Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 22:57:55 From: Dream Spinner Subject: "The Brewsters Go To Hell - Part 5/6" (t/t, t/b, incest) Caution/Welcome. This is Part Five of a six-part story involving four brothers, one twelve-year- old, one fourteen-year-old and two sixteen-year-old twins. It is posted at free gay adult story sites for adult entertainment only. Permission is not given to copy electronically nor in any other form for the purpose of redistribution or posting at sites other than those described here. This is the thirty-third story in the Brewster boys special events and myths series. Part four concluded with the Demon Lord striding back across the expanse of the fiery abyss, his hands clasped behind his back and frowning with annoyance, his eyes narrowed in concentration and glaring in anger. Trotting along behind him and trying to keep up were the four Brewster boys. They knew Satan was mad as hell, and that the last of their challenges would be the most difficult of all. They also knew that they were pressing their luck, and that the odds of four wins was unlikely. Comments and words of encouragement to the Brewster brothers can be sent to the author, J.O. Dickingson at Since we do not know if the boys will survive this adventure, it would be best if you hold any future story suggestions until we know the outcome of this tale. THE BREWSTERS GO TO HELL OR SATAN MEETS THE BREWSTERS (A Scarey Bedtime Story or An Uplifting Moral Story in six parts) PART FIVE: HOW TO SACRIFICE A VIRGIN "Oh maaaaaannnnn," groaned Bobby softly so as to be heard only by his brothers. "What do you think is going to happen?" "Whatever it is, you can bet our last task is going to be totally wicked." "Fucking right. He's mad." "Mad as fucking hell." "Well geeez, we can't help it if we're so good," complained Benny. "Right," agreed his kid brother. "Shhhh. I wouldn't say that so loud," said Brett. "Especially down here." "Oh yeah," Benny said, and they glanced around to see if anyone had heard. Having returned to the spot where they had first arrived on their toboggan, Satan had left the boys with instructions to his closest followers that the boys were not to go wandering around, and nobody was to harass them. Then he had left, and he had been gone for hours. Of course he could be occupied with other concerns. Running Hell had to be a major job. However, the boys suspected that what he was really doing was pondering their last challenge. The boys were right. When he had intervened, it had actually had nothing to do with the five minor demons who had trapped the boys, nor with the havoc they were creating. Dealing with the likes of the five who had a grudge with the boys he would have left up to some lower demon, and as for the havoc the chase was causing, with all the pain, suffering and screaming going on, the noise and commotion they had made had been barely noticeable. No, the reason he'd intervened had been simple. It had been a long time since he had seen four boys so appealing and so physically attractive, and he had decided on the spur of the moment that having them serve him would be an amusing diversion. Besides, having them around would impress his closest allies, and of all the things he was accused of, vanity was not one that he'd ever denied. The idea of giving them four challenges had been only the beginning of that amusement, and had been for his benefit, not a way to resolve the conflict between them and their five adversaries. He had actually fully expected the boys to lose the very first challenge. When they'd won it, it had been an amusing surprise, and when they had won the second, the game had taken on a different meaning but was still amusing. Then they had won the third. Four boys, none of them yet a man, had succeeded in achieving three of his challenges, and they had not been easy tasks that he had given them, though they had been reasonable ones. It would not have been entertaining had he given them tasks that were impossible for boys to achieve. Satan stroked his goatee. He did not like being beaten, and it had been a long time since anyone had succeeded in doing so. This had begun as a game, but now it was business. Now it was personal. That made things difficult. It was even more important now that the challenge be something that was appropriate, something that was within the world of boys and not totally impossible for them to achieve. If it was something blatantly beyond their abilities, he would be accused of making it impossible for them to achieve, which would be just as bad as being beaten by them. It had to be a fair challenge. He might be accused of many things, but he was not known as someone who was unfair, or who took advantage of children. The challenge also had to be something the boys would put their whole effort into. Nothing is sweeter than seeing someone fail at something they did their best to achieve. Nothing is more devastating to the spirit, and after three wins, he was determined to break that spirit that characterized these four boys. He read their file for the sixth time, searching for a weakness. He was the most powerful demon in the underworld, and in heaven had been full of wisdom having been created as the model of perfection. He was the master of evil. It should not be that hard to find a challenge that would test four young wet-behind-the-ears boys. It was several hours later before he closed the book, and with a satisfied smile, strode back to where he'd left the boys. The boys stood when they saw him approaching, and glancing at each other, they wiped their sweaty palms on their naked thighs nervously. Stepping up to them, he waved his hand, and the four boys found themselves instantly transported to a large flat plain covered with snow. A chill wind was blowing across the plain, picking up the loose snow and blowing it across the surface. Satan stood there naked before them in all his glory, oblivious to the blowing snow and the cold. Seeing that their winter clothing had been transported there with them, the four naked boys grabbed their clothing and hurriedly put it on. Even once again bundled up in their parkas and padded snow pants and once again wearing their snow boots, toques, earmuffs, and scarves, the boys were chilled to the bone. "Where are we?" Brett asked as he looked around the flat prairie. "Kansas." "Kansas?" the four boys chorused. "Geezzz, we must have really done something bad," observed Benny. "This is your final task." "To do what?" Brett asked, his teeth starting to chatter. "There is a farm," Satan said, pointing to a cluster of buildings several miles away. "I said I wasn't cleanin' no barns," reminded Bobby. "In that farmhouse is a boy," Satan began, ignoring Bobby's comment, "an only child, raised by Christian, God-fearing parents who belong to the Old School Baptist Church. He is as pure in mind, body and soul as the driven snow." The boys did not need that analogy as the wind picked up. They huddled closer together. "Your task is to seduce him. Corrupt his mind. Introduce him to the physical pleasures of the flesh. Turn his soul from the path his parents would have it take. It is time for him to learn what the real world beyond the confines of his parents' control and the confines of the barbwire fence of his farm is like. My challenge is this: if you truly believe you are following the right path, then enlist him. Relieve him of his innocence and of his virginity." "Virginity?" asked Benny, immediately feeling a twinge between his legs despite the biting cold. "When I hear him swear I will know you have succeeded," Satan advised. With another wave of his arm the Dark Lord disappeared, leaving the boys alone. The wind began to blow harder. The boys looked at each other in confusion. "I don't get it. What did he mean by when I hear him swear? And what did he mean