Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:52:08 From: Dream Spinner Subject: "The Brewsters Celebrate Gay Pride Day" (b/b, t/b, t/t, m/m, incest) Caution/Welcome. This is a story involving four brothers, one preteen, one thirteen-year-old and two fifteen-year-old twins who along with their parents organize the first Gay Pride Day celebrations in their town, and in doing so, grow even closer together as brothers. This story is posted at free gay adult story sites for adult entertainment only. Permission is not given to copy electronically nor in any other form for the purpose of redistribution or posting at sites other than those described here. This is the twenty-sixth story in the Brewster Boys special events and myths series. Whether you are celebrating Gay Pride Day with a longtime companion, curled up with a Brewster story in one hand and your dick in the other, or going out to party hardy, keep it up and keep it safe with one of those rainbow colored condoms. Comments and story ideas for 2002 can be sent to the author, J.O. Dickingson at THE BREWSTERS CELEBRATE GAY PRIDE DAY "Maybe we should move." "Move?" asked the four Brewster brothers and their dad together as they looked up at Brenda Brewster. "Well, yes," she said as she began to cut the chocolate cake she'd baked for supper. "Why?" the five men in her family asked in unison, the sixth and seventh only being four months old and unable to talk yet. "I've been thinking of this latest violence," she explained. "Our peaceful, quiet town just isn't a safe place to be anymore." "Violence and crime have increased," agreed her husband Barry with a sigh. "Comes from progress. The bigger we get the more of these types of problems we're going to have." "But all our friends are here," observed Brett. "You can make new friends." "Well, yeah," he replied. The four boys had no trouble making new friends, both within their community and beyond, and they felt a stirring in their pants as they thought about some of those friends, and the fun they'd had making them. Being young and full of hormones, it did not take much for the boys to have a stirring in their pants. "But some are special friends," commented Brent, thinking immediately of his best buddy, Billy Hollis, and how close they had become since Beltane. "Oh yeah," his three brothers agreed, each thinking of someone extra special. "Well, I think it is something we should at least think about. I know the Woodward family down the street is moving." "Oh? Where to?" asked her husband. "They are getting an acreage just a ways out of town. You know, where the new homes are being built. They figure that by living out in the country their children won't have the temptations they have here in town." Benny, Bobby, Brent and Brett exchanged glances. The Woodward's were so strict and their three children so closely watched now, it was going to be like living in a prison for them. As it was, the Woodward kids thought their parents were wardens and hated them with a passion like nobody else the brothers knew. Their thirteen-year-old son Jimmy smoked cigarettes and was on pot just to spite them, and because he didn't have any other fun in his life, having been kicked out of every sports team and junior high club because of his attitude. His older sister, who was in some of the twin's classes, even had her own change of clothes in her locker because her parents dressed her in such plain and old-fashioned clothes in an attempt to hide her figure. The clothes she changed into at school did just the opposite, and as far as the boys were concerned made her look easy, which more than one boy said she was. "I don't think shielding children is going to teach them how to deal with temptation," countered Barry. It was a conversation they'd both had several times before, regarding the Internet, the freedoms and responsibilities they'd given their own boys, and most recently the expectations they had for the triplets. "How do you teach children to deal with, well, you know, with what happened in the park," Brenda said evasively, glancing at her four boys before looking at her husband in the hope he knew what she was referring to. "You mean the three skinheads getting beat up?" asked Benny as he wiped the chocolate icing from his mouth with the back of his hand. "Yes," Brenda replied. "That . . . and the reason they were beat up." Brenda Brewster was an open-minded, modern housewife, but even so, there were some topics she was uncomfortable with, and some she felt should not be discussed in the presence of children. "Because someone thought they were gay?" asked Brent. "Yes," his mother said, shifting uncomfortably in her chair as she glanced at her husband with a silent plea for him to step in, and wondering how much her son knew about the topic. He was only fifteen. "But they caught the guys who done it," observed Bobby. "The guys who did it," corrected his mother. "So what's the problem?" "Well, sadly they are not the only ones who believe violence is the way to deal with differences, and who are, well, intolerant of those who, well, live differently," she said, trying to avoid a topic that was definitely too mature for her youngest to be learning about. "We certainly have seen the town split into camps with the scouting for all movement picking up momentum," observed Barry. "And the resignation of Steven Spielberg from the Los Angeles advisory board certainly created some animated discussions about town last April. It takes a controversial issue like gay rights to find out who the prejudiced and bigoted are in your community." "So we should do something to help," said Brent. "Like we did for the Jewish Community when they were the victims of prejudice." "Like what?" asked Benny, always eager to help. "Can I have a second piece of cake, please?" "May I," corrected his mother. "Sure," he responded with a grin and Brenda gave him her 'what am I going to do with you' look as she began cutting a second round of cake for her boys, including Barry, who had the sweetest tooth of them all. "I dunno," responded Brent to his brother's question. "Something to show our support for gays." "Yeah, it was great fun helping the Jews," said Bobby. "And we learned a lot about them at the same time," observed Brett and the four brothers thought about observing their first Shavuot. Their jeans began to tent and as one they reached down to rearrange things. "We could organize a parade and a carnival or something on Gay Pride Day," suggested Brett. "How do you know about Gay Pride Day?" asked Brenda in surprise and with more than a little concern. This conversation was getting way too deep and into territory she had not expected to be in, and her boys were showing far too much interest and knowledge about the topic. "Ah, well, you see, ah, on the Internet," Brett said, thinking quickly. "The Internet?" "Ah, yeah. I was, ah, looking up to do a report on lions, and it said lions live in prides, and I looked up pride, and well, Gay Pride Day just popped up." Brett's three brothers looked at him in admiration. Their brother was awesome when it came to thinking on his feet. "Oh yeah, that happens to me a lot," agreed Brent, supporting his brother. "There's all sorts of strange stuff that pops up." "For sure," agreed Bobby. "You'd be surprised what pops up when a guy is surfing the net." He glanced over at his brothers with a twinkle in his hazel eyes at the inside joke. "But we don't look at it," interjected Benny suddenly, worried that one of his best sources of information could be shut off. "Oh yeah, we don't," agreed the twins, catching on quickly. "Fu-, fu-, fusure," stumbled Bobby in his excitement and out of habit. "Just as we figured when we decided not to get Net Nanny," Barry said, proud of his boys. "Children have to learn about temptation and the bad things in life and how to deal with them." He was right. Knowing they had full access to porn sites almost any time they wanted, the boys were not fixated on trying to find them unlike many of their friends who had to be devious about their use of the Internet. They knew it was there, and they checked it out on occasion when they were bored or randy without feeling guilty because they had, in their minds, a good reason for doing it, and they weren't hooked on it, nor were they being corrupted by it. Actually, they could teach those who put up such sites a few things. "So, we going to show our support for gays by organizing a parade or something for them?" asked Brett, hoping to get the conversation off the Internet. "Ah, well, we'll have to think about it," Brenda said, not because she was prejudiced against those who had a same sex orientation nor because she was against the idea of giving them support, but because she knew the feelings in the community were very strong and very divided, and the majority were not in support as they had been when the Jewish synagogue had gotten vandalized. Besides, it was an issue that her boys were still far too young to be getting involved in. They were growing up much too fast as it was. "Okay, cool. Can we be excused?" "Yes, as soon as you put the dishes away." Relieved to be off the hook for the Gay Pride comment and having avoided a discussion on monitoring their computer use, Brett and his brothers quickly cleared the table. "Oh, by the way," said Bobby, turning to his mother and father as the boys were about to head off to their room. "It okay with you guys if I become a Jew?" "A Jew?" his mother and father asked in surprise, looking at him, and then at each other. "Yeah. I think Judaism is way cool." "Ah, well, we'll have to think about that too," Brenda observed, giving her husband a glance. Where did Bobby get these wild ideas? "Okay, that's cool," Bobby said as he and his brothers headed down the hall. "A Jew?" asked Benny as he plopped down on his bunk bed and looked up at his kid brother. "Sure. I think it'd be way cool," Bobby said, thinking of the fun he'd had at Shavuot as he hopped up on the bunk above Benny. "Thought you were going to join the craft?" asked Brent, the only one of the four who'd taken the step and joined the newly formed teen coven under the supervision of Billy Hollis's parents. "Naw. The washing in dew and the May Day stuff was hot, but I don't know about memorizing all that stuff you got to, and the rules and stuff about spirits and all that junk." "I thought you were going to become a Catholic so you could join a boy's choir," observed Benny. "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that." "If you become a Jew you know you got to have a bris," observed Brent. "I do?" Bobby asked, feeling his dick shriveling with just the thought of it. "I thought they did that when you were eight days old," he said as he dropped his hands to his lap protectively. "They do, but anyone who joins later has to have it done." "Oh," said Bobby. "Well, maybe I'll think about it then." "So you really think we should do something to celebrate Gay Pride Day?" asked Brent, changing the topic. "Sure," said Brett. "Gay prejudice is just as bad as racial prejudice or religious prejudice." "That was scarey what happened to those guys in the park," observed Brent, his young face darkening as he thought about it. His three brothers quickly agreed. Having stayed awake Shavuot Sunday until almost sunrise Monday, they had slept in until noon, and then had spent most of the afternoon with Jerry and Doniel. It was not until that evening that they returned to Murray Park where, as they suspected, they found the three skinheads still naked and still hot for cock fun. News of the three macho men hot for any type of sex in the park had spread through the gay community like wildfire, and for many it was a fantasy come true. Six-foot tall, two hundred pounds, all solid muscle, shaved heads, macho as anyone could be, and completely cock hungry, the three hapless men from upstate had spent two solid days satisfying the gay and gay curious not just in the city, but from the surrounding rural countryside besides. The bewildering part of it all, for them, was that they had never had such urges before, and even though they had them now, they were disgusted with them, and with themselves, and ashamed of their most atypical behavior. Figuring the white supremacists had been punished enough, when there was a break in the activity, Brent stepped forward and removed the spell he had put on them. While the boys were coming out of their trance, Brent and his brothers quickly disappeared back into the dense bush. That was when it happened. Six men broke into the clearing as the three skinheads were getting dressed and trying to figure out what had happened. The six had heard rumors about the fag orgy in the park and had spent the last two hours in the local bar talking about the disintegration of the family and the decline in values and morals in America and the corruption that was spreading through their community and getting angrier with each round of beer. They'd finally decided that it was up to them to do something about it. The fight was as brief as it was brutal. Denying that they were gay, which of course was true, only incensed the six antagonists. The three skinheads had gay symbols written and inscribed on their bodies, they were half naked, and they were surrounded by dozens of used condoms in an area adjacent to the gay stroll. The Brewster brothers were used to being teased and bullied, and they were very much aware of the hatred that existed against the gay community, especially from the redneck element that formed a significant percentage of the population in their area, but the young boys had never imagined the depth of the hatred nor the severity of the violence they witnessed that evening. They crouched there in shock as three of the men each grabbed a skinhead from behind and the other three began to punch them. The three victims were no weaklings, and at first the boys thought they'd get the better of the six attackers, but their attackers were no wimps either. When their victims fell to the ground and curled up with blood pouring out of broken noses and the six men began kicking them, the four brothers raced for help. By the time the police arrived, the six attackers had left and the three skinheads had been beaten almost to unconsciousness. The boys would have come forward to identify the attackers, but it wasn't necessary. The skinheads were able to provide descriptions and the six were quickly arrested. The event had shaken up the boys more than any other event in their lives, and had given them cause to think about the attitudes in their community, and their own attitudes. Their first reaction had been guilt. They had been the ones responsible for the skinheads' gay behavior, and so indirectly for their assault. They had been about to swear to never again mete out their own version of punishment of those who were bullies, bigots or righteous snobs, until Brett had pointed out that considering the hate and discrimination the skinheads had been preaching, getting the shit pounded out of them was not really a bad thing. Once again his brothers appreciated his deductive reasoning skills, and his logic made the four of them feel a lot better about what they'd done to the skinheads and to others in the past. Liking themselves to the "Lone Gunmen", a new and short-lived television series that spring about a group of guys who fought evil, they resolved to continue to fight in the interest of justice for the underdog, besides the fact that it was a hell of a lot of fun. The event had also frightened them and for the first time in their lives they had become worried for their own safety, and that of their closest friends. Fortunately they did not dwell on that for long. As Brent had pointed out, they had handled some pretty ferocious adversaries in the past, and as Benny pointed out, they did have some special allies they could call upon for help, not having used up all their wishes and who would probably help even if they had. Besides, as Bobby had observed, they had each other, so it was their enemies who had reason to fear, not them, and to that, his three brothers readily agreed. After getting over their guilt and their fear, they had become incensed, at least for a couple days, during which they had devised the most imaginable punishments for the six attackers that they could, any one of which would have made the men grateful they were safe in jail. Their anger did not last long. It was not their personality to hold grudges or to dwell on revenge. Besides, they were young, and now that school was out, there were too many fun and exciting things to occupy their minds, things they'd been waiting until summer to do, to dwell on the negative. For Brett, one of those things was spending some quality time with Cam Souyong. He'd been immediately attracted to the new immigrant from Thailand the day he'd walked into the Visual Communications class. With his smooth, butterscotch skin, rich brown, almond eyes, and short, dark black hair, the sixteen-year-old was the sexiest thing on two legs that Brett had ever seen, and before the end of the period he had gotten a tremendous hardon just admiring the Asian boy's good looks. Over the subsequent months, he'd gotten to know Cam as a fellow student, and his serious, studious nature, quick wit and sense of humour endeared the Asian boy even more to the fifteen-year-old blond. The Tuesday after the Columbus Day weekend when he'd humped Jason's ass while Jason had given Cam a blow job in the impromptu class orgy and their eyes had met, he'd felt like pushing Jason aside and taking Jason's position before the Thai hottie himself. Then when they had finally sixty-nined on President's Day, that was not the conclusion, but rather, was the beginning of their relationship. "So what do you and Cam have planned for tonight?" asked his twin brother Brent. "Who said I was going out with Cam tonight?" "Who have you gone out with every night since school let out?" Brent responded. "Not every night," Brett objected. "Oh yeah, last Saturday you stayed home." "Because Cam had relatives visiting and couldn't go out," added Benny with a grin. "We didn't go out last Sunday and Monday." "Because we spent the two days with Jerry and his family." "Besides, you didn't spend the last half hour in the shower just to spend the evening