Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 14:58:13 -0500 From: MS Subject: Daddy Ch. 4 Gay/Incest Daddy's Little Boy Chapter Four (This is a work of fiction; any likeness to anyone living or deceased is purely coincidental. This story also contains sexual situations of a gay incestuous nature; if this offends or is illegal in your area don't read it. The author doesn't condone or practice the sexual behavior portrayed in this story. It's only fiction folks. Otherwise, read on, enjoy and keep the letters cumming!) The winter of 1975 faded into the spring of 1976 and thirteen year old Mason Smith was growing impatient. After he and his cousin Barry had initially broken the sexual barrier back in November they had hooked up a few more times during holidays and weekend sleepovers but as exciting as those were Mason wanted more. Not that sex with Barry wasn't great because it was, Barry was an enthusiastic fuck buddy but it was clear that Barry would always be the receiver and Mason was itching to try out the role of being on bottom. And so as spring turned to summer he waited in horny anticipation for the day he would loose his ass cherry. Mason smiled at his Father as they drove toward home from the airport in Payton, they had just dropped his Mother off to catch her flight to New Mexico. His Mother would be gone for nearly two months visiting her youngest sister. For the first time in his life Mason was truly alone with his Father and the thought sent shivers up and down his spine. "You up for a dip in the lake?" David asked a moment later. He'd been planning this for weeks, ever since Sarah had told him of her plans to visit with her sister in New Mexico. At last he was alone with his son! "Sure!" Mason said with enthusiasm, "But we don't have our swim trunks." David smiled, "Where we're going you don't need trunks." Mason felt a thrill of excitement; did his Dad really mean they were going to go skinny- dipping? He'd never seen his father naked before and the forbidden thought made his cock begin to swell inside his denim cut offs. After a thirty minute drive David finally steered the car onto an exit that quickly took them to Barton Lake. There was a place he'd gone skinny dipping when he was a kid; he just hoped he could remember where it was now. But within a few minutes he found the gravel cut off he was looking for and drove down the winding road through the woods finally coming to a circular drive on a steep hill at the end of the road. "Here we are," he said shutting off the car. Mason climbed from the hot car and looked out over the panoramic view of the sparkling lake below. "This is awesome Dad!" David pointed to a path a few feet away, "That leads down to the water." Mason moved toward the small footpath. "Hold up there son!" David warned, "There's a steep drop just over the lip there, better let me lead the way." Mason followed his Father down the steep path keeping his attention focused on foot and handholds as they made their way over loose gravel and dirt. "This doesn't look like much of a path Dad." "No, I guess it doesn't," David said, "but when you get to the bottom you'll see it's worth the climb." He sidestepped two large rocks and pushed his way through some overhanging tree limbs. Mason followed his Dad through the underbrush thinking it would have to be some view after all that. Suddenly he found himself standing on a huge granite outcropping that jutted out over the lake ten feet below, "Awesome!" David looked out over the sparkling waters, "The sunset here is beautiful." Then he looked back at Mason, "I guess it's time to get wet," and began to undress. Mason started to undress as well but moved slowly, he wanted to see his Dad naked even if it was only for an instant. He stole quick glances of his father's broad back and wide shoulders, his Dad worked at a steel mill and his body was almost as pumped as a bodybuilder's. Not bad for someone who was thirty-three years old. David unzipped the fly of his khaki dress shorts and let them fall to the sand then he pushed his boxers down and kicked the clothes aside. Totally naked he turned to his son, "Come on slow poke!" Mason glanced up, his Father stood naked only a few feet away and the sight nearly took his breath away. His Dad's shoulders were broad and round, his hairy pecs were massive and his stomach was divided by a six-pack of abs. Mason continued to stare, taking in the dark bush of his Father's pubic hair and the thick, long shaft of his limp cock that was tipped with a huge plum colored crown. A set of huge nuts hung low in their leathery sack between his Dad's muscular thighs. He'd never wanted to reach out and touch something so bad in his entire life! David saw the look of raw lust in