Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 14:42:52 -0800 (PST) From: Daniel Running-water Subject: Captured Heat / Chapter four / Incest and Interracial Captured Heart By Daniel Running Water Chapter Four There are some words used in this chapter that may offend some. I used them only because the fit the time and story. To those that are offended, I apologize, and I wish to say that I too, hate these words. Daniel Previously in chapter three: As Seth approached the smoldering cabin, his eyes saw James near the ruins of the cabin as he dismounted his horse. Pulling his horse to a stop, Seth quickly got down and crept stealthily towards the boy. "It was you that did this to my father and I," Seth accused, his rifled pointed at James as he came up behind him. "Seth!" he said in shock, not believing that Seth was alive. "On your knees and beg for God's forgiveness, because I am going to kill you," Seth said, as he raised his rifle and aimed. Now chapter four: Hawk's heart was filled with deep grief and also with much anger. In his mind he knew who was responsible for this... Jared Thornton. He had seen the hatred in the man's eyes that day at school, and Hawk purposed in his heart to avenge his father and people's death. As the evening ended and the day wore on, the bodies of the dead were washed, dressed and then wrapped in the bark of the cedar tree, which was tied around it to secure it around the body. A great wailing was heard as Hawk's people buried and mourned their dead. After all the dead had been buried, Hawk sat with his warriors in council. As his warriors had done with his father, they each stood and pledged their devotion and honor to Hawk. "Ay-uh, now it is time for revenge," Hawk said as he looked at the war painted faces of his men, his also had been painted. "Tonight we ride to Twelve Oaks Plantation, where we will rid Grandmother Earth of this evil man," he said looking around at each warrior and met their eyes. Each one again, gave their loyalty by agreeing that it had to be done. "Do we burn the house?" Black Wolf asked Hawk. "Ay-uh, but first be sure that the people of color are not in it." He instructed his warriors. "For they are innocent and also know what prejudice and hatred are." He rose from the platform and called his warriors to join him. As they filed out of the council lodge, Hawk's, people were singing war songs and beating on drums. As each warrior said his farewells to his love ones before mounting his horse, Hawk went over to speak to Anna. "Hawk, I need to speak to you," Anna said and her eyes went to those of Yellow Blossom. "I will go and prepare food for her," Yellow Blossom said, before quickly leaving the teepee. "Hawk, I know that you knew of the love that was between Black Bear and I, but what you didn't know is that I am with child," she said, causing Hawk's eyes to widen. "Gah-ween, my father once told me that he would never marry again," Hawk said. "Ay-uh, this is true, but he and I did make love, and this child that grows within me is the product of that love." Hawk sat there quietly, his thoughts on his father. He knew how much his father cared for Anna, but he never imagined that he would father another child. "Did my father know of the child?" "Ay-uh, I told him just last night, before the..." he tears interrupted her, because the words were to hard to say. "Ay-uh, he knew." "Then stay with my people and be a part of us," Hawk said, placing his hand over hers. "If you wish, Hawk will marry you, therefore giving my father's child, a rightful father." "Oh Hawk, I know how much you love Seth, even your father spoke to me of it. Yes Hawk, your father knew that you and Seth were of two spirits and he was willing to accept it." "Ay-uh, my father knew of our love and his heart could accept this?" "He told how his father had robbed him of a brother, and he did not want to lose you as he did Swift Eagle." "Seth and I are no more, his words of hate for Hawk has destroyed our love. I shall marry you in the ways of our people, and then this child shall be chief one day if it's a boy." Knowing the shame that being unwed and pregnant would mean to her in the white man's community, Anna agreed to marry Hawk. She also knew that, if Black Bear had lived, he and she would eventually have married. "Ay-uh Hawk, I will marry you and be a good wife to you," Anna said as tears rolled softly down her face. "When I return White Petals, we shall become man and wife," Hawk said and then lowered his mouth down to hers and kissed her softly. Hawk stood, gave her a tender glance, and then went outside to where his warriors were waiting for their chief to mount his horse and lead them. Young Fox brought his stallion to him, holding the reins as Hawk