with us," observed Brent. "Or drench yourself with Polo Sport cologne," added Bobby. "I didn't drench myself," his older brother objected. "Oh yeah," Bobby replied, wrinkling up his nose. "I didn't put too much on, did I?" Brett asked as he cupped his hands in front of his face and inhaled. "It's all right," assured Brent. "You sure?" "Trust me." "Maybe I should wash some of it off." "Forget it, it's all right." "Besides, you've used up all the hot water." "I could have a cold shower." "Ewwww," responded his three brothers. "You smell cool. And you look cool too," supported Benny. "Honest?" "Of course." Brett checked himself out for the tenth time in the past half hour in the full-length mirror the boys had recently had their dad put up on their closet door. He'd chosen a sleeveless, tapered blue silk shirt with an oriental design of swirls and his black Wrangler jeans with a tube necklace. He leaned in closer to the mirror. Damn, where did that pimple come from? And it was as big as a raspberry! The doorbell rang. "There's your date," observed Bobby. "Cam's not a date," Brett responded defensively. "Whatever." "He's not." "Brett! Cam is here!" called his mother. "She didn't have to shout like that," Brett groaned, rolling his eyes. "What did you expect her to do, announce his arrival with a drum roll?" asked Benny. "A flourish of trumpets?" suggested Brent. "A pealing of bells?" contributed Bobby. "Dinnnnng," chimed Benny. "Donnnng," added Brent. "Bonnnnng," sang Bobby in his high boyish alto. The three boys giggled and highfived as Brett glared at them and gave them the finger before turning and heading for the door. "Don't think Mom would have announced Cam's arrival that way," observed Bobby, and the three brothers collapsed on the floor with laughter. "Would have hunh been huh an accurate description of what you're gonna be doing though," snorted Benny, causing another fit of giggles. "Children," Brett whispered under his breath, rolling his eyes as he headed down the hallway. Thoughts of his brothers vanished with the sight of Cam standing in the living room waiting for him. He was wearing a sleeveless white T with an open, short-sleeved apricot- colored shirt and tight white jeans that clung to his cute, compact ass and bulged invitingly at the crotch. Cam smiled and Brett's legs went limp as he felt an ache in the pit of his stomach, a strange, new longing that was similar to but not one of sexual desire. "Hi." "Hi." Brett grabbed his roller blades out of the hallway closet. "Bye, Mom, Dad." "Have fun, dear," responded his mother. "And stay out of trouble," Barry cautioned with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He knew it was a caution he didn't have to give. "Don't be out too late," added Brenda. "Don't worry, Mrs. Brewster," responded Cam with a smile of his own. "I'll have Brett home by eleven." Brett immediately flushed a bright red and Cam laughed good-naturedly along with Brett's parents. "Why did you have to say THAT?" Brett asked as they headed down the walk. "Because you look so hot when you turn red like that." "Yeah, well, you're looking hot yourself tonight." "So are you," Cam responded as they got in his car. It was fourteen-years-old, the body was rusting, the seats were faded and patched, and it burnt oil, but it was his. He'd bought it himself three months ago and was planning on fixing it up in shop class the coming year. As they headed down the block, Brett wanted to slide over and sit next to Cam, but that would have been too obvious. Besides, that was too syrupy. So would have been paying Cam's way at the skating rink except Brett used helping Cam save money to buy gas as his reason. That made it seem less sexual, though he didn't know why he wanted it to appear sexual, and felt a twinge of guilt for pretending he wasn't hot for the Thai youth. He soon forgot about it as they began skating. For the next two hours the two boys simply enjoyed each other's company and roller blading, no different from any two buddies. At nine they headed over to Taco Bell. Being cheaper than other fast food places, and getting more for your money, it was popular with teens. Picking up a couple grilled stuft beef burritos, a double order of Nachos, and a couple Sprite at the drive through, they ate as they headed to Riverside Drive on the west end of the city. It was a scenic drive with a number of viewpoints and loops along the river, including what was unofficially known as Make Out Point, a secluded wooded spot popular with teenagers that looked out over the river valley. Pulling up beside several other cars, Cam shut off the engine and stretching his right arm out along the back of the seat, he glanced over at Brett. Brett immediately slid along the seat and Cam wrapped his arm about him. "Love your cologne," Cam whispered. "Yeah? Thanks." "And your hair. It's so silky and fine." Cam ran his fingers through Brett's long, blond locks which now extended beyond his shoulders, and he buried his nose in the fine hair. As he'd gotten older and it had gotten longer, it had become straighter. Brett was undecided which made him look sexier, straight hair or permed hair, and he'd found himself spending a lot of time looking in the mirror and wondering which Cam preferred lately. As he turned to look at Cam, Cam's head lowered and the boys' lips met. With breaths smelling of burritos and red sauce and lips tasting of zesty cheddar cheese, the boys kissed a second and third time, each kiss becoming longer and more passionate. As Cam unbuttoned Brett's silk shirt and slipped it off, Brett slipped Cam's shirt over his shoulders and pushed up his sleeveless T, pulling it over the boy's head. He kissed the oriental boy's downy cheek and his neck. His lips skipped lightly over Cam's smooth, butterscotch chest. Crouching down, he kissed his slightly darker nipple and then nibbled on it, causing Cam to squirm with pleasure. Feeling Cam's teat begin to harden, Brett licked it, swirling his tongue around the areola, and then he fastened his lips about it and sucked gently. Cam groaned and quivered and ran his fingers through Brett's hair. Brett's cock began swelling in his new Abercrombie and Fitch briefs. He delighted in turning Cam on. The fifteen-year-old boy squirmed back and hunched up as he continued down the middle of Cam's chest, following the shallow furrow until he came to the boy's tight white trousers. They had been bulging before. Now they were about to burst at the seams. "Let's go in the back," Cam suggested huskily. Drawing the front seats up as far as they would go, the two boys scrambled over them. Brett unbuttoned the top button of Cam's trousers, and pulling down his fly, he pulled the boy's pants down as the sixteen-year-old first raised his rump, and then lifted his legs so Brett could pull them right off along with his shoes. As Cam half sat and half lay on the back seat, Brett squeezed down on the floor and resumed where he'd left off. He kissed and nibbled on the boy's ribs, and then slipping his fingers under the elastic band of his black thong, he eased if off his butt, the front hooking on the teenager's raging hardon. As Cam once again raised his body, Brett pulled up on the skimpy underwear, lifting it up over Cam's straining erection. His loose skin had slid back to form a collar about the engorged knob. Brett immediately lowered his head and kissed the boy's glans, causing his wagging cock to wag all the more vigorously. He nibbled on the dark mushroom-shaped glans, and ran his tongue down the boy's cock shaft. He inhaled the heady fragrance of his warm nut-brown balls and nuzzled his nose in the curly soft hairs of his crotch. As he licked the thick, Thai sausage, Brett trembled with desire and he felt his pre-cum ooze out of his own swollen dick to soak into his new underwear. Cam had oozed out the first of his pre-cum also, and as Brett ran his tongue up the boy's golden-brown cock, more oozed out of his pee slit. Lapping the clear, viscous lube up with the tip of his tongue, Brett savored the sweetness of the sticky teenage offering. More awesome than the exquisite taste was the fact that it was from Cam's body. Cam had produced it, and he had produced it because of him, and for him. What greater gift could there be than that? What greater love could there be? Cam was hot, and the Asian boy was hot for him. He kissed the boy's rigid pole at its base. He nibbled on the shaft, and he pursed his lips and pressed them against the wrinkled nut sack in a hot, wet kiss. The natural spicy fragrance of Cam's crotch filled his lungs, the heady fragrance causing his mind to spin dizzily. He kissed the older boy's thighs, causing him to squirm and stretch his legs out with hot desire. He licked the smooth, hot skin of his inner thigh, causing the Thai boy's cock to jerk uncontrollably until another clear droplet of pre-cum oozed from the slit. Brett brushed his lips against the tip of the boy's dark-skinned cock, smearing his lips with the boy's delightful pre- cum. Squirming up, he kissed Cam on the lips lightly, and then more forcefully. Cam slipped his arms about his lover and drew him close as he tasted his pre-cum on his lover's lips. His tongue snaked out and slipped between the fifteen-year-old's lips. The two boys French kissed and wrapping their arms about each other, pressed their naked chests against each other. With blood hotly pulsating through his veins, Brett once again descended, kissing the now lust-crazed Thai boy on the neck and down along his chest. His moist lips skipped across the boy's flushed skin, kissing him lightly on the all too slow descent to his aching cock. This time Brett slipped his mouth over the boy's glans. He ran his tongue over the firm sponge-head, knowing the pleasure it was causing the teenage boy as he trembled like an aspen leaf and groaned with that combination of pain and pleasure ripping through his cockhead that all boys know. The youth was just over six inches, a fraction longer than Brett, but his dick was more slender than his Caucasian lover's. Brett's long, soft strands of hair fell over his face and caressed Cam's thighs and stomach, his silky strands causing Cam to shiver with arousal and to ooze out still another droplet of pre-cum. Brett continued down, slowly engulfing Cam's throbbing cock until the tip was pressing against the back of his throat. He continued still further, deep-throating the boy with an expertise far beyond his years. Sucking on the exquisite tube-meat until his cheeks were sunken and he'd developed a vacuum, Brett began to work his lips up and down Cam's slender cock, sucking and massaging it at the same time. Cam's breathing became more labored and the sixteen-year-old ran his long fingers through Brett's fine locks, massaging his scalp as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. The pleasure pulsating though his swollen member was not new, and Brett was not the first boy to give him such pleasure, but never before had the pleasure been so intense. In part it was certainly due to the teenage boy's skill, but in a greater part the intensity of the pleasure was simply because it was Brett who was providing it. Slowly and methodically Brett's lips slid up and down Cam's shaft, and the boy's long fingers slipped down and kneaded the younger teenager's shoulders, the butterscotch-brown fingers contrasting with the soft pink skin of the American boy as he massaged the boy's deltoids. The pleasure pulsing through his love pole gradually increased in intensity until it was supplemented by a desire deep down in the boy's loins. That desire began as a numb, vague feeling seemingly just floating between his legs, but gradually it coalesced into a six-inch tube of pulsating, tingling flesh that demanded satisfaction. The ache deep in the pit of his groin extended in a fine filament up the core of his cock, and as it became stronger and stronger, Cam panted and groaned openly with the developing tension. For that last exquisite minute he willed the tension to be over, desiring that sweet pain of ejaculation, and he strained to stop himself from reaching that peak so he could enjoy the present stimulation all the longer. At last he could no longer control his breathing, nor his body. It trembled and he squirmed on the backseat as he drew back, constricting mentally and physically as the tension built. He inhaled deeply and grasped Brett's long hair on each side of his head as mentally he continued to draw back and as he pushed his rump into the seat. Then, suddenly, the tension snapped. With an uncoiling faster than the speed of thought, he felt his cum race up his cock and he pressed forward, raising his hips off the car seat as his cum exploded out of the tip of his cock. It was violent and rapid. Squirt after squirt shot out like machine gun fire. Brett had enough experience not to be caught off guard. He quickly slipped his lips up the boy's shaft as he felt the telltale quiver so that the first blast of hot cum struck the roof of his mouth. Shot after shot erupted from the boy's blood-engorged cock to collect in Brett's mouth. He knew some boys liked it shooting straight down their throat, others liked to swallow it as it shot out, and others did not like it in their mouth at all. He liked to have his partner fill his mouth with his load so he could savor its unique flavor and texture and so he could work his cheeks and feel the viscous load shift over his tongue and his gums and about the delicious tube- meat that had carried it. Only then did he begin to swallow, and of course with the juicy, sticky nature of a teenage's cum, once he began to swallow he had to continue until he'd consumed it all. Finally slipping his lips off Cam's still stiff cock, Brett squirmed back up, and with his breath now smelling of cock and fresh semen, he kissed the sixteen-year-old oriental boy tenderly and with love. Cam slipped an arm about him and drew him close. After several more kisses, Brett slipped down and rested his head on Cam's smooth chest, his long blond hair contrasting with the boy's butterscotch skin. "Oh maaaan, I love you," Brett sighed. "I love you so fucking much." The love he felt was not the result of the hot sex they'd just engaged in. On the contrary, the hot sex was the result of their love. He'd had sex with many boys, and he'd had great sex many times, but sex with Cam was the greatest of them all. That was because what he was feeling came from the heart, not from the loins. Their sex had more to do with the desire to please, and the pleasure that comes from pleasing another, than it had to do with a hormonal rush and thirty seconds of ejaculation. Cam wrapped his arm about Brett still tighter, his butterscotch skin contrasting with the boy's pale flesh. He felt the same way as did Brett. He hadn't had the number of partners Brett had despite being a year older, and he hadn't engaged in anywhere near as many orgies. In fact, unlike in Brett's case, his experiences had never been spur of the moment or for no other reason than the physical delight of sex. Each partner he'd had sex with had been a good buddy and their sex had been the culmination of many small steps. Unlike sex with Brett, however, those experiences had never been with such intensity, nor with such deep feelings. "I love you too, lover," Cam sighed. Lover. The word sent a tingle up Brett's spine and caused his heart to flutter. They were lovers. Despite what he'd said to his brothers, this was a date. They'd gone out together, they'd treated each other, they were at Make Out Point, and they'd just had the most awesome sex he'd ever had. "Really?" he asked, half sitting up and leaning on his elbow as he looked down at the sexy, gorgeous oriental. "You're all I can think of, all I've been able to think of these past few months. I thought for sure I'd fail this year. I couldn't concentrate during classes thinking about seeing you in the breaks. At night when I was suppose to be doing homework or studying for finals my mind would wander and I'd fantasize for hours about making hot, passionate love to you in my bedroom. You are the first thing on my mind when I wake in the morning, and the last thing before I drift off to sleep." "You're all I can think of too," Brett confessed. "I've imagined this night over and over and pictured us making love in every way possible from the moment you asked if I'd like to go roller blading. While I was waiting for you to pick me up, I worried that you'd have an accident or something on the way over. I know that's dumb," Brett said, his cheeks flushing. "But I worry about you a lot, that you might have to move away, that you will find another boy, a hundred things." "There's no chance of me finding someone that I'll love more than you, love," Cam said, bending over and kissing Brett softly on the cheek. Love. That sounded so cool. Brett rested his head back down on Cam's chest and closed his eyes contentedly as Cam massaged his back. Cam was an expert at massages, and Brett had often suggested that would be a great occupation for him to get into, except that he couldn't bear to think of someone else in Cam's arms or receiving one of his massages. Cam's long fingers kneaded his back muscles, moving slowly and expertly, gradually working down to his tight black jeans. Slipping his hands around to the front, he unsnapped the clasp and drew down the zipper. He eased farther down as he slipped his hands inside Brett's jeans and pushed them down his smooth, hairless thighs and his strong calves that had over the past few months developed fine, blond hairs. Despite their cramped conditions, Brett twisted around and half sat up so Cam could remove his jeans all together. He quickly slipped off the boy's white cotton briefs from Finch and Abercrombie. Laying flat on his back, Cam bent his legs and raised them until his feet were touching the roof the car. Placing his hands on his hips to support himself, he walked across the roof until his knees were above his head and his rump was raised in the air. He felt the seat sink as Brett raised himself up, and he felt the boy's hot breath blow against first the crack of his ass, and then directly on his asshole. Seconds later Brett's hot, wet tongue lapped at his hole, sending shivers of arousal up his anus and up his still stiff cock. His fifteen-year-old