Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 19:19:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Pete Bruno Subject: Single Soul Chapter 12 NOTICE: This story may contain scenes of a graphical nature, which may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18, or if material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. If you continue to read, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in these stories or story. This work fully protected under The United States Copyright Laws © 17 USC§§ 101, 102(a), 302(a). All Rights Reserved. The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the authors consent. (see full statement at the beginning of Chapter 1.) A Single Soul Chapter 12 She's Just Bat-Shit Crazy Matt was sitting at his computer, staring out the window of his office, one sunny and hot Friday afternoon in August, lost in thought as he reflected on recent events. Kelly had arrived the past June, and had quickly become a welcome part of everybody's lives. Jim had hired a nanny/housekeeper named Becky, the young wife of a deployed Marine. She quickly became an indispensable godsend, not only because of how well she took care of Kelly, but also because of her relationship with the two older boys. Matty was out of his casts and down to just a leg brace, which he could remove and swim with Jimmy in the pool. His physical therapist approved this as a good exercise for his recovery. Matt's relationship with Jim was moving along slowly, by design, but getting deeper every day. They were together for dinner almost every night. The boys, of course, thought this was all planned for their benefit. What the boys didn't know was that, every night after they fell asleep, Jim and Matt were naked and devouring every inch of each other's body! The only problem for Matt in the relationship they shared was the guilt he felt for betraying his marriage vows with his wife. But, for the first time in his life, he felt whole, complete. He was determined, therefore, that he would come clean with Denise as soon as she returned. It was during one of the many struggles with himself over his adulterous relationship with Jim that a thought crossed his mind. His emails to Denise were always full of his and Jimmy's daily activities; her responses were almost always business-like, impersonal, as he saw it, anyway. He started thinking more and more about that. Could she be involved with someone aboard ship? Or, was it that she was just totally wrapped up in her job and career advancement? Two strong hands massaging his shoulders jerked him back from his thoughts. "Hey, buddy, where were you?" Jim asked in his sexy baritone. "Just thinking about things," Matt replied. He stood and took Jim into his arms, kissing him deeply. "And how was your day?" Matt asked, snuggling his face into the side of Jim's neck and inhaling Jim's masculine scent. "SOP, Captain; but, being here with you makes it a totally different story," Jim answered, dropping his head and kissing Matt's neck. "So what are our boys up to?" Jim's use of the term 'our boys caused Matt's heart to sing. It reinforced his sense of `rightness' about his relationship with Jim. In his entire life, Matt never thought that he could ever feel this whole. At the same time, he experienced nagging guilt when he thought about his marriage to Denise. He became more determined than ever to resolve all his conflicts. To remain true to himself, his personal beliefs, and to those around him, Matt had to deal with the adultery issue that was compromising his personal ethics. While Jim was holding him in his strong arms, Matt promised himself that he would come clean to Denise about everything on the first night of her return. After all, how could he be a good father to Jimmy, if he didn't practice what he preached? "The devil pup is sleeping, and the two musketeers are playing video games," Matt answered Jim. "Perfect, now about a beer, big guy?" Jim asked, and kissed Matt again. "Sounds good; but, you and I need to talk," Matt said, as he led Jim to the refrigerator for the beers. "Jim ... how much do you love me," Matt asked, without turning to face Jim. Jim's body went rigid and he glared at Matt. "Where's this coming from Matt? I thought we got past all that shit! That it was all in the past! Listen, I've said I'm sorry ... more than once," his voice rising in anger. "I bared my soul to you and begged forgiveness. So, what the fuck more do you want from me!?!" Jim snapped, as he slammed his fist into the counter. "Whoa there, Gunner," Matt said, as he whirled and wrapped Jim in his arms, "I wasn't going there, man! I agree; that's all over with now. No ... this is about me and the guilt I'm feeling about Denise. Remember our talk about the greatest commandment? We even had it with the boys. No, it's me that's not practicing what I preach ... and it's startin' to get to me ... I'm wonderin' if maybe we ..." Matt faltered as he tried to speak. Jim softened immediately, looked deeply into Matt's hazel eyes, and said, "Matthew; I love you so much it hurts. I don't wanna be away from you for even just a minute; and if I had my way, we'd be together 24 hours every day." He hugged Matt tightly, "I know you like I know myself ... You wanna ask me somethin', I can tell. Well, do it. Ask away." "I feel like a hypocrite," said Matt. "We teach our boys something and we don't practice it ourselves. So, if you'll please agree, what I'd like to do is just not have sex anymore