about the path we are on?" Benny asked. "I dunno. It's just like him, to take off without sticking around to answer any questions or anything." "If there was a path here, the fucking snow's covered it up." "I don't think he meant a path, like a physical path." "Well he could have at least dropped us off closer," complained Bobby as he looked at the farm house in the distance. "Guys, maybe we should work this out later," observed Brett. "It is getting fucking cold, and I think that is a blizzard heading our way." "Oh sure, make it even fucking harder why doesn't he!" complained Benny. The boys headed for their destination, and as they walked the chill wind blew in the storm. They held onto each other to stay upright, and they walked blindly in the hope they were heading the right direction. Satan smiled as he watched. He was not going to make it easy. By the time the boys got to the farmhouse all they'd be thinking of is if they'd frozen anything, not sex. It had taken him a while to come up with this, but it was the perfect challenge. The boy he'd selected was one of the most homophobic teenagers in America, in one of the most homophobic parts of the country, and one of the most devout Christians on earth. The boys would be fighting not just him, but sixteen years of upbringing and centuries of beliefs instilled in his family and closest friends. As good as they were, the task was formidable. It was the closest he could come to his own challenge of Jesus over two thousand years ago in the Judea wilderness. His chances of winning had been next to zero, and so were the chances of the boys achieving this challenge, and even if they did win, so would he. They would have done an evil deed for him. They would have turned one of God's sheep, one of his purest lambs, away from Him and toward Satan. He would gain another soul, a particularly rare and delicious soul, a fallen Christian soldier, and at the same time the boys would incur the wrath of God who would surely condemn them to hell. So even if they won this one, they would be returning, and when they did, there would be no negotiations or deals, and he and his minions would have an eternity to seek revenge for this day. It took the boys another hour to reach the farmhouse, by which time they couldn't feel their legs and were sure their ears and noses had frozen off completely, besides something even more important. They fell against the door, banging it with their bodies, unable to lift their arms. As it opened, they tumbled inside. "Land sakes!" exclaimed a woman's voice. "What have we here! Silas! Lucas! Come here quickly." The four boys were vaguely aware of being picked up, of having their parkas and toques and winter boots being removed, and of being carried to a blazing fireplace. As they looked at the flames, they numbly wondered if they'd missed the farmhouse and walked all the way back to hell. "We need to get them out of these wet clothes." A man's voice. Not Satan's. "Lucas, run up to your room and bring down a couple pairs of pants and shirts for these two older boys. You're a mite bigger than they are, but the loose clothing will be good for them." A woman's voice. "What about the younger 'uns, Ma?" A boy's voice. Tenor. "I'll get some blankets they can wrap themselves up in," replied the female voice. "And you bring a couple of your pa's shirts for them." An hour later the four boys sat in the borrowed clothes huddled under blankets and sipping their fourth cup of cocoa, the twins dressed in somewhat baggy trousers and oversized plaid shirts and the farm boy's underwear, their two younger brothers swimming in his father's shirts and underwear that had to be five sizes too big. "Now then," said the father, a man close to their father's age but thirty pounds lighter and with wrinkled and weathered features that made him appear older. "What were you doing outside in a blizzard?" "We got lost," Brett said, having had time to think what they were going to say. "You ain't from these parts." "No, sir. We're visiting," said Brett. "Our aunt," added Brent, always eager to support his older brother. "And who might that be?" "Aunt Betty," Brent replied. "Aunt May," said Benny. "Betty-May Harper?" asked the woman, whose name the boys learned later was Ellen. She was the same age as her husband with flowing red hair and high cheekbones and big bones, and from the way she moved and talked, a woman that was used to hard work. "Ah, yeah," Brent and Benny said, looking at each other. "Well, we'll phone her up and let her know you young'uns are alright." "Ah, well, ah, we ." "We were out walking, and got lost," finished Brett quickly. "Our aunt and uncle aren't home at the moment." "Ah, yeah, they, ah, went ." "To town, I think," finished Brett. "Well, they will be stranded there just as sure as you four are stranded here. And worried about you." "They said they was going to be late returning, early in the morning or something," added Bobby. "So they won't know we're missing." "Good one," whispered Brett, and Bobby grinned. He'd always admired the way his older brother could think on his feet. "So then, there's nothing to fret about," said Ellen with a smile. "More hot chocolate?" "Yes, ma'am. Thank you." "And cookies I suspect," Silas said with a smile as he handed the plate of home baking to Brett. "So, where you all from?" asked Lucas. The sixteen-year-old youth reminded the boys a lot of Beau Duke, one of Benny's classmates and fellow Cougars players who had reaped the benefits of Benny's bet with Andrew and Daniel last July, and who had been given his first blow job and first rimming by the two Catholic boys during Crestview's first Annual Gay Pride Day. Both were large-boned, shy boys with thick lips and large hands, and both had short hair with a cowlick in the back, though Beau's was a dirty blond and Lucas's was a reddish brown. Both were farm boys, though since his parents had broken up a year-and-a-half ago, Beau only spent every other weekend and alternating holidays with his dad on the farm. The boys could not help wondering if Lucas was hung like a horse like Beau was. On familiar ground, the boys talked about their home and their life in Crestview, and asked Lucas and his family about their home and what it was like living on a farm in Kansas. For the next hour they settled back and relaxed and enjoyed the warmth of the fireplace and of the close family they'd sought refuge with, and whose lives they were about to drastically upset. "Well, it has been a long day," Silas finally said. "Time for us to turn in." "We don't have any spare rooms," Ellen said, apologetically. "I'm afraid you'll have to sleep in the living room here." "Can they stay with me in my room, Ma?" Lucas's parents glanced at each other. "Well, I imagine that will be all right. We don't get much company, and I suspect you boys will want to gab for a bit longer." "Thanks Pa, Ma." "But only for half an hour," his father warned. "Yes sir." The boys looked at their clocks. Half an hour made it only ten-thirty! Who went to sleep at ten-thirty? After washing up, they retired to Lucas's room. It was small, by their standards, but it was his, and very much his personal space from the pictures on the walls and personal treasures on the shelves and his desk. Sleeping bags had been spread out on the floor, covered by several thick blankets and a thick down-filled comforter. As Lucas sat down on his bed, the boys dropped down on the sleeping bags. "Come join us down here on the floor and talk awhile," offered Brent, moving over to give Lucas room beside him. "Awesome room." "Thanks," the boy said with a shy smile. "You got separate rooms where you live?" "No. We share one room. And our baby brothers and sister share another." "There's more of you?" "Yeah. Triplets. They're eleven months old." "Must be great having so many in your family." "Yeah