lover wormed his tongue into his hole, penetrating it, and Cam ached to have his cock deep inside him. He closed his eyes and groaned with ecstasy as Brett rimmed him. Working up a mouth of spittle, Brett pressed his lips tightly against Cam's anus and forced his saliva up the boy's rectum. He worked up a second and third mouthful which he similarly blew up his beloved's eager hole. Spitting in his palm, he smeared his slimy spittle over the knob of his stiff cock. He then knelt behind the eager sixteen-year-old and leaned forward, balancing his weight on his elbows and knees. He reached back and grasping his spittle-slicked cock by the base with his right hand, he leaned forward and placed the tip of his dick against Cam's asshole. Cam immediately relaxed and opened his sphincter. Pausing to catch his breath, Brett slowly pressed forward. The sixteen-year-old youth inhaled deeply, and holding his breath, pushed out. As he felt his lover's thick, hard cock penetrating him, he pushed out all the harder to help him. He looked up into Brett's face, but the boy did not notice, having closed his eyes in his concentration. His young brow knitted as he forced himself forward, ignoring the pain. It was slight, and he knew the pleasure that awaited him would more than make up for it. He knew using KY or something similar would have made it a lot easier, but to have brought lube would have made it appear that he was expecting to fuck Cam's ass, or that Cam was easy. Even though he'd thought about nothing else but fucking Cam, he wanted this to seem natural, not planned. Cam did also. They would learn in time that there was nothing wrong with bringing lube with them, but they were young and still had things to learn. It was not the first time the two teenagers had coupled that way, but it was just as erotic and just as awesome now as the first time Brett had fucked the Asian boy. For Cam, feeling the hot blond stud's cock entering him and looking up at the joy spreading across his lover's face, the pleasure he felt was the combination of his own physical pleasure and the joy one receives in knowing how much he is pleasing another. For Brett, it was exactly the same. As he felt his cock slowly penetrating his lover, the pleasure of having his cock surrounded by hot, moist flesh was doubled by the fact that the sexy oriental youth was offering himself up to him. He was allowing himself to be penetrated, to be fucked. That was love. Brett slowly began to work his hips to and fro and Cam worked his sphincter in time with his motions, constricting his muscle as Brett drew his cock out and relaxing and pushing out as Brett sank his cock in. Cam's asshole itched and throbbed with the same sexual pleasure as Brett's cock. Gradually the pleasure became more intense and the boys began to gyrate their hips, Cam thrusting his hips upward as Brett drove down, and Cam sinking back down as Brett withdrew. The boys began to grunt and their breathing became labored. It was not the sound of fucking. It was the sound of two boys making love. "Oh God, that feels so good," gasped Cam as Brett pounded his ass furiously in a desperate need to release his load. "Oh yes, oh fuck," he gasped. Brett looked down at his glazed hazel eyes and the smile on his face and Cam looked up into the deep blue eyes of his lover. To Cam, it was like looking up into the face of an angel, an angel on the verge of cuming. Brett's lips parted and he licked them as he gasped for breath and pulled his cock out as far as the glans. Tossing his head back, he groaned as he thrust forward and his balls constricted. His teen seed gushed up the core of his rigid cock and spurted deep up the rectum of the sixteen-year-old. Cam grasped him tightly and kissed his cheek as he felt his lover coming up his ass. Brett continued to plow the older teen, thrusting his now numb cock in and out of his hot, moist chamber, his slick cum providing the final lube as his tight balls emptied their load. "Oh love," gasped Cam, drawing him tight. "I wish I could have your baby." "That would be so awesome," sighed Brett as he collapsed on top of the boy, their chests heaving and their hot breaths fanning each other. It was great to be a teenager and in love. The fifteen-year-old boy closed his eyes and sighed contentedly. "So what do you think Brett?" asked Brent. He looked over at his twin brother. "Brett?" he asked a second time, having received no response. "Hello, earth to Brett," called Benny. "Come back to earth Brett!" "He's hopeless." "Hey, Brett," called Bobby, plopping down beside him and groping his crotch. "Hmmm?" the fifteen-year-old responded, looking at his brothers blankly. "And what have you been dreaming about, as if we don't know," Brent greeted with a grin. "He's so fucking awesome," sighed Brett. "Yeah, yeah, we know already," responded Bobby. "Jezz," he sighed in exasperation as he rolled his eyes. "So what did you ask?" the love-struck teenager asked. "Should we have a parade on Pride Day or not?" "All the sites we found mentioned a parade." "Yeah, but we know fuck all about organizing a parade." "It can't be that hard." "Parades got parade marshals. Who we gonna get to be the parade marshal of a gay parade?" "Someone gay of course." "Like who?" "Someone famous." "And who do you know who is gay and famous." "Steven Spielberg." "He's not gay." "But he quit the boy scouts because he supports gays being in scouts." "He didn't quite the scouts. He quit the advisory board." "Same thing." "He's not going to come here anyway, not for that." "How about Steven Cozza?" "Just because he's a cofounder of Scouting for All it don't mean he'd come here and lead a parade." "There's that James Dale, the assistant troop leader and Eagle Scout from New Jersey we read about who was ousted for being gay." "This isn't a parade for a gay scout troop," objected Benny. "There's already a committee to fight for our troop to join the scouting for all movement." "How about Joe Clark? He's leading the parade in Calgary." "Oh fuck yeah! It'd be fucking awesome to have a former Prime Minister lead our parade." "He's not going to come to the States to do that." "There's that Oscar Wilde we read about on the net." "He's dead." "He is?" "Well, I think so." "I know, k.d. lang." "Who's he?" "It's a she. She's a singer." "I never heard of her." "She's a western singer." "No wonder I never heard of her." "But she's a woman." "So?" "So how can she be gay?" "She likes girls." "Oh." "How about that other western singer who was in the paper a while ago." "Who?" "I dunno. I think his band was called the Outband." "Doug Stevens," Benny responded. "Yeah, that's the guy." When it came to sexual facts, you could always rely on Benny. "People around here love country and western." "Okay, we got marshals. Now what about floats? Who's gonna put a float in a gay parade?" "The drug stores for sure," observed Brett. "The drug stores? Why?" "To advertise safes." "Hey, yeah, great thinking," said Benny, giving his older brother an appreciative look. "And all this time you thought I was just the cute one in the family." The boys looked at each other, and with a grin, responded with a uniform "no." "Fuck you all." "Later," responded Bobby. "We got to organize this gay day stuff first." "So what can we do for fund raisers?" "We could give everyone prune juice during the parade and then charge ten bucks to use the porta potties at the carnival." "Com'on Bobby, be serious." "I was," Bobby responded with an angry glare, insulted that his brothers thought otherwise. "So we gonna have a carnival too, like some of them sites we looked up said they did?" "Sure. Carnivals can be loads of fun," observed Brent, and the boys thought of the past carnivals and fund raisers they'd arranged and the loads that they'd shot. They began to do some serious planning. Brett volunteered to try and get the country and western singers, which he figured would impress Cam, being interested in music and all. Brent offered to look after arranging for a parade, figuring he could rely on his dad's expertise and contacts, and Benny figured he and his mom could come up with some afternoon activities. With a gleam in his eyes, Bobby said he and Aaron would arrange for a major fundraiser that would be the hit of the day, but wouldn't say anything more than that. When there was a problem to be solved, the Brewster boys got right down to it well, for a while, until their minds got distracted, or they got horny, which was what usually distracted them in the first place. Another Brewster trait was that when there some something controversial, they were usually right in the middle, and their decision to support gay rights was certainly controversial. Over the ensuing weeks, there were many heated conversations throughout the community, and many reasons were suggested as to why they should drop the whole idea. However, the more opposition the boys encountered the more determined they became to push ahead, and the more it became evident that gay rights was an issue in their community, the more Barry and Brenda supported their boys. "You might as well stay in bed tomorrow," advised thirteen-year-old Andrew Jones with a cocky grin as he looked over at Benny. "We're gonna wipe the field with you wimps." "Yeah," chimed in his eleven-year-old kid brother smugly. The two thirteen-year-old boys had been attending the U14 Banker Hall Soccer Camp for the week, a summer day camp set up by Banker Hall for the city and surrounding rural district for boys who would qualify for the U14 teams August first. It was the last day for the five-day camp, and starting tomorrow, Saturday, was the big weekend playoff. "Oh yeah?" retorted Benny, stepping up to Andrew and purposefully raising his arms and clasping his hands behind his head to give the arrogant snob a whiff of his armpits. "Big talk coming from someone who still needs his mom to wipe his nose." "Yeah? We'll see." "We will." "Those two are such losers," observed Bobby as he and his brother headed home. "They give me a royal pain you know where." "Yeah, me too," agreed Benny. "I don't care if we win the tournament this weekend, as long as we beat out Emerson Hill." "You will," Bobby said confidently, slipping an arm about his brother's waist. The next morning, the eight teams paired up. Crestview Heights Cougars won their morning tournament, and Emerson Hill Eagles won their afternoon game. Sunday morning the four winning teams paired up and the four losing teams paired up for the B event with again Crestview and Emerson winning their games, which meant they would be playing each other for the top prize Sunday afternoon. It was a hot, sweltering Sunday that last Sunday in June, and the coaches agreed that instead of two periods of forty-five minutes, they would give the boys a fifteen minute break half way through each period. The two teams were evenly matched, and by the end of the first quarter of play, neither had scored a goal and both desperately needed a break they had played so hard. "Thought you were going to wipe the field with us," taunted Benny as they headed off the field. "Wait til the next quarter," replied Andrew. "We got your butts draggin' already." "Oh yeah? We're gonna run circles around you clowns next quarter." "Wanna bet!" "Sure," responded Benny, his hazel eyes lighting up. "What you got in mind?" Andrew could have kicked himself for what he'd just said. His cousin Jason had warned him about making bets with the Brewster boys. Of course he hadn't meant it as wanting to bet, but saying what he'd really meant, that there was no way the Cougars were going to run circles around them, would just seem like he was trying to weasel out of making a wager. "The winning team has to buy the losing team ice cream cones," Andrew replied, deciding to make the best out of it rather than explain he had not really meant they should make a bet. "Triple headers." "Deal." The second quarter saw both teams try even harder, not just because they were longtime competitors, nor because of the treat for the winners, but because making the other team pay for the treat would be wicked. Despite the Cougar's strong defence, the Eagles scored two goals. "Wanna make the second half more interesting?" asked Benny as they headed off the field for half time. "How?" Andrew asked suspiciously. "Besides buying ice cream, the losing team has to march in the Gay Pride Parade next Saturday." "No f'n way!" "Scared you're gonna lose, huh?" "Of course not." "But not sure enough to make a bet." "We're not marching in no fag parade," Andrew responded firmly. "For sure. What would people think," agreed one of his buddies. "Besides, my dad said we should be running all fairies out of town, not doing something to make them want to stay," observed Trenton Hays, one of the taller and more athletic Emerson Hills boys with thick honey blond hair, blue-green eyes and long, fine eyelashes. "Bet you fems are going to be right in there marching with them," Andrew suggested, looking down his nose at Benny. "They're playing like a bunch of girls," teased a fourth player and the team leaned on each other for support as they broke into laughter. "Well, you're just a bunch of chicken shits," Benny's best buddy and assistant team captain Justin Fording replied. "Yeah cluck cluck cluck," one of the Eagles responded, tucking his hands in his pits and flapping his arms as he strutted about like a chicken. "Should be Emerson Chickens, not Eagles," said another, and it was the Cougars' turn to high-five and hoot with amusement. "If we lose we'll march in drag," offered Benny. What "in drag" meant had to be explained to half the players, upon which the Cougars suddenly shut up, and the Eagles quickly agreed. Having to march in a fag parade would be devastating to the macho thirteen-year-old boys, but to march dressed up like girls would be doubly devastating. For the Eagles, to see their longtime rivals and lowbrow competitors not just march in the parade, but dressed as girls would be hilarious and the ultimate in one-upmanship. For the Cougars, they would love nothing more than to see the snobbish, sanctimonious uptown boys having to march in a gay parade. The two teams had been competitors as far back as anyone could remember, older brothers passing down the torch to younger year after year. Besides, those living in the richer and older Emerson Hills district, no matter what their age or sex, thought they were better than those living in the less affluent Crestview Heights community, and adults and sons and daughters alike took every opportunity they could to prove it. "The Eagles are really going to kick ass the second half," announced Daniel Jones, Andrew's eleven-year-old brother, as the teams headed back onto the field. "Kiss ass did you say?" responded Bobby with a wide innocent look, the eleven-year-old being there with his twin brothers to cheer on Benny and his team. "You heard what I said." "Lick ass," Bobby observed definitively. "Up yours," responded Daniel, his temper building. "Deal. If the Eagles win I bend over for you, but if the Cougars win you gotta let me do you." "Agreed," responded Daniel, accepting the challenge without considering what he was saying. Having been waiting for a chance to get back at Bobby for having fucked him last Boxing Day and seeing this as the perfect opportunity, he had blurted out his acceptance without weighing the consequences. There was just something about Bobby Brewster that made his blood boil and his mind to take a holiday. "And if the Cougars win you also got to lick the ass of each person who scores," added Bobby, knowing Daniel was so mad he'd agree to anything and taking full advantage of the uptown boy's quick temper. "Same for you when the Eagles win," retorted the confident eleven-year-old. "Right on the butthole. You already got two to do." "What about you guys, you wanna make a bet on the game?" asked Brent, looking at the four boys beside him, Jason Smythe-Jones and his buddy Conrad Blackwell, and James Forsythe and his buddy Danny Maartens. There was no love lost between the twins and the four teens. "With you and your brother? Forget it," responded Jason, Andrew and Daniel's older cousin. He knew better than to place a bet with a Brewster from bitter experience. Ever since the twins had disguised themselves as girls and had tricked him and Conrad into double dating them over a year ago Jason did not trust them. "What's the matter, don't got no faith in your little cousin?" asked Brett. "You kidding? The Eagles could beat the Cougars with one hand tied behind their back." "Benny said they got a bet the losing team has to march in next Saturday's parade. What about it? Me and Brett will make the same bet with the four of you. If the Cougars win the four of you gotta march, and if the Eagles win, we'll march." "Unless you're too chicken," added Brett, knowing those were fighting words. "Think we're that dumb we're gonna fall for that?" retorted Danny. "Everyone knows you two wimps and your brothers are the ones pushing for this stupid Gay Pride Day." "Yeah, you're gonna be marching in it anyway," agreed his best buddy James, mincing and flipping his wrist. "So we'll take you up on your dumb bet," said Jason suddenly. "Provided when the Cougars lose you gotta wear pink jockstraps and carry signs saying I'm a fag and proud of it." "And skip down the street singing the fairy song," added Danny, who along with his best friend James Forsythe, had been looking for a chance to get even with the twins ever since Bastille Day. "Fairy song?" "You know. I don't go out with girls no more, I don't intend to marry, I just go out with boys my age, weee I'm a fairy," Danny Maartens replied in a singsong voice, and his three buddies laughed. "Deal. And if you lose, we get to pick out your costumes." "You're on." The eight boys turned their attention back to the game. With the long-standing competition between the teams, the Eagles and Cougars always played hard against each other, and with the high stakes now, they played even harder. Sweat beaded on the foreheads of the thirteen-year-old boys, and their soccer jerseys were developing large stains around their pits and down their backs. By the end of the third quarter, the Eagles had scored a third and fourth goal, and the Cougars had managed to get one, much to the