until I end it with Denise. I mean;" he went on hurriedly, "we can still love each other and continue to develop our relationship and raise the boys together, and all ..." Matt took a deep breath ... "but no more adultery. It's buggin' the Hell outta me," he concluded. Jim stood still for a brief moment, peering deeply into Matt's eyes. This was not exactly the question he expected to hear, he thought to himself; but, he couldn't argue with Matt's logic, and he was determined to do everything he could for this relationship. He sighed, softly and deeply. "I don't like it one bit, Matty; but, I understand where you're comin' from. And I have to agree with you ... even if I don't like it ... but, only until we square things away with Denise," he admonished with a grin. "Now, that doesn't mean we can't still make out, does it?" he asked, giving Matt a mock look of horror and pecking him on the cheek with a mischievous grin. "Hmmm" Matt reflected ... "You're a good man, dog-face, and ... maybe even jerkin' ourselves off in the shower together might be okay?" Matt sighed with an equally mischievous grin and hugged the big man tightly, resting his head on Jim's shoulder. "Hey, are you guys ever gonna get dinner ready?" asked a voice from across the kitchen. Matt and Jim started, broke apart, and looked toward the family room. They saw both `their boys' standing in the doorway, looking impatient about getting their dinner, but totally nonplussed by the sight of their fathers hugging, even though this was the first time they had witnessed such an intimate show of affection between their Dads. Matt and Jim stepped away from each other, laughed, and bumped fists ... both hoping that the partial erections in their pants weren't too obvious. "And just what do the two musketeers have in mind for dinner?" Jim asked. "Can we go out Dad, pleeease?" Matty begged. "I haven't been to a restaurant since the accident." "Let's see what we can work out. You guys go and check on your little brother and then report back." "But, quietly, please!" Jim called out as the boys began to run down the hall. They skidded to a stop and began walking on exaggerated tiptoes to the baby's room. Jim watched them fondly and thought about recent events. Over the past few weeks, Matt had gradually brought Jim up to speed about his father and their `special relationship'. Jim found it all very hot and admitted to Matt that Frank was one of his favorite jerk-off fantasies. The other development was how close Frank and Finn had become; they were almost inseparable. In fact, Finn had sold his majority share in his law practice in Jersey and was in the process of moving to North Carolina permanently, to be near Frank. As he told everyone, there was plenty of work in North Carolina for his divorce business. On the home front, there were also changes, happily for everyone, other than the occasional nightmare, Matty's recovery was progressing nicely. In fact, Matty's psychologist believed that Matty was doing well enough to discontinue his therapy and told Jim just to watch for any signs of regression. Both Jim and Matt regarded baby Kelly as a huge factor in helping Matty cope with the aftermath of the accident that injured him and killed both his Mom and his Uncle. Plus, Jimmy was available to crawl into bed with Matty and comfort him during his stressful times. While the boys were on their errand, Matt phoned his dad and arranged for him to babysit while they went out to eat. Finn got on an extension and told the men that he would be coming along, as well; he had some news for Jim, who needed to make some decisions. Jim snapped back to the present when the two youngsters returned to report that their little brother was still asleep. Since Kelly's arrival, the two older boys had become very attached to the baby, and both had begun calling him "our little brother," which pleased both Jim and Matt, of course. "Okay, boys, how does Mexican food tonight sound?" Jim asked, already knowing the answer. "Great!" the boys shouted. "Are we taking the devil pup?" Matty asked. Jim laughed, "Hey, Sport; you better not let your grandmother hear you call him that; she'll tan your hide." "Well, you and Uncle Matt call him that all the time," Matty said defiantly. "Yeah, but she'd tan our hides, too, if she heard us; so watch it," Jim continued, "and no, Papa and Uncle Finn are coming up to babysit Kelly so we can take our time and celebrate Matty getting rid of his casts." "Cool," the boys said together, bumping fists. Calling Frank "Papa" had become natural for both boys because Frank was always around to help during Matty's convalescence. This, of course, pleased Jim and Matt greatly. "Why don't you guys go get a shower and change? They'll be here in about forty-five minutes." The boys scrambled upstairs and headed for the closet they shared at Matt's house. Because they were constantly together, it was only natural that they keep clothes at both houses. Until the issue with Denise was settled, Jim still had to go to his house to change, though. "I'm headin' over to the house to do the same thing. You mind bringing the boys over when you're ready?" Jim asked Matt. Meanwhile, Matt busied himself with Kelly, who had begun to fuss. The baby calmed as soon as he saw Matt. He had bonded with Matt the same as he did with his own father. When he was especially fussy, even for Becky, all Jim or Matt had to do was pick him up, and he would settle immediately. He would coo and grab