Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 17:35:30 +0000 From: Jeffrey Fletcher Subject: Two Jubilees.... Part 4 This is a story that involves sex between males. If such a story is offensive, or illegal for you to read where you live, then do not continue, go and surf elsewhere. This is a work of fiction and in no way draws on the lives of any specific person or persons. If there is any similarity to any real persons or events it is entirely coincidental. The work is copyrighted (c) by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. It is assigned to the Nifty Archives under the terms of their submission agreement but it may not be copied or archived on any other site without the written permission of the author. My thanks to John and Michael who have read this through and made a number of corrections and suggestions. Any remaining errors , grammatical, spelling or historical or whatever are entirely my fault. If you want to comment on the story then do contact me on I aim to reply to all messages. Two Jubilees and a Spitfire. This story which opens in the 1930's will tell the story of one person from some of his first memories in the 1930s through to his seventieth birthday in 2002 Trevor comes from the East End of London and speaks with a cockney accent. This involves a total non use of an 'h' at the beginning of the a word. Also 'th' is frequently pronounced 'v' or 'f'.. I have always used a 'v', even where the sound would be an 'f'. I have not done so when the 'th' occurs in the middle of a word for obvious reason. i.e.'Other' as 'over' gives a completely different meaning. I hope this does not make reading too difficult, but helps to give colour to the dialogue. I have also introduced some cockney rhyming slang [CRS]. Resume:- Trevor is an eleven year old, living in the slums of London during the 1940s. His father was killed in an air raid, and he has been physically and sexually abused by a man who had been living with his mother. Two Jubilees and a Spitfire, Part 4. Led Astray. Trevor made a rapid recovery from the physical effects of the abuse at the hands, or rather the cock, of Fred. It took longer, in some ways much longer, to recover from the psychological harm. His mother and Mrs Cussins, showed him care and tenderness over the next few days. An eleven year old boy is not kept down for long, he has a natural liveliness. There was little to keep Trevor in the way that he should go. He had no father at home, to correct him where necessary, and to set an example of what it means to be a man. His mother was soon taken up with her war work, and three weeks after the departure of Fred, yet another 'uncle' was installed. School was not what it should have been. All the younger male teachers had disappeared into the armed forces. They were replaced by older men, who came out of retirement as their contribution to the war effort. Discipline in the class suffered. Trevor began to learn less and less. There were gangs of young boys in the neighbourhood. Trevor became a member of one. They just ran wild. They played the usual boy games to begin with, Cowboys and Indians, Commandos and Germans after the raid on Dieppe. They began to break the law. They started to enter premises where they should not have been. Many of the places were war damaged and dangerous. They began to engage in petty stealing. It was to them all great fun, and exciting. There were occasional encounters with the law. When chased, the boys would disperse, scattering in all directions if a solitary policeman began to give chase. The young boys could run faster than a middle aged policeman. Trevor started truanting from school. In those chaotic war-time days there was no checking up. No school attendance officers. He was bored at school, it was much more fun to be out on the streets. The only adult with whom Trevor had anything like a good relationship was Mr Huckle, the newsagent. Mr Huckle had no idea what Trevor was up to. Mr Huckle was a connection with his father, and in Mr Huckle's presence the influence of Frank Russell still told. He often visited the shop, and there with the maps in the daily papers he began to follow the war. They followed the war in Africa, a war of distance and supply, of advance and retreat. In the autumn the drama of the battle for Stalingrad began to unfold. "Have the Jerries captured it yet?" Trevor would ask as he went into the shop. "No, the Ruskies are still holding out." Then they heard that Churchill had flown out to Egypt. He sacked many of the leading military commanders, and among the replacements was Bernard Montgomery, who was put in charge of the Eighth Army. Then came the battle of El Alamein. At long last there was a victory to celebrate. Churchill commanded that the church bells be rung in celebration. In 1940 the church bells had been ordered to be rung only if there was an invasion. Many people throughout the country stood outside their homes listening to the church bells. Churchill later said, "Before El Alamein we never had a victory, after El Alamein we never had a defeat." That was not quite true, but almost. *** There were two events that were to change the course of Trevor's life. If they had not happened to Trevor in the second half of 1943 he would