delight of Jason and his friends and to the dismay of the Brewster brothers. "Maybe we should call in that last wish with Ali," observed Bobby, referring to the Genie the boys had found during summer camp the previous year. "Or use a spell from your book," suggested Brett, referring to the spell book Brent had found after the boys had been attacked by four demons seeking revenge one Halloween. "That would be cheating," Brent observed. "Yeah, you're right," his twin brother agreed with a sigh. "Yeah, Benny's got to win this fair and square," agreed Bobby as he looked at the huddle of Cougars out on the field. "Geez, I'm not dressing up like a girl and marching in no f'n fag parade," observed one of the Cougars worriedly as they gathered around their captain after the pep talk by their coach. "We made a bet," one of them observed. "Well, yeah," the first boy agreed. "Hey, we're gonna beat those suckers. Benny's our captain, and he's never let us down." "Yeah," agreed several others. "And we ain't gonna let him down. We're a team." "Right," several more chimed in, and the hot, sweaty boys formed a circle about their captain and cheered, even more pumped up then after the pep talk by their coach, who was standing on the sidelines and smiling, proud of his boys and surprised his little talk had buoyed them up so. "So how we gonna score four fuckin' goals and stop them from scoring any in twenty-two minutes when we've only managed one in sixty-seven minutes?" the boy who'd spoken first asked, having faith in his captain, but not in miracles. "This way," said Benny, calling his team into a huddle. He knew things were desperate, and when things were desperate you had to take risks. He also knew how guys like those on the Eagles team thought. As they listened, his teammates could not believe what he was proposing, but considering how deep they were in already, plus their faith in him from past pranks and assorted shenanigans, they decided to take a chance. As Benny approached the captain of the opposing team, he hoped he was right and the team's faith in him wasn't misguided. "What the fuck you think he's doing?" asked Danny as he and the others watched from the sidelines. "Probably offering his congratulations already," responded James and the two boys high- fived. "Or begging to be let out of their bet," suggested Conrad, and his three buddies all chuckled in agreement. "You two better start practising your singing," observed Jason, and the four boys laughed as they looked at the Brewster twins smugly. Each of them had a very good reason to want to get back at the blond twins, and it was looking very certain that they finally were going to do so. "Oh yeah?" responded Brett. "Well, the game isn't over yet. Want to make the last quarter really interesting?" "You don't really think the Cougars got a chance of winning?" Jason asked with a snort. As several adults joined the growing audience to watch the last quarter, Brett motioned for the group to huddle and he whispered his proposal. Normally suspicious of the Brewster brothers, upon hearing what he had to say the four boys supporting the Eagles threw caution to the wind and agreed. That the stupid Brewsters would suggest raising the stakes when their team was trailing by three points and with just twenty-two minutes left in the game just showed how naive they were when it came to sports, something the four boys had been claiming for years. Besides being certain they were going to win, what Brett was proposing he and his brother would do if they lost would go a long way toward making up for the abuse they'd suffered because of the brothers. Brett had no idea what Benny had in mind, but he had faith in his brother, enough faith to make the outlandish proposal he'd made. He also knew his foils well enough that he had no doubt they'd readily agree to the bet. They had been pretty quiet since Boxing Day, but lately they'd been getting bolder and starting with their teasing and bullying once again. The four had this desperate need to look good, and making fun of the twins seemed to be their favourite way of doing so. Following his older brother's lead and having faith in his judgement, Bobby proposed a change in his bet with Daniel, who like his cousin, was so confident his brother's team was going to win and was so eager to humiliate and debase Bobby that he readily agreed to the change. When the game resumed, the Cougars scored a goal in the first five minutes, which really didn't concern the Eagles nor their supporters, especially when the Eagles made a strong come back and scored their fifth score. That was the beginning of their undoing. Being overconfident, the Eagles got careless, and the Cougars scored their third goal for the game three minutes after that and five minutes later scored their fourth. What had looked like a runaway game for the Eagles was suddenly very close. With ten minutes left to play, the two teams played for all they were worth, much to the delight of the crowd. Dark, wet triangles stained the backs and fronts of their bright soccer uniforms, and their shorts were sticking to their sweat-drenched bodies. Every one of the thirty players, the twenty-two on the field and the eight replacements on the benches, was beginning to feel his muscles growing weaker and weaker by the minute, but especially the fifteen Eagles. In their zeal to beat the Cougars, the Eagles had forgotten one of the basic strategies of any athletic sport. They had gone all out for the first hour, and now they were beginning to drag, compared to the Cougars who had been pacing themselves, and which resulted now in a tying score. That had been one of the things Benny had been counting on when he'd made his desperate plea with his team to up the stakes in the middle of the second half. It was because of those stakes that the two teams had played especially hard the last ten minutes. Time slowly ticked by with neither team being able to make a score against the other. Two minutes left, one, forty-five seconds. Justin received the ball from Benny and headed toward the Eagle's goal posts. They swarmed after him like bees after honey. He passed it to Benny and certain the captain of the team would try to make the winning goal, the Eagles swerved and headed to cut him off. Instead, he passed the ball right back to Justin, who raced past the befuddled boys and scored the Eagle's sixth goal. There was fifteen seconds left. The Eagles made a valiant attempt to score, but there was not enough time to come back. The look of utter despair and devastation on the faces of the Emerson Hills Eagles and the ecstatic grins of the wildly cavorting Crestview Heights Cougars had nothing to do with losing or winning, or the triple-scoop ice-cream cones the Cougars had been promised, though that was what the adults assumed was the cause of the boys' behaviour. That it was the bets the boys had made the adults would find out soon enough, at least the second bet the boys had made at half time. There was no way the boys were going to be able to keep that a secret. Although many parents on both sides would not like what the boys had wagered, and many of the parents of the Eagles would do their best to get their sons out of the agreement, it was highly unlikely any of the boys on the winning side would relent. As for the bets made during the break after the third quarter, those the boys were not about to reveal, and they could only hope their parents, and their peers, would never find out about them. The following Friday night the fifteen members of the two teams and eight of their supporters did not get much sleep, half dreading the next day more than anything they had ever dreaded before, and half with just as great anticipation. The parade began at ten o'clock Saturday morning with the local police leading in anticipation of trouble. Immediately behind them came the parade marshal, who ended up being Barry Brewster's boss, Henry Farnsworth. In the weeks prior to the parade he and James Forsythe had clashed repeatedly about celebrating Gay Pride Day, just as they had clashed over the promotion of a scouting for all movement for the local scout troop. With a vacancy having come up on town council, they were both campaigning for the seat, the more progressive Farnsworth taking the side of minority rights, including those of the gay population, while the ultraconservative Forsythe took the side of family and church values. Farnsworth promoted the fact that Wecare Pet Supplies was an employer who recognized all rights, from the feminist movement for equal rights for women to the racial issue of rights for blacks and the religious issue that all faiths had a right to practice their beliefs. He was hoping to get elected on a platform of respecting the rights of others to have different values and recognition of the growing diversity of the community. Forsythe, on the other hand, promoted the fact that his company supported family values above all else, and he knew in this conservative town that he had the support of the churches and many influential individuals. So, in the ensuing debate, Henry Farnsworth became the parade marshal, while James Forsythe and his supporters were waiting by the town hall with their placards opposing those who practised any alternative life style. Next came the commercial floats, and being in the heart of red-neck country, there were only a dozen, and most came from out of town, including the state PFLAG organization, GALUS, the Gay and Lesbian University Students Club, the county health clinic who had entered a float featuring safe sex and AIDS, a Bear group from upstate, and the Metropolitan Community Church promoting tolerance and recognition of gay marriages. Those from in town included a floral shop, the one and only adult store, Exotic Features, and the Committee for Scouting for All. They were followed by a flat bed with Doug Stevens and the Outband performing with k.d. lang, who having come from small red-neck communities themselves, were clearly enjoying themselves. Behind them marched a small crowd of the gay community and their supporters, including grade four teacher and cubmaster Mark Aldin who was sympathetic toward the gay community and his two sons Sam and Joshua, the high school biology teacher Anthony Kurtz whom the boys and a select group knew was bisexual, the lawyer Harold Bingham and his wife and gay son Wally who had come out to his parents but was otherwise still closeted, the Goldstein family in support of the Brewsters and against any type of discrimination, Mister and Mrs Hollis with their son Billy and his goth friend Mordock, who had brought several other goth friends, some of whom those watching the parade debated if they were male or female and all raising their eyebrows and commenting on their piercings, makeup, and possible sexual orientation, William and Joe, whom many high school and college students knew as long time lovers, Sherry Anders, one of the few lesbians that the boys knew, and the elderly Mike Wolenski and Alex Burns who had found each other on Veteran's Day, thanks to the Brewster boys. Bringing up the rear, and looking very unhappy about it were the Emerson Hills Eagles in their soccer jerseys and shorts. All fifteen members showed up, mainly in support of each other, and because no matter how embarrassing it was, they were not going to be accused of welshing on a bet. There were also a few who knew if they did not show up they'd be targets for the Brewster brothers. They stared straight ahead, glaring at the marchers in front of them and getting madder and madder and turning redder and redder with each step as they were cheered and jeered by the students at Crestview Heights Junior and Senior High schools. Even though almost everyone knew they were marching because of the bet, something they and their parents had broadcast vigorously, that did little to sooth their bruised egos and fragile masculinity. They knew there would be those who would not believe it had anything to do with a bet, and there would be rumours as to which of them were gay, and which were fag lovers. Although the students and adults had heard rumours about the Eagles participation, few had known about the bet that the twins had made. To their amazement, and for the students amusement, marching along with the fifteen glowering and humiliated thirteen-year-olds were fifteen-year-old Jason and Conrad in full drag, complete with wigs and make up. The dark- haired, handsome Jason was wearing a black wig with a modern cut, and a bright red, backless and low-cut gown with a slit up the side that revealed underneath he was wearing frilly white panties with red hearts. Conrad, wearing a blond wig to match his real hair colour, was dressed in a skimpy, frilly blouse that showed his midriff, and a miniskirt that showed off his shapely, smooth legs. Beside them marched Danny and his best buddy James, the two sixteen-year-olds stylishly dressed in studded collars, leather and chain harnesses, and leather pants so tight they could barely walk, all purchased from Erotic Features by a college friend of Justin's older brother. Although the four strutted and pretended to be putting on an act, there were many in the crowd who were not so certain it was pretense, and there were a significant number who had to drop their hands to cover up their crotches as a result of seeing the four handsome teenage studs walking by. The high school girls largely stared in shock, those who had the hots for the four boys because of their athletic builds or their social position devastated by the possibility that the boys they had the hots for were gay, and those the boys had been hitting on lately wondering if they were only being used as covers for the boys' real interests. James Forsythe senior, who had been informed by his son about the bet with the Brewster brothers, made the best of the situation, telling his friends, colleagues and anyone who would listen that his son and his three friends were actually satirizing the gay life style and its perversity, knowing that many would not believe it if he told the truth that they were doing it as a result of a bet. As it was, he knew there would be doubters, so when the parade passed city hall he put on a show of support for the four boys. The majority bought his story, many out of respect for him, and most because they sincerely believed that homosexuality was a big city thing, and homosexuals did not exist in their little town. Joining him in James Forsythe's protest in front of city hall was Billy Graham who had it in for the Brewster brothers and was still trying to convince everyone he was not as inadequately hung as everyone figured from someone, one of the Brewsters he suspected, having iced his dick way back in October of last year. Reverend Bentley, who still did not know his son was gay and who had preached many sermons on the sin of homosexuality was there, as was the openly prejudiced Wilson Carter who carried a sign that said "The Gay Way is Not God's Way". Father O'Rilley, who really had no choice but to protest considering the position of the Catholic Church but who had a secret craving for young boys, and Martha Richards who recited passages from the bible as the parade passed, along with a few representatives from the Catholic School Board and a handful of redneck farmers and ranchers from the surrounding rural community made up the rest of the protest group. Despite the protesters, Barry and Brent were pleased with the success of their first ever Gay Pride parade and wee already thinking about next year. The parade ended at Murray Park where members from the surrounding countryside and smaller rural communities had set up a farmer's market, taking advantage of the anticipated crowd and inquiring tourists who would not otherwise have come into town had it not been for the planned festivities and the controversial parade. Always eager to show off their creations and make a few extra dollars, assorted craftsmen had set up booths, and having heard about the Gay Day celebrations, a number of entrepreneurs from around the state had come in the hopes of making some money besides, resulting in a surprising number of booths selling jewellery, gay trinkets and symbols, and sexually oriented merchandise. In a surprising show of support, or more likely good marketing sense, the Hunts had set up a stand selling gingerbread men and women with pink icing underwear and under the table popsicles in the shape of penises and labia. It had turned out to be a beautiful day for a family picnic and an opportunity to wander about the farmers' market and craft tables. A tent had been set up where representatives from the county health clinic, PFLAG, GALUS, and other gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered groups along with Reverend Bentley, Father O'Rilley and a minister from the Metropolitan Community Church were scheduled to make presentations and participate in a panel on gay rights. Between the parade, the nice day and the other attractions at the park, there was much more interest than had been anticipated and the large carnival tent was packed to capacity, much to Brenda Brewster's delight. Benny was not there to witness the success of his contribution to the day. While the adults were listening to lectures or visiting the crafts booths, Benny and most of the youth from Crestview Heights Elementary, Junior and Senior High schools besides a few students from the Catholic schools had congregated at the other end of the park where unbeknownst to the adults, another large tent had been set up in the bushes. What else the adults did not know, was that during the third quarter break when they were leading four to one the Eagles had bet with the Cougars that the losing team would do a full Monty that afternoon. What the Eagles did not know, was that the Cougars had been told by their captain that they could invite whomever they wanted to the performance if they won. Watching the high and mighty Eagles do a strip dance combined with the knowledge that they would be the ones performing if they lost was motivation enough for the thirteen-year-old Cougars to do their best on the field, and the thought of being able to invite others to watch the arrogant upperclass snobs bare everything had given them the extra edge they'd needed to win. The Eagles