their big fingers. When Becky first saw this, she declared, "You can be sure he's a devil pup, when only a dog-face can make him happy," she remarked archly." When Frank and Finn arrived, Matt herded the boys together, walked across the street with them to Jim's, and the four headed out for dinner. Later, upon returning to Matt's house, they found Frank and Finn watching TV, while Frank rocked Kelly. "Well, guys, did you have a good time?" Frank asked. "Sure did, Papa. It was the first time I've been out to eat since the accident," Matty said excitedly. For a moment, his eyes reflected some sadness as he recalled the incident. It disappeared quickly and he returned to his usual happy self. "Boys, why don't you guys go play some video games? We have some business to discuss," Jim said. "Okay," the boys answered and headed off to Matty's bedroom. "Come on, Dad, let's go watch the boys play video games while these guys talk," Matt said. "No, you two are my family now, and I would appreciate your input," Jim said. "Go ahead, Finn." "Well," Finn began, "your mother-in-law filed, yet again, for visitation rights. But, when the judge read the brief by our attorney and the testimony of the police and social worker, it was dismissed immediately with prejudice; which means she can't file again." "Good! She's the last person I ever want near my boys," Jim stated flatly. "And, by the way, I've also filed a copy of your Jersey restraining order here at the county courthouse, in case she decides to visit North Carolina. This state has a reciprocal agreement with Jersey," Finn went on. "Now, for the insurance settlement. The trucking firm's insurance carrier has raised the offer to settle to five million for the wrongful death of Linda and 1.5 million for Matty's pain and suffering, and for any future medical expenses he might have," Finn said. "Do you think that's a good offer?" Jim asked. "I mean, it's more than their first two offers." "Actually, I think you would be wise to take it," Finn counseled. "If it went to court, you may have a good shot at a larger settlement; but, then you could probably count on the insurance company appealing that award and your legal bills would really mount up," Finn said. "Frankly, I think it's a good offer that you should accept. It's more than enough to make raising the boys easier and paying for their education and, of course, hiring help to take care of that." "What do you think, Matt?" Jim asked his lover. "I agree with Finn. It's not like you set out to profit from her death; but you never know what the future will bring. What if Matty starts having problems, either physically or mentally, as a result of the accident? At least you'll have the means to get him help," Matt replied. "Uncle Frank, your thoughts?" Jim asked. "I'll make it unanimous," Frank said. "Okay, Finn, go ahead and set it up; and you'll have to help me invest it," Jim said. "Now, for happier topics, Kelly's christening and the boys' birthdays," Matt said. "Dad, would you mind hosting both parties? We'll pay for everything; but, we thought it might be nice to have it at the beach." "I think that's a great idea. We can use both houses, if that's okay with you, Finn," Frank remarked. "Sure, that would be great. I'd love to do that; but, I insist on paying for the birthday party. You two can do the christening ... and I won't hear any arguments about it," Finn said. "Do you have a date in mind?" asked Frank. "We were thinking September 6th and 7th. That's a weekend that should work out well because the boys go back to school the week before, and that'll give them a chance to pick a few friends to invite," Matt said. "Okay, let's go for it. We'll work on it later this week," Frank said. On the drive back to their beach houses, Frank thanked Finn for being so generous about the boy's birthday parties and the special care he was taking with Jim's case. Finn reached over and took Frank's hand. "They're important to you, so they're important to me; and I do love those two kids, like they were my own"... Finn's voice trailed off, "Considering how that bitch I was married to has turned my children against me ... well ... I'm sure I'll never see my grandchildren," he finished in a sad note. "Give `em time; they're only teenagers. She has a lot control over them at this age. When they get to college, things should change," Frank said, as reassuring as possible. As they were pulling into their cul-de-sac, Finn asked, "Your place or mine?" as he reached over and cupped Frank's crotch. "Anywhere is fine with me, as long as I get at that hot ass of yours," Frank said. ------------------- The next morning, Matt put on his running gear and headed over to Jim's with Duffy and Danny in tow for Jimmy to watch. Jimmy had spent the night with Matty, and Becky was already in the kitchen feeding Kelly when Matt came through the back door. As soon as the baby recognized Matt, he began to bounce up and down. Matt kissed the baby good morning and got a smile from Kelly for his efforts. Jim entered the kitchen just as Matt was hovering over the baby, teasing him and tickling his bare belly. "Stop scaring the kid," Jim grinned as he came in, "or are you maybe tryin' to talk him into going to Canoe U already?" Jim joked. "You say that like there's something wrong with being a Midshipman, Gunner," Matt shot back. "Oh, why no, sir, Captain Sir," Jim replied, clearly mocking Matt with a big smile on his face. Becky rolled her eyes and shook her head, muttering