knelt down before his men and prayed. "Oh Great Spirit that watches over us, make swift our cause tonight to avenge those that have been taken from us," Hawk called out with his eyes and hands lifted heavenward. "For now Grandmother Earth cries out in sorrow, because of the blood that was innocently shed." Hawk mounted his stallion and raised his hand, calling out for blood with a mighty yell... "Aiiiiieeeeee" and the sound reverberated deep into the forest, causing birds to rise from their nests and taking flight. Kicking the side of his horse with his feet, Hawk rode off at a fast gallop, his men following behind him, each one's face painted for war. *** "Billy... where in hell is that damn nigger," Jared screamed from his private office. "Yes'sa Massa Jared," Billy said as he quickly entered the room, his eyes looking down at the floor. "It's about time, and just where is that worthless boy of mine gotten off to," Jared demanded. "I know that his mammy fix him up, so tell me where he is now." "Ole Billy doesn't know, Massa Jared," he said, still keeping his gaze on the floor. "Look at me when I am talking to you, damn it," he said and struck Billy hard across the face, causing him to fall to the floor. "Yes'sa, but I still don't know where Massa James rode off to," Billy insisted. "Get out of my sight, your worthless darky," Jared shouted and shoved Billy so hard that Billy fell again to the floor. "Mr. Thornton, the men were wondering when you are going to pay them," Jim Walters, Jared's hired gun and overseer asked when he stepped into Jared's office. "They are getting itchy to leave and fearing a reprisal from the Indians for the attack." "When I am damn ready is when," Jared shouted, not bothering to look up from the papers that he was working on. "Tell them to cool their damn heels and I'll get to them when I damn well feel like it." Jared looked up briefly from his work and into Jim's eyes. "Don't worry about a reprisal, those damn savages will be to busy burying their dead," he added and went back to work. "Yes sir, but..." "I said when I am damn well ready," he shouted, now looking up again at Jim and anger glowing in his eyes. "Besides, there is no damn way that those lousy redskins can link that massacre to us," he said. Jim reluctantly left the office, he hated to face the men and tell them that it would be a while longer before they got paid and could be on their way. "Jared went back to working on his will; he was removing James from it. He hated the boy and had decided to leave him destitute once he died. "Injuns... there are injuns everywhere," Jim yelled as he re-entered the office and fell to the floor, an arrow protruding from his back. Jared hurried over for his rifle and had just about grabbed it when Hawk came strolling through the door, his own rifle now trained on Jared and hate in his eyes. "What the hell are you doing in my house, savage," Jared yelled. "I have come to avenge my father's death, as well as those of my people that you and your men killed," Hawk said, keeping his rifle on Jared. "Make it easier for me white eyes, go for your rifle," Hawk said, noticing how Jared was slowly inching toward it. "Get out of my house, you have no proof that I killed those lousy redskin savages," he demanded. "Ay-uh, I have much proof," he said as Black Wolf came up behind him, his rifle also trained on Jared. "Miss Anna lives and she spoke your name as the one that did this to my father and people." "All the white eyes are dead, my chief," Black Wolf said. "That is he, my chief, that is the leader that told the others to shoot," he said, pointing at Jared. "Ay-uh," Hawk said, but as he turned briefly to glance at Black Wolf, Jared dove for his rifle. Pushing Hawk aside, Black Wolf lifted his rifle and shot Jared. Jared's eyes widened in disbelief when the bullet entered his chest and his hands went up to the wound. Gasping for air, Jared looked at Hawk and fell backward on to the floor, dead. "Why did you take away my pleasure of killing him," Hawk said, as he stood up and looked deep into Black Wolf's eyes. "I am sorry my chief, but Black Wolf did not want his blood on your hands. I was wrong to deny you this kill," he said, his head hanging down in shame. "Ay-uh my friend, it is good that I do not have his blood on me. Your chief has enough to answer for to the Great Spirit," Hawk said and rested his hand on Black Wolf's shoulder. Hawk pulled Black Wolf to him and gave him a manly hug before breaking apart and walking from the room. "Are the innocent people out of the house?" Hawk asked as he stepped out onto the front veranda. "Ay-uh, but there is no sign of this one's son," Black Hawk said, referring to James. "Burn it...burn it all to the ground, but first