shortly after his arrival, when he'd caught Ptolemy wasting time in the fields watching a slave-gang at its labors. He'd admonished Ptolemy but deliberately ignored Luke. However, that hadn't stopped him from running a critical eye over the visitor and Edward liked what he saw. The young man was youthfully handsome - indeed he was exceptionally so - and the expensive clothing he wore did little to conceal his burgeoning physique which to Edward's practised eyes showed great potential. And of particular interest to Edward were the contours of the pert ass that showed through the tight-fitting trousers. Edward had hoped that he'd have an opportunity to seen Luke Trevannion in all his naked glory before day's end. And he even hoped that he would have some oversight over Ptolemy's relative thus providing him with a new focus for his anger against the hated St Jean family. "Good afternoon, Edward." "Good afternoon, Charles." Edward replies. "Edward here is someone I want you to meet. Allow me to introduce Yancy who'll be staying on at River's Bend as my guest." Edward dismounts as Yancy clambers out of the trap. Both men grasp one another hand in a firm handshake and exchange greetings. "Welcome to River's Bend, Yancy." As Edward greets Yancy, he looks to Charles with the unspoken question - who is this young man? "Thank you, sir!" Yancy replies shyly. "Yancy, call me Edward. Only the slaves call me 'sir' or 'boss'. And you're obviously not a slave," and he gestures towards Clem, "otherwise you wouldn't be driving this slave-rig." "Edward, Yancy arrived as Luke Trevannion's slave but that is no longer the situation. He became a free man the moment he stepped onto our wharf this morning. However, the same can't be said about his former master. I've just enslaved him and, even as we speak, Ptolemy is preparing him for his new life. I hope you'll come to dinner this evening to see my newest slave in the flesh and to appraise him. As always, I'd value your opinion. No one knows white slave-flesh as well as you." "Thanks Charles. You flatter me. I accept your invitation to dinner and look forward to fingering your newest slave. I caught a glimpse of him this morning wasting time with Ptolemy in the fields. I told Ptolemy he was to tell you that I'd caught him malingering. Did he do so?" "Yes, he did own up and he was soundly beaten for his trouble." "Good! I'm pleased to hear it." Edward is showing his antipathy towards Ptolemy. "Sometimes, Ptolemy forgets his place and takes too much for granted. He needs punishment to bring him back down to earth." "Indeed he does, Edward. But rest assured, he now has a well-striped ass as a result of his dawdling this morning. He received ten strokes of the rattan cane and I can assure you he felt every stroke." "What about your new slave, Charles. Have you given him a name?" "Yes, I've named him Ramses or Ram for short." "A good name in keeping with the Egyptian theme you adopted for the rest of your house slaves. I assume you had him shuck off his clothing. But tell me a bit about his naked appearance." "Well he's a handsome boy and possesses a good but somewhat soft body. I had the vet assess him and he tells me the building blocks are there and with hard work he'll develop into a prime slave. But you'll see for yourself this evening." "I look forward to it, Charles. And speaking of the vet. I sent a slave to fetch him to me about twenty minutes ago and he still hasn't appeared. Immutef knows my needs are urgent and never to keep me waiting. I'll whup his lazy, white ass when he does arrive." "His ass has already taken a quite a hammering." Charles laughs. "I gave Yancy permission to fuck him after lunch. I know the vet is your 'special boy' but I hoped you wouldn't mind." "Not at all, Charles! All white ass is there to be used by any black man in need of a fuck. Tell me Yancy. Did he please you? Did you enjoy fucking him?" Yancy blushes at the directness of Edward's questions but manages to blurt out. "Very much so, Edward. It was the first time I'd ever fucked a white man and I enjoyed it. I have to say it gave me a sense of power over him. Each time I thrust into him I felt like I was in charge." "And you were in charge, Yancy. I guess you never had the opportunity to use white ass before today. And it won't be the last time. There's plenty of white ass to go around on River's Bend. The slaves know it's another part of their duties to keep their overseers happy." "Well now that Yancy has sampled Immutef, I'm sure he'll be eager to sample some other slaves. He obviously enjoyed using Immutef, You should have seen Yancy pounding into the slave." "I'm not surprised. Immutef is tight-assed and smooth as silk on the inside and his ass muscles are very powerful. They are guaranteed to give you a lot of pleasure. And in return, perhaps I'll get to use Ramses one day." Edward adds hopefully. "I'm sure you will, Edward. Tonight, I will exercise my droit de seigneur rights over Ramses and then tomorrow I'm giving Yancy the right to use him as he sees fit. I'm sure that Yancy will be happy to reciprocate and allow you to use Ramses. Isn't that so, Yancy?" "Of course, Charles. I'm happy to share Ramses. Perhaps I can use Immutef again?" "Anytime at all, Yancy! Just say the word and Immutef is yours to use. Oh, and by the way, try his mouth as an alternative to his ass. His throat and tongue can give you a lot of pleasure too. I've trained them well." As they talk, Yancy sees Immutef running towards them. Even from a distance, Yancy can see that the slave's naked body is dripping sweat and his powerful chest is heaving from the exertions of his running. He drops to his knees and crawls forward to kiss Charles' dusty riding boots before paying similar homage to Yancy. Then, fearfully, he crawls to where Edward is standing and begs his forgiveness for being late. Edward is in no mood for excuses and lashes out with his whip to administer summary punishment to the crouching slave's back. Yancy watches as Edward loudly berates Immutef for his tardiness and angrily applies his whip to the vet's exposed shoulders and upturned ass. This serves as a cue for Charles to move on. "I'll leave you to deal with your slave." Charles tells Edward. "There's still much for me to show Yancy before we return to the big house. We'll see you at dinner, Edward." Mollified by Charles' words, Edward breaks from his punishment of Immutef to bid Charles and Yancy farewell. "Charles, I look forward to dinner with you and Yancy and the chance to inspect your newest slave." "Then we'll see you this evening, Edward." "'Bye Charles! 'Bye Yancy!" As they move away, Yancy overhears Edward impatiently orders Immutef to adopt the "all fours" position. As he applies his driver's whip to Clem's undulating buttocks urging him to keep pace with Pegasus, Yancy is thankful he's not a plantation slave. His own slavery had been grim but in comparison to what he'd seen so far at River's Bend it could almost be regarded as benign. It's obvious that life for River's Bend Plantation's white slaves is as harsh as their black master can possibly make it. Yet, he feels no pity for them. Quite the contrary; he looks forward to having authority over them and adding to their suffering. After all, revenge is sweet! To be continued . . . . . . .