Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 07:13:13 From: Dream Spinner Subject: "A Brewster Halloween" (m/b, m/t) Caution/Welcome. This is a story involving four brothers, two preteens and two thirteen-year- olds, a collection of neighbourhood children of assorted ages, and four hideous creatures of the night (no, not those ladies for rent on the street corner this is a gay story). It is posted at free gay adult story sites for adult entertainment only. If you don't find any humour in the living dead, or the idea of preteens and teens being sexually active, you'd better skip this story. Permission is not given to copy electronically nor in any other form for the purpose of redistribution or posting at sites other than those described here. This is the eighth of the Brewster Boys Series. Comments can be sent to the author, J.O. Dickingson, at who suggests you do a good deed and save some teeth--hand out condoms instead of candy to the children this Halloween. A Brewster Halloween "You gotta be joking!" Brent said in wide-eyed disbelief. "No. I'm not," replied the thirteen-year-old's father. "That's fu-, ah, f-ah-," stumbled Bobby. "A funny idea," interrupted Brett, coming to his kid brother's rescue. "Frustrating," suggested Brent. "Fair, NOT," added Benny, doing his part to help. "Yeah, it ain't fair," Bobby agreed, giving his brothers a grateful smile. "It isn't fair," corrected Bobby's mother. "See, even Mom agrees." Normally the four boys would have laughed and high-fived, but this was fucking serious. "One of us got to stay home and hand out candy?" "One of you twins. Your mother agreed to help with the church supper for the senior citizens weeks ago, and I've just found out I have to catch a flight to Canada for an important business meeting. There will be nobody home." "There's Canada, messing up our lives again," said eleven-year-old Benny, referring to South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, a recent animated adult-rated movie he and his brothers were not supposed to have seen. "So why does one of us have to stay home?" asked Brett, the logical thinker among the four brothers. "We've already gone through this. We don't want the house left unattended, not on Halloween night. There has been too much vandalism and too many break-ins these past few years." "Yeah, like Brett or I will be able to do anything to stop that," Brent said, his voice sharp with annoyance. Usually the one quick to make brownie points for the brothers, the comment was not typical for the thirteen-year-old twin. The situation was serious. "Brent," warned his father as he raised his eyebrow. That was all it took to tell the teenage boy that he'd crossed over that fine line between acceptable objection and insolence. He might be full of piss and vinegar as his grandfather said, the meaning of which none of the boys could figure out but which they took to be a compliment, and he definitely was on the mischievous side, but he was a good boy at heart, and loved and respected his father. "Sorry Dad. It's just that we had big plans, the four of us." The boys did. They had worked out a plan whereby the four would each go to a different house, and if the stuff they got was good, they'd signal the others and they'd go there too. That way they could skip the houses that gave little away, or even worse, handed out healthy food. They also had planned on using their roller blades so they could get about faster and hit more houses, so they were really looking forward to trick or treating this year. They could still do all that as a threesome, but it wouldn't be as much fun as with four. The boys had always been very fond of each other and rarely did anything without all four being involved. Besides, one of them would be losing out on all the treats. "Look, we'll be sure there's lots of extra candy so whoever stays home won't be left out," said Barry Brewster, having been a boy himself and knowing that was on their mind. He himself had gotten into his share of mischief as a boy, and Halloween was still one of his favourite special days, and not just because he had a sweet tooth. "But half the fun is going out from door to door." "Well. There is nothing your mom or I can do about it, so you'll have to make a choice." He felt bad about it, but he could think of no other solution. "If Brent has to stay, so will I," said Brett. "Same here." "One of you have to go with Benny and Bobby." "Me and Bobby are old enough to go by ourselves," objected Benny, though going without his two older brothers wouldn't be any fun. "Bobby and I," corrected their mother. "Gee yeah, Mom, with your new haircut, you do look awful young," observed Brent, trying to make up for his earlier slip. "Oh yeah, bet if you went door to door they'd think you was a kid for sure," agreed Benny. "A big-boobed kid," mouthed Bobby behind his hand, causing his brothers to snicker. "Yeah, that new haircut makes you look way sexy," contributed Brett. "Sexy?" asked Brenda and Barry Brewster together as they looked at their thirteen-year- old son. "Well, ah, for a mom that is," he quickly tried to cover without any success. "Everyone's always saying how great you look," helped Benny. "And when you have parties here the men are always looking at you," added Brent. "Why is that anyway?" Bobby asked mischievously. Barry and Brenda looked at each other and smiled. "Your Dad will explain that to you some time," Brenda said with a coy look at her husband. "Cool." "So we can go out by ourselves?" asked Benny. Brett sighed now the heat was off him. "Absolutely not. Bobby's only turned ten and you're only eleven," observed Barry Brewster. "I'll be twelve in ten more days," objected Benny. "Doesn't matter. There are dangerous men out on the streets at normal times. Who knows what sort of perverts will be out Halloween night." "Horny ones?" Bobby mouthed behind his hand with a hopeful expression on his face, causing his three brothers to snicker again. "Bobby," his dad warned, not sure what the boy was doing to make his brothers laugh but knowing he was up to some mischief. "Sorry dad." "Well, anyway, that's the situation," concluded their father. "I'm sorry." Crestfallen, the brothers returned to the bedroom they all shared. "Fucking sonuvabitch," swore Bobby as he plopped down on the bottom bunk. Even with the scowl on his face, the four-foot-four, sixty-four pound ten-year-old was a good-looking boy with his hazel eyes, high cheek bones, fine nose and mouth, and dark brown hair gelled to form a wave above his forehead. "Yeah. This fuckin' sucks," agreed Brent also with a scowl. He tossed his long blond hair back as he slumped down in the chair in front of his desk. With his fine features, deep blue eyes with long blond lashes, and long hair, he was often mistaken for a flat chested young girl. "Fucking senior citizens. They've had hundreds of Halloween parties. Why did Mom have to volunteer to help out with this one?" "Hundreds?" asked Brett. "Well lots," admitted Bobby. "It's not her fault. She thought Dad would be home way back when she agreed." "And it's not his fault. He