it is." "You don't mind sharing one room for the four of you?" "Fuck no. We prefer it," said Bobby. Lucas immediately glanced at the door, a shocked look on his face. "We don't use that word here," he whispered. "Oh. Sorry." "Bobby gets carried away sometimes," said Benny. "You'll have to excuse him." "Actually we'd like to carry him away sometimes." "Most of the time." "Most of the time?" "All right, all the time." "Up yours," Bobby responded jokingly, giving his brothers the finger, and then quickly glancing at Lucas. "Pa would tan my backside good if he ever caught me making that gesture, and wash my mouth out with soap besides." "He'd really hit you?" Benny asked in disbelief. "Truly. He'd wallop my backside good. Doesn't your dad when you're bad?" "No," responded Brent. "Well, not anymore. He gave us spankings when we were littler." "Pa says it's the only way. He says a person can talk and talk all he wants, but a good tanning sets things straight." "If our dad believed that Bobby would never be able to sit down," teased Benny. "Me? What about you?" "Hey, I'm the good kid in the family, remember?" "No fuckin' way," Bobby responded. "Ooops, sorry," he said quickly, looking at Lucas. "That's all right. I sortta like the way you can kid each other around and stuff. But it is a sin to curse so." "Must be lonely being an only child." "Sometimes," Lucas admitted with a shrug. "But I got lots of good friends, and I keep busy so I don't notice." "What you like to do?" "I'm in the 4-H dairy club. I'm raising my own heifer. That's her picture on the wall. And I'm in the school's debate club. That's a trophy I won last June," he said proudly, nodding to a trophy on his bookcase as he blushed self-consciously. "Yeah? I like public speaking," said Brent. "Really? That's great." "You must be good to win a trophy." Lucas shrugged and blushed all the more. The four boys immediately decided he looked particularly hot when he blushed. "You're raising your own cow?" asked Bobby as he got up and looked at the picture. "That is so cool. I love animals." "I'll show you her in the morning." "Cool. Hey, Brett, look at this rock. It's cool." "Oh yeah," said Brett, getting up and looking at it. "I got a rock collection at home." "Really?" Lucas responded, pleased to find someone with a similar interest. "You got a favourite?" "Several," Brett responded as he sat back down. "There's a thunder egg my brothers got me, and a moon agate from my uncle James, and well, it's hard to pick just one." "Yeah, I know," said Lucas. "I got several I like. You wanna see them?" "Sure. But let's do it in the morning." "Yeah, that'll be better. Pa will be up telling us to shut the lights off soon." "So," said Brett, looking at the others, "you got a girlfriend or anything?" "No," Lucas said, blushing all over again. "So you like guys?" asked Benny. "Sure. I got some great friends, and my closest buddy lives in the next quarter section." "No, I mean, you know, LIKE guys," Benny said, emphasizing his point by raising both eyebrows. Lucas looked at him blankly for a moment. "Oh, ah, you mean . . . gosh no!" he stumbled, becoming even more flustered and blushing even redder. "Thought maybe, since you didn't have a girlfriend, you know." "No. It's not like that. I got a girl I'm sortta interested in. But we aren't, like, you know, dating or anything. Not yet. Pa says sixteen is too young to date." "Oh." "So, ah, so any of you got girlfriends?" Lucas asked, glancing at the four self-consciously. "No," said Brent, after a moment, "but Brett and I got boyfriends." "Oh," Lucas responded, clearly very disturbed. "Like," he began after thinking a moment, "like not just friends? I mean, like, you know." He raised his eyebrows as Benny had. "Yeah." "I thought you might," he said, looking at Brent. "Why you say that?" "Well, you know, with that earring, and those, well, what you call those things above your nose." "Barbells." Lucas nodded. "Don't straight guys wear piercings in Kansas?" "Well, maybe in Kansas, in the cities. Nobody wears piercings in these parts, straight or, well, not straight." "Oh. Well, where we come from gays and straights wear earrings and nipple rings and stuff." "Nipple rings?" "Yeah." "You don't have nipple rings too?" "Yeah," Brent said, "just one nipple. You wanna see?" "If you don't mind." "Fuck no," Brent said. "Oooppps, sorry." "That's all right," Lucas responded once again, but clearly being polite, and clearly uncomfortable. Brent unbuttoned his borrowed shirt and pulled up his borrowed undershirt and Lucas leaned closer to look. It was difficult to tell if he was impressed or not. "So, ah, you, ah, like guys," Lucas finally said, making it a statement rather than a question. "Yeah. That a problem?" "Well, Pa says that is a sin, one of the worst sins, as bad as murder." "What do you say?" "If Pa says it is, then it's so." "There's many who say it's not." "Reverend Fred Waldron Phelps says it is so. He says that there is a God in Heaven, and He has created a hell for people who despise His commandments, and chief among them are homosexuals. Those who live such a lifestyle, or who support such a lifestyle, either overtly or through apathy, they need repentance, or they shall spend eternity in hell he says." Although he was clearly reciting what he had heard, Lucas's voice was firm with conviction. "Well, there is a God in Heaven for sure, and there is a Hell for the wicked, for sure, but it isn't a sin to be gay." "In Leviticus it says 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination'." "Yeah, but the Bible says to please God, you should sacrifice a bull on an altar, and that it is okay to have slaves from other countries too." "Well." "There's lots of things in the Bible that we don't follow today." "Well maybe, but in Genesis it tells that the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from out of heaven, and Jude tells us that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah gave themselves over to fornication, and went after strange flesh, which Reverend Phelps says means that men lusted after men, and so they were set forth as an example and the people suffered the punishment of eternal fire." "Well that isn't exactly right." "What do you mean?" Lucas asked horrified. "Look, we aren't going to convince you by talking. Why don't you just try something with a guy and see for yourself?" "Never! Reverend Phelps says the only lawful sexual connection is the marriage bed. All other sex activity is whoremongery and adultery, which will damn the soul forever in Hell," Lucas responded, clearly horrified by the suggestion. "You said you like a girl in particular," said Brent. "So?" "You wanna kiss her?" "Sure. Kissing not a sin." "You think you'll be a good kisser?" "I hope so," Lucas said with a shrug. "Wanna find out?" "You mean by kissing you?" "Why not? Kissing's not a sin." "It is between guys." "But you're not gay." "Of course not." "So it's not the same. You're just seeing what it would be like to kiss. Don't matter if it's a girl or guy if you're just seeing what its like and learning how to do it." "Well." "You want it to be good when you do finally kiss a girl." "Of course." "Then what's the hurt?" "None, I guess," Lucas responded uncertainly. He did want to kiss Rochelle, the girl he was particularly fond of, and he had worried that he might not be very good at it and that she might not like it if they ever did do it. He certainly would never have another chance to find out about kissing like this. There wasn't a gay boy in the entire county, or the adjoining counties either most likely, and no straight boy would offer to kiss for him to practice. Brent shuffled closer to Lucas and turned to face him. Turning also, Lucas hesitantly leaned over and quickly gave him a buss on the lips and drew back. He looked at Brent questioningly. "Sortta