Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 23:11:37 -0400 From: Sidney Gittler Subject: Arkansas Vacation: Oscar Night The following chapter is completely and 100% fictional except for the obvious accuracy in the results from the 2000 Academy Awards. The references to the awards and actors do not mean they endorse anything else in the story. Which by the way includes a lot of very young male sex. If that is not to your taste or is illegal or you're to young then please depart. All comments to Arkansas Vacation: Oscar Night by Sid Gittler (c)2000 Spring is returning to southeastern Arkansas and the residents of Peckertown are out and smiling after the long winter. My fellow northerners and I continually remind the locals what they consider winter we consider fall. Granted as 1999 turned into 2000 there was a light coating of snow on the ground, but it was gone by the time the first college football bowl game started. But given the cooler temperatures, and the increased dampness, the boy whores started wearing more clothes. Mike and Mark, for example, went from just their thongs to gym shorts and a basketball jersey to long baggy jean shorts and a heavy windbreaker. No shirt just the windbreaker, which spent most of its time unzipped. Even Lance wore a flannel shirt and moccasins. But then, as he said my first week here, if one Trip gets sick none of the Trips work. As with almost everything there was the exception to prove the rule. His name is Angus and he arrived the beginning of December from Maine. Fifteen, well muscled and a mop of flaming red hair. He got off the bus on a damp, chilly afternoon, took a deep breath and smiled. Then quickly stripped to running shorts. With that combination, plus being a new boy, Angus started getting a lot of business, which pissed off some of the other boys. According to Matt some boys almost lost it when Angus was heard saying he couldn't believe it was that warm. Outside of the Jorgenson clan you've learned about other boys like Cody and Kenny who came into money of their own. What's really amazing is that with help and advice they've all gotten richer. Cody and Justin have even paid all their creditors back in full, and six months to a year earlier than we figured. They even moved out of their apartment and into a three-bedroom house a couple of blocks from Lion and me. Across the street from them live our newest multimillionaires, Mark and Mike. Or should I say Mark, Mike, Zeus and Tad with Keith going back and forth between his brother's house and his lover's home. It's a large house, five bedrooms, the first time in their lives that Mark and Mike each have their own. Though it's a rare night that all the beds are used. The identical twins' father and stepmother shit their pants when our lawyer Henry Silvers and Jose Sanchez, the reporter from TIME Magazine, showed up on their doorstep with the process server. The suit asked for the entire fifty million they had won in the California lottery. Sanchez had a draft of an article, complete with photos, of their sons' lives in Peckertown and how they'd been booted out of their home. It was amazing how quickly they settled for twenty million. And a promise by Sanchez not to submit the story to his editors at TIME. He gave it to People instead. The cover spread on the boys was priceless publicity for Peckertown. We presented the check to Mark and Mike on the Ides of March. They were stunned. "We never have to work again," Mark said grabbing his brother's hand. "But what are we going to do? We've never had any money before, we barely make the rent every month. What do we do?" Mike said. "Whatever you want man," Tad said. "Quiet boy," Zeus said ruffling the boy's hair. Tad climbed into the big black man's lap and snuggled down. "Mark, Mike, the check's going right into the bank where it'll be safe. We'll set up some investments to make sure you have a steady income and be set for the rest of your lives," Silver said. "Sir, Mike and I appreciate everything you've done and want you to have the fee we promised you. Thing is we don't got much schooling, only one skill." "Skills you're experts at, but ones you never have to do for pay again," I said. "Look guys. There's no rush. Remember, you're only fourteen nobody expects you to adjust to this instantly. Hell, I'm 48 and probably would go into shock if somebody showed me a twenty million-dollar check with my name on it." "Let's not go there love," Lion said and everybody laughed. "There is one thing I'd like to do," Mike said several moments later. "What?" I said. "The Oscars are a week from Sunday night. I want to host a party for all the boys at the hotel with a couple of big screen televisions, open bar, food, the works. Let's give everybody a night off and a chance to party together. Everybody, whores, slaves, restaurant workers, natives who hung around, everybody. "Cool idea bro. Can we pull it off in time Marc?" Mark said. "Anything scheduled for the hotel ballroom Zeus?" "Now there is. I'll