Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 16:36:01 +0000 (UTC) From: BH Subject: Dad and Me at the Lake House - 12 I stared into my father's eyes, watching his expression shift rapidly from confusion to embarrassment, then to horror and finally anger. If there was a spark of sympathy in his eyes, I had mistaken it for something else. Something cold and unfamiliar. Dad was looking at me like I was a monster for lying to him in the first place. But I was starting to fear everything we had just done together had been his plan all along. Not that I regretted any of it. I didn't. But I regretted trusting that it meant the same to my father that it did to me. "Stop looking at me like that," my father scolded. His voice didn't sound like him. He wasn't the sexy beast I'd just had inside me. Or the loving man holding me in his arms. I pulled my naked legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms tightly around my knees, unable to meet his glare. "So it was you?" Dad muttered. "The whole time?" His voice was shaking, and it made something inside me shake, too. "On the phone, and everything? Jesus." "I'm sorry," I said, but I was still so angry. The words came out sounding all wrong. But I couldn't take back how it sounded. Dad huffed at my indignance. I sat there for what felt like a long time, waiting for his apology and explanation. Something--anything--that might justify his betrayal. But Dad just sat there, as defiantly as I did, his arms crossed over his sweaty chest. "You sent him the pictures," I reminded him, matter-of-factly. "With my face in them. Both of us identifiable." "I sent YOU the pictures," Dad argued, as if his intentions didn't matter. "You sent them to a stranger, Dad! He could have been anyone. He could have POSTED them!" I still couldn't believe that he'd done it. That my wise old dad had been stupid enough to trust someone he hadn't even met. "I mean, what the fuck?!" "Hey! Watch it!" Dad snapped at me with such sudden rage that for a split second I wondered if I had called him stupid out loud. He looked at me like it was him that should expect an apology. And the thought made my stomach turn. I thought of my red face in the pictures, filled with illicit pleasure. And of his. He looked proud of what we were doing. I imagined finding them in my porn feed on Tumblr. Or of friends at school passing me the link, asking if it was me. Asking if it was my own father. Bullies at school printing the images out. Teachers looking at me differently, whispering behind my back. The rest of my life ruined. Always having to wonder. No one capable of understanding. I started to cry again. I felt chilled, suddenly, and reached for my clothes. But all I could find was Dad's underwear. "Stop crying," Dad commanded. "No one will post them, okay?" But I knew I couldn't trust him. Not after what he'd done. An awkward, defiant laugh escaped my throat, like the air had been knocked out of my chest. Dad reached for my shoulder and I pulled violently away from him. "Son," he said. "Don't be like that." "Like what? Angry? Hurt? Repulsed by you?" I let my eyes do the real talking. I glared at him now, deep into his own angry eyes. I needed him to understand what he'd done, and why it had been so dangerous. For both of us. "You don't get it, do you? The internet is, like, a thing. You can't just send people shit." "I'm not an idiot," he said. He sounded sorry, but I wanted him to say it. "Could have fooled me," I said, knowing I was crossing a line. Dad's face changed instantly. He looked ready to punch me. "Do NOT talk to me like that. I'm still your father! Hear me?!" He reached for me again. And I was afraid of what he'd do. I leapt up, still naked, and fumbled for the zipper to the tent door. Dad's hot hand was gripping my ankle hard. I kicked backward, not caring if I hurt him. And when he let go for a second I burst out of the two-foot opening I'd managed to make. And I ran into the darkness, naked, with nothing but my phone and Dad's underwear. "Hey!" Dad screamed. But I was gone. Dashing into the woods, unsure exactly what I was running from. - I remember being out breath and sobbing when I reached the clearing. And of searching the darkness for the lights of the neighbors' properties. I had pulled Dad's underwear on and was standing there, panting, listening for footsteps behind me. But there were none, which was somehow worse. My feet hurt from running barefoot over God knows what. And I realized I'd have to return to Dad eventually. Or at least to the cabin. My phone buzzed in my hand, and it startled me. I wanted it to be Dad, but it wasn't. It was Uncle Steve. I let it go to voicemail, not knowing what to say. Surely Dad had told him what had happened. And if Steve was calling and not him, my best guess was that Dad wasn't ready to apologize. I listened to the message, my body shivering. "Hey kiddo," Steve said warmly. "Everything's gonna be okay. Come back and we'll talk about it. I'll come pick you up. Text me where you are. We just want to know you're alright." There was a pause. Dad was saying something to Steve in the background. "Your dad says he's