had no idea he'd get called to a meeting for Monday way up in Canada." "So what we gonna do?" "We'll all stay home," announced Benny. "That's no good," observed Brett. "Brent or I will stay." "How we gonna decide?" his brother asked glumly. "How 'bout a jerk race. Whoever cums first gets to go?" "I don't feel like jerking," said Brent. "You don't?" asked his three brothers in surprise. "I'm too depressed." Brent's three brothers knew exactly how he felt. Now that was really depressed! After moping about for an hour, they ended using the old standby for making decisions, paper-scissors- rock. Brent was the loser. Even though it was a Friday night the boys went to bed early, and their hands stayed above the blankets. Late Sunday afternoon Barry Brewster said goodbye to his four sons and headed for the airport. The boys put on their costumes, even Brent who had decided to wear his to greet the kids who came to the door. Bobby at the moment was reading Treasure Island, and being fascinated by it, he had been walking around as if he had a peg leg all week and saying things like "avast there, maties" and "hand me over yer family jewels or I'll run a sword through yer fuckin' liver", the latter of course when there were no adults around and accompanied by a crotch grab. It had come as no surprise when he announced he'd chosen to go as a pirate, and the boy, having just turned ten on the second of the month, figured he cut a ferocious figure with his pirate hat, painted black beard, fake scar, eyepatch and sword. Benny had chosen to be a skeleton, using one of the twin's older Halloween costumes from a school play. Brett had commented that he wasn't surprised Benny wanted to be a skeleton considering the fact that he was constantly playing with his bone, and his brothers had all high- fived and laughed, even Benny, who could not deny the observation. The about-to-be-twelve- year-old was a good-looking boy, a slightly older version of his younger brother except he'd chosen to spike his hair instead of wear it in a Caesar cut as had his younger brother. The twins had chosen to dress up as vampires, not just because the two thirteen-year-olds found the idea of vampires intriguing, but more so because they had recently snuck into the theatre with their two younger brothers to see Brad Pitt in the movie Interview With a Vampire. Having a multi-theatre complex at the mall, it was a simple matter to buy a ticket for some family- oriented movie and then slip into the theatre showing the movie they really wanted to see, which was any movie that was restricted. The highly homoerotic imagery and theme of Ann Rice's story had not been lost on the two horny teenage boys who had many wet dreams about handsome young vampires over the following weeks. With their curly, blond hair extending down to mid- chest, their deep blue eyes and smooth pink cheeks, and the tight black pants, frilly dress shirts their mom had made and long capes they had put on, many a boy and many a man would readily have succumbed to the wishes of the two teenage vampires that night. The boys had barely gotten changed when the doorbell rang. "Six o'clock?" observed Bobby. "Some little buggers are sure eager for candy." Brent opened the door. Outside stood four trick-or-treaters. The youngest, who looked to be about Bobby's age, was dressed as a vampire also. He was exceptionally good looking, with pale skin, wavy, jet-black hair covering his ears and in a bang across his forehead, big, dark, sensual eyes with long, fine eyelashes, and full, red lips. He smiled, revealing two long wicked- looking fangs. Beside him was a bald, ugly, pasty grey-green creature in tattered clothes with huge pig-like ears and snout, round green eyes sunk into his skull, and a wide, gaping mouth lined with sharp teeth. Even though he was all hunched over, he was way too tall to be a kid. Behind him was a boy who looked to be around sixteen dressed as a teenage werewolf. He was wearing typical teenage clothes, baggy Gap cargo-pants, Adidas runners, and an oversized plaid Guess T- shirt under a high school jacket. His werewolf mask was awesomely realistic. The shaggy brown hair was highlighted with lighter and darker streaks giving him a rather handsome look despite the black nose, pointed wolf's ears and the jagged canine teeth. Beside him was a tall kid of an average build in a suit, cape, bow tie and top hat and made up to look like an adult with a dark brown goatee and moustache. "Cool costumes," Brent observed as his three brothers joined him. The four trick or treaters just stood there scowling, and, Brent figured, trying to look fierce. Suddenly they stepped forward as a group, pushing their way inside. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" asked Brent as he and his brothers stumbled back into the hallway. "We've come to seek revenge," said the one in the suit and the cape. He had an adult's voice, and it was tinged with anger. "Revenge? What the fuck you mean?" asked Bobby as the four brothers immediately thought back to their victims over the past ten months. Santa, janitor Bjornson, bus driver Blackburn, a few teachers, their principal, a colleague of their father, the tooth fairy, Cupid, Reverend Bentley's son Cole, some classmates. . . . They had probably left someone out. There were too many to remember let alone pinpoint just who these four might be. "You shouldn't have done what you did," said the greyish-green creature ominously. "You went too far," agreed the werewolf with a low growl, his eyes scanning over the four boys hungrily. "When?" desperately asked Brett, the only one of the four thinking clear enough at the moment. "At the beginning of the month." The boys' minds quickly turned to the beginning of the month. There had been some games of crotchya in the showers after gym class, but that only involved the twins' classmates, and there had been some grabass with chubby seven-year-old Carson but that had only involved Bobby and Benny. Carson's fat older brother had been more obnoxious than usual since school had resumed, and had been bullying the other grade five kids into giving him their lunch, until Bobby started the rumour that the boys had been spitting in their sandwiches and peeing in their juice boxes before arriving at school. That had been the beginning of the month . . . and everyone assumed it was just a rumour. Then there was the new black boy from Sudan down the street in Benny's class. The four brothers had tried to get him to drop his pants, none of them having seen a black boy's stuff before. And of course there had been . "The Boogeyman," announced the individual in the grey-green goblin costume, growing tired of waiting. "Oh yeah," said the four brothers. "Well the bugger got what he deserved," said Bobby, still remembering how the creature had scared the shit out of him, and had almost succeeded in carting him away. "Yeah," agreed Brent. "He did. What business is that of yours anyway?" "He was my partner," said the grey-green creature, "and a friend." His voice was calm and spoken slowly, like when their dad spoke when he was