have ended up at best an almost illiterate petty criminal in the East End of London. The first event occurred one sunny summer afternoon in the late summer. Trevor was not with his usual gang, but on his own. There was a greengrocer's shop on one of the street corners. Even in those days of limited supplies this greengrocer liked to put his wares out in boxes on the pavement. There were certainly no oranges or bananas; the first were very rarely seen during those war years, the second never. But there were apples and plums. Trevor saw the open boxes of fruit. The greengrocer was inside the shop dealing with a customer. Trevor decided to help himself. He kept one eye on the shopkeeper and started stuffing the fruit into his trouser pockets. But the shop keeper was keeping one eye on his wares outside the shop. With a loud yell, he pushed his customer to one side, and made for the door. He continued to call out. Trevor had not seen that there was a policeman making his way towards him down the street. The cries of the shop keeper attracted the policeman's attention, and he began to run towards the shop. Trevor decided discretion was the better part of valour, and fled. He found that the apples and plums in his pockets impeded his progressed.SPELLING He pulled them out of his pockets one by one, and flung them over his shoulder, hoping to slow down the policeman. The policeman was middle aged and portly. He could not run as fast as Trevor. Trevor knew the locality well. He ran down one street, and then through an alleyway into another street. When he realised that he had got away from the law, he began to slow down. He was still panting trying to catch his breath when he turned without looking properly into another alley way. He immediately bumped into a couple of men who were walking in the opposite direction. " 'Old on there, lad," said one of them. Trevor tried to dodge them. The man who had spoken grabbed his collar and held him fast. "Just where do you vink you're going, sonny Jim?" Before Trevor could speak the other man spoke. "I know vat boy. 'Is name's Trevor." " 'Ow do you know 'im?" "I was wiv 'is Mum. I 'ad 'im. But 'e's a bloody bleeder. 'E bled on me, Bill." The man was Fred. "So you've 'ad 'im. And you made 'im bleed! Poor lad, no doubt you went at 'im like some bloody bull in a fucking china shop." Bill still held on to Trevor, and looked at him carefully. 'A typical street Arab', he thought. But something made him wonder. " Let's take him down ver cellar, I want to talk to 'im." Bill kept a hand on Trevor, and pushed him along in front of him. They entered a ruined building. They made their way through some rooms, and turning a corner they came to some steps. They went down. It was dark down there, as they were below street level. Bill guided Trevor ahead of him, he knew the way well. Bill stopped, and Fred pushed past them. Trevor heard a door being opened. He was pushed into a small room. There were no windows. It was furnished with a table and a chair. On the table there was a paraffin lamp burning, and giving light. Bill sat down, and lit a cigarette. He held out a packet of sweets to Trevor. " 'Ere Trevor, 'ave one of vese. Got them off some Yankee soldiers on ver black market." Trevor took the sweet. Sweets were very tightly rationed. "Now, Trev, tell me why was you running all out of breath round vat corner?" Trevor stood there in silence for a while. "Come on, tell me," said Bill. "I were running away from the local Bobby." "Oh, you was, was you? Why?" "I 'ad nicked some apples and plums from ver greengrocers." Bill laughed. "And where's the apples and plums?" "I 'ad to throw vem away," said Trevor. "Vey stopped me running fast." Bill and Fred both laughed. " 'ave another sucker," said Bill. "So you know Fred 'ere?" Trevor nodded, and turned to look fearfully at Fred. "I don't vink 'e likes you, Fred. Can't say I blame 'im if you made 'im bleed. You's always a rough one. You could 'ave been onto a good ving, 'ave both ver Mum and 'er boy. But you mucked it up." Bill paused for a moment while he thought. "I vink you'd better go outside, Fred. Go and keep watch. You can 'ave vese cigs." He pushed an almost empty packet of cigarettes across to Fred. "I want to talk to young Trev." Rather grudgingly Fred left the room. "So what 'appened with you and Fred?" Trevor, rather hesitatingly at first, told Bill all that had happened. Bill nodded sympathetically as he listened. "Fred is good at doing somethings, but a wild animal at times when it comes to using 'is Brighton. [Cockney Rhyming Slang CRS Brighton Rock = Cock] Pity! Nice boy like you being 'urt. Was vat ver first time you done anything like vat?" Trevor told Bill about Harry, and what had happened when he was that much younger. "You enjoyed vat?" Trevor nodded. "But all you did was to toss 'im off, make spunk as you call it. And 'e played with your Brighton?" "Yea." "And you enjoyed all that. 'E didn't 'urt you nothing?" "No. It were fun." "It's meant to be fun. You know what Fred did to you were unnecessary. 