sorry," my uncle reported sympathetically. And then suddenly it was Dad's voice. He had taken the phone from Steve. "I don't know what I was thinking," Dad said, barely showing any emotion. "I am an idiot. I'm not mad. Just come back, okay? I love you." I left the phone pressed to my cheek for a long time after the message was over. I thought about calling them back, but I was crying too hard to breathe. I sat on the ground with my naked shins pressed into pine needles and twigs. All around me, the sounds of the woods had quieted. It was as if every creature in earshot were watching, pitying me from their dark perches. I looked up to where the summer moon shone between branches. Even it seemed to know what I'd done. I tried to call them back, but my phone no longer had service. I waved it in the air, desperately watching for bars to return, but it was no use. The thought crossed my mind that I should pray. Not for forgiveness for what I'd done. Not exactly. But for guidance, or strength. I'm not a religious person. I can't remember ever having prayed before. But I put my phone down and pressed my palms together. I quieted the angry thoughts in my head the best I could, and let myself recall my father's voice begging for my return. As the sounds of the woods returned, all around me, I realized something was biting me on my naked back, and I twisted in place, reaching to scratch it. And then I stood, feeling weak with shame and loss. "I'm still your father," my dad had said. That's the line that stuck with me as I wandered in the direction of the lake house, unsure of my exact direction. He had said it as if it weren't obvious. As if the opposite might have been the case. And that's what hurt suddenly worse than his betrayal. Of course he was still my father. Of course he would always be, won't he? But the way he had said those words, it was as if he needed to be reminded himself. And so the thought of someday losing him filled my heart with sadness. My mom had left us earlier that year, and I hadn't let myself fully process those feelings. It had been easy to blame her, to shut out all of the other nuances of what that loss meant for me in my life. But now with Dad and me fighting, it felt like nothing would ever be the same. I felt totally and utterly alone. The bug bite on my back itched and swelled. I scratched at it until it stung. My lungs burned. My shins were tender from sprinting. Suddenly, I felt Dad's cum leaking out of me as I walked. It was horrible. Images flashed, hypotheticals, in which I was found like that. What would people assume? How would I explain any of it? I tried weakly to hold Dad's cum inside me, but there was no use. It seeped into his own underwear, and the idea made me sick. My ass was sore. My stubble-scraped skin felt impossibly raw. And my feet stung more with each step. Every part of me seemed to ache. Except for my heart, which had inexplicably grown numb. Step my tender step, I eased my way through the woods. Eventually my phone buzzed in my hand a few times, and the screen lit up with texts from Steve and my father. I read them calmly, each more pleading than the next. I thought of calling, but I still had no service. Somehow the wifi seemed to be working, and I realized I must have been in range of the lake house. I turned in place, searching the darkness for signs of where I stood. Sure enough, the little lights of the windows were visible. I spied for my dad as I approached, but he wasn't there. And as I stepped out of the woods, back into the yard, I realized Steve's truck was gone, too. I wondered if Dad and him had gone looking for me. Or if Dad was still in the tent, waiting hopefully. But when I checked, the tent was empty. I grabbed my clothes and crept onto the dock. I dipped my sore feet in the dark water. I bit my lip at how bad it stung. I'm back, I texted Steve. Tell Dad I don't want talk yet. Okay? Within seconds, I got a text from Dad. He agreed. Said he was glad I was back, and safe. Asked if I wanted to sleep inside, or alone in the tent. I crawled into our sweaty sleeping bag without writing back. I was asleep in seconds. And when I woke to the sound of the truck pulling in, listened numbly to their two hushed voices. I pretended to still be sleeping when I heard the tent door unzip halfway, then close again. Steve whispered something to my father, and they both went inside. My heart was pounding, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to fall back asleep again. My mind was racing anew, filling quickly with second-guesses and unlikely escapes. What if I had kept walking away, and never saw Dad again? What if I had lied, covering for myself, and Dad never realized my own betrayal? What if I wrote to Shawn, and he took pity on me? I told myself I could be gone by morning. I searched my emails, eager for any distraction. But I had deleted all of my emails from Shawn. I could barely remember what he looked like. But I found his address in my sent folder and wrote a pathetic, vague note to him, drowsy and incoherent. I didn't tell him what had happened, only that my trip had gone horribly wrong, and that I needed to get