sarcastically, "You two should take your act on the road. I suggest we get on with feeding this hungry baby". "Yes, ma'am. By the way, after our run, the Captain and I are gonna be headin' out to do some shopping and planning for the birthday parties and the Christening. So, we won't be back until after lunch. If those two hoodlums give you any trouble, call us," Jim said. "And if they bug you about swimming, they can only go if you have time to go with `em," Matt added. Matt and Jim left on their usual run. Afterward, they went directly to Matt's house, and headed straight for Matt's huge, master bath shower. They were naked in a flash. Jim nuzzled Matt's neck and said, "Fuck, Matty; I love the way you smell after a run." He lifted Matt's arm, stuck his nose into Matt's pit and sniffed, licking the hairy armpit ... "and taste," he added, and then kissed Matt deeply. "Come on now, Jim, remember, we're only supposed to jack off together. But, if you keep doing that, I'm not gonna be able to control myself," Matt said as he stepped into the shower. "Yes, sir; then let's start polishing these poles, because just looking at you makes me want to cum!" With all the shower heads running Matt leaned on the wall at one end and Jim at the other. Using liberal amounts of body wash, they began to slowly jerk themselves off, playing with their own balls and pinching their own nipples. Matt had never experienced anything this hot; it was as exciting to perform for Jim as it was for Jim to watch him. Matt began to pant. "Jimmy, I'm gonna cum, man! Move over here, so we can shoot on each other." Jim gave Matt a sexy smile and moved closer to him. Their cock heads almost touching, both panting and stroking themselves, the two lovers yelled together, "I'm cumming!" and shot ropes of cum on each other's stomach. Shaking in the aftermath of their mutual orgasms, they leaned against the shower wall and Matt said, "Now that was fun," as he rubbed Jim's cum into his own body hair. "Yes, sir, it sure was! Now, let's get rolling. We have a lot to do before Becky leaves, and I wanna get a haircut today, and one for Matty, too," Jim said. "Yeah, I could do with one, too," said Matt. There's a great Marine owned barber shop on 172 in Sneads Ferry called the Back Gate; the wife's out but the husband is still active duty, and they do a mean `high and tight'. We can take a shortcut by goin' through the base and drop by Dad's house on the way. "Okay, sounds good. But I suggest we go first and order the tents, tables, and chairs we'll need for the parties." They dried and dressed, then headed out to arrange for their party supplies. On the way, they stopped at Bicycle Gallery and ordered matching, dual Sport mountain bikes, in different colors of course, as birthday presents for both boys. Grocery shopping was next; then they stopped for a quick lunch and some alone time to discuss the party and the christening. "Are you gonna do it in the Catholic Church?" Matt asked. "I'm not sure; I was thinking about that last night," answered Jim. He looked at Matt and went on, hesitantly, "I also did a lot of thinking about you and me. At the risk of being presumptuous, I'm assuming that, once Denise comes home and things get worked out between the two of you ... that you and I would be living together and raising the boys. Well, maybe Jimmy only part-time; depends on the agreement you make with Denise ..." Jim said without his usual confidence, and left the conversation hanging for Matt's response. "That would be a big affirmative, Gunner!" Matt said, grinning widely. If they weren't in a public place, thought Matt, he would have soundly kissed Jim on the spot, not only for what he said about them but also for the cute way he approached it ... Well, as `cute' as a six-foot-three, stud of a Marine can be, anyway, he thought to himself. Jim let out the breath he had been holding, smiled, and went on. "Whaddaya think about the Episcopal Church, instead of the Catholic? They seem to be a little more accepting." "That's true; but, both the boys were baptized Catholic, and so were we," Matt said. "Okay, I agree," said Jim. "How `bout, then, we all go to Mass tomorrow and meet the priest and see what vibes we get from him. I mean, we really should start taking the boys to church, anyway. I don't wanna fill their heads with guilt, or anything; but, the fellowship would probably be good for `em. Remember? You and I had a lot of friends at church, CYO basketball, and even our scout troop." Matt replied, "Hmmm ... I think Infant of Prague has a mass at 1000 hours tomorrow; or we could stay at Dad's tonight and go to St. Mary's in Surf City, instead. Remember? Yeah! It's the outdoor church and the boys might like that. Hey, and we wouldn't have to worry about Kelly cuz he can stay with Dad while we're at church!" "Sounds like a plan," Jim replied. "Let's head out and I'll drive while you call your Dad," Once they got to Matt's, they split the groceries between the two houses, went out to the pool, thanked Becky for working, and sent her on her way. She wasn't away two minutes when they heard the boys laughing and, suddenly, two bathing suits came flying out of the pool and landed with a splat on the deck. "What's so funny, you two?" asked Matt. "Nothin," they drawled, looking at each other knowingly. "We both really like Becky. It's just that she sorta cramps our style when we're in the pool," Matty said with a big grin, and both boys began laughing again. "Okay, I