trying to control his temper. The four brothers glanced at each other, the first hint that they could be in serious shit crossing their minds. "Ah, you mean, you're really a boogeyman?" asked Benny, raising his right eyebrow skeptically, just like his dad. The creature nodded and grinned evilly, his wide mouth dripping with slobber. "And I know many men who will be delighted to buy you," he said with a leer. "Ha. Well there you're going to have a problem," bluffed the eleven-soon-to-be-twelve- year-old. "The Boogeyman has sworn to protect me." "I think that was to protect Charles." "Oh. Oh yeah." "And you're saying you're really a vampire?" asked Brent, looking at what appeared to be the youngest of the four. "You bet your sweet, attractive neck," the young vampire said looking up at Brent with a shine in his eyes. "And you know those dreams you've been having of becoming a vampire? I can make that possible." The young boy grinned wickedly and Brent blanched. Just a kid in a costume wouldn't know about those dreams. "And I think you'd make a delightful young werepup," said the werewolf to Bobby as he stepped forward. "And after you've become one of us, I'd love to do it doggy-style to you. Or I guess that's wolf style," he said with a leer. For a fleeting second, the idea appealed to the ten- year-old boy, but the teen werewolf's snort as he inhaled quickly brought Bobby back to reality. "And as for you," said the fourth as he took out his spell book from his suit jacket and looked over at Brett, "I can think of a dozen spells to curse you with to pay you back for the things you did. I think the first one will be to make you a eunuch." "So, you're . . . you're a. . . ." "Warlock." "And we've come to teach you four what happens to young boys when they mess with denizens of the underworld." The boys looked at each other, at the four creatures standing in the foyer, and with four screams, they scattered, yes, in four directions. After a moment's confusion bumping into each other in the narrow hallway and cursing, the four evil creatures took off after them. The boys had the advantage of being young and agile, but the creatures had a mission and stayed hot on their tails. Brent headed into the kitchen for no other reason than it was closest. The young vampire was right behind him. The boy, who had been ten when he'd become a vampire and was destined to be ten for eternity, backed Brent up to the kitchen cupboards and leered up at him. "Com'on, just a little bite, and you can become one of us. You'll like it. Having someone suck the blood out of your neck is even better than having an orgasm. And the flow of hot, thick blood in your mouth and down your throat it's even better than drinking cum. When you become one of us you can have an eternity of stalking young men, sucking their blood, and their cocks if that's really your wish. A lot of us are gay you know." The boy ran his hand along his thigh, and a tiny bulge that had not been there before tented out his pants. He was very good looking, having wide, innocent eyes and a seductive smile and that unique sexuality of a boy on the edge of puberty where one had to look carefully to decide if he was a he or a she. His enticing looks and his smooth, seductive voice almost had Brent convinced, and the thirteen-year-old even felt a stirring in his tight black pants. He shook his head to clear it of such thoughts. "Look out," he warned as he grabbed the first thing in his reach, "or I'll throw this at you." "A glass of water? Who do you think I am, the Wicked Queen of the West?" The boy giggled hysterically at his joke. Ooops. He was hoping for a knife. He glanced around desperately for something else to defend himself with but the counter was bare. Of all the times for his mom to have put everything neatly away. He yanked open a drawer, spilling the contents on the floor in an attempt to slow down the boy. Scooting around to the other side of the kitchen, he yanked open the fridge and tossed yesterday's meatloaf at his pursuer. Meanwhile the warlock had chased Brett into the den and the two had been racing around his father's desk. At the moment they were paused one at either end, sweating and gasping for breath. "I ... think," gasped the warlock, "I'll start . . . by changing you . . . into a urinal . . . and setting you outside by the fence tonight." "Oh yeah," challenged Brett as he caught his breath. "You don't look like you could change me into anything." "Maybe with that big mouth I should change you into a frog and you can spend the rest of your life catching flies with it," the warlock warned as he flipped through the spell book. "What's with the spell book anyway?" "I had an altercation with another warlock. He erased my memory and I now have to relearn all my spells." "Oh yeah? What was the altercation about?" "It was oh no you don't. You're not distracting me," the man said, aware of the boys' trick of getting their parents off topic so they wouldn't be punished. As Brett made a dash for the door, the warlock blocked him and with a scream of terror from the young boy's throat, the chase was on again. Benny had sought refuge in his parent's bedroom. After pulling out the dresser drawers and tossing everything he could grab out of the closet to toss in the path of the pursuing boogeyman to slow him up, Benny found himself pinned in the corner. "Ah, just what was your relationship with the other boogeyman anyway?" he asked, hoping to buy some time. "George and I were good friends. We often worked together, if there were two young boys in a house." "George?" "Huh," snuffed the man. "You torture him and exact all kinds of promises out of him and you didn't even know his name." "George?" asked Benny again. Who ever heard of a boogeyman by the name of George? "Well then, what is your name?" "Where I come from, they call me Spook, but my name doesn't matter," the creature replied. "You are going to bring me a good price. I might even leave you in that costume when I offer to sell you. There are a lot of men who would like to add a bone to it, or uncover the one of yours that's not showing." He cackled with amusement. "You're a bit late with the bone jokes, doofus," said Benny. "My brothers have already covered all of them." "Doofus? I'll show you doofus! When I catch you I'm going to fuck your little ass till you've screamed yourself hoarse. Then I'll sell you." As he lunged for Benny the boy ducked and slipped between his legs, managing to give the creature a swift punch where it hurts the most on his way under. Spook cried out in pain and anger as he spun around. Bobby, meanwhile, had sought refuge in his bedroom and at the moment was perched on the top bunk and swatting at the werewolf's hands with his runner as the creature tried to grab him. "It is useless you know," said the creature. "I'll catch you sooner or later. Why not just give in. You'll like being a werewolf." "No fuckin' way," replied Bobby. "All that yucky hair on my body? And romping around on all fours and howling at the moon. That ain't for me." "Well, you aren't going to have much choice in the