put the dead inside," he said as he walked over to the house slaves and gazed into Bessie's eyes. "Where is the boy... where is he hiding," he demanded, but Bessie stood there silent, her chin held proudly. "He rode off after his father and the others left," Billy said, fearing that Hawk would kill his wife for keeping silent. "The cabin...I bet he returned to the burned out cabin," Hawk whispered as he looked into Bessie's eyes. "Go, you are free to go," Hawk said and with the house now burning, Hawk gathered his warriors around him. Watching the flames as they claimed more and more of the mansion, Hawk looked up at the heavens and raised his hands. "Ay-uh my father, your spirit can move on, because your son has avenged you, and also his people," he said. "Thank you Great Spirit for watching over your children," he added in thanks, thankful that none of his warriors had been hurt in the fight. Mounting his stallion, he looked at his warriors. "Black Wolf, you come with me and the others return to our village," he instructed, and the warriors separated, leaving Black Wolf beside Hawk. "Follow me, I know where the son is hiding," he said and the two took off quickly as Bessie stood there crying and praying for the life of James. *** James knelt on the ground before Seth and his eyes looked up into Seth's. "Shoot me Seth, because I deserve to die for what I did to not only you, but to your father also. My only regret is that I must stand before my God and answer for your father's death," James said, tears running down his face as he lowered his head in shame. "My father lived, thanks to Hawk's uncle, Swift Eagle," Seth said angrily, and James' eyes widened with shock as he lifted his head to look again into Seth's eyes. "Your father survived the fire," James asked, sighing that he was not guilty of murder. "So it was you that did this... you and your father," Seth said. "It was me, not him. It was me, along with John and Tyler that did this, but I used coercion to make them. Please don't hold this against them Seth, for if I was not blackmailing them, they would not have been involved with me." "You blackmailed them to be your friends?" he questioned. "Yes, but they were never my friends, Seth. They only hung with me because I forced them to and because of what I had on them; otherwise they would never have been my friends." "Then you deserve to die," Seth said and raised his gun up, but he didn't have it in him to pull the trigger, so he slowly lowered the gun. "Do it, damn it," James yelled, grabbing the barrel of the rifle and holding to his head. "I cannot take the pain of living with my father any longer, or with his the cruelty," James cried. "What...what are you saying," Seth asked, pulling the rifle away and watching as James stood up to removed his shirt. Once he had dropped his shirt to the ground, James turned his back to Seth. Seth gasped at what he saw, and again he gasped when James lowered his pants, exposing more welts that continued to bleed. "Surely it wasn't your father that did this to you," Seth said, shocked by the blood and torn flesh that he saw. "None other," James said. "All that I ever wanted from him was to be loved," James said as he pulled up his pants. "But instead this is how he showed his feelings toward me." James then told Seth the entire story of his short life. "So this is why you were always so cruel to me and the others at school," Seth surmised and James nodded. "You had to continuously prove your worth to him." "He was always after me to do this to people and do that to them, hoping that by doing it, I would be a man. But all that I ever wanted Seth, was to have a true friend." "I feel so sorry for what he's put you through, James." Seth said and took James into his arms. "Seth, I gotta tell you this because I have wanted to for the longest time. I am in love with you, and yes, I know how much you love Hawk, but I just needed for you to know that I love before you kill me." Seth stepped back from his embrace in shock, the one that he had thought to be his worse enemy was confessing his love for him. Seth looked deep into James' watery eyes and he could see the love that he had for him, there. Seth turned from James, because that love wasn't there in Seth's eyes, for James, for in his heart there was only room for one love, and that was Hawk. "James, I don't know what to say," Seth said, as James pulled him back into his arms. "It's true that I love Hawk, but my words have driven him away from me, and there is no room anymore for love in my heart." "Can I kiss you but once," James asked, looking at Seth. "I..." Seth began to say, but James covered his mouth with his in a kiss that was heated, yet tender. Hawk pulled his horse to a sudden