had headed to the tent as soon as they'd finished their picnic lunch, eager to get their ordeal over with. Questioning why such a large tent, they accepted Benny's explanation that it had been donated along with the other tent the adults were in, which was true. He just did not add that they'd had a choice in sizes. Turning on the tape they'd brought and turning up the volume to block out the noise of the growing audience, Benny and his brothers could not wait for the show to begin. Thinking they were going to be performing before the fifteen members of the Cougars, the fifteen Eagles stared in shock when Benny pulled back the curtain and they saw not just the Cougars, but a tent jammed with boys and girls ranging in age anywhere from eight to sixteen, including some of their classmates. The boys objected loudly and flatly refused to perform even when Benny pointed out that there had been no mention who the losing team was to perform for. Of course their refusal to strip did not go over well with the crowd who had been looking forward to this all week. They immediately began to boo and hiss and make assorted rude comments about the dependability and integrity of the students at Saint Joseph Middle school and the residents of Emerson Hills in general. When it became evident if they did not keep up their end of the bargain they were going to be branded as losers who did not keep their promises, and would likely be mob stripped if they didn't hurry up and do something, the boys reluctantly agreed to continue. So, to the tune of "Shake It" sung by Aaron Carter and selected by Benny, the fifteen upper class young boys from Emerson Hills in their forest green soccer jerseys and gold nylon soccer shorts began to gyrate and slowly remove their clothes, much to the amusement and hooting of their audience. Glancing at each other so they were not the first, they slowly drew off their jerseys, revealing their thin boyish chests. Although they were all athletic, a couple were clearly on the heavier side, and a couple were skinnier than average so that their ribs were clearly showing, and although all were thirteen, some were well into their adolescence and others to their chagrin had not yet entered puberty. Ranging in height anywhere from four-foot-eight to five- foot-six, and weighing anywhere from seventy-five pounds to a hundred-and-thirty, they represented a wide cross section of thirteen-year-olds. What they all had in common were their smooth, hairless chests and thin arms, and the look of embarrassment in their eyes. Having never performed a strip tease before, and having never even seen one, they moved awkwardly and paid little attention to the rhythm of the music as they eased off their runners, and raised their feet to pull off their socks. Amidst cries of "take it off" and "shake it" they slowly eased down their soccer shorts as one, glancing again at each other, and slowly stepped out of them, revealing an assortment of boxers and briefs from stylish silk boxers from Abercrombie and Fitch to plain white BVD briefs. Encouraging them to swing their butts in time with the music and criticising their dancing, the girls in particular were vocal in calling for them to remove their last article of clothing. Already blushing a bright crimson and wishing they could die on the spot being seen in their underwear, they turned their backs to the crowd as they had planned earlier in the week, and as one the shamefaced boys pushed down their underwear, revealing an assortment of butts of different sizes, but all pink, smooth, and boyishly compact. As they bent over to step out of their underwear the audience went wild, giggling and hooting and clapping along with assorted catcalls. The fifteen boys, accustomed to being envied for their position on the Emerson Hills soccer team and each of them proud that they came from rich and powerful families compared to others of lower fortunes, had never been laughed at in all their lives. The stood there glaring straight ahead with anger and embarrassment like they had never felt in their young lives. Of course the appreciative audience called for them to turn around as Benny and his brothers quickly grabbed the discarded underwear and tossed the boys' briefs and boxers into the wildly cheering crowd. Having no intention of turning around, they desperately glanced around for their discarded clothing and stooped to pick them up. Holding their clothes before their crotches and over their butts, they crab-walked and partially turned to escape out the side flap. To their dismay, they found a crush of audience blocking the exit. As they slowly turned, they discovered that the audience had parted under direction of the Brewster brothers so that the only way out was going to be directly through the crowd of cheering, giggling, and leering youth. In his flustered embarrassment, one of the boys dropped one of his runners, and as he made an attempt to grab it, he dropped the jersey he had been holding, revealing his privates for all to see. As he quickly crouched down and covered himself up, a second had the same misfortune as he tried to hold his jersey, runners, socks, and trousers in front and behind him. In their hurry and excitement the entire team seemed to become all thumbs. Some of the boys were well endowed with generous growths of fine pubic hairs, others had the fine silky hairs of boys just entering adolescence, and still others had the tiny pink dinks and balls and hairless pubes of boys who had not yet entered puberty. Amidst the thunderous applause of their audience, they finally made a hurried exit, futilely holding their clothes before and behind them. Giggling with excitement and merriment, the crowd of youngsters headed back to the other side of the park where more fun had been promised. Bobby and Aaron had come up with the idea for a pie throwing and pie eating contest as two fund raisers and had spent the weeks leading up to June thirtieth lining up participants, relying on their boyish smiles and charms or their intended victim's weakness to get them to agree. Planned for three that afternoon to coincide with the end of the lectures, the crowd took their places before the stage beside the lecture tent. Cole Bentley, the eighteen-year-old gay son of Reverend Bentley, and three teachers, thirty-seven-year-old Steve West who was also known by the students as Ol'Foghorn because of the way he hollered orders when the busses unloaded, hunky twenty-six-year-old Mike Harris, the junior high physical education teacher, and their elementary school principal Harold Bayer had been convinced to participate in the pie throwing contents after hints that if they didn't support the fundraiser, certain unmentioned secrets would be revealed. Bobby and Aaron were referring of course to the sexual escapades the men had unwittingly engaged in sometime in the past as a result of the Brewster boys' pranks. Coach Jack Vardy from the high school, known as Sergeant Major Vardy for his no-nonsense discipline, was enticed to participate because junior high coach and physical education teacher Mike Harris was participating. To the crowd's surprise but in keeping with the theme of the day, the five men emerged from the change tent wearing nothing more than sexy black bikini thongs. With the exception of Harold Bayer, who was short, balding and developing a spare tire, the others did not look that bad, and a couple looked hot enough to be posing for a Playgirl magazine, or a gay beefcake mag. Cole's smooth, hairless chest and youthful though somewhat chubby looks contrasted sharply with the muscular and hairy Jack Vardy who would look great in leathers and with a whip with his rugged good looks. Mike Harris's body was just as muscular but younger and less hairy and caught the attention of most of the female crowd, married and unmarried, besides a number of gay men. Even Steve West, whose body was flabbier and softer than the bodies of the two jocks, was not that bad looking. For a dollar each, participants could purchase a banana cream or chocolate cream pie donated by the local bakery to toss at one of the five men, the owners of the bakery, unbeknownst by the community, being a gay couple. Of course there was a constant stream of students and former students eager to pie the teachers, and the righteous Cole Bentley. The men's faces and chests were just as popular as their crotches and butts. In time there wasn't an exposed patch of skin to be seen from the top of their heads to their toes, after which it became a contest to see who could layer on the most cream pie. When everyone who wanted to had a chance to pie the five men, Bobby called upon the five men who had agreed to participate in the pie eating contest. The boys' two-hundred-and- eighty pound bus driver, James Blackburn, who was only a week away from his forty-third birthday, would normally have entered a pie eating contest without a moment's hesitation, but for an event organized by a boy whom he considered the spawn of the devil himself, he had been very suspicious, and it was not until Bobby had hinted that he knew something about him and Steve West that others might find interesting that he had agreed. Similarly, Sven Bjornson, the elementary school caretaker, wanted nothing to do with the contest until Bobby hinted that he knew about him and the school principal. In both cases the sexual activities being implied had once again been the result of pranks by the Brewster brothers, and although Bobby had hinted he had evidence that he could use, he never came right out and said he had it, or that he'd use it. Fat Arnold Bester, who was going into grade eleven with the twins, had not asked any questions when asked to participate, nor had the twin's bisexual high school biology teacher, Anthony Kurtz, who was eager to support the town's first gay event. The last participant, recently-arrived twenty-eight-year-old Lance Cross, the athletic social worker who had been hired to manage the new YMCA and who'd been given an erection while MC'ing the events on President's Day courtesy of the Brewster brothers, was too new and gullible to know to suspect the Brewster boys, and besides, he saw it as a way to get himself better known in the community. He had no idea just how well known he was going to become. When the men found out this was no ordinary pie eating contest, James Blackburn and Lance Cross immediately tried to back out of their agreement, but when Bobby and Aaron observed they would not want to be either of the men when their friends and the community found out what spoil sports they were, both saw the wisdom of going ahead with the contest. Sven Bjornson and Anthony Kurtz, on the other hand, eagerly stepped forward with large grins, the two of them having already picked the two men they planned on licking clean. Arnold Bester was not certain what was happening, and looked about uncertainly, unable to believe the pie he'd been eagerly anticipating eating was that plastered all over another guy's body. Sven having stepped up to Harold Bayer, and Anthony Kurtz having stepped up to Cole Bentley, Bobby naturally paired up Steve West with James Blackburn, fat Arnold with Jack Vardy, and Lance Cross with Mike Harris. Those watching were given twenty minutes to bet on who they thought would clean up their partner the fastest. Those who picked the winner would split half of all the money bet after the winner had been given his share, and the rest would be put aside toward doing something in the community to support those living an alternate life style. At Bobby's signal, the five began to lick the pie from the faces of their hapless partners, much to the merriment of those watching. Bjornson and Kurtz began eagerly, and after a moment, his love of food won over and Arnold joined them just as willingly. Blackburn and Cross attacked their two pie-coated partners with far less enthusiasm, much to the complaint of those who'd bet on them, many having figured the obese Blackburn and young Cross to have an advantage over the others. As the men proceeded down the necks of their partners and began to lick and suck the pie off their chests, the interest by the crowd began to grow. Kurtz had it easy licking off Cole's smooth chest and was soon sucking and thoroughly cleaning the boy's hard, tingling teats. Arnold, on the other hand, found a thick mat of hair under his pie, which as he licked it off, became plastered to Vardy's muscular chest. Those who had it in for one or more of the ten men nudged their friends and grinned broadly with amusement as they watched the men engaging in the symbolic and suggestive homosexual act. The five doing the eating skipped the two obvious areas that everyone was waiting to watch, and began to lick up the cream pie from the men's feet and legs, which for a number of those watching, was just as erotic. By the time the five men had worked back up to their partner's crotches, more than a few men in the audience were sporting erections. Remembering their hot sex together in the bus, both Steve West and James Blackburn were among the first of the participants to get boned. To Steve West's dismay he felt his swelling cock slowly tenting out his skimpy thong and there was nothing he could do about it, and then suddenly even more to his dismay he felt it slide out of the slippery, creamed pouch. Fortunately the tight thong pinned it down so that instead of sticking straight out it hung down his left leg. He stood there helplessly, unable to do anything without being obvious. As Blackburn ran his tongue up West's leg, he suddenly discovered West's problem. Glancing up at the teacher, he saw the look of desperation in his eyes. If he stopped now, the cream pie still clinging to the teacher's leg and crotch would probably hide his condition, at least long enough for him to get back into the change tent. Alternatively, he could soften the man's cock for him and then nudge it back into his thong. The fat bus driver hesitated, uncertain what to do. With thoughts of the cash prize that would at least partially make up for the humiliation of having to participate in this perverted contest, besides memories of the man furiously humping him in the bus under the influence of Cupid's special love arrow, and how great it had felt having sex with him, the fat bus driver slipped his lips over the knob of the teacher's throbbing seven inch member and began to suck on it much to the married teacher's surprise. Arnold Bester, meanwhile, was eagerly licking and sucking Jack Vardy's crotch with one thought in mind, and that was cream pie. Well, that and ten percent of all money bet, which was what the winner was going to get before the rest was split. The sixteen-year-old was so engrossed he was oblivious to the effect his mouthing of the Sergeant Major's crotch was having on the man as he squirmed and tried his best to fight what was happening to him. Being a happily married man and one of the stronger opponents to what many were calling the gay agenda, he was surprised to find the effect of the teenager's innocent actions on himself. He was even more surprised and dismayed that fighting his arousal was a lot more difficult than he would have imagined. Lance Cross and Mike Harris were having similar problems to the high school physical education teacher and coach. Both were straight, but as Mike stood there on the stage with the handsome young jock licking and mouthing his crotch, deeply repressed memories of his strange experience a couple years ago on Valentines when he and his physical education students seemed to go sex crazy surfaced. To this day he was sure someone had slipped them all some type of drug, and in a sense, if you consider Cupid's magic arrows that the Brewster boys had borrowed, he was right. It certainly explained the unusual pleasure he'd felt, and which had tormented him for a long time afterward as he questioned his sexual orientation, especially as a young, unmarried man. Although only recently arrived in town, Lance Cross had already been the victim of the Brewster boys' zeal for sex, and standing there on the stage before hundreds of people reminded him of the embarrassment of getting a boner while MC at the opening of the YMCA in front of an even larger crowd and his parents besides. That memory and the homoerotic symbolism of him kneeling there before a man with his face buried in his crotch had, to his dismay, the expected result. As he felt the junior high jock's cock beginning to swell in his cream-coated thong, his own cock began to swell all the faster, and when Mike noticed the tenting out of the man's trousers, his cock responded accordingly. Each was aghast by what was happening. First it had to mean the other was gay, because only a gay man would find this act arousing. Second, the other had to know the first was getting hard, which meant the other would be thinking that he was gay too. Despite their growing embarrassment, each man felt his cock swell until it was rock hard. Sven Bjornson was feeling no such embarrassment. He remembered very well the pleasure he'd had showing the smart-ass principal just who was the man down in the school's boiler room, and he saw now not just the opportunity to show the arrogant and aloof intellectual that brains did not necessarily put you in control again, but he saw the opportunity to show a lot of people that. So he eagerly and willingly sucked on the man's crotch, and of course his skilful tongue and hot mouth had the expected results, especially as memories of being brutally ravished by the Swedish janitor flooded Bayer's mind. Having thoroughly licked the cream pie off the school principal's crotch so that his condition could easily be seen by everyone, Bjornson slipped around to the back and began to lick the pie from Bayer's buttocks. He discretely eased the man's thong aside so he could get a good lick at his crack. Needless to say Bayer stretched ramrod straight and squirmed and gasped as he felt Bjornson's hot, wet tongue run along his crack and thrills of arousal pass up his swelling dick. Although he found the janitor repulsive and the act he was engaging in repugnant, it was physically stimulating. Cream pie clung to Bjornson's bushy black eyebrows as he pressed his lips against Bayer's anus and sucked eagerly on his hole, as he recalled the fun he'd had