his son's eyes and felt his own animal desire trying to break out. He knew he could have the boy if he wanted him, but he couldn't get past the feeling that it would some how be wrong, that was the only thing holding him back. With a quick shake of his head he spoke again keeping his tone normal, "Are you gonna stand there all day or are you going swimming?" Mason blinked breaking the trance his Father's naked body had over him, "I'm coming," he said quickly, hoping his Dad hadn't noticed how he'd stared at him. In a flurry of motion he pulled off his shoes and socks, pulled his t-shirt over his head and undid his shorts letting them fall to his feet. Standing as naked as his Father he said, "Let's go!" David took a quick glance at his son's young naked body before he turned and ran into the lake, damn but he wanted the kid in the worst way! Mason followed his Father into the water running and splashing until the water was too deep to run in, then he dove beneath the surface of the cool water. For the next half hour Father and Son played and frolicked in the water, splashing one another and racing in sprints to the shore and back. In a lull when they were both trying to catch their breath Mason treaded water and watched his Dad who was floating on his back with his eyes closed. He could see the thick flaccid tube of his Dad's cock as it lay sleeping across his hairy thigh, tiny droplets of water caught in the dark tangle of his pubic hair flashed like tiny diamonds. Mason couldn't help the rush of sexual excitement that being naked in the water with his Father gave him and he had to fight the urge to swim over and take his Dad's cock into his mouth! Closing his eyes Mason continued to tread water as he fantasized about doing just that and his dick began to swell and lengthen. Suddenly something under the water tickled Mason's leg and he kicked at it. At first he thought it was a minnow but now several more 'things' slid over his shins and calves! He kicked his feet in a frightened frenzy trying to get away from whatever lay beneath the surface, but the more he kicked the more the unseen 'things' seemed to wrap and tangle around his legs! He started to call out to his Father when both of his legs became so tightly entangled he was unable to kick any longer and his head slipped beneath the surface! David continued to float on his back letting the current carry him away further down the beach; with his eyes closed he didn't see his son's head slip beneath the water. Mason sank down into the green murky water and frantically grasped at his trapped legs! His fingers closed over loops and tangles of yards and yards of discarded fishing line, he could never break free of the thick nylon line! He shot to the surface and gulped in a quick lungful of air before he dived down again, his only hope was to untangle himself. David raised his head from the water and looked toward the shore to make sure he wasn't drifting too far away from where their clothes were. Satisfied he was still within a dozen yards he closed his eyes again and relaxed as the water current swirled and caressed his naked skin. Beneath the surface Mason had trailed the tangle of fishing line down to an old stump rooted at the bottom of the lake, but his lungs were aching and he had to shoot back to the surface for more air. Breaking the surface he gulped in more air and dived immediately back down toward the stump. Blinking against the stinging murky water he finally found the submerged stump again. Running his hands over the rough surface of the stump he found a partially exposed root, where the fishing line tangled around his leg was tied. Tugging and pulling with all of his strength the tangled line remained as tightly tied to the root as it was to his legs. Not willing to give up he continued to tug and pull at the root until his lungs were burning from lack of oxygen. At last he gave in and pushed toward the surface but this time the tangled line held him even tighter. Fighting for air his mouth and nose barely broke the surface; he gulped in a mouthful of water. Panic set in and he began to thrash wildly gulping in more water as he slipped beneath the surface again and again. Through the terror racing through his mind a single thought came through clearly, He was drowning! David paused in his drifting and let his body sink to a vertical position and he began to tread water. He looked up and down the deserted beach then turned slowly in the water searching for Mason. As his eyes searched the empty lake a cold finger of fear ran down his spine, "Mason! Mason where are you?" Twenty yards away just a few feet beneath the surface Mason could feel his burning lungs fill with water. His body twitched and jerked violently but he