'E didn't need to 'urt you like that. It can be done so as both men enjoy it." Bill paused for a moment. "Do you make spunk yet?" Trevor shook his head. "You're a bit young for that. I reckon it'll be a year or two before you do. Your Brighton gets 'ard then?" Trevor nodded. "You like it when it gets 'ard?" "Yea." "First thing in the morning? You wake up and it's 'ard?" Trevor nodded again. "Do you play with it when it gets 'ard? Or play wiv it to make it 'ard? 'Ere 'ave another sucker." Bill offered Trevor another sweet. "Is it 'ard now?" "A bit." "Shall I tell you a secret, Trev." Bill lent forward and whispered to Trevor, "So's mine. A bit." Trevor took a quick glance down at Bill's crotch. He thought he could detect a slight bulge. "When he's fully 'ard my trousers stick out like a tent." Trevor looked up at Bill and grinned "So does mine. I 'ave to be careful no one sees." "Would you let me see your'un now knowing mine's 'ard?" "I don't vink I'd mind, knowing yours was 'ard." Bill lent forward again. "Mine's getting 'arder and bigger." He moved in the chair so that Trevor could see the distinct tenting in Bill's trousers. "It looks big." "It is," said Bill. "Would you let me see yours?" Trevor looked at Bill. He was trying to assess whether Bill was like Fred. He remembered how much he had enjoyed his times with Harry. He also remembered that all had gone well with Fred, until the time when Fred had pushed his cock painfully into him. He clenched his buttocks at the thought. Bill saw what he did. "You're vinking of your time with Fred, ain't you? 'E really 'urt you, didn't 'e? "Yea. I bled for three days after." " 'E's a brute. Even though 'e's just outside, I won't let him 'urt you. Not now, nor ever. It don't 'ave to 'urt, you know." "It 'urt me a lot then." "I don't want to 'urt you, Trevor. No way. But I'd like to see that Brighton Rock that I can see sticking out down vere. Can I?" Trevor decided to trust Bill, at least that far. He undid his trouser buttons and reached in and pulled out his hard cock. "That's a little beauty! And a big un for a boy of your age." Bill reached forward and lifted Trevor's cock slightly on the palm of his hand. "I vink you've got a very nice one there. And what's more I vink it will be big when you're a man." "You vink so?" Bill took hold of Trevor's three and a quarter inch cock. Very gently he moved the foreskin forward and back over the head. "You like vat?" "Yea. I like it a lot." "I like doing it to you, if you really like it." Trevor nodded. "You know something, Trevor. My cock would like to be held like that by you." Trevor looked at Bill. "Go on, you get him out. I'd like that." Slowly Trevor reached out and started undoing Bill's flies. He had some difficulty in getting the erect penis out, so Bill had to lend him a hand. Eventually it was standing straight and hard out of Bill's trousers. "What do you vink?" "It's big," said Trevor. "Very big." Bill continued to manipulate Trevor's cock. "Do the same to me, Trevor." Trevor got his fingers round Bill's cock and began to move the sheath of skin up and down over the purplish head. Some pre-seminal fluid appeared oozing out from the end of Bill's urethra. "What's vat stuff? It ain't spunk, vat's thicker." " Vat's a special fluid that oozes out before the spunk. It sort of prepares the way for the spunk. I like you doing vat, Trevor. Why don't you take your trousers down so I can see you properly, see your balls as well." Trevor undid his trousers and pushed them down to his ankles. Bill now felt Trevor's balls. They were not very big, but Bill was very gentle. "You're nicely equipped down there, Trev." Bill moved Trevor so that the boy stood side on. With one hand Bill continued to play with Trevor's cock, and with the other he felt the boys buttocks. He gently squeezed them. Bill's fingers explored Trevor's perineum and then using the knuckle of his forefinger, he gently rubbed it across Trevor's anus. Trevor liked that very much. Bill immediately detected Trevor's pleasure. Trevor pressed back on to Bill's finger. "You like that don't you, Trev?" Trevor nodded. "When it's done proper. When a cock goes right in, it feels like that, only much much better." "It 'urt when Fred went right in." "I bet he didn't prepare you. Did 'e do to you what I'm doing?" "No." "Did 'e use any cream or grease on you bum, or on 'is cock?" "No. None." "No wonder it bloody well 'urt you. I bet 'e shoved it straight in." "I just felt 'is cock, where your finger is, and then 'e pushed it in. I tried to scream out, but 'e put 'is mitt over my gob." Fred's voice called in from outside. "Bill. Len's come back wants to be paid." "Just a mo," Bill called back to Fred. "Pull up your trousers, and go and sit on that box over vere. I've got some business to do." Bill put his own cock back into the confines of his trousers, while Trevor pulled up his trousers, and went an sat on a box in the corner of the cellar. "Okay, Fred, send 'im in." The door opened a fair haired boy three or four years older than Trevor came into the room. "Hi Len," said Bill. "Vis is Trev, I've just met im, and we've been talking." Len looked Trevor up and down, and gave both Bill and Trevor a knowing grin. He made a good guess as to what had been going on." " 'Ow did it go, Len?" "Fine. No problems. Can I 'ave my dosh?" "In a mo. First, tell young Trevor 'ere what you've been doing." "I've been wiv a geezer." "Doing what, Len? Tell Trev." " 'E got me to suck 'is cock. Ven 'e fucked me, 'e stuck 'is Brighton up my Khyber. [CRS Khyber Pass = Arse] "Didn't it 'urt, getting a whacking great Brighton up your Khyber?" asked Bill. "Course, it didn't." answer Len with a note of contempt in his voice. "I've 'ad too many cocks up my arse for it to 'urt. Anyway I prepared properly. I used that cream in the little jar you gave me. I greased up my arse, and the geezer's cock. 