reaming the man with a plunger his huge, veined cock began to rise. Of them all, Anthony Kurtz and chubby Cole Bentley were having the most fun. The biology teacher was well aware that the reverend's son was gay, having been one of the men who had found the boy on the gay stroll of Murray Park dressed up in a bunny suit several Easters ago. He now eagerly wrapped his lips about the boy's swollen dick and sucked on it through his soaked thong, and he knew the boy was enjoying it as much as he was. His own big fat sausage was tenting out his trousers and he discretely reached down and squeezed it. Tilting his head, he slipped down and sucked on the boy's eggs and slipped his tongue under the edge of the boy's thong. Cream pie clung to his beard as he eagerly attacked the gay youngster's genitals and Cole squirmed with arousal and pushed his crotch in the teacher's face. What was happening was evident to a number of men and boys in the audience, all of whom glanced around to be sure nobody was watching before reaching down and rearranging things before their conditions became evident, and giving themselves a quick tug at the same time. Of course the four Brewster brothers were very much aware of what was happening, and they didn't know where to look next as boners popped up all around them, including, of course, between their own legs. A number of the women, especially those with young children, found the whole thing disgusting and left with a huff. A large number, on the other hand, found the sight of men engaged in the homoerotic act arousing, and would later be recalling the images as they and their husbands satisfied their needs back in the privacy of their homes. As for the younger children, they were equally spit between those who found the whole thing slapstick funny, and those who found themselves with stiff little wieners to their surprise. A few, like young Charles Elwood, the Brewster's neighbour, was not surprised at all. Of course the ten men on the stage above all others were acutely aware that every one of them had developed a bone. Cole was openly gasping and squirming with erotic pleasure, and the way Anthony Kurtz's trousers were tented there was no doubt of his enjoyment. Whether or not Steve West was enjoying the licking Blackburn was giving him was immaterial. His seven- inch boner was aching, and if Blackburn didn't bring him off so he could go limp and tuck it back in his thong, it was going to be a major problem. With that in mind, he concentrated on the pleasure Blackburn was giving him, willing himself to come with all his mental ability and thinking of the hot time he'd had fucking the bus driver's fat ass on the bus. Those memories of how great his long, seven-inch cock felt up the driver's hot, moist rectum along with the hot, moist mouth sucking on his itching knob finally did the trick. With a sudden and sharp intake of breath, he tensed and his nuts contracted, sending his man cream shooting up his throbbing cock and into the mouth of the fat bus driver. Blackburn had noticed the sudden tightening of West's foreskin and the sudden throb at the base of his cock just above his nuts, and knew what that meant, being a man. He eagerly began to swallow the fresh cream as it squirted in his mouth. Bayer could not help but notice that the teacher had shot his load, and that, plus the assault of the janitor's tongue on his asshole, brought him over the brink. He whimpered and trembled and his loins went weak as his cum gushed out of his stiff cock and filled his flimsy black thong. Bjornson reached down and as he brushed his bushy moustache and eyebrows against the principal's naked butt, he brought himself off with a couple wanks, filling his underwear while Bayer's cum oozed out of his thong and began to trickle down his leg, much to the trembling man's mortification. Cole was the next to shoot his wad, and the teenage boy's copious load flooded out from under his brief thong to be eagerly lapped up by the biology teacher, along with the remaining banana cream which had caught the thick, viscous boy cream. Having brought the boy off in front of everyone was so hot that Kurtz shot off without even touching himself. He trembled and eagerly licked up the fresh cum of the young boy as he felt his load flood across his crotch and ooze down over his tight nuts. He knew his trousers would have a large, telltale dark stain, but he felt so good he did not care. He could always claim that the wet spot was from the cream pie clinging to his beard. Jack and Arnold could both smell the musky aroma of fresh cum, and Jack Vardy had to give in. His thick sausage throbbing hotly as he filled his thong, he inhaled sharply with the perverse pleasure. Suddenly realizing that he'd brought the man off, Arnold paused in his attack. He had just brought off his physical education teacher! He had made the man shoot his load, there in front of hundreds of people, men and women, boys and girls. That was so wicked! Arnold froze as that thought triggered his own release, and he inhaled sharply as his cock began to throb and his stuff squirted out and began to fill his boxers. He was coming! He was shooting his load right there in front of his teacher and half of the town! He could not believe what was happening. He hadn't even had a boner. The two good-looking jocks, Mike Harris and Lance Cross, were the last to come. They could not help but notice what was happening around them, and although they both tried to fight the reaction in their groins, they could not more stop mother nature than they could stop thinking how perverted they felt. Both straight and both mortified that they were coming like two wanton faggots, the two studs blushed a bright red as they erupted. On the one hand each man felt immense pleasure with the thrill of ejaculation, and on the other each felt disgusted with himself. Harris was glad that at least his thong was wet from the pie filling and nobody would know what he'd done. Cross was not so fortunate as a dark stain spread across the stomach of his pale tan trousers. Having an erection while MC'ing had been a horror, this was worse. His face flushing a deep red, he dropped his hand to his crotch in an attempt to hid the evidence. The man's heart sank when a minute later Bobby declared him the winner and all eyes were suddenly focussed on him. "Congratulations, Mister Cross," Bobby said, looking up at the flustered man with wide, innocent eyes as he extended hand. "Oh, looks like you got some cream filling on your nice clean trousers," he observed as if just noticing as they shook hands. Releasing the man's hand, he reached down with a finger and pretended to try to wipe it off. Feeling the semierect tube of flesh stretching across the man's stomach, Bobby pushed down on the spongy tube and innocently ran his fingers along it, causing more of the man's marrow to ooze out of his bone and add to the wet stain. The twenty-eight-year-old man didn't know what to do, and so did nothing. Slipping his fingers about the warm bulge and giving it one last squeeze, Bobby smiled up at the man knowingly, and Lance Cross knew the eleven-year-old knew he'd just creamed his jeans like some randy teenager. As Lance Cross headed off the stage, his crotch warm and sticky and cum trickling down over his balls and down his leg, he wondered what the eleven-year-old boy was thinking of him. Was he disgusted? Had he found his discovery erotic? Or was the boy too young and innocent to really know what had happened. He was, after all, only eleven, still a child. If he did know, suppose he told others. His attempt to get away so he could wipe himself off was thwarted as he was surrounded by well wishers congratulating him on winning, and by others, especially young teens and preteens, who seemed to be staring at the large wet splotch across his groin. Were they really, or was it his overactive imagination? Lance Cross was not the only one asking himself that as the other participants were finding themselves in the same situation as they tried to escape. As the adults milled around the crafts booths and visited, they joked about the two contests, many observing that it was just like the Brewster boys to come up with prank like that, and all of them thinking but none of them daring to voice their strong suspicion that some if not all of the men had not only gotten erections, but they'd had an orgasm besides. While the adults visited, the fifteen members of the Cougars headed back to the other side of the park for their special reward for their efforts the previous Sunday. Back at the end of the third quarter when the Eagles had been leading four to one, the twins had agreed with Jason, Conrad, James and Danny the losers would have sex with each other in front of the winning team. The four boys had been certain that they had the twins this time, and having them have sex with each other would prove once and for all what fems they kept telling everyone the blond youths were. Of course when they'd lost they had claimed that they had not been serious, and had tried to bluff the boys by saying there was no way they were going to be able to make them do it. They were feeling pretty smug until Brett told them that if they didn't fulfil their bargain, he and his brothers would just spread the rumour that the four of them had gotten it on in the park after the parade. Having seen them dressed up in the parade, there would be a lot of their classmates who would believe a rumour like that, and not showing up for the parade was not going to be an option. So they could either do it with each other and the Brewster brothers and Cougars would say nothing, or they could not do it and the brothers would tell everyone at the high school that they had. They really had no choice. So with the fifteen Cougars sitting before the stage, Jason and Conrad entered dressed in their drag outfits and James and Danny in their leathers as they'd agreed to do. In a hurry to get the ordeal over with as fast as they could, James and Danny immediately began to strip their two "girls" and Jason and Conrad just as eagerly groped and stroked their two "lovers" in an attempt to get them hard to the laughter and hooting of the audience. Of course the thirteen-year-old soccer players saw a different reason for their behaviour, and one of them whispered to his buddies how hot the four teenagers were for each other, and another observed behind his hand that they must really be gay like everyone was saying. Jason's two young cousins, there to pay their part of the bet, could not help overhearing the derogatory comments. Glancing at each other, they wanted to object, but they knew to do so would be useless. Instead they looked up at their cousin with sympathy and embarrassment. They had their own problems to worry about. The scene on the stage was the hottest thing any of the young junior high students had ever seen, and the funniest. They burst into a fresh round of giggles and appreciative hoots as Jason stepped out of his bright red, backless gown and stood there in frilly white panties and bra with red hearts and Conrad stood beside him in his "her choice" bra and silk pink panties with white lace. If any of the boys were in doubt, that convinced them the four boys had to be fruits, and they could not wait to tell the rest of their friends. Of course they were sworn to secrecy, but nobody was going to find out if they jut told their closest pal. The giggling and talk quickly ended as James pulled down Jason's panties and Danny pulled down Conrad's and then the two boys, having taken off their leather pants, removed the leather thongs the twins had made them wear. The fifteen boys leaned forward to have a better look at the privates of the older teens, every one of them naturally curious and taking the opportunity to check out the older guys without the risk of being called fruits themselves. Of course with the embarrassment and the duress under which they were performing, the two leather boys had barely begun to swell, and to their humiliation, and even more so to the humiliation of the two sheboys, the two "girls" reached out and began to fondle their "lovers'" dicks and to lick their chests, knowing that the stimulation of their sensitive buds would hasten the stiffening of their cocks. Their actions were not impromptu, the four boys having discussed earlier what sorts of things turned them on, meaning of course the things they'd like to do with girls, so they could get it up and get if off as fast as they could. Watching the four boys necking with each other, the audience of thirteen-year-olds was having no problem in the erection department, and as one and then another reached down to move things into a more comfortable position, their teammates grinned knowingly. Each was secretly glad he was not the only one getting turned on by the performance, the fact that their buddies were also alleviating their fears that their reactions meant they were gay. Despite the circumstances, and to a large extent because they had refrained from jerking off all week to increase the speed of getting hardons, Danny and James became erect. For most of the boys watching, the erections of the two older teenagers were the first boners they had ever seen other than their own and they leaned forward unabashedly to check them out much to the humiliation of the boys on the stage. The Cougars watched with rapt attention as Danny and James generously lubed up their stiff cocks and slipped their greased fingers up the buttholes of their two partners to ensure their union would be as painless and as easy as possible. As Jason and Conrad bent over and grunted and pushed outward and Danny and James grasped their hips and grunted and panted as they pushed forward, the fifteen junior high school boys and the Brewster brothers all inhaled and strained with them. They older teenagers were inexperienced, but they were desperate, and to their relief they managed to couple. Not knowing that the boys had learned these finer points from being abused by the Brewster brothers and from locker room bravado about how to do it to girls from behind, the Cougars were even more convinced the four boys were secret lovers from the way they had coupled with each other. Andrew and Daniel stared down at the dirt floor, wishing they could block out the nose of the four rutting boys and dreading the moment when they'd be called upon to fulfil their part of the bargain. Meanwhile, surprised but pleased, the two sixteen-year-olds began fucking their partners furiously, figuring the sooner they were able to come the sooner they were out of there. It was a hot summer afternoon, and the air in the tent was stuffy with twenty-four randy boys crowded together. The four boys on the stage began to perspire, adding to the eroticism of their performance. Jason, his dark hair plastered to his scalp with sweat and his handsome face contorted as James savagely pounded his butt, and Conrad, similarly grimacing as Danny plowed him, began to get erect as the two sixteen-year-olds repeatedly struck their prostates with each forward lunge. The two handsome jocks, stylishly dressed in studded collars and leather and chain harnesses, pumped their hard, lubed cocks in and out of their partner's assholes, oblivious to what they were doing to the two younger boys. Unable to wait until the end of the performance and sure he was going to cream his jeans any second, Justin chucked his clothes and leaping up on the stage, bent over and told Daniel to begin licking his crack and Andrew to kneel in front of him and begin blowing him as the two boys had promised to do on Sunday if the Eagles lost. Reminding Daniel of their other bet, Bobby handed the eleven-year-old boy a realistic, six-inch dildo the Brewster brothers had purchased off the net. Looking desperately at his older brother who was kneeling before Justin and staring at his erect, moist-tipped cock, and then at his cousin who was staring at the floor of the stage in embarrassment as his friend and schoolmate fucked his ass, Daniel realized he was not going to be rescued. Feeling his cheeks beginning to turn red, the youngster pushed down his jeans and his stylish and expensive boxers his dad was finally allowing him to wear again. Lubing up the dildo as he'd seen the two older boys lubing up their cocks, he reached behind himself, and finding his anus with the tip of the lubed toy, he slowly eased it forward. The Cougars went wild with laughter as they watched the blushing eleven-year-old slowly insert the toy up his asshole. He attempted to just insert the tip, but Bobby was going to settle for nothing less than the entire six inches up his rectum, and the hapless boy knew there was no point in arguing. His cheeks burning and wishing he'd die on the spot, he eased the lubed dildo up his ass until the flanged end was pressed against his buttocks to the cheers of the appreciative audience. With his hand wrapped about the handle of the dildo, the eleven-year-old knelt down behind Justin and hesitantly stuck out his tongue. Swallowing hard and closing his eyes, he fought back the impulse to puke as he ran his tongue up the thirteen-year-old's crack and slowly began to ease the dildo back. Andrew was fighting his own revulsion as he opened his mouth, inhaled deeply, and slipped his lips over Justin's knob. It was disgusting enough being forced to put another guy's dick in his mouth, and it was even more so being forced to do it in front of his brother and cousin and a bunch of scum buckets. It was repulsive, it was embarrassing, and what made it even sicker, was that the son-of-a-bitch's cockhead was slick with pre-cum. In preparing himself for this day, Andrew had decided that his best plan of action was to suck on the guy's dick, and to lick his knob, knowing that both would bring the guy off the fastest. The thirteen-year-old knew that was still the best plan, but he hadn't counted on the asshole's cock being slimed with his stuff. With a shiver running through his body, he closed his eyes and ran his tongue over the slippery, spongy knob and was rewarded with another dollop of that clear, sweet nectar that only boys can make. At least, he rationalized, he did not have to lick the cunt's asshole like his kid brother. Getting sucked by the arrogant, proud Emerson Hills snob and captain