Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 07:34:49 -0700 From: Clone Buggs Subject: Across the Alley 33 Across the Alley XXXIII "Michael you bastard!" Davy was incensed with himself more than he was angry at Michael. He understood immediately that Michael was hooked, and although he had been good for some time, the heroin was always calling him back. He, David, had been so enthralled with New York, he hadn't been paying attention to Michael. They had both been working the streets for money, and often they didn't see each other for a day or two. They always seemed tired, because they weren't getting much sleep. When you trick all night, and try to sleep during the day, the city noise took care of most of the good restful sleep they needed. The city was taking its toll on both of them. Somewhere, Michael had met up with a supply of drugs, and couldn't resist. "Michael, Wake up!" Davy pulled the tie off his lover's arm, and Michael's head lolled back on his shoulder. Davy lifted his arm, and put it over his neck, and pulled the sagging body up out of the kitchen chair. Michael mumbled a protest, but Davy ignored him and began to walk and drag him up and down the hall of the apartment that lead from the kitchen to the bedrooms and living area. "Come on you son of a bitch. You promised me you wouldn't take any more." The two struggled through the apartment, until Davy got the idea to dump Michael in the huge old claw foot bathtub and run cold water over him. He stripped Michael and maneuvered him into the tub, and plugged the drain with the rubber seal, and turned the cold water on full blast. Michael gasped and began shivering immediately, his skin and lips turning blue. He tensed up, and vomited into the water that was rising. David retched in sympathy, but kept massaging his lover trying to get him to focus on him instead of the drug coursing through his system. Michael moaned a long despairing sound that filled the room with dread. David began to cry silently the tears flowing down his cheeks and falling into the swirling cold water. Michael shivered and shook violently as the cold water enveloped his body in a freezing blanket of wet. David turned the water off, and the room fell silent except for the occasional drip of a tear falling into the now still water. Michael shivered, causing the surface of the water to quake with tiny wavelets that vibrated electrically against the porcelain of the tub. David looked up through his tears and out the small window into the air shaft that was shared by the building next door. An old woman was watching them, her bony fingers gripping and releasing her thin leathery arm. Her hair was long and gray, coarse looking and stringy over her face. David shut his eyes, and when he opened them again after wishing hard for her to be gone, she was. He dropped to his knees next to the tub, and took Michael's head in his arms and hugged him close. Michael murmured something he couldn't understand, and shivered violently sending the water splashing against the tub. His body suddenly relaxed, and David felt a howl of despair erupt from his own lungs and fill the tiny bathroom. Michael was dead weight, and David had a difficult time getting him up out of the tub and then had to drag his body into the bedroom and onto the mattress on the floor. He covered him in the thin blanket to help stop the shivering, but it didn't help. Michael's skin was blue and pimpled with goose bumps from head to toe. David took off his own wet clothes, and got under the cover, pulling Michael's shivering body as close as he could. Michael felt cold and clammy next to his own heated skin, and he willed his body warmth into Michael, and slowly, gradually, the shivering lessened, and finally Michael began to breathe normally, and after a bit, David heard a slight snore. Michael was sitting up leaning against the wall, with his hand on his shoulder when David opened his eyes. There was a flat blank look in Michael's eyes when he sat up and looked into them. He leaned over and kissed Michael on the lips, and it felt like a dead fish had been pressed against his mouth. The lips were cold and unresponsive to the warmth of David's kiss. "Michael?" He saw the dead eyes flicker at him, then turn away. "What's wrong Michael?" Michael rolled away from him, and laid back down on the mattress with his back to Davy. "I'm tired," he whispered. "I know." David put a hand on Michael's hip, and massaged him lightly, caressing the now warmer skin. "Maybe we should take a few days off the street. We have enough money put away to take a week off." Michael didn't respond. "Maybe we could take the train somewhere. Boston, Philadelphia, or maybe long Island." Michael remained silent. "Are you hungry?" David crawled out of the bed and pulled on his pants. Since they hadn't bought curtains for the place, the old ladies in the next building had a field day spying on them if they walked through the apartment nude. They seemed to have some sixth sense the boys were on parade, because the windows filled up with staring faces almost immediately. He went into the kitchen, and looked in the fridge. There was not much there, and what there was, was stale looking. Back in the bedroom, he put on his shoes, and pulled a shirt over his head, and told Michael he was going out to get some bagels and cream cheese. Michael grunted, but did not stir otherwise. Across the street, he ducked into the Jewish Deli and asked the counter man for a pound of cream cheese a dozen bagels