no longer had control of it, the movements were just the reactions of a body dying from lack of oxygen. Mason's bright green eyes opened one final time and the last thing he saw was the distorted dancing reflection of the sun seen from underwater. His body jerked one last time and went limp; Mason Smith's heart had stopped. David was frantic now, turning in the water he looked from the shore, to the lake and back to the shore again, "Mason!" he shouted as panic threatened to close off his airway. "MASON!" Floating limply just a few feet from the surface Mason's naked body bobbed with the swell of the waves and a small rush of bubbles escaped the drowned boy's mouth and floated to the surface. David began to swim frantically back to where he'd last seen Mason when he saw a small cluster of bubbles rise and burst on the surface. He waited but no others followed and he began to swim toward the area with his legs and arms churning the lake water into foam. When he reached the place where he'd seen the flurry of bubbles he dove underwater and almost immediately collided with the limp body of his son. Gripping Mason under the arms he kicked toward the surface but something was holding Mason back! He reluctantly let go of the boy and rose to take in a lungful of air before diving back down to where Mason floated so lifelessly. Running his hands over his son's naked body he finally encountered the tangle of thick fishing line wrapped around the boy's legs. Again he had to rise to the surface for air and again he dove back down swimming past Mason, following the tangle of line to it's source. Moving frantically David felt his way to the stump and finally to the root that anchored the line and his son to the bottom. His mind was racing with insane speed with one thought echoing over and over, My Son Is Dead! Pushing the thoughts away David planted his feet in the soft mud on the bottom and gripped the root in both hands. Using every fiber and muscle in his body David pulled against the slippery root. At first it seemed like the root was going to hold then it suddenly snapped free! Tossing the broken root aside David shot upward pausing to grab Mason under the arms. Father and son broke the surface together and David swam wildly toward shore pulling with his free arm and legs dragging them both through the water. "Mason," he called out breathlessly, "don't you dare leave me! You hang on son, you hear me!" Hot tears stung his eyes and mingled with the lake water as he fought for the shore. At last his feet touched the sandy bottom and David lifted his lifeless son in his arms and waded to the beach where he collapsed onto the sand. Rolling Mason onto his back David pinched Mason's nose closed placed his mouth over the boy's blue lips and blew air into his lifeless lungs. He paused before pushing down with his hands on Mason's still chest, "One, two, three, push!" he counted out loud. Nothing! Kneeling over his son's slack face David placed his mouth over lips that were now icy cold and blew again, "Come on Mason! Come on, you can do it! Come back to me!" He pumped the boy's chest again and again, and then went back to the forced breathing. David lost track of time and how many times he'd switched back and forth but still Mason lay motionless, his skin white and cold, his lips slack and blue. Tears streamed down David's face as he cradled his son's body onto his naked lap. Holding the nude boy to his heart he looked toward heaven and moaned, "Give him back to me!" As the setting sun cast brilliant streamers of color across the darkening sky the stillness surrounding the lake was shattered by a cry torn from the soul, "Mason!" David gathered up Mason's lifeless body in his arms and began searching for a way to climb back up with him. Tears blurred his vision and in the failing light all he could see were shadows, the outline of the granite outcropping, and the white sand. "He was the only beautiful thing I've ever made," he whispered, "the only thing in this world I've ever loved!" Frustrated and grief stricken he sank back down to his knees and lowered Mason's body to the sand. Then without warning something stronger than his sorrow welled up inside him and David shouted out, "No! I won't let it end this way!" Clasping his hands together he raised them high over his head then brought them down slamming forcefully into Mason's chest. David began the resuscitation process again working like someone insane, breathing into Mason's mouth, pounding the boy's chest again and again and again. Suddenly Mason's body lurched and contracted as he began coughing up water. David quickly rolled the boy onto his side letting him empty his lungs of the water. Mason coughed up water for several minutes then lay