This work fully protected under The United States Copyright Laws © 17 USC§§ 101, 102(a), 302(a). All Rights Reserved. The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the Author's consent. (See full statement at the beginning of Chapter One.)


Author's Note:  Thanks to all of you who have written to tell how much you're enjoying the story, I hope you stay tuned.  For all the readers enjoying the stories here at Nifty, remember that Nifty needs your donations to help them to provide these wonderful stories.  How about sending them $5 Bucks, just think of it as buying a hot magazine!


A Single Soul


Chapter 41


Trials & Tribulations



Wednesday, June 9, 2009


Tim sat next to Billy looking out the window of the Gulfstream 5 as it took off from Wilmington, NC. This was certainly the way to travel, no line, and no security! They had to wait about a half an hour for the plane to arrive, but the FBO had coffee and Danish. He had met Billy Leo last night when he arrived at Uncle Frank's. They hit off immediately, not like he did with `Lips' who he wanted to kiss all the time. No, Billy was straight, but very cool. He was just like one of his Lacrosse buddies, only he didn't care that he was gay, and loved a blowjob now and then. Tim knew that was true because Derrick told him in front of Billy last night while they were playing video games at his dad's. Speaking of that, his brother Keith would shit if he ever saw their dad's house, not to mention the game room. It had been a fun day. Getting to know his dad again was more than he could have hoped for. However the best part was when Derrick and Billy were leaving. Derrick grabbed him and gave him a kiss and with a wink said, "Goodnight Red, have a good trip." He was hard instantly, and it only took a minute to blast once he got to his bedroom.


He and his father had spent most of Tuesday together, first to the bank, then to Motor Vehicles, and the last stop clothes shopping. Then dinner at Uncle Frank's with the whole gang. While he liked all of the `older' guys, he just seemed to click with Jim. Matt was super nice, but he acted more like his Dad. Jim, however, was like a big kid. Regardless it was great to be with both of them. Wolf, on the other hand, was dangerously handsome, and the thought of him being an identical twin make Tim's cock twitch. Not that he was that experienced. Jerk-off sessions and a few blow jobs was the limit. But thanks to the internet he knew what he wanted to try!


His mother called him four times on Tuesday begging him to come home. Fucking Keith must have given her his new number. Three times he politely told her that he was happy with his father. The fourth time she was a bit edgy and Tim had finally had it. He ended the call with `you don't want me back Angie, you just want dad's money'! His father burst out laughing and gave him a fist bump!


When they finally landed in Texas, there was a car waiting to take them to the hotel to check in and then to the hospital. He wanted to ask his dad more about what he and Uncle Frank did, since money seemed not to be an issue but he decided to wait awhile for that.


When they got to the hospital, they went to the desk to ask for the CACO officer that had been assigned to Travis. The officer arrived promptly and informed Frank that Travis had arrived and was already in his room. They had just stepped off the elevator and were following the officer to Travis's room. After walking only twenty feet they could hear loud voices, and as they moved closer they could hear Travis's voice shouting "Get them out of here, get them out now."


Frank and Billy pushed past the officer and headed for the sound of Travis's voice. When they walked into the room they saw a nurse standing next to Travis along with his birth parents and a Navy Chaplain. The nurse was trying to calm Travis, telling him he should be happy to see his parents and the Chaplain was agreeing.


Frank stormed into the room. When Travis saw him he yelled out, "Dad! Please get them out of here, please," he begged as the tears rolled down his face. Two seconds later Billy was in his birth father's face.


"How dare you show your face here," he demanded.


"We've come to see our son, we have every right to be here," the man stupidly answered. By this time Finn, Wolf and Tim had entered the room. Finn turned to the Master's and said. "Mr. & Mrs. Master, you have no right to be here and I have the legal documents to prove it."


Frank pointed at the Navy Chaplin and said, "Lieutenant, what is the name of this Marine?"


He looked at Travis's armband and read aloud, "Travis Leo."