'Is Brighton slipped in easily. I 'ad a good time. Enjoyed it. And 'e gave me a tip." "Did it 'urt Len the first time you done it?" "Not much. You know it didn't 'urt much, it was your great dong that was the first up me." "Tell Trev, 'ere, why it didn't 'urt vat first time." " 'Cause you took time, and you used plenty of grease." "Did you enjoy it, Len?" "Well I came back for more, didn't I? Do you want to fuck me now? I know you like doing it." "No Len, not this afternoon. 'Ere I'll pay you, and you can get off 'ome. Bill reached into a back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He took a couple of half crowns, out of his pocket. Making a total of five shillings [5 shillings was a quarter of a pound sterling], and handed it over to Len. Trevor was wide eyed. Five shillings was a great deal of money in those days. "Before you go, Len, tell Trev 'ow much you earnt last week." "Four quid." "And you enjoyed doing what you 'ad to do to get it?" "It's money for old rope. Usually doing something you like doing and getting paid for it. Great!" "Okay Len. You can buzz off 'ome now." instructed Bill. Bill turned to Trevor. "And what did you think of that? Len was your age when I first screwed 'im." " 'E seems to enjoy it." "I'd like you to enjoy it. I'd like you to come back 'ere and say, 'Please Bill can we do it again.' If I 'urt you, you wouldn't want to come back for more, would you? Len came back for more." Bill beckoned to Trevor, who came across and stood in front of Bill again. "Take vem trousers off, and your dickey dirt [CRS Shirt]." Trevor stripped. Bill noticed the way Trevor did it. Trevor had watched, and now copied, the way that Harry had done it. A mixture of a teasing and enticing. This boy's a natural thought Bill. The eleven year old Trevor stood in front of Bill, his smooth white body, rather on the boney side, with an uncombed untidy mop of very dark brown hair. Bill ran his hands gently all over Trevor's body. "You're a beauty." Bill stood up, and undid the belt on his trousers, and lowered them, and his pants, to the ground. Bill was about forty. He was a strong muscular man. He stood about five foot eight inches in height. There was the slightest hint that in a few years he might run to fat, but Trevor certainly did not notice that. His eyes were on Bill's cock that was sticking out hard and long, the thick mass of dark hair surrounding it, and on the balls that swung below. He wondered if he would be able to take the monster without suffering the agonies he had suffered from Fred. "If I start 'urting you, Trev, just say 'it's 'urting and I'll stop." Len had not been the first boy Bill had broken in, and Trevor was not to be the last. He knew what he was doing. He felt Trevor's anus with his fingers. "I'm going to put some grease on my fingers. It might feel a bit cold and funny at first." Bill got a good dollop of grease on his finger and applied it to Trevor's backside. It felt cool and slightly sticky rather than cold. Bill then tried to get two fingers into Trevor. "That 'urts," said Trevor. Bill immediately stopped. "Sorry," he said. He knew that doing that would help Trevor to have confidence that Bill was not going to hurt him. Slowly Bill worked a finger into Trevor. " 'Ow's that feel, Trev?" "All right. That don't 'urt." Bill got some more grease and worked two finger in. Then, taking his time, Bill slowly and steadily worked his third finger in. Bill sensed whenever it was beginning to get uncomfortable for Trevor, and he would pull back a bit. All the time he was whispering to Trevor words of encouragement, and telling him what he was doing, and telling him to relax. "I vink you're about ready to get my cock." said Bill. "Lean forward a bit as though you were going to sit down. I want you to sit down on my cock. I'll 'old my cock in position, and you sit down. If it 'urts too much you can stand up. Now it will 'urt a bit, when it starts 'urting try to stop, not pull away, and wait, relax, and the pain will fade away, then try it a bit further." Trevor did as he was told. It hurt a bit. And then something seemed to give inside himself, and he felt that Bill's cock was in. Slowly, stage by stage he lowered himself onto Bill's cock. Bill's hands now played with Trevor's cock, increasing the boy's pleasure. "Now I want to you to come off me, and stand on that box over there, and lean against the wall. I'm going to come up behind you and put my cock in. Tell me if it 'urts too much." Trevor moved, and fairly easily Bill got his cock back into the standing boy. Now Bill was free to move in and out. Bill had control of himself, and came to his climax fairly quickly. Trevor felt Bill's cock grow even bigger, and from his times with Harry he knew what was happening. He felt the jerking cock embedded in him, and the hot spunk gushing out. After a couple of minutes Bill withdrew his cock. Trevor felt empty. "Well, Trev, did I 'urt you?" "Not really, Bill, just a little ver first time you went in." "Did you like it?" Trevor nodded. "And look at my cock. No blood on it at all. He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his cock. He then handed it to Trevor. "Wipe your arse wiv vis." They looked at each other, and smiled. They both got dressed. "If you want me to do it again, come back down 'ere, or find me. I 'ope you do come back, Trev, because I liked that. Let's call that Fred in." "Fred!" he shouted. Fred came into the room. "Trevor 'ere is one of my boys now, Fred. 