halt, seeing his man in the arms of a naked James, his enemy. "So you leave my arms to run to the one that killed my father and also my people," Hawk said, shocking Seth and James with his sudden appearance. "'s not what it looks like," James said, stepping back as Hawk came closer. "Seth, get away from him, I am going to kill him and then leave you," Hawk said while keeping his eyes on his James. "Seth is innocent of any wrong doing Hawk, I forced my kiss upon him," James said, watching Hawk dismounting his stallion. Hawk walked boldly over to where James stood beside Seth, hatred still clinging to Hawk's eyes. "Seth move I said, let Hawk end his suffering," Hawk said as he raised his rifle and aimed it at James. Hawk's mouth dropped when he saw Seth, place his own body in front of James, shielding him from Hawk. "No...please don't shoot him Hawk, he may be guilty of many things, but he does not deserve to die. If you will just let me explain, then you will understand," Seth said, his eyes pleading for understanding as he looked up at Hawk, still shielding James' body with his. "Gah-ween Seth, he deserves no sympathy and now, neither do you. He, along with his father killed my father, as well as many of my people," Hawk said, pulling Seth from James physically and pushing him to the ground, and then raised his rifle once again. "Gah-ween Hawk," Swift Eagle said and lowered Hawk's arm, causing Hawk to reel around to face him. He had much hatred in his eyes as he looked into those of Swift Eagle. "Why do you stop me, uncle, surely he must die," Hawk asked. "I should kill Seth too for his betrayal to me, but for the love that you have for Golden Fox, I shall let him live." He said, glaring over at Seth, whose tears ran like a river from his eyes. "You may be chief, Hawk, but you have much still to learn about leading and setting an example," Swift Eagle said, pulling the boy into his arms to secure him and make him listen. "You father and our people have been avenged with his father's death and the deaths of those that rode with him," he said. "As we speak, you know that his plantation burns beyond saving, along with the bodies of those that are guilty. Ay-uh, I know of this," he said. "I ran into your warriors as they rode back to their village." "But James is just as guilty as his father, which means that he should die also," Hawk reasoned, looking back at James with anger and hatred in his eyes. "Gah-ween Hawk, gah-ween," Seth said, turning James' around and revealing the carnage that was on his back. "What is this," Hawk gasped, looking at the blood and welts that covered the boy's back, arms, ass and most of his legs. "His own father did this to him, because James would not kill for him. So you see, he does not deserve to die," Seth added and walked away from Hawk. "Not only that my nephew, but the ropes that bound my Golden Fox were not secure, he was already untied when I rushed into the cabin." "Ay-uh Hawk," Parker agreed. Parker hurried to James' side just as he collapsed from the pain and loss of blood. Swift Eagle gathered herbs from the forest and began packing the boy's wounds. Soon they had the bleeding stopped, bandaged, and were sitting around James, waiting for him to awaken. "Hawk," James called out regaining consciousness briefly. Hawk slowly walked over to James, and stood, towering over him as his eyes gazed down into those of James. "Ay-uh," Hawk said, his arms crossed against his chest. "Hawk I am so sorry for what my father did to your father and your people. My father hated everyone but himself...and his hate included me," James said, struggling to sit. "I had come here hoping to end my own life, but Seth found me first." "I saw you to embracing and kissing. Gah-ween, I will not forgive him," he said and ran to his horse. Hawk rode away as fast as his stallion would take him. His tears rolled down his face as the wind whipped his black hair around. His heart was breaking because he lost his Red Sun. "I am sorry my friend, Black Wolf knew how much you loved this white eyes," Black Wolf said as he came beside him. "Ay-uh, but tomorrow I will take a wife, Anna and I are to marry," he said, glancing over at Black Wolf. "Hawk is now our people's chief and of one spirit again." "Ay-uh," Black Wolf said, but he knew that Hawk still deeply loved Seth. *** The sun shown through the opening of the teepee where the smoke rose through, illuminating Hawk and Anna, as they slept. Feeling the warmth of the suns rays on his naked body, Hawk began to stir. "Ay-uh my woman today is our day to marry," Hawk whispered and brushed Anna's brow with kisses. "Ay-uh," she said, stretching and looking into his eyes, but the love that should be there, was not there. "Hawk please, I know