"And did you ask these people for ID?" The Lieutenant just stared at him like a deer in the headlights. The CACO officer looked like he was going to shit himself and the nurse just looked angry for some reason. When Travis said again, "Please Dad, get them out of here!"


Frank walked over and kissed Travis's forehead, "Don't worry buddy, I'll handle it." Then he turned and faced the assembled group, "I want everyone in the hall, Wolf and Tim you stay with Travis.


Once in the hall, Frank turned to the Chaplain and the nurse, his face red with anger. "I would like to know why you brought these people in to see my son? Furthermore I would like to know why, when he asked for them to be removed, you ignored his request and allowed them to stay?"


Before the Chaplain could replay Mr. Masters opened his mouth, "You are not his father, and I am his father." The Chaplain held up his hand to stop the man from talking. Then he turned to address Frank, "Sir, I was just asking Travis to do the Christian thing and forgive his parents."


That was more than Frank or Billy could bear and before Frank could speak Billy was in front of the Chaplain, "Did these two pieces of wasted human flesh tell you what they did?" He asked, stunning the Chaplin with the force of his question. He just slowly shook his head no.


"Well I'll tell you," Billy all but shouted, his face red with rage. "First, they threw my brother, the Marine, out of their house while he was home on leave because they claimed to have found gay porn on his computer and forbade me to have any contact with him. When they found out that I had been in contact via email, that man," he said pointing to Mr. Masters, "beat so bad I ended up in the hospital with four broken ribs, severe damage to my right eye, a broken arm, a broken jaw, bruised ribs, a concussion and for good measure knocked out four of my teeth." By this time Billy had tears running down his face. He then began to pull out from his wallet a folded picture. He took the picture and handed it to the Chaplain.


"That Lieutenant is what this man did to me." The Chaplain just stared at the photograph in silence. "I keep it with me to remind me of what that man did to me and I remember to thank God for the man who has saved my life."


Finally the CACO officer spoke. Looking at both nurse and Chaplain he said, "It was bad enough that you allowed these people into the room without checking. You know the procedure and should have contacted me. To compound matters, you ignored the request of a decorated wounded Marine." The nurse looked like she was going to faint but the Chaplain looked obstinate.


"As I said, I was doing my job as a minister, and trying..." the Chaplain was interrupted by Billy who found his voice again.


"Listen, my brother and I do not need ministering from you. We have our own minister. We have forgiven our birth parents for their sins, but that doesn't mean that we ever have to speak to them again or be in their presence," Billy told him.


"Oh yeah, listen to the big shot Ivy League college boy! You'd do well to remember your manners," Mr. Masters spat at his former son.


"Mr. Masters, I'll thank you not to address either of my sons again." Then turning to CACO officer, "I expect to see the executive officer of this hospital ASAP or I will be calling Brigadier General Holland at Camp Lejeune." Then turning to Finn, who had just rejoined the group, "Now Finn you're up."


"Mr. Masters, I have contacted John Fitzpatrick, Billy's attorney in San Antonio. He is filing charges against you on Bill's behalf for felony battery against him. You and your wife were warned that would be the case if you had contact with him or Travis. He will also be filing a civil suit for damages resulting from your beating of him in the amount of five million dollars."


The Masters were red with rage. The Chaplain noticed and quickly hustled them down the corridor away from Frank and Finn, past Tim without noticing him. Tim left the room after meeting Travis, letting him and Wolf have some privacy. As the Masters moved past him he heard the Chaplain telling them `not to worry about the threats from the Sodomites', that the church would hire a lawyer. That sounded very odd to Tim so he returned to the room following his father.


Frank was talking to the CACO officer who was apologizing for the error. "I'm not sure what kind of operation this is, but I want to see the hospital Executive Officer ASAP and I won't take no for an answer," Frank demanded. The officer left the room quickly, white as a sheet.