mixed and two large coffees regular, which he'd had to learn that in New York, meant nearly white with cream and sticky sweet with sugar. He picked up a copy of the Times, and paid the man and headed back to the apartment. By the time he got back, Michael was gone. David felt a dread rise in his heart, and dropping the food and coffee on the floor beside the mattress, he ran out of the apartment, leaving the door ajar in his rush. On the sidewalk he looked in both directions, but Michael wasn't to be seen. He ran to the nearest corner which was Avenue A, and looked down toward the Essex Street Market, then up toward Tompkins Square, but nothing of Michael could be seen. He turned and ran as fast as he could to First Avenue and looked uptown. Nothing but the usual crowd of old Russian Jews mixed with a few Italians and Puerto Ricans. Michael was nowhere to be seen. He sat down on the curb and felt the tears well up in his eyes. A man came out of a coffee shop on the corner, and walked over to him. He bent and put his hand on David's neck. "What's the matter boy? It can't be all that bad." David began to sob uncontrollably. "Where do you live? I'll walk you home." The man tried to lift David up by hooking him under the armpits with his hands. David stood on weak legs, and cried on the man's shoulder. "So where do I take you kid?" David tried to stop crying, realizing that people were staring at him now. He pointed down toward Houston, but couldn't speak through his sobs. The man started to walk with him, but David felt too weak with his loss to take more than a few steps. "Say," the man said. "Why don't you come to my place. I'm just around the corner here. We can call your folks to come and get you. How's that sound." David nodded, and the guy turned them around, and soon had David up a flight of stairs and into his small apartment. Inside, he sat David down in a kitchen chair, and poured him a glass of orange juice. David drank it gratefully , and set the empty glass on the table. The man looked at him, and when he thought he'd calmed enough asked for his folk's telephone number. David looked at him for the first time. He was about thirty or so, and dressed in a suit and tie. The suit looked a bit worn and shiny, but was well cut and fitted him nicely. He mulled over in his mind what to tell this kind stranger. Finally, taking a wracking deep breath, and clearing the tears out of his voice, he thanked him for helping, and then told him he didn't have any folks to call. "No?" The man was surprised. "What are you seventeen, eighteen years old?" David nodded. "Left home already?" "Since I was sixteen." David looked into his kind eyes, wondering how much he could tell him. "Jeeze kid. That must be rough. Alone in the world that young. How you makin' out?" "Fine." "I mean, you can't be working for a living. Somebody might hire you for grunt work, but it doesn't pay enough to make it in New York." "I'm a writer," David blurted. "No shit?" The guy offered him some more orange juice, but David shook his head. "Publish anything?" David nodded. "No fuckin' way kid." "I've published several stories this past year in magazines." "Really. Now that I'd like to see. I'm a writer too, but never had much published. I work as an editor at a book house to make ends meet. Mostly I write at night." "Yeah?" David found himself interested in spite of himself. "What do you write?" The guy poured himself a glass of juice using David's glass. "Gay stuff." "You gay?" David nodded again. "Me too." He put out his hand to shake. David took it and they gripped each other tightly. "My name's Elton." "David." Elton held David's hand longer than he should have, and David saw the look in his eyes that he'd come to know as sexual hunger. "You got a place to stay?" David nodded again, and Elton took a swallow of juice. "If you would like, you could stay with me for a day or two. If you would like," he repeted hopefully. "I got a place on Houston across from Katz's Deli. My lover, just split. I've got to go find him, or at least stay around there in case he comes back." Elton absorbed this information, and nodded his head. "So you had a fight or somethin'?" "Or somethin'." David looked out the window and watched a pair of pigeons billing and cooing on the window ledge. "You want to talk about it?" "No." "Might do you some good to get it out." "No." "Suit yourself." He swallowed the rest of the juice and got up to wash the glass in the sink. When he finished, he dried it on a towel and put it away in the cabinet. "I'll walk you home to your place if you want." David stood up, and the two left his apartment, and walked in the early Spring sunshine to the building on Houston. David thanked Elton for being so kind, and left him on the front steps of the building. "I'll see you around. Okay?" "Yeah. You know where I live." Elton saluted him with a finger to the brow, and watched him go through the door and into the dim hall beyond the second door. He noted that he'd used a key to get in so assumed that he actually must live there, and had not been trying to just dump him so he could get away. David sat in the apartment for three days and three nights waiting and hoping Michael would come back. He ate the stale bagels, and wondered where Michael could have gotten off to. On the morning of the forth day, he was out of bagels, and cleaned himself up and went out on the street to get some breakfast. He headed for the little coffee shop where Elton had been when he'd found him crying on