still again, but this time he was breathing! David scooped the frail boy into his arms and rocked him gently back and forth, whispering, "I love you Mason," over and over. Mason opened his eyes briefly and reached up to touch his Father's cheek, "Dad," he said in a raspy whisper. David bent down and kissed the top of the boy's damp hair, then his smooth forehead, both closed eyelids, the tip of the boy's nose and finally his lips. Then he buried his head in the boy's slender shoulder and wept. "Daddy's little boy is back!" "Daddy," Mason whispered as he stroked the back of his Father's black hair, "I'm cold." David sat up and wiped the tears from his cheeks, "We need to get you to a hospital son." Mason shook his head, "No, just build a fire, and hold me." David looked down at his son's face uncertainly, "I don't know Mason." "Please!" Mason begged reaching up to touch his Dad's face. David melted, "Okay, but if you start to feel sick you let me know!" Mason nodded and lowered his head back onto the sand. David hurried up and down the moonlit beach gathering pieces of driftwood until he had a large pile stacked near his dozing son. It wasn't until he had the fire going and had lifted Mason into his lap that he realized they were both still completely naked and he smiled. After the fire had been burning for several minutes Mason stirred and came awake in his Father's arms. He looked up into his Dad's handsome face and reached up to stroke the man's black hair, "Remember when you kissed me earlier?" David nodded staring down into his son's deep green eyes, "Yes." "Would you do it again?" Mason asked with a smile. Repeating what he'd done earlier David first kissed the top of Mason's head, then his forehead, his eyelids, the tip of his nose, he paused uncertain. Mason reached up and pulled his Father's face down to his until their lips came together. David struggled for a moment with the issues of right and wrong before the pressure of his son's mouth on his settled the argument. Opening his mouth he kissed Mason letting their tongues slide over one another, tasting one another for the first time. Mason broke the kiss and whispered, "I want you inside me.' David kissed the side of Mason's neck, moved down to the boy's chest taking turns flicking and sucking each pale nipple. Mason moaned and pulled his Father's dark head closer wrapping his fingers in the silky black strands, urging him on with moans and sighs. David kissed and licked his way down his son's stomach tasting Mason's young smooth skin. By the time he reached the boy's navel Mason had a raging hard-on that throbbed and pulsed just below the shallow dip of his navel. David bent his head and took the bloated head of his son's cock between his lips. "Ah!" Mason moaned as his father's wet slick mouth took more and more of his throbbing dick into his mouth, sucking him slowly in inch by inch. He tightened his grip in his Father's hair and pushed him downward as he thrust upward sinking the last of his cock between his Dad's lips. David swallowed Mason's eight incher savoring his first taste of cock, and the fact that it was his son's only made him hotter. Working his tongue and mouth up the shaft of Mason's cock until only the head was trapped between his lips he sucked and rolled his tongue over the spongy head lapping at the boy's small drops of precum. Then he let Mason's cock slip from his mouth and it slapped wetly back against the boy's taut stomach. Gripping Mason's legs he lifted the boy's ass off the ground exposing his small, tight pucker and buried his face between his son's ass cheeks. "Ahhh! Uhhh!" Mason panted in ecstasy thrashing his head back and forth at the sensations his Father's tongue lapping and poking at the entrance to his ass. When he was satisfied his son's hole was well lubricated with his spit, David lifted the boy's legs to his shoulders and positioned his cockhead at the wet pucker of Mason's ass, "Are you ready?" he asked his voice husky with lust and need. "Yes!" Mason cried out, "I want your cock inside me!" David pressed his hips forward pushing the tip of his ten-inch cock against the spit slimed virgin pucker, "It may hurt so try and relax." Mason didn't care if it did hurt; he was so horny all he could think of was getting his Father's cock inside. "Come on fuck me Dad!" he pleaded. David resisted the urge to slam the entire length of his cock into his son's ass and instead increased the pressure slowly a little at a time. "Ugh!" Mason grunted and grimaced in pain as he felt the enormous head of his Father's cock finally spear past his sphincter muscles and fill him with fire. "Shit!" David hissed between his teeth as Mason's ass clamped down over the sensitive head of his cock squeezing