quick." "Sortta?" asked Benny. "It was so fast I didn't see it." "Be nice." "I am." "It was quick," agreed Brent. "Sort of the type of kiss you give your fat aunt at New Years and she's been drinking and smoking," observed Brett. "You got one of those too?" asked Lucas with a sheepish grin, and they all laughed. "So go ahead, try it again, slower," urged Bobby. Lucas again bent over and kissed Brent, this time for a few seconds. "That's better," said Brent. "But you should hold your girl. You're sortta like, you know, all tensed up and look like you're ready to run incase she hates it. Put your hands here," he instructed, placing Lucas's right arm about his shoulder, and his left hand on his side. "That way you not only get a kiss, you can give her boob a quick feel too," advised Benny, and the five boys giggled. The boys kissed again. "That better?" asked Lucas. "Yeah, lots. You feel more comfortable that time?" "Yeah," Lucas admitted. Brent leaned in again and they kissed another time, and then again, and again. As their lips met still another time Lucas felt a stirring in his jeans, a stirring that in the past had accompanied thoughts of Rochelle or of some of the other girls he liked, and he quickly broke the kiss and moved away. Brent had a good idea why the boy had done so, and he knew he had to move slowly. This was not a gay boy, nor one he was teaching a lesson in retaliation to something the boy had done. "So when you think of girls," Brent continued, having taken the lead in this challenge, which was understandable, being the more empathetic and romantic of the brothers, "you get a boner?" "Yeah," Lucas admitted with a self-conscious grin. "But I try not to think for that long." "Why not?" asked Bobby seriously. "Having a boner feels great." "Well, sometimes," Lucas said. "Not when it happens in class." "Just before you have to go to the board to do a math problem," added Benny, and the boys all laughed, having had it happen to them or knowing of boys who'd found themselves in such an embarrassing position. "How you feel about jacking off?" "That is a mighty sin! The Bible says so." "Geez, I gotta read the Bible," observed Benny. "It's got a lot about sex in it. I didn't know it said anything about jacking off." "Well it doesn't exactly call it that anywhere. But Onan was punished for, well," he said, turning a bright red, "well, for taking his thing out of his woman and squirting his seed on the ground." "I gotta read the Bible," Benny resolved firmly. "Our minister says it is the same as masturbation and that it is a sin to spill one's seed on the ground." "It is. It is much better to swallow it," Bobby teased. "Fags swallow semen and semen caries every germ in the blood stream," Lucas responded, his voice dripping with disgust. "That is why our hospitals are filled with fags." He looked over at Brent, and then Brett. "Sorry, but that is how it is, and our minister says we should tell the truth about such things, and that a homosexual should be called what he is, not by some nice term to make it sound like it is a good thing." "Who told you that? That semen carries every germ in the blood stream?" "I seen flyers from the Westboro Baptist Church." "No way. Sperm doesn't have germs." "The flyers said so." "Guys shoot their sperm up a woman don't they?" "Of course. If they are married." "So your dad shoots germ filled cum up your mom?" "Well." "Well, does he?" "I never thought of it that way. But sex is dirty." "No way!" responded Bobby, just as horrified by Lucas's statement as Lucas had been horrified by some of theirs. "So, you've never jerked off?" Brent asked, coming back to the point. "Of course not." "Suppose a girl said she wouldn't screw, but she'd jerk you. Would you then?" "Well. A good girl wouldn't do that sort of thing with a guy." "This girl you like, suppose you two kissed and got all hot, and you got a boner. Would you let her jack it off for you?" "Jacking off is wrong." "Everyone one does it." "Yeah, nine out of ten guys jerk off, and the tenth is a liar," said Benny, and his brothers giggled. Lucas was too busy struggling with his emotions and beliefs to see the humour. "When you get a boner, you like how it feels?" "Well, in a way. But a guy isn't supposed to like it. And it hurts too." "Of course it hurts, because when it happens, you are supposed to get one off. That is why your body gets a boner." "When it happens, you are supposed to have a cold shower. And think pure thoughts." "When it happens you are supposed to grab it and wank it." "No!" "When yours gets stiff. You ever hold it and squeeze it?" "Well . . . yes, sometimes." "If feel good?" "Yes. That is why it is a sin. A temptation. Sex is not supposed to feel good." "Whoa!" chorused the four brothers. "Haven't you ever wondered what it might be like to feel another guy's?" "Well." "Well?" "Yes. But that's just curiosity." "Sure. Nothing wrong with wondering that. Have you ever tried it?" "No! Never." "You want to try it?" Lucas looked at Brent and Brent could tell in the boy's blue-green eyes that he was tempted, but reluctant. Like kissing, Lucas had wondered. He was a Christian, and a true believer in the Old School of Baptism, but he was also a boy and sixteen. Like kissing, here was his chance. No other boy in the county would dare make an offer like Brent had just made, and he would never have such a chance again. "Hey, it's not like we're gonna go around telling everyone or anything. We're outta here tomorrow. I can understand why you might be afraid to do it with your good buddy, wondering what he'd think of you having such thoughts, or if he'd think you're gay or something. We know you ain't, and you know I am, so here's your perfect chance to find out what another guy's bone feels like." Lucas looked at Brent. It was as if he had just read his mind! "You got one now?" "No, but I can get one." "I've never seen another guy with one. Not outside his pants." "Then let's just do that. There's nothing in the Bible or that this Reverent Phelps guy says that's wrong about that is there?" "No. I don't think so." "Suppose we all take ours out?" offered Brett. "You'd be able to see four guys, and just have to show us yours. That's a fair trade." "Yeah, four for one," Bobby agreed eagerly. "Just look?" "Sure." How could he resist? He had never seen another boy with an erection before, and here he had the chance to see four, and the chance to see twin dicks besides. "Alright," he said softly. The twins were wearing Lucas's extra jeans, and as they drew down their flies, they thought back to their first "show me yours and I'll show you mine" explorations and of the fun and the excitement of that first time, and subsequent times. Their dicks began to swell. Bobby and Benny were wearing Lucas's dad's extra boxers, which were several sizes too large and which they'd been having difficulty keeping up so they simply stood up and allowed them to drop to their ankles, much to everyone's amusement and which helped make it easier for Lucas. The shy sixteen-year-old slowly pulled down his fly, not wanting to be the first, and slowly slipped his fingers inside the fly of his jeans, and then his boxers. His heart was pounding furiously in his chest. It was exciting and enticing, and he was not that much of a prude that he'd never broken rules before, but this was a particularly serious rule. He was torn between his curiosity and his conscience, between temptation and the promise of damnation. As he slowly withdrew his penis, he glanced self-consciously at the others, looking at their organs. He'd never be able to look up into their faces. "You got a nice looking dick," observed Brent. "Ah, thanks," Lucas responded, not sure what else to say. "Yours are big." "That's cuz they're getting stiff," Brent explained. "You getting hard?" "Yeah, a little," Lucas lied, figuring he was supposed to