see," replied Matt. "Guys, we gotta get goin'. We're all stayin' over at Papa's tonight. So, go get dressed. And grab some clothes to wear to church tomorrow," he added. "Church! Are we really gonna go to church, Dad?" Jimmy whined, looking at Matt with a long face. "Yes. And that's an order; so march, Mister ... that goes for both of you." Matt answered. In the process of getting ready to leave, they realized that, with four people and three dogs, plus all of Kelly's baby stuff, they had to take two cars to manage it all. They drove directly to the barber shop and parked in shaded spots for the dogs. The boys hadn't had a haircut yet this summer; so they both had a full head of hair. Matt asked them how they wanted theirs cut. "I want mine cut just like yours, Dad. Mom would never let me get one like yours," Jimmy said; "but, a lot of the guys at school have haircuts just like you and Uncle Jim." "Me too, Uncle Matt!" Matty quickly added. Both Matt and Jim wore their hair in the traditional `high and tight' style of the Corps. Matt looked at Jim, and they smiled at each other. So, into the shop marched two marines, two boys and one baby. Fifteen minutes later, they all walked out, the two youngsters looking like mini-Marines, and prepared to drive on to Frank's place. While they were strapping Kelly into his car seat, Matty mentioned to his father, "Hey, Dad. When we were headed over to Uncle Matt's to go swimmin' today, we saw Grandma Butler drive by." Jim froze and looked at his son. "Are you sure, Sport?" he asked. "Yeah, I think so, anyway. It sure looked like her," Matty said. "It was probably just someone who looked like her," Jim said, trying to convince himself more than his son. He decided to tell Finn about it when they got there. The last thing I need is that crazy bitch causing trouble, Jim thought to himself. As soon as Matt and Jim spotted Frank emerging from his front door to greet them, they both yelled out, "No swats!" Matty and Jimmy, who wanted to proudly show off their new haircuts, had already begun running to their Papa as soon as they spotted him. But, they skidded to a stop and looked at their Dads, both totally confused. "Huh?" they said in unison. Frank looked at the boys with a phony leer and said joyfully, "Swats!" Then he proceeded to give them each a light slap on the back of the head. "Hey, Papa, what was that for?" Jimmy asked, while both boys rubbed the backs of their heads. Matty joined in with, "Yeah! What'd we do?" Matt and Jim laughed at the scene. "Boys, you'll learn real quick that on the day you get a new haircut you have to call out 'no swats' when you first see Papa. If he says `Swats' before you say `No swats', well, you can see what'll happen." Frank laughed as he grabbed both boys and hugged them tightly, "I really like your haircuts; you look like little Marines!" Frank said. "Thanks Papa," they both replied. Then they broke free, the boys were anxious to swim; so, after taking their belongings to their room and stripped, then ran down to the pool, and jumped in. Meanwhile, Frank told Matt and Jim to follow him with the baby. He opened a door on the second floor. Jim and Matt stared with wide eyes at a room completely set up for a baby, complete with a crib and changing table. "Wow, Uncle Frank, this is great; thank you!" Jim exclaimed. "I'll do anything it takes to get you guys to bring Kelly down here more often," Frank said, cradling the baby and kissing him tenderly. Finn joined the gang for swimming and dinner. Afterward, Jim grabbed Finn in the kitchen and told him what Matty had said about seeing his grandmother drive by. Finn agreed that the boy might have been mistaken; but, he admonished Jim to keep a wary eye out and be sure to explain the whole situation to Becky on Monday, so she could be on the lookout, too. Around 2100 hours, Matt informed the boys that it was time for bed, as he took Kelly upstairs to put him down. At that moment, Jim's cell phone rang. It was his next door neighbor, calling to say that he was concerned because he kept seeing the same car driving through the neighborhood throughout the day; and then, about 2000 hours, he saw a woman get out of the car and walk around Jim's house. Then he saw her walk across the street and do the same at Matt's house. Jim fumed; he was now convinced that Matty was right. It was Linda's mother, alright. Finn and Frank calmed him down; and the four of them discussed a plan. They knew that the boys would be safe at Frank's place for the next week, because the old bat didn't know anything about Frank's beach house. So, they called Becky and asked if she would mind coming to Frank's house all week, instead of Jim's. Thrilled to be at the beach for a week, she readily agreed. Matt and Jim decided that, after church the next day, they would go back to their houses to pick up more clothes for the boys, food for the dogs, and more supplies for Kelly. After Frank, Finn and the three boys went to bed and things seemed to calm down a bit, Matt knocked on Jim's bedroom door. "Come in," Jim said. Matt walked in and climbed into bed with Jim. "This is not a booty call," Matt said, wrapping his arms around Jim from behind. "I know you're upset about your crazy mother-in-law, and thought you might want some company." "Thanks buddy and you're right; just having you here helps me a lot ... `course that little piece a wood sticking me in the ass ain't helpin' any, though," Jim said with an evil laugh. "Little, my