Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 20:03:10 EST From: Subject: DAD'S JUST DESSERTS (Installment 18) This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Moreover, none of the actions of the characters in this story is presented with the intent to condone, approve, or sanction their behavior. The above-expressed disclaimer also does apply to any and all installments of this story, including those preceding and following this installment. All questions and/or comments are welcome; and, if you wish to contact me, please feel free to email me at: KissAndCuddleGem@AOL.COM; and I will most definitely respond to email, as appropriate. Casey still genuinely believed that wherever Ryan was, he would always be in Casey's heart; and hoped that wherever life took him, he in turn would always be in Ryan's heart. Yet the coldness of reality was beginning to sink in to Casey's consciousness. Casey was gradually becoming more and more aware that it did not appear that Ryan would be keeping his word about joining Casey. James Earl Carter-Brookhaven International Airport was now buried inside his soul as a hazy chaotic jumbled memory. Casey stared glumly at his bedroom wall calendar, and he reluctantly took in the fact that it was now much later than the two weeks that Ryan was due to arrive, that six months had indeed passed. Casey felt confused, and, at the same time, felt ashamed. He wondered if Ryan would ever understand what had recently been going on between him and his father, whom he now called "Ron". There were circumstances of course, well, there always are, it seems. Yet these really did not provide an excuse, a basis for pardon, at least not in Casey's mind. Casey had fully intended to have a very confrontational discussion with his father. He was prepared to confront his dad with a rather tawdry tale of family sex beginning with Jake, Casey's grandfather, with Casey's then young father and continuing on to Casey's father and Casey himself. Yet instead of being greeted by his father's welcoming arms upon his arrival home, he had instead been greeted by the blaring discord of police sirens and the suspicious glares of somber members of the local police force. Casey's dad was fine, Casey soon would learn. But his beautiful mother, whom his dad relished in lovingly calling his "sweet Gracie" had within a twenty-four hour span mysteriously vanished without a trace. Casey, in the days and months to come, found himself comforting his father as best he could. He did, about four months later, confide in his dad about his discovering that he was in love with and would always love his favorite cousin from his mother's side of the family and his closest playmate in his early childhood, his beautiful, treasured Ryan. Yet, telling his father that he and his cousin were lovers had become anti-climactic, at least in Casey's mind, as his father was by then very much aware of Casey being gay. Casey sat down on his bed and looked down at the floor. He knew, rationally understood, that he had done just what any other son would have done, any other loving son that is. Yet, in comforting his father, who appeared to be grieving, things had gotten a bit out of hand. Casey was worried about his father's health. Days were floating by, and his father was very much floating off with them. Ron was not sleeping well at all, having recurrent nightmares; and his appetite simply was not there. One day Casey thought that what would pull his father out of this funk he was in would be a sleepover, sort of like a boys sleepover or "camping out in the yard" thing like Casey used to do with a few of his boyhood chums. It seemed like a brilliant notion at the time, a stroke of pure genius. Still, in hindsight, for Casey this "boys' night" was pure folly and one of the stupidest things he could have done, in view of the "family history". Originally a male cousin of his dad's, Rocky, was supposed to come over; and join them for a night of telling ghost stories and toasting, well, more like roasting, marshmallows in the oven. Yet Rocky was "under the weather" and could not make it, blaming it all on the flu. There was not much on T.V. that night, so Ron settled for watching a televised version of the musical "CATS". Casey was downstairs in the kitchen on and off, tending to the marhmallows and heating up some corn dogs. Casey had brought his sleeping bag into the room, but his father insisted that the floor was hard like granite and that there was plenty of room in his parents' queen-sized bed. Casey was in the sleeping bag for just a few minutes when he realized his father was right and the lumps in the carpet were poking into the small of his back. He was trying to be respectful of his dad and his dad's privacy, but, of course, he now saw that his dad was right and so stopped being a martyr to the cause. Well, Casey, on his last trip downstairs, had taken a bit longer than intended. After all, he was far from a Martha Stewart; and, even if he were older, it is still hard to exactly time it so that corn dogs are heated through and ready at the same time as marshmallows become golden. So, by the time he returned with the snacks, lightly overed in foil, his father was sound asleep, well, appeared to be so anyway, in pitch darkness. Casey was unsure what to do, he figured he would awaken his dad sometime during the night. He could almost "hear" in his mind his dad's routine chiding of him for wasting food, so he vowed not to let the snacks sit untouched all night. Casey was wearing pajamas, well, just the shorts part of a set, something he rarely did. Casey felt a slight draft from the doorway, so, after setting the tray of goodies down on the night table, he gripped the edge of the lightweight blanket and quickly slipped under the cover. He heard his dad's breathing and found it very comforting and, at the same time, very similar in its rhythm to Ryan's steady breathing in his sleep. The coolness of the plush down pillow and the inviting warmth of the lavender-scented sheets were slowly encouraging his drifting off into sleep. Yet before he had completely nodded off and while still lying on his back, he felt a stirring under the blanket to his right and his father's body roll on top of him. He was about to gasp when his father began kissing him firmly and repeatedly and whispered: "Welcome home, son." Casey quickly absorbed what was happening and the unmistakable fact that his father was completely awake and completely nude and was within seconds knowingly unsnapping and pulling down his own son's bottoms.