away from my dad. I was tired and more than a little out of it. But I remember stopping myself from sending it. I remember putting my phone down next to my head so that it would wake me, and of thinking I was about to fall asleep. And then I did. But I dreamt that Shawn was a lie, too. That Uncle Steve had sent those pictures, and there was no guy my age somewhere around the lake. The house he'd driven to was owned by an old blind couple. He had made up everything. I dreamt that walked to Shawn's house and a woman answered the door. I ran naked through her house, crying for my father. And then when someone caught me by the arm and I spun around to face them, it was my dad, calling me an idiot, telling me not to trust strangers from the internet. I had other dreams, too. Ones I don't remember as clearly. Bats in the woods. Thorns in my feet that couldn't be removed. The bite on my back had bore a hole, and when I reached for it with my finger, it puckered. But the worst dream, the one that made me gasp awake, was of Dad and me arriving at the lake house anew. Nothing had happened, and nothing ever would. He was icy and distant, as he'd been just after Mom left. And nothing that I said or did would get his attention. When he caught me reaching for his dick, he furrowed his brow with uneasy disapproval. My heart sank and stayed there. - In the morning, I woke to the sound of the tent door opening. It was Uncle Steve. He brought me coffee and clean clothes. "Your dad drive into town. He's going to make your favorite breakfast," he said. "Jenny left early. It's just the three of us. So we can talk about it. Only if you want." Steve was being so sweet to me. Every word, every gesture was tentative. As if he were following my lead. And so I took the olive branch, waving for him to come into the tent, and he did. "Is he mad?" I asked. But Uncle Steve shook his head. "Of course not," he said. "He thinks you are. You should be." "I am," I confessed. "But I'll get over it." I wasn't sure if it was true, but I was glad that I said it anyway. It felt like a first step. Steve nodded, relieved. "Do you..." He started to ask, but trailed off. I caught him surveying the tent, as if for evidence of the night's events. The black bag. The bottle of lube. It was all there. "What?" I took a sip of coffee, watching his eyes as he puzzled through something. "Do you regret it?" He started to say. He had a strange look in his eye. Vulnerable. Hopeful. I wasn't sure. "I'm so sorry," he said. "I mean, I don't regret it. I had a great time. But if you do, then I'm sorry." I shook my head. "I don't regret the sex," I said. "I'm not sorry." Uncle Steve's posture changed. He cracked a smile and nodded. "Okay, good. I wasn't sure." He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. It felt nice. I had felt so utterly alone in the woods, and later in the tent, that I was starved for affection. I leaned into Steve, feeling his manly heat warm my chest and arms as I gave my uncle a hug. But after a few seconds, he pulled away kindly. "Why don't you take a shower and come inside," he said. "I'll clean up out here." I nodded, finishing my coffee. And then slinked inside to shower. The house felt strangely calm inside. My bag was still in the big room, exactly as I'd left it. I looked at myself in the mirror, still in Dad's undies. My legs pink with a few tiny scratches, my chest and arms blemished with bug bites. I pulled the underwear down and turned to check out the worst of the bites on my back. I stared at myself like that for a long time before heading to the bathroom with my phone, a stack of clean clothes clutched in front of me. I sat on the toilet, overwhelmed by the events of the past few days. And then absentmindedly opened my email. To my surprise, there was a new note from Shawn. For a moment, I marveled at the coincidence. But as I read, I realized it wasn't a coincidence at all. I must have sent that crazed, desperate email to him after all. I stopped reading his reply and scrolled down to what I'd sent. Rereading it, I was relieved to find my rant as unspecific as I remembered wanting it to be. I hadn't told him the nature of my argument with Dad, only that I had to get away from him. And please, please, please, would Shawn write me back. "Buddy," Shawn had written. "You sound like me. I know the feeling. Get me away from these lunatics." Shawn had written two emails. One late at night, when he'd received my plea. And another longer one, earlier that morning, in which he asked if everything was okay, and that he hoped I'd worked out everything with my dad. "Regardless, it would be cool to meet you. I bet we have a lot in common." I remembered my dream and wondered if it was possible that Shawn wasn't who he claimed to be. I sent a fresh pic of me from the neck up, my face still pink and raw. Cute in an over it sort of way. I asked him to remind me what he looked like, explaining that it didn't really matter. But that I was curious, having deleted our earlier correspondence. "Sure," I told him. "I'd love to meet up. I think things are going to be okay here. But I could sure use some time away from the