ass!" huffed Matt indignantly. "Just for that, I'll go on back to my room! God forbid I should bother you!" Matt said with mock severity and started climbing out of the bed. Jim grabbed him and pulled him back in. "Don't even think about it, Captain. I need you with me tonight," "We can just sleep," he added, more than a bit regretfully. And sleep, they did. Just having Matt next to him in bed calmed Jim's nerves and they both slept soundly until they were awakened by the baby monitor, full of Kelly's crying and fussing. Both men began to rise; but Jim said, "Stay, buddy, I'll take the first shift." After breakfast the next morning, Jim and Matt dressed their sons in the church clothes they had brought, and headed out for the noon mass. The boys were surprisingly attentive and both fascinated by an outdoor church, "It was pretty cool," they said after mass. As they walked out the front doors, Matt looked at the priest greeting parishioners as they filed out and noted that the priest was a youngish man who looked familiar. "Hello Father, I'm Matthew Leo and..." "Captain Leo, how are you? It really is a small world," the priest said as he shook Matt's hand. "I baptized your son when you were stationed at Paris Island. I'm Father David." "Yes, of course, Father," replied Matt, as he recalled meeting the priest. "I thought you looked familiar. That is one impressive memory you have, Father; it's been almost nine years," placing his hands on Jimmy's shoulders. And this is Jimmy, the baby you baptized." The priest reached out and shook the boy's hand, "Well, you sure have grown, young man." "Father," Matt went on, indicating Jim, "This is my best friend and neighbor, Chief Warrant Officer Jim Flannery and his son, Matthew," Matt said. He saw the look of realization that crossed the priest's face as he heard how the four of them were named. Father David has put two and two together, I bet, Matt smiled to himself. "We'll step aside, Father, so we don't hold up the line; but, if you have a few minutes later, we'd like to discuss something with you." "Sure, give me about fifteen minutes, and I'll meet you over by the benches," Father David said. When the priest joined Jim and Matt, he had changed from his vestments into street clothes. "Father, Jim and I first met when we were only eight years old. After high school, we went our separate ways and didn't have contact with each other for years. This past May, in a twist of fate, Jim moved into a house across the street from me," Matt explained. "I see," said Father David; "and just what can I help you guys with?" "Well, Father, my wife was killed in a car accident soon after she gave birth to my younger son, Kelly, and, well, I'd like my son to be baptized and I want to talk to you about that," Jim said. "Okay, I have this afternoon free, if it works for you," Father David replied. "As a matter of fact, it does," said Matt. "We're staying at my father's house up on North Topsail Beach. Would you like to join us there for lunch?" "That would be great; what time?" Father David asked. "If you're ready, you could follow us now." "Great; lead the way," the priest said. On the way to Frank's, Matt called his father and alerted him that they would have a guest for lunch; and told the boys that if they wanted to go swimming, they would need to wear swim suits. "There's no need to shock Father David," he added. When they arrived, Frank and Finn had the grill going and were ready to start the burgers. After introductions, Father David accepted a beer; and this, of course, elicited giggles from Matty and Jimmy. "Hey, guys, priests drink more than just wine at Mass; we're actually regular guys, you know?" Father David said, surprising the boys. But, they immediately became more comfortable around him. After lunch, Frank and Finn took the boys on a walk up the beach, they were about two miles south of the New River Inlet, and the other side of the inlet was the southern end of Camp Lejeune. Off the four went on their jaunt, loaded down with binoculars and water bottles, the three dogs scampering around them. The boys were off on another adventure! It was the low tide of the day, and as they were walking Finn was pointed to what looked like pieces of black top in the shallow water and explained to the boy's those was the remnants of where the road used to before the hurricane's Bertha and Fran in 1996 when eighty percent of the homes on the island were damaged, and one hundred ocean-front homes were washed away. Then he showed them were a one hundred-foot inlet had been cut into the island; it was the largest of the thirteen that breached the island; it was more than five months before residents could return. Then he pointed out a modest brick beach front home with a large empty lot next to it. Finn explained that on that lot stood a Baptist church that was moved off two years ago to a larger location on the mainland, but through both hurricane's neither of those building sustained any damage while the homes on either side were washed away. "I'd say was a bit of Divine intervention," Frank said. Back at the house, Jim began explaining his situation to Father David. He had barely begun his tale when they heard Kelly crying over the monitor. Jim automatically rose to tend to the baby's needs; but, Matt stopped him, "I'll get him this time; you go on talking with Father David." Ten minutes later, Matt returned with Kelly, feeding him his bottle. It was patently obvious that he loved the baby