why you are doing this and I appreciate it. But I also know that your heart belongs to Seth." "Gah-ween, Hawk's heart no longer feels for that white eyes," Hawk bitterly said, but in his heart he knew what she spoke was true. Hawk did love Seth, but his stubbornness would not let him forget how he looked in James' arms, kissing the naked boy. He had allowed himself to forgive James, because he saw what his father had done to him, but he would not forgive Seth for going behind his back and giving his affection to James. "Ay-uh, Hawk is free of Seth, his heart now belongs to James," he adamantly said, surprising Anna. "James Thornton, how can this be, Hawk, because James was always picking on him?" "It's a long story about James, and not as you would think," Hawk said, and told Anna the entire story and she gasped when she heard how badly Jared had beaten his son. "My chief, it is I, Yellow Blossom," her soft voice said, calling from outside the flap that covered the entrance. "I have come to prepare White Petals for marriage," she said. Hawk stood up and pulled on his loincloth, and went to the flap to let Yellow Blossom in. "Good morning my chief, it is a beautiful day for your wedding," she said and glanced over at Anna. "I shall go to the river to bathe," Hawk said and quickly left the two women alone. "I have come to take you to the river also to bathe White Petals," Yellow Blossom said and waited for Anna to rise. "Ay-uh," Anna said and moved from the bed, it was then that Yellow Blossom noticed the soft rise of Anna's belly and gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. "You are with child," Yellow Blossom said, her eyes fixated on Anna's belly. "Ay-uh, but it is not Hawk's, but his father's child that I carry. We were to be married, but..." she stopped mid-sentence as her tears took over. Yellow Blossom took her into her arms, comforting her as best she could, until Anna had no more tears to shed. "Then my chief does the honorable thing and marries you," Yellow Blossom said, Anna nodded as she wiped away her tears. "Ay-uh, but his heart doesn't belong to me, it belongs to another," she said, not daring to mention that it was a white man. "That maybe so, White Petals, but he is still our chief, and he honors his fallen father by doing this. Love will come soon enough once you and he are married." "Ay-uh, I hope so," she said and forced a smile. "Besides, as chief he can take more than one wife," she told her. "Would White Petals share her man with another?" "Come, let us go to the river and bathe." She said, wishing to avoid further conversation about Hawk, marriage and Seth. *** "I have just come from my people's village Golden Fox, where I found out that Hawk and White Blossom are going to be married today," Swift Eagle said to Parker. "Gah-ween how can this be when it is Seth who holds his heart?" Parker said, gazing past Swift Eagle and over to where Seth and James slept. "This is what I asked Black Wolf, and he told me that she is with child," Parker gasped. "Surely it cannot be Hawk's," Parker asked. "Gah-ween, but Black Bear's," he told him and explained the rest of what he heard. "He is going to get married to a woman," Seth asked himself, overhearing the conversation outside. "Who is getting married," James asked as he painfully turned to face Seth. "Hawk is, he is marrying some maiden name White Petals," Seth said and then turned away from James, crying profusely because his heart was breaking. "But that is not the worse part; he even got her pregnant, which means that he was making love to her behind my back. I guess he really does hate me, for what other reason would he have to marry her?" "Oh Seth, I am truly sorry for you pain, really I am," James said and snuggled closer to Seth's back, their naked bodies touching as James draped his arm over Seth. Seth felt James' erection as it pressed against his ass, and he remembered how James had confessed his love for him. "Well if you can so easily toss me and my love aside, Hawk, well then I guess that I can also," he thought and then turned to face James. As he faced James, their faces but a breath apart, Seth cupped James' face with his hands and pulled James' mouth to his. The kiss was tender, long and James slowly slid on top of James. "Are you sure Seth, I mean are you doing this because it's me?" "Yes James," was all that Seth said, but he knew it was a lie. Seth closed his eyes and turned his head away from James. James may not have been an expert when it came to making love, but he did know that Seth was not in love with him. "I can't do this to you Seth. I love you to much to let you use me to get revenge on Hawk. Come on Seth, admit it, you are still in love with him," James said and Seth nodded