it, massaging it, as the boy's ass clenched and unclenched. He kissed the inside of Mason's ankles and the back of his calves as he waited for the boy to relax enough for him to go further. Mason felt the burning pain slip away and sighed as his ass finally relaxed and grew accustomed to his Father's thick cock. He looked up into his Father's handsome face lit by the dancing flames of the campfire, "Now!" Gripping his son's ankles Mason punched his hips forward and drove the first five inches of his cock deep inside the boy's hot, wet hole. He heard Mason grunt but didn't give the boy time to protest before punching his hips forward again burying the last of his ten inch cock inside his son. "Aaahhh!" Mason cried out in pain as his Father's thick cock shaft plunged all the way inside him burying it so deep he could feel his Father's heavy balls crushing against his own. The pain was nearly blinding and he reached up to try and push his Father away. "Relax," David encouraged his wriggling panting son, "Just relax," he murmured stroking the outside of the boy's ass cheeks. Soon he felt the muscles holding his cock captive deep inside his son relax and he began to fuck his dick in and out using only a few inches of his shaft. "Ugh! Oh Ugh!" Mason panted as he felt his Father's monster cock plunging in and out with small quick thrusts. Then just as suddenly as the pain had come it was replaced by a hot sexual heat, "Give it all to me!" he grunted between clenched teeth. Obeying his son David withdrew the full length of his cock then slammed it back in making Mason cry out in pain and pleasure. He had never felt so hard in his life or wanted someone so badly! Resting Mason's legs, one on each shoulder, he began to give his son his first fuck. With long brutal thrusts he began to hammer his cock in and out of Mason's gripping hole. "I've wanted this for so long!" he grunted between thrusts. "Yes!" Mason answered, "Fuck me Dad! Fuck me harder!" David began humping his cock into his son like an animal grunting and straining to slam his cock deeper and harder into Mason's ass. Earlier he had breathed life back into the boy, now he wanted to fill him with the same cum that had made him. Mason gave in to his Father's madness grinding his ass up to meet his Father's brutal thrusting cock. They were both coated in a film of sweat making their skin slick and hot. Mason looked down the length of his bent torso and by the light of the fire watched the thick column of his Father's cock pumping in and out of his ass, the sight almost made his hard cock explode. For long minutes David continued his wild pounding thrusts until sweat flew from his hair and dripped from his torso splashing onto Mason's smooth white skin below. "I'm almost there!" he warned. "Yeah, fuck me! Give it to me Dad!" Mason growled beneath his panting Father. With one final thrust David buried his cock deep inside his son's ravaged hole before his entire body tensed. He could feel the spooge boiling up from his nuts, "Here it is! Daddy's gonna fill your ass with the same cum that made you!" Then in it happened, surging up his cock shaft thick ropes of cum sprayed out of his swollen cockhead bathing his son's asshole in white-hot slickness. Mason could feel his Father's cock pumping and spewing his load deep inside his ass and the feeling pushed him over the edge, with a half strangled cry his own cock began to jerk and spasm as it threw gobs of his boy cum onto both of their sweaty stomachs. Together Father and son unleashed their wads, the Father filling his son's ass, and the son spraying both of their torsos with hot slick cum again and again. David's entire body began to shudder as the last of his load jetted into Mason's tight, cum-slimed ass and with a low moan he collapsed onto Mason. Then keeping his still hard cock buried inside his son David rolled them both over until Mason was sitting astride his crotch. Mason ran his hands slowly over the warm slickness smearing his Father's chest and stomach with his spent load. Then giving his Father's cock a squeeze with his ass muscles he let himself fall forward hugging their cum-slick bodies together. David pulled Mason's face to his and kissed him, "Now you're really Daddy's little Boy." "Good," Mason said with a smile and kissed his Father's full mouth before relaxing and letting his body sprawl onto his Dad's strong torso. Enjoying the feeling of his Father still inside him Mason stared into the dancing flames of the fire and smiled. "Love you Dad." David stroked his son's damp hair, "Love you too." Then staring up into the night sky where a million stars shone down, twinkling like diamonds on black velvet, he sighed in complete contentment and closed his eyes. To Be Continued...