very much, because of the tenderness in his eyes as he watched Kelly nurse and grab his big wrist at the same time. Jim's voice trailed off as he gazed at the scene. Father David watched the actions of the two men, and thought to himself: I think my first assessment of these two was very likely correct: Jim and Matt share much more than simply the companionship of best friends. Father David briefly pondered this based on the fact that he, himself, identified as a gay man, a fact that only a very few of his most trusted friends knew. Although, he was proud of himself for always maintaining his vow of celibacy, but he still appreciated good-looking men when he saw them, and was especially sensitive to that type if he thought they were gay. However, he respected the privacy of these two men and vowed not to bring up the true nature of their relationship. Instead, he chose to let Jim and Matt broach that subject in their own good time, if ever. Jim snapped himself out of his reverie and picked up where he had left off in his story. He left nothing out, ending with the discovery of the lie about Kelly's death and, of course, the kidnapping that ended with his wife's death. Father David listened, without comment. When Jim sighed heavily and became silent, the priest thought for a few moments and then spoke. "That is quite a story. I must say, you all seem to be handling everything rather well, especially young Matthew. It's apparent, to me, that there is a lot of love in this group; and that's what is most important in situations like this." The three men talked for another hour, concluding their discussion with Father David, who assured Jim and Matt that he would check the calendar for his availability on the day they wanted to have the christening. As they were shaking hands and saying good-bye, Jim said, "Thanks for taking time with us, Father David..." "You know, guys, when we're alone, please call me just `Dave'. Unless I'm at the altar, I'm a regular guy, just like you two." Grinning in agreement, Jim and Matt followed the priest to the door and watched him walk to his car. With Kelly down for a nap, Matt and Jim took the opportunity of being alone to simply hold on and draw strength from each other. "You like him, don't you?" Matt asked, reflecting on his original assessment of the priest. "Yeah, I do; and I think he figured us out. I'm not sure; but, I got a vibe," Jim said. Matt laughed, "Whoa, Gunner; have you developed gaydar already?" Jim lightly punched Matt's arm. "No, butt-head; it's just intuition." They continued to talk about recent developments; and, a half-hour later, the gang arrived from their trip up the beach. The boys were thrilled and chattered excitedly about what they had seen: An aircraft carrier and troop ships, the hovercrafts going back and forth between the ships and shore, offloading Marines, and Ospreys flying up and down the beach. The boys were very animated and ended their tale with, "It was just like being in a war movie!" Jim and Matt prepared to go back to Jacksonville to check on the houses and do some packing for the boys during their stay at Frank's throughout the following week. They had decided that Matt would work at his own house during the day for that week while Jim was on duty at the base; and, each day, he and Jim would join everybody at Frank's house on the beach for the night. Before they left, Finn spoke with them and told them both not to react if they happened to encounter Linda's mother; just to call the police. He instructed Jim to make two copies of the restraining order, one to keep with him at all times and the other to keep at Frank's place. His last comment was a suggestion to Jim that he contact Jim's landlord and secure permission to install a security system in the house, at Jim's expense. They stopped first at Matt's house to gather what he needed for the week, and then crossed the street to do the same for Jim. Nearing the front door, they saw an envelope stuck in the screen, and they could see some of what was written on it, "This ain't over asshole"... Jim read aloud and reached for it; but, Matt stopped him. "I think we should call the police and report this without touching anything. You know it has to be from that bat-shit crazy bitch; so, let them handle it," Matt said. "Yeah, you're right," agreed Jim, pulling out his cell phone to make the call. While they waited for the police to arrive, Jim entered the house through the back door and began his packing, while Matt waited out front for the officers. Meanwhile, Matt called Finn and told him what had happened. Finn agreed that they had done the right thing. He instructed Matt to ask the police if they would open the envelope while wearing gloves and record its content in their report, and then release the note to Jim's custody. Jim showed the officer the restraining order against his mother-in-law and related Finn's message to them. With gloved hands, one of the officers opened the note and read it aloud: "Don't think this is over you bastard. You will not keep me from my grandchildren and I'll make sure you lose custody of both boys when I expose your secrets and deceit and how you caused the death of my son and daughter." "Do you have a printer that also makes copies, sir?" the officer asked. "I'd like to have a copy of this note to attach to the report." "Yeah, sure, come on in," Jim said. They went into the house, made the two copies, and then, with his hands still-gloved, the officer returned