"Hey Dad," Tim said, "Could I see you and Uncle Frank in the hall," he asked.


"Sure buddy," Finn replied while touching Frank on the shoulder and nodding his head towards the door.


"I'm not sure if this means anything," he started and then told them word for word what he had just heard.


"Thanks Son, it means quite a bit," Finn said to his son, "good job." Then he turned to Frank, "I'm going to call John Fitzpatrick and have him look into that Chaplain," Finn said walking away from the group.


Meanwhile, after Frank took a few minutes with Travis he went off to make calls himself.


A little more than ninety minutes later, the CACO officer returned with a Captain who was introduced to Frank as the XO Captain Reid.


"Mr. Leo, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would have been here sooner, however I have been on the phone with Corporal Leo's battalion commander at Lejeune," he said in a tone that said he was annoyed.


"Well it's good to know that he is interested in the way his men are being treated," Frank said.


"Yes sir, however I'd have appreciated if you had waited until I had the opportunity to explain and apologize for this little misunderstanding. It's sometimes is hard for civilians to understand how things work in the military," the commander replied condescendingly.


"Excuse me Captain," Frank said trying to control his anger, "first of all, I served two tours as a Marine in Nam, I have a son who is a twice-decorated Marine Captain now serving in the reserves, a nephew who is a Marine Chief Warrant Officer and a daughter-in-law who is a Naval Commander. Do not try to tell me I'm not familiar with the ways of the military. You claim this a little misunderstanding. Would you like to explain where on my son's paperwork the name Master's appears? Perhaps you could further explain why, when my son was visibly upset and asked repeatedly for those people to be removed, your Chaplain and the nurse continued to try to convince him to accept their visit?" Frank was almost shouting at this point.

The Captain had a look of defiance on his face as he replied, "Well it is my understanding that the Masters are his birth parents."


"That may be sir," Billy jumped in, "but they threw him out, and then that man beat me half to death for being in contact with him," Billy said thrusting his picture in the Captain's face. "This is what that asshole did to me, and then you wonder why my brother and I have been adopted by someone else?"

The Captain continued to keep the annoyed look on his face as Frank nodded to Finn. "Captain Reid, I am Mr. Leo's attorney. In fairness, I will give you a heads up as to the questions you will be asked during the inquiry of this episode. You will be asked how you allowed your Chaplain, who just happens to be your first cousin, and the brother of the pastor of the Masters' church, to have access to my client's son."


The blood drained from the Captains face. Finn continued, "You will also be asked to explain why when Travis Leo's chart expressly states that he have no visitors unless his father Frank was present, it was ignored."

Now the Captain became angry, "This is a military hospital and I do not answer to civilians," he said defiantly.


"Sir," Frank said menacingly, "you have picked the wrong man to mess with. When I'm done with you, you will be lucky to have a pension."


Later that afternoon Frank, Finn, Tim and Billy were back at the hotel for a well-deserved rest. Wolf stayed at the hospital to keep an eye on Travis and make sure his birth parents didn't reappear. Tim's answered his ringing phone, "Hey Keith," Finn heard him say, "what's up?" Finn could only hear one side of the conversation but it was easy to figure out what was being said on the other side.


"Listen Keith, you have no idea what you are talking about. There is no way I'm going back to her home," Tim said firmly into the phone. Then he was quiet, apparently listening to his brother.


"Keith, I'm not a little kid. I can read and think for myself. If you have any questions for Dad, grow a set and ask him yourself." Then more listening. "No I don't care if it's her birthday. I'm not coming, but you know what, I'll come to her birthday party ten years from now to make up for the ten years she kept me from Dad. So do me a favor, if you want to call and talk about anything other than your mother feel free. But don't ever bring her name up to me again." Then the call ended.


"You okay kiddo?" Finn asked.


Tim walked over and hugged his Dad. "Yeah Dad, being with you makes everything alright. I feel sorry for Keith. She must be really breaking his balls. Funny thing though, I haven't heard a word from Shannon even though I left her a message with my new number."