get it set up as soon as I get there. Only question is how many can we expect?" "You going to close the Little Leather Club for the night?" Mark said. "Why not, we'll have the afternoon show and that's it. I'm sure Benjy will agree that they deserve a night off. I'll get dad to close the Tasty Buns too so those guys can come," Lion said. "Fine, Zeus work the hotel staff however you want but everything's got to be covered," I said. "You got it boss, but that brings us back to the question. How many people are we expecting?" "At least two hundred, maybe closer to three," Mark said. "Shit, I didn't know there were that many boys working here," I said. "Between the whores, the clubs and restaurants, the hotel, etc. there's probably closer to five hundred. Hell, we've got close to two hundred working for us alone," Lion said. "Plan for three hundred Zeus, regular family catering rates." "Yes boss, now I'd better be getting back and get things going." "We'll go with you, if that's all right?" Mike said. "Come on, it's your party." The flyers were distributed two days later, on Friday. By Saturday night every business that employed boys had notices in their windows announcing they would be closed on the twenty- sixth after four. Fortunately we had asked them to call the hotel or sign up at the Big Lick or the Tasty Buns if they were coming. By Sunday night we had four hundred boys coming, with a week to go. Zeus had the biggest problem. At first he said the regular shift would work that night and extra help in the kitchen. The boys blew. He asked for volunteers, none, even at double-time. Scott, our young security chief, finally suggested they take the four to two shift and break it into two hour turns so everybody would have plenty of time at the party. Zeus agreed and so did the boys. That Scott came up with the idea and the boys freely agreeing to it really made Zeus happy. It was a great show of teamwork and cooperation when things could have gotten messy. By the Thursday night deadline we had 556 reservations, and that didn't include the hotel staff. Daniel, Scott, Chef Emryl, the twins and I sat down with Zeus that evening. "Daniel, I thought you said there were tops five hundred boys working in this town. Where am I going to fit that many boys?" Zeus said. My lover shrugged, "I really thought it was more like four hundred. The idea that there's probably more than seven hundred boys is frightening really." "Five, six, a thousand out there I don't care. How do I prepare for that many people?" Chef Emryl moaned in a thick Boston accent. "They'll eat anything and everything you put in front of them. Some of them probably won't eat until then. How am I going to control them?" Scott spat. "Shut up Scott, you may have been lucky and not having to work the street but we're not animals. I didn't expect this many either but you set up the guidelines of where you want the food, where the TVs are going to be, whatever and we'll follow them. Anybody gets out of hand that's one thing, but my bro and I are throwing this party so our friends can have a fun night," Mike said. "Friends, yeah right. All you guys do is suck and screw and somebody who pays is God and." Scott didn't have a chance to finish because Mike leapt out of his chair and across the table. Zeus grabbed him as Scott pulled a sap out of his pants' pocket. I grabbed the arm and forced it behind his back. "Zeus, you take control here, Scott you're coming with me." "Fuck you." I'd never seen such anger in him, not even when he'd first hit town. "Shut up and move," I said. "Or what?" Scott said but moved to the door. I followed him to his office and locked the door behind us. Scott moved behind his desk. I pointed to one of the two guest chairs. "This is my office and that's my chair," he said. "And I am your boss so you damn well sit where I tell you to." "Or what?" "Don't go there." "Or what?" "Or you walk out of here and find yourself a new job." "You wouldn't." "I should, what you did in there was uncalled for. What the hell is eating you?" "None of your damn business, boss." The way he said boss stung, I deserved it but it still stung. I held up my hands and took a deep breath, held it for a moment before letting it out. "Can we start over Scott? You got me upset in there and maybe I overreacted, but talk to me, as a concerned boss if not a friend." Scott slumped into a chair and buried his eyes. I could hear him sobbing so I pulled the other chair next to his and pulled him close. "I was going to quit anyway," Scott finally said. "Why?" "It's the sex. I can't take all the sex around me. I worked with Zeus, I really did, but every time I see a boy head up the elevator with a man it tears me to pieces. I don't even have to close my eyes to see them being raped and used." "Like you were." It was a statement, not a question, but Scott nodded anyway. "Don't you see the difference?" "I try to, but the same elevator comes back down with a family heading out to the pool and I know it's a lie. They