'E's not yours and never will be. If I 'ear vat you've done anything to 'im, I'll 'ave your guts for garters, or better still your cock for cat food, understand?" Fred nodded. "Now give the boy a quid." [One pound - a great deal of money for an east End boy in the 1940s] "Why should I? You've 'ad 'im, you pay." "No Fred, you've 'ad 'im, and you 'urt 'im, and you didn't pay 'im, so you will pay now. Making you pay, will 'elp you to remember not to lose control when nice young boys are around." Fred, with great reluctance, delved into his pocket and pulled out a pound note. He handed it grudgingly over to Trevor. Trevor had only rarely seen a pound note, and had certainly never had one of his own. "I hope I see you again," said Bill. Trevor left the room, as he shut the door he heard Fred say, "Why did you pay him, Bill?" " 'Cause, I want 'im to come back. And vat quid'll 'elp. What does ver good book say? 'Cast your bread upon ver waters, and it will return to you." "Where did you learn ver Bible Bill?" "Sally Army, when I were a nipper." *** Later that night, Trevor lay in bed thinking over the events of the day. He had not liked being close to Fred again. The memory of what had happened with him was still painful and raw. But Bill was different. Bill seemed to understand what he had been through. Bill had done the same thing to him, and it had not been painful. On the contrary it had been pleasant. But as he lay in bed summing up the day, he doubted whether he would go back to see Bill. The next day Trevor graced his school with his presence during the morning but skived off playing truant in the afternoon. In bed that second night he thought back over the day before. He began to consider going back to see Bill. It was five days later that he found his way back to Bill's cellar. He had decided that he liked what had happened and wanted more of the same. When he went down the steps to the cellar, Fred was there sitting on an old chair in the passage way. "What do you want?" "I want to see Bill." "Well, 'e's busy. Can't I give you what you want?" "No!" shouted Trevor, "I want to see Bill." "All right, 'old your 'air on. I'll be gentle," offered the persistent Fred. "No, I want to see Bill." "Wait there, 'e's seeing someone." Trevor wondered if Bill was seeing Len, or some other boy. He experienced a fleeting pang of jealousy. Fred lit a cigarette, and sat down to read the Daily Mirror, and especially the comic strip - Jane. Trevor waited for five minutes, before the inner door opened and an older man left. Fred removed his cigarette. "Young Trevor 'ere, says 'e wants to see yer," called Fred. "Send 'im in," called Bill. Trevor went through into the cellar room. Bill was seated behind the table on which there were a few papers. He looked up, and smiled at Trevor. "So you've come back? I vought you would. Shut ver door, and 'ave a sucker." Bill offered Trevor a sweet. "Just got a fresh lot from off the Yanks. So then you enjoyed what we did?" "Yea." "Good. Want to do it again?" Trevor nodded. "Good, I'd like to do it again. It won't 'urt so much this time. So let's be 'aving you." Trevor undid the buckle on his belt, removed his trousers, and pulled off his shirt. His stood naked in front of Bill, except for his shoes and socks. "What about you getting my Brighton out and ready for action?" Trevor grinned, and came close to Bill. He undid Bill's belt, and fly buttons. He reached in and gave Bill's hardening cock a squeeze. He looked up and grinned at Bill. Again Bill thought, this boy's a born natural. "I vink you should take off your shirt too," said Trevor. "Bill laughed. "You knows what you wants, Trev." Bill took off his shirt. Trevor looked up at Bill's hairy chest. "You can touch it Trev." Trevor stroked the thick pelt that covered Bill's chest. "I tell you what I do like. Rub my tits. Squeeze them in your fingers." Trevor obeyed, and Bill groaned with pleasure. "Quite a lot of men are like me, and like their tits pinched." Bill's cock was now standing out strong and hard. Trevor held it in his hand, and pulled the foreskin up and down over the head. Several drops of clear fluid emerged, and dropped slowly and reluctantly down to the floor. "I vink my cock wants your bum, Trev. Let me get you ready." Bill got the little jar of grease, and prepared both Trevor and himself. Without being told, Trevor got into position. Bill was again very careful and gentle. Only once did Trevor ask him to stop for a moment. Bill felt his cock enter, and slowly he pushed his way in. "You've got a lovely bum, Trevor." Bill took considerably longer this time. Both Trevor and