"Don't worry kiddo, it will all work out," Finn said as he gave his son a hug.

The afternoon was busy for Finn and Frank. Frank called Colonel Marks and filled him in on what he Finn had learned about the Chaplain and the conversation with the Captain. Dave said he would get right on it and get back to him ASAP. His next call was to Travis' battalion commander, explaining the day's events and asking if he could help get Travis shipped back to Lejeune immediately.


Business attended to, the four men headed back over to the hospital to visit with Travis hoping that he would be calm and resting.

Thursday, June 10, 2009


MJ and Jimmer had been keeping Matt and Jim updated almost hourly with text messages about their trip. Matt was sitting at his desk finishing up the last of his writing for work. He submitted his resignation which was accepted with regrets. His phone rang around 1100 hours. Denise called to let him know they all arrived safe and sound. After the boy's got on to say hello and give him the latest news, Jimmer was second and finished by asking Matt to tell Jim that they both loved him and they would call later.


Denise got back on the phone for a final goodbye and then said, "Don't get too excited, but Tina has had morning sickness two days in a row!" Matt offered his cautious congratulations.


"Well she has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and then we should know more," Denise added.


"Wonderful, make sure to give her my best and let me know the minute you hear," Matt said than ended his call. He finished up his work over the next hour and headed down to the kitchen to make lunch. Barry would be back soon, he had taken Kelly for a walk on the beach.


Matt was bent over with his head in the refrigerator when he heard someone come in, "That wasn't a very long walk," he said without looking up.


"No, I only came from the car," replied Jim's voice.


Matt turned and met his lover. He was surprised that he was home in the middle of the day. When he saw Jim's face, his surprise turned to concern. He closed the fridge door and walked to Jim to hug him, and gave him a kiss. He could tell immediately something was wrong.


"What's wrong baby," Matt asked as he released Jim.


"Nothing, and everything," Jim replied sullenly. "Major Dickhead called me on the carpet. He claims to have information about our relationship. I have been suspended pending further investigation."


Matt was stunned. The wheels immediately started to turn in his head. Something about this stinks, the thought. His first instinct was Linda's mother, but she was locked away. The second suspect really worried Matt. Could Jim's own mother be behind this? Matt pulled Jim back in and hugged him tightly.


"Don't worry dog face we'll get through this," Matt said and then quickly added, "Have you called the colonel?"

"He's on his way," Jim said. "Fuck!" he shouted, "I know this Hot-Shit doesn't like me, but this is bullshit! And the worst part is the prick won't tell me what the info is or where it came from."


Matt paused; he wanted Jim to calm down a bit before he offered advice not wanting to upset him further. "Jimmy, there is one way out of this, you could resign your commission. You have plenty of leave saved that you can use while it's being reviewed. You've met your service obligation as well as your IRR*," Matt said, "and on the bright side it will really piss off Major Dick and you'll have more time to work on the foundation."


"Good points Matty, but this is not the way I wanted to end my career," Jim said sadly.


"I understand that buddy. But think about it: if you do it this way the matter will drop, there will be no investigation," Matt offered. "That said, I would love to know what that prick has. According to the DADT reg's the information must come from a reliable source."


"That's correct, so since the prick won't tell me where it came from or what it is, I'm flying blind," Jim said helplessly. Just as he finished, they heard the colonel calling hello as he entered the house. Matt panicked. He had been so involved with Jim, he forgot he was naked! He turned to run and was face to face with a laughing colonel. The look on Matt's face was priceless, it even made Jim laugh. He began to stutter an apology but the colonel cut him off.


"At ease captain, you're not the first naked man I've ever seen," the colonel said with a smile, "you're dad had already warned me about you guys and the swimming and hanging out naked thing."


Matt ran off for a pair of shorts and returned to find Jim and the colonel already discussing the situation.