matter," said the werewolf, making a sudden lunge and grabbing the boy by the foot. Bobby's scream joined the cry of pain in his parent's bedroom and the scream of terror in the kitchen as the beast's strong paws dragged him off the bunk. Back in the kitchen, having momentarily distracted the pale ten-year-old blood sucker who was wiping the meatloaf and tomato paste off his clothes, Brent pushed past him, screaming at the top of his lungs. Diving under the table and scrambling to his feet, the teenager leaped back over it, but the vampire boy was quick on his feet too and right behind him. He grabbed a hold of Brent's shirttail as the two hits the floor running. Spinning around and trying to shake his purser loose, Brent spotted the spice rack. Now there was something that vampires could not stand. What was it? He grabbed the first container. Cinnamon? Cloves? Nutmeg? That was it! He opened the container and tossed the contents in the air. Nothing happened. Damn, that wasn't it! Grabbing the bottle of Allspice he opened it up and tossed the contents in the air. If it was really all spices, it should contain whatever it was that he needed. "No need for seasoning," the boy chuckled. "Your neck will be just as tender and tasty without it." Damn, that didn't work either! Brent panicked. Spice bottles went flying every direction as he desperately searched. Garlic! That was it, garlic! He opened the bottle and held it in front of him. The boy immediately froze, and then backed off. Ha! Garlic! He held the open bottle of garlic powder under the boy's nose and the boy staggered back dizzily. Brent giggled ecstatically. The boy took a step and Brent took a step forward, the two engaged in a strange slow motion tango. Garlic! Spinning the boy around, Brent grabbed the electric cord for the frying pan off the floor and wrapped it about his wrists. Quickly removing the boy's belt, he wrapped it about the boy's ankles. Meanwhile his twin brother had managed to keep out of the grasp of the warlock, and had kept the man on the run so he didn't have time to use his spell book, but both were now gasping for breath and tottering with exhaustion. As the man made a leap for him, Brett spun around and crashed into the bookcase, and in his attempt to get away, pulled it down on top of both of them. As the two scrambled out from under it, he noticed the warlock had lost his spell book. The two dived into the pile of spilled books and began to toss them every which way in their desperate search for the book of spells. With a whoop of joy, Brett leaped to his feet, the book in his hand. As the warlock made a leap for him, he read what was on the top of the page. The warlock suddenly froze in motion. Brett stared at him for a moment, and then slowly and cautiously reached out. The man just stood there, balanced on one foot, his two arms outspread, his mouth wide open. "Coochy coo," Brett said, scratching the man under the chin. The frozen figure did nothing, but you could tell from his eyes he was very much aware of what was going on, and was not pleased. Brett looked down at the man's crotch and a smile curled the thirteen-year-old's lips. Benny was not smiling as he tried to escape from the clutches of the boogeyman. The room looked like a hurricane had hit it as the boy tossed whatever he could lay his hands on at his pursuer as they raced in circles around his parent's bedroom. As Spook made a grab for him, he leaped aside and Spook stumbled forward, his feet tangled in Brenda's 42 D cup bra. Benny yanked open the drawer of the night table in the hopes of finding something he could use to defend himself. "Okay, you fucking creep," freeze right there. The boogeyman paused as he felt something hard and narrow press against the middle of his back. "Don't move or I'll shoot." "Shoot?" the evil man asked, not bothering hiding the concern in his voice. He was already dead, but he could still feel pain. In fact being a denizen of the underworld was even worse it took a lot more pain to stop you than it did when you had been a mortal being. A pistol could cause a lot of pain. "Yeah. My dad keeps this beside the bed in case of emergencies." "Intruders?" "What do you think, doofus? Now put your hands in the air, real slow." Spook did as he was told. He had no doubt this eleven-year-old would pull the trigger. A gunshot wound to the spine would be particularly painful, and there was no chance he could avoid it if he decided to fight instead of complying. His three buddies would surely be there any second and would rescue him anyway. While the creature was rationalizing his surrender, Benny was glancing around for something to tie him up with. His mom's pantyhose laying on the floor where he'd tossed it seemed to fit the bill. Continuing to hold his weapon against the boogeyman's back, he had the man slowly put his hands behind his back and then tied them together and then to his ankles with the elastic hose. As the evil creature slowly turned, Benny lowered the dildo he had pressed against the man's back. "Squirt squirt," he said with a mischievous grin over the screaming coming from the boys' bedroom. Bobby had been screaming ever since the werewolf had grabbed his leg and dragged him to the floor. He twisted and turned but could not escape his firm grasp. Now where was a good handful of wolfsbane when you needed it! Grabbing the only thing he could, he twisted around and rammed it in the werewolf's mouth. The creature began to gag and released his hold as he reached up to remove the object. Having momentarily immobilised the creature, one of Brent's dirty socks proved to be just as good as wolfsbane. Bobby seized the opportunity to bean the creature with the chunk of basalt from Brett's rock collection for his school science project, stunning him long enough to tie him up. "Fuckin' shit," gasped Brent as he staggered into the living room, nursing his sore arm where the bookcase had struck him. "Oh yeah," agreed his twin brother arriving at the same time and collapsing on the sofa. He smelled a strange combination of nutmeg, garlic and meatloaf. Since neither was being chased, each guessed that the other had taken care of the monster that had pursued him. Bobby staggered into the living room, and looking around in a daze, headed over to Brent. "Oh man, I love your feet," he said, dropping to his knees and hugging Brent's legs. Brent glanced down at him, and then at his twin. His kid brother was getting weirder by the day. "I fuckin' can't believe this," said Benny as he joined his brothers. "I fuckin' can't believe this." He was still carrying their parents' dildo. Brent looked at him, and then glanced at his two brothers. Benny was definitely weird too. Attacked by four fierce monsters and the kid's messing around with their parent's dildo. Maybe it came from too much jerking off. The doorbell rang and the four boys leaped. They looked at each other, and then at Brent. "You're supposed to be answering the door." "No fuckin' way." "It's probably just some kids." "And if it ain't?" "We'll all go." Huddling together, they inhaled deeply as Brent