his head as tears rolled down his face. James rolled off of Seth and pulled him into his arms, where he held and gently rubbed his back. "I'll be happy to just hold you Seth," James said and ran his fingers through Seth's hair as he softly cried. *** Hawk had moved out of his teepee and into a new one that had been constructed for him because he was now the chief. Boldly, Hawk stepped from his teepee, arms laden with many gifts; he walked toward the teepee where Anna now stayed. "White Petals, I come to you with gifts," Hawk said as he stood outside her teepee. Anna rose and hurried to the door, where she held it open so that he could enter, and her eyes gazed over the gifts that he had. "It is custom for the man to give gifts to his bride's father and mother, but seeing how you have none, I come bearing gifts for you," Hawk said and laid the gifts in front of the fire. Hawk turned to Anna and took both her hands, and looked deep into her eyes. "I have come to formally ask you to be my wife," he said and then waited for her answer. Anna knew why Hawk was doing this and she appreciated his intentions, but she also knew that it wasn't for love. Anna looked deep into his eyes and sighed, for she knew that if she were to return to the white community, pregnant and unwed, she would be shunned and ran out of town. "Ay-uh Hawk, my Chief, White Petals accepts your proposal of marriage," she said and then stepped into her arms and Hawk kissed her tenderly. She sat down beside the fire and Hawk handed her a gift. It was a beautiful doeskin dress, which had been colored red, probably by using crushed berries, Anna imagined. It had a full diamond motif around neck of the dress, which consisted of many different colored beads. An apron of white doeskin accompanied the dress; it was trimmed in the same diamond motif. He then handed her a pair of matching moccasins. "These are very beautiful, Hawk," Anna said and leaned over and gave a soft kiss to his cheek. "It was my mother's wedding dress and she had hoped that one day a daughter would be wearing it, but I am sure that she would approve of you wearing it now." "Us white eyes usually wear a white dress or gown when we marry," she said looking at the brightness of the red. "White is for mourning, White Petals," Hawk said adamantly, surprising Anna with his sternness. "Red is a bright and gay color, typical of what my people wear for our marriages." "Thank you Hawk, I will be proud to wear it..." she waited for a date. "Tomorrow, tomorrow we wed. I have invited the entire village and already the women are preparing the food for the feast." "What happens at the wedding, because our ceremonies are more reflective of our religion?" "When the day is set for the celebration of our marriage arrives," Hawk began and Anna looked at him cautiously, because she had no idea as to what was going to happen. "After the guests have taken their places, I am placed in one teepee and you in another and the flaps will be closed. Then some distance of something like three hundred yards are measured off and a pole is set up at the farthest end of the course. Then, at a given signal, the flap of your teepee is opened and you began a sort of race towards the pole, where many of my people stand awaiting the outcome of the race. After you are secured a start so great that you could not be overtaken and where you are inclined to maintain the advantage, I am then released and run swiftly as a deer to overtake you, my bride. If for any reason you have changed your mind about becoming my wife, you must run at top speed, and reached the pole before I can overtake you. Now if you do reach the pole before I can reach you, this is considered an announcement that the ceremonies are to go no further, and hurry off as soon as possible to hide jy embarrassment. Generally, however, the maiden permits the lover to overtake her, though sometimes to test his affection right thoroughly, she would maintain a rapid pace until the goal was almost touched." "What happens if you do catch me?" Anna asked. "As soon as I catch you, I lead you back to my teepee. On the way, our friends will meet us, where they will take you away from me, and seat you on a blanket in front of my teepee. There, the gifts that my people bring are piled around you and then the wedding feast is then served." "That's it Hawk, no vows or words are exchanged?" a stunned Anna asked. "Gah-ween, for its then and without more ceremony that we are recognized as man and wife," Hawk said and smiled at her, even though his mind was on Seth. Anna smiled at the simplicity of the marriage ceremony, and her heart welled up with affection for Hawk, and what he was doing. "Will you be inviting Seth to the wedding?" Anna asked, needing