be. His heart was pounding too hard and his hand shaking too much to feel horny. "I like to get mine hard bouncing it and thinking about someone I really like," Brent said, demonstrating. "I like to just stroke my thighs," Brett continued, illustrating. "I just like to tug on mine," Bobby said, rapidly doing so. "And on anyone else's he can get his hands on," observed Benny and they all laughed, even Lucas. "So, you've all seen other guys with, with erections?" "Seen and felt and jerked," Bobby said. "Even you?" "Bobby's one horny stud," Brent advised. "My boyfriend likes to get his hard buy rubbing it with just his thumb and first two fingers." "Or by having Brent do it for him," Brett said with a smile and a hint. "I can show you." The sixteen-year-old hesitated. They already had their penises out, and they were supposed to be showing each other their dicks when they were erect. "Well, just to get it hard," Lucas agreed. There could be no sin in that. Brent reached over and took the boy's limp penis between his thumb and first two fingers, just like Billy liked him to play with his. It was semierect and the foreskin was still half way up over the knob. He ever so gently pulled down on the boy's skin, drawing it back down over his knob and down the shaft to expose the sensitive, paler skin at the top of his shaft. He slowly eased the skin back up. It felt wonderful holding another guy's dick, getting him hot. It seemed like the most natural thing for two guys to do, and he could not see how anyone could think that something like that could be wrong. Lucas's dick felt so soft and delicate, like a limp noodle, and he wished his brothers could have a chance to feel it. Brent was stiff by then, and so were his three brothers. The four of them lay and sat there in a circle and watched Brent playing with Lucas's cock. Seeing the others with boners, and being touched there in that most intimate spot by a hand other than his own for the first time in his life, had the boy soon erect despite his guilt and nervousness. He was hung like a horse just like Beau Dukes, his cock being just as long as the twin's, and thicker. The skin, when his dick was hard, stayed up over the knob but only reached half way up his glans, the result Benny informed his brothers later, of a partial circumcision, which was often done if the boy had a tight foreskin, or some other medical problem. Lucas had on rare occasion fiddled with his dick himself, and it had felt good, which had only increased his feelings of guilt. Now, having another boy fiddling with his most private part, and holding it while it was stiff felt so strange, so good in a way, and so very wrong also. He glanced at the other boys, again able to only look at their dicks, and the sight of the four of them in the same condition as he was, was so erotic, and in a way, made his condition seem alright. "Go ahead," Brent said softy. "Huh?" "Go ahead and feel mine. It's all right." Lucas looked at the boy's stiff penis sticking out of his jeans. That Brent was wearing his jeans, and his extra pair of boxers, suddenly seemed so hot, and his cock throbbed as the idea passed through his head. "See. Your dick wants you too. I felt it throbbing when you thought about it." "Its nodding yes," said Bobby jokingly, and again the boys laughed, and Lucas felt a bit more at ease. He had wondered what it might be like to feel another boy's, in his weaker moments, when he lay in bed at night with a bone himself. Brent was right. This was an excellent chance. With his best buddy he'd never be so brave, but this boy holding his cock was gay, and the boy knew that he was not. Most important, he would not be seeing him at school on Monday and worrying what he thought of him, or if he'd tell others, or if the whole school would think he was a fag. He'd never have a chance like this again, and he was just holding it, just seeing what it was like. There was nothing in the Bible that said that was wrong. Reverend Fred Waldron Phelps would say there was, but he was seventy-something years old, and a fanatic. Even his father said he and the Westboro Church sometimes went too far. He wouldn't go too far. He'd just touch it and see. With his heart pounding even worse than the moment before he got up to debate in the final round of a competition, he reached over and slipped his fingers around Brent's dick. It felt so hard, and so hot, and so smooth. It looked a lot like his own, except he had a much longer skin, but it felt so different. "Go ahead. Squeeze it." Lucas did. It felt so awesome, so solid, and it was so different holding someone else's, and having someone else holding his. As Brent squeezed his at the base, he squeezed Brent's. As Brent wrapped just his thumb and first finger about his shaft, he did likewise. They were about the same length, but his was fatter than the blond sixteen-year-old's. He looked at Brent's hairs. They were thick, but not as thick as his, and blond compared to his reddish-brown hairs. He'd always thought his dick looked particularly sexy hanging below his reddish-brown bush compared to others he had glanced at in the showers at school. "I love the colour of your hairs," Brent said. Lucas looked up at him, having been staring at his stiff cock and at his own. It was as if Brent had read his mind. Did that mean other boys had the same thoughts as he did? Did that mean it was normal to have such thoughts? Or did it mean he was a fag like the boy holding his cock? A morbid dread flowed through him as he considered that. "Oh yeah," agreed Brent's three brothers. "It makes your dick look way sexy." That had to mean his thoughts were normal, that all boys had such thoughts. It had to mean that. Brent slipped his finger-and-thumb ring up to Lucas's knob and the gentle touch sent a shiver of arousal through the boy's dick. Lucas dared to slip his thumb and forefinger up to circle Brent's glans, and he wondered if his touch was causing the same extreme pleasure as Brent's touch was causing him. Brent wrapped the rest of his fingers around his dick head and squeezed gently, and Lucas did likewise, enjoying the sensation Brent was causing, and enjoying holding Brent's most private part and squeezing it tightly, giving it the same pleasure as Brent's grasp was giving his. "Wanna jack off?" Brent asked softly. "We can show you how. We've done it hundreds of times." "Hundreds?" "More like thousands," said Brett. "I dunno." "Everyone does it." "Nobody I know does." "Bet a lot do. They don't want to admit they do it." "Maybe where you live. Not in these parts." "I think boys are the same all over." "Maybe not as many actually do it, what with all the Bible talk and stuff, but I bet a lot do do it." "Do-do it?" asked Bobby, and the boys giggled. "Why not just do it for a little ways," Brent urged. "If you want to stop any time we will." "Yeah, scouts' honour," said Benny. "Any of you guys actually scouts?" asked Lucas. "Yeah, all of us." "Really?" "Scouts' honour." "That's why we're helping you. It's our scout's duty to help," joked Brett. "I've heard there's actually scout groups that are all gays." "Well, I don't know if there's any that are all gays, but there are lots that let gay boys join. Ours does." "Yeah, I guess it does," Lucas observed. Such a thing was unheard of where he lived, but his father and other adults had often observed how sinful the rest of the world was. "So you wanna try? Who better to try doing it with then with four experts?" Brent asked with a grin. Lucas smiled back. "Just for a little bit." "Sure," Brent responded, knowing that once a guy started and found how good it was, there was no such thing as doing it just a little bit. "It's best to do it naked." Benny and Bobby were already almost naked, sitting there in just their oversized shirts, and in seconds both had them off. Brent and Brett quickly