Bill enjoyed it greatly. When Trevor left, Bill gave him a shilling. "Ver quid was for the first time, the big 'ard time. Vis is just me saying vank you, for a nice afternoon's fun. Come again when ever you want." As Trevor left Bill ran his hands through the boy's hair. Trevor visited Bill two or three more times. Then one day he found that there was no one in the cellar. It was all dark. There was no light under the door of the inner room. As he turned and went up the stairs, he met Len hurrying down. "Hi! You're Bill's new boy. I've forgotten your name." "Trev. You're Len aren't you?" Len nodded. "Vere's no one down vere." "Pity. That means a day off, and no money." Len stood and thought for a while. "Like to come back to my place. Vere's no one at home during ver day." "Okay then," replied Trevor. He hoped that Len would tell him more about what he did, and perhaps do some of the same with him. It did not take them long to reach the flat where Len lived. There was a string attached to the knocker, going in through the letter box. Len pulled on the string, and pulled out the key. He opened the door and led the way in. "Vis is my room," said Len. The room was untidy and not very clean. Trevor felt at home, because his room was the same. "Get your clothes off," said Len. His shirt was already on the floor, and his trousers were on their way down. Len leapt on to the bed. "Come on Trev, I want you." Trevor climbed on the bed. Len immediately got hold of him, and gave him a cuddle. He was reminded of all the times with Harry in bed down in Somerset. "You're a nice boy, Trev. Suck my cock." "I ain't done vat before," said Trevor. "Ain't Bill got you to do it to 'im?" "No. 'E will. Go on, do it." Len got hold of Trevor's head and pushed it down towards his crotch. "Just keep your teeth out of the way, and use you lips and your tongue." Trevor hesitated for a moment, and then put his mouth to Len's cock. He moved his lips up and down several times. Then, still holding it in his mouth, he began to lick Len cock. "Vat's the idea. Vat's nice." When Len felt his climax approaching he asked Trevor to stop. They lay side by side. "Do you go with different men, or just the same man?" asked Trevor. "I go to different men, vough quite often I go back to ver same men. I 'ave my regulars. If I like them, and they like me, that is." "What happens if you don't like a man." "If I don't like a geezer I tell Bill, and 'e don't send me no more. Suck me again, Trev." Trevor resumed his ministrations. Len gave him some instructions about how to use his tongue, Len made him stop again for the same reason as before. Trevor took the opportunity to ask another question. "Do you suck ver men you go to." "Yea. Quite often. Most like a suck, and some shoot their spunk in my mouth." "What does it taste like." "Usually, quite nice. I vink it depends a bit on what the man's been eating." "Taste of fish and chips." Len laughed. "You can suck me off, and then you'll taste mine. Sometimes sucking off can be a bit difficult. 'Specially if the geezer's got a bay window." "Bay window?" "You know, a big belly." Len signified what he meant with his hands. "Go on, give me another suck now." Trevor sucked Len's cock for a while. "Does Bill make all 'is money out of you, Len?" "No! 'E's got other boys working for 'im. I vink four or five at the moment. But 'e makes most of 'is money on ver blackmarket. Does a lot of vings wiv ver Yanks, sweets, food, and stockings for ver women. Vat's where Fred comes into it. Fred does a lot of the fetching and carrying for Bill. Fred 'as few brains. Bill is ver brains behind all ver deals." " 'Ave you done this wiv Fred?" "No. And I wouldn't like to. I don't like 'im." Trevor told Len about Fred. "I'm not surprised. But you'll be safe wiv Bill keeping an eye on you. Fred's afraid of Bill, and Bill can be nasty to anyone who does anything to one of 'is boys." Trevor went down on Len again. He was getting used to it, and enjoying it. He liked the taste of Len's cock; the taste of the juice that seemed to flow continuously from the older boy. "Where do you meet vese geezers you go wiv?" "Varies. Vere are plenty of places amongst bombed out buildings. Bill's cellar ain't ver only cellar amongst ver ruins. Sometimes I go to a geezer's 'ouse. If 'e lives alone vere's no problem. Sometimes the geezer's married." "Married?" said Trevor with some astonishment. "Yea. You'd be surprised, vere are a lot of married men who like to have some fun wiv another man, or a boy like us. I once went to a 'ouse, and a woman answered ver door. I 'ad to make up some wrong reason for knocking. I vink I asked if a Mr Snooks were in, and ven said I must be at ver wrong 'ouse." "Is it any different wiv a married man?" "Not as I can see. Vey tend to be a bit more nervous. I vink vey're afraid of veir trouble'll find out. [CRS Trouble and Strife = Wife] Vey feel more guilty. But some talk about 'ow much better it is wiv me van wiv veir missus. Some married men give you a good tip. I must say I sometimes vink of where veir cock as been. I ask you inside a fucking woman! Now Trev, I want you to suck me right off." Trevor got his mouth down on to Len's cock again. He sensed that Len was about to shoot. He kept sucking, and suddenly