the curb. He sat on a stool at the counter, and ordered a three egg omelet with homefries and toast and orange juice and coffee. He was eating when Elton walked in the door. "Say bud. Waiting for me?" He was grinning broadly at David, and took the empty stool next to him. "The usual Jimmy," he said to the counter man, who set a cup of steaming black coffee in front of him. David smiled with a mouthful of eggs and potatoes. He patted Elton's leg under the counter, and swallowed his food. "Good to see you man." "How's things with your partner?" David had to think what he meant for a moment before he realized he was asking about Michael. "Still no sign of him." "You think he's going to come back?" "I don't know. He's got some problems with me." Jimmy slid a plate of eggs and potatoes down the counter in front of Elton, and then set a plate with toast down and handed him a knife and fork. "Thank you Jimmy." The cook tapped his forehead with his spatula, leaving a yellow greasy drip running down into his eyebrow. He wiped it away with a dirty towel, and shouted a greeting to a man that had just entered the shop. "What kind of problems?" David looked at him for a moment before speaking. "He's hooked on drugs, and I don't approve. I got him cleaned up and he stayed clean for a year, but the day you found me on the curb, he had shot up again. I thought he'd overdosed himself, he was so out of it, and I did some stuff that ruined his nod, so the first chance he got he split. For all I know he might be dead now." Elton winced at the word dead. "I hope for your sake he's not. Do you love him?" David nodded, and took a fork full of food and chewed slowly. He swallowed it down and took a swallow of juice to help it. "I know he loves me, but I also know he loves his horse more than he does me. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone back to it." Elton was eating and listening. "Yeah," he mumbled through a mouthful of toast and jam. "I've known a few hypes. They do love their drug." They ate in silence for a while, and when they got down to drinking their coffee after their plates were clean and Jimmy had taken them away, David asked Elton what kind of stuff he wrote. "Novels mostly. I'm working on one now, that I think is pretty good. I've written several others, but after thinking about them I've thrown them away." "I write porn for gay rags." "I know. You told me. What should I look for? Do you use your own name?" "No. I publish under Stony Austin, and they seem to like my work. I doubt if they would publish me if they knew how old I was." "Probably not. Stony, eh...I think I have one of your stories up at my place." He named the magazine. "Yeah. It's mine." "Shit Davy. That was one hot story. Where did you learn enough about queer sex to write that scene in the hotel room?" "I've been a hustler for the past three years. It happened just like I wrote it. Some editor wrote me a note once when I was just starting to publish, that I should only write from experience and about what I know best. What I know best is hustling men for money." "Really?" David looked at him again, and saw the sex hunger in his eyes. "You know Elton, I owe you something for helping me the other day." "No you don't." "I do. If you have the time, I could pay you back right now for being so kind." "Not necessary kid." "but I want to." "I don't expect anything for helping you." "I know you don't, but I want to do it with you anyway." Elton looked at him for a long moment, and then slid off his stool. "I gotta make a quick call to tell the office I'll be late." He walked to the phone booth at the back of the shop, and stood dialing a number while he glanced at David who was watching him. He adjusted his cock with his free hand, and then spoke into the phone. He hung the receiver up, and David could see he had a hardon in his pants as he walked back toward where he was sitting. He had to be horny as hell. Elton dropped a five dollar bill on the counter, and told Jimmy to keep the change. They left together, and headed to Elton's place which was closer. Inside his front door, Elton took David in his arms and kissed him passionately. When he broke the kiss, he told David he'd been dreaming of doing that to him since they had met. They quickly stripped out of their clothes, and David took Elton's cock in his hand, and dropped to his knees. Elton moaned with the pleasure of the boy's mouth on his stiffness, and started humping his hips pushing his cock in and out of David's mouth. "Let me cum in you mouth first, and then I'll be able to last longer when I fuck you. I haven't had sex in weeks, and I'm ready to blow my nuts right now." David sucked him diligently, taking him down to the hair several times, letting his saliva leak out of his mouth and run down his hairy nuts where it collected in the hair and dripped off onto his chin. Elton held his head gripped tightly in his large hands, and fucked the boy's mouth hard for several seconds. He stiffened up suddenly, and David felt the wet ballsack pull up tight, and then the tube on the underside of the stiff cock in his throat, pulsed, and he pulled back and took the first shot of Elton's cum across his tongue. Elton had been right about being horny. He shot seven gushes of cum into David's throat before he finally pulled out and lifted him up to kiss him again using his tongue to probe and taste his own cum in David's mouth. He took the boy to his bedroom then, and they lay on the bed for a while, feeling and playing with each