should be home, in school, with their parents." "Your parents are dead Scott." He shoved me off and his eyes bore into me. "Don't I fucking know that? Don't their faces haunt me every day? Every day they tell me to move on, be happy but they're fucking dead so how can I be happy." I sat back and looked around the room. How to answer that? Then I looked at the calendar hanging on the wall and pointed. "This Saturday is the anniversary of my mother's death and I'll go to church and pray to God that she and dad are together in heaven. I miss them too, but I've got my sister and her family. I've got all my friends down here, including you. Most important I have my Lion, and that makes me happy. Can you understand that?" "I guess, but I just can't cope here right now," Scott said. "How you and Frank doing?" "Crappy, he's trying but," he shrugged. "You think quitting here will help?" "I've got to try something or I may lose him. Then where am I?" "I'm not going to let you quit," I said. "Can't stop me, just won't come to work." "I'm going to transfer you to the industrial division. We've got four warehouse operations at different highway exits and we need a new security supervisor." "Serious?" "Yeah, you have to Sunday to pick your successor and fill him in. Take Sunday night off, and that's an order, and start the new assignment Monday morning." "Thanks Marc. How about Sargent? He's my best man and wants out of his regular job." "Talk to him, if he's interested sit down with Zeus. Now go home and snuggle with your honey." "Thanks Marc, but I think I'd better apologize first, and before you offer it's something I have to do myself," Scott said. "You're right, let's go." The buzz grew around town as Sunday approached and finally arrived. By noon on Sunday the park was empty and the clubs were closed. The only stores doing business were the barbers and clothing stores. The notice had specified non-business attire. OK, it actually said everybody must come in regular clothes and not working clothes, or lack thereof. The only guy really worried in the whole town was Beau LeCistern, Peckertown's Dept. of Utilities Director. The Jorgenson Inn was fully booked for the night, at least half by groups of boys looking for a place to shower and dress before the party, and not have to worry about finding their way home after. The twins showed up at four dressed in two-piece navy suits with matching shirts, no tie, loafers without socks. Their long blond hair tied back in a tight ponytail that reached their asses. "Go on in and see what it looks like," I said. "And how do we look?" Mark asked. "Like handsome young men," I said. They beamed at a normally innocuous remark. Daniel and I followed them into the ballroom. Along the walls were giant cardboard Oscars. Along one was a long line of rectangular tables with warming trays for the hot food and some of the cold trays were already out. On the opposite wall say two 96" televisions built on special platforms eight feet off the ground. Roger Ebert's preview show was on and sound was perfect. At the far end a guitar started playing "If I were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof. I laughed and started singing the lyrics so the boys would get the joke as well. "But we didn't order a band," Mike said. "It's part of the package and Yoshi and Powersound asked for the gig. They'll play dance music until the show starts." "Cool." Boys started arriving around five, patiently standing in line as their names were checked off the list. There were about twenty drag queens and they made fine looking young women entering on the arms of their young men. The music started with the band playing a lot of dance music and the boys moving gracefully all over the floor. As I watched I knew one thing for sure, gay boys have rhythm. The boys not dancing were either at the food tables filling their plates or at the round tables filling their mouths and talking. After Barbra Walter's annual celebrity gossip and the "let's see the beautiful people walk in and try to make them look like our friends" pre-Oscar show the main event finally started and Powersound put down their instruments for the first time and made a mad dash for the bar and food. The boys either found seats at the tables or sat on the floor. A lot of pairing up but just a lot of snuggling going on as Billy Crystal did his routine. Needless to say there were three categories that really interested all of us that night. The first up was Best Supporting Actress. Everybody was cheering for Chloe Sevigny for "Boy's Don't Cry." I don't know if any of us had seen it, Peckertown's more of a video town, but we all identified with the story. The room filled with cheers when they showed her scenes and boos when she lost. Then there was Haley Joel Osment. When he came out in his mini-tux to introduce a series of film clips of other child actors the room erupted in applause. Though the most common phrases heard were "marry me," "fuck me" and "let me fuck you