his mouth was filling with Len's sperm. He managed to keep most of it in his mouth. He quite liked the taste. He swallowed it. " 'Ow long you spend with your men?" "It varies a lot. Some geezers just want a quick suck, and a quick fuck, and it's all over before you can say Jack Robinson. Some guys want me for two or three hours if possible." "Which do you like?" "You don't 'alf ask a lot of questions," said Len, but secretly he liked being the expert and give the answers. "The quickies pull in more dosh, as you can get away on to another job; but the others I feel want something more, and give me something in return more van just ver dosh. Vey're usually ver ones who gives ver biggest tips." They cuddled for about three quarters of an hour. Len started playing with Trevor's cock. "I want to fuck you now, Trev." said Len. He hopped off the bed, and produced a little jar, exactly the same sort as the one Bill had used with Trevor. "Bill gives us vese, and keeps them full of some sort of cream, or grease or other." He began to lubricate Trevor's anus. and then his cock. "Lie on you back, Trev. Grasp your knees, and so your bum is in the air." Trevor obeyed. Len got into position, and easily inserted his cock. "You're a nice young sucker, and good for a fuck, Trev." Len pulled Trevor's legs up onto his shoulders. "Or you grip me round my back, if vat's more comfy." Len took considerably longer that second time. Trevor enjoyed being with someone only slightly older than himself. He was reminded of Harry, and wondered how he was getting on. That time with Len was the first of many times. Trevor wanted to experience being sucked. He thought he would have to wait until he could make spunk before he could fuck, but he saw no reason why he should not be sucked. One day he asked. "Len, I'd like you to suck me." "No way, 'youngsters suck, old uns fuck', I'm older than you, so you suck me, and I fuck you. It ain't right to do it no other way. *** Trevor continued to go and see Bill, but he began to prefer his times with Len. There was one thing that he wished for, and that was that Len would suck his cock, but always he was fobbed off with the adage, "Young uns suck, olds uns fuck." It was the beginning of October, when the air was beginning to feel cooler, that Bill asked Trevor whether he would like to earn some money like Len. Len had continued to make no secret of the money he earnt. To Trevor as a small boy it was untold wealth. He agreed. Bill then gave him some basic instructions. "You are never to recognise, or say hello, to any man you go wiv if you meet 'im in ver street, unless 'e says 'ello to you first. He may 'ave a friend or 'is trouble and strife{CRS Wife] wiv 'im. Ver punter will pay me before you visit 'im, and afterwards you will come back 'ere and I'll give you your dosh. I want you to be as clean as you can be when you go wiv a man. Give yourself a good wash first, understand? Some men are quite particular on vat score." A few days later Trevor went down into the cellar. "I've got a man for you, Trev. Go 'ome and have a wash, get vat dirt off from behind your lug 'oles, and everywhere. Ven come back 'ere so I can see you." Trevor dashed off 'ome. There was no one at home, his mother was out working, as was the current uncle. He was soon back at Bill's. Bill inspected him. "You smell nice and clean. You've used soap, good lad. I want you to visit a Mr Robinson, who lives at number 37 Peel Street. Got vat?" "Mr Robinson, 37 Peel Street." repeated Trevor. "If a woman comes to the door say you've come to see a Mr Russell, got it?" Trevor nodded. "Mr Robinson will let you in, and you give 'im what 'e wants. If 'e asks for you again, you get a bonus, a bit extra, ver nest time. Understand?" "Yes, Bill." Bill looked at his watch. " 'E'll be expecting you in about a quarter of an 'our. So 'ave a sweet, and suck it slowly, and ven it'll be about time for you to go." Trevor sucked the sweet. "Walk round, don't run, Mr Robinson won't want a panting, sweaty boy. Now be off, and good luck." Trevor walked round to Peel Street, and found number 37. He knocked on the door. He heard footsteps approaching, and the door opened. A man of about forty-five stood there, looking him up and down. "Mr Robinson? Bill sent me." "Come in." Mr Robinson opened the door wide to let Trevor in, and gave a quick glance up and down the street, hoping no one saw, or at least no one who would say anything to his wife. "What's your name, boy?" "Trevor, Mr Robinson." "Follow me." He led the way upstairs, and into the smaller of the two bedrooms. It was at the back of the house, and there was one single bed in it, and a few other pieces of furniture. He sat on the bed, and Trevor stood in front of him. "Let me find what Bill has sent me this time." He reached out and pulled Trevor closer to him. He began to undo the buttons on the front of Trevor's shirt. He took it off, and placed it to one side. He rubbed his hands gently over Trevor's chest, and gently touched his nipples. Trevor felt his cock getting hard, and looked down and saw a distinct swelling in the crotch of Mr Robinson's trousers. Mr Robinson undid the belt on Trevor's trousers, and then the fly buttons. He reached in and cupped Trevor's cock and balls. "They