to know if he was just being vindictive in marrying her. "Gah-ween, I do not do this to rub my pain or shame into his face. We both know White Petal, that neither of us love each other, and that it's for your honor that I marry you. I know that my father would expect me to do this," Hawk added. "Ay-uh, he would Hawk," she said, and her eyes welled up at the mention of Hawk's father. *** "Father, I am leaving in the morning and I don't know when I shall return," Seth said that evening as he stood before his father and Swift Eagle. "Where are you going son...I really don't think that this is a good idea," Parker said, alarmed at Seth's sudden declaration. "What about Hawk..." he began and Seth shot him hurtful look. "What about him, I really don't need his permission to go," Seth asked sarcastically. "No you don't, but I can't help thinking that you are both running from each other when you should be sitting down and talking this out, which is between you two." "No father, it is beyond the time for talking. Hawk has made his decision to marry Miss Anna, and I am going up north to see grandmother," he adamantly stated. "Will James be going with you?" Swift Eagle asked. "No, and besides, why should he?" "No reason Seth, I was just asking. "Besides, James has been to busy making eyes at Black Wolf," he added and Parker, as well as Swift Eagle both turned and mouthed the warrior's name, silently. *** Black Wolf and James stood by the river, the moon was bright and it's light danced upon the gentle movement of the water. Black Wolf turned after a long while to James and said: "You seem nervous with me," his eyes holding those of James. "Yes, I can't deny it Black Wolf." "I am also," Black Wolf said and they both turned their eyes again to watching moonlight dancing on the water. "Under the right circumstances, this could be quite romantic," James said, glancing over at Black Wolf. Black Wolf stood there silently, wearing only a loincloth, and James could see the outline of his erection in the soft buckskin. James swallowed the lump that seems to be stuck in his throat, wondering if Black Wolf felt what he was feeling. "What is this word...romantic, mean?" he asked. "Well I guess that when the mood is right and everything around a couple seems to speak of love that is when it is romantic." "So are you feeling romantic, standing here with Black Wolf," he asked, turning again to face James. "Ay-uh...are you?" James asked, staring into the dark eyes of this strong muscular warrior. Everything about Black Wolf's body spoke of his masculinity, from his broad muscular shoulders, his arms and to a chest that seemed to be carved from granite. When James looked at his perfect face, it too was beyond handsome, it was god like. "Ay-uh James, Black Wolf feels romantic," he said, and then grabbed the boy and pulled him into his arms. "Black Wolf finds you very handsome, and I want to kiss you, can I," he whispered, his mouth but a kiss away from James'. "Ay-uh," James whispered back and Black Wolf crushed his mouth to James' in a long hot kiss. "You taste good," Black Wolf said, breaking his kiss and burying his face in the crook of James' neck "Mmmmm, you smell good too, it was the first thing that I noticed about you, you smell of spring rain," he said and reburied his face in his neck again. He lifted James soft brown hair and brought to his face, inhaling deeply its sweet scent. He softly traced the curves of James' body with his hands, as he slid them down from his broad shoulders, across his muscular chest, pausing momentarily to caress his nipples. "Black Wolf," he said more as a sigh, and threw his head back when Black Wolf's hands dove beneath the loincloth that James was wearing and ran his fingers through the softness of his pubes. Instantly, James' manhood rose to full erection and Black Wolf's hand surrounded it, moving erotically on it. Black Wolf dropped to his knees, and gently, slowly pulled the loincloth down. James' manhood sprung out, nearly hitting Black Wolf in the face, and the man chuckled before his tongue reached out and caressed the sensitive head. James gently held the warrior's head, more for stability because his knees were going weak. Slowly, Black Wolf moved down the shaft, caressing the back of it with his tongue. James' breath caught at the sensation, this was the first time that he had ever had someone doing this to him. He could feel his need rising, while Black Wolf moved quickly up and down on James' manhood with his warm wet mouth. "I'm very close Black Wolf... so very close," he whispered, looking down at his cock that was moving in and out of the man's mouth. "Ay-uh... let go," Black Wolf said and returned to his frenzied sucking. Clamping Black Wolf's head