unbuttoned their jeans and pushed them down and off, along with Lucas's underwear. Brent's shirt was already open and he slipped it off and pulled Lucas's tank top off as Brett similarly slipped his off. They'd already seen his dick so it was not really all that much more of a step to take his clothes off, and the others had removed theirs so quickly he didn't want to look like a total rustic, which he knew many thought he and his friends were, so Lucas quickly followed suit. The Brewster boys noticed he had a few fine reddish-brown chest hairs in the middle of his chest and around his nips and all four of them ached to feel them. The five naked boys sat in a circle on the sleeping bags and slowly began to jerk themselves. Bobby would have liked to have formed a jerk circle with them holding each other's, but it being Lucas's first time and all, he understood why he'd want to do it to himself this very first time. The twelve-year-old tugged on his dick furiously, forming a U-shape with his fingers and slipping them over his dick head and vigorously rubbing it. Brent did just the opposite, preferring to use his entire hand and to stroke his dick slowly, holding it at the base and pushing up until his fingers were slipping over his knob, and then slowly drawing back pulling his foreskin down over the knob and stretching it along his shaft. Benny had developed his own style, preferring to just rub his shaft and keeping his fist away from his knob, knowing that the more he touched it the faster he'd come. Brett did his much the same as his twin brother, but instead of using his fist, he preferred to just use his thumb and his first finger. Lucas looked at one and then the other and decided to copy Brent's style. It was not the first time he'd ever stroked himself, but in the past it had been laying on his back in bed under the covers, and he'd used his whole fist and done it extra slow so as not to make any noise. It had also been accompanied by the fear he might get caught, his guilt about being so sinful, and the fear of the unknown, not certain if what he was doing was harmful in anyway. There were stories, about guys hurting themselves doing it and having to see a doctor, and having the embarrassment of being discovered as self-abusers. As he slowly worked his fist up and down his penis, drawing his skin down the shaft and then pushing it up over his glans, he could not help thinking about that. That it was physically harmful had to be wrong. The four boys wanking themselves had said they had done it hundreds of times, even more. That much he could discard as rumour. The rest was something else. He'd been told since as far back as he could remember that touching himself there was wrong. It was a sin, and it was something bad boys did, and according to Reverend Phelps and many others, it was the beginning to the road of homosexuality. They had to be right, his father and Reverend Phelps. They were doing it in secret and he knew it was against his father's rules, making it both a sin and bad, and he was doing it with four boys, two of whom professed to be homosexuals, and the others being brothers of fags. Still, he had also heard that everyone did it, that the rumours about it being bad and everything were just rumours spread by adults so that teenagers would not do it, because adults never wanted teens to have any fun, and because it was an adult thing and boys were not supposed to do adult things. It did feel good. The hot, throbbing of his penis in his hand and the tingling sensation around the glans were pleasant, and something that felt that good could not be harmful at any rate. He'd felt those sensations before, alone in his bed, but now, sitting there on the floor naked they felt much different. He was also going much farther than he'd ever gone before. The hot throbbing of his penis was more forceful than he had ever felt it before, and the ripples of stimulation around his dickhead had never felt so intense. It felt good, very good, and the longer he stroked himself the better it felt. He was tempted to work his fist faster, to satisfy the itch that was now making his glans burn with arousal, but he noticed Brent was keeping up his slow, regular rhythm and so he did so also. Brent knew what he was doing. He'd done this thousands of times he'd said. Lucas could understand why. This was the most awesome pleasure he'd ever felt, and he could see why the church wanted to keep it a secret. The church did not believe in pleasure. He glanced again at each of the boys, looking now at their faces. They were all intently concentrating on the pleasure pulsating between their legs, the same pleasure as he was feeling. That in itself was awesome. They were all feeling the same pleasure, enjoying the same sensation. They were feeling and enjoying something only guys could know and share, and that made it particularly special. This was not a fag thing, it was a guy thing. There was no doubting what the others were feeling or thinking from the looks in their eyes. It was pleasant in a very exciting way, and with each slow stroke of his fist the pleasure doubled. He now felt a strange urge deep in his groin, a feeling not unlike a hunger, but this hunger was not for food. What that ache was for he did not know, but he knew his body was aching for something. He could feel it deep in his groin, and it was growing stronger and stronger, an ache that was starting to make his lower torso twitch, and he squirmed, unable to stop himself. This was so fucking awesome he could not stop. Each stroke of his fingers brought him closer and closer, and he inhaled sharply with the aching desire in his loins. "Uh-oh," said Brett, his voice husky. "We forgot to get something out to catch our stuff." The boys, having become accustomed to engaging in other types of sex and sex with each other, seldom needed to worry about what to do with the loads they were about to release. They more often then not would be shooting into each others' mouths, or rectums, or spraying each other's bodies, and even on those occasions when they just wanted to get off a fast load and had lain there in their beds and gotten themselves off, they' just shot off in their hands, or threw their legs up over their heads and shot into their own mouths. "Too late," gasped Benny, and laying flat on his back, he did the only thing he could do, he shot his load over his chest and stomach. Following his lead, Brent and Brett collapsed on their backs and aimed their stiff cocks in the air. Seconds later ropes of cum shot from the twin cannons, flying up into the air and arching back down to land on their chests and stomachs. They had been particularly hot watching Lucas jerking for the very first time, and their loads were copious and watery, resulting in particularly great distance and which would have guaranteed them top prize had this been one of their jerk for distance contests. Hot streamers of cum laced their bodies, shooting as far as the tops of their chests, and had they been aiming for their faces instead of up in the air, they would likely have sprayed their foreheads. Bobby, not yet having the same problem and wishing he did, squirmed and twisted and gasped as his dry orgasm hit him, and he released his dicklet and let it jerk and throb as he leaned back on his elbows. His balls were drawn up tight and his dick ached like it had to piss, and he knew that he was close to having his first ejaculation. It was not this time, but it could be any time now, and each time he came, it seemed all the more powerful. Lucas stared at the twisting, gasping twelve-year-old and his jerking stiff cocklet, and at the other three boys sprawled out on their backs, their stiff, spurting cocks tightly held in their hands, ropes of cum lacing their bodies. Caught totally unprepared, he felt the tension that had been building in his