feel nice." He looked up at Trevor, and grinned. Trevor opened his legs to allow freer access, and returned the smile. Mr Robinson lowered Trevor's trousers. "Take them right off." While Trevor bent down to remove his trousers, Mr Robinson undid his trousers and pulled his cock out. Trevor looked up, and saw a good sized uncircumcised penis being waved at him. "Think you can get your gob round that, Trevor?" Trevor nodded. Mr Robinson remained standing, so Trevor knelt on the floor, and took hold of the cock which was inches in front of his face. He put the head in his mouth and with one hand he felt for Mr Robinson's balls, and with the other he reached round to squeeze the man's bum. "That's nice, let me get all my clothes off." Mr Robinson pulled away and was soon undressed except for his socks and shoes. Trevor soon got Mr Robinson's cock back into his mouth. He sucked up and down with his lips gripping the cock, and he twirled his tongue round the cock head. Mr Robinson groaned with pleasure. "I like the way you do it, boy. You're one of the best." It was Mr Robinson who broke it off. "I don't want to shoot my load yet. Let's lie down on the bed." They lay on the bed, and Mr Robinson played with Trevor's cock and balls. "Now I want to fuck you, Trevor." " 'Ow do you want me?" "I'll lay on the bed on my back, and you can come and sit on my cock. But I'll want you to take it slow. I don't want to shoot my load too quickly." Trevor liked this position as he had done it several times with Len. Mr Robinson lay on his back with his cock sticking up straight into the air. Trevor went and got the jar of lubricant out of his trouser pocket. He lubricated himself first, and the Mr Robinson's cock. He then got astride the man, and holding the cock in position, slowly sat down on it. There was the now familiar barrier, followed by the distinct opening. The cock slid into him. "That was great. Just hold it there." Trevor enjoyed the feeling of the man's cock inside him, but he kept absolutely still. He too did not want to hurry things. He was enjoying, and he knew that if Mr Robinson enjoyed it he might get asked round again, and he would get a bonus. He watched Mr Robinson's face. The eyes were closed and a look of bliss was on the man's face. The eyes eventually opened, and he gave Trevor a slight nod. He began to move, raising himself and lowering himself on the man's penis. All the time he watched Mr Robinson's face; whenever he saw that the climax was approaching he stopped moving for a few minutes. It was not for nothing that Bill had thought Trevor was a natural. "I don't think I can hold back any longer, boy. Make me shoot." Trevor brought Mr Robinson to his climax, and he felt the cock within throb as though with some great heart beat, and the spunk shoot out, and fill him. Mr Robinson's eyes were shut again. Trevor sat there, feeling the penis within begin to soften. Mr Robinson opened his eyes. "Thanks Trevor. That was good. My wife cannot do it anywhere near as good as that. You understand a man's needs. Perhaps it takes a man to understand a man. Cor, you're a lovely boy." He reached forward and began to play again with Trevor's cock. " This is big for your age. I think it will be a monster when you're my age." "I'll be 'appy if it's as big as your'un." "I don't know about you, but I'm thirsty. Good sex always makes me thirsty. All I can give you is a cup of tea, or a glass of water." "Cup of tea will do." He rose, and Mr Robinson's cock slipped out. They dressed, and went down stairs, and into the scullery at the back of the house. Mr Robinson lit the gas stove, the kettle boiled, and a pot of tea made. "Thank you for that, Trevor. I can manage now for another few weeks, until next time. Thank you, and take this." He thrust a florin [Two shilling piece] into Trevor's hand. "Well, 'ow did it go?" asked Bill, when he got back. "Trevor gave a full report, and Bill handed him a couple of half crown pieces. [Five shillings a quarter of a pound sterling.] *** Trevor was sent by Bill on several 'jobs' over the next few weeks. He paid an equally successful second visit to Mr Robinson. He was generously tipped, and told he would be asked for again. The events leading to the second significant event began when Trevor went round to Bill's late on one Tuesday afternoon, at the end of November . "I've got a job for you Trevor. A special job. It is wiv a man who lives in Leytonstone. It will be his first time. He's got more money than most of the men you go wiv. I want 'im to be a regular. I want 'im to keep wanting you. 'E wants to 'ave you on Saturday morning at twelve o'clock." " 'Ow do I gets to Leytonstone, I don't know round vere." "Fred'll take you." " 'Im!" "It's more van Fred's life's worth for 'im to touch you. You know vat. Now on Saturday, I want you 'ere mid morning, clean as you've never been clean before, and with as good clothes on as you can possibly wear. If vis man wants you again, you'll get double pay. 'Ow's that? Me being so kind makes me wonder 'ow manages to make any profit at all." *** Footnote:- El Alamien. I vividly remember standing outside the house in the village where we lived hearing the bells ringing in the church that was about a mile and a half away. Jeff on