firmly in his hands, James thrust his cock faster and spewed his seed into the warrior's mouth. "Ay-uh...yes, oh yes don't stop," James crowed, as he shot all that his young balls had to offer into this warrior's mouth. Exhausted and spent, James collapsed, falling into Black Wolf's arms before hitting the ground. Black Wolf gently laid James on a blanket of spongy moss, before standing and removing his own loincloth. James eyes widen with excitement, when his manhood, thick and long sprang forth. Crawling between the James' spread legs, Black Wolf lifted the boy's legs unto his shoulders, and eased his length into James' rosebud. " hurts," James cried out as the pain of the invasion coursed through his body, but Black Wolf lowered his mouth to James' and kissed him tenderly. As he kissed his lover, Black Wolf kept easing his manhood further into James, until his heavy balls rested against James' ass. Immediately, Black Wolf withdrew to nearly out and then thrust his cock hard and fast back into James' hot sheath. After many minutes of doing this, James' hips were rising to meet each thrust that Black Wolf gave him. Black Wolf knew what he was doing, having shared this kind of love with another brave many moons ago. He moved his body to the right some, causing his erection to rub the sensitive nub that hid deep inside James. "Aaaaaaaghhhhhhhh yes like that... oh Black Wolf, what are you doing to me," James howled. "I'm going to shoot again," he warned and Black Wolf bent down and kissed him. The constricting of James' muscles around Black Wolf's cock, as his climax quickly rose, was milking Black Wolf's cock, urging on his own climax, which Black Wolf now needed to release. With James' legs wrapped tightly around Black Wolf's waist and his hips rising vigorously to meet each urgent thrust that Black Wolf gave, James shot his seed between their sweat covered bodies, which pushed Black Wolf over the edge, erupting deep inside James. "Aaaagggggghhh," Black Wolf howled in pure ecstasy, shooting his seed deep into the hot velvet sheath of James. They moved rhythmically, heatedly as their climax exploded, riding it out until neither had anything to give. Spent and exhausted, Black Wolf and James lay side by side, gasping and their fingers entwined as they rode out the wave of ecstasy. "Ay-uh, romantic is good," Black Wolf groaned, while another aftershock shook his body. "Ay-uh...very good," James gasped, quivering also as the afterglow hit him. "This was good, very good, but what is it that you want from Black Wolf?' he said as he pulled his loincloth on. "Sex, just wild sex whenever you or I want it, no strings attached," James said as he too got dressed. "Ay-uh, Black Wolf can do that. I like you James but I love another that does not know that I love him." "Just tell him, look at me Black Wolf, I never told Seth how I loved him until it was to late and now he's gone," James looked away from his lover, afraid to show the tears in his eyes. "Ay-uh, I too have not share my secret with the one that I love, but soon, Black Wolf will tell him soon. Now I must return to my village." Black Wolf pulled James to him and covered his mouth with his, their tongues dancing feverishly in James' mouth. *** The next morning at the train depot, Seth stood waiting for the train that would take him north, north to Massachusetts where his grandmother lived. He looked back toward the town and prayed, prayed that Hawk would come riding up and sweeps him away with him, but alas, he did not come. The lonesome sound of the train's whistle alerted Seth that soon it would be arriving. "Oh Hawk, how crazy I was to think that you did not love me," he whispered as the sound of the steam escaping the train, brought him back to the present. "I do hope that you find happiness in the arms of your wife," he silently added as he turned his attention back to the train. Waiting for the passengers to depart, Seth gave on last glimpse back at the road. He gave out a disheartening sigh and handed his ticket to the conductor. "Headed to Massachusetts are you," the conductor asked and handed Seth's ticket back to him. "Ay-uh... I'm sorry, yes I am, I'm going to visit my grandmother," he said before climbing the steps that led up to car. At the very top of the steps, he leaned out and gave that last look, before moving on. After a good ten minutes, the train began to chug and pull, easing forward and away from Seth's old life. "I shall always love you Hawk," Seth said as a single tear rolled down his cheek. To be continued... Sorry my faithful readers, but alas, life is not always how we like it. I would like to hear your thoughts, although I can imagine them. Kindly send your thoughts and comments to me at: Thank you, Danny.