adults." I got hard in the shower, thinking of how a visit with Shawn might play out. I pictured us in a row boat, out on the lake, away from everyone. I wanted him to have big arms and kind eyes. I wanted him to kiss me without questions about what else I'd done with guys. I let the hot water run down my back and ass as I stroked harder, my eyes closed. I licked my lips, enjoying the sensation. My feet still stung, but everything else felt better. And I realized I was glad we had a few more days at the lake. I reached back and touched my hole as I came, not really thinking of anyone. Just liking the feeling. And then I kicked water at my cum until it all ran down the drain. I heard my Dad's voice coming from the kitchen and geared myself up for our reunion. I toweled off, wondering what to say. If I should apologize for my part in the fight, or let him do all the talking. I pulled on my fresh clothes, brushed my teeth. The whole time, listening for what he was saying to Steve. Something about the "perfect omelet" and "protein" and how he needed to get back onto that jet ski later. I didn't know if Dad was trying to sound sexy, but he did. And I thought about that first ride we took on the water, how I had gotten hard pressed up against Dad's back on the rough water, the feeling of the engine between our legs. I stepped out of the bathroom, and both men turned to smile at me. "Hey son," Dad said first. "Come here." He opened his arms wide, to hug me. And I let him embrace me hard, wrapping my arms slowly around his barrel chest as he held me tight. "I'm SO sorry. I wasn't thinking. You were right, I AM an idiot." He rocked me back and forth, not letting go. "No you're not," I said, weakly, enjoying the feeling of Dad's arms. "Well I WAS last night, that's for sure," he continued. "You had me so hot I wasn't thinking straight. I guess it didn't feel real to me and I wanted to show you off--I know, that's no excuse. I will NEVER do anything like that to you again. I promise you. My sweet boy. Can you forgive me?" I wanted him to go on. I wasn't ready to forgive him. But I nodded, anyway. I let out a sigh, neither of us letting go. "You guys are too much," Uncle Steve said, lightening the mood a little. "Where's my phone? I need a picture of this." "Shut the fuck up," Dad snapped quietly. But I could feel that we were both smiling. When he let go, he looked me in the eyes. "Really, truly," he said. "I'm sorry. I love you so much and would never do anything to hurt you." "I know," I said. "I love you too." And then Dad kissed me on the mouth. It was innocent, fatherly. But I opened my lips anyway, testing him. And before I knew it, we were kissing like we had the night before. Our tongues massaging, our bodies pressing. Confirming nothing had changed. "You two..." Steve laughed. And stepped away, to give us some privacy. But Dad pulled away from me with a wink and called him back. "What about breakfast?" Dad said. "Ham and cheese omelets. You're favorite, right?" He asked me. And the three of us sat at the table, which the two of them had set up. There were even flowers on the table in a little glass vase. "Thanks, Dad," I said, catching myself smiling down at my eggs. "So what are we going to get up to today?" He said. "I was just telling your uncle that I'm itching to get back out onto the water." "It's a good day for it," Steve said. And then they both looked at me, mischievous grins spreading on their handsome faces. As if they could read my mind, they looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "Unless you'd rather stay in," my uncle said. And then he winked at me. "Or else I could head out, and leave you two men to... bond some more." "Don't be silly," Dad said after glancing at me. "It's your place, Steve. We're not going to kick you out. Right, champ?" Dad rubbed his knee against mine, and I nodded. Uncle Steve gave Dad a little smirk. And then he reached under the table, touching himself. I could feel Dad's palm on my thigh, and I looked up at him, my mouth full of eggs. "Kyle and I have all the time in the world to bond, just the two of us. I think he wants to get to know his uncle better." I nodded again, blushing. "Is that right?" Uncle Steve asked seductively. And then I felt his socked foot brush against mine. I nodded again, and then his foot swept up my calf and toward my crotch from underneath. "Yeah," I said, meeting his gaze as his toe tickled my young balls. "But first things first," I said, as if snapping out of it. I looked at my dad as my uncle continued playing footsie with my quickly hardening dick. I put my hand on top of Dad's as he gripped my leg. "I think Dad here needs a turn." "You want Daddy to fuck you again, boy?" My father slid his hand out from under mine, reaching and slipping his thick fingers into the back of my pants and under the elastic of my undies. I spread my legs, staring into Steve's glazed eyes, letting them start at me from both sides. Steve wiggling his big socked toe against my taint from under my shorts. And Dad, tickling down my crack toward his boy's hole. "Not exactly," I said. "I think it's about time you got fucked."