baby." Naturally, there were more catcalls when he lost. But when Michael Caine mentioned him in his speech he was forgiven. As the evening wore on and on and on everybody started to pay less attention to the screens. The highlight for that chunk of the show was the musical numbers honoring past Oscar Best Song winners and then the current nominees. There was an impromptu dance contest which two of the slaves from the Little Leather Club won by really staying in the flow of the music as they went from song-to-song. Even "Blame Canada." All of a sudden Lance and his brothers jumped on the bandstand and yelled for everybody's attention. From our perch high above the floor I turned down the televisions' volume and turned the mike's back up. Interested to see what they had planned. "Now this thing is going on forever so let's have some fun. The guy upstairs will let us know when it's Hilary's turn to win." A loud roar of approval. "But we talked to Big Sol and he authorized us to run two contests here tonight. The first is a drag contest. All you girls come up here and the five best will go to the Big Lick next Sunday night for the finals and cash prizes. So come on up girls. And Trey, no putting those two glasses under your shirt and pretending they're boobs," Lance said. From all over the room the "girls" started moving. "Hey Lion, come on down and help us judge this thing, you too Benjy," Lance called. "Duty calls," Lion said he kissed me and slipped out of the balcony. By the time he arrived on stage there were twenty-three queens strutting their stuff. As I said before most of them were really good. The five judges got them in a line and had them go one-by-one along the front with instructions to sell it. "Hey, we're gay here, what's with the girls?" somebody yelled and got a good laugh. Finally they had their finalists picked. "Marc, how much time do we have?" Richie called up. I took a glance at the monitor and the clock, automatically yawned. "Half-hour or so. Start the second contest and if we have to interrupt it we will." "Cool. OK men, for this part we need two more judges. Kenny and Sergei come on up because we're not letting you in this one," Rich said. As the two lovers moved forward I could guess what was coming. "OK, now for the bodybuilding contest. Guys, take your shirts off and strike a pose. Same deal as before, five finalists go on to next Sunday night for cash prizes." Now I've never been big into bodybuilding, especially the real extreme cases who look puzzled if you ask them what else they do. Now none of the thirty or so boys who walked up were that extreme, but man they were hunks. When everybody was up Kenny took the microphone. "Now guys, you're all solid and deserve to be up here. Now Sergei and I are going to show you three basic poses. You'll do them and that's how you'll be judged. Now watch." With that Kenny handed Richie the mike back and pulled his shirt over his head. There were gasps from around the room. As the contestants did their poses there was one who caught my eye. Easily the youngest he was also one of the most chiseled. Not only did he cruise through the set but kicked each up a notch higher than anybody else. Not only was I salivating but so were Kenny and Sergei. Naturally he was one of the ten semifinalists. "Short stuff, come over here," Sergei said in his thick Russian accent. The boy grabbed another mike. "Name's Quentin, not short stuff." "Well Quentin, that was quite a performance. How old are you?" "I'm thirteen and I've been doing this for nine years and I had a bedroom full of age group trophies." Sergei bent over. "I believe it, and I started at four too, so get your ass back in line and all of you try and do what I do." He started slowly but quickly picked up the pace and I guessed difficulty. Five minutes into it three of the boys dropped out but Quentin almost seemed a half-step ahead of the Russian. Two thoughts flew into my mind as I watched. The first was that we had to find a job for this boy somewhere in the company. Second, I wanted to conduct the interview in bed with my cock up his well muscled bubble butt. I looked at the television set and clicked my mike on. "Five minutes." Kenny whispered something in Lance's ear and got a nod in return. "OK Sergei, times up." Sergei and the seven remaining contestants stopped moving and all took long, deep breaths. "I just talked with Lance and all seven of you are in the finals. You have one week to work on your routines. Any of you want to come over at nine any morning to work with us you're invited. Now Marc, hit the sound and let's get back to Oscar," Kenny called and cheers rang up from throughout the room. From someplace Bobbie, the third Trip, appeared with an armful of towels so the contestants and Sergei could dry themselves off. The room remained silent through Hilary Swank's clip. Not only was this our last chance to win but Brandon Tina represented us in a way that none of us could probably explain. Or maybe it really is simple for the