Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 23:28:55 EST From: Subject: DAD'S JUST DESSERTS (Installment 17) This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Moreover, none of the actions of the characters in this story is presented with the intent to condone, approve, or sanction their behavior. The above-expressed disclaimer also does apply to any and all installments of this story, including those preceding and following this installment. All questions and/or comments are welcome; and, if you wish to contact me, please feel free to email me at: KissAndCuddleGem@AOL.COM; and I will most definitely respond to email, as appropriate. It was a time of bittersweet endings and of new promising beginnings. Casey and Ryan had pored through the tomes of Dr. Richard Chambers and unmasked a rather tawdry tale of family sex beginning with Jake, Casey's grandfather, with Casey's then young father and continuing on to Casey's father and Casey himself. But Casey was confused, confused about his feelings, and no longer felt safe in Maine. So a decision had been made the morn' he woke up in Ryan's comforting embrace: Casey would return home to his family in Brookhaven, seek a haven in Brookhaven, so to speak. Yet, at the same time, Casey knew that he would eventually have to have a very confrontational discussion with his father. Ryan wanted to go with Casey but Casey said that a better plan would be for him to leave town separately; and make Richard believe that he was going to Europe to live and taking Casey with him. Richard was no dope, certainly, but sending him on a wild goose chase would at least give Casey a bit of time to sort things out. As Casey looked blankly out the airplane window, his thoughts drifted back to Ryan and their exchange in bed shortly after dawn: "Well, are you gonna tell him, Casey? Your dad?", Ryan queried. "Tell him what? I am not following....", Casey responded. "I mean, you know, tell him that you are gay, that we are gay, that we are lovers, I mean I don't have to draw a picture or something, do I?" Casey began to laugh, nervously perhaps, but nevertheless laugh. "Well, I don't know about that. I mean, probably not, but you could cook me breakfast. I am famished." Casey was slyly poking fun at Ryan and his culinary skills. Ryan was no Monet in truth, but he could undoubtedly make one really fine omelette. Ryan hugged Casey tightly; and then they both snuggled under the top sheet, Ryan delicately pressing his member against Casey's hole. Casey was startled back into the reality of the moment by his aircraft experiencing turbulence. Casey kept thinking to himself that he was going home, doing the right thing by going home, that he belonged home with his dad and his beautiful mother, whom his dad lovingly called his "sweet Gracie". Casey began to wonder somewhat wistfully if Ryan would keep his word about joining Casey about two weeks later. He felt confused, yet at the same time relieved, as James Earl Carter-Brookhaven International Airport and its usual frenetic pace became once again his reality. Casey realized that he had had a memorable adventure in northern Maine; that his search for answers about his family had led to new discoveries about himself; and that the unexpected blessing that occurred was his discovering that he was in love with and would always love his favorite cousin from his mother's side of the family and his closest playmate in his early childhood, Ryan. But he also knew that telling his father that he and his cousin were lovers would not be easy and that it would take courage, tremendous courage, for him to jump this hurdle. Still, if that were the way he and Ryan could share a life together out in the open and not hidden from family, Casey figured that the unpleasantness would truly all be worth it. Casey took comfort in the fact that wherever Ryan was at that very moment, he would always be in Casey's heart.