slowly and cautiously reached out and turned the door knob. To their relief it was a little four-year-old kid with his mother lurking at the bottom of the stairs. "So, what are we going to do, about you know what?" Benny asked as they closed the door. "I dunno. We gotta do something with them before Mom gets home tonight." "Yeah, you should see the mess the kitchen is in." "And I think she might be a bit curious to find a boogeyman tied up in her bedroom with her pantihose," Benny said, and the brothers all glanced at him. He was still clutching the dildo, right below the knob. The boy was definitely weird. The door bell rang again and once more they approached the door cautiously as a tight little group as though they had been glued together. "So, what are we going to do? We gotta do something with them," said Brett after handing out the candy. "Yeah, and besides, times wasting if we're gonna go get our share of the goodies out there," observed Bobby. "Maybe we can have the goodies come to us," said Brent, the thinker of the four boys. "What you got in mind?" his three brothers asked, gathering closer. Half an hour later, as two five-year-olds accompanied by the older eleven-year-old brother of one of them arrived at the door, the brothers made their first offer. "How'd you three like something way better than a pack of chicklets and a couple suckers?" offered Brent. "Like what?" asked the older brother. "Your two little brothers get to torture a real live Boogeyman," began Brent, and then leaning close, whispered something in the boy's ear. "You're kidding." "No way." "What's in it for you?" asked the eleven-year-old, knowing nothing was for free. "For five minutes, a scoop of candy from each of your bags," said Brent, holding up the flour scoop from the kitchen. "Show us first." "Take the customers downstairs," said Brent to Benny and Bobby as more potential clients came up the sidewalk. Benny and Bobby escorted the three down the basement. Stopping first at their father's workshop, Benny opened the door. There before them, his arms spread out and tied to the rafters with pantihose and his legs spread out and tied to the workbench, was the Boogeyman. "Neat costume," one of the five-year-olds observed. "That's no costume. He's real." "Aw, no way!" "Go ahead, remove his mask." The boy who'd spoken grabbed Spook's face and tried to remove his mask. After a moment the five-year-old's eyes widened and he took a fearful step back. "Oh wow," he observed as he stared at the greyish-green creature. "You can do anything you want to him," said Benny. "We got wood sticks if you want to spank his bum, plyers if you want to squeeze his toes, or his nipples, wire brush you can comb his bald dome with and really make him scream, whatever. . . ." The two little boys looked at each other gleefully and then glanced around the workroom for their instrument of torture. "Let's screw him," said one of the boys. Benny and Bobby looked at each other in surprise. "Screw him?" Bobby asked. "Yeah," the five-year-old said confidently. "How we do that?" asked his little friend. "Dunno," the other boy replied with a shrug as he picked up a screwdriver from the perforated wall. "Just when my brother is mad at someone he says 'screw you' all the time." They all looked at the eleven-year-old brother and the poor boy turned a bright red. "Well," said Bobby with a grin, coming to the flustered boy's rescue, "come around behind Spook here and I'll show you where you can stick those screwdrivers. And then when you get tired of doing that," he added with a grin as he glanced at the older boy, "for another scoop of candy, I can show you an even funner way you can screw him." Leaving Bobby there to get them started, Benny took the older brother to the bathroom. There, tied to the toilet, was the young vampire. His fangs had been capped with gummy bears and the jar of garlic powder was sitting on the toilet tank incase he needed convincing. As the boy drew down his fly, the captive glared angrily at Benny, and as the boy eagerly stepped in front of him, he reluctantly began to deliver his first suck job of the evening. The four brothers were going to pay dearly for this when he got loose. He'd make sure they became the sex slaves of the ugliest, most sadistic creatures that existed in hell. On his way up the stairs, Benny met Brent escorting three more customers down, two young preschool boys and their teenage guardian for the night. Leaving the little boys with Bobby and the other two preschoolers, who were happily ramming their screwdrivers in and out of the Boogeyman's asshole, Brent showed the teenager to the family room. There, bent over the pool table was the werewolf, his arms and legs tied to the table and his pants already down. The boy grinned as he pulled out his limp cock and began to tug on it. He had always wondered what it would be like to fuck another boy, but he hadn't dared act on his fantasy until now. So what if the kid had a werewolf mask and was covered in shaggy fur? He was good looking in a way, and besides, it was the boy's ass that he was interested in, and this boy had a nice, compact ass all ready for a good fucking. This was his chance for the bi-curious teen to find out what having a piece of ass would really be like! As Bobby, now carrying the two extra scoops of candy in his pirate hat, and Brent headed for the stairs, Brett was escorting another little boy and his older brother down them. Leaving the littlest one with the others to enjoy five minutes of pleasure with the now screaming Boogeyman, Brett took the older boy to the guest bedroom. There, laying on the bed was the most beautiful, biggest-boobed wrench the teenage boy had ever seen. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he eyed her and his dick rapidly began to swell as he thought of the possibilities. When the eleven-year-old kid upstairs had offered him either a blow job from a young boy, or a piece of ass from a teenage boy his age, or five minutes with a girl to do whatever he wanted with in exchange for a scoop of candy from his kid brother's sack he'd thought the boy was pulling leg. This broad was even better-looking then that big-boobed cock-tease Cheryl who lived on this street. "Come here, lover boy," the gorgeous brunette said with a voice dripping with lust as she gyrated her hips. As the teenager approached the bed, Brett smiled. He had really outdone himself with the spell book. What the boy thought was a young vixen was really the warlock, and not only had a spell of deception and a spell of confinement been placed on him to make him look like a sexy young girl and to keep him in the bed, but Brett had also put a spell on him that made him horny as a toad. Soon the house was filled with cries of ecstasy and cries of pain as their four would-be avengers were repeatedly assaulted and as more and more youngsters coming for a handful of candy instead ended up offering a scoop of their own treasure for five minutes of unexpected fun. As the night progressed and the number of little preschool boys dwindled, Spook found himself visited