boys and boy-lovers of Peckertown. Like Brandon Tina we're all outcasts and we all feel for each other. "And the Oscar for best performance by an actress in a leading role goes to Hilary Swank." The room went nuts. The yelling and screaming. The hugging and jumping for joy threatened to bring down the walls. "We did it," Lion said and jumped all over me. When Swank took the podium I turned up the volume and the room settled down. A huge roar the first time she referred to Brandon as him. When she left the stage with the statue clutched to her breasts the party changed course fast. Lion and I looked down at six hundred teen boys who know only one way to celebrate. Orgy. Where to start, where to start? Not with Cody, Justin, Daniel and me stripping up in the balcony as we lower the lights. "Shit," Cody said and we followed his finger. Over in the corner his brother Keith, Tad and Quentin were going at it in the far corner. Keith and Tad were toweling off the naked weightlifter. Gently rubbing the glistening muscles as the youngster flexed for the younger boys. Finally Keith knelt in front of Quentin's cock and swallows the rod whole while Tad spreads the boy's cheeks and starts tongue fucking him. Lion's finger directed us to a scene developing in the middle of the floor. Two boys had started sixty-nining on the floor and each was being fucked by a boy who was being fucked by a boy who was being fucked, shit you get the idea. "I wonder what the world record is for the biggest daisy chain," Justin whispered and we all laughed as we groped our partners. "You count and we'll call Guinness in the morning," Cody said right before he went down on his lover and partner's cock. I took Daniel in my arms and nodded over at the pair. Daniel nodded back and whispered, "he's back." And Cody was back to his old self with the restaurant a success, and Keith happy with Tad and over his incestuous desires for his big brother the old Cody had returned. Still neurotic mind you but back. Daniel's and my lips met and it was several minutes before we looked at the floor again. One of the tables had been brought into the center of the floor and Pedro, one of the slaves, had been tied face down the long way and was being fucked at both ends. The ultimate bottom was having a blast as a third boy was caning Pedro's back when he had a clear shot. Another boy had been hogtied and boy after boy is going over and stroking him. He's thrashing around but between the tight cock ring and the prince's wand he wasn't going to be shooting anytime soon. A yelp from almost below us caught our attention. Benjy, his boyfriend Roger, and a young boy with a fresh slave brand were down there with a circle around them. The new slave was on his hands on knees and sucking Roger's cock. Behind him the youngest Jorgenson boy had three fingers up his ass. Then four and finally five. Slowly Benjy's hand, wrist and finally arm disappeared up the slave's rectum. Roger had a tight hold on the boy's hair and was forcefully face fucking him so he couldn't scream at the pain Benjy's muscular arm was causing. One of the other slaves crawled underneath and started sucking the slave and soon another daisy chain developed. What happened next I can't tell you. Why? Well at that point I was distracted by a very sexy mouth around my own cock and I decided to return the favor. I moved around without disturbing Daniel and started licking his succulent cock. Almost fifteen-and-a-half he's still as hairless as the day he was born. Of course now it's due to a regular shaving regimen. Either way I loved licking and slowly swallowing that baby smooth prick. When my lips reached his crotch he moaned with delight and I tasted the first drops of his precum. It didn't take me long to swallow his rod and smell his crotch scent. I inhaled deeply as I ran my tongue around his pulsating tool. The smell of musk, sweat and love was too much and I quickly filled his throat with my cum. When Lion finished swallowing my cum he pulled out of my mouth, turned me onto my back, raised my legs and entered me. The sounds of raw sex rose from beneath us as well as from Cody and Justin on the other side of the balcony. If there was anybody not having sex at that moment it was only because they were recovering from an orgasm and searching for the next partner. For myself I was satisfied with the love of my life slowly fucking my insides as I gazed up into his gorgeous eyes. His long black mane bounced in time with his thrusts. As I felt him getting closer I automatically tuned out everything else and just focused on him. Working my ass muscles to further stimulate the engorged cock that was now rapidly pounding my insides apart. Finally, with a loud roar, he came, filling my anus with his love and forcing me to a second orgasm. We collapsed in each others arms, kissed and said, "I love you." About ten minutes later we turned over and resumed surveying the action below. I turn my head to the right and see that cute new Norwegian boy. His