"Jimmy, this prick has it in for you and bad. Now I don't know what he has but I will tell you the same thing I would have told my brother. Resign your commission and don't let him fuck with you anymore. The baby G really likes you; if you call for an appointment and drop your REFRAD* packet off to him I'm sure he will grant you extended leave until the SECNAV* can approve your resignation. And if I remember correctly you have completed both your service obligation and your inactive ready reserve."


"That's what Matt suggested as well, but fuck Davy, I don't want my career to end this way," Jim said.


"Well better this way then with an undesirable discharge," the colonel replied. "This way you will still get your pension and benefits. I have no doubt the old man will help you out. I'll call his secretary right now, that way you can see him tomorrow."


Friday, June 10, 2009


It had been a busy a busy twenty-four hours for Finn. He sat in the hospital's

Commanding Officer's waiting room with Frank and Billy. The Executive officer and the Chaplain were in with him at the moment. Finn was going over the information that he had uncovered concerning the Travis's situation.


The secretary finally told them they could go in. The Chaplain was seated; a defiant look on his face and the XO looked nauseous. After the pleasantries, the CO began to try and smooth over the situation when Finn politely interrupted.


"Before you go any further Captain, I would like to share with you information that I have discovered over the last twenty-four hours. As you know Travis Leo's privacy was disregarded by the Chaplain yesterday by allowing his birth-parents access to him even though there were expressed orders that no one was allowed to visit him except for the list provided to the hospital. Furthermore, when he demanded they leave his room, your Chaplain and a nurse continued to badger Travis." The Chaplain started to speak and the CO told him to shut up.


"Upon investigation," Finn continued, "I have uncovered evidence that the Chaplain is the brother of the pastor of Corporal Leo's birthparents. Furthermore your XO is a member of the same congregation in his home town." The CO began to scowl, and had a very worried look on his face.


"We have also found evidence that your XO had Corporal Leo's orders changed so he came here instead of Ft. Sam Houston as planned." Now the CO was almost fuming, then the XO tried to speak and the CO told him to shut up. Then he began to speak, trying to apologize and smooth over the matter, until Frank politely interrupted.


"Excuse me sir," Frank said, "there is only one way that this situation is going to be resolved. First, my son is going to be on the first flight out of here to Lejeune. Second, you will permit my son's friend, a Marine to stand guard in his room to protect him from the possibility that his birth parents are brought back in by your Chaplain or XO. Third, I'm sure that these two will be sufficiently punished for their actions. If you agree, to this, I will agree not to file suit or pass this information on to our Congressman and Senator."


The CO was red with anger and Finn wasn't sure who he was madder at, his subordinates or Frank, and then he spoke, "Mr. Leo, I am very sorry for what has happened to your son, and I will agree to your conditions."


No sooner had the words left his mouth when the Chaplain jumped to his feet and shouted, "How can you agree with this sodomite?" while pointing at Frank.


The CO leap to his feet, his eyes blazing with anger. "Lieutenant, you are relieved of duty and confined to quarters until further notice. You will leave now and await further instruction."


The Chaplain gave his CO a look of disgust before exiting the office. The CO turned immediately to Frank, the fear apparent on his face. "Mr. Leo, I cannot apologize enough for the conduct of my officers. I will personally see that Cpl. Leo will be transferred ASAP."


"Thank you sir, your help is greatly appreciated," Frank said


Within the hour they were at Travis' bedside. He calmed down as soon as he heard that he was returning to Lejeune. Then he surprised everyone, "You know Dad, I hope the PEB* finds me unfit for service. There is only one thing I want right now, and that is to be completely beyond the reach of the two low lives that gave birth to me."


"Don't worry son, you will be home tomorrow, afternoon at the latest," Frank said squeezing Travis' hand.



It was a long day for Jim. The colonel managed to get him an appointment with the base commander. This was highly unusual for a couple of reasons: one, leap-frogging over his superiors and getting directly to the top was almost unheard of, and two, considering the nature of the accusation, it would be beyond surprising that he would insert himself.