by a growing number of older preteens and teenagers who were eager to enact their unfulfilled S and M fantasies. His three cohorts were not lacking in attention either. The four brothers escorted a steady stream of boys up and down the stairs, many of whom later decided to turn over their entire bag of goodies for unlimited time in the basement. Whenever there was a lull in male trick or treaters, one or more of the Brewster brothers headed down the stairs to check on their four special guests. In the guest bedroom a naked, buxom young girl was squirming and withering with unsatiable desire. Spread out on her back with her legs in the air, she was being vigorously humped by a fourteen-year-old boy who was under the belief that he was losing his virginity to the girl of his dreams. He was losing his virginity, but instead of thrusting his young, stiff cock in and out of an eager young girl's hot, moist cunt, he was working it in and out of the warlock's just as hot and just as moist asshole. At the same time his fourteen-year-old buddy was getting the blow job of his life from what he thought was a gorgeous babe, not from a middle-aged man with a goatee and moustache. A third young boy was gasping and squirming with ecstasy as he sucked and caressed the biggest boobs he'd ever seen while getting a hand job from the horny teenage girl, not realizing he was sucking a forty-year-old man's chest while being wanked by the guy. Meanwhile, two boys, their stiff cocks jutting out of their flies, stood leaning against the wall wanking themselves while they watched and waited their turn. Of course having been in on delivering the spell, the four brothers were able to see the scene for what it was, and found it hilarious. For a few boys that they did not particularly like, the Polaroid pictures they discretely took for later blackmail was even more hilarious. Meanwhile, in the downstairs bathroom, the young ten-year-old vampire was being fed his thirty-first blood engorged boy cock for the night. Most of the boys who had chosen to get blown had been old enough to fill his gullet with young boy cream also, and they had done so with enthusiasm. The young boy's jaws were stiff and aching, but he knew he could expect no mercy from his captors. While he dutifully serviced the boy standing before him, two more boys stood just outside the door waiting their turns. His hair stuck out in all directions from the dozens of boys who had run their fingers through it in the ecstasy of their orgasms, and his young body was hot and sweaty from the combination of the hot boys he was blowing, and the confines of the small half-bath. With each load of hot cum the young vampire's rage and urge for revenge doubled. In the family room, a handsome sixteen-year-old werewolf was being slammed against the pool table by a horny fourteen-year-old who could not believe his luck. He'd wanted to fuck a boy ever since he'd entered junior high and realized he was gay, but he'd never been able to get up the courage to approach any of his classmates. Who would have thought going door to door trick or treating would have ended in him realizing his dream? He didn't care if the kid he was fucking was dressed up as a werewolf. Actually, it made it all the sexier. Little did the boy realize that as his hard, hot cock massaged the boy's prostate, the howls of pleasure being emitted were from a real werewolf. In the workroom, a much older evil resident of hell was screaming out with pain. A twelve-year-old boy was reaming out his ass with the wooden handle of a toilet plunger, while a second was applying hot glue from a glue gun to his red, swollen nipples and a third was milking his aching cock. He'd already shot off half a dozen loads, and his nuts were shrivelled to the size of little green grapes and aching like hell as the boy's fist rapidly pumped his irritated cock, kept stiff by an O ring about its base. All three of his torturers had little stiffies jutting out their trousers and they grinned with pleasure and fiddled with themselves through their pants with each new cry of pain that they were able to draw out of the creature. After several hours, the four brothers were about to close things down when their mother phoned. The supper for the seniors was over and she and an old school chum were going to go out for a few drinks. Since the police would be out watching for drunk drivers especially this evening, she was going to stay the night at her friends and come home in the morning if that was alright with the boys. The boys immediately assured her there was no problem. Meanwhile word about the Brewster household had spread, and more and more teen and preteen boys were showing up at the door with bags of candy. The Brewster brothers readily welcomed one and all. At one point Bobby observed that they probably had more perverts in their basement than were wandering the streets in the entire state that night. As the evening progressed, the four brothers found themselves getting hornier and hornier. The last of their customers finally left at one that morning. Locking the doors, the four boys went downstairs and gathered their captives in the family room. "Well," began Brent, taking a bite out of the fifth candy apple that night. "I guess all that's left to do is to ensure none of you ever get a stupid idea like this again." Their four captives glared at him but none of them spoke. Even though every one of them was braced for the worst and determined they would not be beaten by four young boys, each also remembered George upon his return at the beginning of the month, and each had a nagging suspicion that they might not emerge the winners in this battle either. "We've had a long time to think about this, so it's really quite simple," Brent continued with a grin, having been chosen spokesman by the boys. "First we figure a nice piece of garlic bread will convince you to agree to whatever we say," he said, glancing at the young vampire now on his knees in the middle of the room with his hands tied behind his back and to his ankles. His dishevelled hair was greasy from the dozens of hands running through it and it hung down over his eyes. His clothes were rumpled and large wet stains marked the front of his white shirt where cum had dribbled out of the corners of his mouth and down off his chin. The green and red gummy bears capping his fangs were worn and saturated with cum but still firmly affixed. "And a spell changing you into wolfsbane should take care of both of you," he continued, looking first at the naked warlock now tied flat on his back to one side of the pool table and then looking at the werewolf still tied to the opposite side. The werewolf snarled as he strained at his bonds, but the boys had had plenty of experience tying people up and the electrical cords they'd used to tie him to the pool table held fast. He stood there still bent over and tied to the table at a ninety-degree angle with his trousers and underwear about his ankles, his chest resting on the table's green felt, and his bumhole, red and raw from its continual assault, sticking out