Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 14:57:18 EST From: Subject: DAD'S JUST DESSERTS (Installment 22) This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Moreover, none of the actions of the characters in this story is presented with the intent to condone, approve, or sanction their behavior. The above-expressed disclaimer also does apply to any and all installments of this story, including those preceding and following this installment. All questions and/or comments are welcome; and, if you wish to contact me, please feel free to email me at: KissAndCuddleGem@AOL.COM; and I will most definitely respond to email, as appropriate. Casey was feeling content and now was peacefully dreaming away. Yet, after a few moments, his dreams took on an ominous form. The action was quick, the visualization in Casey's mind fuzzy, shadowy, and, yet, at the same time, felt oh so very real. At one point, Casey is running through a picturesque meadow and hearing a familiar voice calling out to him: "Casey, Casey! It's me, it's me...!!" Casey sees a spring well, amid red cobblestones; and he is virtually drawn in, mesmerized by the simplicity of this well. Suddenly, he connects that the voice seems to be coming from inside the well, so he peers over the ledge of the well and shouts down into it: "It's me, Casey!! Can you hear me?" "It's me, Ryan!", Casey in horror hears in reply. Casey panics, the well is so deep, the voice seems so faint that he worries that Ryan is injured. Casey shouts back: "Ryan, I will save you, I will save you....I will save you!!!" Casey is abruptly stirred from his sleep, surprised to feel a hand pressing his shoulder. Ron was staring intently into Casey's eyes, speaking to him in a rather soothing tone: "It's okay, Casey, I am here, you were just having a nightmare, that's all. It must have been about Ryan, you were calling out his name in your sleep." Casey, upon hearing this, became very flustered, turning beet red. He turned away to take a few moments to compose himself. To Casey, timing was crucial; and he just did not believe that this was anything near the best time to let his father in on Ryan and himself being lovers. Ron allayed his fears with this, however: "Oh, well, there is no need to be embarrassed by this, Casey. I mean I certainly do understand how close you two are, even as kids, he was your favorite playmate. But I must say I am quite disappointed in him, it is very much out of character for him to not have at least called, called once, to see if you arrived safely home from Maine. I do indeed expect much better, especially of someone of your mother's kin." Casey breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that his father has not at all caught on that he loves Casey, truly loves him, not just as cousins, but also romantically. He vowed to himself that he would try to be extra careful, so that his father suspects nothing. "Yes, yes...uhm, Dad, that is exactly it, that is it. Yes, I guess cousins just look out for one another, that's it." Ron wrapped his arms lovingly around Casey's waist and began to snuggle with him. He was softly kissing Casey and in between the kisses fingering Casey's nipples. He cooed in Casey's ear and even took time to lick his nearest earlobe. "Well, I know it might take some time to get used to, but I'd prefer you to call me "Ron" from now on. Can you do that for me, babe?" Casey turned his head around and began to see his father, really see him, in a brand new way: This was a man, a very sexy man, that for reasons he did not quite grasp was very sexually attracted to him. "Yes, yes, okay...uhm....Rrrron.", Casey managed to get out. "Well, that certainly is a start, yes, a start anyway." Ron laughed, upon saying this; and Casey could not help but giggle right along with him. He could not remember the last time he had heard his father laugh. He felt his father getting "busy": Ron softly nestled his cock between Casey's baby soft ass cheeks. "Let me just hold you, Casey. I love you, Casey, I love are mine." Casey was about to respond, to express his feelings to his father, when suddenly a thought drifted into his psyche. It was that he did indeed recall the last time he heard his fath laugh, it was his father laughing with his mother. The words of his father: "Yes, Gracie, you are more precious to me than gold...." stirred a shameful feeling in Casey: "What on earth am I doing? How could I have allowed all of this to happen?", Casey wondered to himself. ^@rRichard knew the whereabouts of Casey's mother, Gracie. Ryan, though it had taken him several days, mostly spent lying under Richard, to ultimately get through to him had managed to convince Richard to get aboard this rescue mission of sorts and return to the States with him, to return to save the life of Gracie. Meanwhile, in a very sterile, somber, ivory-white painted room in a facility called Sherwood Square Sanitarium and remote from even consciousness in a rural area about thirty miles north of Seattle, an elderly orderly is about to open the door and uncover a shocking truth. "Miss Grace, are you decent? It's time for your pills again...." Ryan was finally returning to the States, almost amazingly so. But his timing might not be ideal, to say the least. Plus there were at least six hours more of the flight to go. "Prepare for turbulence!", he heard blaring through the plane, with the static on the plane's audio system only slightly masking the shrill announcing voice. Ryan clenched his fingers around Richard's hand. Richard gazed lovingly at Ryan and did his best to calm him. Once again, the "pendulum" was in motion. Which way would it swing now?