Barry arrived back around 1700. He had been at the new house getting things settled. Then he was off to pick up his son Ryan, who was spending the weekend. Barry was thrilled that he was getting him for an extra day. Apparently the boy's mother was going out of town for the weekend and she begged Barry to take him a day early. Surely, that was never a problem for Barry. He hadn't told her about his new job, and planned not to. If she got wind of how well he was doing she would be after him for more child support.


When they came in the door Ryan ran right to Jim and jumped in his arms, "Uncle Jimmy, I'm going to stay all the way until Sunday!" Ryan said as he hugged Jim.


"That's great buddy, then Saturday we can go for a boat ride," Jim said as he handed the little bundle of energy off to his "uncle Matt".


While preparing dinner, Jim gave Barry a quick rundown of the situation with work. "I agree Gunner, somebody is fucking with you and I think that Matt and the Colonel are right, just resign. Your time can be better spent working on the charities."


Dave joined them for dinner. The conversation thankfully moved on to other topics, one of which was Dave going out to Cali to meet with Declan about opening a branch of the Potter's Wheel out there. When it was time to call it a night, Matt noticed that Dave seemed a bit disappointed that Barry was staying at Frank's because of Ryan and hadn't asked him to stay as well. After Dave left, Matt asked Barry about it.


"You know mate, I'm kind of new at this and just want to have some fun. Dave on the other hand is hinting around at a relationship and I really don't think that's where I'm at right now," Barry said.


While Jim and Barry had just gotten the boys in bed when Jim grabbed Barry in a tight hug and whispered lustily in his ear, "Want to bunk with me and the captain tonight?" Barry's whole body tingled when he felt Jim's hot breath on his ear and his knees got weak.


"Sure..." was all he could squeak out. When they walked into the bedroom Matt looked surprised, but pleased to see Barry with Jim. The two stripped down hit the head and were in bed with Matt in no time with Barry in the middle. They started with a three-way kiss and then Barry moved down and started sucking Jim's cock first while looking up at him and maintaining eye contact, and then did the same to Matt. The way he kept eye contact with them was very erotic; it was if the three were communicating with their eyes.


The trio moved into different positions, finally Matt was on his back with Barr kneeling over him in a sixty-nine position. Barry was sucking Matt's cock while Matt was moaning as he was working Barry's low hangers that were in his mouth. Meanwhile, Jim had Matt's legs up and entered in one smooth motion. Barry was almost ready to short circuit from the all of the stimulation and pleasure; the hottest thing ever was watching up close as Jim's cock moved in and out of Matt's ass.


It didn't take long with Jim hitting his love nut for Matt to blow into Barry's mouth setting off a chain reaction. The three men landed in heap, tenderly sharing kisses as they enjoyed the afterglow.


"Crikey mates, there's nothing that compares to playing with you two," Barry said giving each man a kiss, "I'd love to spend the night with you but I best head back, don't want the nipper to wake and be scared," he said as he climbed out of bed, "see ya in the morning."


After Barry left Matt and Jim snuggled close together, "You know, out of all the guys we play with, Barry is my favorite. The more time I spend with him the more I like him," Jim said, surprising Matt.


"I'm right there with ya dog face, he is a special guy. I just wish we could help him get Ryan full time," Matt said as the wheels started to turn in his head.


"I'm sure you'll figure something out," Jim said as he gave Matt a quick kiss, "I'll help any way I can."


That made Matt very happy and he snuggled tighter to Jim, and both men fell asleep thinking of how they could help their friend instead of worrying about Jim's appointment in the morning.



To be continued...


Thanks for reading, and a special thanks to Jim, he's the one who makes this story readable!


*REFRAD- Release from active duty


*SECNAV- Secretary of the Navy


*PEB- The Physical Examination Board is responsible for assessing injured Marines and their fitness to return to duty.


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