invitingly. The warlock also strained against his bonds, but with a very different reason. His bumhole was also raw and aching from repeated fucking, and he'd swallowed as much cum as the young vampire, but despite having had sex repeatedly over the past six hours he still needed more. Brett had removed the containment spell, and the deception spell that had made him look like a young girl, but had not yet removed the third spell that the four brothers had on occasion that night wondered if they had secretly been put under several years ago. "And you," Brent said with a leer, addressing the boogeyman now naked and suspended from a planter hook in the ceiling of the family room, "I think one more wank on your boner and you'll agree to anything we say." Spook stared at the boy in a bit of a daze after suffering the abuse of an untold number of youngsters for the fear and torment he and others of his kind had inflicted on them. His nipples burned as if they were on fire from countless pinches, piercings and glue burnings, and his asshole had so many different objects shoved up it that it would be months before he'd be able to sit down. Worse of all, after being kept erect by the O ring for six hours, his cock was so engorged and so sore it felt like someone had beaten it with a hammer. "So," said Brent with a grin, taking a large bit out of the apple and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he looked at his brothers. "Let the party begin." Walking over to the young bound vampire in the middle of the room, he held up the container of garlic powder. "Now, you've had a lot of practice tonight, so I expect a specially good blow job," he said with a grin, "and if you don't do it right, you're going to be snorting some wicked powder." The ten-year-old looked on helplessly as Brent slowly unzipped his trousers and then undid his belt and unclasped the clasp. As his trousers dropped to his ankles, the thirteen-year-old slowly and seductively pushed down his black, cotton knit Calvin Klein boxer briefs. His thick, uncut cock swung as he stepped forward and instructed the young vampire to begin by licking his balls. The young boy inhaled deeply as he leaned forward and the scent of the hot lusty teen filled his lungs. Normally he enjoyed the aroma almost as much as he enjoyed the musty smell of a bat cave, but at the moment he hated this teenager dressed up as one of his kind with such a vengeance he could think of nothing else other than revenge. Reluctantly, he stuck out his tongue, long and red, and began to lick the boy's hairless balls, running his tongue over the low hung ball sac. The flavour of sweaty teen balls caused his saliva to flow abundantly. The young vampire had many years of practice, and was an expert. He licked the boy's slowly swelling cock, a delicious soft pink tube of teenage flesh. He brushed his gummy bear capped incisors against the swelling sausage, wishing he could sink his teeth into the delightful fleshy tube and drink the hot blood pulsating through it. Despite the fact he was being forced to do this, the young boy felt himself becoming erect and he brushed up against Brent's leg and rubbed his groin against it. He might as well have some pleasure. The young blond teenager smiled and squatting down, unzipped the young vampire's pants and slipped his fingers in the boy's fly. Finding the hot, stiff little weenie, he guided it out of the boy's fly and stood once again. As the young boy eagerly licked Brent's now stiff cock, he rubbed his own against the teenager's leg. Brent ran his fingers through the thick, dark black hair of the young boy as his hot, moist mouth descended around Brent's cockhead and sucked with a gentle loving force that only a vampire can master. Brent's young cock had been slowly growing over the months, and at that particular moment it seemed larger than it ever had before. Watching his vampire brother being sucked off by the young vampire boy had to be one of the sexiest scenes his twin brother had seen in a long time. He reached down and squeezed his swelling cock as he watched the young, dark-haired boy bob his head up and down the full length of his brother's dick and rub his little three-inch boner against his brother's bared calf. As his brother closed his eyes and tossed back his long, blond hair, Brett knew just how he was feeling. The warlock had been tied on his back to the pool table with his arms stretched out to the sides, his butt resting on the wooden edge and his legs bent and tied spread-eagled to the two table legs. Standing between his outspread thighs, Brett dropped his trousers and boxer-briefs, grey, ribbed Marky Marks, and leaned over to caress the man's chest. The forty-year-old warlock had kept himself in reasonable shape so that his chest, though fleshy, was firm. Brett ran his fingers through the man's chest hair, and then unbuttoning the frilly white shirt his mother had sewn for him, Brett leaned against the warlock and rubbed his smooth teen chest against the man's upper torso. As his smooth, hot skin slid over the man's nipples they quickly became firm, and the warlock, still under the horny spell, twisted and ground his body against the thirteen-year- old with desire. Brett ran his hands down along the man's hips and caressed them, allowing his long, blond hair to caress the man's chest and irritated nipples and causing the man to groan with desire. He continued slipping his hands down along the man's smooth hips to his sweaty crack, and then the boy ran a finger along the crack to finger the man's hairy, ravaged hole. Sensitive from the repeated fucking it had received and from the spell the man was under, he opened and closed his hole anxiously in anticipation. A droplet of semen oozed out from his cum-filled rectum. Brett teasingly ran his finger over the man's pucker and spread the spent cum over it until the man begged the thirteen-year-old to fuck him. Ever so slowly Brett inserted his finger, easily sliding it up the eager and cum-slick channel. He worked his finger in and out of the man, causing him to gyrate his hips and groan with pleasure. By this time Brett had become firm and he rubbed his teenage cock along the man's inner thigh, causing the man's own stiff cock to jerk. He teasingly ran the tip of his uncut cock along the man's aching pucker and brushed his fingertips along the rim of the man's circumcised knob until the man begged to feel the boy's cock inside him. He finally positioned his dick at the man's eager hole, and as he leaned forward, the sex- crazed warlock's rectum literally sucked in his young teenage bone. As Brett slowly worked his hot, stiff teen cock in and out of the forty-year-old, he closed his eyes with the pleasure of a hot, moist hole eagerly pulsating about his swollen, irritated meat. He glanced over at Brent, his eyes still half-closed, and the two thirteen-year-old twins smiled at each other knowingly and their twin cocks throbbed pleasantly as their young nuts began to tighten. Feeling extra horny from watching his two brothers, Bobby eagerly unzipped his fly as he stepped up behind