the original to its envelope and placed it in a plastic bag for Jim. Jim provided the officer with a description of his ex-mother-in-law's car plus the New Jersey license plate number that the neighbor had noted for him. After thanking the departing officers, they finished loading their own car with Jim's personal belongings, locked the house, and left for North Topsail Beach. As they were backing out of the driveway, Jim noticed a car driven by a woman slowly pass the front of his house. He was certain that it was his mother-in-law. "Don't worry," Matt told him. If it is, she won't be able to follow us. I'll just go through the base, which she's not allowed to enter, and then we'll take Rt. 172 down to Dad's. "That'll sure piss her off to no end," he grinned. The road known as Rt. 172 ran through Camp Lejeune and down to Snead's Ferry and was only open to active-duty personnel and employees who had passes that allowed them through the gates. Both of Matt's cars had them since he worked on the base and was a reservist. Of course, both his cars carried the Navy decal for a Lt. Commander on it, which always guaranteed a salute at the gate. Matt was watching in the rear-view mirror and was certain that the woman's car was, indeed, following them. When he turned to enter the main gate, her car sped up and drove past. Both men laughed. "She'll probably think we're staying on the base, because she doesn't know about Frank's house or even that you can get to the beach through the base," Jim said. Back at Frank's, they gave the letter to Finn, plus the copy of the police report, and told him about her tailing their car. "She's just making things worse for herself," he remarked. I'll send this to the court in New Jersey." After dinner, Frank and Finn took the boys to Finn's house, where the boys stared in wide-eyed delight and amazement at a game room that eight-year-old's could only dream about, complete with PlayStation, Xbox, and an old-fashioned shuffle board game. But, what really blew their minds was the movie room with its one hundred and two-inch screen and a dozen oversized, leather theater chairs. Matt and Jim watched TV, trying to keep Kelly awake past his usual bed time, hoping he would sleep longer that night. Around 2000 hours, they put the already sleeping baby in his crib. "Wanna take a shower with me?" Jim asked Matt with wiggling eyebrows. "I got a better idea. Follow me," replied Matt, heading for his bedroom. "Okay, now get naked and sit in that chair," Matt ordered, as he headed to his bathroom. He came back naked as well and carrying two jockstraps and a bottle of lube. Jim saw that it was their dirty jockstraps that they had worn that morning for their run. Matt sat opposite Jim in the other chair. "Now, you know how we both get off making love when we're all hot and sweaty," Matt began to explain. "So, I figured we could have a good time jacking off, if we watched each other do it while we sniffed each other's jockstrap ... and we still wouldn't be violating our agreement," Matt said, his cock already hard and leaking. "Captain Leo, you are one kinky fuck, and I love it!" Jim exclaimed, taking Matt's jockstrap and burying his face in it as he grabbed his big cock and began stroking. Matt did the same, and the two studs watched each other hungrily as they both rubbed the jockstraps across their faces, sniffing deeply, and told each other out loud what they wanted to do to the other's body. Taking a big sniff of Matt's jock, Jim said, "Matt, I can't wait for you to suck my cock and shove your big finger in my ass and play with my love nut," Jim moaned. "Same here, big guy; I've been dreamin' about lickin' your nuts and then shoving my tongue so far up that hot ass of yours it comes out of your mouth," Matt panted as he worked his cock. "Shit, man, you keep talking like that, and I'm gonna cum! But, I wanna cum with you! I want you to cum in my mouth and you in mine!" Jim croaked in his passion for Matt. "I know, buddy; that's what I'm thinkin' about, too! Your fat cock shoved in my mouth, and me lickin' your sweaty balls after we've run five miles," Matt groaned, as he lovingly rubbed Jim's smelly jockstrap over his face. "Oh, god, Matt ... you look so fucking hot with your muscles straining like that!" Jim yelped. And that was it. With loud grunts and gasps, both men simultaneously fired ropes of cum onto their heaving bellies. Still in the throes of their mutual orgasms, they stood and slammed their sticky torsos together. Gradually, they regained enough of their senses to wrap their arms around each other and kiss deeply. Stepping back, but not releasing Matt, Jim said, "That was so fuckin' hot! I loved the jockstraps idea ... maybe we should just keep wearing `em and never wash `em ..." he suggested with an evil leer. "Damn, Gunner, I love the way you think!" Matt replied. "And I love you, Captain, more than you'll ever know," Jim said in his sexy baritone. "But, right now, I need to go take a cold shower ... alone ... so I won't have to go to confession later," he added with a grin. To be continued... Author's Note: Thanks to all of you who have written to tell how much you're enjoying the story, I hope you stay tuned. Also, a special thank you to my editor who makes this story readable. For all the readers enjoying the stories here at Nifty, remember that Nifty needs your donations help to provide these wonderful stories. How about sending them $5Bucks, just think of it as buying a hot magazine!