name is Sindra, he just moved here with his father to open up a seafood restaurant. Sindra is a cute little nymph with medium-length blond hair all nicely combed out and parted just right. Right now Sindra is getting his small ass filled by a nice looking fifteen year old boy named Reece. Reece has shoulder-length, dirty blond hair and gray-blue eyes. Reece has a little bit of fur on his low hanging balls, and I watch them fly back and forward and slap into Sindra's butt as Reece's 6 « inches of cut teen meat slams into Sindra's boy hole. While Reece is fucking Sindra, I see the cute little blond boy has taken the redheaded Macmillian twins dicks into his mouth. I watched the two thirteen year old flat topped red heads, pump there little four inch cut tools in and out of Sindra's mouth. The twins' freckled backs drip with sweat as they pound Sindra's swollen jaw. Underneath Sindra a young boy, I think his name is Logan, was sucking on Sindra's little tool and playing with his grape-sized balls. The boy, twelve, hairless and cut. His pricklet bounced in time with his sucking. Reece pulled his thick seven inches out of Sindra's ass and started jacking his rod. Reece shot his load over Sindra's back. Logan reached over, took some of Reece's cum to lube Sindra's balls. Sindra hunched his back and lifts his butt. I see by the way his body is shaking that he's having a very enjoyable orgasm. Looking at his face I realize the twins ejaculated as well because there are large strands of milk white cum hanging off his lower lip, and even more being forced out of his mouth as the twins continue pumping their dicks in and out of his mouth. How to end this segment? There is only one way. At two in the morning the Powersound drummer takes his seat, wipes a few loads of cum off his face and hands, picks up his sticks and goes to work. I turn the spotlight back on softly and focus it on him. The sweat is pouring off his naked body as the rest of the band joins him. After twenty minutes of hard jamming Yoshi leaps and when he lands the band goes silent. Yoshi takes a couple of deep breaths and taps the mike. I turned the sound up and after the fourth tap he nods. "Gentlemen, there are two people responsible for this party. Can we have a long and heartfelt round of applause for Mike and Mark Snitz." I turned the spotlight to where they were sitting and the applause grew and grew. Then the music started playing and four figures entered the light. Four identical figures. "Has to be the Maloney Quads," Justin said. "The ones who bought the multiplex?" "Yeah, them and their dad just moved here from Australia," Justin said. "Identical?" I said while wiping the drool from my lower lip. "Down to their braces. Thirteen, brown hair with blond streaks, four inch uncut cocks which grow to six and stick straight out when hard," Cody said. "And how do you know that much detail?" Lion said arching an eyebrow. "I was in the showroom when they applied for work, got turned down when they said they only wanted to work until the theater was ready to open." "Oh shit," Justin said and we looked back down. Each identical twin was being tongue bathed by a pair of identical quads as the rest of the boys gathered around. When all the sweat had been licked off each twin the quads switched places and one started sucking while the other lowered their asses over their twin's mouth, spread their cheeks and got rimmed. Every boy who could still get an erection was beating off, and probably a lot who couldn't. The sucking quads finally stood revealing two erect poles. The other quads moved down, lined up erections to openings and quickly sat till their cheeks were an inch from their twin's crotch. "Oh shit yeah, do it boy, fuck your ass," Mark and Mike said together. And the two Maloneys did just that. Slowly moving up and down as their two brothers proceeded to stick cocks down their throats. That was too much for a whole bunch of boys who shot their loads. About five minutes later Mike and Mark took control and without pulling out moved into the doggie position and started humping faster and faster. This caused another group to go over the edge. And a whole lot of applause for successfully pulling off the difficult maneuver in sync. Keeping in tune they eventually pulled out and covered the pair of matching backs with matching loads of boy cum. Sated, they lay back down. The quads stood around them and shot their loads over the twins. They moved away and boy after boy took their place until Mark and Mike were covered with hundreds of loads of cum. That marked the end of the party and the only thing besides the party that was discussed for the next week were the upcoming contests at the Big Lick. There was such a demand for reservations that Sol called Zeus in a panic and rented the showroom for the night. In case you had any doubt Quentin won the bodybuilding contest. I gave him a job interview for the hotel gym but Kenny and Sergei hired him for their gym. But it was a great interview.