the werewolf. Withdrawing his erect, three-inch cocklet, the ten-year-old reached around and caressed the boy's furry balls and stroked his limp cock. The boy soon responded. "Thought you were going to bite me, huh?" Bobby whispered in the boy's ear as he squeezed the teenager's stiff cock. "And then do it doggy style to me, huh? Well, I'm gonna fuck you doggy style, and I'm gonna do it until you howl." Easily slipping his little boy cock up the teenage boy's cum-filled hole, Bobby slowly began to work his hips to and fro as he wanked the boy's cock. Picking up the dildo he'd used as a fake gun, Benny approached Spook with an impish grin. Inserting the thick rubber penis up the man's already ravaged ass, he slowly began to work it in and out while he reached around and began to milk his aching dick with the other. Having been milked dry, the boogeyman twisted and gyrated in agony as the young boy's hand relentlessly pumped up and down his aching organ. After a few minutes, Benny opened the skeleton costume's Velcro fastening at his crotch, and pulling down his fly, freed his hot, aching bone. Then slipping the man's stiff cock between his legs and clamping a hold of it with his thighs, Benny began to ride up and down the irritated shaft as he nibbled on the man's irritated, aching nipples, causing the tortured creature to twist and gyrate all the more. Benny's own little bone jabbed Spook's flabby stomach as the eleven-year-old road back and forth on the boogeyman's thick, stiff cock. Brent was twisting and gyrating also, but not in agony. As the thirteen-year-old felt his climax approaching, he bent down, and fastening his mouth on the neck of the young vampire sucking his cock, he clamped down, giving the boy a large, red hickey as he felt his cum race up the core of his cock. Brent groaned with ecstasy as he squirted out his first shot and the boy immediately swallowed it. Shot after shot erupted from his throbbing, irritated cock and the young ten-year-old eagerly swallowed every drop as at the same time he reached his own dry orgasm and feverishly rubbed his tiny stiff boycock against the teenager's calf. Brent's twin brother was also gasping for breath as he reached his climax, and the young blond thrust his hips forward as his hot, tight balls pumped out their load of teen cum. Shot after shot blasted up into the warlock's rectum and Brent shuddered and moaned with the pleasure of his release. As his load filled the man's rectum, the warlock also climaxed, the constant probing of Brent's young cock against his prostate having brought him to his peak. His thick, stiff cock jerked about wildly, sending his cum in all directions. Thick creamy ropes of cum flew through the air, striking the man's naked chest, his stomach, and the frilly white shirt of the teenage vampire fucking his ass. As the force subsided it ran down over the knob of his cock and down the shaft like hot lava flowing from a volcano. Brent's kid brother was trembling and gasping with his climax also, his young body jerking uncontrollably with his dry orgasm. Bobby grunted with the exquisite pleasure, his fingers entwined in the thick fur of the werewolf as his sixty-four-pound body hammered the hundred- and-forty pound body of the teenager. Still trembling with the waves of pleasure rippling out from his little cocklet, the young bearded pirate, still wearing his eyepatch and pirate's cap, reached around and continued wanking the teenager's hot cock. The horny teenager soon emitted a low deep-throated growl as his nuts contracted and he throbbed out his teenage cum. Rope after rope shot out of his burning peehole and flew under the pool table to leave long, sticky ropes on the carpet. In the corner, young Benny, still in his skeleton costume, was performing an erotic dance with Spook, who was rapidly jerking his hips to and fro, working his stiff bone between Benny's tightly clasped thighs in a desperate attempt to satisfy the itch that was causing his cockhead to burn. Having been milked dry, he cried out in pain with his dry orgasm, and Benny grasped him tightly and madly rubbed his own little penis, protruding out of his skeleton costume like an obscene little bone, against the man's hairy crotch. As the young boy trembled with his own dry orgasm, he pinched the boogeyman's teats, causing him to howl out with even more pain as Benny howled out with the pleasure raking his young body. The four brothers collapsed on the floor, exhausted and satiated, but not for long. They were young, and tonight, full of sugar. Half an hour later their young cocks were aching for more pleasure, and they eyed their four captives with evil delight as they slowly stood. Two and a half hours and four orgasms apiece later, the brothers freed their captives after exacting promises they would never return nor send others in their place, and the four exhausted boys dragged their loot to their room. "We gonna divvy up this stuff?" asked Bobby as he dropped the last sac on top of the others on the floor. "Naw. Let's wait til morning. I'm too fuckin' tired," said Brent. "Yeah, me too," agreed his twin brother. "Yeah, screwin' can sure wear a guy out," said Benny with a grin. "And getting sucked." "That vampire kid sure could do it fuckin' good, couldn't he?" observed Bobby. "You know we never found out their names, except for Spook." "Can you imagine that Boogeyman who was after Charles being called George?" "Yeah, who'd have thought." The boys chuckled at the idea as they put on their pajamas, Bobby wearing white cotton pj's with Disney cartoon characters, Benny's pajamas having a bright red collar and cuffs and a collage of star wars characters, and the twins wearing only bottoms, Tommy Helfiger pj's with thin black vertical lines and black trim. The boys wearily crawled into their beds. Laying there in their bunks, they glanced over at the mound of candy barely visible in the moonlight. It was going to take hours of sorting and swapping. The wind had picked up and dry branches scraped up against the house. An owl hooted in the distance. Suddenly there was a loud, angry growl. "What was that?" whispered Bobby as he quickly rose up on one elbow. "Just my stomach," said Benny. "Oh, good," said Bobby as he lie back. "Thought it might be another fuckin' monster coming for us." "Sorry if I scared you." "Scared me?" asked Bobby. "No way! I was just thinking I'm too fuckin' tired to lift a finger right now." "I'm too tired to even get another stiffy," said Brent. "Oh yeah," his three brothers agreed with satisfied sighs. As the moon slipped behind the clouds and the dead branches brushed up against the house, the owl hooted again farther away and mysterious and eerie shadows glided across the sky. The four brothers reached down and their hands slipped inside their pajamas bottoms to fiddle with their limp organs. In a matter of seconds the four boys drifted off to sleep, their breaths sweet from all the candy they'd already eaten, their fingers clutching their limp little cocklets, and contented smiles on their angelic faces. It had been a perfect Brewster Halloween.