loins suddenly snap, and he felt a gush begin to rise up the core of his cock. He closed his peehole to stop it but it was evident that the broken dam was not going to be held back so easily. Laying back as he'd seen his mentors do, he gasped and snorted as he felt his cum spurt out of the burning opening of his aching cock with a pleasure unlike anything he'd ever felt before. It shot high into the air, a long white ribbon of creamy cum, arching gracefully and falling back down to land on his chest. It was hot and slimy. It was wonderful. His cock throbbed hotly in his fist as a continuous stream of cum shot out of the tip like champaign shooting out of an unstoppered bottle. His cock fizzed and tingled like champaign, and it seemed like an endless stream of cum was spurting out and lacing his body, leaving streaks of cum criss-crossing his chest and puddles in the shallow indentation between them. When at last the violent release subsided, more creamy boy juice oozed out of his cock, flowing now over the engorged head to collect in a band around his encircling thumb and index finger until it overflowed and oozed on down over his tightly clenched fingers. Lucas gasped and panted heavily as he lay there on his back, shocked by the intense reaction and the intense pleasure of his first ejaculation. The four Brewster brothers had meanwhile raised themselves on their elbows to watch, the three older boys still oozing out their own cum, and the pleasure of their own orgasms was intensified by watching and sharing in Lucas's very first. There was suddenly a knock on the door. "Time for bed now, I've given you fifteen extra minutes," Silas announced. Brett, nearest the light switch, leaped up and turned it off while his three brothers dived under the bed sheets, dragging Lucas under with them. "Night," he called as he dived in to join his brothers, and his brothers and Lucas called out their goodnights also. They lay there silently, listening, and to their relief they heard footsteps fading away down the hall. Even so they dared not speak and lay there silently, their laboured breaths still sucking in air, air saturated with the fragrance of four teenage loads of cum and the fragrance of five hot, randy, perspiring boys. For the Brewsters it was ambrosia fit for the gods, an aroma they'd come to know and love. For Lucas it was totally new, and one that he savoured in ecstasy as he lay there recovering from his first orgasm. "Oh maaaaaannnn, I'm all wet and sticky," Benny finally announced. "Me too," sighed Brent. "Oh yeah," agreed Brett. "Me too," announced Bobby. "You?" "What do you expect? You four guys shot enough to drown an elephant." "Lucas's cock looked like an elephant's trunk spraying the way his cum shot," observed Benny, and the boys laughed. "You okay, Lucas?" "Yeah," he gasped, his heart still pounding in his chest. "I'm fine." "Honest?" "Oh yeah. Except for being all wet and sticky too. That, that was so awesome." He spoke softly and in awe. "You liked it?" Brent asked, pulling the sheets back and looking across at Lucas. "Oh yeah," he said with a satisfied smile, his eyes glazed over. "Wanna go to sleep, or wanna talk a while?" "Talk. But we gotta be quiet." And so the boys talked, about what it had felt like for each of them, what their first times had been like, why something so wonderful was such a big secret. Benny shared all the information he knew about masturbating, including the url for jackinworld. Lucas was amazed that there would be such a site up on the web, and one that was available for free and for anyone of any age, and he said he'd look it up first chance he got. He didn't have his own computer, but his family had one. A farmer had to have a computer to access the latest information and if he wanted to be competitive he explained. They talked about what it was like to be a farmer's son, and what it was like living on a farm compared to a city, and the boys talked about their dad and his job as third-vice president of WeCare Pet Supplies. "So, you gonna keep jerking off now you know what it is like?" Benny asked. "Oh yeah." "You should talk to your best buddy. It's great to jerk off, but it's even greater sharing it with someone." "I dunno," Lucas responded. "I don't think I'd be so daring." "We can tell you how to go about suggesting it," Brent offered. "Oh sure. We got lots of experience at that," said Benny. "We can be like that Cyrano guy, the guy in Shakespeare that helped his friend woo his girl. Except we can help you woo your buddy." "I don't want to, well, woo him," Lucas objected quickly. "I'm not a fag." He stopped suddenly, realizing what he'd just said. "Sorry," he said guiltily as he glanced at Brent and Brett. He wanted to say more but he was too embarrassed, and he did not know how. There was no way he was condoning homosexuality, not after he'd been told all his life how wrong it was, but he did know there were less insulting words he could use. "That's all right," the twins responded together. It was not, but they knew that was not the time to make an issue out of it, and they knew it was something they'd probably have to face their whole lives. "It's just that, well, I'm not. And, well, you guys are great and everything, but it's just not natural." "Sure it is," objected Benny. "It's just as natural as being straight. It's just one way to be." "But it is a sin." "Not all churches think so." "Ours does." "Ours doesn't." "But it's against nature. Men are supposed to do it with women so they can have children." "But not all men get married." "And not all married people have children." "Besides, men can do it with just women, or just men, or with both. Lots of male animals do it with male animals." "No way." "I can give you a site that tells you all about homosexuality in animals. And other sites that tell you all about homosexuality." "Written my other homosexuals to seduce others. I know that is your agenda." "Written by doctors, and by psychologists, and by ministers," Benny responded. "And what do you mean our agenda?" "The gay mandate is to sodomize men's sons so they will come to crave and adore them since they cannot have sons themselves. The homosexual mandate is destruction of the family unit and to turn people from Christianity since Christianity is the only religion that denounces homosexuality and condones only heterosexual marriage." "Lots of religions denounce homosexuality," responded Benny again, the boys' authority on all sexual matters. "And that mandate stuff is crap." As he tried to think of an argument, he glanced over at his brothers for help, and saw a flicker of doubt in his older brothers' faces. As he paused, he thought about what Lucas had said, and what they were doing. He thought of Satan's parting words. "Your task is to seduce him. Corrupt his mind. Introduce him to the physical pleasures of the flesh. Turn his soul from the path his parents would have it take. It is time for him to learn what the real world beyond the confines of his parents' control and the confines of the barbwire fence of his farm is like." Their mandate wasn't exactly what Lucas said, but it was sort of close. "Fags don't keep longtime commitments, not like straight men. Fags have anywhere from twenty to a hundred different partners every year." "Yeah?" asked Bobby, the statement catching back his attention. A hundred partners a year was a definite plus for being gay. "Heterosexual men have maybe eight partners in their life." "Yeah? Well, a lot of homosexuals settle down and have just one partner. A lot get married." "Fags don't know anything about love. All they know about is having sex. Reverend Phelps says they like to lick asses and eat faeces. He says they are filthy perverts and three- quarters of them are infected with STDs." The boys looked at each other. Their job wasn't to seduce this Kansas farm boy. Their