other's bodies until Elton's thick cock was standing high again. David spit on the head of the purple monster, and sat down on it feeling himself penetrated for the first time in days. His own cock was hard as stone, and Elton took it in his hand and jacked him to the fuck motions his hips were throwing into David's ass. David reveled in the act, with his eyes closed tightly and his head thrown back facing the ceiling of the room, and gave himself over to being fucked long and hard by his new friend. Elton turned him over somewhere in the middle of the fuck, and plowed back into him and went to work making every nerve in David's body tingle with lust. David lost count of the number of thrusts in his ass, and then realized that it was a pattern he fallen into when he was being fucked by a trick. Counting the thrusts of the guy's dick in and out of his hole was a way to pass the time. At first, it didn't occur to him, but after he lost track of Elton's thrusts, he realized he was doing it. He felt grateful that Elton was a good enough lover that he's been able to lose himself in the fuck. When he came the first time, Elton had captured the spunk in his palm and had eaten it without stopping or even slowing his thrusting. David wanted to keep fucking, and told him to keep at it until he could cum again. The second time, Elton was ready to blow his second load as well, and when they peaked and the flood of semen began to pump out of their respective cocks, Elton pulled out of his asshole, and grabbing his thick piece of meat, he jerked his load onto David's belly where he was busily depositing his own. When they were finished, Elton leaned over and sucked up the hot semen with his lips, and then lay down across David's body and kissed him sharing the combined cum with him. Afterward, Elton showered and dressed, and told David he'd like to see him again, and maybe take him out to dinner and a movie or something. David told him it would have to be a week night because he worked the streets on weekends. They settled on Wednesday night, and the two left the apartment together. Elton going to work late, and David home to the apartment. When David got back to the apartment, Michael was there throwing some of his things into his bag. The two just stared open mouthed at each other for a long moment, before Michael zipped up the bag and dropped it to the floor. He opened his arms for David to come to him, and David did, tears in his eyes. "I've got to go now," Michael whispered to him. "Why?" David tried to look at his face, but Michael held his head too tightly against his chest. "I just do Davy. I'm no good for you anyway. I found somebody else." "Who?" "Just somebody." "Is he a pusher?" "None of your business." "You sleeping with him for drugs?" Michael nodded and David felt the slight movement with his ear. "Fuck you Michael. Don't do this to me. I love you." "And I love you, but I don't want to drag you down with me, and if we stay together, I will. You have a future as a writer, but me? I'm just a two bit street whore hooked on dope. I'll waste my life on the streets, and you can have more than that." He pushed David away and picked up his suitcase. David was crying hard, his sobs wracking his young body. "Don't cry Davy. I love you, and I'm leaving because I do. Can't you understand that?" David grabbed Michael's legs as he slipped to the floor, begging him through his sobs not to leave him alone. Michael pushed him away again, and disentangled his legs from David's grip. "I have to go now." He turned and walked a few steps toward the door before stopping and turning back to the crying boy, now laying on the dirty floor. "Say Davy? Can you loan me a few bucks for old time sake. I'm tapped out right now, and need to get myself straight." Davy screamed incoherently at him, and rolled over screaming for him to get out. The door slammed and Davy lay there sobbing for a long time. Finally, he had cried all he could, and got up and stripped off his clothes and climbed into the big claw foot tub and ran a hot bath. As he soaked his misery away, he watched the old woman watching him through the tiny window without caring. Afterward, he slept until nearly midnight, and then dressed and hit the streets. It was a slow night, but he finally hooked up with a man who said he was a school teacher from Queens. They went back to the apartment, because the trick didn't have enough money to pay for a room, and needed to get off and back home because he had classes the next morning. He was wearing a wedding band, and when David asked about his wife, he said she had left him for another man just a few weeks before. Curious, David asked if he knew why she left. The man started to cry suddenly, and blubbered on David's shoulder until David was blubbering along with him. When they finally were able to stop, the teacher said he wasn't good in bed with women, and she had gone off with a man she had cruelly told him was a better fuck. He told David he's sworn off pussy and would only sleep with men from then on. After he was gone, David mulled over what he'd said, and muttered under his breath that if he was only going to sleep with men from now on, he'd better practice his technique, because Davy had thought about Elton the entire time the teacher had been humping his butt hole like he was drilling for oil. David folded the fifty dollar bill the teacher had left on the mattress, and tucked it under the pillow, and rolled over and slept soundly for the first time in days. END