of the Eagles team, and his asshole licked by his just as snooty kid brother, and in front of his teammates, was almost as hot as having sex with Benny. Feeling Andrew's tongue running over the rim of his dickhead and knowing it was coated with his pre-cum, and feeling Daniel's tongue lapping at his asshole, it did not take long before Justin was shooting his stuff in Andrew's mouth. Andrew had prepared himself for that moment also. Having made no other promises than to suck the scoring boys off, he allowed Justin to fill his mouth, and then spit his spunk out on the floor of the stage. It was a small act of defiance, but in Andrew's mind, it was an important one. Justin's juice was, of course, copious and sticky as only a thirteen-year-old boy's cum can be. What Andrew had not counted on was it sticking to the roof of his mouth, and hanging in a long pendant from his lips as he tried to spit it out. Working up his spittle and oozing it out desperately, he was dismayed as the thin pendant remained dangling from his lower lip and he had to finally reach up and wipe the boy's pendant of cum from his lower lip and chin, to the amusement of those watching. Vito Pocatello, a dark haired, dark-eyed Italian-American boy and one of the Cougar's star players who had scored two of the six goals last Sunday leaped up on the stage as soon as Justin was done, having already chucked his jeans and underwear and his young cock already standing up straight and ready for action. Vito was one of the first of his classmates to reach puberty, and though his dick was of average size for a thirteen-year-old, he had a thick bush of dark curly hair and huge, round balls. His teammates cheered him on as he stepped between the two brothers, and the two hapless boys leaned forward. As one of the better players, Vito had been targeted by the opposing team more than most of the other players and had taken more than his share of rough handling and verbal abuse besides. So, it was with particular pleasure that he stood there and watched the now not so smug and proud captain of the Eagles suck and lick on his cock. He knew it was a bet, but the way Andrew attacked his member and the way his kid brother attacked his asshole, besides the evident enjoyment their cousin was having getting his ass plowed, Vito wondered if just maybe the two Catholic boys before and behind him were gay, and had agreed to the bet figuring they would win either way, getting some hot cock no matter if they won or lost. It was with that thought that he too filled Andrew's mouth with his hot load. As the third Cougar stepped forward to receive his award, several of his teammates were unable to hold back, and pulling out their dicks before they shot off in their underwear, they began to jerk off as they watched their classmate push down his jeans and then his Calvin Klein briefs. Beau was a new student, having moved into town from the country last September with his mother when his parents had split up. A large-boned, shy boy with short, dirty blond hair, thick lips, and large hands, he was, the boys discovered, hung like a horse. Although four months away from his fourteenth birthday, he had a thick five-and-a-half inch cock that was immediately the envy of every thirteen-year-old in the tent. Normally embarrassed about his extra large size and spending as little time as he had to in the showers, he now proudly presented his sausage to the kneeling boy who on more than one occasion this past year had called him a dumb hick farmer. Not only was he exceptionally large, but he, unlike the other boys, had not been overly turned on by what had been happening, with the result that Andrew and Daniel had to work particularly long. One of the boys watching observed that from the amount of time they were taking the two must especially like what Beau had to offer. Another observed that he had scored on the field, and was scoring again on the stage, causing everyone to laugh and Daniel and Andrew to turn an even brighter red. Beau was one of those rare boys who, having no brothers and having lived on a farm which limited his interaction with other boys, had never really thought about sex and had not even played with himself, figuring sex stuff was something for high school students. Now as he felt a strange tension building up in his groin and shocks of pleasure shooting through his swollen dickhead and his anus, he sighed with the new pleasures and resolved to thank Benny for having pushed for this bet. Watching Andrew gobbling the end of the boy's thick sausage, Benny, along with his brothers, were thinking of various ways Beau might show his gratitude. When the boy finally experienced the first climax of his life, he swayed dizzily as the blood drained from his head and his cock felt as big as some of the humongous members he'd seen on horses back on the farm where he now spent every other weekend with his dad. Having scored two goals himself, Benny offered to give the two Catholic boys' tongues a break if they'd jerk themselves off instead. Vito, who figured he deserved two blow and rim jobs since he had also scored two goals, said they could do it while they did him a second time. Eager to be done with it, and pleasantly surprised they did not have to suck and rim Benny, who was the cause of their humiliation, the two Jones boys reluctantly agreed. To them, jerking themselves off was better than having to blow and rim Benny, especially twice. As much as they hated what they'd been forced to do so far, having to sexually satisfy Benny Brewster had been eating at them all week and had been by far the worst thing they had been anticipating having to do. Being spared that, the two boys almost eagerly wrapped their fingers about their limp cocks and began to wank and they leaned forward to service Vito for the second time with the consolation that once they'd brought him off they'd be done. James and Danny had meanwhile been considering faking their orgasms, but figuring the Brewster brothers would never let them get away with it, they had decided to go to the bitter end, and finding what they were doing filthy and immoral, it had taken them much longer to reach their peaks than it would have most boys. As perverted and embarrassed as they felt, they could not ignore the biological aspect of what they were doing however, and at long last they felt the familiar twang deep in their groins that announced their climaxes. To the amusement of the watching thirteen-year-olds, they could not help grunting with the ecstasy of their ejaculation and lunging forward as they filled their two partners with their cum. It was a strange feeling, the combination of revulsion and pleasure, the perversity of having their cocks up their friends' shit holes and the erotic physical stimulation of their dickheads. Jason and Conrad were experiencing the same feelings, feeling debased having been fucked in front of a bunch of thirteen-year-olds and at the same time unable to deny the physical pleasure rippling through their assholes. To the watching thirteen-year-olds, what they'd witnessed was dirty. It was the most perverted thing they had ever seen, and for most, something they had never even imagined before. It was also the hottest, and they unabashedly pumped their fists in their laps, enjoying that one act that united all boys and men, and that was engaged in by all males at some time with the rarest exception, although for some with a greater frequency than others. Of the fifteen Cougars sporting erections, some had never engaged in the act in the presence of another boy, and some had done so only with one or two very close buddies or relatives. Now, in that very special tent with the air heavy with the aroma of fresh cum and hot rutting boys, they rapidly pumped their fists and openly grunted and sighed as one by one they squirted out their hot teenage spunk. They were so hot and so absorbed in their pleasure, they did not notice the four Brewster brothers had not joined them. In discussing their plans for this special holiday, the four had agreed to refrain for participating no matter how tempting it was. It had nothing to do with the second video camera they'd set up in the corner of the tent to catch the response of the audience, nor the original camera behind them that was focussed on the action on the stage. It was because of something special the four had planned for later in the evening, something special they were saving for. Despite having been blown less than half an hour before, Vito was coming again in no time, and as the randy thirteen-year-old shot his load, Andrew and Daniel reached their climaxes also, the eleven-year-old gasping and whimpering with the ecstasy of his dry climax and wanking madly on his little burning cocklet, and Andrew squirting his stuff in front of the cheering Cougars as Vito filled his mouth. As Vito pulled up his jeans and underwear and joined his teammates, the six boys on the stage quickly made their exit. Totally embarrassed by what they'd been forced to do, and feeling so dirty that it would take several hot baths, and for Jason, Conrad and Daniel, several enemas and for Andrew half a bottle of mouth wash, before they would begin to feel clean again, the six of them said nothing as they headed to the main part of the park. They were each thinking the same thing, however, and that was how they'd get their revenge against the Brewsters the next time. It was not a new thought, but it was with the strongest resolve yet. The fact that they had allowed themselves to be sucked into the bets was immaterial. As the flushed, excited group of thirteen-year-olds rejoined the adults, their parents did not have a clue why they were so hyper. Justin's, Vito's, and Beau's parents would have been speechless and most likely rushing to make appointments for their boys to see a psychologist had they found out their sons had just been sucked and rimmed in front of their teammates. The rest of the parents would have been just as shocked and concerned about the orientation of their sweet, innocent boys had they learned their boys had just witnessed their first life gay porn show, and had wanked off in front of each other. Most shocked of all would have been the proud and righteous parents of the Brewster brothers' foils had they known what their boys had been up to for the past hour. Later that night, those six boys sat in their darkened rooms and began to day dream about their revenge. They were not the only ones day dreaming. While their parents were at the country and western dance, the Cougar players thought about the reward they had received that day. Laying there in his bed, sitting on the throne behind the bathroom door, or standing in the shower, each one the thirteen-year-old boys took his dick in his hand and with thoughts of praise for his team captain, each one relived the afternoon as he slowly wanked off again. For some of them, the day's events had been so hot it was going to take at least another wank after that one before they'd be able to drift off to sleep. As for the Brewster boys, they had one last event planned for the day. "Oh maaaan, this has been some fucking day," observed Bobby as he and his three brothers headed to their room after putting the triplets in bed until their next feeding. "Oh yeah, it's been fucking awesome," agreed Benny. "It was so hilarious watching those prigs from Emerson Hills marching in the parade." "The parade went off without a hitch too," observed Brett, looking over at his twin. "Yeah, way to go Brent," complemented Benny, and Brent beamed proudly. "So'd the afternoon," observed Bobby, looking up at his older brother, and the twins readily complemented Benny on the success of the speakers and booths. "And the pie contests were wicked," noted Brett. "Oh yeah, " Brent and Benny quickly agreed, and the four boys giggled as they pictured the ten men and wondered if it felt just as great to have an orgasm when you were old. "And the dance idea was an awesome hit. We made a couple thousand on tickets," observed Brent, looking at his twin brother appreciatively for having made the arrangements along with Cam. Most of the people buying tickets were country and western fans, and the rest were equally split between those who were curious what sort of music a gay band and lesbian singer produced, and those who were gay or lesbian or their supporters. "We make one fucking team." "Yeah. The Brewsters rule." The four boys high-fived. "That was so funny watching Jason and Conrad getting screwed by James and Danny." "And Andrew and Daniel getting the guys off." "And wanking themselves off in front of everyone." "And Daniel buggering himself with the dildo." "Oh yeah!" "They were so fucking embarrassed. All six of them." "And everyone else so fucking horny." "Man, doesn't Beau have a great looking cock?" "Oh fuck yeah." "It was so wicked when everyone took out their dicks and started to wank off." "Having sex with another guy is so fucking awesome I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to do it," observed Benny. "Especially with a guy you really love," observed Brett. "Oh no, here we go," said Bobby, rolling his eyes. "Well it's true. It's awesome to be in love." "What about you and Billy?" asked Benny, looking at Brent. "You two lovers?" "Well, we like each other a lot." "Like?" "Okay, yeah, we love each other," Brent admitted, his cheeks flushing. "What about you and Justin?" "Naw, we're just buddies." "Well, one thing for sure," observed Brent as he leaned back and stretched, "I'm glad we got parents like Mom and Dad. They been way supportive about this whole Gay Pride thing." "Oh yeah, they've been super," agreed Benny, and his two brothers quickly agreed. "Well one thing I know for sure, I'm glad I'm gay," observed Brett. "I wouldn't want it any other way." "I'm glad I'm a guy," observed Benny, slipping his hands down the front of his pants, "and got these great things to play with. And," he added as an afterthought, "I'm glad I got an opposable thumb." His hazel eyes twinkled as he grinned and his brothers giggled. "What about you, Bobby? What are you glad for?" Bobby thought for a moment, and then replied with a smile, "I'm glad I got you guys for brothers." "Awwww," said his three brothers with a mock sigh as they cocked their heads and looked at their kid brother. As one they leaped on him and wrestled him to the floor. With a lot of giggling and yelling, they groped each other and attempted to tickle each other, reaching under arms and pulling out shirts to tickle ribs. Bobby and Benny pulled off Brent's socks and the three brothers attacked his feet until he was wailing with laugher, and then he turned the tables on his twin and the three brothers pulled off his shirt and attacked his ribs. "Oh man!" shouted Benny suddenly. "What?" "You got hairs!" "Of course I got hairs," observed Brett. "I've had them for years." "I mean in your pits." "No way!" "I felt them!" "Let's look." Sure enough, several fine, white blond hairs had sprouted under his arms. Brent quickly chucked his shirt, and was delighted to find he had the beginning of fine pit hairs also. "Fucking awesome," Brent exclaimed, twisting his head and wrapping his arm about it in an attempt to see his new growth. "Hey, maybe that means I'm finally getting pubes!" Bobby observed, his big hazel eyes growing wide with hope. "Let's check!" exclaimed his three brothers as one, and he made no objections as they wrestled him to the floor and began to tug on his buckle. Brent took one pant leg and Brett the other and the two twins stood, suspending their kid brother between them and literally shaking him out of his pants. The three swooped down and together they pulled down his blue Fruit of the Loom briefs, removing his socks at the same time. The three brothers closely examined his pubes, their hot breaths blowing between his legs and against his privates, causing his balls to roll in their sac and his little dick to begin to swell. Bobby was easily aroused. "Nope," announced Benny. "Your pubes are still as smooth as Blake and Blaine's backsides." "Oh yeah," agreed Brent appreciatively as he ran his fingers over his kid brother's smooth groin. "Let's see if you got any chest hair yet," Brett suggested with a grin as he began to unbutton Bobby's shirt, brushing his lips against the boy's smooth skin as he undid each button. Slipping off Bobby's shirt, Brett eased his brother back down on the floor and bending over him, planted a soft, gentle kiss on his lips, his long fine hair sweeping forward and across the eleven-year-old's smooth, boyishly plump cheeks. As the two brothers kissed a second time, Bobby felt two pair of lips slipping across his chest and Brent's long blond hair sweeping over his breast. He and Brett kissed a third time, and as Brent and Benny each fastened their lips about their kid brother's nips and began to suck, Bobby squirmed with arousal and his little boy dick sprang to attention. His nipples quickly grew hard as the pair of tongues lapped at the sensitive buds and Brett slipped his tongue inside his brother's eager mouth. His entire body tingling with desire, the eleven-year-old sucked on his older brother's tongue, drawing it further into his mouth as their lips locked in a long, hot kiss. Bobby reached up and fumbled with Brett's belt and Brett hunched up so Bobby could pull down his fly and push down his jeans and his Calvin Kleins without releasing his lip lock on Bobby's mouth. Brent and Benny meanwhile continued to nibble on their kid brother's nipples while they pushed down their own jeans and underwear and Benny removed his shirt. The four boys now totally naked, Brent and Benny ran their hands over their kid brother's body while he reached out and began to fondle Brent's breast with one hand and Benny's with the other, the older teen having developed the broad, solid chest of an athletic adolescent and the younger teen still having some of his baby fat filling out his chest. Slipping down between Bobby's legs, Brett knelt between them as he raised Bobby's feet and slid the boy up his thighs. With his kid brother laying on his shoulders and his hips in the air, Brett bent forward and brushed his lips against the boy's tiny pink pucker. Bobby gasped and winced with the acute pleasure as he felt the fifteen-year-old boy's lips brush