job was to educate him. "You know Brett and I are gay," Brent began. "Yeah." "So you think we're pervs?" "Well, no." "You think we like to eat shit?" "No, I didn't say every ." "You think we don't know about love?" "Well." Brent snuggled up beside Lucas. "Let me tell you about Billy," he began. And so they talked, about what it was like for them to be gay, what it was like to love another boy, about sex and the difference between sex and love, about being guys. They talked for a long time. "But gays like to lick assholes." Benny's brothers looked at him. "Some of them," Benny agreed. "And some like to eat and smear shit on their bodies. But so do just as many straights. Look at Marquis de Sade." "Who?" "He was a famous marquis in France. He liked to torture women, and shit in their mouths," Benny said. "There's lots of different fetishes, hundreds. But straights and gays have them, not just gays. I like licking assholes," he admitted. "But only if they are clean. It's called rimming, and it can be great doing it, and having it done." "How can anyone like that? Doing it or having it done?" "I can't tell you. But I can show you." "There's no way I'd like that. Not having someone do it to me, and certainly not doing it." "Wanna prove it?" Lucas looked at the fourteen-year-old, and then at his brothers. They'd made a lot of sense in the conversation they'd had, but they had smooth tongues, and the agenda of fags was to seduce boys like himself. Doing it would prove him right and them wrong. They had to be wrong. His church and faith could not be wrong. His parents could not be wrong. He knew he was not wrong, at least about not possibly liking his asshole licked. "Let us show you what gay love is like," Brent said, looking him in the eyes. "Alright," Lucas agreed. He had nothing to lose, and they had everything. Slipping an arm around him, Brent kissed him as they'd kissed early that evening. His soft, boy lips gently pressed against Lucas's, and his fresh boy breath blew into his mouth and into his lungs. His kisses were soft and tender, kisses of love and concern and gentleness. Brent snuggled up on the other side of him and began to caress him, gently running his hands over his chest and his stomach, massaging him gently, tenderly. Bobby reached up and began to stroke his thighs, causing the boys' dick to immediately respond. Rolling him over on his side, the boys continued to kiss and stroke as Benny snuggled behind and gently kissed his asshole, and then slowly began to lick the sensitive pucker. Lucas at first was disgusted with what they were doing to him, especially Benny, and he resisted, but as they continued he could feel the gentleness of their actions, and sense their love and concern. What they were doing to him he'd imagined was what guys did to girls when they were in love. Sex was just sticking your dick in someone. This was more than that. Sex was being physical to please yourself. They were doing this to please him, not themselves. They were not kissing and caressing him for their own gratification, but for his. He gradually felt himself becoming aroused, and he began to return Brent's kisses, and to caress Brett and Bobby. He even began to enjoy feeling Benny's tongue on his backside, though that was not something he'd ever do to anyone, male or female. He felt Bobby's hot little hand on his erection, and realized that at sometime during all this he'd gotten erect. He reached down and found Brent's cock and found that the sixteen-year-old was erect. It made sense that he please the boy as the boy was pleasing him. There was no harm in that. Slipping his fingers about Brent's stiff organ, he began to stroke it as he'd stroked himself. They shifted positions. He felt Brent's mouth now on his cock. The lips that were pressed against his were now enveloping his penis. Bobby was laying facing him but in the opposite direction and was tonguing his belly button, the boy's stiff little dicklet directly in his face. He gave in to curiosity and leaning forward, slipped his lips about the stiff little dicklet and gently and tentatively sucked on it. He found the taste was not unpleasant, and giving the boy pleasure was not a bad thing. Benny was massaging his anus now with the tip of his stiff cock, and Brent was sucking on his nipples. They shifted positions. Bobby was licking his balls and Brent was licking his toes while Brett was licking his anus. Benny was in front of him, his butt facing him. He dared to lean forward. There was no odour. His heart pounding madly, he dared to lick. The taste was the taste of salt. Benny squirmed. He dared to wiggle his tongue against his hole and Benny squirmed all the more. He knew how good it had felt when Benny had done it to him, so he had a good idea how good it was for Benny. That was what love was supposed to be about, two people pleasing each other, two people knowing each other so well as to know what pleased each other. They shifted positions. He and Brent were kissing again. The lips that had been around his cock were again pressing against his lips. Bobby was sucking his cock, and his cock was itching and trembling, ready to shoot. Benny was back at his anus, his stiff dick pressing against it. Why not let him enter? Why not see what it was like to be penetrated? Then he would know the truth. Brett was sucking on his nipples. He had no idea his nipples were so sensitive, that they could bring such pleasure. That was what this was about, what they were doing. They were bringing each other pleasure. Lucas thought back to the questions he'd asked himself as he'd tried to reconcile what he heard being preached and what he heard others saying. If God had made man in his image, why was a man's body something to be ashamed of? If man was made in God's image, should man not enjoy his body, even worship it? Why was God so feared? Did the bible not say that He wanted to bring mankind salvation? Was God not a loving, compassionate being? If He was then He could no more hate fags than he could hate any of his children. Was that not the real message of the bible? Was that not what the church should be teaching? So deep had he been in thought and he was feeling so good, he had not noticed the building pressure in his loins until the twang deep down inside his body caught his attention. He trembled with the release of his seed, shooting it into Bobby's eager mouth as Bobby trembled with his own orgasm. Brent and Brett came together, spraying their hot seed over the belly and chest of their host. Benny grasped him and kissed the back of his neck as he shot his seed deep up his rectum. Lucas inhaled and exhaled deeply and savoured the fragrance of fresh boy cum, the culmination of their act of love. Later, still naked, the five boys curled up together, arms and legs interlinked as their eyelids grew heavy. "Thank you," Lucas whispered. "Thank you for showing me I've been lead down the wrong path. Thank you for showing me the true way as God meant it to be. God is good and compassionate, and so is the nature of mankind. That I have to believe. I swear before you I'll help others who follow this path, and I'll help others understand and appreciate those who are gay, as you have shown me this night. The Brewster boys heard him speaking, but in their drowsiness they really did not pay much attention. The sun was beginning to rise as they finally drifted off to sleep. ************* So, have the Brewster boys succeeded in meeting Satan's last challenge? If they have, will Satan really honour his side of the bargain or will he find some devilish way out of it? Will God condemn them to eternity in hell for seducing one of his purest lambs? Most important of all, does this mean the boys will return to earth and there will be future Brewster adventures? Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion to this tale.