against his butthole and his hot breath blow up along the crack of his ass. The lips that only a minute before were pressed against his were now pressed against his anus, and the tongue that had wormed its way into his mouth was now worming its way into his rectum. The eleven-year-old wished he could suck it up his ass like he'd sucked it into his mouth. Brent and Benny had meanwhile lain down on either side of their kid brother and begun to lick his smooth, plumb boy breasts. They nibbled on his now erect teats, and then slowly began to make their way down toward his navel. Bobby at the same time reached back and eagerly caressed his brothers' smooth, firm butts. As they slowly worked their way down to his waist and tongued his belly button, he ran the forefinger of each hand along their ass cracks and fingered their eager buttholes. By the time they had nibbled and licked their way across his smooth, flat stomach, he was slipping the tip of his finger up each of their asses. Brett had throughly eaten out Bobby's own asshole by then, and with his mouth full of spittle, he drooled it over his eager, hot boy cock, now a full six inches long. With their experience and being as hot as they were, his spittle was all the lube that the two randy boys needed. Positioning himself between Bobby's legs and with his weight on his knees and his palms, he probed for his kid brother's hole with his stiff prong. Bobby immediately reached down with his right hand and grasping his brother's throbbing erection by the base, he guided the knob to his eager hole as he'd done hundreds of times already. Brett slowly pressed forward, and Bobby grunted as he pushed out. Slowly the two brothers united. Brett eased his spittle-slick dick in slowly, knowing he had to go slow so as not to hurt his kid brother, and knowing the slower he went the greater the pleasure and the more it drove his brother crazy. He loved how it felt to have a hot, moist asshole envelop his cock, and he loved it even more when it was one of his brothers that he was penetrating. He especially loved fucking his kid brother, not just because he was so tight, nor because he reciprocated so willingly and so expertly, but most of all because he loved to please his kid brother, and Bobby took great pleasure in getting fucked. Pushing his thin teen cock slowly up his kid brother's rectum, he continued until his hairy pubes were pressing against the cord that ran from Bobby's butthole to his tiny, hairless balls. Brett paused to enjoy the sensation of having his boycock totally surrounded by his brother's hot asshole, and as he glanced down at Bobby, the boy smiled back up at him. Benny and Brent had meanwhile each taken one of their kid brother's thighs and were running their rough, wet tongues along the sensitive inner sides. Laying there on his shoulders and pinned down by his older brother, the eleven-year-old could only wiggle his butt and madly clench and unclench his asshole in response, which drove Brett wild. The fifteen-year-old blond and eleven-year-old brunette wiggled and groaned and whimpered openly with the ecstasy rippling through their loins as a result of the actions of their two brothers. Unable to resist any longer, Brent and Benny worked their way back down Bobby's smooth thighs to his small, hairless nuts. Their smooth cheeks brushed against each other and against Brett's flat stomach as they leaned forward and licked their kid brother's little marbles in their loose sack, his salty balls causing their saliva to flow copiously and to dribble out of their mouths and down along the stretch between his nuts and his cock-plugged butthole, or around the base of his prick and over his smooth pubes. They both licked his hot, hard boy cock, now three and a half inches long and fat as a little sausage, causing it to jerk with arousal. Feeling their kid brother wrap his fingers about their own stiff cocks, the two brothers licked and sucked on his cocklet like they would a popsicle on a hot summer's day, except this popsicle was far more delicious and far more satisfying than anything you could buy in the freezer section of a store. They squirmed with pleasure as Bobby tugged on their boners. They had jerked themselves off close to a thousand times by then, and had been jerked by their kid brother hundreds, but it still felt awesome having their kid brother's hot little fingers wrapped about their dicks and tugging on them, milking them just as he milked his own little cocklet. Bobby was in boy heaven. His throbbing, itchy cocklet was being licked and sucked by two of his brothers and he had a hot, stiff cock in each hand and one slowly easing in and out of his butt. His three brothers were eagerly and skilfully pleasuring him, and he was bringing each of them pleasure at the same time, jacking two of them off and letting the third buttfuck him. He'd had sex with his three brothers plenty of times, and he'd had sex with so many others, human and otherwise, that one would think he'd have become jaded, but the eleven-year-old treated each experience with just as much enthusiasm and delight as the first time he'd ever had sex. That was particularly true when it came to having sex with his brothers, who to him, were still the hottest and most skilful of anyone. All four boys were doing what the boys had long ago told their mother was their deep breathing exercises. Brett was gasping and panting with exertion and desire as he thrust his hips to and fro, driving his slender, six-inch teen cock in and out of his brother's hot, moist hole. The pressure was doubling in his groin with each cycle and his swollen dick had grown numb as his blood pounded through it. Benny and Brent were inhaling and exhaling deeply as Bobby beat their stiff dicks and as they felt their nuts begin to tighten under their stiff, aching pleasure poles and they nibbled and sucked on Bobby's cock eagerly as they felt themselves approaching their climax. Bobby was gasping and grunting too, with the pleasure pulsating through his little boy cock as his brothers attacked it with their mouths, with the pleasure of jacking off his two brothers and feeling their hot, teen blood pulsating through their throbbing boners, and with the pleasure pulsating through his rectum and causing his anus to burn pleasantly as his older brother worked his cock in and out of his body. The boys came so close together it really didn't matter who came first. Brett thrust his cock deep up his brother's rectum and the teenage boy grasped his eleven-year-old brother's shoulders as he shot his load deep up his brother's hot, clenched hole. Benny and Brent trembled as their hot, teen cum erupted out of their cocks and laced their kid brother's body and each other, their streamers of juice blasting out of their throbbing canons and first striking each other's stomach and hips, and then shooting streamers across their kid brother's chest. Feeling the hot, wet cum streaking his body and feeling Brett grasp him and lunge forward with his orgasm, Bobby whimpered with his own dry orgasm as it ripped through his loins, causing him to jerk uncontrollably as wave after wave of ecstasy shot through him. His little cocklet burned and ached as spasm after spasm rippled through it and he squirmed and gasped as wave after wave of ecstasy caused his naked body to jerk uncontrollably. Benny and Brent scooped up streamers of each other's cum and reached over and fed each other his own juice, and then they scooped up the streamers lacing their kid brother's chest and fed him and Brett that bitter-sweet boy nectar. It was sticky and copious with thick strands of white gel running through the clearer goo as only the fresh cum of young teens can be. With their naked bodies flushed with the pleasure of their recent climax and streaked with cum, and with the unique flavour of boy juice on their lips and the heavy, nutty aroma of sperm filling their nostrils, the boys disentangled and lay there on the living room floor relishing the bloom that follows a hot session of sex. Some time later, Brent and Bobby, who had been laying on their sides facing each other but laying in opposite directions, snuggled closer together and buried their noses in each other's crotch. The scent of young boy and sweaty balls filled their lungs and caused their limp, sticky dicks to begin to stir. It had not been all that long ago that the two boys had climaxed, but they were hot, and they were young, and like all teenage boys, they had a phenomenal recovery speed. They lay there delighting in sniffing each other's fragrant nuts for the longest time before slipping their lips over each other's eggs and beginning to suck on them, Brent sucking in his kid brother's two eggs together, and Bobby sucking in one and then the other of his older brother's large balls. Benny curled around and lay down on his side in the opposite direction to Bobby and began to lick at his recently fucked hole, and Brett lay down behind his twin in the opposite direction and began to rim him. The boys took their time, delighting just as much in foreplay as in the consummation of their acts. They were young and healthy though, and it did not take the boys long to become erect again. Still laying there on the thick carpet of their bedroom, they united once again, Brent and Bobby in a sixty-nine and their two brothers snuggling up behind them and penetrating their backsides. Looking over as one at the large full-length mirror they'd had their dad install, they grinned at their images and once again the four boys began to engage in their favourite pastime there in their favourite room in the house, their own personal place surrounded by their favourite and cherished things. The twin bunk beds on each side of the room had identically coloured sheets and pillow cases, and the scouting pennants and YMCA opening day banner on the walls reflected the common interests of the four boys. The first place debate certificate and poster of a dark and sexy goth boy on the bulletin board above his desk and the drama trophy and nipple ring on the shelf beside the Wiccan primer revealed Brent's personal interests, as did Brett's grade ten honour roll certificate, first place science fair trophy, polished agate and thunder egg crystal, and framed picture of Cam. On the other side of the room it was easy to tell whose desk was whose, Bobby's desk cluttered with charcoal sketches, cuttings from a Hanson fan mag he was planning on pinning up, and an assortment of pencils and pens, with an insect pinning board, a Jar-Jar action figure, the most recent Harry Potter book and a Jewish reference book from the library all precariously balanced on the shelf above it, compared to Benny's immaculate and organized desk with his handmade jewellery box and Chess Made Easy reference book in the upper right corner, his space ship models and wood shop projects neatly arranged on the shelf above it, and his recently won first place Bankers Hall U14 Soccer certificate pinned to his bulletin board. Brent and Bobby noisily and greedily slurped on each other's cocks, Brent easily taking Bobby's three-and-a-half inch dicklet all in his mouth, and Bobby easily deep throating his fifteen-year-old brother with dozens of hours of practice behind him. While the two boys sucked on each other's cocks, their brothers were plowing their butts with just as much zeal, Benny thrusting his young, slender four-and-three-quarter inch cock in and out of his kid brother's butt, which although fucked recently by his older brother's much fatter cock, was still tight, and Brett thrusting his six-inch cock in and out of his twin brother's backside. Brent and Bobby reached over and grasped each other's hips for support as they bobbed their heads, slipping their young, soft lips up and down each other's throbbing member, delighting in the unique taste of boycock. Benny grasped Bobby's smooth, compact butt as he began to ram his cock in and out of the eleven-year-old's asshole, enjoying the familiar but always awesome pressure building in his loins. Brett had similarly grasped his twin brother's hips and was thrusting his teen cock in and out of his brother's tight, eager hole as he too felt himself approaching his climax. Once again the boys came simultaneously. Brett and Benny shuddered as they shot their loads up their brothers' rectums, their cocks' squirting out their juices with just as much force and just as copiously as the loads they had shot out only an hour before. Brent meanwhile was squirting out his load and Bobby was eagerly swallowing the thick, viscous teen cum as if it were condensed milk. At the same time the eleven-year-old was trembling once again with his own climax. "You guys hungry?" asked Benny some time later. "Fuck yeah," announced Bobby. "Yeah," chorused their twin brothers. "What'll we have?" The brothers thought for a moment, and then said in unison, "Pizza." "All cheese." "Meat lovers." "Ham and pineapple." "Mushroom and salami." "From Pizza Hut." "I like Boston Pizza better." "Yeah, but Pizza Hut has a hot delivery boy." "Oh yeah," the four agreed with a sigh, and they sat there and dreamed for a moment. "Let's make our own." "Wicked!" "Right on!" With that the four naked boys scampered off to the kitchen. Taking out their mother's eighteen inch pizza pan and a frozen crust from the refrigerator, the boys proceeded to construct their own pizza, dividing it into quarters and each adding his own favourite toppings. While the boys were waiting for it to bake, the triplets woke up for their feeding and by the time they were fed, changed, and tucked back in bed the boys' snack was ready. Taking it back to their bedroom, they piled up their pillows and blankets on the floor and lay on them or sat cross legged on the carpet and attacked the platter of pizza. Having worked up an appetite over the past two hours, it did not take them long to devour the pizza and wash it down with several cans of pop. "That was great," announced Bobby with a groan and a satisfied smile. He burped loudly. "So was that." "It was well brought up," agreed Benny with a giggle. "Too bad you weren't." Brent burped next, followed by Brett, and the four boys had an impromptu burping contest. "One problem with eating pizza is it gives you sticky fingers," observed Brent, holding up his greasy hand. "I thought you got sticky fingers from jerking," said Benny, and the boys giggled. "You can get sticky dicks from eating pizza too," observed Bobby with an impish grin. "You fuck pizza?" "Bobby would fuck anything." "Not fucking," observed Bobby. "This way." He suddenly reached over and grabbing Benny's dick, he twisted and fondled it, wiping his greasy fingers off on his brother's limp tube, which immediately began to respond. "Wonder what sort of lube pizza sauce is," Brett mused, running a greasy finger up Benny's crack and slipping the tip easily into his butthole. "Bet it goes good with teen boy sausage," observed Benny, twisting around and wrapping his greasy fingers about Brett's dick. "A sausage that big needs lots of sauce," Brent advised, reaching over and twisting his twin's dick head with his own greasy fingers. "Myself, I wouldn't mind having a piece of ass for desert right now," Bobby commented, looking over at Brent. "Help yourself little brother," the fifteen-year-old replied, dropping to his hands and knees there on their bedroom floor Wiping off the platter with his forefinger with an impish grin, Bobby knelt down behind his brother and wiggled his greased finger up his butt, easily inserting it right up to the last knuckle. "Want some sausage to go with that?" Brett asked his twin brother as he scooped up a bit of melted cheese and tomato sauce left on the platter and smeared it over his dickhead. As Brett knelt before his brother, Benny straddled Brent with his back to Brett. "While you're getting blown, you can lick off the sauce you smeared up my crack." "Oh yeah, a pizza pop," Brett joked, causing his brothers to crack up with laughter. "And I get a pizza dog," observed Bobby as he bent over and gave his brother's sauce coated dick a lick. And so the boys united for a third time that evening there in their bedroom, Brent on his hands and knees sucking his twin brother while his kid brother plowed his ass with his tiny three- and-a-half-inch dicklet. At the same time Brett leaned forward and rimmed Benny while Bobby leaned forward and sucked his dick and the thirteen-year-old reached under his older brother and began to jack him off. It being their third time, it took the four of them longer to reach their orgasms, which was perfectly fine by all of them. They inhaled deeply and savoured the delicious air heavily scented with spilt cum and randy young boy and freshly baked pizza. They closed their eyes and delighted in the pleasure pulsating through their loins, and even more, the pleasure of bringing each other off. When they finally exploded with their third orgasms, they collapsed on the floor in exhaustion and lay there for the longest time. "It's been one fucking great day," Brent observed as the four of them bunched their pillows and blankets into a pile and snuggled up together. "Oh yeah. One of our best," agreed his twin brother, reaching over and putting his arm around his shoulders. The two boys smiled at each other, their blue eyes sparkling. It was like looking into a mirror. "You bet," Benny added, snuggling up to Brent. Wrapping one arm about his waist, Benny reached out automatically with his other hand and took his brother's dick in his hand and began fondling it. Brett reached around and took his younger brother's limp cock between his fingers and began to slowly stroke it. "Fucking right," Bobby sighed, snuggling up to Brett and wrapping one arm about his waist, he reached over and slipped his fingers about Brett's cock. Brent reached over and took his kid brother's soft little dicklet in his. The four of them sat there fiddling with each other, tugging on each other's cocks and cupping each other's balls gently. Slowly they began to stiffen and the four brothers began to draw each other's foreskin down, exposing the knob, and then slide it back up. "This what's known as brotherly love?" asked Bobby. "Naw, this is known as a group jackoff," observed Benny and the boys giggled as they snuggled closer and began to stroke in earnest.